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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

So how does this paper hold up to people's theories?


Submitted June 01, 2022 at 01:53AM by Hot-----------Dog https://ift.tt/3w0jU8o

Best books on Aliens for a gift to a fan from someone who knows nothing about it.

My husband is very interested in Aliens - especially all of the recent "uncovered" info. I want to get him a book or 2 on the subject for his birthday but there may not possibly be a thing in the world I know less about. Best if they are either: 1. newly published with this info, 2. ancient alien stuff or 3. books detailing specific stories of sightings. Or is there possibly a releaseed gov record book (something like the Warren Report from the JFK assassination but for aliens)?

Submitted June 01, 2022 at 12:09AM by AssociationPublic804 https://ift.tt/jtlHI7B

The UFO community and the search for "legitimacy"

What is interesting to me about the UFO question, vis-à-vis its supposed “legitimization” by way of media and governmental attention, is that the ufological community is now largely authority-appealing to the very institutions which have historically delegitimized their topic of study.

On the one hand, I understand how this apparent about-face could seem impressive and partially sympathetic to the topic of interest. On the other hand, the continual excitement over sanctioned reports, hearings, or ostensible footage obscure the matter, if not actively muddy the waters, especially when that excitement is coupled with predictions of an ever-imminent "disclosure."

The community would do well, I think, to be more generally skeptical of these institutions' involvement within ufology. One need not be a materialistic debunk-junky, or a conspiracy theorist incapable of accepting anything a government spokesperson says as factual, in order to practice such caution.

Submitted May 31, 2022 at 06:59PM by Abrbarzan https://ift.tt/BCZgWGw

I spotted a ufo


Submitted May 31, 2022 at 04:59PM by maciek2124 https://ift.tt/JIAbuzE

Mick West, Birds


Submitted May 31, 2022 at 11:59AM by VinniGreti https://ift.tt/QUlyEm9

guys how do you make the twerking alien go away


Submitted May 31, 2022 at 10:38AM by Equinox_Ambushed https://ift.tt/xJc1jgf

Delphos, Kansas UFO caused Health Problems: Eyewitness Interview with Ronnie Johnson


Submitted May 31, 2022 at 09:05AM by InformationOk9318 https://ift.tt/z6PIhpC

Dead little green creature lying beside the wreckage of ship.(Found this while surfing the youtube don't know if it's real or not)


What the hell are we looking at??

Submitted May 31, 2022 at 03:02AM by Slimshady28u https://ift.tt/YL51eCH

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Alien contact

I have been having a lot of recent things happen to me that has made me think back on something very odd that happened when I was younger. I am currently 23/M and live a relatively normal life. Rewind back to when I was 7 years old and a kid in my neighborhood had been abducted. Abducted by a person that is. A 5 year old boy was kidnapped through his open window on the second story. I lived in a pretty up scale neighborhood at the time so things like that just didn’t happen around that area, so it caused a lot of panic in parents around town. That panic obviously shifted to fear and that fear was felt by us kids and with the story on the news to back it up. It was enough to give any child nightmares. Fast forward a few months later when the story kind of faded from news outlets the panic slowly faded as well. I however would have nightmares sometimes about someone coming into my room and taking me. My parents would always check the locks on my windows and reassure me that I would be just fine, but the nightmares continued for some time. I recall one very specific dream that stood out from the rest however. I was in my bed with my little brothers room next door and my parents room down the hall. I was the last one awake because I went around the house crawling like a military man on a mission, trying not to get caught by my parents, so that I could sneak into the living room and watch tv past my bed time. Anyway I had ended up falling asleep on the couch. Not something I did because that obviously would blow my cover in the morning. I remember waking up at the very early stages of morning. Maybe 2-3am. I turned off the tv and walked to my room. I lay down in bed, pull the covers over my head, and I close my eyes. *tap. I pull my covers down instantly. Something had just tapped on my window. I go into full panic mode but I can’t bring myself to move or scream. *tap. Now I am hyperventilating. But something compelled me to pull my curtains back. I walked to the window. Pulled the curtains back. And saw nothing. Before I go any further. I would like to make something clear. Growing up I was very adventurous. This however was completely out of my comfort zone. Anyways. For some fucking reason I took my screen off my window and opened my window so that I could crawl out. Next thing I know I am standing barefoot in my pajama bottoms in my sandy back yard. To this day I can remember how weird I felt. What comes next is a blur, I remember walking down the road and seeing a house that was very distinctive because it had been struck by lighting 3 times in the last year and had nearly burnt to the ground each time. This house was several blocks away from my house but still in the neighborhood. I remember a child’s yellow slide coming from the second story window down to the ground floor on the outside of the house. I proceeded to walk up to the house and make my way up the slide. As I started to get closer to the top of the slide I could hear what sounded like a family having dinner. I got to the top and peaked inside. It was a family but they were completely white with no distinctive facial features. I can’t recall what I saw them doing but I remember thinking they were vampires. Whatever I saw them do scared me to the point of me falling down into the house. I landed on my back, the room spun for a moment. The last thing I remember was 3 of them standing over me. 7:30am. Alarm clock rings. Thank god it was just a dream. I pull my covers down and wipe my eyes. Slide my feet to the side of my bed. My feet are filthy.. odd I take notice and proceed to standup. I immediately crashed to the floor when a sharp lightning like pain shot through my leg. I physically could not get up. I screamed for my parents who initially thought I was making it up to get out of going to school. My dad had noticed my screen was missing from my window and gave me a stern look of disbelief when I told him i didn’t know what happened to it. Once they realized I was in excruciating pain. I couldn’t stop crying. They took me to the er for X-rays. This is when I got really freaked out. The X-ray showed a “hole punch” in my femur… doctor said he’d never seen anything like it and had absolutely no idea what could’ve caused it. Dumbfounded we left the hospital with pain meds and a follow up appointment that would end up amounting to me making a full recovery. To this day I don’t know if that was a dream or if I actually experienced something truly extraordinary that night. I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced anything similar.

Submitted May 30, 2022 at 12:21AM by Ok-Law7130 https://ift.tt/VGIk4g9

If you are given the chance to live on another planet inhabited by an advanced civilization (aliens) where you are the only earthling with the catch that you can never go back to earth, would you go ? If yes, why would you leave earth forever?

An inhabitable planet, aliens as in movies, not horror but sci-fi, think Kryptonians, Guardians of the galaxy aliens, Asgardians.

Assuming you can speak their language and copulate with them.

Leave earth for good and everyone you ever knew or loved behind and start a new life on another planet.

Submitted May 29, 2022 at 10:59PM by JuiceAggressive3437 https://ift.tt/LyHf6nd

Dream visit, anyone recognise this type? Son seen this in his dream, I used to have a reoccurring dream in my younger years which lasted years, different from this type though and he's not been subjected to influence either.


Submitted May 29, 2022 at 02:13PM by Stickitupyourchuff https://ift.tt/ald7SxZ

Crash landing or meteor? (Sound on)


Submitted May 29, 2022 at 12:31PM by OGSoulSlayer https://ift.tt/nr1Kxoy

#AlienAlexaChallenge Ask Alexa a Question, see what happens.


