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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Aliens Encounters in Dreams

Have you experienced an alien encounter in a dream?

Recently had a lucid dream where I greeted and shook hands with multiple friendly "Greys" type aliens.

Long story short I was in my backyard looking into the sky and suddenly the stars started twinkling. I noticed they were getting brighter and larger. Then as the lights became almost blinding a Classic style flying saucer became visible. The craft then landed on its underside slightly tilted and down came a latch door from the side that did not make contact with the ground. Out came 3 silhouettes. As they began walking closer their oddly shaped silhouettes became oddly shaped beings

These grey's by appearance had common features to what most depictions of grey's would have such as, large black oval or spherical shaped eyes, 3-4 ft tall, slit for a mouth and nose. The differences that I could tell were that these "greys" are not completely grey and instead had pale skin, their head and facial features looked fleshy and plump with veins and skin blemishes.

These Aliens were extremely friendly I could see their face smile even through it's non human features as they greeted me. They spoke to me in English as I shook their hand 1 by 1 "Hello!" "Nice to meet you" and "how's it going" which all sounded like they were speaking with their nose pinched.


It was very bizarre but felt natural. Their presence was human-like and didn't feel as if they were any different from us. It felt much like having a friend that is a "little person" you can tell the obvious difference in appearance but they're human. It's the only way I can describe how it felt to be around these beings.

Note: After waking up from my dream I do my daily routine of watching some YouTube videos on my bed. As soon as I open YouTube I get recommended a video on Billy Meier whose story I never come across until that day which really mind blasted me and gave me motivation to share.

Have you had a similar experience in a dream? Is there any significance to it? Or is it just a figment of my imagination? Let me know in the replies. I'd love to know your thoughts on this.

Submitted November 30, 2022 at 01:26PM by BlissfullyHorrified https://ift.tt/79BLWve

Proof The Military Captured A Live Alien In Brazil | James Fox


Submitted November 30, 2022 at 01:43PM by TigerOfTheNile https://ift.tt/nkCzxAI

Does Bob Lazar's story imply extensive contact with aliens?

If you take Lazar's story at face value, then there is a couple of nuggets of information that has me thinking the government may have been in contact with the civilization(s) that build the craft(s).

1) We have 9 craft. I find it somewhat unlikely on its own that we could have 9 unique craft, most of which were allegedly of different construction without the assistance of the aliens themselves. A couple may have been crashes, a couple could have been archeological finds, MAYBE one or two could have been shot down, but I trend towards believing that we contacted and set up some exchange with the aliens themselves. The other reason I believe this is because..

2) Element 115. Apparently we have a decent amount of this stuff. Lazar mentioned around 500 lbs, and its possible that isn't even all of it. They have enough to use in the craft themselves, and much more to run experiments with. If this stuff was only found in the downed craft thenselves, I find it unlikely we would have recovered as much as 500 lbs of it, if not much more. Another possibility is that we obtained the means to synthesize the element itself, which also suggests an exchange of sorts. If this is the key to unlocking anti grav technology, then you'd think we'd strictly control how we used it, but Lazar made it seem like we had access to it in abundance.

These two things combined implies to me that we had some significant contact with these alien beings well beyond just finding their craft in crashes or digs. There are other possibilities ofc, but this seems to be the most likely in my mind.

Submitted November 30, 2022 at 12:15PM by Justfitz08 https://ift.tt/UKjJN8d

Owls & UFO’s (I need help making sense of this memory)

One of my earliest memories from my childhood is a vivid nightmare, where a group of 3-4 large barn owls surrounded my bed, and without touching me, they lifted me up and out of my bed and took me out through my bedroom window - and thats where the nightmare ended. I’m aware that it doesn’t sound like an intensely scary dream, but this nightmare terrified me so deeply that for years after, I was unable to sleep in my own bed, and would make my parents hold my hands at night so that the owls wouldn’t come back and take me away again. I was around 3-4 years old when I had that dream, and prior to that dream I had never even seen an owl in person (according to my parents).

Although owls (specifically barn owls) still make me feel uneasy to this day (I’m 27 now), I’ve never really taken the time to put that much thought into the experience - until recently. I’ve read a few things in recent weeks about the possible connection between ufos and owls, as well watching the movie “The 4th Kind” for the first time recently due to the owl connection - and I really don’t know what to make of any of this.

Now this is going to sound slightly unhinged but - since I started thinking about and researching this topic a few weeks ago, owls have begun to show up at night outside of my house. Large owls perched on telephone poles directly outside my bedroom window hooting loudly. I even had an experience recently where I was riding my bike at night and a large owl followed me for roughly 3 miles flying literally 10-15 feet above me (it scared the absolute shit out of me). The weirdest part about this is the fact that I live in a busy suburb in Southern California, pretty far away from any wildlife reserve or untouched nature.

The reason I’m posting this here is because I want to know if anyone has had a similar experience or if there is some sort of prosaic psychological explanation to all of this. I don’t want to believe that I was abducted by aliens, or owls for that matter, I just want to know if anyone has had a similar experience.

Submitted November 30, 2022 at 12:37PM by mowgly_lee https://ift.tt/I1ZgicE

Declassified documents on the Bariloche Case, Argentina, July 31, 1995 translated into English.

The Ministry of Defense declassified the documents pertaining to the Bariloche case that took place on July 31, 1995, under the file, 2020-60053899-apn-dnaip#aaip, dated September 9, 2020, of the law 27275 of access to public information. This file is the first official declassification by the Argentine Government of a case related to the UFO phenomenon.

Commander Jorge Polanco, while landing, was intercepted by an object that forced him to perform a high-risk escape maneuver. On the other hand, a National Gendarmerie aircraft, which was performing a sanitary flight, piloted by Commanders Juan Domingo Gaitan and Rubén Cipuzak, were protagonist witnesses of the episode. The event was recorded by the Control Tower where the Chief of the Airport, Deputy Officer Daniel García, was located, generating communications between air traffic controllers and pilots, being also observed by multiple witnesses and personnel of the Meteorological and runway services.

If you are not familiar with the Bariloche case, I advise you to watch this short video explaining the case: 1995 case: Sightings - The Bariloche UFO Argentina - YouTube



Buenos Aires, August 8, 1995.

Mr. Commander in Chief

Argentine Air Force

Brigadier General Juan Paulik

Yours sincerely

As is public knowledge, last July 31, between 19:00 and 22:00 hours, an incident occurred in the area of Bariloche airport involving a Boeing 727 aircraft of Aerolineas Argentinas, a Cheyenne aircraft of the National Gendarmerie, the personnel of the Control Tower and Meteorology of the airport and an alleged unidentified aircraft.

According to what was reported by the Commander of the Boeing 727, Mr. Jorge Polanco, the alleged aircraft had "a well-defined shape", "a kind of inverted plate", "a solid shape"... "with two green lights at the ends"..... "an orange light in the center"... "and it began to approach and accompany us in the descent" "at about 60 to 80 meters (from the Boeing 727)"..."

(sources: program Memoria, Channel 9, Buenos Aires, broadcasted on August 2, 1995 and Clarín newspaper published on the same day).


Considering the shock caused by the public dissemination of the incident and the potential possibility that this unidentified aircraft has endangered the aviation safety of the Boeing 727 (despite no objective evidence so far to our knowledge), we request you to make public the results of the investigation that your Institution is conducting or planning to conduct on the case. As well as to make known if possible confusions with conventional aerial objects (e.g. airplanes, helicopters, satellite re-entries), natural objects (e.g. stars, planets, meteor showers, the Moon) or others (e.g. lights from incident searchlights on clouds) have been evaluated and ruled out.

Our Foundation is interested in the clarification of this type of incidents from a strictly scientific and educational point of view, and in case your Institution does not have competence on this incident, we would be very grateful if you could inform us to whom we should address.

Without further ado, we thank you in advance for your kind attention, and remain at your entire disposal, and send you our best regards:

Orlando Liguori

Heriberto Janosch

CAIRP Foundation.


Buenos Aires, September 5, 1995.

Dear Sir:

I am writing to you in relation to your kind note dated August 9, 1995, referring to the incident that occurred on July 31, 1995, in the area of the Bariloche International Airport.

In this regard, I inform you that the Air Regions Command, through the Chief of the Airport, took the pertinent statements to the persons involved in the incident. These statements served as the basis for a later analysis of what happened, ruling out a priori a possible confusion with conventional aerial objects, although the possibility of a confusion with natural objects, or reflections of lights on the cloud base or some other optical phenomenon of non-immediate explanation is not eliminated.

The Air Force investigation was terminated when it was determined that there was no invasion of jurisdictional airspace by known conventional aerial objects.

In this opportunity I reiterate the expressions of my most distinguished consideration.

Brigadier Major Horacio Ernesto Genolet.

Commander of Air Regions.


