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Monday, July 31, 2017

Did you liked the Arrival?

I enjoyed it. I find it revealing on some level. Show weakness of language. Again

Submitted August 01, 2017 at 12:38AM by korats http://ift.tt/2hiceWH

Why don't aliens contact us? = Law of Confusion


Submitted August 01, 2017 at 12:44AM by lucid76092 http://ift.tt/2f3X1HU

Perseid Meteors over Turkey


Submitted August 01, 2017 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://ift.tt/2uQ4pMu

Research holds Promise for Future Clinical Therapies to Slow Aging


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 10:28PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2ued47W

Saturn's moon Titan may harbour simple life forms – and reveal how organisms first formed on Earth


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 09:54PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/2f3alfD

Researchers develop technology to make aged cells younger


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 02:29PM by blazenpines http://ift.tt/2vmfZAE

The Purple Alien I escaped Area 51 help!


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 06:52PM by hippycees http://ift.tt/2tSsYpv

NASA’s Voyager Spacecraft Still Reaching for the Stars After 40 Years


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 06:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2wfBq2C

NASA Awards $14.3 Million to Small Businesses, Research Institutions to Develop Innovative Technologies


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 05:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2f1UYnR

NASA says Perseids will be really great this year.


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 02:35PM by sarahfearing http://ift.tt/2tRLMVP

NASA research internships?

I'm a grad student (PhD student in CS) and my research area is closely related to work at several groups at NASA centers and JPL.

I was wondering if there were any specific research internships at NASA (doing academic research with the potential of publication). Thanks!

Submitted July 31, 2017 at 12:59PM by harmonium1 http://ift.tt/2weCYKu

Dr Walter Nunez - Nazca mummy 100% DNA match to homo sapiens.


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 12:29PM by CosmicDelusion http://ift.tt/2vYvpIw

New app lets doctors examine patient's tumor in VR


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:50AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2f1ZdQa

Life-Friendly Molecules on Saturn's Moon Titan Could Help Reveal Origins of Earth Life https://t.co/MYDjP2rxgK https://t.co/IpXrH8Ryxw

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 31, 2017 at 11:48AM

Life-Friendly Molecules on Saturn's Moon Titan Could Help Reveal Origins of Earth Life https://t.co/MYDjP2rxgK https://t.co/IpXrH8Ryxw

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 31, 2017 at 11:48AM

Danish scientists dubbed crispy jellyfish the world's next food source


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:28AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2vfKQhj

Google's Alphabet is developing new renewable energy storage


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:40AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tRSr2a

Useful informational graphics and videos about how eclipses work ahead of the August 21, 2017 celestial event


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:04AM by pajive http://ift.tt/2uQAxhK

#Nephilim, (Hebrew נפלים), present in the #Old_Testament (#Torah). - Cognitio


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 09:06AM by Cognitiomatrixred http://ift.tt/2vXqzLB

US and Canadian border will soon host driverless car test


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:02AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2we7Oms

SpaceX and Boeing announces plans to push through in launching astronauts next year


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 11:14AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2vlJLFC

Ranger 7: NASA's First Successful Lunar Impact Mission


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 08:38AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/2uckBEj

Making Scientifically possible aliens (Non Humanoid), How to do them correctly?

Any tips or advice, I want to make a sci-fi role playing game to play with my friends but I wanted non humanoid yet scientifically possible aliens. Thank you for reading, and for helping out if you do have a nice day :)

Submitted July 31, 2017 at 07:56AM by TerekKebab http://ift.tt/2vaW5Z0

5 Mysterious Artifacts That Are Allegedly Alien (including the Russian UFO Tooth Wheel one of the most mysterious ruins on earth which was 300 million years old)


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 05:40AM by let_me_do_my_jobs http://ift.tt/2uMLfaA

5 Mysterious Artifacts That Are Allegedly Alien (including the Russian UFO Tooth Wheel one of the most mysterious ruins on earth which was 300 million years old)


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 05:38AM by let_me_do_my_jobs http://ift.tt/2vetS2N

Found this article interesting.


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 05:50AM by miamibotany1 http://ift.tt/2tQbGsP

Explanation of how we narrowly avoided the Mayan apocalypse


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 04:10AM by ScottUkabella http://ift.tt/2vkon3L

Sunday, July 30, 2017

How these astronauts had life-changing experiences with Aliens


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 02:08AM by hasan_raza http://ift.tt/2vX8aOQ

After reading hundreds of abductee experiences and watching tons of interviews, these seem to be the most common abductee experiences.

Most common recurring themes: 1. Sperm extraction/ sexual organ study.

  1. Abductees seeing hybrid mixed babies of alien and human. The abductee is also given one of these hybrid babies by the aliens to hold and coddle, being told that these babies need the warm and nurturing interaction of a mother/father. Also seeing room full of children aged 5-10 hybrids playing with human toys and letting the abductees interact with these children.

  2. Being told by aliens that humans are destroying the planet by pollution and we must take care of it.

  3. Learning that humans as we know today are actually genetically enhanced by these advanced species several times throughout history to evolve quicker and become more intelligent.

  4. Abductees explaining that Aliens actually do look like the stereotypical grey of 3-4ft tall with huge almond eyes with a huge head with a very small body. Abductees feel that these are not naturally evolved species, but actually manufactured by another species to do the "grunt" work. The "real" advanced species are the "leaders" on the ship which look like 9ft tall preying mantis'. They are the supervisor of the abduction process.

These are constantly told by hundreds of abductees. Those of you who did your research must've also come across these numerous times.

Harvard professor on the Oprah Winfrey show with abductees sharing their experiences about these "babies"


Submitted July 31, 2017 at 12:28AM by code4109 http://ift.tt/2vd5QW4

How prepared are we for an asteroid impact? NASA is conducting a test to find out


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 10:14PM by ThrashWolf http://ift.tt/2wczmIJ

Astronaut Suni Williams and Josh from The Mars Generation documentary at the Woods Hole Film Festival


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 09:15PM by Marsnowguy http://ift.tt/2tVFBUz

Why China's the Superpower of the Future


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 03:58PM by scitechjunkie http://ift.tt/2tPt2Gn

Elon Musk: Automation Will Force Governments to Introduce Universal Basic Income


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 04:07PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2tPuMiR

Rapid shift to passenger miles in electric cars with self driving ridesharing


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 04:42PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2vcDmvA

This is going to sound strange..

I will also include images.

So yesterday I watched an amazing alien documentary called "I know what I saw", It was enough evidence for me to finally become a full believer. The information, evidence, and witnesses of high credibility were just too much to ignore. In said documentary they visit a man that has a doctorate in advanced mathematics to have him decipher various symbols. It was stated by this man that if there was going to be an intergalactic language it would be math.

Cut to today, I wake up with 3 dots on the right side of my middle finger on my left hand. They are symmetrical, form a triangle, and each dot is the same distance apart. Now then I know from education that this is a common sign in the religious world, and from my own work experience common in the prison world as well. What I didn't know and what has got me on here searching for answers is that it is also a math symbol. Meaning "therefore" and is the symbol shown in an equation right before the answer.

