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Thursday, October 13, 2022

This might be a bit of a strange post to some but could this be evidence that alien/ hybrids are operating in parallel timelines as interdimensional time travelers from the past?

Alien abductions can get really weird when abductees are put under hypnosis, it's an unsolved phenomenon that defies all logic. It involves people seeing the same creatures all over the world. When you study these creatures, they might even be hybridized from our own planet's timeline, mixed with modern human DNA.

I've managed to compare some aliens seen under hypnosis with prehistoric creatures and ancient Gods honored by tribes during our history.

The most common races seen under hypnosis during abductions.

People often see human sized praying mantises and reptilians. (This has nothing to do with David Icke's conspiracy theories or the tv series V!) They are seen by abductees being put under hypnosis. According researchers, they are the leaders wearing hooded robes like they are some kind of emperor. People often describe them as humanlike with the face of a crocodile watching abduction procedures.

I thought to myself if this is some kind of hybridization program to become human in appearance like hypnotic regression researchers say like Dr. David M. Jacobs, aren't they then hybrids from our own past?

This is an example of them interbreeding to Walk among us. (These pictures are from real abductions.)

Here is how I manage to link some of them with some prehistoric creatures:

Prehistoric Gigatitan insect vs Praying mantis aliens = Ikaggen God


Velociraptor vs Reptilian aliens. = Chitauri God


Gigantopithecus vs Bigfoot aliens. = Hanuman God


Not so sure about this one but give it a go anyway:

Prehistoric Beelzebufo frog vs Zanfretta's abduction = Heqet God


Full story on Zanfretta's abduction case in 1978 Italy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0DgGADgAas&ab_channel=ThinkAnomalous

You might wonder, is there any evidence they are time travelers from the past? The answer is yes. Not only in theory or hypnotic regression, but there was an abduction from someone in Australia called Peter Khoury. It was like a typical alien abduction by two humanoid female hybrids, trying to have intercourse with him. They left 2 hairs behind which was later analyzed in a lab being of ancient Celtic DNA and part unknown to the human mainstream.

Two female hybrids on his bed talking in telepathy.

Here is a documentary on the case and the hair being analyzed in a lab, he also passed 2 lying detector polygraph tests on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyq4QK4N4L4&ab_channel=DISCL0SUR3

Full PDF book of the incident.

If hypnotic regression is true in some cases, it leaves us more question than answers.

Submitted October 13, 2022 at 04:41PM by Oneromnation https://ift.tt/M7zCT3f

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