Submitted May 29, 2022 at 11:41AM by MusicalScientist206 https://ift.tt/3j8UmO4

By sheer numbers alone, the existence of aliens should be a given.

In fact I think is reasonable to consider that life is actually common in our galaxy. However I think intelligent and sentient life like us is relatively uncommon. I think most planets that contain life are like earth was millions of years ago.

It may be teeming with life but we would have no way of knowing because they can’t communicate with us. Even if a planet does have intelligent life, if it was like earth 500 years ago, they would not have the technology to communicate with us either.

Submitted May 29, 2022 at 10:46AM by Suicine865 https://ift.tt/yMTJGwx

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Weird thing in the sky of Sweden


Submitted May 28, 2022 at 09:10AM by inanis8 https://ift.tt/JaUu2DO

Documentary (from 2001): Voronezh UFO Landing with Aliens in 1989 (in English), plus more witness statements.

This is a segment from the show Giants: The Mystery And The Myth (2001) that was aired on the Discovery Channel.

Giants: The Mystery And The Myth (2001) - Voronezh Segment

Here are the full witness statements from the book UFO IN VORONEZH or НЛО в Воронеже.

Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev:

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Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev:

It was not immediately possible to persuade Alexander Nikolayevich Kutishchev, an elderly but rather strong man of about sixty, who works as a janitor, to tell about what happened and go to the UFO landing site, which he witnessed. Finally, he agreed, and with our small group (only G. Silanov is not with us, because he, like each of us, has the main job that you can’t quit at any moment) on Vyacheslav Martynov’s Zhiguli we go to Mashmet (specific area within Voronezh). To the left of the highway stretches a neglected field. Obviously, there used to be private gardens here, but this year the land was not cultivated, and the site was filled with weeds that had dried up by autumn.

"Stop, - Alexander Nikolaevich shows with his hand. - Here it was, at the beginning of the evening, forty people got off the train. We see a sphere flying, glowing, and it began to jump over the field, two or three times, up and down.

The most curious, including myself, ran across the road to take a closer look. I was standing on this hillock," Kutishchev recalls the details. Apparently, it is the first time in his life that he has to talk about unidentified flying objects.

"And then it seemed - a ghost in the form of a man", Alexander Nikolayevich continues. "The door in the sphere opened and he stood there. The people murmured: “Look, look, there is some kind of person!” Bigger than me. He looked so powerful. And the head - the devil knows - like this", - drawing his head into his shoulders -, Alexander Nikolayevich “draws” an arc in the air with his hands, thereby showing that the “ghost” he saw did not have a neck. Then he finds the right word: “You know, he was like a robot, clumsy. On his chest - something like a square shield, and in his hands some kind of stick, like a crutch. He lowered it down again - either leaned on it, or took something out with it. I didn't see it, it was far away."

"But this sphere was not quite round, but flattened, gray in color. There were three lights on it, red, like a brake light on a car. It was not standing on the ground, but hovering just a little higher", - Kutishchev shows with his hand at chest level.- "This man then turned around - as if he looked at us - and disappeared through his door. As it flew away, there was a squeal. The sphere rose a little, stopped in place and - gone", Kutishchev waves his hand, showing how the sphere instantly disappeared.

The next day we go to the "Mashmet" and verify the Alexander's story. Sitting in the car and not yet knowing the coordinates, Genrikh Mikhailovich catches the right direction with a dowsing frame on the go and not far from the place where we recorded Kutishchev’s story on videotape the day before. He asks to stop the car. Fifteen minutes later, Genrikh Mikhailovich, without anyone's prompting, with the help of only one frame, goes to the site known only to us. We examine it again, affirming our opinion: the object did not touch the soil. By the way, Kutishchev also said this, but in his own words. In two places, up to one and a half meters, the stems of plants are crushed, some are uprooted by some kind of circular rotational movement.

It is noticeable how the stem is split and twisted at the roots of one of them. The first thing we thought about was maybe someone tried to twist this weed out of the ground in the summer, when it was green? But no, they found fresh black soil on the roots. Similar traces could be left by a small tornado. But the frame in the hands of Genrikh Mikhailovich rotated in these zones, forming circles with a diameter of about four meters, at a rather high speed (the video camera captured these moments), and in our archive, there was a video recording of the story of A. N. Kutishchev! It is impossible to imagine a more convincing, impressive evidence!

Volodia Startshev and Sergei Makarov:


Volodia Startshev:

On September 28, there is a whole “fireworks” of events. Moreover, the first of them, as the seventh grader of the 33rd school Volodya Startsev claimed, happened in the afternoon:

“I went for a walk with the boys - we skipped a foreign lesson language. Lesha Nikanorov and Sergei Makarov were with me and we went to the park. At about half past three we saw a sphere flying very slowly from the direction of the kindergarten. The sphere is large, in the middle it had something similar to the letter "Zh", and on one side there are two antennas.

He passed over the light post and landed near the poplar. Its color was pink, but it changed its color. The sphere stood on four legs. Then a hatch opened, a ladder descended, and three people got out: two people and a robot. They carried the robot out on their hands, put it on its feet, made it come alive - pressed it several times on the chest - and it walked like a human.

When the sphere landed, the guys and I ended up on opposite sides of it: the guys on one side, me on the other. The alien walked towards me, extended his hand. And I got scared, climbed a tree and trembled with fear. The alien's head was large, twice as large as ours, and it had three eyes, almost at the same level, only the third eye was some kind of red and in a mesh. He was taller than average. Then the aliens went to Alyosha Nikanorov. He first looked at them, then ran to the house.

Sergei Makarov added to the story of his friend:

“There was nothing to be seen inside the sphere. When the door opened, a bright light beamed from there, blinding us. The aliens were dressed in silver suits, silver vests with clasps and buttons, and silver boots. Their faces were brown, their skin smooth, their hands, I think, five fingered."

Volodia Startshev drawing:

Volodia Startshev drawing of the UFO and Alien

Volodia Startshev reenacting the UFO incident of climbing the tree to escape from the alien:

Volodia Startshev climbing up a tree to escape the Alien UFO occupant

Dennis Murzenko:


Dennis Murzenko:

Dennis Murzenko, like Startsev, studies at the same 33rd school in a parallel seventh grade. He was the only schoolchild witness who saw the UFO, not in the park, but next to his own house on Tsimlyanskaya Ulitsa (street view):

“On the twenty-eighth of September, my mother and I were going to a Presnyakov concert. I had already dressed and decided to take a walk. The time was ten minutes past seven. I go out onto the road, look at the sky and see: something pink, like an egg, is flying, big, big, and rays depart from it. It was descending, at a height of about the seventh floor, it released two legs and began to swing and move back and forth. Then it started to slowly drop.

I look, it has the letter “Zh” on it and the outlines of a person, like a shadow from there, from the inside. Head and torso as tall as me. The face is old. I stood, and it sank lower and lower. I got scared and ran to my house. When I turned around, I saw bright rays. The object landed near the sheds, next to reinforced concrete slabs. There was a sound like music. In the open hatch I saw the silhouette of a man. After that, I ran into the house... "

Dennis Murzenko Drawing:

Dennis Murzenko Drawing of the UFO and Alien Occupant

S. A. Matveyev:


S. A. Matveyev:

Was it not this apparatus descending to the ground that was seen by police lieutenant S. A. Matveyev, who was not far from the park on the evening of September 27?