So i dug deeper in this rabbit hole, and what I have found is a few people stating they get these after UFO dreams and some even said they started to hear voices. Now i'm just a normal dude, i'm diagnosed with ptsd but only on celexa and trazadone. I'm not by any means crazy. Are we select few being branded? Is it a mark of a believer? Since it means therefore does that mean my future child has something to do with it? Why these marks and what am I the answer to or what is it about me that brings the answer?

Or am I just bat shit insane, and finally snapped and it just happens to be a coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences, I'm more of a "we're a science experiment" kind of a guy with a little matrix theory. Anybody with similar experiences, insight, etc. I would love to speak to you and hear your thoughts.


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 05:42PM by PsychoticPains http://ift.tt/2uaq7au

NASA Selects Proposals to Study Sun, Space Environment


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 05:50PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/2wc1Mma

Asteroid Flyby Will Benefit NASA Detection and Tracking Network


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 04:59PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/2uaXpq8

There's probably a good explanation for this.


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 03:54PM by dingo_username http://ift.tt/2heKDWt

What are your thoughts regarding the theory that multiple species have visited us?

The very most common type of alien are of course the Greys, but there have been many reports on other kinds of species. For example, the mantis looking ones, reptilians, several subspecies of Greys including tall ones, Nordics etc.

I for one have a hard time buying into it, probably more due to the fact that it's just mindblowing that even one kind of species may have visited us. On the other hand, why WOULDN'T interstellar travel be possible for other species? It would kinda explain all the other types of UFOs other than flying saucers people have seen. It's hard to dismiss the possibility.

Also, if there are other species, why are every one of them really clandestine and esoteric about their existence? Seems to me at least one woulda made themselves known.

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 02:17PM by Zaptagious http://ift.tt/2vVuGI5

I've had these marks on me for a couple of days no idea where they came from, Alien??


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 12:58PM by benxslater http://ift.tt/2eYaO32

Are we heading for a workforce apocalypse?


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 12:44PM by Wujishiu http://ift.tt/2eYTjzo

China likely to rule the ethics of AI as it clamps down on great firewall and VPN access

As China's great firewall becomes more sophisticated, Facebook's one media platform follows suit in stealth mode.

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 12:15PM by Wujishiu http://ift.tt/2tUBpEw

new subreddit Aiming to analyze investment strategies on the basis of Futurism


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 11:31AM by anm89 http://ift.tt/2vVyMzP

You all probably know about the mystery of the person who posted on 4chan a pic of a alien and it got removed and the forums were shut down for a tiny bit and no one could find the image afterwards. I managed to save the image about the alien when the post came out. And I wanted to share it here.


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 11:58AM by eligallus03 http://ift.tt/2vcesMq

I was abducted last night

Last night I went to bed feeling pretty normal. I watched some tv before falling asleep, and I was abducted. I don't know how long I had been asleep but i just remember waking up on a cold metallic slab. Water was running down it in all directions almost like a waterfall. I knew this wasn't a dream. I sat up on the table and looked around. The room I was in was very modern and futuristic. These two aliens walked in an automatic sliding door. They were tall grey and bone thin. At first I was scared, like really fucking scared, but something about their big black eyes really calmed me down. I got the sense from them that I was going to be ok if I cooperated. I asked them "what am I doing here?" And they looked at each other and then at me. They didn't open their mouths but one of them spoke. Almost like it was telepathic in a way. It said "We are here to warn you."

"About what?" Despite the ominous tone I heard in my mind their eyes still calmed me.

"The Emoji Movie is real. One day you will only speak with emojis. Go grab your friends and family and see the emoji movie and start talking in only emoji. You will be the leaders of the new world."

I agreed to do that and then they said "eat 💩"

Then I woke up in my bed and there was a scar on my stomach.

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 08:45AM by Thjiiikkmmmmkkllllll http://ift.tt/2vVdsuo

"Abducted" and need some answers...

First of all, this is the very first time anything of the sort has happened to me, but the dream was so vivid I cannot stop thinking about it even hours after the fact. To give a little background on the dream, I wasn't truly "abducted" as you read about, but rather I and many other human/creatures/humanoids were in an auditorium setting listening to a presentation from, what I assume is, a galactic federation talking about the next steps for... something. See, I didn't listen to the presentation in my dream because I took this as an opportunity to speak to the aliens beside me to try to gain knowledge about our place in the universe, what is going on, etc. I met an alien that appeared to be a shapeshifter because his original form was slightly humanoid, but he looked like he was a galaxy - such as a galaxy/stars in body form - and over the course of the dream he shifted into a more "human" appearance I think to calm my nerves. He told me his name was "Vince Waz" or "Vinswaz" "Vinswah" or something like that.


He told me the answers to many questions I asked and spoke to me telepathically to communicate. Mainly, what would happen to Earth and what the other inter-galactic planets thought of us. He said something to the effect of "Most civilizations on planets just die out because they are too hostile, but there are a lucky few who make it." Pertaining to what they thought of Earth, he said something like, "We've visited you many times and most of us think you're idiots"... ha! I don't remember the exact language, but it was very candid. So, I then asked him, "Is there any hope for humanity?" He then seemed conflicted, and said that he would look into me to give me some sort of an answer. He stared directly into my eyes, and it felt like he was staring into my soul... this went on for what felt like a minute or so, and I could see in his "left eye" what looked like a computer screen with graphs and analysis (I say left eye because he shifted into the appearance of having humanoid eyes - he didn't have a face to begin with). Beyond that, there were geometric shapes and other things of the sort, but to me it appeared as output of what he was analyzing in my mind. After he concluded he chuckled a bit (almost surprisingly) and said, "Keep on thinking what you're thinking and you'll be just fine." Soon after the presentation was over and we were to part ways, so I asked for his name and he told me "Vinswaz", and he asked for mine, so I replied and he chuckled again and said "That is a great name". Then, I woke up.


Any thoughts? I'm not at all sure how to interpret this, since it wasn't your typical "grey alien abduction" experience.

TL;DR - Met an alien at a galactic federation presentation who told me humans were dumb and probably going to die out, but we might get lucky. He told me I need to "keep thinking what I'm thinking" after I asked him if there was hope for humanity, and as we parted ways he told me his name was "Vinswaz".

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 08:51AM by Hoss__Bonaventure http://ift.tt/2uKdGFW

apollo surface panoramas


Submitted July 30, 2017 at 05:35AM by marie_mercurie http://ift.tt/2waQaj9

Saturday, July 29, 2017

32mm xenomorph diorama


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 09:30PM by Ptommy84 http://ift.tt/2eX7tB5


Is it weird that about 15 minutes ago I saw something moving in the sky pretty fast, I thought nothing of it but now my whole neighborhoods power is out and 8 black military helicopters just flew over my house.

