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Monday, September 12, 2022

Governments mutter that UFOs are alien. This implies wrathful Jehovah's miracles were technological. The Mystic Reformation uses channeled and remote-viewed testimony to reevaluate the Bible's crucifixion account, like a murder trial. The conclusion? The New Testament was hijacked.


The Padgettites are an obscure sect of geographically-distributed Christian mystics who have channeled Celestial spirits such as Jesus over the last century. They make many controversial historical claims. I investigated their account of the crucifixion using Farsight Institute remote viewing data and other sources, and found that the Padgettite account is correct and the Bible is wrong (1 2). This has huge implications. For one thing, it means that Jesus' message of peace and Love has been hijacked to create division and war. (The Padgettites are pacifists.)

The Padgettites teach that God the Father didn't do anything the Old Testament describes, not even create Earth. He created the Cosmos and then works through intermediaries. So the question is, who did the miracles in the Old Testament? Governments are beginning to acknowledge the answer to that question: non-humans or ETs. For example, the "pillar of fire" that lead Israel out of Egypt sounds like a cylindrical UFO exhibiting cloud camouflage by day and golden light by night.


  • 'We don't know what they are and can't explain how they move': Obama confirms UFO sightings by military are real and says they 'must be taken seriously'
  • Congress implies UFOs have non-human origins | The Hill
  • Governments are HIDING aliens, claims former defence minister: Paul Hellyer urges world leaders to reveal 'secret files'
  • Medvedev talks about aliens on Earth! (English Subs) (There is a Russian documentary called "Men in Black".)
  • Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Aliens
  • Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready

Why are governments loathe to reveal this information? Perhaps because their military personnel have lost their religious faith after encountering aliens. (If one is military, one will tend to encounter military aliens, who are much tougher than we are.)

For example, Aert de Gelder's "Baptism of Christ" painting shows a flying saucer displaying a dove emblem and shining beams to illuminate Jesus and John the Baptist. It was painted 300 years ago yet looks like a modern sighting. Obviously Gelder could not have witnessed the event personally, but it is trivial for psychic aliens to insert an image into a human's mind.

Christians do not like to consider the implications of alien involvement in human history, much less channeled spirit testimony. But there are important implications to uncovering the true story of the Crucifixion.

For example, it was safer for the early Church to paint the Jews as the Christ-killers, rather than Rome. This is why the Bible says the crucifixion happened at Jerusalem. We are supposed to believe that the people of Jerusalem went from loving him to hating him in under a week. This timeline has always made the Bible student wonder why the Jews were so fickle and perverse. It turns out they weren't. My investigation finds multiple sources confirm that Pilate crucified Jesus at his capitol of Caesarea maritima, because he knew Jerusalem would riot (again) if the Romans tried to crucify him there.

The real cause of Jesus' death was Sejanus' greed. The usurper Sejanus needed bribe money to become emperor, and used Pilate to extract wealth from Judea via the corrupt High Priest Caiaphas. The Temple was basically a bank, receiving donations from Mosaic Gentiles all over the Roman Empire. Jesus threatened Pilate's embezzlement scheme when he confronted corruption at the Temple. Jesus famously shouted: "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves!" This caused a riot and marked him for death.

Thus the famous blood curse against the Jews for Jesus' death never happened, removing an anti-Semitic argument. Without the conflict between Jews and Christians, we might have avoided centuries of mutual persecution culminating in WW2 and Communism.

The history of the traitor Sejanus has been suppressed and revised by Rome, because it is an embarrassment. How much more is the history of Jesus suppressed, because it embarrasses TPTB? Nothing is more powerful or lucrative than organized religion. Christians assume that the Bible is protected from error by God, but if Jehovah is not God, then it's the fox guarding the henhouse!

Biblical Christianity has cultish characteristics

I grew up as a middle-class conservative Christian, and experienced a certain amount of "manipulative and authoritarian mind control over members, communal and totalistic organization, aggressive proselytizing, systematic programs of indoctrination, and perpetuation in middle-class communities". Some of it was good, some bad. Nothing happened that would shock another conservative Christian, but it was more than I would apply to my own children.

