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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Coincidence Theory: how a CIA affiliate involved in the Bay of Pigs and possibly the JFK Assassination led Ross Coulthart to confirmation of a UAP reverse engineering program.

I’ve been trawling through the latest release of declassified Kennedy assassination documents over the last few weeks, looking for connections to the fabled MJ compartment, nicknamed “Majestic Jehovah”. I’m doing this in the hope that the declassification review board may have missed some references, similar to the way the MK compartment ULTRA mind control projects’ incoming and outgoing expenses were overlooked when CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all of the compartment’s documents be destroyed in 1972.

JFK Assassination Records - 2021 Additional Documents Release | National Archives

Last night I ran out of things to search for, so I picked up Ross Coulthart’s In Plain Sight book once again and flicked through it. I stopped upon Chapter 22, which was entitled “Gordon Novel – Fact or Fiction”. Reading the first few pages of that chapter, I realized that here was a new person to search for in the database. And wouldn’t you know, Gordon popped up in the files.

docid-32402028.pdf (archives.gov)

The document in question is pretty devoid of relevant information regarding UFOs; however, it is interesting who wrote and reviewed it and the comments they left in the margins of such a seemingly innocuous document. The author was Donovan E. Pratt, who at the time was the Deputy Chief of Counter Intelligence, Research and Analysis for the CIA. His boss, Raymond G. Rocca, signed the routing sheet and commented “these need to be sanitized”. Others commented, “because these data are sensitive from the viewpoint of CCS please restrict access to this info to yourself and DCI” (Director of Central Intelligence, Richard Helms). The CIA’s General Counsel, Lawrence Houston, also wrote: “as per above note”. CCS refers to Central Cover Staff, the section of CIA that creates front companies and cover stories for clandestine work by field officers. Why would such an unimportant person such as Novel’s call records to an answering service require the Director CIA and other organizational heavy hitters to keep the data to themselves? Rocca, one of Jim Angleton’s closest confidantes, classified the document as Secret and it was only declassified in full in November 2021.

Ross Coulthart doesn’t give too much credence to Novel’s various claims and describes him as a “Walter Mitty” type. However, other actual CIA insiders said that he did indeed have high-level CIA and military contacts, but “his biggest problem was keeping his mouth shut”. Of course, the document I refer to above was not fully available in unredacted form until Coulthart’s book was published.

Digging a little deeper, I found that the CIA had very good reasons to restrict information about Novel:

  1. Novel was involved with the CIA Bay of Pigs team, assisting in stealing explosives from a local oil and gas company (as Ross points out in his book)

  2. Novel ran an electronics firm in New Orleans that specialized in selling equipment used for bugging. His lawyer claimed he held a position identical to that of E. Howard Hunt, an intermediary between the Cuban exiles and the CIA. After initially denying that he had had any part in the burglary, he stated that "It was one of the most patriotic burglaries in history," and that it was done under the direction of the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs operation. Novel confessed he had been given a key to the bunker and that the people he had met there, Arcacha Smith and David Ferrie were also working for the CIA."

  3. From the get-go of the Castro takedown plans, Novel was associated with a CIA front company called “Double Chek Corporation”. During the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Howard Hunt also worked for Double-Chek, a dummy electronics firm located just outside Miami. Another notable employee of Double Chek was Barry Seale, of “Made in America” fame.

  4. Novel also worked with the propaganda end of the invasion. As a director of a CIA front called the Evergreen Advertising Agency, he was responsible for transmitting cryptographic messages to alert the exiles to the invasion date. Hunt was in charge of domestic propaganda for the Bay of Pigs operation and was probably Novel's superior.

  5. According to William Torbitt Novel had been seen by a Dallas attorney having meetings with Jack Ruby and William Seymour in the Carousel Club during October and November 1963. Another author, Paris Flammonde (The Kennedy Conspiracy), claims that Novel was questioned on five separate occasions following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

  6. Novel was subpoenaed by the Garrison Inquiry but managed to dodge the witness stand. He called Garrison’s claim of a CIA conspiracy in the JFK assassination “a fraud”.

  7. J.Edgar Hoover stated the following:” On 4/25/67 Mr. Howard Osborn, Director of Security, CIA, informed the Bureau's liaison representative that Gordon Novel's alleged claim that he was associated with is completely false. Mr. Osborn stated that Gordon Novel, David William Ferrie and Sergio Arcacha Smith have never been of operational interest to CIA. He also stated that the Evergreen Advertising has no connection whatsoever with CIA.” (This narrative is later proven false, and Evergreen was a CIA front company).

  8. Whilst he was away avoiding Garrison, a cleaner found the following note in Novel’s room, believed to be addressed to his CIA handler Mr Weiss:

I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation, expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels. Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Garrison's investigation.... Garrison has subpoenaed myself and an associate to testify before his grand jury on matters which may be classified TOP SECRET. Actions of individuals connected with DOUBLE-CHEK CORPORATION in Miami in first quarter of 1961.

We have no current contact available to inform of this situation. So I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation. Expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels.

Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation.

