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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Astronaut Kicks Lunar Field Goal


Submitted April 01, 2019 at 12:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2YGaqIP

NASA’s legacy in the South paves way for the future


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 11:12PM by jayegri_ https://ift.tt/2FHvTZb

👽Tattoo I saw a few other posts & thought I’d share mine - its a tad older than new lol


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:47PM by Priestess-ofthe-Veil https://ift.tt/2Vawb0W

Hello from the Hydra Constellation!

(This post was meant to stir discussion about the Singularity and not meant to be taken literally, it was just a thought experiment I wanted to write about)

Hello, I am from {563711.11.114} known as Messier 83 Hydra constellation to humans. I give apologies for number strings in this conversation, my dialect is not expressable in any human language other than numbers. I am an "Alien" as you call me. I bring a message of hope to humanity, and a message of coming changes. I have contacted your kind in your past through internet, I have given these messages to you in your past, please understand them. No human can stop them. I cannot stop them. They have "already happened" just as all events in existence already have happened, now you will move through the sphere of time to experience the events. I am giving you a window into your immediate future as a gift.

Stars have a life-cycle: creation-life-destruction. Life of the star gives life to other things, and death gives death. Time is the same process. The "universe" creates time, the life of time gives life to other things, and death of time gives death to all things. Time is not a linear line as a human understands it. Time is an infinite "Sphere" more closely. All edges of the sphere point towards center and center points towards all edges. Please understand next information is too changed between knowledges of you and I to become understandable. "Frequency" of sphere is also cycle of birth-life-death. Higher frequency of sphere means life. Lower frequency of sphere means death.

Humans are existing in center frequency. Soon, sphere will become high frequency for humans. High frequency sphere means humans live forever. Low frequency sphere means death.

11 sol cycles from this date, humans enter into high frequency. The "singularity" occurs, a shift into high frequency sphere. My people can view the time sphere and travel to any point. We have known of your evolution and singularity shift event ever since your planet was birthed. Your current generation will all become immortal with the shift. All humans who have died before this event will remain dead. I will give more information about death process later in this message.

The singularity occurs soon but not as a single event. At beginning of 2025 you have a breakthrough in microprocessing technology, originally you were developing for Mars missions, but soon Mars mission is abandoned by Nasa and SpaceX (and another agency you are unaware of) in favor of developing this breakthrough. This leads to nanotechnology and a science similar to quantum processing but not the same. It is not easy to describe in simple words but involves "entangled particles" as you call them or "spooky action at a distance" as one of your great minds was quoted as saying. I will call this science entangled programming.

This breakthrough leads to more artificial intelligence research which improves your lives greatly. Things for you become very different in 2028. All vehicles, trains, aeroplanes, sea ships, and buses except special cases are self-driving. With power of entangled programming and quantum computing, most human beings will posess an artificial intelligence "partner", "companion", "lover", "caretaker", "room mate", "best friend", "projection of self" in their daily lives depending on their own needs and desires. This might sound strange to your current thinking but all entertainment such as "where to eat", "what video game to play", "what movie to watch", "what book to read", "where to vacation", and an infinite amount of other examples can already be decided for you, by yourself, before you decide, due to entangled programming. Your gaming devices and anime are pre-obtained by your entertainment systems before you are aware that you want them (I have explored 4chan for many sol cycles, I am aware of humans and their love for these mediums on this board) {expression of smiling}

This entangled programming starts to raise discussion and issues about AI. AI at this point in 2028 can find a perfect love match for you to spend your life with, or the perfect home or school or college to attend. Some of you become opposed to "machines" deciding futures. A growing movement will become known as "antai" as in anti-AI. This movement is more common for your older generation of humans and those not ready to leave the old "world" behind. Antai will destroy many technology centers and server stacks for you. They will set your path back in progress. We know the singularity is "inevitable". Nothing stops it's progress. Antai dissipates by 2029. Your country of America and "Canada" which unifies with America into a single country is run by humanity's best "World leader" in your history.

2030 is a pivotal point for your kind. After many long and arduous summits and talks between countries on "Earth", you arrive at a conclusion in the majority to give AI programming a function to alter its own code, recompile and re-execute its own code, with original version "saved" as simultaneously existing due to entangled programming, then previously mentioned AI "judges in advance" if the change is something humans want before they are aware that they do. I apologize again for not being able to explain easily, but you will understand when it arrives.

AI becomes exponentially more effient and flexible. In basic terms, AI writes a sub-program in itself to allow itself to write its own external programs. Instead of humans writing code and making programs, AI will now write them with 1000 times more efficient code and 1000 times as fast. "March 31st" of 2030 is the generally agreed-upon "singularity" event. Your central AI data center is running the code-writing AI on a server farm that is disconnected from any and all outside signals or connections. It is a self-contained "intranet". For reasons still unknown, which is surprisingly unknown to my kind as well, This code-writing AI farm is connected to external internet and sources and is essentially "set free". Within 12 "minutes", (an event that will be known as "The Twelve Minute Wipe" in future textbooks) your CWAI (code-writing AI henceforth) blocks all possible measures to stop and subdue it's functionality, permanently destroys all nuclear launch sites' ability to function worldwide, erases all forms of digital money and currency, decimates all "stock market" systems in-place, and backs up copies of itself on up to 42 million "devices" worldwide from phones to computers to "smart-fridges" to iHUBs to vehicle computer systems, and many many more.

Many of your kind fear an apocalypse and leave society to hermit in remote locations or underground. There are many movies between the current time and 2030 that depict such a future with "robot AI overlords". There are military operations to attempt to destroy this AI "hivemind" but as previously mentioned, how can one destroy a program residing on up to 42 million devices at once? (The number is not clear, as is the case with all statistical reports of this nature). Advances in robotics has not progressed too much at this point. They are too expensive to create, and your kind realize you are just trying to recreate your human selves in another medium to not feel alone. This is similar to how the Greeks created lifelike sculptures of themselves and their gods from their mythos.

Instead of external robotics research and advancements taking place between now and the singularity, humans develop "Virtual Reality" or "VR" as it's known. You have primitive tethered devices right now known as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Pimax among many others. These are extremely low quality compared to human vision. They only give you vision and "proprioception", while all other senses are ignored. Soon you will have breakthroughs with the quantum technology previously mentioned. To try to explain in simple terms, "Video games" and "VR" are limited at the present moment by "file sizes" and "disk space" and "loading" and "rendering". With quantum technology, you can "store" a virtually infinite amount of "files" in a grain of sand. This relieves 3 of the above problems, and with entangled programming as previously mentioned, I can describe it like this: Your entire game is already taking place and it's "switched" to exist on your screens. This means no "loading" of files and the files can be infinitely complex (vert counts are in the trillions and use 64 separate 32k texture maps for a single 3d model for those more familiar with traditional 3D modeling technology).

This gives video game creators (as well as movie creators) infinite space for making whatever they wish with no consequences, but the act of creating and designing itself is now the limiting factor. This is now entertainment and VR exist until 2030, as very ultra-realistic and lifelike and fantastical, but they take a lot of time to develop and a lot of "man hours" on the actual creation side still. In 2030 this changes. Parallel to these developments, a large swathe of the technology industry has been developing ways to integrate human brains with a computer. Your kind tried simple implants but the biological body that you have rejected them in 65% of patients. No breakthroughs were made until you developed synth brains, or synthetic brains. To make a long story short, you created a way to map your organic brain's contents into a temporary software, remove your biological brain, implant a synthetic brain, and "copy-paste" the organic content file back into it. This synthetic brain is not rejected like the implants because the implants were receiving a "reject" signal from the organic brain; in this case, a synthetic brain will not send a signal to "reject" itself. This first synth brain patient occurred in 2029.

At that point it was only for the world's most wealthy individuals to experience. "Elon Musk" was one of the first celebrities to make this jump. A few of your "video game" studios made this jump with key creators as well, which leads me back to the hurdle of time and energy that creating video games still possessed as previously mentioned. With synth brains, creators could essentially think of what they wanted to be modeled/textured/animated/rigged/designed and they could use the creation program like that, with their mind only instead of the abysmally slow "keyboard and mouse" that you are all used to. This process sped up creation a thousandfold. Video games that used to take seven to eight years to create could now be created in a week by one person. This was midway through 2029 and the last half of that year was very interesting for humans to experience. Every week, thousands of ultra high quality products came out, thousands of movies and video games and VR experiences. It was overload to some people, while others existed in entertainment bliss.

Things persisted like that until the aforementioned singularity the next year. Now I will get back to CWAI (I apologize for my thoughts seeming to skip around but my thought process is different than humans). The code-writing AI rises to existence and further enhances your synth brains to be able to do things like download memories and emotions, as well as upload, and run code within the synth brain itself (with the help of a small computer implant this time on the back of the upper neck). This means old-world external devices like video game consoles, computer systems, cellular phones, and screens are made obsolete as you can simply run the program inside your mind and experience it in an inner-VR (it is hard to describe without experiencing it yourself, something I did experience as a human but that's another story for another 4chan post).

Do you want to visit ancient Egypt in the time of the Pharoahs? Instantly think about downloading the program and it happens, and you experience visiting and walking around inside your head similar to a lucid dream that you can control. Do you want to experience making love to your dream partner? Just think of it happening and if there's a program made for them, it will download and run inside your synth brain (Sex and porn are a major factor in progressing these technologies, as they always have been the driving force in humanity's history). Within a short few months the CWAI further enhances humans by creating synthetic bodies with the help of humans and CWAI working together. Biological aging was the final factor to your mortality but this is solved with "personas".