In Buenos Aires, seat of the Air Traffic Directorate, on the 28th day of the month of December 1995, at 12:45 a.m., this record is drawn up for the purpose of recording the delivery to Mr. Heriberto Janosch, who identifies himself with National Identity Card number 12892447, of the documentation duly requested on behalf of the Argentine Center for the Investigation and Refutation of Pseudoscience, and which includes: a) Photocopy of the transcription of the communications made between the Bariloche Control Tower and the aircraft identified as Argentinas 674 and Golf November 705 between 23:20 Universal Coordinated Time (20:20 Argentine Official Time) on July 31st of the current year and 00:24 on August 1st of the same year (21:24 Argentine Official Time on July 31st). b) Photocopy of the statement made before the Bariloche Airport Headquarters by the Commander of flight Argentinas 674 Mr. Jorge Néstor Polanco, c) Photocopy of the statement made by Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Alberto García, Operations personnel of the aforementioned airport, d) Photocopy of the statement of Auxiliary Warrant Officer Ramón Alfredo Blanco who was working as air traffic controller at the Bariloche Control Tower on the aforementioned occasion, e) Photocopy of the statement of Mr. Nicolás Enoe Araya who was also working as meteorological observer on the aforementioned occasion.

It is also stated for the record that the Argentine Air Force does not gather information related to the UFO phenomenon.

Signed at the bottom of the original and one copy of the same tenor and to the same effect, the aforementioned Mr. Heriberto Janosch, and as personnel of the Air Traffic Directorate, Captain Roberto Enrique Muller and Mr. Juan Carlos Domingo Gonzalez, signed at the bottom.


DICTAPHONE tape recorder transcription from 23:20 UTC 31/07 to 00:24 UTC 01/08

Operation of flights ARG 674 and GN 705

BAR TWR - Airlines, Tower.

ARG 674 - Aerolineas from six seven four to Bariloche tower, do you copy?

BAR TWR - Hello sir, good night, go ahead.

ARG 674 - Ok, received sir, we are forty eight, fifty miles releasing three one zero to two hundred and initiate procedure.

BAR TWR - Okay, for one hundred continue your descent, one zero zero, one thousand fifteen pressure, we have zero degree, uhm.... with two charlie sierra at three thousand feet. You're going to forecast chart number one for runway two eight, normal radio aids, the runway is with braking number five, okay, and with thirty meters of your width and your... its entire length clear.

ARG 674 - Very well sir, we descend from three one zero to one hundred and return on the vertical initiating procedure.

BAR TWR - We are standing by and we have generator equipment on, there was a momentary power outage.

ARG 674 - Yes, we have acknowledged it, thank you.

ARG 674 - Aircraft calling Aerolineas six seven four.

ARG 674 - Do I understand the weather in Bariloche?

ARG 674 - The Q A M of Bariloche is with wind from the two seven zero eighteen, it is with two eighths of cloudiness nothing more at four thousand feet, and it is with good visibility, it had a power cut but it is normalized, the temperature is zero degree one thousand fifteen.

BAR TWR - Airlines, tower.

ARG 674 - Go ahead Aerolineas receives you, Argentina six seven four.

BAR TWR - Sorry, I was calling your company, I was telling you that you are going to have the platform lights restricted to the minimum, ok?

ARG 674 - Ok, thank you.

BAR TWR - We have you in sight six seven four.

ARG 674 - Copy that Bariloche.

BAR TWR - It has VOR and DME normal no?

ARG 674 - Affirmative, six seven four.

BAR TWR - Block and initiate sir, or join standby?

ARG 674 - We go right for subsequent clearance on one hundred and twenty if authorized.

BAR TWR - Authorized sir and notifies leaving the VOR.

ARG 674 - Authorized, I return abandoning the VOR Argentina six seven four.

BAR TWR - Six seven four, Bari.

ARG 674 - Here we are, go ahead.

BAR TWR - Yes, excuse me, uhm..., I have been asked by the technical people that once your flight arrives and on the platform all the passengers remain in the aircraft so we make the power change from the city to uhm..., to reestablish normal power.

ARG 674 - We keep then all the passengers on board when arriving to the platform.

BAR TWR - Right, thank you.

ARG 674 - At the moment we start to move away for chart number one track two eight Argentina six seven four Bariloche.

BAR TWR - Roger Argentina six seven four wind holding two seventy twenty, stand by for procedure turn and six thousand four hundred.

ARG 674 - We are returning procedure turn, Argentina six seven four.

ARG 674 - Bariloche Argentina six seven four, do you have a transit in front of us reported?


BAR TWR - Not in front of you, sir, it is coming and estimates to enter in four minutes through Limay.

ARG 674 - The one we spotted... we are seven miles out releasing seven five hundred and we have a transit to the left of us.

BAR TWR - You guys bridged right?

ARG 674 - There it is, eleven o'clock, there it changed course at this moment.

BAR TWR - Okay, received, that other transit would now have to be forty miles from Bariloche.

ARG 674 - Ok.

BAR TWR - That's the Golf November that you heard and passed the runway data to you.

ARG 674 - Ok.

BAR TWR - Once facing the tracker I'm going to turn on the beacon, not before, eh?

ARG 674 - Ok, I confirm.

GN 705 - Bariloche, Bariloche, seven zero five I am entering Limay with one six zero.

BAR TWR - Roger Golf November seven zero five, descent is cleared to flight level one one zero, one hundred ten and Bariloche with wind two seventy eighteen zero degree temperature and Q N H one thousand fifteen, with two sierra charlie at three thousand feet, you are going to forecast chart number one for runway two eight, I am receiving you very bad.

BAR TWR - We stand by fifteen miles out for instructions.

GN 705 - Bariloche, (ILLEGIBLE).

BAR TWR - Golf November seven zero five Bariloche, received, notified fifteen miles out, descent for one one zero one thousand and fifteen the Q N H.

GN 705 - One one zero, I will notify fifteen miles (ILLEGIBLE).

ARG 674 - Bariloche Argentina six seven four turn of procedure.

BAR TWR - Received six seven four notify established localizer and glide path.

ARG 674 - Will do so Argentina six seven four.

GN 705 - Bariloche for seven zero five, do you repeat the Q N H? and at the moment abandoning one six six zero.

BAR TWR - Now I receive you better seven zero five, good night, two seventy twenty thousand and fifteen Q N H and for one one zero.

GN 705 - One one zero, at the time of abandonment one six zero and one thousand fifteen the Q N H.

GN 705 - Bariloche Golf November seven zero five.

BAR TWR - Seven zero five, Bari.

GN 705 - May be a direct approach to I L S?

BAR TWR - Roger, you are cleared sir, for seven thousand feet, I have seven twenty-seven traffic on final now.

GN 705 - Seven twenty-seven on final, okay, then I understand authorized I'm descending for seven thousand feet and I'm going to then look for the I L S twenty-two miles at the moment.

BAR TWR - What distance? Confirm?

GN 705 - Twenty-two.

BAR TWR - Repeat distance please.

GN 705 - Twenty-two miles out.

BAR TWR - Two. Two. Is that correct?

GN 705 - Affirmative.

BAR TWR - Roger.

ARG 674 - Argentina six six seven four intercept locator eleven miles and I have a transit here to the right of me.

BAR TWR - I have you in sight, the other traffic is not in sight sir, uhm.... the other traffic is


entering at zero thirty-eight and is twenty-two miles out now.

ARG 674 - We are ten miles intercepting localizer and with track in sight.

BAR TWR - Final and authorized landing wind two eight zero degrees fifteen knots, six seven four.

ARG 674 - Six seven four.

BAR TWR - Golf November seven zero five, Bari.

ARG 674 - Yes, we have an object to the right forming us and above we're seeing the other aircraft, the object has two bright intermittent lights...this...I don't know, we think it's a flying saucer.

BAR TWR- Let's see, stand by.

GN 705 - Bariloche, Golf November seven zero five.

BAR TWR - Seven zero five, Bari. Stand by.



BAR TWR - Six seven four, confirm procedure initiated, I understand you are on approach six seven four, abandon chart one for track two eight, light reestablished.

ARG 674 - Roger, abandon for chart one two eight on six seven four.

BAR TWR - Reports releasing one hundred, we just saw the light again.

ARG 674 - We at this time are seeing traffic that is with one hundred and ten, but the light is out of sight.

BAR TWR - Okay. It was behind you.

BAR TWR - At the moment you leave the VOR, correct six seven four?

ARG 674 - Well, at the moment I abandon VOR, we initiate procedure number one letter two eight descending for six four hundred.

BAR TWR - Roger, notify procedure turn, two seventy twenty.

ARG 674 - Roger, I will return.

BAR TWR - Golf November seven zero five, will descend for one zero zero, one hundred, stand by.

GN 705 - Roger, as of this moment abandon one one zero for one zero zero and always standby.


ARG 674 - Procedure turn, six seven four.

BAR TWR - Roger, notify established flight path and localizer six seven four.

ARG 674 - Established on I L S return six seven four.

BAR TWR - And for Golf November seven zero five your estimated time of approach is going to be in two minutes sir, at zero zero zero four.

GN 705 - Zero zero zero four, in two minutes, received sir. We are on standby with level one hundred on the time-controlled side.


ARG 674 - Eleven miles intercepting I L S with runway in sight Argentina six seven four Bariloche.

BAR TWR - Final and landing authorized two eight zero eighteen, in short I inform you.

ARG 674 - Ok.

