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Friday, October 14, 2022

Are there any abductees/experiencers out there who ever managed to reinitiate meaningful contact with any variety of E.T. through meditation or any other means?

In a nutshell my experience was plain vanilla, 6 yo, woke up to 5 of them in my room, the typical telepathic hive-minded short Roswell greys after midnight. That's all I remember. If you are an experiencer you get it so no further details are necessary. I am not interested in some CE-5 light show. I seek meaningful contact with their leader/leaders. I am running on the assumption that there seems to be some kind of hybridization program/programs going on and I want to become an active part of it. Show them how to blend in. Maybe even start a hybrid family with a female here on Earth or wherever. Don't judge.

Submitted October 14, 2022 at 04:47AM by OkCurrency6595 https://ift.tt/S7Qolqs

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