First off, I know how nuts this sounds. Luckily in my search for similar theories, I have seen that I am far from alone in my conclusions and the main difference is my take is a slightly different flavor on the Phenomenon. Unfortunately I can't provide direct evidence for a lot of these things. It is based on anecdotal evidence from third parties mixed with my own few, but very real, experiences. Also a lot of the newer theories and evidence suggest to the Phenomenon actively avoiding being recorded.
Here's my rabbit hole.
Skinwalker Ranch. Ignore all of the supposed lore and focus on the proposed current Phenomenon at the ranch. Initially it is just fun UAP reality tv, but let's look at some of the reported events. Orbs, electronics being messed with, batteries being drained, bizarre humanoids, seeing 'portals', headaches, witnessing things that don't come up on camera, cameras being moved, the Phenomenon never directly being captured on camera, and the 'Hitchhiker effect'. Well, the hitchhiker effect is identical to poltergeists. This begs the question, if the 'poltergeists' from the said hitchhiker effect aren't spiritual like in traditional ghost lore, why does the traditional poltergeist stuff happen at all? ie If this isn't ghosts at SWR, why do we interpret it ever to be ghosts?
This lead to me binge watching a few seasons os my favorite ghost hunting show. Some of the same themes came up: orbs, electronics being messed with, batteries being drained, on the rare occasion things were physically moved in slight but attention grabbing ways, and even mists/shadow figures/stuff. Said mist & stuff is the same as the humanoids witnessed at SWR. The phenomenon is exactly the same at supposed haunted locations, it just acts different because it's a different context. Humans assume the weird stuff is demons or dead humans or spirits, and it acts accordingly. Isn't it odd that some of the alleged 'evil' aspects of haunting places will outright say it's evil? Why does for all of the alleged lore, the most that happens is usually people getting feelings, scratches, and headaches?
The meat of it: There is a non-human intelligence that acts openly at SWR, while at other places pretends to be spirits/demons/dead humans/etc. SWR is special because there is something important enough to the Phenomenon to protect it. I believe that's what the hitchhiker effect is, a defense mechanism. It spooks/freaks out people that visit that could potentially bring it harm, and scares their family & friends. For that reason, if you ever have the chance to go to SWR I do not believe it would be right to visit. Regardless of the hitchhiker effect, it's clearly something important to the Phenomenon and I think we should respect that. A completely baseless conclusion of mine is that some people at SWR never experience anything abnormal because they don't post a threat to the Phenomenon. I do not know how it makes the distinction. That's why I said this last bit is baseless, it's just an opinion.
I've seen the theory of 'field animals' here and there before. The arguments I've read have some major flaws. We do not know what consciousness is nor exactly how it works. Thus, it is impossible for us to gauge the intellect of the Phenomenon. Just as it could be a much lesser intelligence, it could also be greater, and seeing as the Phenomenon can run circles around us, I am inclined to believe that it is greater.
The theory of 'field animals' leads to another coincidence between supposed hauntings and the Phenomenon, where they are sighted. Both appear near large bodies of water and major electrical structures. In ghost lore, the stuff like moving bodies of water, electrical structures, batteries, and even human bodies, are a source of 'energy' for the paranormal. ie These things are food for it, per the lore. The thing is that moving bodies of water over the right materials it can create a voltage a good example of what I mean is and more importantly .
Even human bodies, another alleged source of energy/food for the paranormal, use bio-electricity. I fully believe that feeling of coldness, especially when your hairs stand up and you feel a strong presence and get goosebumps, is said 'field animal' taking a dash of your bio-electricity. Think of a bottom feeder fish nibbling on you in a body of water. It isn't trying to hurt you by eating despite the fact it is trying to eat off of you. Sort of like how primates pick & eat bugs off of each other.
Now think back to where UAPs are sighted. They are the same locations as hauntings with the addition of nuclear things, thunderstorms, and power lines. These are all leaky sources of 'energy' that something like a 'field animal' would consider to be prime food.
If said 'field animals' existed they would perceive the universe in completely different ways. The almost impossible, for us, to detect electromagnetism from a camera would be incredibly obvious to said 'field animals'. The abilities could even potentially extend to knowing when they are being actively recorded, and possibly even observed by a living creature.