BAR TWR - Seven zero five you are cleared to initiate letter one for runway two eight, notify abandoning VOR.

GN 705 - Roger, letter number one for runway two eight, will notify abandoning VOR.

GN 705 - Blocking VOR on seven zero five initiating procedure.

BAR TWR - Notifies on procedure turn seven zero five the


the Q N H one thousand fifteen point three and the wind two seventy now two eighty twenty knots.

GN 705 - Received, I will notify in procedural turn, one thousand fifteen point three the Q N H.

BAR TWR - Two eight zero twenty six.

ARG 674 - Copied.

BAR TWR - Two eighty twenty six.

GN 705 - Bariloche Golf November seven zero five on procedural turn.

BAR TWR - Roger, established on glide path and localizer seven zero five.

GN 705 - Established on glide path and localizer, zero zero five.

BAR TWR - Argentina six seven four your arrival zero nine, first on your right.

ARG 674 - Six seven four, copy, first right.

BAR TWR - Cautiously on platform six seven four, with signaler in sight, frequency.

ARG 674 - Six seven four.

GN 705 - Bariloche Golf November seven zero five on localizer and glide beam.

BAR TWR - Roger sir, report on oscar mike.

GN 705 - Roger, will return oscar mike.

BAR TWR - Authorized landing sir, two eight zero sixteen.

GN 705 - Two eight zero sixteen on mike, oscar mike the seven zero five at the moment.

BAR TWR - Ok, received.

GN 795 - Train down and locked.

BAR TWR - Overnight zero seven zero five?

GN 705 - No, we're boarding the patient, it's a... sanitary. And we continue to Buenos Aires, Aeroparque.

BAR TWR - Received.

BAR TWR - The ambulance is here November.

GN 705 - Roger, thank you.

BAR TWR - Golf November seven zero five your arrival one eight, hold for runway up to street one rear apron.

GN 705 - To fairway one rear apron, copy that.

BAR TWR - On your right now sir, with caution, do you have the runway in sight?

GN 705 - Affirms.


BAR TWR - Caution for ice patches seven zero five.


BAR TWR - Continued to your front, parking position number two in front of sleeve one, below tower.... (ILLEGIBLE)

GN 705 - Ok.


GN 705 - ... (ILLEGIBLE)

BAR TWR - Now start the turn to your left.

GN 705 - Five.

BAR TWR - More to your left, now to your front... a little bit further ahead so we leave it.... (ILLEGIBLE) perfect seven zero five, frequency, see you later.

GN 705 - Thank you.


Argentine Air Force

Air Regions Command

Central Air Region

Bariloche Airport

San Carlos de Bariloche, August 3, 1995

OBJECT: Submit UFO report.

To the Chief of the Central Air Region

1) I submit this file to the Chief, enclosing the requested report:

  • Doc. Arg. Statement of Commander Jorge Polanco (Flight ARG 674).
  • Statement S.P. Daniel Alberto García (P.V 14957)
  • Statement S.A Ramón Alfredo Blanco (P.V 16634)
  • Declaration S.P.V 1 Nicolás Enoe Araya (OSFA 43245)

Major Jorge Luis Oviedo

Chief of Bariloche Airport



From: Commander Jorge Polanco (ARG 674)

To: Airport Headquarters.

Subject: Sighting of unidentified flying object in Bariloche.

Having initiated departure in procedure number 1 and descending towards 6400 FT. We observed in opposite trajectory the approach of lights with strong intensity, at our request we were notified and the tower confirmed that it was not an identified aircraft.

When making the procedural turn, this object is approaching from the south and is on our right and approaching continuously, verifying green lights at its ends and a strong orange light in the center of the lights.

Close to 5500 FT. and with the object next to us, all the radio aids of the airport were cut off at the precise moment when the object abruptly moved away in a southeasterly direction at a speed impossible to determine.

We proceed to the escape for 10,000 FT. for further procedure without any news.

NOTE: The tower reports that all their instruments went out of control during the power outage.

NOTE: Gendarmerie aircraft confirms sighting of the object, it was above our aircraft.

Jorge Nestor Polanco Commander (ARG 674)

Carlos Dortona Pilot (ARG 674)

Jorge Allende Flight Engineer (ARG 674)



S.P. García Daniel Alberto

P.V 14957

At approximately 23:15 UTC, while I was in the Operations Headquarters, I observed towards the minor aircraft parking sector, a reflection similar to a flash (bluish white color), producing a flicker in the airport lighting, which produced the initial shutdown of the lighting towers in the parking sector.

After a few seconds/minutes the power cut becomes general, leaving the whole area (city/airport) in darkness.

The meteorological observer goes to the meteorological field, when he observes it totally illuminated by the described lights and looking towards the building/TWR.

When I look through the window located in the central section I observe a white/amber light moving towards the south where I lose sight of the above mentioned (apparently it stops the movement at a height with respect to the horizon of 30 to 60 meters).

In the meantime, the power supply is reestablished by the local power plant, which causes the airline flight (ARG 674) to start the normal instrumental approach.

When this happens I go to the Airport Headquarters office to maintain good link with the power plant personnel while I observe the passage of ARG 674 when it leaves the vertical and starts the procedural turn, I observe again the very bright light in the opposite direction of the flight, placing it to the right of the B 727 (I can not specify the distance between the ARG 674 and the light/object) although it is relatively close.

The ARG 674 continues the approach, always "accompanied" by the light, I observe the same color (white/amber), when the ARG 674 was already in final approach, the personnel of the power plant (3, auxiliary Andrada and Technician Bressa) the latter with an alarmed voice, by means of the HT informs "my group is dying" and the runway lights turn off, which makes the commander of the ARG 674 to start the escape procedure, always with the light/object following the same course.

When the escape took place, I stopped observing what was described to focus on solving the problem of lack of energy.

I cannot see what happened in the opposite sector (Nahuel Huapi lake city area), since I had left the Headquarters office.

When the power was restored with the supply of the Bariloche electric cooperative, the Aerolineas Argentinas flight restarted its approach in a normal way.

Once arrived and already on the platform and after the descent of the passengers, I go up to the ACTF's cabin where I ask her to take us to the company's operations office to talk about what happened.

The aforementioned (conversations) is witnessed by company personnel Mr. Gustavo Bianchi, Mr. Ezquerra who acts as the company's carrier.

The commander of the flight Mr. Polanco, related what happened and agreed at all times to what I observed, adding to the conversation Mr. Ezquerra, who affirms what was said since he was arriving at the airport by the access route, who corroborates what happened when the flight was "accompanied" by the light or object.

I ask the commander of the aforementioned flight if he would like to make a written report, and he agrees without any inconvenience.

While he was writing his report, I went down from the office to the hall of the airport to ask the commander of GN 705 if he could explain what he saw while he was approaching the vertical (already in the office of the company) and corroborated what he had already said, with the exception that while he was waiting and observing the Aerolineas flight when he made the approach turn from the lake area towards the airport, the object/light made a climb almost ahead and slightly to the side of his aircraft at a speed impossible to determine, disappearing WSW.

Once arrived at the ARO-AIS office, there was the Gendarmerie personnel (nurse) who also explained what they had seen when they approached the airport in their vehicle.

Later, when the ARG and the Gendarmerie aircraft took off, the power plant/technical personnel told me what had happened with the generator, that initially the cause of its shutdown was due to a


mechanical failure of the unit, but that they had carried out a check-up of the unit and proceeded to start it up again, which happened without any inconvenience.

I inform the Chief that I cannot identify at any time any silhouette, shape or other strange thing to the one mentioned.



S.A Blanco Ramón Alfredo

P.V 16634

At 23:15 UTC there was a total power outage.

23:20 UTC the auxiliary electric power is reestablished, generator 1 (one), at this time the ARG 674 enters the TMA in communication with TWR BAR, informing this control the news of the AD, who notifies after the abandonment of the fixed (IAC No. 1 Runway 18) of procedure to have transit in convergent direction.

He is informed that the only aircraft that is at forty NM entering the IMA and that it does not constitute essential traffic.

Being in a procedure turn (after coordination with the operations assistant and the plant technician), this aircraft notifies to have traffic in its trajectory with very strong light, again he is informed that the aircraft that is in the control zone is approximately 15 NM at three o'clock of his aircraft with flight level 110.

23:47 this control communicates to ARG 674 to make the corresponding escape due to light cut in RWY.

On the vertical of the aerodrome this control sees the aircraft in question moving away towards the lake, as well as the other aircraft GN 705 soon to the vertical. At that moment he corroborates what ARG 674 reported about the light he had seen, now he informs the commander that the light is behind his aircraft and also informs GN 705 that he sees the light between the lake and ARG 674.

I inform him that at all times I was in communication by HT with the S.P Garcia and the technician Bressa and I ask him to listen to the main frequency, answering that he was in the office of the Chief of the Airport seeing what was happening, also seeing the light that C.P. Cantero was ascending at that moment, which also corroborates what happened.

Notifying to the Headquarters by this means that in the precise cut of illumination of the RWY I see that: anemometer out of service, VOR in normal service, ILS in normal service, luminous platform north serctor normal service, stoves in tower out of service, luminous tower table out of service.

