I talked to a very drunk lady who is married to the best friend of a good, long term friend. Take this with a grain of salt. We are all adults. —————- Me: own you kept up with the news about UFOs? Her: They aren’t aliens. Me: Oh yeah? Then what are they? Her: They’re more like [a word similar to paranormal. I wish I could remember her exact word]. Me: Could they be inter-dimensional? Her: Yes, like that. Now, shape shifters are real. My dad told me that. He works for the Pentagon. I forget what his title is. Her husband: Lieutenant Colonel —————- Also she told me to her questions. I asked if she thought UFOs themselves could be alive and she pointed at me and said, “Yes.” What’s interesting is she didn’t even know what greys were. It actually made what she was saying more believable since she was so ignorant about the topic but at the same time, aware that the beings could be inter-dimensional. Usually people who don’t know much about the topic automatically assume “not human” = “ET.”
Submitted August 04, 2022 at 10:42AM by The9thHuman https://ift.tt/m6oPbTR
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