“I had to go get some bread. I looked at the clock - 18.45. I managed to go to the store just before closing, and when I returned home, it was ten minutes past seven. At that time, I saw a reddish sphere in the sky, which was flying towards the aircraft factory. It was about the size of the moon. Next to me was a neighbor. We looked at the sphere for two or three minutes. After exchanging impressions, we decided to wait to see if he would appear again. Indeed, twenty minutes later, another sphere flew along the same trajectory, outwardly the same as the first."

“I observed this phenomenon around 19 pm. It was already quite dark, the sky was cloudy. The white object was flying completely soundlessly at an altitude of about 200-250 meters (650-825 feet). It moved quite quickly, without any rays or illumination. There was only a slight "neon" glow around him. It flew into the lateral side of the reservoir and, it seemed to me, began to descend. In any case, I observed this phenomenon for a short time, about five seconds. Unfortunately, I didn’t see how it landed, but the fact that the object flew completely silently and at high speed is can be considered quite reliable."

To see the original Soviet TV NEWS special and the Spanish TV special on the Voronezh landing , see this post:


Submitted May 28, 2022 at 07:58AM by ItsTheBS https://ift.tt/itCYLvc

Buzz Aldrin talks about a monolith on the moon of mars.


Submitted May 28, 2022 at 06:58AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/qdc5Yf8

Friday, May 27, 2022

second 14


Submitted May 28, 2022 at 01:30AM by Public-Leader-8555 https://ift.tt/Ou2tEBz

Man believes he captured alien on security camera


Submitted May 27, 2022 at 07:07PM by Milo_Parley https://ift.tt/NmVptdP



Submitted May 27, 2022 at 02:29PM by missvocab https://ift.tt/MzRSBDO

Arizona 3/9/2022 UFO

Could be fake, could be something man made but what could this be? I'm not the author just found this kind of interesting.


Submitted May 27, 2022 at 01:43PM by reidburial https://ift.tt/oNP6uwE

What would happen to Religion if Aliens visited and stated they're the creators?

With all of the Pentagon and rest of the world for that matter discussing UPAs and how more they're being spotted by not just civilians but by very very reliable sources. What if Aliens did join us and explain to all of us that they're the creators? Makes me wonder if Aliens get that and realize some people would go nuts and would refuse to accept anything else. , definitely could start a big war. While on religion has anyone seen the Popes church or the huge Jesus behind him that's supposed to depict Jesus coming back to a nuclear catastrophe world War 3.

I read an article a few days ago that dealt with hypnosis through sounds and images. How far are we away from someone or something a Mass hypnosis. For example if theres a loud tone played over New York which hypnotized everyone who heard it or if there's an image that just flashed on your screen causing mass hypnosis.

Has anyone or does anyone have knowledge of DMT and people now starting to contact ALIENS while on DMT. There's a few videos out there and there are legit videos that show UFOs and the people sitting around the CE5 app.

Which now leads me to the burning bush in the Bible. Which is when Moses saw Jesus. While the burning bush (the Acacia family) I think it's not a coincidence that Moses had DMT burning in front of him and he then sees God. The tree of life is what is mainly used to extract DMT the leaves are used an MAOI and the bark is to extract DMT. Who in the hell figured this out? And what's the deal with everyone seeing the same DMT creatures. I think there's alot more to DMT than people realize. DMT is like meditating at its highest form on steroids.

Submitted May 27, 2022 at 05:02AM by ShocAndAwe https://ift.tt/LWtwB79

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Roswell & B. Lazar...


Submitted May 27, 2022 at 01:59AM by gamerdud369 https://ift.tt/gknCGdv

The local news I caught may 25, 2022 your thoughts


Submitted May 27, 2022 at 12:19AM by Pharaoh71 https://ift.tt/aHb706S

News Outlet Dropping UFO Video Tomorrow?!


Submitted May 27, 2022 at 12:12AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/qOKv3Xi

My "Abduction" experiences

I put Abduction in quotations... because honestly, a part of me really wants to believe they were all dreams. I made this account to share my experience, and in a way to organize my thoughts on the matter..... as my curiosity has peaked since 2017. Something that I was able to easily attribute to dreams, suddenly became more real... I don't expect much out of this, but reading some other people with abduction experiences is very eerie due to the similarities.

I've had a life long interest in UFOs and Aliens/Abductions since my experiences (or dreams) at a young age.

The time line for events is between 9yo to 27yo, between the years 1993 and 2012.
As far as I can remember, I have not had any experiences since 10 years ago.

My experiences have often occurred while I was experiencing sleep paralysis, although not always.

I stopped getting sleep paralysis when the experiences stopped, I have not had it in 10 years.

There were times when I was younger I would get sleep paralysis multiple times a month or even in a week. They happened so often, it started to irritating me to the point of trying to break out of it.

Usually just muted gurgles as I tried to scream out loud, faint movements, before feeling as if I was being drugged back to sleep forcefully.

Not all of my sleep paralysis was connected to some experience, and the forcing back to sleep happened just the same.

However,.. sleep paralysis during an experience seemed a bit different, if I laid still, didn't try to resist - I could lay there for awhile before falling back to sleep, but if I struggled to move, to speak or yell - my body felt like pins and needles, as if my leg had gone to sleep, but for my entire body where I tried to move. (this pins and needle feeling didn't happen during normal sleep paralysis without experience)

I am not a fearful person, nor am I very emotional... thinking of lost loved ones do not make me feel the intense feelings I get when I see the stereotypical large eyed aliens like on the cover of the book Communion:


My eyes tear up, I feel intense pressure on my eyes, and I feel terror.

When this first started happening when I was young ~9yo, it honestly gave me PTSD at the time, and it felt like I was sometimes being watched through out the day. (Thankfully I no longer suffer for these psychological issues....)

My personality shifted, and I went from a very energetic active young boy, to very reserved and careful. I remember my mom asking me around that time why I was acting so different, and I replied basically saying I was saving my energy... she asked "for what?" and I didn't have an answer.

When the experiences first started happening, I noticed it didn't seem to happen if I was sleeping with someone else in the room.... so I started sleeping on my parents floor until I realized that didn't actually help....


There were many other experiences that don't stick out in my memory....

(when I say strange dreams, basically some sort of weird alien dream)

1) strange dreams, not coherent - wake up in bed with sleep paralysis, fall back to sleep, wake up later with arms crossed against my chest (I never sleep like this)

2) strange dreams, no coherent - wake up on floor next to my bed, same arms cross along chest

3) This one happened when I was sleep on my parents floor.... strange dreams - the only thing I really remember was my dad and mom standing up next to their bed, my dad telling me it's okay and it's nothing to be worried about. I do not recall seeing anything else.

After this one... I no longer slept in my parents room, as it was apparent it didn't really help and just seemed to include other people who wouldn't have been included otherwise...