Later the cooperative energy was restored, arriving ARG 674 and GN 705 without any news.



SPVI Araya Nicolás Enoe

OSFA 43245

It happened as follows: At 7:30 p.m. there was a power outage, making loud noise in the general light boards of the hallway and radio workshop.

When I heard the noise, I verified that the parking lot lights had been turned off, notifying the officer on duty Garcia of this news.

After approximately 20 minutes had elapsed, I went out to take the temperature in the field, and on my way back to the middle of the platform I was blinded by a strong yellow light. Observing towards the control tower, thinking that they would be illuminating with a reflector, checking that it was not so and observing that the light was moving at high altitude in a West-East direction behind the tower.

Arriving at the office I began to perform the meterro when there was a power outage, being the operations NCO Garcia in the vicinity of the stairs descending at high speed, entered the meteorology office to communicate to communicate with the tower by the light observed earlier, believing that they were two aircraft that crossed.

At 8:30 p.m., the barometer went out of calibration, it went up and down continuously, after 15 minutes it returned to normal. That is all.





Submitted November 30, 2022 at 09:28AM by GenshinKaigi https://ift.tt/LXE9ixI

Madaxweynaha jubaland axmed madoobe ayaa magaalada kismaanyo ku soo bandhigay ciidamo fara badan oo lagu xureenaayo maamulka jubaland ee alshabaab gacanta ku haayaan ciidankaan ayaa xureyn doonaan magaalada Bu'aale iyo magaalooyinka ay gacanta alshabaab ku jiro si looga xuroobo alshabaab


Submitted November 30, 2022 at 05:34AM by Munocali https://ift.tt/Cy9sSeo

1st pilot that finally told the truth about seeing ufos while flying.


Submitted November 30, 2022 at 02:20AM by OneCanSpeak https://ift.tt/imo43Yt

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

How have you been ridiculed for your experience(s), beliefs, and/or interest in UFO's/Aliens?

I've never been outright bullied for it, personally. Usually when people joke about my sighting and interests it actually sparks a dialogue in which they come to be humbled by the way I present the information in an open-minded-skeptic way.

I think it's pretty obvious, however, that those people definitely talk about my behind my back in a "I think he might be crazy" kind of way. But that's inevitable with this topic.

Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of people who find it daunting to be able to speak about it because of the potential ridicule. Especially if they are trying to get ahead in a certain field in which this kind of talk is very frowned upon, i.e. commercial pilots.

I don't really have to worry about it keeping me down (that I know of) because I don't work in a field where that would hinder my life. And if potential friends are off put by my interests, then they probably aren't cut out to be my friend in the first place.

Submitted November 29, 2022 at 01:50PM by tobojijo https://ift.tt/CyTeBI6

It’s literally as cool as I expected to be.


Submitted November 29, 2022 at 12:58PM by BriefGold4991 https://ift.tt/wHQCmrq

What kind of mega weapons do you think will be used in large scale space war? Any cool concepts?

No text found

Submitted November 29, 2022 at 08:59AM by odeacon https://ift.tt/0jUobQF

UFO I believe I saw in the uk a couple years back

So I’ve only mentioned this to my family and a couple of my friends, I was smoking a cigarette in my back garden while I was on my phone and had this feeling to look up in the sky and as I did I locked eyes with this bright light sitting stationary in the sky and after less than a minute it seemed to slowly dim and then boom it disappeared I was so confused and did not believe it was something from this earth, I don’t know why I had this feeling to look in this direction as it seemed it wanted me to see it, I’m not saying this was a ufo but I find it quite interesting of what it could of been

Submitted November 29, 2022 at 06:31AM by suckmybuds https://ift.tt/2Wy0vZX

BRO…what if aliens have been so genetically and technologically modified they can transform into a UFO that can travel through space and dimensions.

I was playing wow dragonflight and the guy turned into a dragon and was like bro, freakin aliens could literally turn into one of these UFO that resembles whatever they want it to look like for the right perception from humans and all life on earth.

Imagine if they were holding back what are they actually capable of.

And what kind of clearance and honesty/trust would they have in each other to wield such powerful technology inside of them. Blended into their dna capable of transferring the morphing ability through natural mating.

Submitted November 29, 2022 at 05:15AM by Aware_Eggplant1487 https://ift.tt/a64q32M

[OC]Probably the best thing I’ve bought in a long time!


Submitted November 29, 2022 at 03:48AM by Okissad https://ift.tt/rlSKxDd

Monday, November 28, 2022

Does anyone think the great reset could have an alien agenda?

Like, let's say worst case scenario... According to 2 different interviews I've seen lately, both UFO whistleblowers who claimed there's several species of alien that can walk among us and you would never know it. There's also all this reptilian talk, and also Valiant Thor. Maybe aliens have actually infiltrated US government (and possibly other governments) in an effort to control the world. If all that were true, do you think it would be in the best interest of a this intergalactic ku to cull the herd and try to reset humanity?

(This one's weird. I'm sorry in advance and I hope it's received well.)

Submitted November 29, 2022 at 01:09AM by Trizmagestus https://ift.tt/iwSKn4C

Why are we here?

Our consciousness is a third dimensional interpretation of a larger dimensional entity that has been put on the planet to fulfil their purpose in moving the world towards a final stage of evolution that will ultimately help it in some way.

We insert ourselves as workers in this reality on purpose, accidental, or coerced. Time isn't linear in our other "bodies" realm and we might just be programmers using a third dimensional medium to run whatever the machine, body, or program is in higher dimensions.

UFOs are just a part of the program that someone else uses to observe and fix timelines and don't actually contain consciousness or just a species that gets the purpose. The designers put a lot of work into the universe to have variation so that life can propagate in an infinite amount of ways and eventually understand why they are actually here. Once that is done they understand the programs purpose and begin to seed life and make new biological life to keep evolving. Possibly because we are using this program for potentially:

  • Creating new ideas for new technology
  • We are what just an aging entity and we are fixing our body
  • We are working on a machine or program that does something in the higher dimension.

Multiverse Aliens are simply other spaces on top of ours fulfilling the same purpose and will eventually also join the universe in finishing the program. When people say "shift in consciousness" is just a fancy way of saying I know why I'm here and what my function is. Being spiritual is just drawing a feeling from the higher dimensional self, potently we are the same being splitting their consciousness working on the program.

When we die we just reincarnate and choose a new avatar to keep evolving the program until its finished or stopped. Consciousness created the brain, the brain didn't create consciousness.

Submitted November 28, 2022 at 07:02PM by Vects https://ift.tt/aemnQH9

Pay attention to how the perennialist discourse on UFOs and ETs sets them up as the new gods

Charles Upton is a name I have hardly ever seen mentioned within ufology, or conversations over UFOs/ETs, but he has brought a valuable -- and, apparently, relatively marginalized -- viewpoint to the picture. If ufology is going to stand or fall on the ability to be self-critical, I believe that Upton's voice, and voices like it, should be more widely appreciated and contended with.

I first became aware of Upton and his work early this year through Jeffrey Mishlove's YouTube channel, New Thinking Allowed. There are, to date, around eight such interviews. Upton's keenness with regard to detail, and his ability to articulate a range of ideas, to say nothing of his critical eye's perceptiveness, is always a treat. In a 2021 essay entitled "The Alien Disclosure Deception: An Exposé of the Netflix Original Series Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified", Upton lays out a case for his sense that

...thinly-disguised and thoroughly-articulated social engineering gambit[s] [such as the documentary] essentially [announce] the advent of a new religion, one which proposes that we worship the “aliens,” whether extraterrestrial or interdimensional, in the place of God—a religion whose prophets are CIA agents, military brass, and aerospace multimillionaires—[and that] at the very least it ought to succeed in calling into question the myth that the U.S. government has been trying to debunk the popular belief in UFOs for the past 70 years rather than covertly promoting it.

He also writes:

According to Richard Dolan, leaving the ultimate authority for UFO research to the President of the United States, a mere democratically-elected official, would be “dangerous”; and Dolan ends the episode by saying that we should first pay attention to the information available about UFOs, not the sources of the information—to the spectacle itself, that is, and not to those who may be designing and controlling that spectacle. Needless to say, I have taken the opposite approach.

I've taken the opposite approach too. But this appears to be a commonly glossed over point -- so common, in fact, that the instances of it occurring stick out to me as exceptional. With events such as the release of the United States' UAP report last year, NASA's recently announced year-long UFO-oriented program, or the various articles and programs from the past four-to-five years putting the spotlight on the subject, the attendant discussions tend to focus on the quality or amount of the information, or the "authority" of the sources, rather than where it's (apparently) coming from, or why the information or interest is being provided and occurring at all.

Upton's article ultimately centers upon the intensifying promotion of the aforementioned perennialist, or "ancient ETs/UTs", hypothesis. "As for the question of who designed our designers," Upton writes, "and who designed the designers of our designers, in an infinite regression back to God knows what, this immediately invalidating objection is never dealt with." The forcefulness with which this hypothesis is gaining traction, often in conjunction with vague and contradictory sentiments about "consciousness", should be regarded with just as much scrutiny as anything else. Note how often, for instance, the "worldviews of the indigenas [...] are being recast to bring them into line with the contemporary western belief in UFOs"; or how what Upton calls a "higher spiritual caste" is posited when a line is drawn between people who have been "touched" by UFOs, or those who self-designate as pro-ET, and all of the Others among humanity.

