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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Official documents on the landing of a flying saucer and the descent of a crew member, and a report "sent to the United States". Argentina, 1978.

Location: Embalse la Florida - Google Maps

Number of witnesses: 6

Name of the witnesses: Manuel Maria Alvarez, Predo Raul Sosa, Ramón Armando Sosa, Genaro Luis Sosa, Jacinto Eduardo Lucero-San Martin, Regino Salvador.





YEAR 1978

EXPOSURE RECORD OF Genaro Luis SOSA and Others (UFO Apparition)





Subject: UFO phenomenon, landing of flying saucer and descent of crew member.


Manuel María Alvarez

Pedro Raul Sosa

Ramon Armando Sosa

Genaro Luis Sosa

Jacinto Eduardo Lucero-San Martin

Regino Salvador

Testimony of Genaro Luis Sosa.

Exposition of Genaro Luis SOSA:

In the city of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:00 p.m., a person who claims to be called Genaro Luis SOSA, being Argentine, 34 years old, married, working as a Banker, domiciled at 1056 Balcarce Street, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 6,809,547. who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met with his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONE, Eduardo LUCERO, and his brothers Pedro Raul and Ramon Armando Sosa, in order to go to the town of El Trapiche Embalse del Dique "La Florida" to fish.

That being approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the mentioned place, having dinner there and later embarking on a raft they tried to go to the center of the reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the pier of the Fishing Club that is there. They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately 5:00 in the morning and in circumstances that the exponent was sleeping, he was woken up by PERRONI, who told him to look towards the Northwest, managing to see an unidentified flying object, which around this it had a yellowish halo, which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter and moved towards the sky. It is what he exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for the record. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Pedro Raúl Sosa (1/1)

Exposition by Pedro Raúl SOSA:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:15 p.m., a person appears before this Federal Police Guard Office of the San Luis Delegation, a person who says called Pedro Raul SOSA, being Argentine, 32 years old, of single marital status, by profession employed in the Government House of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at Balcarce Street No. 925 of this City of San Luis, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO and his brothers Genaro Luis SOSA and Ramon Armando SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida ", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of the reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club de Fishing that is there. They were fishing when at a certain moment, it would be approximately 04:50 and in circumstances that the exponent was observing the reeds, when suddenly he saw a glow, later he could see that it was an unidentified flying object, which was was surrounded by a halo that radiated phosphorescent light, that it was suspended in the air on a sloping ground about 25 meters from where the speaker was. That from inside said object a ladder was opened through which descended a being in human form, approximately 1.90 meters tall, who was dressed in a shiny suit fitted to the body, silver in color and luminous,

Testimony of Pedro Raúl Sosa (2/2)

that he has placed on his head a transparent balloon walking towards the speaker about 10 steps, smiling and making a gesture of thanks with his hands that were three times the normal size and without fingers, which after this, he turned, he went to the object going up to it, closing the ladder, taking flight and as it moved away, the lighting was noticeable in different colors, increasing its luminosity, it was heading towards the North, getting lost in space. It is how much it exposes. Once the act was finished and this document was read, all its content was ratified. Signing below for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Ramón Armando Sosa.

Exposition of Ramon Armando Sosa:

In the city of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:30 p.m., a person who says his name is Ramon Armando SOSA appears before this Office of the Guard of the Federal Police Delegation of San Luis. , being Argentine, 39 years old, married, by profession employed at the "San José" Ceramic Factory, domiciled at 105 Miter Street, "Cantisani" neighborhood of this City of San Luis, who exhibits a Enrollment No. 6,801,223, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO and his brothers Pedro Raul and Genaro Luis SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida ", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of said reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club de Fishing that is located there.

They were fishing when at a certain moment, it would be approximately 4:45 in the morning and in circumstances that the decedent was sleeping, he woke up and was able to observe how an unidentified flying object, which radiated a phosphorescent light, moved towards the sky with northbound. It is what he exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Manuel María Alvarez (1/1)

Exposition of Manuel Maria Alvarez:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 6:00 p.m., a person who says his name is Manuel María ALVAREZ appears before this Guard Office of the Federal Police San Luis Delegation. , naturalized Argentine, with 25 years of residence in the country, 32 years of age, single marital status, employed by Aerolineas Argentina, domiciled at Ituzaingó street nº 1128 of this City of San Luis, who exhibits National Identity Document No. 14,594,582, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met his friends Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO, Ramon Armando, Genaro Luis and Pedro Raul SOSA, with the purpose of going to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida" , for fishing.

That at approximately 11:00 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft, trying to go to the center of said Reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club's Pier of Fishing that there is located.