4) Sleeping at my gf's house (at the time)

Sleep paralysis - irritated as it was happening a lot during that time, started to break out of paralysis.... I started trying to yell and move violently and eventually broke out of it to a fully awake state....

This is by far the weirdest thing I have every experienced regarding this...

As I broke out of the sleep paralysis, the following things happened:

  • The whole room appeared to shake violently
  • Sound changed...
    • I could hear my computer fan go from a slow whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, becoming faster and faster until it was the usual fan sound....
  • Light appeared to flash on and off quickly, as if someone was flicking the light switch on and off
    • (it was night time and the room was dark)
  • As the light flashed in the room, I could see two silhouettes behind a curtain (that was separating the room)
    • The silhouette on the left appeared to be a person about 6ft tall
    • The silhouette on the right (they were standing next to one another) was about 3-4ft tall

This all occurred in about 5-10 seconds, when I "woke" up I had a very strong calm feeling ... very very very calm, which was very strange due to what just happened... I remembered almost falling back to sleep but stopped myself as I wanted time to think about what had just happened...

5) Sleep paralysis - open eyes and look around, kind of looks like my room but not exactly, and everything along the walls appeared to be blurred out... I started trying to move and break free and get a voice in my head that says calmly "It's okay, this is nothing to worry about, go back to sleep" pins and needles along my body, and a feeling of being drugged/forced back to sleep...

Wake up with my arms crossed along my chest

6) I moved a great distance from where I used to live ~5000km, and part of me hoped the experiences would stop... but they didn't

One night I woke up suddenly around 1:15am looking at my alarm clock, and then going back to sleep

"wake up" again in my bed, sleep paralysis, pins and needles along my body, sleep a dark figure next to my open bedroom door, top of the head near the door knob... ~3ft tall

I start to freak out, try to move, scream... unable

My whole body begins to levitate towards my bedroom door (feet first) towards the dark figure... as I get closer I can see what looks to be large glossy eyes on the head reflecting light from the window, I cant make out any other details... as I float by I feel it touch my forehead.... I wake up in my bed and feel the pressure of the touch release... arms crossed in bed along my chest.... look at the alarm clock ~3:30am

7) Last experience I remember... strange dream of struggle, running away, attempted escape, someone grabs my hand and pulls me by my thumb...

Wake up, noticed later that day I have a mark on my thumb, which kind of looks like a burn mark, but doesn't hurt, weird shape, it wasn't there the day before and I don't recall doing anything that would leave a mark like that...

I have not had any experiences that I recall since then, I also no longer get sleep paralysis... before it stopped I probably had 100 or so episodes of sleep paralysis.

I developed intense tinnitus in 2013, not from hearing damage/loud sounds, but possible viral infection?...


  • Followed me over a long distance, or maybe separate entities ?
  • Cold, Calculating, Uncaring,
  • Bug like or Mechanical like
  • Long fingers?
  • Large glossy eyes
  • Sounds of fast clicking, communicating between each other?
  • Terror - intense terror

Sorry for the long post... but it feels better to get this off my chest, feel free to ask any questions

Submitted May 26, 2022 at 01:51PM by Shadow_Lazer https://ift.tt/ivnxTda

1995-02-17: Nellis AFB UFO Radar Visual Leak


Submitted May 26, 2022 at 05:04PM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/6AjpcyQ

this is proof to me


Submitted May 26, 2022 at 03:12AM by KlokwerkE https://ift.tt/nbeuNYy

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What the 4th dimension is like


Submitted May 26, 2022 at 12:59AM by AirMaskMat https://ift.tt/fzNX6Ak

Elon Musk and Nickola Tesla

● Ok, I don't know if this has already been speculated (so if I'm plagiarizing rn, don't come for me) but it's been bothering me. So some of you may know of nichola Tesla, a famous inventor and scientist who lived during the 1800's and was noted as being "wierd". His work encompassed the field of electricity, with his final goal being free, wirless energy for the entire earth. He ended up succeeding in his endeavors but conveniently died and his invention was nowhere to be found. ● Cut to almost 200 years later, Elon musk, a wealthy and incredibly wierd inventor has stated that he has the same goal. And he even has stated plans stretching far beyond those horizons as well. And he has since released technological software, medical advancement technologies, and a line of high-tech, electric cars under the brand name "Tesla".

 Now here's where it gets a little foil hat(ty), iv come up with two theories that have been bugging me. 

  1. Elon Musk was from Neptune👽

     Ok, that sounds crazy, but at least I warned you. See, according to a number of documents (released by the CIA, NSA, and Homeland security) before Tesla died, he confided in a few of his close constituents that he was not in fact from earth, But instead from the planet neptune. Tesla (allegedly) goes on to say that on Neptune they have incredibly vast technologies in the field of electricity. And he said that he was sent here as a baby to assist the human race in their endeavors to become a multi-planetary species. Jump forward to Elon Musk, we see an alarming amount of coincidences between Elon and Tesla. So that raises my first question, could Elon Musk be from Neptune like Tesla claimed to be? 

● 2. Elon Musk is Nichola Tesla's Reincarnation♾

 Ok maybe a little crazier than my last. But hear me out, with all the similarities between Elon and Nichola they could be mistaken for the same person (minus the face). And furthermore, Elon is incredibly smart, he's figured things out that would've taken people twice his age lifetimes to figure out. And he's seemingly always been that smart, showing an Incredible intellect from an early age. Could Elon be Nichola's reincarnation? 

Submitted May 25, 2022 at 09:05PM by SubstantialDrawing70 https://ift.tt/Lgw25BS

Has everyone ever seen something like this?


Submitted May 25, 2022 at 07:39PM by Glum-Attempt6920 https://ift.tt/CGcg2eO

UFO Hearing - May 17 2022


Submitted May 25, 2022 at 02:36PM by OmegaMagnus https://ift.tt/c9rGfxs

390 million-year-old fish-like creature unearthed in Scotland is revealed to be one of the earliest ancestors of four-limbed animals - including HUMANS

Submitted May 25, 2022 at 01:35PM by PythonLearner99 https://ift.tt/d5WiBe6

remote viewing probe of UFO disclosure hearing


Submitted May 25, 2022 at 05:53AM by CraigRVdata https://ift.tt/yVtoiNB

Forgot to post this until now but was I trying to be contacted by one of the disputers?


Submitted May 25, 2022 at 03:05AM by DrParanormall https://ift.tt/KxPHcid

Tuesday, May 24, 2022



Submitted May 25, 2022 at 01:38AM by Jshaafter81 https://ift.tt/ZtNJEsw

Would you know if you met one?

I’ve always believed aliens existed. It would be a terrible waste of space for them not to. I always believed they either looked like us or could shape shift to look like us, and if they told us who they were, we wouldn’t believe them, so we’d literally never know.

I’ve literally always believed this, in some recess of my mind. I’ve also always attracted and been attracted to strange folks. I’ve met three vampires. I’ve met werewolves and fairies and seen spirits, and hell, a few years ago, I discovered I was a medium, which was ironically where I drew the line. I didn’t believe in those. Well, not that I believed the supernatural beings were actually real. My only rule is that I can’t seek these weirdos out and I have to go down swinging. Fine, I guess I have two rules.