Upton provides several possible answers for the question of “Why Disclosure Now?”, and my sense, if I am to follow the course of this scenario, is that it may be a mixture of these two situations:

  1. The Clandestine Disclosurite Elite have decided, according to whatever criteria they accept as valid, that the populace is now finally sufficiently conditioned to be ripe for Full Disclosure; 2) Global tensions between the western world and China and/or Russia, not to mention the climate disaster and the U.S. capitulation to the Jihadists in Central Asia, have reached a point of unparalleled crisis where the Disclosurites feel they must play their long-anticipated Global Unity Card as fast as possible before it’s too late.

Although Upton approaches this topic from a certain spiritually/esoterically informed point of view, what I'm offering here isn't the terms for a religious debate (since that would be against the rules anyway), but observations made in the spirit of genuine skepticism. This forum's common and conceptually totalizing posts about how "Aliens have always been here" are not absolutely wrong, out of hand, but their implications, blindspots, sociocultural effects, and the potential ideological investments of the people making them, are being questioned too little.

Submitted November 28, 2022 at 04:53PM by Abrbarzan https://ift.tt/pv3IwWk

Ex-CIA Agent Deathbed Confession On UFOs: Visited Area-51 & Saw Living Aliens


“The Anonymous Interview” is a film by award-winning director Jeremy Corbell. This film investigates a very contentious witness account from an alleged ex-CIA agent who claims to have been exposed to extraterrestrial realities and technologies throughout his employment in the military and intelligence. This “deathbed confession” was presented as the witness testimony at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC in 2013. It sparked a lively discussion among those involved in the intelligence and UFO sectors.

The 77-years old alleged former CIA went on camera and testified to the renowned UFO researcher Richard Dolan. The man was scared of disclosing his real name so in the interview, he is dubbed “The Anonymous.” He even never used his actual name during his service time in the CIA. During the interview, the man told Dolan that he had not much time left as he was facing kidney failure issues.

His story was first introduced by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe on June 6, 1998, on the radio show Coast to Coast AM under the pseudonym “AGENT KEWPER.” He was drafted into the US military and sent to the signal training center in the eastern United States. Later, he attained the position of a cryptographer in the US Air Force.

In 2013, Kewper came out of hiding, believing the end was close, and was once more prepared to share his astonishing story. That time, Richard Dolan, a UFO historian, conducted the interview with the witness and later gave his consent for his picture and remarks to be used at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington, D.C.

He told Dolan that while he was in the military, he was offered to work for the CIA on the secret program of which he got the top-secret security clearance. Meanwhile, Project Blue Book was handling most of the UFO cases but Kewper said it was “partially fraud.” “So, you’re saying some of the Blue Book cases were completely fictitious,” Dolan asked, and Kewper replied “Yes.” The case assigned to him came from Fort Belvoir, but it was neither from the Pentagon nor the CIA.

His most startling claim was that he had been escorted into Area 51 to view a variety of UFOs that the US military reportedly discovered. These allegedly include a flying saucer that crashed and landed in July 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico.

Submitted November 28, 2022 at 04:00PM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/5yAuwfQ

It’s so weird that there are craft flying with impunity over US airspace and the Air Force doesn’t care to protect us. Do we need more competent people in office?

It’s very possible that the incompetence level is extremely high at the Air Force.

Perhaps that’s why they don’t recognize the threat that every other government agency and Congress is asking information about.

Pretending you’re an ostrich isn’t helping. Maybe the Air Force needs more competent leadership?

Submitted November 28, 2022 at 11:42AM by MartianMaterial https://ift.tt/D8ut1I7


I live near a paperMill but seriously every night and sometimes starting from 6 PM I hear this noise over my house that sounds like that thing in war of the worlds the sound that it makes before it starts eating people… I’m not joking it’s that exact noise and all night it’s been making that noise. It’s terrifying my family and I just sit in my bedroom listening to it for hours because it’s so alarming it feels right above our house and it just sounds like a giant hovering aircraft constantly needing repairing or something but I was wondering if you guys ever hear that above your house?

Submitted November 28, 2022 at 02:21AM by Evening-Farm9082 https://ift.tt/PDeSRl6

Sunday, November 27, 2022

NASA to Investigate UAPs

On October 24th 2022 NASA announced it had put together a committee of 16 experts to investigate UAPs from NASAs standpoint, separate and distinct from the Department of Defense. It’s a positive development with a report due mid 2023. To what degree the NASA committee will study UAP incidents, this podcast exposes the small print to show what the committee is not tasked with doing, and is worth keeping in perspective to manage expectations. Check it out!

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 01:14PM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/OXyxMl5

how to contact them?

Any advice on how to get in contact? Please avoid jokes, I know this sub sometimes get ridiculous but I believe there are experience people here and a lot of people wanna know.

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 12:13PM by reansioso https://ift.tt/khV5yaD

Kill them before they speak/communicate in any way

Aliens have to be destroyed, regardless of shape, form, intention they come with etc. As soon as possible and before they communicate to mass audience. Chances that they bring lies and deceit for the entire race are too big.

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 09:03AM by thorsten3 https://ift.tt/IgWCE16

The US government would gain more from releasing alien tech than hiding it

If anti-gravity was a thing - and say you released to Elon Musk's company who could figure out how to reverse engineer it, neither the NASA, nor SpaceX would have to allocate billions to the space exploration and maybe even the defense budget. They literally have to spend billions to send someone to the Moon..

If they were to release it "later" and tax payers would come to know that the government unnecessarily spent BILLIONS to pay for rocket fuel, we would probably be more angry? or lose faith in the government idk.

What's the point of this post? I feel the government may not actually have a whole lot. They definitely have remnants or space ships and what not but not probably some "working prototype" like Bob Lazar describes.

It's like having a pill-like prevention/cure to cancer but unnecessarily spending taxpayer money for pointless chemo machines?

Does keeping all this alien tech under wraps so important that they would spend knowingly and unnecessarily throw billions into space and defense? I'm not saying we're alone. I'm saying the government probably doesn't having anything too exciting apart from the knowledge that we're not alone.

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 07:33AM by TOOOVERPOWERED https://ift.tt/rGNLxU4

Love it so much it's amazing!


Submitted November 27, 2022 at 05:05AM by IllWord8581 https://ift.tt/MqSUAF4

What's the best loadout to have when the aliens come and SHTF?

Prepping for doomsday, aliens are very likely technologically advanced to even reach us in the first place.

Will normal ballistic ammunition like 9mm or 5.56 even have any effect? They might be so advanced they're bullet proof.

On the other hand, we're more advanced than Stoneage cavemen and we would still die if they threw stones and spears at us.

Would the aliens have EMP technology? They might be able to jam our communication and even small arms like optics that are powered, forcing us to shoot with iron sights.

It's worth considering to get a gun with good iron sights and high stopping power, possibly armor piercing.

Submitted November 27, 2022 at 03:39AM by King-of-Vaginas https://ift.tt/vZXQyds

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Did Aliens create the Mysterious City of Nan Madol?

The abandoned metropolis of Nan Madol is in the middle of nowhere, more than 1000 km from the nearest coast. It is also known as the "Venice of the Pacific. “As of today, it is the only known ancient city built on the top of a coral reef and is considered one of the world's genuinely unexplained mysteries.

Nan Madol is built in a lagoon with 99 small artificial islands intricately linked by a network of canals. This canal system resembles Venice's canals. That is why Nan Madol is also called the “Venice of the East." Nan Madol means “spaces between” and refers to the canal system that runs between the massive walls.

The total weight of the basaltic rock used in the city is 750,000 metric tons, with some individual basaltic logs weighing upwards of 50 tons. Even more mysterious is that the people who built the town did not have pulleys, gears, or metals to aid the construction. Even more mysterious is that the people who built the town did not have pulleys, gears, or metals to aid the construction.

So how did they build the city? This mysterious engineering marvel is one of the most significant archaeological mysteries still unsolved in modern times.

Is it possible that Nan Madol will reveal the existence of an advanced civilization? Was it created by humans or aliens? Why was the city built in such a remote place in the first place? And why was it abandoned suddenly?

The questions and possibilities surrounding Nan Madol make it one of the most intriguing places on Earth.


Submitted November 27, 2022 at 12:01AM by IcyCartoonist1955 https://ift.tt/lfFaRgb

¿¡Flota Alienígena se dirige a la Tierra!? https://ift.tt/UGZMP5o

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Submitted November 26, 2022 at 01:11PM by Georgecz418 https://ift.tt/PgzMxJh

Glass Appearing Sphere

I’m wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head of any reports of UFOs that have the appearance of a perfectly round glass sphere, transparent, and small enough to only fit one being inside? Possibly traveling with a larger trailing craft?

