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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

alien contact video evidence

Taken from my webcam which has battery backup at south Australia something took out the power and caused a beam of light which can be seen over the houses at the front over 60 meters away I looked because I have only seen the power go out once in 20 years

The light focuses down the tree to my bedroom window and path lighting it up and as that light hits the camera we hear some kind of alien interference or signal 3:57:15s

I slowed it down because it's really fast and there's two beams of light at 08s before the time stops on the 10th second it should be dark but it's not!

I woke up like feeling I lost 7 or 8 hours sleep, the red "car break light" is not a car but my power outage led lamp which is reflected at the bottom of the window in every frame of the video as it's always on...

Google "flash of light outside my window" or "camera flash outside of window" for more people who have experienced this phenomenon




Submitted November 09, 2022 at 11:33PM by craigspade https://ift.tt/8dKts19

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