A few years ago i had what i thought was a dream, but to this day i am unsure and it continues to make me very nervous and uncomfortable to think about. I have only ever told one person this story but here is goes. So fast forwarding to the only part that matters , 3 years ago i lived in an apartment on the ground floor in a town in alberta called grande prairie. I was sleeping away one night when i woke to what i can only describe as sleep paralyisis minus the some of the symptoms , i could breath fine but could not speak or move. I was woken by flashing lights and a shadow getting closer to my window , take in mind this was not like a normal dream , everything in front of me in my room was exactly how it had been and in detail, very very vivid, like my eyes were actually open. The window in my room was to my right side and probably 2 feet above me , my bed was up against the wall with the window on it so looking straight up and slightly to the right i could see this alien approach standing there almost uncomfortably still looking straight into my room. Never looked down at me it then proceded to place its hand on my window, shortly after more flashing lights and boom it was gone , i then sat up completly free now in a horified manner , it was terrifying. When i woke up the next morning i played it off as a dream, went to work and thought about it all day, when i got home as always i came in through the balcony door (again first floor) which is right beside my bedroom window , and before i even looked i had a flash of anxiety and fear again almost as if i was having that dream again. When i looked at my window , there was a fucking hand mark almost as if someone put there hand there and slid it down a few inches ! I still live in fear from this dream thinking they came to mark me or somthing for contact in the future. Just writing this is giving me chills and i hate thinking about it but im curious if this or anything similar has happened to anyone before ?
Submitted February 05, 2022 at 12:02AM by Front-Importance-251 https://ift.tt/GJ6ugwX
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