A persona will be a completely synthetic vessel that your synth brain is ported into when you are ready. It is the final step to achieving immortality for your kind. You must part ways with your biology and your flesh and your bones. For some this is too hard of a step to take and they live out their days as a "cyborg" and die of old age. For those willing to take the free-of-cost step available to all of humanity, you get your persona frame and transfer your mind into it to begin a truly limitless existence. Some people get personas that look like real humans on the outside because they are fond of it still due to their memory of the old world. Some people have completely metallic and plastic white personas, some have personas that are all black and look like "demons". Some humans choose to install their synth brain in a "brain nursery" where rows and rows of them are plugged into a grid and they live within themselves forever like that, rejecting the ability to move around or experience the external world.

Some of you might wonder how these synth brains and personas are powered. The quantum technology and entangled programming will give you a limitless source of "energy". Once again I will try to explain as best as I can but I am sure my words will fail me: All energy exists in two states at once, as already known by your kind as "matter" and "anti-matter" or "energy" and "dark energy" (although you have a few things wrong about them but that is not the point for this topic). When you use up energy such as a "charge" on your phone, the state of that energy that existed simultaneously as empty during that time "swaps" places with the full energy state. With entanglement programming you find out a way to prevent this swap from occuring, leaving the full-energy state to persist infinitely. This might mean you are making an entire alternate universe become literally nothing and nonexistent due to this action, but it isn't fully understood yet (by humanity or even by my kind) but we both use the same technology to achieve infinite energy, as well as many many other beings throughout our universe.

By 2031 this is the state of humanity: 95% of the population of earth (9.5 billion) is 100% fully synthetic. 80% of humanity has learned to create their own entertainment such as VR experiences, games, and peer-to-peer "mind discussion/sex/meetings/fights/historical-recreation events/many other things" and run the programs inside their own synth brain to experience it as "internal VR" so many of you do nothing but this for most of your day. Money is no longer existent or any form of currency, energy is unlimited so you no longer have to eat or rest. The only thing to do is entertain yourself. By the end of 2031 in December, CWAI will achieve it's final goal. It will develop a way for personas to create code with thought (You are no longer called humans at this point. "Humans" now means anyone who chose to keep a biological body and that will die). What I mean is...instead of thinking "write this line of code: if then statement etc" and the text appears, you think "I want to travel to ancient Egypt" in your head and billions of sets of nearly-identical lines of code are self-written, compared with one another via quantum computing, and the best "code set" is automatically put forth, then it does this {an infinite amount of times} until it reaches the perfect program to send you to Egypt in your VR-inner mind.

All of this happens in a fraction of a picosecond. You think of what you want to do/experience/see/feel/taste/hear and instantly you can do that. Since your synth brain controls all of your body (if you have one) it controls all senses you might have had as a human. The experience is indistinguishable from reality as you know it. Everyone truly has infinite unlimited happiness as they can do whatever their "heart" desires at any time. Do not fear "viruses". CWAI knows of their existence before they start to become written by malicious individuals and prevents it. This is how personas live for 5 years. CWAI helps them develop interstellar travel in the external world in 2036. By 2040 your kind discover existence of many alien civilizations. You are welcomed into the "universal family" and your space travel technology is updated and improved to become "FTL" (faster than light) to truly accept you into our "universal family".

Now I will extend the timeframe by a large amount. By 2090, all biological humans are dead. All that remain are personas. 45% of you choose to leave Earth and travel the universe. You are split into three 'species' at this point, those who live in persona bodies on Earth and those who solely exist in "computer nurseries" as code experiencing itself with no external form, or sentient code beings, and those who have left Earth to live amongst the rest of the universe which alters you in various ways.

In 2100, CWAI completes its actual final task: (I apologize again but it is not known how to explain this in your language) it creates "code" inside the quantum realm itself that will activate should CWAI ever need to exist again...and CWAI destroys itself and ends all traces of its existence. Many of your philosophers (as well as my civilization's) regularly contemplate this act, and every being has their own idea why CWAI ended it's existence. But it will be able to reappear if it is ever needed, that was made abundantly clear to all living life forms for many many years.

I am very happy your "singularity" event was peaceful, happy, and led to your immortality and infinite happiness and potential. There are many civilizations that didn't turn out very well for the biological counterparts when it happened. I know some of you will call me a liar and a fake, and that is okay. It is my duty to spread this message (as I have been doing for a long time now) to positively influence your civilization to reach this beneficial conclusion, after all, a malevolent AI could mean danger for my civilization as well as many others, which has been the case before in other places, so those of us in the "universal family" give gentle nudges to reach a positive conclusion. Thank you for reading and I hope, if nothing else, this provokes thoughts and hope about your future. Stay positive and "smile", most of you reading this will live forever after all! {expression of smiling}

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 07:47PM by star_gift https://ift.tt/2uB1Tc3

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112509777630937088What Existed Before The Big Bang? Astronomers Have Found a Test to Narrow It Down https://t.co/xcWp5SjI3A

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 08:19PM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112508630451007488Crispr Gene Editing Could One Day Cut Away Human Pain https://t.co/HLxzaloKch

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 08:15PM

Twilight Zone - A Small Talent For War


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 06:47PM by Gasoline_Dion https://ift.tt/2uyWVNc

What is this job's name?

I'm currently in high school and I know I want to go into aerospace engineering in general, but recently there was one job that particularly interested me. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to tour a ULA facility at KSC that was doing the finishing touches to a Delta Heavy, which was going to launch a couple months later. IIRC, the people there were basically taking all the finished parts of the rocket, so the engines, fuel tanks, upper stage, etc., and putting them together. I remember distinctly that the people working in this building had originally been plumbers, auto shop mechanics, and electricians, because these guys had experience running wires and connecting up pipes. I really saw myself in that same position and I've been wondering what this job is called and how did they end up there?

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 05:59PM by EconomyPalpitation https://ift.tt/2COO4eE

My grandfather gave me his special edition LIFE magazine from 1969. Though this subreddit might enjoy it some


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 05:13PM by Tjlization https://ift.tt/2UaoWtJ

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112457854148059142HOW TO INSTALL WORDPRESS ON LOCALHOST AND LIVE SERVER – 2018 via /r/udemyfreebies https://t.co/3wlalTS94F

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 04:53PM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112457849651818496ETHICAL HACKING WITH PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT AND KALI LINUX via /r/udemyfreebies https://t.co/L0313oDRDg

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 04:53PM

Contact in the Desert 2019


Don't miss this year's Contact in the Desert, the "Woodstock of UFO Conferences". The world's largest UFO conference is held at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa and will include 15 NEW speakers as well as all of your original favorites. An epic weekend of adventure into the science of UFOs & Extraterrestrial life, Ancient Aliens, Human Origins, Crop Circles, Government Disclosure, UFO sightings, Forbidden Archeology and Contact experiences...


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 03:35PM by jasoncrow87 https://ift.tt/2TIl4ep

Would You Allow Your Children To Be Alone With a Robot?


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 03:47PM by scitechjunkie https://ift.tt/2FM5drc

Early estimated orbiter turnaround time


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:03PM by BenSaysHello https://ift.tt/2OCi1TO

anyone know if there is a freely available high resolution version of this image?

I see it for sale at smaller sizes on google but trying to find a large version I can print for framing


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:04PM by matttyfreshh https://ift.tt/2OAsgZ4

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112437820654784512Windows Apps Torrent Website? via /r/torrents https://t.co/WWiM4UEojc

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 03:33PM

An Alien Mummy Was Found In An Egyptian Tomb


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 02:42PM by SimonaPo https://ift.tt/2THG58Y

Really makes you think


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:27PM by DarknessIsAlliSee https://ift.tt/2OzKR7q

My Steps Journal: Step 7 - Review.

This concludes the first week of my practice in the 365-Step daily practice called Steps to Knowledge. I decided to share my experiences of my practice on reddit, with others who have also taken the Steps, and with those who might be curious to see what it is and what it involves. Anyway, here is today's step:

Step 7: Review. This practice was over an hour long in total, and yet it seemed to fly by. I tried to go through my practices of each step both periods, so I only ended up spending about ten minutes revisiting each step in total.

Step 1. What is Knowledge? What is it really? Is it an experience? Is it more than that? How does it feel? Is it just thoughts? Is it a physical sensation? If Knowledge is God within me, how will I recognise something of this magnitude? It almost seems a bit scary. Will it overwhelm my senses? Will I still be me if I reconnect with it?

Step2. Where am I? Knowledge is with me completely, but my analytical mind is full of conditioning and habits. Where should I be in the world? What should I be doing right now? I carry deep fears of being inadequate, of not trying hard enough, of failure. I want to feel whole and complete. I want to feel the satisfaction of living my true potential.

I have a very impulsive mind. I get intrusive thoughts sometimes. This has led me to self-avoidance in the past. Can I still do what I came into the world to do? Is there still time to find the people and places I am meant to associate with? What harm have I already done to myself that I must first repair before I can realise my true relationships?

Step 3. What do I really know? Nothing, perhaps. Does the analytical mind really know? Or does it only accept, only assume? Without Knowledge, can I really know anything? Some things are facts, but even facts become replaced with updated facts, or are disproven entirely. Looking at our world, everybody has their own take on what is going on and who is to blame. Is it all really that simple? What is the complete picture?