Submitted July 29, 2017 at 09:35PM by bubbystorm0 http://ift.tt/2hd4WDu

The US Navy 3D printed a concept submersible in four weeks


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 04:09PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2hcCd1D

Tom DeLonge and Steven Greer

I was under the assumption Steven Greer and Tom DeLonge worked together with a lot of these current theories and such. Maybe I misheard or was misinformed. But Tom believes the greys are a negative force. And it seems like Greer gets a much more benevolent impression from ET's. Are they not working together?

Submitted July 29, 2017 at 08:18PM by Moojdart http://ift.tt/2varLx2

Nasa X-Files: what did James McDivitt photograph really?


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 07:15PM by Lucaspo67 http://ift.tt/2vTMHq3

Are Aliens Real? NASA Astronauts Share Their Experiences With Extraterrestrials https://t.co/qf3pJVBFwr https://t.co/0GKsuIjrT2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 06:46PM

Are Aliens Real? NASA Astronauts Share Their Experiences With Extraterrestrials https://t.co/qf3pJVBFwr https://t.co/0GKsuIjrT2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 06:46PM

#Light, darkness, a war that lasted millions of years? - Cognitio


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 05:43PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://ift.tt/2eWPF9n

Dulce Underground Base

I just watched a brief YouTube video about this that didn't give that much info, does anyone have any info, links, etc about this? Thanks

Submitted July 29, 2017 at 03:43PM by Jdisgreat17 http://ift.tt/2v7ic2k

Future Fabrication at MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms. A place where future is made.


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 02:00PM by maskiatlan http://ift.tt/2eXmqD9

Liked on YouTube: The True Story of Super Secret Nazi Technology https://t.co/DG1ZyCRX4j

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 03:36PM

Liked on YouTube: The True Story of Super Secret Nazi Technology https://t.co/DG1ZyCRX4j

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 03:36PM

Liked on YouTube: The True Story of Super Secret Nazi Technology

The True Story of Super Secret Nazi Technology
Research into secret military projects such as 'the Bell' made by the Third Reich, and the Philadelphia Experiment conducted in the United States. Both projects may have incorporated Einstein's Unified Field Theory, and made use of rotating magnetic fields and torsion physics, working with spirals of space itself. Outlining Nazi connections associated with the anti-gravity discovery. A "post-war Nazi International" group may have employed alternative physics for a secret space program running parallel to NASA. There is also an alternative theory that the downed craft at Roswell was really a version of the erstwhile Nazi project known as The Bell or Die Glocke. According to research, work on the Bell can be traced from Germany to Argentina following World War II. To that end, immediately following the Roswell crash, the US Army re-opened the security classification files of the former Nazis that were brought to America via Project Paperclip. .
via YouTube https://youtu.be/NdfZFMrzhk4

Liked on YouTube: Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof https://t.co/4u8ga0TtMH

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:31PM

Liked on YouTube: Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof https://t.co/4u8ga0TtMH

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:31PM

Liked on YouTube: Why US Kept Aliens as Secret - America's Book Of Secret | Alien And Ufo https://t.co/S1xLrEJwPB

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ https://t.co/gMB1wYXKTo

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: UFO Abductions! One Of The Biggest Cases Ever To Surface https://t.co/XpdC1a5Dk5

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof

Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof
The Cold Spot in the cosmic microwave background radiation has led astronomers to speculate the possibility of parallel universes. What Is Beyond The Universe? - https://youtu.be/ghaZf1ODia0 Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter Here - http://bit.ly/1UO1PxI Read more: Universe Older Than Thought, New Map Reveals http://ift.tt/2szjQEt "Astronomers first discovered the CMB by accident in 1964, and have been studying it ever since because of the precious clues about the universe's beginnings embedded in it." Our Universe Has 10-20 Times More Galaxies Than Thought http://ift.tt/2t3Q2Dn "A new headcount of galaxies in the observable universe turned up 10- to 20 times more galaxies than previous estimates, bringing the tally up to as many as 2 trillion, a new study shows." Multiverse: have astronomers found evidence of parallel universes? http://ift.tt/2rdBzFa "Each alternate universe carries its own different version of reality. There will be one where you wrote this column and I read it; one where the Guardian is an alt-right propaganda rag; even a really weird one in which Donald Trump uses twitter to spread nothing but amusing cat videos." ____________________ Seeker inspires us to see the world through the lens of science and evokes a sense of curiosity, optimism and adventure. Visit the Seeker website http://ift.tt/2sLUKpO Subscribe now! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dnewschannel Seeker on Twitter http://twitter.com/seeker Trace Dominguez on Twitter https://twitter.com/tracedominguez Seeker on Facebook http://ift.tt/2mEKP1I Seeker http://www.seeker.com/ This episode of Seeker was written and hosted by Trace Dominguez
via YouTube https://youtu.be/eZSE68WlbMw

Liked on YouTube: Why US Kept Aliens as Secret - America's Book Of Secret | Alien And Ufo https://t.co/S1xLrEJwPB

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ https://t.co/gMB1wYXKTo

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: UFO Abductions! One Of The Biggest Cases Ever To Surface https://t.co/XpdC1a5Dk5

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:26PM

Liked on YouTube: 10 CLUES The Pyramids Were Built Using ADVANCED Ancient Technology https://t.co/Rhx1ebQIw2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:21PM

Liked on YouTube: 5 Conspiracy Theorists & Researchers Who Mysteriously Disappeared or were Seemingly Silenced... https://t.co/id2nvP90yI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:21PM

Liked on YouTube: Why US Kept Aliens as Secret - America's Book Of Secret | Alien And Ufo

Why US Kept Aliens as Secret - America's Book Of Secret | Alien And Ufo
The idea of a universe occupied by outsider animals can be discovered pretty much wherever in American pop culture. However, could humanity truly have been gone by outsider creatures from different universes? What's more, may reality have been kept mystery for a considerable length of time? Presidents concealed conceivable outsider experiences from Americans after the war yet as the CIA developed in force it assumed control outsider examinations and smoke screens, guarantees the creator. "There's been a legislature coverup however since the 1960s there's been a concealment to keep presidents oblivious also," says Holcombe. "Extraterrestrial examinations in the US are controlled by a capable and cryptic investigative and military knowledge council responsible to nobody
via YouTube https://youtu.be/wTTEihnlS58

Liked on YouTube: Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ

Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ
Russell Targ is a physicist who spent several decades working in a US government program exploring "remote viewing" - an apparently anomalous extended characteristic of the mind. Targ is convinced the effect is real. This talk was originally slated as part of a TEDx event in Hollywood in 2013, but the organization pulled their support of the event when they learned about the subjects.
via YouTube https://youtu.be/hBl0cwyn5GY

Liked on YouTube: UFO Abductions! One Of The Biggest Cases Ever To Surface

UFO Abductions! One Of The Biggest Cases Ever To Surface
UFO Abduction! There are many cases of abductions, but this stands above all. To see entire show you can check this link https://youtu.be/DJIJVv7WQa4 Planetxdailynews@humanoid.net
via YouTube https://youtu.be/8DqN-FSFd20

Liked on YouTube: 10 CLUES The Pyramids Were Built Using ADVANCED Ancient Technology

10 CLUES The Pyramids Were Built Using ADVANCED Ancient Technology
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via YouTube https://youtu.be/NDM1SZBRnW0

Liked on YouTube: 5 Conspiracy Theorists & Researchers Who Mysteriously Disappeared or were Seemingly Silenced...