Christianity has more cult-like characteristics than the Padgettites do. Practices include shunning of apostates, tithing, authority structures, etc. These things are not necessarily bad, but they can become self-perpetuating at the expense of spiritual matters.

Is hostility towards heretics really from God, or is it merely a self-perpetuating meme, like the Catholic insistence on procreative sex which results in many children?

The Bible is as engineered as humans

The Bible is too organized to be accidental. Apologetics proves that it contains supernatural truth. For example, the Genesis creation account of Eve describes surgery under anesthetic to harvest the regenerating short rib for bone marrow stem cells to create an XX chromosome female clone from an XY chromosome male. (1, 2, 3) The "dust of the earth" likely refers to the local human species used to hybridize with Jehovah's species to create Adam in "God's image". (This explains why there were people around for Adam and Eve's family to interact with. "Trees" in the Bible represent nations, such as Egypt.)

Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The trans-medium, trans-temporal UFOs zipping around and ignoring momentum may rule the skies, but they are not God the Father.

We should be skeptical of Earth's position way out on the spiral, and consider whether perhaps gold is our planet's primary export. It is easier to mine here than in the asteroid belt. Just because someone made a bad movie doesn't mean it's not true. It takes a lot of fusion to create gold. Atomic number 79 is a long way from hydrogen. Where would you put all the energy? Why make a miniature star, when the Sun already did the work? Just create some people to mine it, and occasionally swing by to collect it from their vaults.

Those UFOs are very difficult to detect, probably so they don't get shot down. A giant fusion reactor making gold would be a very obvious target. (The laws of thermodynamics require it to dissipate heat somehow.) However, a bunch of people just living on a planet, happening to mine gold as a byproduct… killing them all would be difficult and also a war crime.

Think about the kind of religion the god of gold-mining would create. Something that encouraged prosperity and hard work? A Protestant work-ethic, perhaps?

I don't believe humanity as a whole was created to be miners, but maybe some specific ancient humans were. If your apologetics doesn't ensure you haven't been fooled by genetic-engineer gold farmers, then you're not trying hard enough. History demonstrates that playing God is very lucrative.

Protestants are proud to have rejected the false doctrine of Papal Infallibility, and replace it with Sola Scriptura. Just because one dogma is wrong doesn't make the other one right. If you catch a snake in one boot, don't assume the other one's empty!

Note that Old Testament aliens is my investigation, whereas New Testament Sejanus is Padgettite revelation. The Padgettites rarely address non-human matters.


Why the wait?

round 1


I checked the links you include. I found gems such as, "James Padgett received messages from Jesus and many Celestials, and other spirits, over the period 1914 until his death in 1923." Sorry, but if Jesus cares about us having the right version of events, he wouldn't wait twenty centuries and reveal it exclusively to one random guy nobody's heard of.

This is a good objection. I have several points to make in reply.

  1. Revelation has been ongoing. The Padgettite Messages have similarities to prior revelations.
  2. Jesus had quite a lot to do, considering his ministry includes deceased humans going back many more millions of years than our history on Earth. Not to mention the non-humans.
  3. Mediums are rare. It is quite difficult for a mortal human to achieve attunement with a Celestial spirit, especially if the message is contrary to his prejudices.
  4. A deal was struck to avoid Rome wiping out the early Church.

Regarding #3: Padgett's deceased wife helped him to overcome his orthodox resistance to mediumship and heresy, so really Helen Padgett should get the credit. She happened to be his soulmate, which is very rare, as people usually do not meet their heavenly soulmates during life. It is also rare that she ascended to became a Celestial spirit so quickly.

Point #4 requires rather more explanation. If the Padgettites are correct, then the rulers of this world are both Fallen. Not just Satan, but also his opponent Jehovah. (Really both are composites.)

There is an eternal war between Fallen and Faithful in our galaxy. The former control 1/3 of the planets, the latter 2/3s. Faithful derive their spiritual life-force from Mother Cosmos, the Source, via intermediaries such as our planet Gaia, by living in harmony with Nature. Fallen derive their life-force from a combination of predation and connection to the Archons, who are Fallen ultra-terrestrials banished from Heaven.