We have temporarily avoided one subpoena not to reveal Double Chek activities or associate them with this mess. We want out of this thing before Thursday 3/67. Our attorneys have been told to expect another subpoena to appear and testify on this matter. The fifth amendment and/or immunity (and) legal tactics will not suffice.

Mr. Garrison is in possession of unsworn portions of this testimony. He is unaware of Double-Chek's involvement in this matter but has strong suspicions. I have been questioned extensively by local FBI recently as to whether or not I was involved with Double-Chek's parent holding corporation during that time. My reply on five queries was negative. Bureau unaware of Double-Chek association in this matter. Our attorneys and others are in possession of complete sealed files containing all information concerning matter. In the event of our sudden departure, either accidental or otherwise, they are instructed to simultaneously release same for public scrutiny in different areas simultaneously.

Appropriate counteraction relative to Garrison's inquisition concerning us may best handled through military channels vis a vis D.I.A. man. Garrison is presently colonel in Louisiana Army National Guard and has ready reserve status. Contact may be had through our attorneys of current record, Plotkin, Alverez, Sapir.

  1. Novel’s expertise in electronics and eavesdropping devices and close contact with CIA operatives naturally lead to his involvement in Watergate with fellow bugging expert James McCord and his old boss E. Howard Hunt.

Gordon Novel (spartacus-educational.com)

  1. Hunt starts to extort the Nixon administration, claiming he has evidence of Nixon’s involvement in the JFK assassination via his authorization of ZRRIFLE and membership of the 40 Committee, a secret team of high-level government officers (a sub-committee of MJ-12?). In fact, the following excerpt of the Watergate Tapes captures President Richard Nixon saying the following: "...just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved -- you happen to know that? If it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing, it would be a fiasco. It would make the CIA look bad, it's going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate - both for the CIA and for the country..." In his autobiography “The Ends of Power” (written whilst serving his prison sentence), former Nixon political aide H.R. Halderman claimed the Bay of Pigs reference was a codeword used by Nixon to refer to the JFK assassination.

  2. Hunt’s wife Dorothy, also ex-CIA, began extorting money from Nixon et. al. and paying off those involved to keep quiet. She was killed, along with 46 other people, when her plane crashed en-route to delivering the cash. DOROTHY HUNT'S DEATH (whokilledjfk.net)

  3. After the plane carrying Hunt's wife Dorothy crashed under mysterious circumstances in December 1973, the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board told the House Government Activities Subcommittee that he had sent a letter to the FBI which stated that over fifty agents came into the crash zone. The FBI denied everything until William Ruckleshaus became temporary Director, at which time they admitted that their agents were on the scene. The Independent researcher Sherman Skolnick believes that Dorothy Hunt was carrying documents that linked Nixon to the Kennedy assassination. According to Skolnick these papers, which were being used to blackmail Nixon, were seized by the FBI. Skolnick's theory is corroborated by a conversation that allegedly took place between Charles Colson and Jack Caufield. Alan J. Weberman (spartacus-educational.com)

So, what has this got to do with UFOs? Well, as Ross points out in his book, Novel was also the author of The Supreme Cosmic Secret- How the U.S. Government Reverse Engineered an Extra-terrestrial Spacecraft. Somehow, Novel had gotten wind of a crash retrieval (perhaps after a few drinks with CIA personnel briefed into the CIA's MJ compartment) and arranged a meeting with the US Navy’s Director of Science and Technology Development (taking his son along with him). Novel died in 2012, but Ross managed to track down his son, who remembered the name of the Navy Director – it was Nat Kobitz, and we all know who he was.

And here is the most fantastic part of this story: that this is all merely “a coincidence” – a guy that is an affiliate to ALL of the CIA’s most nefarious activities of the 1960s, whose involvement with the CIA is kept quiet by the highest echelons of The Agency, also claims to have knowledge of a Reverse Engineering program and just happens to know the exact doors to knock on in the Pentagon (how did he even get into the Pentagon?).

We have now arrived at the Coincidence Theory, and the mental gymnastics required to think that these are a happenstance lineup of random events are tortuous, to say the least.

In Coulthart’s book, he explains that Novel approached Kobitz in 1993 with a diagram of what he called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner – an anti-gravity propelled machine. The diagram was purported to have been drawn by a professional aerospace illustrator named Mark McCandlish, and was later used as testimony at the Disclosure Project hearing at the National Press Club in 2001 as evidence of a secret U.S. Government reverse engineering program. When asked about the Fluxliner, Coulthart states that Koblitz believed it to be a hoax, but later discloses that he had been read into a Waivered Unacknowledged Special Access Program (WUSAP) compartmented program that was indeed tasked with reverse engineering a craft that was “not of this world”.

Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner

FLUX LINER (manmade-ufos.com)

To conclude: in my mind, it is clear that the CIA knew far more about crash retrievals and reverse engineering projects than they are letting on, and the highest levels of Government were involved in keeping that information suppressed – even if it meant taking out an entire airliner to do so.

Submitted February 16, 2022 at 11:12AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/bcxIm9O

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