5 Conspiracy Theorists & Researchers Who Mysteriously Disappeared or were Seemingly Silenced...
Are all these cases just coincidental, or is there a lot more to this than we think? ____________________________________________________________________ The Top5s Magazine is now available! http://ift.tt/2o2pSQm Don't forget to follow TOP5s on Social Media to keep up with upcoming videos, articles and new information! ►► http://ift.tt/2pyjZYK ►► https://twitter.com/TheTop5s ►►http://ift.tt/1ZFfgiP Special Thank you to CO.AG for the music as usual! If you are looking for music for any video production, games, movies etc. He is the man to speak to so check out his channel or send him a personal message! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Thanks for watching! Top5s
via YouTube https://youtu.be/i039r1WsrWM

Liked on YouTube: 10 CLUES The Pyramids Were Built Using ADVANCED Ancient Technology https://t.co/Rhx1ebQIw2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:21PM

Liked on YouTube: 5 Conspiracy Theorists & Researchers Who Mysteriously Disappeared or were Seemingly Silenced... https://t.co/id2nvP90yI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:21PM

Are There Wormholes At The Black Holes Core? https://t.co/Pp4i4BWf6n https://t.co/bCXkQLetnI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:09PM

Are There Wormholes At The Black Holes Core? https://t.co/Pp4i4BWf6n https://t.co/bCXkQLetnI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:09PM

Researchers Pull Plug on AI After It Invents Own Language https://t.co/yYxFSdVZji https://t.co/kL5N0gNE2d

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:09PM

Researchers Pull Plug on AI After It Invents Own Language https://t.co/yYxFSdVZji https://t.co/kL5N0gNE2d

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 01:09PM

NC Mysterious New Island Appears On NASA’s Image


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 12:17PM by Newsdialy http://ift.tt/2v6nFGG

Astronaut Sunita Williams On Her Time In Space And 'The Mars Generation'


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 12:11PM by zsreport http://ift.tt/2vT0BsB

NASA takes next step in proposed Deep Space Gateway


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:30AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2uLUxSm

Reason why water bears are the toughest revealed in DNA analysis


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:39AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v762qg

Chemical on Titan's atmosphere detected to potentially make cell membranes


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:01AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v9BlQJ

MIT researchers developed transparent and flexible solar cells


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:10AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v9l26E

Bollinger Motors unveils the world's first all-electric sport utility truck


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:20AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tSjKxo

Now Anyone Can Own NASA's Fabled 1970s Graphics Manual


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 11:12AM by sufferchildren http://ift.tt/2uLZlr5

Interesting banned documentary by Disney(!) about alien encounters


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 10:20AM by Zaptagious http://ift.tt/2tMkjEW

NASA is turning the solar eclipse into a giant science project


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 07:36AM by Jacobethan21 http://ift.tt/2v6fsSJ

एरिया 51-इस सीक्रेट जगह पर होती है एलियंस पर रिसर्च | secret behind area...


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 09:36AM by neelbhardwaj http://ift.tt/2uLF30V

Kasparov: 'Embrace' the AI revolution https://t.co/YpafhI3a5w

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 03:26AM

Kasparov: 'Embrace' the AI revolution https://t.co/YpafhI3a5w

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 03:26AM

Friday, July 28, 2017

If the universe has no purpose, we get to dictate what its purpose is. https://t.co/3f3pgAVyuq https://t.co/qwsO4mryL7

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 02:50AM

If the universe has no purpose, we get to dictate what its purpose is. https://t.co/3f3pgAVyuq https://t.co/qwsO4mryL7

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 29, 2017 at 02:50AM

Aurora Slathers up the Sky


Submitted July 29, 2017 at 01:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://ift.tt/2w88vNV

NASA Innovation May Help To Resurrect Supersonic Travel


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 07:30AM by mrozsas http://ift.tt/2harWDe

NASA is trying to get supersonic commercial flight off the ground


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:40PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2vRRyYR

Unlimited Energy: Physicists Assert We Already Have a Viable Model of a Fusion Device


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 11:16PM by MichaelTen http://ift.tt/2uGYY2p

Why are there so many "NASA is fake" comments on NASA's Facebook page these days?

I've been following NASA's Facebook page for years, and I've noticed in just the past few months, the number of comments claiming that NASA is fake/deception/a film studio/etc has absolutely exploded. Whereas you might have found a couple on a post in the past, they now number in the dozens, if not hundreds, per post.

What's happened all of a sudden? Why are these people even following the page? It's totally spoiled the positive atmosphere on the page, because now people don't bother making positive/constructive comments anymore because they get cussed out by tons of these tinfoil hatters.

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:27PM by themaritimeman http://ift.tt/2eV5BZJ

History channel just fuzzed out Muhammad... South Park you strike again... lol lol

No text found

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 09:44PM by MeowWoof87 http://ift.tt/2uHcjrO

smartdust cameras


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 08:45PM by do_0b http://ift.tt/2eUuMvy

Oshkosh EAA Airventure 17

Anyone attending Salute to Apollo at EAA? It is packed here!!!

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 08:03PM by giddymow http://ift.tt/2u6ml28

NASA scientists will chase solar eclipse in jets


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 08:46PM by cyanocittaetprocyon http://ift.tt/2tQL7Ij

This Week @ NASA - July 28, 2017


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 06:00PM by sciguymjm http://ift.tt/2vRHRtq

NASA's Randy Bresnik, Crewmates Arrive at International Space Station


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 06:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2uGqdKt

Einstein/Oppenheimer Alien Doc from 1947


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 05:56PM by DarthStem http://ift.tt/2vR3YA4

Look how perfectly content this lil fella is


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 06:03PM by Zaptagious http://ift.tt/2v7EbG3

NASA Selects Proposals to Study Sun, Space Environment


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 04:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2w7DAkO

NASA Awards Safety, Mission Assurance Services II Contract


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 05:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2tQK9LR



Submitted July 28, 2017 at 04:04PM by adamsufi http://ift.tt/2vQMiof

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/LifeboatHQ

July 28, 2017 at 12:16PM

Bruno Borges-The Alien Hunter Vanished!