They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning, and when suddenly he saw a glow and later he could see that it was an unidentified flying object, which had the shape of a inverted deep plate, which radiated a white light from its lower part and emerald green and garnet red lights from its upper part, which was suspended in the air, about 3 meters high and about 25 meters from the speaker,which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter, that a ladder opened from inside the object through which a human-shaped being of an approximate height of about 1.85 meters descended, who was dressed in

Testimony of Manuel María Alvarez (2/2)

that he was dressed in a shiny suit, tight to the body, silver and luminous, on his head he wore a kind of transparent diving suit, that the being walked towards the speaker about 6 meters, smiling and making a gesture of friendship with his hands , which were of a normal size, but apparently had gloves and could not see the fingers, after this, it turned, went up the ladder, which then closed, this flying object disappearing at the time, leaving a luminous trail that went disappearing as it moved away into space with a Northeast direction, they discussed this event with their fishing partners, the appearance lasted 20 seconds. It is how much it exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Jacinto Eduardo Lucero.

Exposition of Jacinto Eduardo Lucero:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 6:20 p.m., a person who says his name is Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO appears before this Office of the Guard of the Federal Police Delegation of San Luis. , being Argentine, 24 years old, married, by profession employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martín Street in the City of San Luis, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 10,945. 305, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Pedro Raúl and Genaro

Luis SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida", for fishing. That at approximately 11:30 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of said Reservoir, not achieving their goals due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Embarcadero del Fishing Club that is located there.

He was sleeping, it would be approximately 04:50 hours when he was woken up by PERRONI, who told him to look north, telling him that it could be an unidentified flying object, in such a circumstance the deputy could perceive a white light, which was moved far away, in that direction. It is what he exposes. Finished the act and read the present, its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of the present, for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Regino Salvador Perroni.

Exposition of Regino Salvador Perroni:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 7:15 p.m., a person appears before this Federal Police Guard Office of the San Luis Delegation, a person who says his name is Regino Salvador PERRONI, being Argentine, 26 years old, married, by profession employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martin Street in the City of San Luis, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 8,484,327, which states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Eduardo LUCERO, Pedro Raúl and Ramón Armando SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of the Reservoir, not achieving their goals due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Embarcadero del Fishing Club that is located there.

They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately 04:50 hours, when suddenly he saw a light and when he perceived it he covered his face, he immediately went to wake up LUCERO and the SOSA brothers who were sleeping so that they witnessed the event, after waking them up and returning to the place they initially occupied, they observed an unidentified flying object, which was moving towards space in a northerly direction and as it distanced itself, it left a luminous trail. That apparition lasted approximately 15 to 20 seconds. It's all he exposes. After the act, it was read, ratified and signed. I CERTIFY.


Police of the Province of San Luis


Official Statement

The headquarters of the Police of the Province of San Luis, through the Department of Police Relations, informs the general public the official information related to the alleged appearance of a UFO in the area of Dique la Florida.

1- The Police Headquarters of the Province of San Luis takes knowledge of the appearance of a UFO by the local media on February 6th of the current year.

2- Before this event, hours later of the same day, it invites the witnesses of the event to attend to the Police Headquarters in order to report their experiences.

3- The account of the persons is as follows: "That at approximately 4:45 a.m. on February 4th of the current year: 45 hours of the day February 4 of the current year, about 100 meters from where the facilities of the Club Nautico y de Pesca La Florida are located, heading south, they observed a UFO surrounded by a halo with a phosphorescent light irradiation whose ship was suspended in the air at a height of approximately 4 meters from the ground, A ladder was detached and a being with human appearance descended, wearing a shiny scaled silver suit tight to the body, on his head he wore a transparent diving mask that showed his face and blond hair, as well as he smiled and made gestures with his arms and immediately the referred craft took off northbound, leaving a flash of light forming a semicircle.

4- Upon taking knowledge, leaving of the account made by the witnesses, the Chief of the Police of the Province of San Luis, orders to integrate a commission with personnel of the Scientific Division under the command of the Private Secretary Deputy Commissioner Guillermo Andres Sosa Pinto, to travel to the area where the UFO was allegedly seen,

5- In the place where the UFO is supposed to have landed, studies of the terrain were carried out, taking tests of the soil, grasses and stones, photographs, location plan and traces.

Photographed the entire sector and the alleged path of the "walk" it was found that in a regular way and in spaces of about 1.5 meters "traces" are visualized with the characteristic of


crushed grass and a center devoid of plant elements, leaving the ground uncovered.

In general they are of ovoid form and with the impression of having been produced by a blunt element of great weight given the physical characteristics of the land, the measures of these tracks oscillate in around 30cm of length by 17cm of width. We also proceeded to the lifting of rocks located in the possible itinerary in order to determine if there is radioactivity exposing them to virgin film, which gave negative results.

6- From the analysis carried out by the Scientific Division of the Police and the Professorship of Minerology of the School of Geology and Mining of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the National University of San Luis, it has not been possible to verify the presence of radioactivity, existence of magnetism, neither signs or alterations produced by strange agents.

Police Headquarters - San Luis, February 18, 1978.