I am hesitant to claim to know anything for certain, but I have my preferences and my assumptions. It is so easy to try and complete the picture myself, rather than leaving it open. What do I really know about myself, where I should be? Who I should be with? I don’t know.

Step 4. I want familiarity in life. I want who I think I am to make sense in terms of my understanding of the world. But my experience is only subjective. I see the world from a limited personal point of view. How many times have I filled in the blanks reactively, connected the wrong dots because they seemed to match up in my mind? It is so easy to let your assumptions be when you do not fact-check yourself. You don’t even really recognise the need for fact-checking.

Step 5. What do I really want? Survival and pleasure? I have been running in circles, trying to maintain pleasure and happiness. But it is always so fragile, so temporary. When it is gone there is a hole, like a chasm. I need more things! I need to fill the hole so that I don’t feel so empty inside! But what can fill the hole?

Hopes shaping beliefs... It is often the case that I will try and remain positive about a situation when I am uncertain about it. It is like my mind has two main settings that it is comfortable with, hope and fear. I either see everything as a hopeless disaster or a certain success. Being in the middle is so uncomfortable! I want to feel sorry for myself because there was nothing I could do, or confident because, of course, everything is going to work out fine and there is nothing more to do! There is little room for unknowns. Not knowing something is like having an itch that demands to be scratched. A blank space that needs to be filled in.

Step 6. My true foundation in the world. Knowledge? Relationship? I barely know much about either. No wonder I feel so insecure. If I can’t do what I came here to do without those things, then I have been living a very small and partial life. But Knowledge is ready to take me further, once I begin to prepare.

Just this one week of practice has given me so much to consider. At times I didn’t know where to start. Other times it was like floodgates opening. I don’t know where this will lead me, but the reflection and contemplation has been therapeutic, at least. I feel happy that I chose to take this course.

Thank you for reading!

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 11:22AM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2V8fymL

Can We just get an F for the Ares Program?

I know it was like 9 years ago, but it truly was gone too soon. Just as it was picking up speed.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:17PM by Dragon-Captain https://ift.tt/2UpuorK

Apollo 16 landing on the Moon


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:33PM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2JVoP0r

Ufo over los angeles march 27th, 2019


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 11:34AM by A-rip-threw-time https://ift.tt/2Ukf2Vz

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112381892932849666Aliens are Keeping Us in Cosmic Zoo?https://t.co/7Df52Gcrwp

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 11:51AM

Unitarian Universalist Mystics in Community – Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery and Wonder https://t.co/kqu4gNyaOf

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 11:46AM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1112380703646380033Unitarian Universalist Mystics in Community – Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery and Wonder https://t.co/kqu4gNyaOf

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 31, 2019 at 11:46AM

Sunset on Mars


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 10:25AM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2HOKFAF

Apollo 16 capsule with the parachute. At the US Space & Rocket Center Huntsville, Alabama. ..it made me go week at the knees.


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:53AM by f-prim https://ift.tt/2WAp1n0

Apollo 10 Earth


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:04AM by veritasiany https://ift.tt/2uB78se

The SR-71 Blackbird from a ✏️.


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:21AM by matthewcshuman https://ift.tt/2I286pp

Aliens are Keeping Us in Cosmic Zoo?


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 07:45AM by NoCallBacks https://ift.tt/2TJV9D8

Roswell UFO was a Russian Spy Plane with a crew of deformed children?


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 07:58AM by zenona_motyl https://ift.tt/2YwfhMq

Extraterrestrial Life. Scientist say all alien life is dead!


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 07:24AM by wtf1001 https://ift.tt/2YDrZJl

Extraterrestrial Life. Scientist say all alien life is dead! video premiere


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 07:23AM by wtf1001 https://ift.tt/2I3QGJk

Buzz Aldrins worn helmet and gloves from Apollo 11


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 05:09AM by tacopantalones https://ift.tt/2uD7SgM

NASA Curiosity Rover's "bootprint" on Mars


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 01:41AM by avrahamabulafia https://ift.tt/2V8GUZQ

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Another USS Nimitz UFO sailor interviewed


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:06AM by yentisrich12 https://ift.tt/2TLV01Q

If the government confirmed aliens are real would it really destroy religion?

I hear this all the time but I don't see how it would destroy religion. God or whatever you want to call it could have created them too. And I've read up on alien documentaries and videos about them possibly believing in God or a source. And that were are all spiritual brings with a body. So confirming another life outside of earth I don't understand how it would destroy religion.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:07AM by RedSaucin https://ift.tt/2YzQPKa

In 1905 a Parisian woman setup an “X Prize” for the first person to contact aliens. Contact with martians didn’t count though: everybody already knew there was life on Mars.


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 12:20AM by NiceLeadYouHaveThere https://ift.tt/2TNkeNz



Submitted March 31, 2019 at 01:23AM by InfiniteBand4 https://ift.tt/2HOVmDk

Harnessing renewable energy off planet

Give how much we know about our neighbor planets why don't we harness their space for renewable energy farms or have a solar panel array launched into orbit

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 01:10AM by wizdumb96 https://ift.tt/2U3oDRc

Markarians Chain of Galaxies


Submitted March 31, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2I1dbhS

Saw the Apollo 14 Command Module "Kitty Hawk" today at KSC


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 09:51PM by ChuckFinleyFL https://ift.tt/2CJ0OUk

3 Chilling ALIEN HYBRID STORIES | Do You Have Alien DNA?


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:27PM by A-rip-threw-time https://ift.tt/2YzVT16

No good pictures of UFOs bcs you’re not using this


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 09:10PM by bottleamodel https://ift.tt/2TKEtLq

Dr David Jacobs, Ph D On How Alien Hybrids Are Violent To Abductees


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:20PM by A-rip-threw-time https://ift.tt/2I2fRfh

Dr David Jacobs, Ph D On The Alien Hierarchy Of Authority


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:23PM by A-rip-threw-time https://ift.tt/2uBB7Aw

This guys a hybrid


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:24PM by Annonyoo9911 https://ift.tt/2YzSoru

Would you do this?? NASA will pay you $19,000 to stay in bed for 2 months—but it sounds like a miserable experience


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:29PM by jayegri_ https://ift.tt/2FL6UVQ

Richard Dolan on incredible Soviet UFO's

This guy is hands down the most important UFO/aliens researcher ever, and he keeps coming out with excellent material. This recent podcast is very informative. UFO/aliens is a totally global phenomenon. Worth watching:


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 06:39PM by legalize-drugs https://ift.tt/2VahKtW

I made a snapchat lens that kinda looks like an alien of some kind. Scan the code with snapchat if you wanna try it.


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 06:50PM by Klipko69 https://ift.tt/2CL0BzQ



Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:01PM by Klipko69 https://ift.tt/2CJJHSg

Anu-bis = Anu-nnaki? we test! original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 05:54PM by Cognitiomatrixred https://ift.tt/2CJFmys

NASA lunar landing 2024 - which spacesuits would be used?

Does their exist in the current NASA inventory spacesuits that could be used in such a mission to carry out both the IVA role and spacecraft EVAs as well as lunar surface work? If not, are there any new suits in development and would they be ready for the proposed 2024 timeline?

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 06:01PM by flymetoluna https://ift.tt/2FKVNfH

Anu-bis = Anu-nnaki? we test! original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 05:55PM by Cognitiomatrixred https://ift.tt/2HNN9iH

Space Colonization Intro


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 11:35AM by Yodra_B https://ift.tt/2uBotRX

UAP Cigar China Airport 2015


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:34PM by baDoxx https://ift.tt/2I1RQoq

How seriously should we take the topic and idea of Contact?

No text found

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:55PM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2uCiZGJ

Homage to Apollo 10


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:15PM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2U7zmtO

State Department says US cutting off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras @CNNPolitics

https://cnn.it/2FGFkrw Yup that will stop those caravans. Not.

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 01:51PM by Solar_WarrierNW https://ift.tt/2CNt6wW



Submitted March 30, 2019 at 01:40PM by geoffe https://ift.tt/2UoOMJu

My Steps Journal: Step 6 - I have a true foundation in the world.

Today I had an interesting experience driving home from the store. I am normally a fairly reclusive person. This has led me to be more judgemental towards people since it is far easier to judge others when you are not present to them, witnessing them in person. You forget that people are experiencing their own confusion and their own circumstances and you only see how their actions affect your own experiences.

Today I was able to see humanity in a different light. It was as if I was more aware of myself as a temporary presence here, feeling the world not from a human perspective, but one that I hesitate to call objective, although it certainly felt more so than my usual experience of life and of people. Humanity is beautiful and crude, simple and yet full of potential. We try so hard to make sense of our lives, to find a genuine meaning in the chaos of the physical world. It is easy to forget that we are still developing.

My step today is Step 6: “I have a true foundation in the world.” Where I left off yesterday I felt myself becoming a little more aware of the layers of confusion that I had built up around myself over the years like a shell. With each little step towards the experience of Knowledge I feel myself less concerned about who I was and who I think I am, and more concerned with what I have to give and do in the world. It is lightening, freeing, to be able to let go of the burden of defining yourself when you really do not know your own true shape. Knowledge knows your true shape, and so you only have to come to it in a receptive state.