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 02:37PM by godacityhacks http://ift.tt/2uG1I06

RT @SPACEdotcom: Astrobotic's Private Moon Lander Will Launch in 2019 on Atlas V Rocket https://t.co/yVXPFQyRHn https://t.co/sk3d2aPQtF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:05PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Why the super-rich are ploughing billions into the booming ‘immortality industry’ https://t.co/NGhF63tY2d https://t.co/8wN2Zuakvm

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:04PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Scientists discover nature’s algorithm for intelligence https://t.co/xsTKmXzutG https://t.co/UolvCCtGvv

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:03PM

RT @SPACEdotcom: Why Looking for Aliens Is Good for Society (Even If There Aren't Any) https://t.co/INcXkKGtGD https://t.co/b9k3aBN0xu

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:02PM

RT @futurism: Soon it will be flying around the Moon.https://t.co/k8B463Ym5c

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:01PM

RT @SPACEdotcom: Astrobotic's Private Moon Lander Will Launch in 2019 on Atlas V Rocket https://t.co/yVXPFQyRHn https://t.co/sk3d2aPQtF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:05PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Why the super-rich are ploughing billions into the booming ‘immortality industry’ https://t.co/NGhF63tY2d https://t.co/8wN2Zuakvm

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:04PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Scientists discover nature’s algorithm for intelligence https://t.co/xsTKmXzutG https://t.co/UolvCCtGvv

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:03PM

RT @SPACEdotcom: Why Looking for Aliens Is Good for Society (Even If There Aren't Any) https://t.co/INcXkKGtGD https://t.co/b9k3aBN0xu

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:02PM

RT @futurism: Soon it will be flying around the Moon.https://t.co/k8B463Ym5c

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 03:01PM

Half Our Body's Atoms Could Have Come From Outside The Galaxy https://t.co/HXXkR4t9zj https://t.co/i9hpAdmTLG

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:23PM

Half Our Body's Atoms Could Have Come From Outside The Galaxy https://t.co/HXXkR4t9zj https://t.co/i9hpAdmTLG

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:23PM

Researchers Just Achieved One of the Major Requirements for Quantum Computing https://t.co/tcEHGe7nRt https://t.co/iOLNPQ6F4T

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:19PM

RT @DavidBrin: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope finds what may be... a Neptune-sized exomoon https://t.co/MjJ6TzKoIn

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:19PM

Researchers Just Achieved One of the Major Requirements for Quantum Computing https://t.co/tcEHGe7nRt https://t.co/iOLNPQ6F4T

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:19PM

RT @DavidBrin: NASA's Kepler Space Telescope finds what may be... a Neptune-sized exomoon https://t.co/MjJ6TzKoIn

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 28, 2017 at 02:19PM

Eclipse Balloons to Study Effect of Mars-Like Environment on Life


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 02:00PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/2tKpghf

New Shocking Claim: 33 Flying Saucers Appeared Over Waco Air Force Base in 1954


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 01:27PM by banana-meltdown http://ift.tt/2veKg4v

Soyuz Launches Expedition 52-53 crew to International Space Station


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 12:48PM by dennis-iss http://ift.tt/2u5w48D

#Man_reptile, snake men or men are legendary creatures. - Cognitio


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 09:57AM by Cognitiomatrixred http://ift.tt/2v6pBhP

The largest wind farm in the US will be erected in Oklahoma


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:57AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tQ1fcT

First interstellar spacecraft prototypes have been launched


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 11:07AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tKaeIq

Microsoft announces launch of its own AI-powered photo search


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 11:18AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tJUDsl

Australia will build the world's longest electric highway


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:35AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v4kCyN

NASA's Hubble telescope may have detected the first exomoon


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:45AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2uJ19kw

NASA's AIMP Missions: The Forgotten Lunar Orbiters


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 09:42AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/2u4r2tg

The Apollo 10 lunar mission as presented in a 1990s book on the design of liquid-propellant rocket engines


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 09:47AM by hobbs2000 http://ift.tt/2tPWK1V

Don't forget Expedition 52 is being launched today!

We can see the launch (and docking) live from NASA's website

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 09:49AM by pariah0409 http://ift.tt/2tPmCez

Many Alleged alien abductees describe some sort of 'vision' of humanity doing a terrible job of stewardship of the planet .

This is just ancillary evidence, But I was mapping out many of the reports I found online and I see that there is a significant correlation between visions of human inflicted damage to the planet and alleged UFO abductees. I think it is interesting .

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 10:44AM by androidbitcoin http://ift.tt/2tK7laG

NASA launches app to inspire citizen scientists during Solar Eclipse


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 04:45AM by medifolk http://ift.tt/2vdvlHy

NASA scientists will chase solar eclipse in fighter jets


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 06:28AM by Gore75 http://ift.tt/2vdn9qN

Linda Moulton Howe interviews David Paulides, CanAm Missing Project -- "Part 1: 'Missing 411,' 2017 Missing People Update with David Paulides" and "Part 2: 'Missing 411' - Parks to Cities, Why Are Bodies Returned?"


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 07:02AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/2tJiEA0

Fact: We will NEVER contact aliens and here is why ...

Dont get me wrong, Im actually one of the biggest alien fans and am very passionate when it comes to this issue, but the truth is disappointing and we must face it.

The space between stars is literally astronomic with thousands to millions of years of travel even at the speed of light in an exponentially expanding universe.

There is literally NO WAY how we or they will EVER make contact. Some sort of faster than light propulsion might be the only way, but since Einstein we all know it is impossible. WARP drive is an illusion since it violates the very basic laws of nature.

Embrace the truth! We are stuck on this mudball FOREVER!!!!

Submitted July 28, 2017 at 08:52AM by Rationalist777 http://ift.tt/2tJO9d8

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Noodle Mosaic of Saturn


Submitted July 28, 2017 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://ift.tt/2vOLu3t

5 Weird Artifacts (could they be aliens?)


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 07:16PM by Maverick132 http://ift.tt/2uHbptK

Real UFO Cases Put Together In Video


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 04:48PM by ufosightingsfootage http://ift.tt/2eR807w

EXCLUSIVE: Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in Syfy's 'Aliens on the Moon'


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 04:28PM by sachinatplay http://ift.tt/2uCEvMp



Submitted July 27, 2017 at 02:35PM by angel232chamo http://ift.tt/2tNIbvM

Is there any document / video / stuff related to "Cat people" like there are many (fake or legit) for "Lizard people" and greys ?

I would be interested to see anything related to this topic, presumably fake , preferably legit, thats not the main point to me.

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 02:45PM by gipsyouioui http://ift.tt/2u2Kpmp

Any good documentaries out there on netflix etc?

I know we're all in this circle jerk over Romanek's thing but can anyone recommend a good documentary on abductions/etc?

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 02:51PM by Bconz56 http://ift.tt/2tNpJU4

NASA Announces 2017 MUREP Awards to Tribal Colleges and Universities


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 02:19PM by I_DR_NOW http://ift.tt/2uBH8xK

What are the feelings at NASA regarding the future of funding and space exploration under the trump administration?

I was listening to Neil degrasse Tyson, and he made a statement about how things looked promising during the Obama administration. He used the analogy that our generation is "coasting" on the laurels of the 60's and 70's space race, and how we needed Russia as an antagonist almost to drive us to get to the moon. Now that it seems no one really cares if we ever have interplanetary travel. What is the feelings around NASA these next few years?