Submitted November 26, 2022 at 09:42AM by threecheersforeve https://ift.tt/hI3ZRt5

Story about aliens- "The Neumann Encounter"




What happens when an alien Goddess who is Queen is besieged by nightmares from the earth from an abused child? It turns out- war! Because this

is a special child. A prophet child. Someone she knows all too well. He was meant for great things before he got kidnapped by anti-Prophet

cult that keeps abusing him to summon the evil and mysterious Chaos. Her dreams influence the empire- and war with the earth and humans

will happen if they can't or simply won't rescue him.

In 2019 there was an incident on the earth more famous than Roswell. It was known as the "The Neumann Encounter" although its real name is the

"The Neumann-Earth War." This is the story of when the Neumann are known by most to landed on- and waged war- against the earth. This is the

story of the Neumann Encounter and the permanent effect on the humans.


Humans didn't evolve alone in this universe. On 99 other planets, for a total of 100, humans evolved in conjunction with other races. One of

those races is known as the Neumann. About a foot taller with bodies and faces similar to humans (they hate hearing that) and long ears (they

don't want to be called "Elves" or be compared to them) they formed the largest empire in space. They were the first to evolve and evolved the

fastest. As their psychics were fond of telling earth's psychics, they evolved the slowest and the humans and thus had the smallest empire.

There was a problem though- the earth was unwilling to unlock the psychic gene. It enabled those who did to communicate with mysterious beings

from the afterlife- though only a small elite number of psychics could, no matter the alien race. Why wouldn't the stubborn earth just open the

psychic gene? It was a questioned most had forgotten about. Earth's religions would evolve to be so happier and more tolerant with the psychic

gene- and their technology would advance exponentially! It was a mystery none could ever decipher. The most popular theory was simply that

those who were psychics automatically earned and advanced more- with no competition! The psychics didn't fight or hate each much during all but

the worst of wars. They usually got along because, come plague of famine, they'd have gold and food and water aplenty. That's why Europeans

commonly said during the Middle Ages.

The psychic gene is nothing to be afraid of- its a natural evolution that grows with exposure to the kind but mysterious Light. Though darker

ones, especially on the earth, would go with the merciless but mysterious Chaos. Neumann don't like to discuss the Chaos so that's a story for

another chapter.

Inside of an ornate, well-designed castle designed to make people smile and exhibit the nearly endless wealth of the Royal Holy family of the

Neumann was a Queen known as Queen Karen. Indescribably beautiful for it's numerous well-crafted rugs and chandeliers and armor and antiques

and beautiful silver (most Neumann prefered silver) and a staff of several thousand it never failed to impressed. It was part of a property for a

distance of about what 10,000 square miles are to the Neumann. It lay in the center of the capital in the wealthiest district of Royal Holy City

Grandia on their Capital Planet of Planet Light.

The Neumann all lived for up to nearly 510 years of age. It gave them much time to acquire wisdom and ensure the leaders could make wiser

decisions. The shorter-life spanned aliens who didn't like their longe age would simply say they evolved cleverness instead to achieve

lasting legacy in shorter time without wasting time.

The Holy Neumann Empire had problems though- because several decades ago, it had lost a war against a rival alien race. Throughout it their Holy

Queen suffered nightmares and droughts and famines were common throughout the Empire. The people said she simply needed to cure her nightmares-

though none of the seers where they originated from.

She always wore the finest outfits- with a preference for white- and wore gold crowns covered in priceless rubies with gold feather-like designs

shaped like the most sacred of their animals on their most sacred planet. She was about 6'5 and had blue hair and blue eyes and was said to be

of immeasurable beauty. Many Neumann men and women sought her out for marriage- and though she dated, she stayed single. She needed to find a

way to address her nightmares before her health would improve. She was having a bad dream as she slept....

A man covered in black and covered in shadows spoke to a young, thin man with dark hair and green eyes who was approximately 17 years of ago.

"You stupid child of Holiness, of Light, of High Royal Blood. You stupid prophet. YOU WILL DIE!"

Child- "NOOOOOOO!" Before he could be harmed, she always woke up.

Queen Karen- "AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Neumann attendants arrived immediately.

Attendant 1- "What's wrong?

Attendant 2- "Shall we summon a doctor again?"

Queen Karen- "I can't stand it.... these nightmare plague me. Someone from Houston keeps being abused by terrorists- on the earth! I don't

know who but my seers say it be a young man nearing 20- but he'd die by then. Can you find him? I finally got a lead- Houston!"

Neuman Guard- "Yes! We'll investigate immediately and contact the earth and-"

Queen Karen- "No... I.... I..... I need more rest. Summon a general" A hologram appeared before her. The speaker was granted Royal permission

to address her. He was a large, muscular Neumann fond of cigars, alcohol and men.

Neumann General- "Fuck it. We're invading. We invade, we'll rescue all prophets in Houston being abused till we get! That stupid backwater

planet full of dumb, dumb humans- their psychic genes are barely active! This war will be fast and easy no matter what!"


10,000 ships approached the earth- a small portion of the Neumann Navy. A message via hologram was being tranferred to all hologram viewing areas on all




?- "Greetings."

"Neumann General- "YOU!" It was a thin, mean, older man wearing a five star outfit. He was sitting in a large chair with other generals at the Pentagon.

?- "Yeah. Call me General Richards. You're all about to die. Our ships will wipe you out." All the Neumann soldiers screamed in rage at the General.


Neumann General- "That ain't your name your dumb weenie it-"

Pentagon General- "It don't matter. We have the powers of Chaos. We've cultivated it for a long time. Nice ships- we'll take em! CHAOS, CHAOS, CHAOS!


Neumann General- "THAT- AIN'T- LEGAL!" Another general spoke.

Pentagon General 2- "We actually passed laws that make it legal everywhere across all space for us to defend ourselves legally through the usage-"

Neumann Soldier- "Fuck you! Like those anti-prophet laws?! They're offensive to the Light!"

Pentagon 2- "Yeah.... well.... sucks to be them. They don't have rights anymore on this planet you fuckers. Best focus on the battles."

Within minutes the mysterious Chaoslings attacked with a malevolent force known as Chaos. It used up considerable energies but after several minutes


..... all the ships were destroyed including those escaping. It was considered bad form to-



On Planet Calm there was much outrage over what was happening. The Empire spanned over 10,000,000 planets. Earth had just one, though was notoriously

powerful. The second smallest had over half a million, but was rarely bothered for it's extreme military might always seemed to win or stalemate every war.

People were rioting and discontent was at an all-time high.



Meanwhile, at a secret conference, the High Royal Families gathered to discuss the war.

Neumann Seer- "It's called secret for a reason, wink. Try the military conference."

Ummm.... meanwhile.... "You know us aliens? we're spying on him while you the historian writes. We actually don't fucking care because this will just be

censored later if we feel like it. He'll censor anything we want. So far we don't really give much of a fuck. Do continue, this amuses us. If you're reading

this before it's censored, it's probably for some weird reason or something."

Meanwhile at a secret conference, the Neumann military gathered with the military leaders of their colonies who came from every race. Literally!

There were even some humans- but this is true of all empires across space except the earth, so it isn't really as a big a deal as you might think.

The humans there were quiet and uncomfortable. Though loyal, many gave them nasty looks. This book will focus on the Neumann but the colony

militaries contributed one fourth as the Neumann. The Generals don't care to be identified.

?- "What do we do? What? Those ships were elite- it's an outrage, an outrage!"

?- "This is something that needs to be avenged!"

?- "How can we?"

?- "Karen can be fine once the young man is saved from the earth. Nobody there wants him rescued- I don't know why they hate prophets so much

all of a sudden."

"We gotta do it. It'll be an outright war, full resources, immediately waged. It'll be brief and highly succesful! We'll rescue all the

prophets and save them from abuse by the earth."


Suddenly, all newcasters broadcast a message- directly from Queen Karen of the Neumann Empire.

Queen Karen- "Greetings, earth. We come in peace. We're here to rescue all prophets being held in captivity from abuse by the U.S. government

and her"


"allies. Just let them go and we won't bother sinking a single ship or killing a single soldier. It's very easy."

The Pope showed up, infuriated.




"You ill-mannered simpleton! They need to be rescued! This war is an excuse to abuse them to summon more Chaos to this darkened world!

The Light is what we Neumann worship, not the Chaos! Light is good and Chaos is evil. Light spreads happiness and evil spreads-"

Pope- "...."

Queen Karen- "It's unspeakable." She cried. "The earth's leaders promised me I could deliver the address live."

Japanese woman- "We Japanese are curious. Just show the message in Japan- we're curious what the alien Goddess has to say. Just please don't

harm Shintoism or Buddhism or our beliefs." Karen cried.

Queen Karen- "Thank you. I'm not here to harm your religions- any of them. People have a right to their beliefs but not to go out and harm the

Holy and Sacred prophets. I will speak only to the Japanese and you'll have to hear this later. Pope, you have no manners, good day good sir."

Pope- "Bah!"

Japanese man- "Great, we want to hear! We want to hear!"