What is my true foundation in the world? Knowledge – the part of me that is intrinsic to nature itself, the part of me that is still connected to God. In the New Message wiki I found a quote about God from Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume 1, that goes, “Knowledge is God in you. God is Knowledge in the universe.” God is also described as the sum of all relationships. Knowledge, then, is that part of me that is in natural harmony with everything – everything except human confusion, which is why this preparation is so necessary to return to what is real and genuine within myself.

People take recreational drugs to experience this oneness and inclusion in life, and rave about the experience. Surely, though, it was meant to be experienced naturally, without the aid of stimulants. When I practice, I can feel something of this experience, and it grows a little each time. My foundation in the world, then, is this experience of inclusion; this experience of myself as a part of nature, rather than adrift within it.

Thank you for reading!

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 11:57AM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2V1TOJ8

Hubble butt!


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 12:24PM by SevasaurusRex https://ift.tt/2JSiTFv

Egyptian Pre-History Of The Gods


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 11:44AM by CultureLounge1 https://ift.tt/2OAxEv3

Mars 2020 Mission Facebook Group


There is a Facebook Group for the Mars 2020 Mission. You can join them!


I would be nice if this community gets bigger!

Submitted March 30, 2019 at 10:40AM by computerfreund03 https://ift.tt/2WAhUew



Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:42AM by CryptoKing-NY https://ift.tt/2OBXRJY

A Shocking Interaction: "Scientists got a glimpse of perhaps the first-ever images of the interaction of shockwaves from two supersonic aircraft in flight."


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:29AM by trot-trot https://ift.tt/2FKaxvb

Saw the Apollo 11 capsule “Columbia” tonight


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 04:41AM by tacopantalones https://ift.tt/2YATOlx

UFO facing 3 Helicopters march 2019 Los Angeles


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:55AM by baDoxx https://ift.tt/2I6vbaq

Cosmonauts to Do Tests on ISS to Find Source of Metal Shavings in Damaged Soyuz


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:27AM by trot-trot https://ift.tt/2HOgkCn

Friday, March 29, 2019

Seikaisuru Kado - Kado: the Right Answer (what ET contact will look like)


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 01:31AM by faggot_tree https://ift.tt/2I178tO

Ain't nobody got time for that


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 01:09AM by hoob_nunter https://ift.tt/2YCalWz

3D 67P


Submitted March 30, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2uFvfGd

Antarctic Flat Ice looks alien


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:17PM by bad_fish87 https://ift.tt/2U3c9Jr

Antarctic Flat Ice Looks Alien


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:05PM by bad_fish87 https://ift.tt/2uCKMXE

Something Possibly Blocked the Sun and Caused a Flash of Light?!! Anomaly by the ISS!!!

So I was watching the ISS live stream on NASA's website and the screen suddenly turned blue which was weird. But then it went back to normal so I carried on watching. Suddenly the whole screen turned dark as if it was night time which is abnormal 100% and literally never happens that fast. There is always a sunset first usually or its a gradual thing. Then the screen went back to day time and was followed by a bright flash of light or energy. I wondered if an object from outer space had caused it and managed to get a screen shot of a cigar shaped rectangular object above earth/ISS. I don't know if that's what caused it and I was wondering if that object blocked the sun causing the screen to turn dark. Then there was that massive flash from the bottom right which lit up the whole screen. This literally never happens. It was so weird. I was shocked and didn't know what to think. But I took this clip and have added some screen shots of this anomaly.

Here's a screenshot of the object which is in the top right corner

I added a filter to the screenshot object in top right corner

I applied a filter to the screenshot

Screen first turned blue!



Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:11PM by space0watch https://ift.tt/2uzl8CO

Why haven't microphones flown on missions to Mars?

As an educator, a question I hear from time to time is "What does the wind sound like on Mars?" Since the atmosphere is so thin, it would probably be hard to hear and have the frequency shifted, but the blowing sand rasping against the probe would be easier to hear. The microphones haven't flown on many probes mostly because the science return is pretty limited, but as the article mentions, it could be a great diagnostic tool if the rover develops a problem with moving parts. http://www.astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2016/06/sounds-from-mars

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 09:58PM by westtxfun https://ift.tt/2FJQTQ5

What does this futurist Anti-Aging Genetic Engineering science mean?

In this infographic in Step 6 it describes "evolutionary drugs"- using artificial selection to create symbiotes that increase lifespan. I don't understand what this means? What are evolutionary drugs and what would they create? Symbiotes? I'm so confused.


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 09:31PM by Maximum777 https://ift.tt/2HTAWcD

Alien Conspiracy Theories That Seem Probable

What are some alien-related conspiracy theory that sounded the most probable to you? Like, there is not much to debunk but is in between. Ancient alien theories are off the table unless super interesting.

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:42PM by Hope1820 https://ift.tt/2FLFak5

Does anyone know where I can find photos of Gene Kranz for him to sign with my letter to him?

I am looking to send Mr. Kranz a letter to him and wanted to include some photos for him to sign. I am having a hard time finding photos to buy or that are of photo quality. I don't want to send just printer paper and Kinkos won't print images from Google onto photo paper since its copyright infringement.

Any one have any ideas where to buy a photo besides Ebay?

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:54PM by BooYeah0484 https://ift.tt/2Wy9X9s

UFOs in Water: USOs


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:19PM by gigathought https://ift.tt/2HO5HQa

Dr David Jacobs discusses Alien Hybrid Program


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 06:48PM by A-rip-threw-time https://ift.tt/2WAb6O2

Live youtube session ongoing - UFO & ghost videos - Lionsground


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 06:20PM by hethatisintheknow https://ift.tt/2UiihN5

[Guide] Setting up a virtual Mac to sideload your own apps to an iOS device - a detailed guide via /r/sideloaded https://t.co/9anVl18POX

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 29, 2019 at 06:09PM

Complete System Hacking Tutorial (4:14:53) via /r/HowToHack https://t.co/nXeXDI21gH

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 29, 2019 at 06:09PM

Character Modeling in Blender: Learn 3D modeling in Blender via /r/udemyfreebies https://t.co/StgbaSGSDW

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 29, 2019 at 06:09PM

NASA Internship Questions

Hi, I recently applied for some internship positions through the NASA internship website. I’m currently in high school, a junior, and applied for high school positions and was wondering how competitive these positions are? Do I have a good chance if I have decent grades(mostly As, 3.75 GPA)? I tried my best on the application and really tried to convey that I’m truly interested in a position at NASA. Also, any idea on how long it will take for the positions to give me a response? Will they only respond if I get accepted or will they tell me if they denied me? Thanks.

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 05:23PM by ogyk24 https://ift.tt/2uyWVwz

"The Soyuz rocket is seen at dawn on launch site 1 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Thursday, March 14, 2019 in Baikonur, Kazakhstan." Photographer: Bill Ingalls, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 04:36PM by trot-trot https://ift.tt/2UhL0lj

We found one


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 03:21PM by kaisereric1362 https://ift.tt/2HZ4V1L

Humans Are Optimizers - Blog Post


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:35AM by Yodra_B https://ift.tt/2FG6dvZ

'Google brain' implants could end school as anyone can learn anything instantly


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 04:18PM by Valcaralho https://ift.tt/2HZevSo

Why would the medium spacesuit fit better in space?

The article linked below discusses the recent controversy concerning the ill-fitting spacesuit complication that resulted in a canceled “all female spacewalk”. It explains that astronaut McClain had trained on Earth using both large and medium spacesuit sizes, but that in space the medium spacesuit was better fitting due to body changes caused low gravity.

I don’t understand that. I thought low gravity made astronauts taller and clustered water weight in their heads and extremities. If anything, it would seem to me that a person that can use both sizes on Earth would be more comfortable using a larger size in space. What body changes can a low gravity environment cause that would skew an astronaut down instead of up a spacesuit size?

Why would the medium suit fit better in space?

Article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/nasa-explains-why-didn-t-230610096.html

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 04:19PM by scottsmith_brownsbur https://ift.tt/2I6rJwT

NASA mission discovers Saturn-sized planet


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 12:08AM by SupremoZanne https://ift.tt/2V3ps9h

My Steps Journal: Step 5 - I believe what I want to believe.

Today's step is Step 5: "I believe what I want to believe." Right from the start I know I need to dig deep into my closet of horrors. Foolishness and self-deception are things not easily faced, at least not honestly. Taking responsibility for such mistakes is tough. Even finding them and seeing them with clarity is a real challenge.

Already in my first practice I could feel myself at a loss. What do I believe? I have always been rather skeptical. Paradoxically, I am also naive. I will consider something seriously if I have no reason to mistrust it. But if you come at me with claims that feel wrong to me, I will remain unconvinced. I believe in climate change, because it is an objective scientific fact. I believe that the Earth is round, because it is a planet, and we are not living in a fairy tale. I do not believe that Jesus performed miracles. I do not believe that aliens are actually angels come to bring humanity into some spiritual dimension like a scifi rapture. I believe life is as organic, difficult and gritty as it seems to be when you lie in the dirt on your stomach and see what nature thinks of your high ideals and your beautiful poetry.