But even though I didn’t believe the dead could speak to people they didn’t know until - I guess you could say they chose me- I still believed in aliens. Or, humans or humanoids on other planets, anyway.

So when a friend asks if I believe they exist, I answer without hesitation, “they have to. It’d be an awfully big waste of space if they didn’t.”

“Do you think they’ll contact us?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. We won’t know if they do. I mean, we’ll write them off as crazy if they tell us who they really are.”

“So you don’t think intelligent life exists out -there (Gestures vaguely)”?

“I didn’t say that. But I hardly think it exists here. Why?”

“Can you keep a secret?”

“Yes” (I actually can).

“What if I told you I was one? Would you believe me?”

I take the popcorn out of the microwave and bring it back to my bed. We’re watching The Big Bang Theory- her choice. I mull this over. She’s kinda weird, I guess, but I have no idea how to measure that, given the people I meet. Not one of my friends is what anyone would consider “normal,” not even the straight ones. The LGBT+/alphabet mafia gang lets their freak flag fly. As an ally, I want a flag too. Just sayin.

Anyway, as I settle onto my bed again, she’s laughing. Kinda nervously. “Dude, I’m kidding. You’re so easy!”

“That’s what he said,” I retort. “But really, why couldn’t you be one? They have to exist. I’m a little surprised I haven’t met one yet, actually.”

“I’m sure you’ve met plenty,” she replies. “In nearly 40 years on this planet, well, this life cycle, I haven’t told anyone.”

“How many life cycles have you been on this planet? Why this planet? Have you told anyone in any other life cycle?” I have so many questions!

“I don’t know. Since Babylonian times. I don’t know. I have to figure out my purpose too, same as you. No, actually. Not in any of them.”

“I’m really flattered. Wow. Thanks. Hey, is god real? Are my parents right? Because I’m not actually interested in their Heaven.”

She laughs. “Which god? Yes. They’re all real.”

“Really? Because the Christian god is an asshole. He hardly seems the right guy to be doling out justice.”

“He’s a bit of a joke to the other gods. And no, he’s not just. But there is justice in the universe. She’ll take care of it.”

“‘She?’ Who’s ‘she?’”

“The universe itself.”

“Do you guys all know each other exists and think earthlings are idiots for questioning it?”

“Oh yeah. You’re all a bunch of redneck yokels.”

“Are you just messing with me? To find out how gullible I am? Are you gonna go tell your friends how stupid you made me look?”

“My friends back on Onairion? Can’t get there without the spaceship, and that got destroyed in Rome like 400 years ago.” Her lips twitch just slightly.

I can’t tell. Is she messing with me? Do I believe her because I so badly want to? Because her telling me makes me special somehow? I normally AM amazing at keeping secrets, but this one’s huge!! And it’s not like I told you WHO she was, so I still technically kept it. Am I just messing with you? Or is this whole story just a piece of fiction, meant just to entertain?

Submitted May 25, 2022 at 12:32AM by New-Cookie-7537 https://ift.tt/GIK5CLN

Notification today from Google... interesting to think about.


Submitted May 24, 2022 at 09:52AM by theseane https://ift.tt/HMGhWfc

Wouldn’t aliens have developed some level of invisibility?

If they have the extraordinary flying technology that we often see in UFO videos, wouldn’t they also have developed at least some level of invisibility. The reason I ask this is because I’ve seen those clear shields that bend light in a way that hides a person standing behind the shield (search invisibility shield on Google). I would expect aliens that are thousands of years ahead of us to have a way to reduce their visibly and blend in with the blue sky. Any thoughts?

Submitted May 24, 2022 at 06:40AM by Odd-Ad-1558 https://ift.tt/74gmpre

Check out this shill mods response, as to why my post about the Calvine UFO incident and cover up, was flagged and removed for politics, when it has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Reddit is controlled by the complicit and corrupt.


Submitted May 24, 2022 at 04:01AM by madethistosaythat https://ift.tt/IVOerug

r/Todayilearned removed my post about the Calvine UFO incident, flagging it as political. This is not right at all. This post had the potential of making the front page, and bringing more awareness to the masses about obstruction and stonewalling from our governments.


Submitted May 24, 2022 at 02:58AM by madethistosaythat https://ift.tt/w7g3AXQ

Monday, May 23, 2022

Alien Endgame on Discovery + : why all the hostility?

Just watched all the episodes on discovery plus. What purpose is there in making an entire show on worst case scenario and fear mongering with absolutely no facts to back it up? Maybe I am naive, but is this just another clickbait show to entertain, but do nothing towards inching towards legitimacy?

Submitted May 24, 2022 at 12:34AM by nexushalcyon https://ift.tt/0ZiJB3l

Mysterious ‘bulging triangle UFO’ filmed over city for two hours


Submitted May 23, 2022 at 11:13AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/s9I7zOo

Don't talk to strangers!


Submitted May 23, 2022 at 08:21AM by PsychologicalMail617 https://ift.tt/S94LKJ0

What if aliens are simply keeping us at arms length?

Hear me out.

Let’s start w the premise that ideas turn the dark matter of our universe into resources. It’s the fount of all civilisations and an alien one might want to adopt an arms-length approach with us to keep our knowledge base distinct. Why? To enlarge the potential pool of ideas. And be able to eventually mine them.

Ideas are like babies. Many have untold potential, but we’re unable to foresee their growth trajectory. If we smother all the laggards, we may foreclose some of their eventual triumph.

Ideas compete on two layers - its memetic appeal (resonance) and applicability in reality (action). At times, they converge. But some ideas may not be falsifiable, especially at their infancy.

If the alien civilisation flood ours with their advanced knowledge, it predetermines our trajectory - to converge with theirs. There may be variations in terms of degrees, rather than axial directions. ‘Cos we already have a fully formed idea of how we could (and should) advance.

Think of how Western civilisation has largely outcompeted Asian civilisation recently. As Junichirio Tanizaki puts it ‘the Orient quite conceivably could have opened up a world of technology entirely on its own (in the conduct of everyday lives, government, business and art). Western paper, is to us no more than something to be used, while the texture of Chinese and Japanese paper gives us a certain feeling of warmth, calm and repose. [If there was still widespread use], our thought and literature might [instead] push forward into new regions. An insignificant piece of writing equipment, when one thinks of it, has a vast, almost boundless, influence on our [Asian] culture.’

Some may ask - can’t the alien civilisation interact with ours but erect a Chinese wall to prevent the copying of technologies to nudge ours along a different path? I think this presupposes that a boundary is sufficient to ward off mimetic pressures. Arguably, an arms length approach would better serve this aim.

Submitted May 23, 2022 at 06:57AM by spell_abc https://ift.tt/PJge2My

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Astronomer Claims to Find the Star that May Have Sent the WOW! Signal

Why has the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (SETI) movement switch to sending signals instead of looking for them? A good answer would be that so many of the strange signals received, like the fast radio bursts (FRBs), are usually proven to have a natural cause – fast radio bursts are thought to be the result of colliding neutron stars or powerfully magnetic neutron stars known as magnetars. However, one signal has defied natural explanations – the famous WOW! signal named for the red exclamation written by a stunned astronomer on the computer printout which revealed it. Now, another astronomer using a new technique believes he’s traced the WOW! signal back to its star -- and it appears to have a habitable “Goldilocks” zone where an Earth-like planet could be populated with Earth-like beings sending a signal to what they think is a planet like theirs. Wow!

Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2022/05/Astronomer-Claims-to-Find-the-Star-that-May-Have-Sent-the-WOW-Signal/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Submitted May 22, 2022 at 11:51AM by quintessences https://ift.tt/IoNwT0Y

Do you think aliens would create art? Why/why not?

I think I asked this a while back but I didn’t give a great definition of “art” so I’ll narrow “art” down to something along the lines of “culturally-influenced sensory stimuli which is solely created in order to evoke certain emotions while serving little to no utilitarian purpose”. Essentially; do you believe aliens would put effort into making art aesthetically pleasing purely for the sake of aesthetics? Why or why not?

Submitted May 22, 2022 at 09:47AM by fink-ployd-69 https://ift.tt/2Cb4NR0

Alien Time Dilation - My dumb theory

What if the aliens traveled from a very far away planet to come to earth and help build the ancient pyramids? What if they finished and went back home and within what felt like just a few years to them, came back and went to Roswell? To us humans, thousands of years passed, right? But if aliens are traveling thousands if not more light years and have vehicles fast enough to do so, then in theory wouldn’t they only experience those thousands of years in the course of just a few?

Submitted May 22, 2022 at 08:23AM by thehandlesshorseman https://ift.tt/6OB1VNd

my name is ovowewe

I come from the intergalactic federation

Submitted May 22, 2022 at 06:34AM by TastyBrotha21 https://ift.tt/AbQGEXe

Inside Roswell's UFO Report! The Roswell UFO report was published to quell rumors about alien life being found and hidden on Earth, but theorists called it a cover-up and demanded to know the truth.


Submitted May 22, 2022 at 03:50AM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/FuJ7O52

UFOs: authentic revelations or a new chapter of quackery?


Submitted May 22, 2022 at 03:53AM by Old7777 https://ift.tt/Hziuap5

Saturday, May 21, 2022


Well, I know it's not like everyone is going to agree with me on this one. And, I'm not going to say that this is something that I would actually fully believe myself. But, I think such an idea like this is at least interesting, and worthy enough for me to make this post.

So believe me, I know how most of the accepted, mainstream science all explains how each of these various different races of homo-sapien currently residing on this planet, all evolved at the same time together, with us all doing so at a conveniently equal pace as eachother, with it all bringing us to where we are today. But, what if that theory might not actually be entirely accurate?

I'm pretty sure that most of us on here know how secretive, and elusive these uap can be. And, I know that a lot of us have many differrenr varying opinions for why that may be. So, I just wanted to add one more possible explanation to the mix, that I don't think I've ever really seen discussed on here in detail at least.

So, what if the main reason for all of us really being here, with all of these different races, and shades we all come in, is actually really to serve as one large gene pool, of sorts. Where the homo-sapien configuration, and along with its genetics, being a certain type of common, or even desired base "template" of sorts, that these much farther advanced species have had placed here for their convenience, allowing them to periodically come in, and "dip their hands" into the gene pool if u will, and select which types they might find most appealing for whatever reason or another, for their own genetics programs, whether those be for just hybridization, or maybe even possibly the creation of an entirely new, sentient race.

I know that such a kind of idea would definitely contribute to how it's said that the United States has seemed to always been known as an abduction hot-spot of sorts. Or at least used to be. With this actually making pretty good sense, seeing how the US most likely has the most diverse range of various different ethnicities which inhabit it, compared to any other country. But im completely aware that such kinds of events actually really do occur all over the world though.

Also, an idea like this would most definitely seem to fit the bill for elizondos infamous "somber" quote. Seeing that such an idea would imply that our planet really actually isn't too much more than some type of large "genetics lab" of sorts, here for a sole purpose in assisting these much farther advanced ets (that were actually not allowed to have any knowledge of), in their various genetics experiments.

I know that I definitely have at least a few more different pretty good reasons that I can come up with on the top of my head, that would give more support to such a "wild" theory like this. But, im thinking that I've probably said enough for now. And, for anyone whose been getting as deep into this subject as I have recently, it really shouldn't be too hard for them to use their own knowledge or imagination to figure out what those might be.

This is all just an interesting idea that I thought would maybe help get the ol' gears turning in some of ur guy's heads. Im very much so open to anyone elses thoughts, or opinions on this subject. And also, just try to remember how I'm just one person whos trying to make sense of this sometimes upside-down world, like the rest of yah! u know?

Submitted May 21, 2022 at 08:34PM by Blbanks57 https://ift.tt/Nak0yol

What do you think aliens look like🧐?

What is your theory on alien appearance? Do you think they could be living amongst us in plain site?

Submitted May 21, 2022 at 07:46PM by Little_Fisherman5605 https://ift.tt/vmzg6xN

Have you ever had a UFO sighting while camping or hiking in the woods?

How was that experience?

Submitted May 21, 2022 at 06:02PM by scaryversemaster https://ift.tt/JpRkoH5

Rare 17th Century Book of Alien Life Discovered! Published in 1698, the book offers a unique insight into how people at the time perceived the possibility of extraterrestrial life.


Submitted May 21, 2022 at 12:37PM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/h51F78f

'There's been sightings across the whole country'


Submitted May 21, 2022 at 11:47AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/bT4l1MU

Friday, May 20, 2022

Qué secretaría o que dependencia de gobierno tendría conocimiento de alienígenas, tal como en usa la CIA?

Si hubiera conocimientos de extraterrestres en mexico, que secretaría estaría encargada?

Submitted May 20, 2022 at 11:30PM by Impossible-Sock9423 https://ift.tt/5ELUq9H

People calling me an octopus

Random strangers constantly repeating that I am an octopus what do they mean please I need an honest answer it driving me crazy

Submitted May 20, 2022 at 11:28AM by Careful_Character_59 https://ift.tt/2yzOpVd

I agree with half of this image, I truly believe we've made contact with aliens at some point in history, I believe most UFO sights are false, I think some governments around the world knows something, specially the ones from the Middle East, not necessarily that they have made contact with aliens.


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 11:38AM by Sovonka https://ift.tt/lgMKmTe

I have made this, It may interest you. Back in WW2, Germans were already building these advance planes, most of them been never used, that is how we ended up with these famous "Alien flying saucers". SOURCES ON THE COMMENTS.


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 11:59AM by Sovonka https://ift.tt/WdMsY2f

I want to believe . . . in out of this world flavor.


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 09:44AM by dgobrien https://ift.tt/0YRefpN

Aliens And UFOs In The Starry Night


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 06:11AM by crazychestnut https://ift.tt/WSpbDZF

Sentience? Bright UFO goes across sky, stops for plane then proceeds on - Yelm, WA - 18 May 2022O


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 04:39AM by SunwellRattle https://ift.tt/360et7g

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Couple Sights 'Brilliant UFO' Flying Through Night Sky Over Oklahoma (VIDEO)! Couple believes they saw UFOs after recording the moment they saw five bright 'orange lights' in a row in the sky above Norman, Oklahoma.