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 01:08PM by WonkoTheSane__ http://ift.tt/2v3gUoJ

The Pope Is To Declare "The Aliens Are Coming" (Apparently)


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 11:38AM by sachinatplay http://ift.tt/2tNeriC

The Future of Electric Food is Here


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 11:49AM by scitechjunkie http://ift.tt/2v19MJN

The fountain of youth might reside deep in our brains https://t.co/rrnoGiLeGP https://t.co/j490Ar2J6a

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:14PM

The fountain of youth might reside deep in our brains https://t.co/rrnoGiLeGP https://t.co/j490Ar2J6a

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:14PM

The ‘iPhone’ of Robots Could Bring Capitalism as We Know It to an End https://t.co/668wJS83KD https://t.co/668wJS83KD

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:11PM

Scientists inch closer to understanding dark matter. https://t.co/QDaruzElw5 https://t.co/M5w8fieyD4

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:10PM

This could lead to future interstellar communication. https://t.co/6TXP3mUlEN https://t.co/HnzSb6sjeI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:09PM

Implanting Stem Cells Into The Brain Might Extend Human Lifespan https://t.co/tHWyNTMSmE https://t.co/fJ67PlKG9Q

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:07PM

The ‘iPhone’ of Robots Could Bring Capitalism as We Know It to an End https://t.co/668wJS83KD https://t.co/668wJS83KD

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:11PM

Scientists inch closer to understanding dark matter. https://t.co/QDaruzElw5 https://t.co/M5w8fieyD4

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:10PM

This could lead to future interstellar communication. https://t.co/6TXP3mUlEN https://t.co/HnzSb6sjeI

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:09PM

Implanting Stem Cells Into The Brain Might Extend Human Lifespan https://t.co/tHWyNTMSmE https://t.co/fJ67PlKG9Q

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:07PM

A Team of Scientists Just Made Food From Electricity — and it Could be the Solution to World Hunger https://t.co/bXh49cNxD5

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:06PM

A Team of Scientists Just Made Food From Electricity — and it Could be the Solution to World Hunger https://t.co/bXh49cNxD5

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 27, 2017 at 12:06PM

New eBay feature allows you to shop using photos


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 11:08AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v182jN

"The 'Missing' Enigma: An Unsettling Personal Encounter in the American Wilderness" by Micah Hanks, published on 20 July 2017 -- "Something led my sight over to an area of brush nearby, where at first, out of the corner of my eye, I saw what appeared to be a figure."


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:47AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/2v19nqJ

I was hearing weird tones and beats in my head last night, so I looked into it and found this.


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 11:11AM by UrBroBilly http://ift.tt/2uG6IAa

Blocking the Sun with NASA


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:52AM by deddy7785 http://ift.tt/2eQSVTm

NASA's Deep Space Gateway project builds prototype of deep space habitat using cargo container


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:33AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tFSYnH

Potential new treatment for neuroblastoma includes spice turmeric


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:44AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v2Lz5g

Breakthrough Starshot launches the world's smallest satellites into orbit


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:57AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tGgMYK

Researchers are adding imagination to Google DeepMind's AI


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:08AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2v2rfkx

US performs first human embryo editing


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:23AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2tFLIrX

A man went to space and never came back


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 10:06AM by Lucaspo67 http://ift.tt/2h5myRN

Space community lines up in support of National Space Council


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 08:37AM by guujar http://ift.tt/2eQ8rzf

Cameras on NASA exoplanet spacecraft slightly out of focus


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 09:05AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/2tG4KP1

I met aliens. please listen.

I will post this in multiple places sorry but I have to spread the word. I met aliens. Yeah now I seems mad or a prankster to you guys. But just listen to me for next 5 minutes its nothing like you have seen in movies etc.They are not here for our water, they are not here for our resources, they have everything, they are not here to abduct us or experiment on us ha ha they know all about us. To a 5 year old they are here just to teach us something they are very very above us in all physical, mental, technological and spiritual regions. They told me that they want no havoc or destruction on earth. They are here to save it because something big is coming. They said that if we wanted to erase you it would have been done a long time ago I’ll be in a blink of eye and. You didn’t even realized. Actually if of notice cases of alien encounters it is extremely extremely rare that they harmed anyone. well i cant tell you everything here. please go to https://youtu.be/UZU1X4JnEWg and listen what i have to say. i may sound weird as English is not my first language tell me if you are a true believer in aliens you will go and comment. please listen it to the end and ask questions

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 05:01AM by cooltechpec http://ift.tt/2v1hDXg

John Barbour's World, 24 July 2017: John Barbour interviews David Paulides about "Missing 411" (first segment) and Joseph "JP" Sottile (second segment)


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 05:55AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/2vM4Q95

Top 5 Alleged Battles Between Humans and Aliens (Including military encounters in History from World War II to Present)


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 03:51AM by let_me_do_my_jobs http://ift.tt/2uzMObT

[D] Our AI's will reprogram our DNA to remove our blind spots

My top goal for AI is to help me see better in every way possible. An interesting post by Charles_Rosenbauer on the HTM Forum answering the question, "Is there a Basal Ganglia theory equivalent to HTM?" raises the issue of blind spots to learning created by limbic disinhibition,


which got me to thinking of how to fix our constitutional limitations. The bad news is it may require having our neural nets make changes to our DNA that we don't understand in advance. The good news is that it is looking more and more possible. Here's how, for people who want to start training that part now:


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 05:01AM by phobrain http://ift.tt/2h5fRix

What will the world be like post Disclosure?

Say that it is announced we have indeed been visited by other intelligent beings from another planet. How would this change our society? Much of the things we take for granted might suddenly seem so trivial. What effects would this have on our daily lives, technology, religion, economy?

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 04:32AM by Zaptagious http://ift.tt/2tLyKNE

Top 5 Alleged Battles Between Humans and Aliens (Including military encounters in History from World War II to Present)


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 03:47AM by let_me_do_my_jobs http://ift.tt/2tLu62a

NASA Will Chase August Solar Eclipse With Two Jet Planes


Submitted July 27, 2017 at 02:02AM by Borishnson http://ift.tt/2h4F1hv

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Current Budget Situation

Hello everyone,

Can someone help explain to me the current budget situation that NASA is going through? Which programs are being funded, which cut, or are they all being cut slightly? Lastly, do think the current trends are just temporary?

How does the current budget look for interns or pathways students looking to get into the company full time?