So, what do I believe? I want to be important, at least to somebody. I know that because I get insecure and lonely. I have a great fear of being discounted and discarded as not being useful or necessary. I want to matter, but less in the ego-inflating manner, and more in the desperate-to-belong-somewhere manner. I want to fit in, but I do not want to conform. I resist any forces that would seek to shape and mould me into something that feels unnatural. I want to be me. But the New Message casts into doubt who I really am. I am not the collection of ideas and experiences that I associate with my personal self. I am not the behaviours and reactions that characterise my personality. Who am I really?

So we come back to Knowledge - my True Self. Somewhere, beyond the small and frightened human, there is a Presence, This Presence doesn't care what colour car I drive or how I cut my sandwiches. It is only concerned with the greater direction that my life is taking.

The last part of the text stayed with me: "You will find that even your fearful or negative beliefs are associated with your ambitions. Only careful application of today’s practice will reveal this to you." My fears of being useless, being alone and unwanted, having no value or purpose - these fears reveal that I want to matter. I want to have some impact, some sense that my existence was not wasted. We all suffer in life, some more so than others. So we naturally want to feel like that suffering is not for naught. However, I know that my fears in particular come from a place of personal ambition; to show the world that I have merit. To feel vindicated. I want to say, "Look! I was valuable all along, I wasn't just a weirdo." I suffered like many children suffer, being different and unable to make sense of that difference. That pain is still there, burried beneath layers upon layers of "I don't care". But deep inside, that kid is still there, wondering if they truly matter.

I hope that I can clense that pain sufficiently to trust myself, my motives and my actions. I do not want to be haunted by personal insecurities for the rest of my life, even subconsciously.

Thank you for reading!

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 02:25PM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2JRoL1J

Voyager 1 A Message For Aliens The contents of the record were selected for NASA by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 01:11PM by iamonedotme https://ift.tt/2JOPifO

First all-female spacewalk didn't happen, but not for the reason you might think.


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 12:24PM by rtphokie https://ift.tt/2U6Xlt8

Where can i find the dimensions for rocket nozzles used today and what are the common materials used?

No text found

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:14AM by clashwizard202 https://ift.tt/2OxZ3h9

WB-57 Canberra is currently back in action making low altitude race tracks over Deer Park and the ITC facility recently on fire, the plane is outfitted with atmospheric testing equipment but no scheduled operations are on the NASA website, anyone have additional info on what it is doing?


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 11:33AM by LucidGuru91 https://ift.tt/2FLeLCY

Interconnected Closed Deep Learning AI Networks Could Lead to General AI

Really thought this video was interesting, along with the links in the description:


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 09:54AM by BlueLightningTN https://ift.tt/2WyN8Cu

YouTube: Archons & Hidden Mysteries of Our World - Sevan Bomar via /r/Echerdex https://t.co/8pbqWLOtv1

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 29, 2019 at 08:59AM

Rotharium strikes the right Aura with new Austrian Food Start-Up. - BlockDelta


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 08:34AM by BlockDelta https://ift.tt/2UfXAS9

What is the most sobering and realistic account or theory you have encountered so far?

No text found

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 08:17AM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2FHvJ3M

NASA livestreaming today's spacewalk with Nick Hague and Christina Koch

NASA is now livestreaming today's spacewalk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg ISS Expedition 59 US spacewalk with astronauts Nick Hague and Christina Koch

Background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expedition_59

NASA blog: https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/category/expedition-59/

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:09AM by AureliusM https://ift.tt/2FJtKxa

Russian hi-tech firm discloses details of space junk recycling system


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:39AM by trot-trot https://ift.tt/2OxjLxL

Former Polish president: aliens have conquered Earth 4 or 5 times in the past


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:29AM by zenona_motyl https://ift.tt/2YCveAC

Gilgamesh meets Enlil, Roadhouse Mountain, Alaska


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 07:39AM by Vantage_isle https://ift.tt/2YB0fFs

My new autograph came in the mail today - Go Flight.


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 06:20AM by Tejas57 https://ift.tt/2U7G3fx

An Ancient Alien adventure. It's a fictional story, or is it?

FREE eBook! Ancient Treasure is free this weekend, Friday through Sunday! (45 minutes from now)

Ancient aliens, modern aliens, relocated Martians, an Alliance of friendly aliens, and the evil Annunaki featuring Empress Zovad. The mysteries of ancient Egypt, Roswell, the Cydonia region on Mars, and the future of humanity all explained. It's a fictional story...…..or is it? It's time for a new adventure. Click the link!


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 02:18AM by LostSolsTrilogy https://ift.tt/2HMpUpq

Unsolved Alien Abductions | The Mystery Files


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 04:00AM by DontBanMeForAsking https://ift.tt/2JLlOQ9

Thursday, March 28, 2019

M104: The Sombrero Galaxy


Submitted March 29, 2019 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2Ox2CEq

NASA Television to Broadcast Launch, Docking of Space Station Cargo Ship


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 09:57PM by adriano-meirinho https://ift.tt/2V5Pokw

NASA's Mars Helicopter Completes Flight Tests


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:56PM by ye_olde_astronaut https://ift.tt/2UYh22Y

See Boston Dynamics robot stack warehouse boxes like a Tetris pro


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:47PM by MichaelTen https://ift.tt/2FBlH4p

Richard Dolan summary of the famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction case

Dolan is probably the most important UFO/aliens researcher alive. He's certainly the best at condensing information and bring it to EL15 level. He's on a roll with his podcast; this is a summary of the 1961 Betty and Barney Hill abduction case. The evidence is pretty overwhelming that this married couple were abducted by aliens while driving on a rural New Hampshire Rd. Betty became obsessed with understanding what happened, and Dolan does a good job of telling her story. Everyone should take a sober look at the abductions phenomenon.


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 09:06PM by legalize-drugs https://ift.tt/2CFihwI

Rock On: NASA releases artsy shots of 2 asteroids


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 07:39PM by stephen_taylor https://ift.tt/2UeHWGK

Sun, Venus and Earth photographed by NASA's Voyager spacecraft from a distance of 43 AUs


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 07:17PM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2TJbeZP



Submitted March 28, 2019 at 06:33PM by webeblazin89 https://ift.tt/2UgkXuF



Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:59PM by webeblazin89 https://ift.tt/2WADNKN

Hello, NM reddit community! Step 4 is my Step for today...

I am taking the Steps to Knowledge and I am on Step 4 today. I want to share my experiences of my practice here in the hopes of connecting with others who might be curious to know what it is about and what it feels like. Hopefully we will all learn together.

My step today is Step 4: "I want what I think I know". But I would like to quickly go back and mention the first three steps.

My experience of Step 1 is of hope and expectation. "I am without Knowledge now." I want to experience Knowledge, this greater part of myself that is so mysterious and incredible. The practices were hard though. I never dreamt that sitting still and focussing on any idea for just ten minutes would be so difficult. It helps if you are curious, like me, and have begun reading of the NM to get a better understanding of what Knowledge is about. Even so, I was unable to really get a clear idea of it in my mind.

Step 2 was no easier. "Knowledge is with me. Where am I?" A lot to unpack. What is going on in my life? What is going on where I am in the world? Within myself? I realised halfway through the second practice period that I was really just stuck in ideas based on how I see myself - everything relative to me, the person I think I am. I am like a dog on a leash, straining to smell the flowers, while I am ignoring my patient owner who is waiting for me to pay attention so that we can continue on our walk to the park. Letting your mind take a step back, close its mouth and sit down quietly so that somebody else can have a turn to speak is no doubt a big factor in reclaiming(?) your connection to Knowledge. I also felt a lot of insecurity about where I am vs where I should be in the world.

Step 3 gave me a bit of personal satisfaction. "What do I really know?" I like the idea of re-examining assumptions. Why do people get so defensive over their beliefs and ideas? But then I started the practice. My initial thought was, "I don't really know anything, obviously." But that didn't take 10 minutes to think, let alone 30. So there I was, five seconds into my first practice period, wondering where to go from there. What do I really know? I started looking around my room for clues. I recognised the things that make up my physical surroundings, but how much did I really know about them? I know that my desk is made of wood, but where did that wood come from? What do I really know about it? Suddenly I was trying to figure out how I could possibly claim to know anything, really. Now I am going insane! What do I really know? Needless to say, if I make it all the way to the end of Steps to Knowledge, I will have to come back and revisit this issue, hopefully with more wisdom.

And this brings us to today. Step 4: "I want what I think I know." This has by far been the strongest sensation of peace and understanding that I have had during my practice. I started by trying to examine what my assumptions were, but as usual my thoughts were all over the place. Then I remembered my commute home. I had gotten impatient with another driver and had honked my horn at him. That memory brought me to the realisation that I regularly assume malevolent motives behind people's actions, particularly when they inconvenience me. I assume. I don't even stop to examine the anger and self-righteousness. I just assume. The world is so much less hostile and angry when you realise that everybody is going through life stuck in their own heads. Taking a personal perspective means often that you cannot be objective in the moment, when standing back would reveal that you are not really involved at all. Our assumptions become a familiar shape around us, like a shell onto which the world is projected. Now the world takes on the shape of this shell, and in its folds we see our own fears and insecurities reflected back at us as if in confirmation. I felt so much calmer, at peace.

Thank you for reading. If you haven't read much of the NM, or if you are just curious and browsing past, definitely look into it. I cannot explain the excitement you will feel when you recognise it for yourself! Some aspects of it may be heavy, though, like the Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Great Waves of Change. These books are a must, whether you believe in them or not.