Submitted May 20, 2022 at 01:17AM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/lZNQ2Wi

A Convo w/ Stephen Bassett of PRG - UFO/UAP Disclosure 🛸 - The Extra-Paranormal Society

Tap in and check out the replay of the Conversation with Stephen Basset on The Extra-Paranormal Society in Clubhouse. We go over Disclosure and Tuesday's Congressional Hearing and a lot more.

Submitted May 20, 2022 at 12:56AM by Exp-202 https://ift.tt/GLDJKxA

Golden flying UFO

When I was younger I think about 5 or 6 I have a memory of seeing Golden flying UFO it had tiny black windows on it and was almost close to the ground. I was with my mother but she denys ever seeing it. I'm in Ohio by the way. Anyone else ever see anything like that?

Submitted May 20, 2022 at 12:02AM by DragonQueenZoe https://ift.tt/lmweiBf

Bonus Episode | The Basement Office | Eric Davis on working for Pentagon UFO program | New York Post


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 12:57PM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/2UnqOEs

Hyper-Dimensional Visitors?

I was thinking about the 'observing' behaviour of UAP/UFOs around modern weapons and intelligence systems. It looks like they are recording, but without hostility. As a species, they'd have various goals, and the following is a theory I've been considering. To help brainstorm this, I have read In Plain Sight by Ross Coulthart, listened to hours of podcasts by Elizondo, Putoff, Bigelow, Vallee, Delonge, et al; watched some EarthFiles episodes; read Passport to the Cosmos by Dr John Mack; and various documentaries and shows on the issue.

I am also someone with Contact experience (as are some of my family).


A species that wants to know the nature of existence through recorded evidence, such as video or data tracking etc. How?

When humans want to record their interactions they take a photo or video. Etc.

What if a species wanted to do the same in essence, but wanted to be the actual device and system of storage? Some kind of AI generated consciousness - sentient super computers with quantum capacity (interdimensional travel).

The species also knows that we cant really get outside of our consciousness as a biological entity without expanding into a different dimension (we have to glimpse it via near death and astral travel). But they want to get outside their dimension of existence to then observe and record what happens, without dying. They attempt to convert their consciousness into a quantum form that can 'astral travel' beyond their physical space-time (dimension), thereby achieving a kind of relative immortality (or, in some way, this redefines 'death').

This would require them to become interdimensional AI with sentience.

The goal for them is to understand the existence of their dimension from a superior objective viewpoint.

How do they create the technology and the energy required to do this?

The UAP seems to be interdimensional and hyper-objective; hyper-objective means objectivity not from the gathering of data from inside the data set, but from a position external to the set, with the ability to record and even analyse data points simultaneously.

Practically, they would be outside our dimension and having the ability to dimension-hop. They may also be able to manipulate the mechanisms of the dimension they observe. This gives god-like qualities to their hyper-objective interdimensional existence.

If this is true is presents the possibility that our 'time' began with the start of our dimension, and that ultra-dimensional time may have different laws. Quantum time? Maybe what ancient texts call the Ultimate is a dimension closest to the First Reality in nature - like 'True Light from True Light'.


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 09:14AM by mysticasha https://ift.tt/82u4BFi

What the hell is that round plate?


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 07:10AM by RobinPedersen https://ift.tt/7CwDdVh

took a pic of the moon above my house and caught this 👽🔮they're my spirit gods 🍄✌️


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 05:56AM by Significant_Ear3457 https://ift.tt/ClXPJqm

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Any ideas of what this might be? it was very bright, one single light with no flashing, and stopped for the plane to pass. [OC]


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 01:28AM by ChickenLordCan2 https://ift.tt/LCJO4Wb

This stream of lights that appeared, slowly moving across the sky, then suddenly disappeared. Who knows what this is??


Submitted May 19, 2022 at 01:51AM by thatSockUnderYourBed https://ift.tt/MaUywCd

How credible is Steven M. Greer???

Just curious because i see him everywhere talking about ufos

Submitted May 19, 2022 at 01:57AM by QuentinTarantino-I- https://ift.tt/bX3jVJz

UFO Timeline - A time-based overview of the UFO Phenomenon


Submitted May 18, 2022 at 01:13PM by UFOnauts https://ift.tt/Os8TgoQ

What Christopher Mellon had to say about yesterday's UFO/UAP hearings


Submitted May 18, 2022 at 11:28AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/kKgiNv8




Submitted May 18, 2022 at 10:15AM by IAM_G0N3 https://ift.tt/y4zvqcS

Has Elizondo Or Anyone else Said Anything About The Sonar Tapes of The Tic Tacs Phase Transition From Aerial to Aquial Travel At Ballistic Underwater Speeds? These Tapes Must be Loaded With Information About Possible Cavitation Of The Flying Saucers Through Space/Time


Submitted May 18, 2022 at 10:24AM by way26e https://ift.tt/NyLJn8O

Request for people to take part in my Masters' Thesis Survey

Hi, my name is Neil and I am a master’s student at the University of Derby.

I am looking for participants to take part in an investigation into the connection between pattern detection and belief in anomalous phenomena. Taking part is anonymous, should take no longer than 15 minutes and will only involve ticking boxes on an online survey. You may also withdraw from the research after participation and there is no obligation to participate.

This study is being supervised by Dr David Vernon, a council member of the Society for Psychical Research and author of Dark Cognition: Evidence for Psi and its Implications for Consciousness.

If you would like more information don’t hesitate to get in touch with me directly here or via n.morris5@unimail.derby.ac.uk


Submitted May 18, 2022 at 09:50AM by gopaleen https://ift.tt/3iTnQ4F

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

My wife took a photo of the blood moon the other night. Any clues what these are? Maybe related to the other post of 3 green lights. Southern California.


Submitted May 18, 2022 at 12:18AM by BangaRang92 https://ift.tt/P1A6Dq9

Andromeda aliens told about the origin of humanity, says ufologist! Alex Collier is the only one contacted to provide detailed information about Andromeda's aliens.


Submitted May 17, 2022 at 02:01PM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/N2QnWo9

Open Hearing of Subcommittee C3 on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (Live).


Submitted May 17, 2022 at 09:18AM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/aF1myuS

No more Lies. Share This Everywhere. Demand The Truth. Let Congress Know It's Time.


Submitted May 17, 2022 at 04:15AM by TomThePosthuman https://ift.tt/rv16GPi

Alien Accidentally Caught on Camera

Submitted May 17, 2022 at 03:24AM by ephesians1128 https://ift.tt/1z7J2dn

Moon Rising - Documentary by Jose Escamilla


Submitted May 17, 2022 at 02:32AM by ANC209 https://ift.tt/dwP5ARt

Monday, May 16, 2022

The story of the "alien who was buried" in a US city! Between 1896 and 1897, newspapers in the United States began to carry strange headlines about strange ships in the skies.


Submitted May 17, 2022 at 01:09AM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/vWtVQ0u

First time seeing & hearing about a few of these sightings. What are your thoughts?