Thanks! This will help clarify alot of confusion for myself and others! :)

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 12:23AM by ramoola http://ift.tt/2tLnCAj

NASA Is Building a Prototype Deep Space Habitat - From an Old Cargo Container https://t.co/nxLJ6SElCN https://t.co/Ic5h61kb2Y

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:45PM

Do All People Experience Similar Near-Death-Experiences? https://t.co/NzF1ZRImrb https://t.co/NPV5N5nRyF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:44PM

Google launches its own AI Studio to foster machine intelligence startups https://t.co/dNbpdZs1l1

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:44PM

NASA Is Building a Prototype Deep Space Habitat - From an Old Cargo Container https://t.co/nxLJ6SElCN https://t.co/Ic5h61kb2Y

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:45PM

Do All People Experience Similar Near-Death-Experiences? https://t.co/NzF1ZRImrb https://t.co/NPV5N5nRyF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:44PM

Google launches its own AI Studio to foster machine intelligence startups https://t.co/dNbpdZs1l1

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 11:44PM

First human embryos edited in U.S. using CRISPR


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 09:49PM by Matthew2229 http://ift.tt/2u08GJS

Can we STOP allowing Romanek claims on this sub?

Im assuming this sub is about actual aliens and not fan-fiction, right?

I cant be the only one sick of seeing his garbage on the front page of this sub can I?

Submitted July 26, 2017 at 10:12PM by seeking101 http://ift.tt/2v9xN1S

NASA is building a prototype for a habitat in deep space — by recycling an old cargo container


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 08:23PM by moon995 http://ift.tt/2uDP9Rv

Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint https://t.co/GOJXQpvLsK

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:37PM

DeepMind researchers create AI with an ‘imagination’ https://t.co/x0BO8YIG0I

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:36PM

Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint https://t.co/GOJXQpvLsK

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:37PM

DeepMind researchers create AI with an ‘imagination’ https://t.co/x0BO8YIG0I

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:36PM

3 Banned Footage of Real Aliens | You won't believe your eyes!


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 08:23PM by masterdis http://ift.tt/2uyqizW

Liked on YouTube: 5 Mysterious Photos Found On The Internet With INEXPLICABLE Backstories... https://t.co/9eXyK21KZh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:12PM

Liked on YouTube: The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts https://t.co/H59t7YCrSh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:12PM

Liked on YouTube: 5 Mysterious Photos Found On The Internet With INEXPLICABLE Backstories... https://t.co/9eXyK21KZh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:12PM

Liked on YouTube: The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts https://t.co/H59t7YCrSh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 08:12PM

Liked on YouTube: 5 Mysterious Photos Found On The Internet With INEXPLICABLE Backstories...

5 Mysterious Photos Found On The Internet With INEXPLICABLE Backstories...
Previous Videos: https://youtu.be/2wRkW02J8FI https://youtu.be/0l8__k4G4Co Narrated By: Ty Notts ___ FB: http://ift.tt/2lPDyda TW: https://twitter.com/top5unknowns SUB: https://www.youtube.com/user/Top5Unknowns?sub_confirmation=1 ___
via YouTube https://youtu.be/Nc5DNx16pcQ

Liked on YouTube: The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts

The Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
FRBs last just a few milliseconds, and astronomers have detected less than a couple dozen of them without our current telescopes. Where do scientists think they come from? Thumbnail Credit: CSIRO http://ift.tt/2w1G4Bq Get your DFTBA - Solar Eclipse Pinhole Viewer Postcard: http://ift.tt/2v9aLZ4 Hosted by: Reid Reimers ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: http://ift.tt/1wQD8qe ----------Alexander Wadsworth, Kevin Bealer, Mark Terrio-Cameron, KatieMarie Magnone, Patrick Merrithew, Charles Southerland, Fatima Iqbal, Sultan Alkhulaifi, Tim Curwick, Scott Satovsky Jr, Philippe von Bergen, Bella Nash, Chris Peters, Patrick D. Ashmore, Piya Shedden, Charles George ---------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: http://ift.tt/1nXhX1n ---------- Looking for SciShow elsewhere on the internet? Facebook: http://ift.tt/yfARnF Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/scishow Tumblr: http://ift.tt/XPssAe Instagram: http://ift.tt/1IKfbTt ---------- Sources: http://ift.tt/2njczGK http://ift.tt/2mYiaX1 http://ift.tt/2mLRJmH http://ift.tt/2maOSAk http://ift.tt/2icYdI6 http://ift.tt/2h0bjEU http://ift.tt/2v9miYk http://ift.tt/2mRTCi0 http://ift.tt/292qy0T http://ift.tt/2w1xhiN http://ift.tt/2v9nURN http://ift.tt/1LcDVJd http://ift.tt/2v9mxmf Images: http://ift.tt/21znbRv http://ift.tt/2i47LCJ http://ift.tt/2w1G6cw http://ift.tt/2v960yx
via YouTube https://youtu.be/lmhrDQv2ZLw

if ur into more buttstuff are you gonna be abducted easier?


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 06:46PM by 1331-46 http://ift.tt/2uZfV9s

Help needed to find video

Hello fellow Reddit users! Hope all is good. I write this because I really need your guys help finding a youtube video that I watched a couple months back.

I remember the dialogue was all in Spanish and so was the title, something like "Conversaciones extraterrestres a través del hombre bajo hipnosis" maybe not exactly that but forsure close to it. I do speak Spanish but there was also english subtitles. Title translation to english = "Extraterrestrial talks through man under hypnosis" If I recall correctly the e.t was described specifically a "praying mantis type alien". It was about 20 minutes long. A woman was conducting the interview, the person being interviewed was physically a man but I guess you can say spiritually/mentally it was a E.T via hypnosis or telepathy (not sure). The man's voice was somewhat deep and spoke like what I can describe like a person that's possessed (minus the evil demonic voice) You know, just rough, almost mumbling, probally not the man's everyday voice, and the word choice and logic behind every answer did half convince me that something was speaking through him. It was only audio but the picture was a satellite image of the "globe" (quotations around globe because I've watched so many FE videos idk what to think anymore)

Questions were like "what is the purpose of life?" "what happens after death?" "why haven't e.ts visted earth/help humans?" "Are there more Aliens/how many?" And a whole lot of other profound questions I can not remember. What I can recall is they spoke alot about spirtuallity and us advancing through our own trial and errors, facing our own fate by what becomes of ouselves on earth. Some people pass onto another realm and others get transported into another life form on earth depending all on ourself, and being able to transport spirits or conciousness into other life forms- something like that, I wouldn't qout that. But I MUST say what I can recall does not give the actual answers justice at all (because it is 20 minutes long and I can only recall so little, sadly) Very descriptive answers. If you can help me out it would help alot because Id love to re watch it and also see what other reddit users make of it, and hopefully not never to be seen again.

Thanks in advance

Submitted July 26, 2017 at 07:24PM by IIIREDDXX http://ift.tt/2v0bieL

Watch NASA test the RS-25, the monster engine that will launch the most powerful rocket in history


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 06:26PM by cyanocittaetprocyon http://ift.tt/2w1hwbq

I got selected for a free autograph session and photo op with NASA's Mae Jemison - The first black woman in space. What would be some good questions to ask when I meet her?

