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Monday, September 5, 2022

The current situation in Europe is a reminder of what war is and how we can abolish it. War with UAP intelligences is impossible. Peace starts as a state of mind. War is a State of Mind and Much More J. Burkes MD 2019, edited 2021 War is a state of mind and much more.

War is a state of mind and much more. The ruling elites want war and the endless preparation for more military conflicts to advance their agendas that forever require finding new enemies. It is important to acknowledge that a frightened people are more easily controlled. To carry out the ruling classes’ plans, the masses are made to feel constantly threatened by “enemies”, both foreign and domestic. 

We have fought wars over territory, religion, natural resources and given the race to build space weapons, I suspect there even might be individuals within the military-industrial-intelligence complex who imagine that we could wage  war against the beings/intelligences responsible for flying saucers. If such people or factions exist, their aims are pure folly. As a UAP contact experiencer, I know that not only are these non-human intelligences totally telepathic, but in addition they have full access to every experiencer’s full storehouse of memories. With such awesome psychic powers, they would be able to confound every soldier and defeat any army sent against them

Those that truly want peace would do well to look both outwards towards the manipulations of oligarchs and perhaps more importantly inwards, toward those ego-based mind structures that promote war from within the consciousness of each person

In my view, true spiritual development has little to do with the many made up stories that followers of various organized religions tell themselves again and again. I believe that spiritual development occurs by following the path of diminishing the power of egoic mind structures. What is the ego? One definition for ego is a near complete identification with form. This includes both things and thought forms

According to Eastern spiritual traditions, those that let the ego run their lives are forever trying to enhance their sense of self by having more. This usually means more money, attention, sexual gratification and more power over others. However, with the ego in charge, it is never enough. In addition, we should recognize that although the ego  identifies with form, it also goes beyond mere identification. The ego takes over when we are in survival mode, when the form we defend is one’s human body. Concerns about survival allows the ego to play a major role in problem solving that in most people this leads to incessant thinking. Our thoughts create a continuous “voice in the head” dwelling on the past and planning for the future. 

In this manner, uncontrolled thinking can become addictive. It is sometimes called the “monkey mind” with its continuous  uncontrolled chatter.  Meditation and its equivalents, like walking in nature, making art and playing music are wonderful because they can terminate the ego’s incessant thinking. These activities facilitate our focusing on the here and now.  

The ego has nothing do with states of being that we call, “peace, love and joy.” According to Eastern spiritual traditions, these states of being  come from no-thing, i.e. that formless place that spiritual seekers often call “universal consciousness.” Following this dictum,  I endeavor to meditate, make peace from within and work for peace in the outside world of form that is called “external physical reality.” 

Comment and Reply

On another social media page, a question was asked by a commenter in response to this posting. She wanted to know if the stupidity of war would ever end. My response is as follows,

“I suspect that victims of the massive Aztec human sacrifices in Pre-Columbian Mexico might have asked a similar question. “When will people stop cutting out beating human hearts for the “sun god?” We now no longer have human sacrifice in the Aztec tradition. It is my belief, my hope, that someday war will have gone the same way as ritual human sacrifice. There are those that say it is “impossible to end all wars.” My reply to them is, “We must be realists, demand ‘the impossible’”! 

Submitted September 05, 2022 at 11:32PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/Slzie4A

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