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Sunday, August 14, 2022

What I noticed during my alien abduction research for 3 years. I'm getting close in finding physical evidence through my theoretical research. (Videos included)

There might actually be a chance that light orbs in the sky are most definitely the aliens and I will explain why. It's a complicated research that is build on a small amount of theoretical evidence from sightings, analyzing abduction cases and hypnosis done on abductees to remember what they went through, as aliens let people forget the experience or suppress their memories.

The main question everybody wants to know are aliens physical? I have found some video evidence that aliens might be able to change into light beings or orbs called in the occult or black magic a Body of light. According Tibetan Buddhism it's called a rainbow body achieved with a technique called dream yoga. It's also referred as astral traveling, but on Wikipedia it says it's not completely the same as a body of light.

There are different type of orbs in the sky, smaller white orbs which are astral bodies and the brighter and bigger colored orbs, are considered to be a body of light or energy field.
Astral travel is where your mind travels between the stars or dimensional planes through a dreamstate according Wikipedia.

A Body of light is where your physical body enters into an energy field, abductees under hypnosis considered it being inside a white transparent room, but your body shrinks into the size of a ball, it should look something like this:

Body of light/ Energy field

There is still no real evidence this is possible, there have been scientific studies done that Buddhist's were able to produce light during meditation, scientists are speculating it has something to do with the nervous system that is dematerializing into a Quantum photon molecule, or quasi material. There is very limited evidence and resource for this but it is there.

We definitely have evidence lights are related to alien abductions or aliens or humanoid hybrid, shadow figures appearing in our dreams and sleep paralysis, altering our state of consciousness, giving us hallucinations, is the evidence we definitely have.

The physical evidence for aliens being real are probably what we would consider ghost sightings, distorted figures, flashing lights, shadow people, poltergeists moving objects. This is also according the pentagon's research: https://www.newsweek.com/pentagon-ufo-program-disclosure-aliens-poltergeist-top-secret-bigelow-948051

The physical speculated evidence is that aliens can convert their bodies into orbs as the occult mentions, light bodies, shadow beings or completely turn invisible or distorted. If people see these kind of videos it can in theory be real like these clips:

What physical evidence for aliens might look like in theory.

There is also another possibility, what we really have evidence for is according hypnotic regression what abductees remember is being taken by light into either a spaceship or into another dimension, it could be that beings from another dimension or the other side like astral traveling as small light orbs altering people's state of consciousness, give people dreams and memories, and that abductions are not physical but dreams given by beings making us paralyzed during our sleep it would look like this what I picked up from reading the book Walking Among us:

Aliens entering our dreams.

At the end it's still 50/50 if they are physical light workers or just astral beings giving us dreams but aliens/ interdimensional beings/ are real and they are messing with our heads is one evidence that we have. According science, reincarnation, alien abductions and satanic ritual abuse are false memories but these memories are not our memories, they are given by highly intelligent lifeforms.

I personally belief we are dealing with both cases, Aliens from another dimension altering our state of mind and stealthy alien/ hybrids physically abducting us. We have the theoretical evidence and small physical evidence like alien implants made of meteorites, hairs found, scoop marks, radiations, missing time, ghost sightings etc.
I hope this post was clear to understand of what I was able to pickup after doing 3 years research and reading books or analyzing abductions, I think this is an important topic into the alien abduction phenomenon. Also see some of my other posts that covers more indepth details.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 06:30AM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/HwSJ5KG

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