She has quite an impressive background, including leading DARPA's 100-Year Starship project. I doubt I'll have this opportunity again. So, what do I say to her?

Submitted July 26, 2017 at 06:36PM by robotikempire http://ift.tt/2v9bEAM

RT @DEADLINE: .@ScienceChannel has announced new series 'Mysteries of the Missing' https://t.co/hJ03yYCVST

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:31PM

RT @sciam: Transplanted brain stem cells slow aging in middle-aged mice https://t.co/pZkSvjmrub https://t.co/0iVOHx9oq9

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:31PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices https://t.co/PBFkTRWjqD https://t.co/ydNKJDnboP

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: What will the car of 2040 be like? Following the announcement petrol and diesel engine cars will be banned from sal… https://t.co/HNhINs9XzX

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @ScienceNews: These worlds may be a tenth as common as previous estimates suggested. https://t.co/MOCCc2LeFh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @SPACEdotcom: Astrobotic's Private Moon Lander Will Launch in 2019 on Atlas V Rocket https://t.co/H7Pm68kySv https://t.co/EqCtaRmF9N

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @futurism: This small-scale trial is one of few real-world examples of UBI in action. https://t.co/9ApPFClk2a

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @techreview: EXCLUSIVE: First known attempt to genetically modify human embryos in U.S. carried out in Portland, OR using CRISPR. https://t.co/ruwWnPr7DM

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @futurism: NASA’s pushing the boundaries of flight with help from with Lockheed Martin. https://t.co/q9gaWx1n4O

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @DEADLINE: .@ScienceChannel has announced new series 'Mysteries of the Missing' https://t.co/hJ03yYCVST

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:31PM

RT @sciam: Transplanted brain stem cells slow aging in middle-aged mice https://t.co/pZkSvjmrub https://t.co/0iVOHx9oq9

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:31PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices https://t.co/PBFkTRWjqD https://t.co/ydNKJDnboP

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @LifeboatHQ: What will the car of 2040 be like? Following the announcement petrol and diesel engine cars will be banned from sal… https://t.co/HNhINs9XzX

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @ScienceNews: These worlds may be a tenth as common as previous estimates suggested. https://t.co/MOCCc2LeFh

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:30PM

RT @SPACEdotcom: Astrobotic's Private Moon Lander Will Launch in 2019 on Atlas V Rocket https://t.co/H7Pm68kySv https://t.co/EqCtaRmF9N

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @futurism: This small-scale trial is one of few real-world examples of UBI in action. https://t.co/9ApPFClk2a

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @techreview: EXCLUSIVE: First known attempt to genetically modify human embryos in U.S. carried out in Portland, OR using CRISPR. https://t.co/ruwWnPr7DM

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

RT @futurism: NASA’s pushing the boundaries of flight with help from with Lockheed Martin. https://t.co/q9gaWx1n4O

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

July 26, 2017 at 06:29PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/DEADLINE

July 26, 2017 at 01:21PM



Submitted July 26, 2017 at 02:26PM by unirockgogo2k http://ift.tt/2eNYYrU

Found an alien in the airplane!!!!


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 02:34PM by ps-efa http://ift.tt/2h3wlYC

Some commonly occuring observings about extra terrestrials

Lately I have been really invested in researching the UFO phenomena and have come across many interesting correlating things which simply boggles the mind if there is actually any truth to them. I’m basing these statements on the most common claims and observations from the numerous stories and witness testimonies I’ve come across going down the rabbit hole that is the UFO mythos. Some claims does admittedly sound outlandish but due to the recurring appearance of them it does lend certain credibility. Of course I do not claim any authenticity to these remarks, however I always like to keep an open mind. Think of Clarkes three laws:

  • 1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • 2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  • 3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

For example, imagine showing cavemen an automobile. How might they perceive such a thing? Out of this world.

Without further ado...

  • The most common description of aliens are the Greys. 4 foot tall humanoids, big head, grey skin, big black eyes. No ears, just small openings. Small protruding nose and a small slit for a mouth.

  • They are from the Zeta Reticuli system

  • The black eyes have been reported as being protective lenses or eye covers to shield from the sun

  • They supposedly have telepathic abilities, as ludicrous as that might seem. Many claim they have had a feeling of being told “to not be afraid” without any words actually spoken verbally. In the 1994 Zimbabwe UFO incident, several of the 62 students who witnessed the event claim the creature they saw transmitted images inside their heads about how humanity is on the brink of irreversibly destroying Earth and polluting the environment, and that it will have drastic consequences.

Zimbabwe School UFO 1994

Zimbabwe school mass UFO sighting – 62 children independently confirm saucer-shaped UFO and alien sighting

Clifford Stone explains alien telepathy and shares his experiences

John E Mack: the Dalai Lama on why aliens / UFOs came to earth

People have reported that they have a feeling of “being watched” as they witness UFO’s for an extended period, whereupon the craft takes off almost as if it notices it has been spotted. This might have something to do with their alleged telepathic capabilities.

  • As previously mentioned, the aliens seem to be concerned about our ecology and preservation of the planet. Which brings to mind UFO sightings spiking in the 1940’s with the invention of the atomic bomb. UFO’s have also been known to be drawn to nuclear installations as well as intervene in military operations by disabling various ICBM’s (Intercontinental ballistic missile) midflight.

Aliens have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles, say US military pilots

UFOs Continue To Visit Nuclear Energy Sites

  • The Roswell incident is the real deal. A flying disc did in fact crash in New Mexico, three beings were discovered where only one survived. Among the debris found was a type of metal with unique and strange properties; thin as tin foil, unbendable, practically indestructible and with indecipherable characters on it.

Former Major Jesse Marcel in his own words


  • The alien crafts, or flying saucers use anti-gravity or zero point energy as propulsion. They can achieve impossible speeds while also able to turn in a new direction on a dime, often accompanied by flashes of bright light. The reason the inhabitants of the craft are able to withstand so much force is because the inside has a pocket of its own gravity which is unaffected by the outside.

UFO The Bob Lazar Interview (Full Documentary)

  • There have been many other different kinds of UFO’s reported, including the flying triangle AKA “TR-38”, cigar-shaped crafts and not to mention the several football field sized V-shaped craft thousands of people witnessed in the city of Phoenix March 1997. Not to mention all the ambiguous lights in the sky in all kinds of combinations of colors, quantities and sizes.

  • People have mentioned the existence of over a dozen other alien races that have visited us, most commonly the “Nordics” due to their resemble to Nordic Scandinavians; Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.

  • Men in Black: Strange men who seem to visit witnesses in order to threaten them to keep quiet about what they have seen. Always traveling in twos and threes, driving dark limousine cars and wearing sunglasses and impeccable dark suits. Extremely sensitive to light, vaguely “foreign” in appearance, they keep their mouth closed except when issuing cryptic warnings and threats to UFO witnesses. Their faces are white, hairless, and plastic-like.


Submitted July 26, 2017 at 03:14PM by Zaptagious http://ift.tt/2uYiton

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.