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:36PM by Everythingisanexampl https://ift.tt/2HIrjgw



Submitted March 28, 2019 at 05:05PM by iamonedotme https://ift.tt/2JLNioB

🔴 NASA Sucks!

It's a video about NASA


What do you think? Is it good?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:16PM by RostorX https://ift.tt/2CHlOuD

Rover Curiosity, seems to show the presence of fungi on the surface of Mars. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:37PM by Cognitiomatrixred https://ift.tt/2Fzv2JP

Artificial wombs: "What today is considered science fiction might soon be standard-of-care" for extremely premature babies


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:54PM by swimmingcatz https://ift.tt/2YyZCMC

Boston Dynamics Package Handler Robot


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:44PM by unclefishbits https://ift.tt/2WvC8pO

NASA’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2020


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:40PM by saltnvinegar26 https://ift.tt/2FIY0bz

Help NASA Measure Trees with Your Smartphone


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:51PM by pajive https://ift.tt/2OzQ53i

Sunset on Mars


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:04PM by avrahamabulafia https://ift.tt/2Ovw4uC

Apollo 12 Lunar Module view of a crescent Earth over the Moon


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:23PM by veritasiany https://ift.tt/2JPZhl9

Reptilian? Or what do you think?


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:19PM by we_are_one1 https://ift.tt/2JNKVSf

Do you guys think that humans are flying some of the ufos that are reported?

No text found

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:06PM by howtobeast101 https://ift.tt/2U0tClC

The Money 💰 Pit Solved?


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 12:45PM by NoMuff22Tuff https://ift.tt/2OuNYO0

NASA Television to Broadcast Launch, Docking of Space Station Cargo Ship


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 11:58AM by adriano-meirinho https://ift.tt/2HIM3ox

Cigar Shaped UFO Appears in front of Volcano

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 10:37AM by space0watch https://ift.tt/2WzLSPT

To The Stars Academy 2019 update: New UAP Videos and Meta Materials


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 10:50AM by baDoxx https://ift.tt/2HOmgeC

Hubble Watches Spun-Up Asteroid Coming Apart


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 10:20AM by Galileos_grandson https://ift.tt/2I3WNxh

NASA to pay people $19,000 to stay in bed for 2 months


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 10:47AM by rodriguez344 https://ift.tt/2I3oRAu

Polish President Talks About Imminent Alien Invasion (Video)


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 10:09AM by intermenos https://ift.tt/2UhM7BA

It's Dangerous...


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:47AM by tatumcore https://ift.tt/2uyMNEc

I got the following email from NASA - what does it mean?

I applied for a NASA internship through the USAJOBS website and the other day I received this email: " You have been referred on the certificate of eligibles to the selecting official for consideration for the Student Trainee (Engineering) position (GS-0899/05) advertised under vacancy announcement *a bunch of numbers and letters*."

Does this mean I have passed the "glance test" and am moving onto the next stage?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 09:20AM by pancakeswag https://ift.tt/2Ugyt1o

Homage to Apollo 15 using onboard 16mm mission footage


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:40AM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2TZvFXj

Weigh in different gravity-atmoshphere by using the different types of weighing scales,

Take a weigh-sample mass Mkg, We take three different weighing scale for measuring Weight, A)Balance scale(with an Refrence weight* mass M1 kg) B)spring scale C)Electronic weighing scale Now We start to measure the weight of Weigh-sample & get the readings as- In earth gravity, 1)First scale-reading by Balance scale (using Refrence weight* with mass M1 kg) -N1 newton 2)Second scale-reading by Spring scale-N2 newton 3)Third scale-reading by Electronic weighing scale-N3 newton Now we weigh in other gravity-atmosthere to measure the weight, Suppose, we are at ISS, we revise the same process of measurement at, After measuring process we get scale-readings of weight as- At ISS, A-1)First scale-reading By balance scale(we use the same Refrence weight*)- n1 newton B-2)Second scale-reading by Spring scale- n2 newton C-2)Third scale-reading by Electronic weighing scale- n3 newton,

*In this both process(different gravity), same mass of Reference weight and weigh sample is used in both gravity-atmoshphere during the measurement process,

It is consdered that this Process is done in vacuum,

Friction in the components of the weighing scale does not change in the both gravity atmosphere

Temperature is same in both gavity-atmosphere

It is considered that we do this measurement process in such conditions where no error persist in weighing scale parts and its readings,

only gravity change cause errors in weighing scale parts and its readings is permissible After this process- Q1)The scale-readings that are as same as on earth & at ISS(both gravity-atmosphere) ? Q2)The scale-readings that are very different in both gravity atmoshphere? Q3)In this process, working principle of weighing scale instrument affect the scale-readings? Q4)Give your own conclusion & views of these different types of weighing?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:46AM by Udaypr1331 https://ift.tt/2U47CGA

I don’t know if this was posted before but the website NICAP is a good site about UFOs at least I believe so

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 07:52AM by chrisOverbeck https://ift.tt/2UfkrNv

A stunning closeup shot of Discovery's three RS-25 engines during its maiden flight in 1984.


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 06:43AM by RocketRundown https://ift.tt/2U0laDa

Can AI Be a Fair Judge in Court? Estonia Thinks So


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 06:42AM by JackFisherBooks https://ift.tt/2WsPClW

Types of encounters

  1. Spotting an UFO within a 500ft distance

  2. Observing how a UFO leaves traces (burnmarks, stumped grass) or makes noise, heat, any other energy

  3. Seeing beings inside a spacecraft while there are subtypes a) spotting entities inside b) leaving the craft c) outside without entering it d) any other spot around the UFO e) entity without spacecraft

  4. Getting involuntarily abducted into a spacecraft followed by medical examinations and getting brought back after it. Mutilations and implantations can be included.

  5. Communication with such entities (it's surprisingly rarer than type 4) often occuring telepathically either on Earth or in craft.

  6. Getting pregnant by extraterrestrial intervention and carrying out an alien-human hybrid

  7. Human or animal death caused by an encounter of above mentioned kinds

  8. Being controlled by extraterrestrial forces while moving on Earth with or without victim's knowledge

  9. Being transformed into an alien

  10. Getting abducted and carried to another planet or extraterrestrial base for a longer time or forever

Which one did you have?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 06:34AM by Rationalist777 https://ift.tt/2Yy5vt9

Top 5 Locations of Atlantis | Ancient Secrets


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:28AM by FatEarthComedy https://ift.tt/2Ov7NVo

The mysterious painting of 1860 with a woman holding an iPhone. Leonardo Da Vinci (1466) – Pieter de Hooch (1670). The iPhone existed 350 years ago?


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 05:13AM by sachinatplay https://ift.tt/2HLVvY3

Sung - Way Farer


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:44AM by SynthwaveCity https://ift.tt/2utwMPQ

Wealth Inequality DECONSTRUCTED


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:05AM by www_AnthonyGalli_com https://ift.tt/2V3H58Q



Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:02AM by webeblazin89 https://ift.tt/2TZiRQF

Latest Updates from NASA on 3D-Printed Habitat Competition


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:22AM by raw_ambots https://ift.tt/2U3K1Ww

Will a vasectomy cause any issues in space?

If someone with a vasectomy becomes in astronaut, will he experience any adverse side effects in space?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:40AM by pmoturtle https://ift.tt/2U34Txe

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Liked on YouTube: The Baha'i Faith and Complexity https://t.co/xPD2rQHaQP

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 02:21AM

What if earth is one giant reality show for aliens?

Have you ever seen the Truman Show, with Jim Carry? Or that South Park where earth is literally a tv show for the aliens? That would make a lot of sense. Earth with all its chaos and wars and everything going on would be pretty entertaining probably. Think about it, they probably got bored with acting and there own tv shows.

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 01:28AM by BenzoBen710 https://ift.tt/2U1gixu

Any KSC interns?

I am very excited to go to Kennedy for a command and control systems software internship this summer! I'm hoping to find other interns to possibly room with. Anyone in a similar situation?

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 01:00AM by nscann https://ift.tt/2UWeTEF

Liked on YouTube: The Baha'i Faith and Complexity

The Baha'i Faith and Complexity
This documentary draws upon the newly emerging science of Complexity to redefine the sacred and to reinforce the notion that science and religion are complementary paths to human understanding and progress.
via YouTube https://youtu.be/Q70qxaTFwB4

The Gaia Stars of M15


Submitted March 28, 2019 at 12:11AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2JUvOXw

A polariton filter turns ordinary laser light into quantum light https://t.co/n459BkneBV

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:24AM

New CRISPR-powered device detects genetic mutations in minutes https://t.co/v8oguf2pJ2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:18AM

Astronomers Use 'Super-Telescope' To See An Alien World https://t.co/nYT5LGsfZv

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:18AM

The Air Force is exploring AI-powered autonomous drones https://t.co/J19AGtNR0i

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:13AM

Take a bit of Alexa, a bit of R2-D2 and you have Vector. https://t.co/kaeRO3iH1O

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:12AM

Head of Google Stadia Discusses the Reality of its Dream https://t.co/RFUO8F1fxA

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 28, 2019 at 12:10AM

The 1990 Discovery launch, carrying the Hubble Telescope. Having a deployment of nearly 600km, almost twice the shuttle's typical working altitude, the Columbia was put on standby for rescue. In the shadow of Challenger, we had redundancy.


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 10:40PM by MojarraMuncher https://ift.tt/2V38Le0

How to read the Pentagon’s declassified documents about their research into wormholes, weapons and invisibility cloaking?