For one hour and ten minutes, Karen spoke to Japan. There was little controversy- and its rulers seemed concerned about the dangers of the Chaos

and the Chaoslings, and about the mysterious psychic gene that would uplift them to the stars above and give them an empire in space if they would

only let it open in all of them.


You know the Neumann leaders need to just fucking censor this part. AND HOW THE AMERICANS AND THE REST OF THE EARTH SAY! Just.... no.

The war's a stalemate. The humans are indescribably powerful and dangerous to fight and have an almost unlimited amount of Chaos- and Chaosling

allies. After two years, 1/3 of the earth's population were gone, drafted under heavily militarized states. Only Japan didn't fight- within an

unknown amount of time, they turned over the abused prophets of Japan for concessions and permitted an embassy and trade with the Neumann. The

rest is a secret they do want shared.


What is Chaos? It's a power the opposite of Light and-







The Neumann Empire might be the largest, but that small planet the earth hid many secrets. Nearly all of its top leaders secretly worshipped

Chaos and encouraged and spread its growth exponentially across the earth. The Pope just wouldn't convert- no matter what.

Pope- "Karenism will NOT spread to this earth! The war will be won! The faithful will realize Chaos is nothing to fear but merely as aspect of

God that enables us to win against those vile aliens! We will triumph in the end because half the Neumann Navies are gone- and armies are gone.


He spoke above Vatican City to the large, angry crowd below. Many people had awoken their psychic genes- and they kept disappearing to the Secret

Earth Psychic Services Police. people were angry.






A Holygram- a special hologram delivering the holiest of all messages- appeared above the crowd showing Karen dressed as her ceremonial role, the

Grand Exalted High Priestess of Light.

Pope- "What do you want? Its over! You lost! The psychic gene is blasphemy!"


Suddenly, the entire Neumann population began praying for the Light to spread. Queen Karen raised her arms and hands in front of her in two large

circles for a minute- and then everyone on the earth saw Light for a second.



Karen- "To many, yes. Our beliefs won't change or be censored no matter the earth demands. Just build a ship and find us- but your real enemy is

Chaos. Until this earth defeats it, all alien races confine you here until you win the war against Chaos. Only Japan will be assisted!



They grew quiet and afraid because they could see the spiritual world. Yu Yu Hakusho? Bleach? Stories of ghosts? There were countless monsters

that could be seen. Riots everywhere started across the earth of the population against the monsters. All televisions broadcast the Neumann

military leader- because Karen fainted from exhaustion!

High General- "We're leaving to take Karen back to Planet Light for medical attention. We will assist only Japan for one year and leave. Beware-

these powers are a blessing.... and a curse. Because you're not ready for them. But it was the only way to keep Chaos from spreading where it's

hidden so long with you. No race will EVER hide the psychic gene again!"

Over the next year governments were toppled- nearly all by force. Militias grew in power and many great powers fell. Nearly all politicans got

voted out of office- except in Japan. The country's GDP was now several times stronger and it was the only safe place on the earth. Its biggest

problem wasn't the excessive illegal immigration but, the war against Chaos and its worshippers and the Chaotics. It wasn't done yet- whatever

started the war needed to be addressed. And knowledge of Chaos was unfortunately spreading to the aliens who had forgotten it. There was an

enormous cost to do this to the earth, as the leaders would point out many times, and it was that the Chaos would spread everywhere it could.


A year later Karen's health improved significantly, though the war haunted her. What more, her nightmares still persisted. Inside her Royal

Palace she cried and spoke to her advisors.

Queen Karen- "I can't stand it.... these nightmares plague me. Someone from Houston keeps being abused by terrorists. I don't

know who but my seers say it be a young man nearing 24- he'll die by then. Did you find him?"

Neumann Soldier- "Yes! He is Matthew, a young man either brainwashed into thinking he's a prophet or an actual prophet. Either

way, he's being abused."

Queen Karen- "Then save him. I sense much evil near him."

Neumann Admiral- "Anything for our great Queen. Our Navy is nearing the earth and will land in a few minutes!"

Meanwhile, in a small rural town, a newscaster is hysterical somewhere in Middle America. "IT'S AN EMERGENCY, I REPEAT,








Within minutes countless Neumann ships landed. They fought many tough battles to land and a million soldiers marched towards the

house. They encountered stiff resistance from America's corrupt military. Some things didn't change. A loudspeaker spoke urging them to

stand down.




Within half an hour over several thousand armed forces of the corrupt U.S. government were killed and the Neumann made it near Matthew's


Chaos Terrorist 1- "What do we do!"

Chaos Terrorist 2- "Fight, fight, fight! For the glory of Chaos!"

There were hundred of terrorists who appeared from out of nowhere. The fighting was mean and difficult and after some losses

the Neuman made it to the house. Matthew was hysterical to see aliens for the first time but they calmed him down and took him

back to a safe ship. Soldiers remained to clean up the Chaos terrorist cell, especially that below the home in the sewer below.

Later, they returned to Planet Light.

Soldier 1- "Is he safe! Is he?!"

Neuman Agent- "Correct. The intelligence we gathered is.... of overwhelming value! These terrorists were working with elements

within the U.S. government."

Soldier 2- "Why are there so many new wars happening right now?"

Neuman Agent- "..... We can't discuss what we found under the house or his peculiar injuries.

At least now he can live safely with his mom who will be happy! Yes, she'll be delighted to know that-"

Queen Karen- "Shut up. Just shut up."


Submitted November 26, 2022 at 09:44AM by LonelyRefrigerator46 https://ift.tt/pQk7GCn

Need help explaining what my wife saw...

This was several days ago, middle of the night, around 3AM (of course, lol) but she says she and my dog both saw something that was very disturbing to both of them and around that time a really aggressive hot spot did start to form on my dogs hind section, possibly from heightened anxiety (incessant scratching, biting). The hot spot has gotten so bad in about 4 days that it looks almost like mange.

She says she walked out onto the front porch to smoke a cigarette while the dog walked out to sniff and pee, and after a minute or two it was like they both realized something was in front of them. Not like it appeared there or wasn't there before and then came to that spot but like it was there when they walked out and just did not immediately observe it for a minute or two.

Her description is that it looked like a paper towel on the ground but that as soon as they both noticed it (simultaneously), it formed a peak at the top and floated straight up into the air. Almost like an actual paper towel on a string that was being lifted straight up. Not fast or slow really, her demonstration to me looks like about the speed that you would swing a fly swatter maybe? But she says she watched it go straight up into the air until she couldn't see it anymore. No sound, no wings (for about 10 minutes I just assumed she was describing a barn owl until I realized she was saying she really could not explain no matter how hard she tried).

She said she is still very disturbed by it and like i said the dog has a really bad bald spot with sores forming on his back that I assume is from chewing his own skin due to anxiety but it did definitely begin to form the day after this happened and within about 4 days has progessed to a spot about 10" by 3".

I've tried to come up with a logical explanation and I can't, neither can she, and I have my own story that I have never been able to explain logically so I know how she feels.

If anyone has any suggestions I would really love to hear what it could possibly be. It does sound very unnerving to me and if there's a logical explanation we would both like to find it.

Submitted November 26, 2022 at 08:51AM by Shot_Bar2564 https://ift.tt/yFH2lTI

Thoughts on Extraterrestrial Technology

This is a thought, likely programming, it’s ok I’m still going to share anyways, & redact when the energy equalizes.

A little walkthrough on a type of Psionic Technology used on Earth, for Phone Augmentative applications, or really anything in physics, I’ll simplify it to a practical use since it’s widely used for phones 📱.

(Preface: In brief If you’ve done Chakra work, it changes the brain, stronger antenna basically, a mostly irreversible process, once you are activated or exercised your biology has performed a significant evolutionary adaptation.)

…& with that comes Extraterrestrials, because they love to check out how humans operate, hybrids, etc.

So what is this Technology I am describing here. Well it takes a visualization image of your screen, uploads a basic functioning mirrored replica of the device, the internal workings & its hacked, the entire thing is preloading content remotely. So how does this look exactly well with the Chakra Hybrid Evolution you get Brain Screens, windows with Heads Up Displays, the majority of that are machine automated with AI.

However, you can still interact with the devices quite extensively. so we think maybe precognition is occurring, where we are getting a premonition of a physical event something psychic related generally speaking, when in observation of this direct Technology, code script & plant-form base we get to watch the active process of Extraterrestrial Programming. That’s why I always direct attention to Extraterrestrial Technology here because the basic side effects of performing a supervised Chakra Evolution provides a gateway. The gateway experience, you get tossed directly into the physics of another species entirely.

So even here on Reddit let’s say. I’ve got a dual Screen window operating, open, one on the Chakra HUD, one of my physical phone. But the preset Chakra screen is augmenting the physics from the subatomic level of programming, so it’s prepping a light projection hopper/loader with AI algorithms, & inserting the visualization in real time where the two devices are interacting. Very fascinating.


Submitted November 26, 2022 at 03:57AM by PurpleCabbageGod https://ift.tt/8dsq4QW

Friday, November 25, 2022

Artemis 1 Live feed?

IMO, the only logical reason why we don't have a live video feed from the Artemis 1 is because of Aliens.