So when Jesus unexpectedly unlocked a third Source of life force, it was a tremendous threat to Archon control over their progeny. I suspect the Archons demanded a coverup in exchange for letting the early Church live. And there was great persecution anyway.

What is different now? Well, the 5th Age of Man is coming to an end, giving way to the 6th. This transition is predictable due to celestial mechanics. We are entering a region of turbulent space and charged dust that will cause Miyake events that will disable the electrical grid and profoundly change the human experience. Since these are the End Times, and human civilization will collapse regardless, the Archons have no more leverage to demand secrecy. Humanity is in the process of assimilation into the galactic community, and will likely be divided between multiple patrons. Quarantine is ending, but gradually to avoid panic.

round 2

Evidence for eternal war and third Source?

Sure, I'd start here:

  • The essential role of Prime Directive in understanding the alien phenomenon
  • An Alternative History of Myth and Magic: Connecting to the third Source

The abductee chatter in the second link is informed by Twitter user Ganga Today as the primary public authority within their circle.

You can also follow the links in the OP to lots of source material, or read further in my rough drafts blog. I am more in the opinion formation stage than organized presentation, unfortunately.

The Bible also mentions the idea of 1/3 of the "stars" being Fallen, meaning planets with magnetospheres. Satan is depicted as a "dragon" because the Draco Empire rules the Fallen in our galaxy.

Genesis 1 reinterpreted

Ratdrake, strong atheist

> Genesis records the evolutionary eras in the correct order, counting dinosaurs as birds.

BS. Land animals were there long before we got to flying dinosaurs. For that mater, the bible has dry land, seas, plants and trees created on the third day but says the sun and stars weren't created until the following day.

Biblical creation simply does not agree with what we know from science.

Yeah, let me correct that statement.

Genesis 1 describes the re-terraforming of Earth after the cataclysmic impact that wiped out the dinosaurs, causing a nuclear winter due to the dust released into the atmosphere.


Lloyd Pye wrote a book about this. The plants come first to terraform the hazy atmosphere until the celestial bodies are clearly visible.

Genesis 1 doesn't mention dinosaurs because they're extinct. Due to the thick atmosphere, it's the age of birds now. It is easier to fly in thick air than thin.

Genesis says mammalian cattle came after birds, which makes sense. It claims "creeping things" (amphibians, insects and reptiles) also came after birds, which makes no sense from an evolutionary perspective, and is difficult to justify from a re-terraforming perspective too.

However, the order is consistent with the Sasquatch Message's version of Earth's eras. After the extinction of the dinosaurs due to warfare by the anthropoid reptilians, anthropoid avian "angels" were created to live in Earth's thickened atmosphere. Angels were created ethereal so they could survive while the Earth's physical plane was still uninhabitable.

A planet with a magnetosphere is hospitable to life even if surface conditions are Venusian, because the magnetosphere is the physical manifestation of a planet's Spirit Spheres, just as biomagnetism is the physical manifestation of an animal's soul.

Thus Genesis 1 can be interpreted as follows: After the dinosaur extinction cataclysm, the Earth was dark and uninhabitable. Re-terraforming began with algae and bacteria to clear the atmosphere. Oceanic animals repopulated before terrestrial. Angels were created to dwell in the thick atmosphere. The age of birds began with the angels, and animal life gradually reoccupied dry land. Lastly came mammals and humans.

One obvious implication of this interpretation of Genesis is that reptilians are the Serpent of the Bible. Jehovah's command to "go on your belly and eat dust" symbolizes banishing reptilians below the surface, into the lithosphere's ancient cavern network. (Living under tons of rock is the safe way to build space stations on moons with no atmosphere, so it should be a common habitat for spacefaring races.) The Old Testament has a strong anti-reptilian theme, and seems to be written from an avian or angelic perspective.

NB: All links removed due to automod. Original here.

Submitted September 12, 2022 at 04:37AM by LeoLittlebook https://ift.tt/z9cC506

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