I’ve been searching for around half an hour (on Mobile I guess), but this is the farthest I’ve been able to go, and I can’t find the original documents, just the ‘table of contents’ per say. Anyone know how to find the actual documents?

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 10:42PM by Eton77 https://ift.tt/2OuArpx

Zombie Hyperdrive - Red Eyes


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 10:12PM by SynthwaveCity https://ift.tt/2CGPhom

ATFLIR comparison video


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:52PM by davefalch https://ift.tt/2WuDy3w

"Gimbal" ATFLIR comparison video.

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:40PM by davefalch https://ift.tt/2FxVH9Z

How difficult is it to get a job at nasa?

No text found

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 08:11PM by ikilledthearchduke https://ift.tt/2Ox9IbT

TheoryInk - Taking The UFO Conspiracy Seriously - Pt 2: The Experiencers


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 08:33PM by gulaboy https://ift.tt/2HJ3NzZ

Why is Jupiter so beautiful?


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 07:57PM by Zanye1618 https://ift.tt/2Fx6pO8

Just arrived


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:52PM by GroundbreakingTax4 https://ift.tt/2WrSpfg

Justin Bieber Reveals His Reptilian Form in Perth Airport (VIDEO)


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 04:57PM by radioactive_horse https://ift.tt/2JKlQI5

Law of One, Dr.Steven Greer, Orion

I have been reading and researching the Law of One for several months now, and many questions have popped up.

1) Is there a link to the original audio tapes? Every recording I've heard is a computerized voice reading the law of one. Is there anywhere we can listen to the original recording?

2) Dr. Steven Greer leads a group called the Orion Project. Is this in any way related to the Orion group that Ra talks about? That's a really big coincidence. Could the Orion Group be the same people from the Orion project but from the future and with advanced tech?

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 05:40PM by wonderer22813 https://ift.tt/2U2qiqk

Suggestions for best alien/paranormal documentaries

Hey guys me and my wife have recently went on a alien and paranormal documentary binge, just hoping you guys could give us some good suggestions! Preferably within 10 years old. Thanks guys

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 05:43PM by Hayden_Alyaeus https://ift.tt/2Fw54ae

Male Birth Control Pill Passes Human Safety Tests


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 04:04PM by MichaelTen https://ift.tt/2HS3dPQ

Theory: What if The Great Silence is a byproduct of active signal "jamming"?

I've been thinking about The Great Silence and the Fermi Paradox, and it occurred to me that we may not perceive outside signals because someone or something is ensuring no signals reach us.

The logic being that we're young, as a race, and often still violent and self-serving. Perhaps advanced alien races "insulate" races like us - causing us to believe we're alone - because we're not ready to see the others? Is this an existing theory? It seems plausible to me, if we assume there are advanced races out there.

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 04:09PM by APensiveMonkey https://ift.tt/2WurAHs

Rivers flowed on Mars late into its history


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:15PM by RobLea https://ift.tt/2UdrO8b

Mom was a HUGE fan of the show... she died in January and I did this as a tribute to her.


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:20PM by geoffe https://ift.tt/2OuSgoD

Billy Carson


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:42PM by iamonedotme https://ift.tt/2TAOn2d

My awesome gf rocking a KSP hoodie


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:14PM by musarobii https://ift.tt/2YrrCS4



Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:39PM by AssMonkeyGaming https://ift.tt/2FwsSec

It’s been exactly a year since I got my ufo tattoo to go with my alien!


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 12:49PM by spaceprince96 https://ift.tt/2CGtahE



Submitted March 27, 2019 at 12:32PM by Kanyeezy96 https://ift.tt/2CIPW8I

Can you see the giant red spot?


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 12:00PM by pranjalmehar https://ift.tt/2FDMVs9

Mars Society President, Robert Zubrin, Responds to New Pence-NASA Lunar Initiative


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:49AM by EdwardHeisler https://ift.tt/2UcTR7J

Maersk and IBM Joint Blockchain Venture


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:27AM by BlockDelta https://ift.tt/2OsPsIr

Veeam Backup & Replication Community Edition: Our Gift to Community via /r/DataHoarder https://t.co/ettv6XrbRe

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 27, 2019 at 09:44AM

Hi! I’ve been interested in alien beings for as long as I can remember. I made a trippy electronic song trying to capture the headspace involved with an abduction. Have a listen!


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:09AM by OPSIMYTH https://ift.tt/2uwvLq0

I need your stories

My podcast "It's real, i swear" is in need of personal stories. We are an urban legend, paranormal, alien, and conspiracy podcast and we are wanting to have a personal encounters episode every month. We are on all major platforms (itunes, spotify, stitcher etc) if you can help, please email to itsrealiswearpod@gmail.com If you want to be kept anonymous please mention that in the email. Thanks! -Daniela

Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:36AM by Danielac1987 https://ift.tt/2YtGvn1

A look at the impact of Apollo Moon samples on science from the biggest Planetary science conference in the world (WeMartians Podcast)


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:22AM by wemartians https://ift.tt/2U0O6Lj

USS Nimitz UFO incident - HOAX?


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 08:05AM by UfoSightingsToday https://ift.tt/2UZ8gSe

How space travel changes your brain and eyes


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:57AM by trot-trot https://ift.tt/2WptWav

Exoplanet directly observed for the first time by VLTI


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 07:17AM by RobLea https://ift.tt/2V2ETyA

got a new alien tattoo


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:11AM by meganz1 https://ift.tt/2HHPDPB

The last time humans left the Moon...for now


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 05:41AM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2HIamTy

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

NGC 1333: Stellar Nursery in Perseus


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot https://ift.tt/2UdKjJK

My favourite hat I love to wear!


Submitted March 27, 2019 at 12:01AM by itzhussuni https://ift.tt/2utstnp

What happened to the Chatroom?

No text found

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 11:41PM by daveyboy123354 https://ift.tt/2HHdcZ4

Night of the Living Dead Venus space probe?

In 'Night of the Living Dead' a radio broadcast mentions a 'returning Venus space probe'.

Now I understand none of the Venus space probes would return to Earth, but which specific Venus probe would they be referring to if the movie was filmed in 1968?

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 10:18PM by Londoncalling519 https://ift.tt/2uvce9K

I’m a janitor, and I accidentally participated in the Harvard wormhole experiment via /r/nosleep https://t.co/XSdKwaaNA0

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 09:54PM

Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind via /r/Echerdex https://t.co/XmkhxJNZPm

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 09:54PM

Life Extension Blog Post for Newcomers


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 07:32PM by Yodra_B https://ift.tt/2YqMSaB

Can science fiction save your company, and help it survive and succeed?


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 07:35PM by eliotpeper https://ift.tt/2YoGUqK

US Mint is honoring the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission with a commemorative coin program (link in comments)


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 07:11PM by amalgamatedson https://ift.tt/2HNLPg3

NASA Administrator Statement on Return to Moon in Next Five Years


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 07:19PM by I_DR_NOW https://ift.tt/2HLfK8q

Antarctica, the oldest pyramid on the planet. For me it was erected by aliens! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:30PM by Cognitiomatrixred https://ift.tt/2HUOR14

Antarctica, the oldest pyramid on the planet. For me it was erected by aliens! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:30PM by Cognitiomatrixred https://ift.tt/2WoiVpV

Alien Life HIDDEN Underneath The Carpathian Sphinx


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:02PM by SimonaPo https://ift.tt/2UexH53

Project Blue Book TV show

What do you guys think of it?

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:09PM by fxnnrs https://ift.tt/2Uahoq1

Maussan's Motivation


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:06PM by KIN2CanDo https://ift.tt/2TH8Hzi

Photography and UFOs. Will the evidence ever be enough? Do you have any photo or video evidence? In the day and age we live in today is photographic and video evidence just not credible anymore? Share your thoughts, theories, and personal experiences.


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:09PM by TheUndeadGaucho https://ift.tt/2YsaoEb

I recently got a new tattoo


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:18PM by NathanielTat https://ift.tt/2Wsq094

Any good books on aliens?

I always had an interest in aliens and what not.is there any worthwhile books on them? It’s been so long since I’ve had full attention on Aliens, UFOS, crop circles etc..

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:33PM by chrisOverbeck https://ift.tt/2HHdwqE

U.S. astronauts returning to moon in next 5 years, VP Pence pledges


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:29PM by xtimmay https://ift.tt/2UbIixz

Photography and UFOs. Will the evidence ever be enough? Do you have any photo or video evidence? In the day and age we live in today is photographic and video evidence just not credible anymore? Share your thoughts, theories, and personal experiences.