Think about it, there is no soul onboard, meaning there is no potential for graphical deaths that could be caught on video and that might shock viewers. So why the hell (despite all advancement in technology) we do not have a live feed from the capsule?

What do you think? It this a technical issue, or are they trying not to reveal the anomalies they encounter during such space mission to the public.

Edit: The fake looping videos on YouTube are not live feeds. They're just scams to collect donations. So no need to post links.

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 07:43AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/ugrYBG8

Ex CIA director calls Aliens Jimn


Make yourself aware if you're unaware about the concept of jinn.

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 06:05AM by Dawgcoiny https://ift.tt/4YE2Koe

Spaceflight means deformity and death

It concerns me that so many people want to go into space. The image of Matt Damon growingotatoes on Mars is an absolute lie. NASA knows that spaceflight causes extreme damage to our terrestrial bodies. Gravity is the glue that holds our cells together. Take away gravity, as in spaceflight, and the body deforms, many times irreparably. For example, NASA knows that spaceflight causes infertility and ocular damage. NASA is concerned that if astronauts ever went to Mars they would be blind before they got there. Eye damage in spaceflight is so prevalent that they give glasses to astronauts before they go into space called 'space anticipation glasses.'

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 06:14AM by reblloyd https://ift.tt/Zi52e41

Would non human entities lurk on the internet?

I think that would be natural to assume. We would probably lurk on a less advanced species internet if we could, if only for zoological purposes.

Seems like a first step in learning to infiltrate humans in general as well, if they are doing that.

I wish they would reveal themselves though, and tell some mind blowing knowledge about the nature of reality, or galactic civilization history or whatever, totally casual alien party trick. I just want to interact with someone who knows more.

Yeah, if you are anything but a conventional human that was a hint, please say something.

If there is a rule against it it would hardly be broken, roleplaying as a human roleplaying as an alien is indistinguishable from roleplaying as a human, no human would know ;)

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 04:15AM by NoRexTreX https://ift.tt/VYes8Xg

I think that when the reason aliens are seen over lakes and oceans is because they are collecting water for everyone on their research ship. What do y’all think?

I feel like ufos are just like jets on a carrier ship and their is a bigger one somewhere that is for researching earth. I’m sure they’d pack their own food but water takes up a lot of room so it’d make sense if they just grabbed some from earth to sustain their stay.

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 04:39AM by Deadlyasseater420 https://ift.tt/amJdcAC

Famous 13th century Muslim Scholar describes Alien experiences

Ibn Taymiyyah, a famous muslim scholar relates experiences of people around him:

"He may even be taken through the closed city gates and back again swiftly by the Jinn. Lights may shine on him or someone looking like his friend may call on him but, if he recites Ayat al Kursi continually, it will all dissappear." He also said, "Some mystics have also said that the Jinn showed them something shiny like water and glass in which images or pictures of whatever they sought information would appear and they in turn would inform people." 

This is a so vast a topic that if I were to mention all that I knew, it would fill a very large volume." [Ibn Taymeeyah, Al-Furqaan Bayna Awliyaa ar-Rahmaan wa Awliyaa ash-Shaytaan, pp. 87-92]

Jinn are known to be creatures just like us humans but can shapeshift and traverse the skies fast.

If you know you know.

Submitted November 25, 2022 at 02:24AM by Dawgcoiny https://ift.tt/jkGOyqX

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Are there many documented cases of aliens replacing real humans?

After recent events, I've been very interested in the extraterrestrials. Do any of you have any testimonies or stories about real people being replaced by aliens? And have any of you been replaced yourselves? Lol. Just a little humor for these dark times. Thanks again.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 11:26PM by bobdylanbrainrot https://ift.tt/Ry2zQSt

How to communicate with aliens?

Let’s assume that aliens communicate very differently then we do - for example some sort of sonar/telepathy/physical/colors/etc. If they were to approach humans, how would we figure out communication? Would it be starting kindergarten where we would show shapes with words underneath, begin to teach them our alphabet, etc? Seems like a daunting task.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 09:51AM by cofcof420 https://ift.tt/EtbakUQ

Let me date an alien… Just putting it out there

If there any extra terrestrials aliens or whatever out there I’m ready to date Your species I cannot do mankind anymore. So tired of men thinking they can hit off the little shit. I was not born yesterday… I am ready for another Species of man.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 10:05AM by SimpleSalamander9931 https://ift.tt/JGvcjC5

Galactic knowledge linked with “spiritual knowledge”?

How much do you think that galactic knowledge is actually what we call “spiritual knowledge” here on earth? (Ex. Telepathy, immortality, “non physical beings”, astral projection…)

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 06:38AM by carlo_cestaro https://ift.tt/ZMVNelw

If aliens are here, and you wish to preserve the human experience, what's the best way it could play out?

IMO humans could only manage another solar systems worth of planets without breaking society.

Dunno how you can keep people human and get future tech, either.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 05:31AM by ribblle https://ift.tt/h8jqfU2

Cann y'all pls tell me if its a helicopter or something else???


Submitted November 24, 2022 at 04:55AM by Positive-Ad-4477 https://ift.tt/VIvkhlZ

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

60 billion (60,000,000,000) civilizations

There is an estimated 100 billion (100,000,000,000) galaxies in the observable universe. An estimated 60% of these are spiral galaxies. Assuming one advanced civilization per spiral galaxy exists or existed, 60 billion advanced civilizations exist or existed.

Submitted November 24, 2022 at 12:21AM by BoredGeek1996 https://ift.tt/HZDx4Ff

anyone have a link to the interview with an American official confirming unidentified aircrafts

Sorry im so vague, it came out maybe 8 to 12 months ago. I can't find it anywhere online because I forgot to take down the name of the dude being interviewed

Submitted November 23, 2022 at 11:18PM by ammyranth https://ift.tt/iOgBTuM

Chris Bledsoe and the Coming Cataclysm



If you don't know who Chris Bledsoe is:


Please go read/listen to every interview he's done. He's without a doubt, by far, easily, the most important person in UFOlogy. That's why he's studied by the CIA, NASA, the US Government and Military and the Vatican.

The reason ? Because he was able to predict an Earthquake years before it happened. The exact date, the exact hour, the exact minute, the exact Richter scale, the exact location and city.

This happened and was on film -- he was speaking at a UFO conference about his experience with "the Lady" and then "they" told him to mention this exact event. As the US government sometimes (always?) has people at these conferences, they know that some people are bullshit, but some people are real, so they keep track.

Bledsoe as they found out was very real.

Bledsoe was about to kill himself, having lost everything from extreme Chrohn's Disease, when "they" showed up and brought him onboard a ship and cured him of everything. His son was abducted too.This event was seen/corroborated by MULTIPLE people who were with them fishing at the time.

His Son has a podcast "Bledsoe Said So" -- and he brought his dad on on Christmas Eve 2021 -- and his father specifically talked about how the government wanted to really look at their family background, they were almost obsessed.

Then he was told that the reason why, is because according to the US government, 85% of all experiencers and people involved with ET's etc are linked to Scottish/Celtic backgrounds (not English) and/or Native American's.

I am an experiencer and I am 100% Scottish.

Bledsoe, like all the rest, talk of a coming Cataclysm, imminent actually, in the next few years, involving the Sun as the trigger, like every other ancient culture and every single religion.

Buckle up folks.

Submitted November 23, 2022 at 01:14PM by Funkadelick99 https://ift.tt/Rb9qG4x

Update: Sirius as base for Betty Hill Map

User u/SeginusGhostGalaxy overlaid the Betty Hill Map behind the Sirius Constellation and although some do not line up perfectly it certainly looks promising.

It may that Betty Hill could not remember exact angles, but all the features are here and size is roughly the same.

Again please let me know your thoughts and thank you to u/SeginusGhostGalaxy for arranging it so wonderfully.


Submitted November 23, 2022 at 10:06AM by 123shitinmyass https://ift.tt/Qcsydzb

My possible encounter.

I genuinely believe that I had an encounter with a UFO as a kid (maybe 11 or 12). I lived out in the sticks, very close to a nuclear power plant. I used to go for walks at night to let out some energy, and I’ve always been able to think more clearly when I’m moving. I still remember exactly where I was standing when I saw it. It appeared to be a light, dancing among the stars. I was watching it while puzzled, then BAM. It was instantly seemingly in my face. It was very large, circular, and had an array of lights on the bottom varying between yellow, orange, and green. The lights seemed to be in some sort of pattern, but lacked much uniform at the same time. It’s very difficult to describe. It made a sound. The closest thing I can compare it to, is the high pitched droning instrument in the song Sleep by Godspeed You! Black Emperor at 7:48. Every-time I listen to it, I am taken right back to that experience. I did not believe in Aliens back then. I didn’t even really think much about aliens. This experience felt like a punch right in my soul. I almost felt like I left my body. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed. I do not think it was a dream, because my dreams have never been that realistic. I can never remember exactly what I was thinking at every moment in my dreams, but i remember every detail. I still remember it as clear as day over 10 years later. I’ve been fascinated with aliens ever since.

Submitted November 23, 2022 at 09:15AM by who-cares-2345 https://ift.tt/P2kzofn

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.