However, the problem with this is if 'field animals' are real, why can't we always see them? Why do they mimic humans/deities/feed into the lore when it comes to traditionally paranormal stuff? Wouldn't they be these clunky, obvious, and easily approached creatures? Couldn't we bait them? They don't have bodies by our definition, they choose to interact with humans for some reason, they're not as undeveloped as mere animals, and we do bait them (allegedly with nuclear stuff as bait).
I am not going to even pretend to know the intent behind the Phenomenon, other than it isn't 'evil'. That being said, the view of Jacques Vallée is extremely relevant . The Phenomenon always appears as something familiar to humans, yet also beyond us. Initially it was deities that could be humanoid or a mix of animals, eventually it became 'heavenly' crafts, then crafts that are just out of reach of our technology if only we knew some fundamental secret about our universe. There are old UAP reports about things like flying viking ships, current kinds of UAPs, and even things not dissimilar from airships, before we had the technology and always doing extraordinary feats. Even now, it's the same. UFOs are crafts that act similar to airplanes, yet beyond us, if only we knew that specific fundamental secret of the universe.
It goes beyond that though. Assuming you're still with me, let's rehash. There are invisible creatures interacting with us, sometimes posing as entities like fae to deities to dead human spirits, throughout our history, sometimes helping us advance as a species, and even here to this day but now posing as otherworldly beings. If it isn't human, why are we just going with the flow and accepting that the Phenomenon is humanoids at all? Why does it/they represent themselves as humanoids? Think about it, little grays are basically ultra smart looking mutated humanoids. Some reports are literal humans with slightly exaggerated features. Robots, insectoids, etc. All of these descriptions are just another facade. Something that pisses me off when reading similar opinions and theories is that people with little imagination interpret deception as evil intent. We humans can already barely accept, or have meltdowns, at the prospect of there being a non-human intelligence greater than our own. I fully believe that the reason behind these forms are partially to make things easier for us when we interact with them. Compare aliens to the 'field animals' theory. One is a living being from another planet, the other is a living creature that can interact with us freely but doesn't even have what we'd perceive to be a body. If the Phenomenon was malevolent it could destroy us in many ways. Not saying it is benevolent though, just that it isn't evil.
The 'field animals' idea isn't quite accurate either. If such animals existed in that state, it would be a hassle existing. Although you could argue that's why they're on Earth due to the protection our magnetosphere provides, it wouldn't allow the kinds of things we witness. Here's the next and final leap, higher dimensions. Now now, people have talked about this before but it is usually kind of vague, "duh it's just 12th dimension beings picking their ass and we're the flint in their ass cracks". Watch this video until about the 12 minute mark the important part is the drawings depicting higher dimensions and how it would be outside of our perception. You can see what the author of that video is getting at, despite it being impossible to fully imagine. We somewhat have examples of this in our entertainment, like in anime & cartoons, the 'spirit' is usually a different size than a character and can change shapes. Even Jojo's stands are an example of this. No, it isn't a perfect analogy. That is because it is impossible for us to comprehend. Just keep in mind I am talking about a physical aspect of reality that we can't easily interact with, because we can't perceive it, as we are 3D creatures. I am not talking about some ethereal plane or the astrological world or whatever. Although, if you change the labels, the descriptions of said places do roughly match up of what you'd anticipate 4D+ to look like.
Note: Since I am not claiming to know everything, I also do not know where the Phenomenon resides, just that it's at least one dimension above what we can perceive. It is worth drawing focus on how telepathy is often associated with non-human creatures, because if they were from a higher dimension it could explain that. Even the older accounts of spirits and such often had an associated ability to read the mind of the experiencee.
Assuming the Phenomenon is both 'field animals' and 4D+ (our perception of dimensions plus one), what would that mean? It would mean the physical entities abductee perceive to interact with are essentially dolls, because the Phenomenon doesn't have what we perceive to be a physical body. Some reports by abductees say that the non-humans look at each other and seemingly communicate, and sometimes communicate with the abductee directly via telepathy. Applying this theory, the dolls looking at each other would be physical cues for the abductee that the non-humans are communicating with each other, most likely in a dimension that we can't perceive. There could be a reason for specific patterns and doll shapes, or it could all be on the whim of the Phenomenon. The dolls argument could also be a reason why paranormal things have reoccurring 'characters'. It is peculiar how 'sleep paralysis demons' usually only show up in a few flavors. ie Any time we witness the paranormal without a physical reason, it is the Phenomenon choosing to interact with us.