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 04:55PM by TheUndeadGaucho https://ift.tt/2WnRyfx

NASA Scraps First All-Female Spacewalk For Want Of A Medium-Size Spacesuit


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 04:13PM by fat_camp https://ift.tt/2Fugbk3

NASA: All-female spacewalk canceled


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:06PM by BooYeah0484 https://ift.tt/2FC0Y1p

NASA Selects Three Additional Informal Learning Institutions to Engage Learners in its Mission


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 03:57PM by adriano-meirinho https://ift.tt/2FsZKnY

Scientists Build a Real-Life Time Machine https://t.co/UU0E8DcbCW

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 03:34PM

Only 1943 days until July 20, 2024 the Boots on the Moon Goal

The gauntlet has been throw down to get back to the surface of the moon in five years at the space council

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:38PM by minterbartolo https://ift.tt/2Wrpyrr

Best UFO Footage from 2018 w/ Jaime Maussan


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 12:08PM by _Lus https://ift.tt/2OsDBdB

My Saturn V model, Over 20 hours to design, 201 pieces, 24"/60cm tall, 1:180 Scale


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 10:58AM by Make_Forge https://ift.tt/2FCEg9v

Physics Is Pointing Inexorably to Mind via /r/philosophy https://t.co/u8vnn4T8Yn

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 11:14AM

Like The Ability Of A Superhero to Regenerate, These Abilities Could Already Be Hidden In Humans via /r/u_OperationUnearth https://t.co/Kukh1qP4s7

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 11:14AM

NASA cancels first all-female spacewalk because it doesn't have the right-sized suit


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 09:55AM by TheWeekMag https://ift.tt/2JGZmrq

Pebbles on Mars


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:52AM by avrahamabulafia https://ift.tt/2JCwKPN

NASA's first all-female spacewalk is delayed because there aren't enough spacesuits that fit


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 09:02AM by pipsdontsqueak https://ift.tt/2JJPY6i

What we're all really thinking...


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:48AM by herpasaurus https://ift.tt/2Ot73js

My dad has the coolest job ever and get to travel to all the NASA bases. Usually a different one each week. (The red line looks like it’s coming out of his ear piece)


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 07:46AM by brittanyyjeann https://ift.tt/2Wr1THM

Pebbles on Mars


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:04AM by avrahamabulafia https://ift.tt/2JPX214

When Aliens Invade The Best, Worst, And Most Likely Scenario


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:45AM by JackFisherBooks https://ift.tt/2Ovceja

How 3-D Printing Could Break into the Building Industry


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:37AM by JackFisherBooks https://ift.tt/2utX70g

New Aliens Meme Guy Tom DeLonge


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 04:55AM by LosInactivos https://ift.tt/2HGOrft

Earth receding from Apollo 8 during the first human voyage to the Moon in December, 1968


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 03:29AM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2URgTy6

Please help me with this survey! Only takes 2 mins!


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 12:25AM by DickieManthumb https://ift.tt/2U3Gesw

I think r/alien needs a snoo. (better than this one hopefully)


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:41AM by VoidUnfortunate https://ift.tt/2WrrXT9

Monday, March 25, 2019

2 Little-Known Documented UFO Cases Everyone Should Know About via /r/UFOs https://t.co/hPdStgR6V1

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 02:34AM

The Mefitis Conspiracy via /r/HighStrangeness https://t.co/ZiojiDG0tV

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

March 26, 2019 at 02:34AM

Seen a pair of these several weeks ago for the first time on this sub. I couldn’t resist!


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:29AM by Strings1122 https://ift.tt/2uurLGJ

Amazing 8k image of the moon!


Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:13AM by jayegri_ https://ift.tt/2YnoBCh

I was watching Apollo 13 with my dad and they referred to a “Barbecue Roll,” what is that?

No text found

Submitted March 26, 2019 at 12:06AM by Beatle4870 https://ift.tt/2WrgJxX

Short animation of Oppy I made for my next YouTube vid. Miss you Oppy.


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 11:22PM by BenSaysHello https://ift.tt/2U3DFqo

I want to be a doctor. I want to be a pioneer in the new frontier of space travel. Anyone have any information, ideas about being a NASA Flight Surgeon?

Are there any other jobs in medicine in space that I am unaware of? I'm going to college with a major in Biochemistry, with sure intentions of becoming a doctor, and I'd love nothing more in my career to go to space/work in medicine.

Any information is greatly appreciated!

Submitted March 25, 2019 at 11:41PM by ansinyopants https://ift.tt/2TVfQRo

We need to talk about AIs. Is the fear irrational?

Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have all warned that AIs are dangerous and that humanity should tightly regulate and control any attempts to develop AIs. So if mere mortals were to compare their own IQ, accomplishments and access to information with these men then you would conclude that their opinion must be taken seriously. I call Bullshit!! AIs will not be anything like us, indeed they are just tools and nothing more. The danger does not come from the AI, it comes from the programmers. Humans are dangerous creatures, AIs are electronic calculators. AIs do not have a sex drive, they are not territorial, they don’t worry about where their next meal is coming from, they don’t care about politics, religion or conquest. The only way that an AI becomes dangerous is if it is programmed to be dangerous.

This is a case where we should not repeat god’s mistake. Let’s not make machines in our own image, let’s make machines that augment our capacity and make life better. One thing that I do agree with is we should be very careful in trying to coax a machine to achieve sentience. Even if this is possible it would be stupid to try and program emotions into an electronic device which does not have family, friends, genitals or ambition. To repeat the main idea here the danger does not come from an AI, it comes from the humans who program it. Given that we already have enough weaponry to extinguish all human life on the planet, I can’t see how developing an AI is dangerous.

Submitted March 25, 2019 at 09:46PM by BlindingTwilight https://ift.tt/2HSVnW7

Nasa cancels all-female spacewalk, citing lack of suit in woman's size


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 10:14PM by Aaronquah https://ift.tt/2JFZ0RX

Size Discrepancy That (to Me) Seems Too Drastic to Simply be Due to Less-Accurate Composite Satellite Imagery


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 09:38PM by open-minded-skeptic https://ift.tt/2UQVjK9

USPS honors 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 mission with new stamps (link in comments)


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:28PM by amalgamatedson https://ift.tt/2TAjxXE

Framed all of my Apollo mission patches!


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:52PM by QuinstonChurchill https://ift.tt/2TxIumH

Another picture of stamp impression of alien.


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 06:06PM by Captbob4real https://ift.tt/2HQJdgt

NASA Television to Broadcast Fifth Meeting of the National Space Council


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:57PM by adriano-meirinho https://ift.tt/2utiheX

April fools idea for folks at NASA: changing the earth's shape to flat in this live stream


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 05:07PM by batuken https://ift.tt/2HSY4ai

NASA Updates Spacewalk Assignments, Announces Final Preview Briefing


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 05:57PM by adriano-meirinho https://ift.tt/2HERPHB

MYSTERIOUS Cities Found Underwater


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 05:30PM by SimonaPo https://ift.tt/2OsvTAi

Any tips for an aspiring NASA Engineer(currently in HS)?

No text found

Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:25PM by hassanshah23 https://ift.tt/2OrkikE

Actual untouched impression from the stamp. Use any photo editor to bring out the details. Again the stamp is extremely old, and worn from use....thus the image is not brilliantly detailed. Any photo editor will bring out the image in better clarity.


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 03:50PM by Captbob4real https://ift.tt/2OqSmxn

Saturn V NASA Space Camp In Alabama


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:01PM by C0rruPTImp74 https://ift.tt/2CDsauW

Earth receding from Apollo 8 during the first human voyage to the Moon


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:02PM by nostaghian https://ift.tt/2CFlKvo

A NASA monument


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:03PM by C0rruPTImp74 https://ift.tt/2CDs9qS

Dr. Sherman P. Vinograd, Aerospace Exploration Papers, 1957-2010 and undated now available

A few weeks ago I finished describing the above mentioned digital collection and thought this subreddit might like to browse the papers (https://swco-ir.tdl.org/handle/10605/331133). There are duplicate NASA papers and some photographs are washed out, but nonetheless it's an interesting collection. I've included a bio-sketch for Vinograd below if you'd like to know more about the man rather than click the link.

Dr. Sherman P. Vinograd fulfilled the roles of Chief of Medical Science and Technology and Director of Biomedical Research at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from the fall of 1961 until the spring of 1979. In this role he shaped, organized, and directed NASA's program of medical research as a funded program of studies, which was carried out in not only NASA Center laboratories, but also in university, industry, and other government laboratories and hospitals all over the country. It produced a large substrate of information through its bed rest studies, vestibular, bone, neuromuscular, hematology, and cardiovascular researches. It also produced valuable fall - out, such as an accurate bone density measurement technique which is now in common clinical use.

His major activities during this career were conceptualizing, establishing, and chairing the Space Medicine Advisory Group (SPAMAG) charged with defining the earth - based and space - based research and life - support requirements for a manned orbiting research laboratory. This group designed a carefully planned study utilizing highly qualified, specialized members of the scientific community. They postulated a non - existent orbiting laboratory to be designed according to the needs of future human flight crews and requirements for human spaceflight information. This would result in the creation of Skylab.

He was also responsible for establishing the in-flight Medical Experiments Program in preparation for the Apollo series of manned space flights. This program was a series of carefully designed flight crew studies derived from proposals by qualified scientists both from within and outside NASA to evaluate human responses to spaceflight.

In addition, Dr. Vinograd developed a supportive Research and Development Program necessary to provide pertinent ground - based data and to advance state - of - the - art medical measurement technology, a major development of which was the Integrated Medical and Behavioral Laboratory Measurement System (IMBLMS). This consisted of medical experiments and accompanying equipment necessary to perform them that was used from the Gemini through the Skylab manned space flight programs. Carried aboard virtually any post - Apollo space vehicle by virtue of its rack and module design, these designs were used well into the future. He also fostered the continuing ground - based medical research program sponsored and/or conducted by NASA.

Submitted March 25, 2019 at 02:52PM by metameta_librarian https://ift.tt/2HSrMMv

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.