29-05-2022 14:20
Tags: #daily
What is the universe? Where are we?
The Realization
A few weeks ago I have been thinking a lot about who we are as a civilization and what is this place called the universe. My mind was ocupied with this idea for ages, until I realized that what we know is just a drop in the ocean.
Throughout the history scientists tried to look further and further into the universe, looking at the distant stars that were shining above. Not only did they look at the stars, but they tried to look at the macro, micron, and nano worlds using microscopes.... and all of that just to answer one question — *what is universe and why does it behave the way it does*?
Looking closer at what we know
When you zoom in at any field of science and spend some time really trying to understand what do we as humanity know about universe, you quickly start to realize that practically speaking we know barely nothing about it.
The list of the questions that we cannot answer is almost endless.
- Why does the universe behave the way it does?
- What caused the big bang? (It would make no sense to ask "what was before the big bang", because the bing bang itself created time. You can't ask what happened before the creation of time, because "before" requires time and causality to have meaning.)
- What is time? Matter?
- What is life? Consciousness?
- Are we alone in the universe?
- What is the truth behind the creation of pyramids? The massive land of Atlantis? All of those ancient technologies that we are only starting to find evidence of? (Cutting and transporting bricks for pyramids, all of those complex mechanisms that Aztecks created.)
- How much more there is to physics? How much do we don't know?
- What do advanced civilizations know that we don't? And how do we make the first contact?
- How would their technology look like?
>*Any sufficient advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.* — Arthur C. Clarke
*and so on...*
Where are the aliens?
>What do they know that we don't? And how do we make the first contact?
>Even a nuclear war on a nearby planet would be impossible to to detect with our current technology.
We haven't found any aliens in almost 7 decades of searching. Where are they? This is what's called *the great silence*, or [[Fermi paradox]]
Are we at the right time and place?

According to the recent scientific studies, it was estimated that the majority of the intelligent life was concetated 4 billion years ago closer to the center of the galaxy.

If true, we would exist on the outskirts, light years away and billions of years too late to a galactic golden age.
Maybe they were here millions of years ago? Witness to another planet? [[Ancient secrets|This would be supported by all of the secrets of the ancient world]]. Like who built the pyramids and cut them so presicely even our current technology can barely do that. Tnink about all of those super advanced technologies that different small amazonian cultures had, like Aztecks or Maia. \
- Who are all of those "gods that were coming from the sky on golden disks" are?
- What technologies did they give to those ancient people?
- What was the world like back then?
- Do those creatures plan to come back?
By now they could be all gone, and we might be living in a galactic graveyard. It may not be their signals that we find one day, but their relics.
Are we made of the right biology?
What if the majority of the civilizations out there in the universe are not carbon based? We would have no clue how to even spot them. Imagine if you were an ant that was crossing a highway. How would you explain to that ant that he's crossing our road, a road of a civilization that has built cars, roads, huge cities, and so much more? No matter how much you explain it to him, for him we, humans, are just unconscious moving mountains without any intellectual abilities. Why? Because we are not able to communicate with them, we are just a natural force to them, like the wind to us.
Ants don't care about us as much as we don't care about clouds, falling stars, radiowaves, etc...
Speaking of the radiowaves, in the example with ants we are comparing two species of the same type of biology. We would imagine if you were to compare our carbon based life to some other types of conscious beings, you could easily put the difference between us to the power of a thousand.
For example, think a civilization that is based on silicon — nothing like on Earth, something our brains could never imagine.
Or what if they photosynthesise? Imagine a world where plants dominate over everything else and then evolve into conscious moving beings. And now think about how they would find Earth, study it, and find us, who mostly eat plants. Plants, that are literally brothers and sisters of the aliens. Would you want to make contact with a civilization that consumes human-like beings to sustain?
Are we at the right scale?
What is out there in the universe? Nano particles, atoms... That's what we are made of. Imagine if we are just a mistake, and 99.99% of all of the conscius life is a trillion times bigger? What if a galaxy for them would be like an atom for us? We are made of bonds between atoms, what if for them universes would be like that? And then molecules from those enormous bonds? And then proteins? Cells? Bodies? Civilizations?
Or we could go the other way around, what if an atom for them would be like the whole univrse for us? All we have discovered so far is a few nano particles from which everything is created. The key idea is all we are limited by is our technology — theoretecaly it should be possible to zoom for an infinity... What are those particles made of? What are those things made of? And like that for infinity. Imagine how many different scales there are in the universe, and..... just think about the idea that we as conscious life might be on the wrong scale, when in fact 99.99% of all of the conscious life, civilizations, and beings that don't use atoms as their base structure block, but rather galaxies. That's the difference I'm talking about when I'm saying we are just ants that walk on the other civilization's road, not being able to even start understanding what it is and that we have to pay attention to it.
Are we in the right dimension?
You know all of those lectures about what's the difference between 2D 3D and 4D spaces? Well, according to the recent discoveries, our most detailed and correct formula of the universe (the string theory) has to assume that our universe has 11 dimensions in total. What if the majority of conscious life occurs there?
Analogy: let's see the difference between 2 Dimensions, in our case the ones we are familiar the most — 3D and 2D. Imagine the fact some creatures start to form in a 2D space and sooner or later start to live there. Like a pencil-drawn famility of stick figures who became alive and started to live their A4 sheet of paper world. Imagine the fact that the sheet of paper could just be in someone's room for tens of years and never touch it, so from the perspective of the 2D stickmen the world would be normal. **They would ONLY see us when we want to communicate with them** (because of the fact that we can choose when we want to touch the sheet of paper).
Now imagine the difference that would be between our world and the world of 4D creatures. What are we for them? A 3D painting in their 4D house? A funny experiment they created, just like we draw on 2D paper? What about 5D? 6D? 7? and there we go up until 11. Imagine how much can there be out there. How many civilizations, what types of consciousness, how many unimaginable worlds? What is it like to be alive for them?
> *Any sufficient advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.* — Arthur C. Clarke
This relates to the book [[The Thing Itself]], where the main concept described is the idea that alien beings could be found in other types of matter. Just the way we life in space and time, they might not have that. Time might be just the lens through which our brains percieve the world around us. If we don't have eyes, we can't see. Imagine if we just don't have the right organ to see those creatures? What if we invent a tool that would allow us to detect their world?
### Resources
- https://www.youtube.com/embed/saWNMPL5ygk
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### Links
- [[Fermi paradox]]
- [[The Thing Itself]]
- [[Ancient secrets]]-
Submitted June 04, 2022 at 12:38AM by be_luga https://ift.tt/6v3tKwZ
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