(Required radio conversation yesterday)

Pursuant to the request of that GENERAL DIRECTORATE, I hereby submit to you, photocopies of the records in the file on the UFO phenomenon, which occurred on Friday, February 3, 1978, on the shores of Lake "La Florida" Dike, Pringles Department, Saint Louis Province.

Said documentation consists of the exposition of the 6 witnesses of the event, a photographic view of a footprint supposedly left by the being, an official statement from the Police of the Province of San Luis, and a report on said case produced by the investigator Fabio ZERPA. Saint Louis, March 8, 1978.

Commissioner Carlos Washington."



Place: "El Trapiche" (San Luis)

Source value: A.

Information value: 1.

Origin: OWN MEDIA.

On Saturday, February 4, 1978, "El Diario de San Luis" which is published in the city of the same name circulated insistently in the City of San Luis, the version that in the tourist area "El Trapiche "La Florida Dam Reservoir", distant 42 kilometers from the Capital City of San Luis, an unidentified flying object (UFO) had descended, and an extraterrestrial being had emerged from its interior.

That day, in the aforementioned place, the citizens Manuel María ALVAREZ, Regino Salvador PERRONI, Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO, Ramon Armando, Pedro Raul and Genaro Luis SOSA were fishing.

According to statements by Manuel Maria ALVAREZ, Pedro Raul SOSA and Regino Salvador PERRONI, approximately between 04:50 and 05:00 hours, on February 4, 1978, they suddenly observed a light that illuminated the entire area where they were located. , being able to observe that an unidentified flying object (UFO) that radiated white light in its lower part and emerald green and garnet red lights from its upper part, was suspended in the air at a height of about three meters and about twenty-five


meters away from observers, on sloping ground. From said object, which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter, a ladder was opened through which descended -according to ALVAREZ, SOSA AND PERRONI- a human-shaped being, approximately 1.85 meters tall, who was dressed in a shiny suit, tight to the body, silver and luminous, and on his head he wore a kind of transparent diving suit.

The aforementioned continued to state that the being walked towards them about 5 or 6 meters, smiling and making a gesture of friendship with his hands, which were of a normal size, but apparently had gloves, not being able to notice these, the fingers, and after carrying out what was narrated, he turned, climbed the ladder that he later closed and immediately took flight, disappearing from the scene of the events at the time, leaving behind him a luminous trail that disappeared as he moved away into space with direction to the Northwest, having lasted the appearance of the UFO, about 20 seconds.

ALVAREZ, Pedro Raul SOSA and Regino Salvador PERRONI immediately woke up their fishing companions, Genaro Luis SOSA, Ramon Armando SOSA and Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO, telling them to look at the sky in a Northwest direction because a UFO was moving there, which seconds before had descended in the place where they were located, the latter could then observe that an unidentified flying object that had a yellowish halo, was moving away


at high speed in the indicated direction, then disappearing into the sky.

The Police of the Province of San Luis, took charge of the investigation of the event, to try to elucidate the case, and as for the San Luis Delegation of the Federal Police, they located the actors of the event, who in an exhibition, details of such circumstance were disclosed.

Manuel Maria ALVAREZ: Son of Carlos Vicente and Gilda Manuela GALDON, born on June 30, 1945, single, naturalized Argentine, employed by Aerolineas Argentinas, domiciled at 1128 Ituzaingó street in the City of San Luis. In the Federal Police he has a criminal record ------- and in the San Luis Police record -----, with no record in both cases. His political ideology is unknown.

Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO: Son of José Jacinto and Nélida Aurelia JOFRE, born on January 31, 1954, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martin Street in the City of San Luis. In the Federal Police he has ------ and in the San Luis Police record -----, with no priors in both cases. His ideology and political affiliation are ignored.

Ramon Armando SOSA: Argentine, Class of 1938, married, employed at the "San José" Ceramics Factory, domiciled at 105 Miter Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.


Genaro Luis SOSA: Argentine, Class 1943, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 1056 Balcarce Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.

Regino Salvador PERRONI: Argentine, Class of 1951, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martín Street in the City of San Luis. It is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is ignored.

Pedro Raul SOSA: Argentine, Class of 1945, single. employee at the Government House of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 925 Balcarce Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.

San Luis, February 6, 1978.


"for the purpose of submitting a report to their natural commanders for subsequent submission to the United States of America,"


\"This photograph shows the place of descent of the Unidentifiable Flying Object and the place where the crew member who was traveling in it supposedly moved. It is added to your records\"

\"The present photographic view shows a footprint, supposedly left by the Being that descended from the UFO. Added to your records\"

\"This view illustrates the area of the \"La Florida\" Dam reservoir, where the raft was located with the six fishermen who were in the place on the day of the appearance of the UFO. It is added to your records\"

Submitted June 09, 2022 at 02:58AM by Raxazetta https://ift.tt/FwqMuEz

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