The icing on the crazy cake is that if the Phenomenon can do this, why are we assuming that UAP crafts are real? After all, UAPs are often confusing. They'll show up visually but not on other sensors. Sometimes they're detected yet fully invisible. They can go through objects, into mountains, basically all through mediums. The Phenomenon can do everything it can while showing a UAP that it can while pretending to be a ghost. What we consider light is just electromagnetism in a certain range that is visible to our eyes. A human equivalent are those projects about making plasma orbs to fool sensors. The results look 3D to us despite knowing it's all just from a laser. Touch is when the boundary of the atoms in our body press against the boundaries of other atoms. ie Humans assume everything we interact with is fully 3D like us because most of the time it is. However, things looking 3D does not mean they are 3D.
The point of this post is to give my theory of the Phenomenon, lessen the unwarranted stigma of it being evil just because it presents itself to us in different forms, and to try to open people's minds on the topic. I think it's worth looking into why the Phenomenon primarily interacts with people that don't believe in it, believe in a modern religion, and little kids. A pure speculative view could be that the Phenomenon does such things to give humans a hint that there is more to reality, or something.
Bonus 1: An opinion based on my own experiences, assuming that all of my previous arguments are true. Sensing a presence & the sixth sense. If you've ever been woken up and been scared shitless by a presence in your room in the middle of the night, like what happened to me a few times as a kid, that's the Phenomenon. It is also why some of the reports of men in black, military officers and government officials popping out of thin air, etc are so eerie. Humans can perceive the Phenomenon to a certain degree, but it is very limited. Our primary scenes say everything is fine, but that sixth sense/spirit/soul/whatever the term is screaming at us that something is off. That terrifies us, sort of like the uncanny valley effect. Humans are basically ants, we primarily use pheromones (our vision) for interacting with the world, but we do have other diminished senses. Just like ants have a very real albeit poor eyesight, humans have a poor but real sixth sense.
Bonus 2: Although the Phenomenon doesn't have what we consider to be a body, it can still manipulate things here, because it can manipulate electromagnetism. That is why despite all that it does, it's rare that there's an auditory communication associated with it, and why it usually prefers telepathy. In hauntings, alleged EVPs aren't all that uncommon. Yet when people hear voices, it is very rare that more than one individual hears it. That is because instead of what we'd assume to be a sound wave like when we talk and make noise, it's some form of direct interaction with that person's body. Hence why people that hear things in hauntings often feel like, "it talked right into their ear". This isn't to say that the Phenomenon can't make sound waves, it just usually chooses not to.
Bonus 3: Assuming you watched the 11 dimension explanation video, while we can't fully perceive 4D+, our bodies and the objects we use still interact with higher dimensions in some way. We just can't perceive 4D+ so we have no idea how things are interacting. Meaning if said 4D+ beings exist they would avoid humans directly. Which is why it is curious that in haunted homes, the haunted areas are usually places humans do not spend much time in. Attics, basements, closets & under the bed for kids, closed off rooms, crawl spaces, etc. Even outside of homes, while graveyards do fit ghost lore, it's kind of odd that one of the most prevalent places for the paranormal are just regular forests. This would be encounters like the fae, 'invisible' creatures where you can only see outlines, Bigfoot, etc. Some of the Phenomenon likes to chill near humans, some of it in the forest. It isn't a coincidence that what I am describing sounds like spirits, because the Phenomenon is the source of those myths in the first place.
tl;dr The Phenomenon is one or more non-human intelligence(s) that take the form of our myths and humanoids because they/it doesn't have what we consider a body in the first place. The Phenomenon is behind all spiritual & paranormal experiences, that were not naturally occurring events, since humans have been around. If you ever see anything paranormal like ghosts or a UAP, that is the Phenomenon choosing to be seen for some unknown reason. Unknown intent, although not malevolent, despite taking the form of alleged malevolent entities in some religions. This includes ALL paranormal things, even like djinns and region specific ghosts & spirits. It is both ultra-terrastrial & inter-dimensional.
Submitted September 04, 2022 at 12:34AM by LiliNotACult
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