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 11:34PM by _DonTazeMeBro https://ift.tt/OQi4Gpq

Battlestar Galactica

Loosly based off humanity's exdous from mars to earth

Submitted May 16, 2022 at 10:20AM by Juicysnotch https://ift.tt/gRI64Ah

Interesting light I caught on my camcorder while filming last nights lunar eclipse


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 10:06AM by KazoozleSk8s https://ift.tt/sJRSxun

Hey.. you wanna see inside of a UFO? check out this picture..


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 04:02AM by Marketis909 https://ift.tt/mvl7Upg

Sunday, May 15, 2022

This just happened about 5 min ago looking northwest from Laramie, Wy I also have a video, it traveled about 20-30 degrees on the same plane towards the right for another 30-40 seconds and then just faded away. At the top of the picture is just glare from the light.


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 01:13AM by Minimums777 https://ift.tt/ZRHnygK

Did I just see aliens? taken on shitty iPhone 12 mini


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 12:56AM by oldmanjenkins03 https://ift.tt/quGBDne

This just happened about 5 min ago looking northwest from Laramie, Wy I also have a video, it traveled about 20-30 degrees on the same plane towards the right for another 30-40 seconds and then just faded away. At the top of the picture is just glare from the light.


Submitted May 16, 2022 at 01:13AM by Minimums777 https://ift.tt/ZRHnygK

Nikola Tesla, aliens and the first flying saucer! Nikola Tesla's story remains a mystery to this day... Why was it not given the importance it deserves? Specialists assure that there are interests that “erased” it from history.


Submitted May 15, 2022 at 10:27AM by No_Nefariousness8879 https://ift.tt/taMJsXc

1994 Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO landing vs. 1989 Voronezh, Russia UFO landing

It seems the Ariel School landing is much more popular than Voronezh landing.

Why is that? ...since they are very similar, in terms of children seeing the UFOs, the occupants and no military cover-up/involvement! Voronezh also has adult witnesses.

If you are not familiar with the Ariel School landing, then here is a 5 min Sightings video (with good links in the description):


For the Voronezh landing, here is the first Soviet TV report with the Russian language fully translated to English subtitles:

Full Russian Translation to English - Aired on October 11, 1989

Vasya Surin is the eyewitness in the interview above.

You can also hear two more witnesses (Volodia Startshev and Aliosha Nikonov) in the Spanish TV report in Voronezh via this post:


Vasya Surin was also interviewed for the original newspaper article called "Football with Aliens" from October 3, 1989:

Original Newspaper article about the Voronezh landing

This Russian book has the most detailed research for this UFO incident. It is called UFO IN VORONEZH or НЛО в Воронеже.

UFO in Voronezh Book

The book is available here and is in Russian, so you'll probably need to AI translate it.

Vasya Surin's full report details are available in the book and here is a full translation:

Following the chronology of events, we will give the first word to Vasya Surin, a fifth-grader at Voronezh School 82, the hero of the article "Football with Aliens." There is some important information in his story that was not included in the newspaper article. The boy says:

"It happened a few days after I left the hospital on September 19. My friends and I were playing soccer in the park late in the evening, when it was already dusk. Suddenly we saw a kind of pink fog near the Voronezh Power Plant (Voronezh Power Plant - Ed.) high in the sky, above the pipes, as if they were burning a fire in the fog. We pointed it out to everyone who was nearby, and we started looking at it ourselves.

A red ball began to appear out of the center of the fog. The fog was still, and the ball flew moving with high speed. It stopped over a poplar tree and started descending right on top of it. The tree bent over the top. Then the ball went up a little and shifted sideways. We immediately concluded that it was aliens, because the newspapers wrote about the ball, which visited the Vologda region. We were frightened, we thought that if we ran home, they might see us and take us away, so we hid in the bushes and watched them.

A door opened in the ball that was hanging next to a poplar tree. A man looked out of the door, he was tall, about three meters tall, arms reaching to his knees. His head did not move; it was as if there were no head, but a bulge of shoulders and three eyes on it. Two on each side, and a third one slightly higher, swiveling up and down, right and left. He looked down, the door closed, and the ball went down a little more. Then the door opened and they began to climb down the tree. First, the robot and then the alien.

The robot was headless. At first we thought it was an alien, too, but then when they got down, the alien came up to the robot and sort of typed a code on his chest. And then the robot went on like a typical robot. He walked along the road for a while, and in the meantime, the alien stood on some object, then he said something in his own language, and a rectangle appeared in the ground. The rectangle was red, and the bulbs were visible in it. I looked closely as the bulbs flashed there. Then he said something again, and then it all disappeared.

One boy didn't have time to hide and screamed. The alien looked at him. The boy stood motionless. The side of the alien’s eyes kind of glowed. After the alien stopped looking at the boy, he started to move.

There was also a guy walking down the road, probably to the bus stop. The alien noticed him, climbed up a tree into a ball and came out with some kind of object that looked like a gun, a yellow one, like with a telescopic sight. The guy, when he noticed the alien, ran, and he pointed the gun at him and the guy disappeared.

Then the robot walked up to the alien, the alien said something to him, they climbed up a tree into the ball, and it flew away. As soon as the ball went away, the guy reappeared again and went on as if he hadn't seen anything.

When we were getting ready to go home, a "hat" landed next to a poplar tree. When it landed, it had these little circles and fire coming out of them and hissing like, "Sh...sh...sh...sh...!" One and another alien came out of the "hat" and walked toward the power lines. They didn't look like the ones who had come before. They were as tall as a common man. Their faces were wrinkled. When one approached the place where the wires were, it was obvious that he was kind of burning up. As he "burned out," the "hat" flew away.

The ball that arrived was bigger than the "hat" and glowed. And the person who came out of it also glowed a little and was silver in color."

Vasya Surin - One of several eye witnesses to the Voronezh UFO and occupants

It does seem that the incredible stories coming from the Soviet Union were laughed at by some Western media outlets.

Voronezh UFO landing reported on by TASS

Here is the original AP Newswire article by TASS regarding the Voronezh UFO landing.


Maybe people think the Voronezh landing was fake news?

Submitted May 15, 2022 at 08:19AM by ItsTheBS https://ift.tt/mChacwD

THE CREATORS” - My Encounter with E.T Scientists & Genetic Engineers


Submitted May 15, 2022 at 04:52AM by Affectionate_Bad9835 https://ift.tt/hskXrNb

Extraterrestrial life: The House will hold its first hearing on the UFO phenomenon


Submitted May 15, 2022 at 02:54AM by Old7777 https://ift.tt/rPFSyN9

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Looking for video 2 aliens seen in ufo clip

Hey guys I’m looking for a video of a ufo sighting that I think I found on this sub Reddit it may or my not be real but in the video there was a ufo then the person making the video zoomed into the craft and you could clearly see two “aliens” In said craft I think the title of the post was “most realistic ufo video of all time” or something like that I know this isn’t the usual post and I apologize I just really want to find this clip

Submitted May 15, 2022 at 01:44AM by Lofikott https://ift.tt/tXYKdD1

Been Over 20 Years Now, These Have Stood The Test Of Time For Me



Every month that goes by, it becomes more and more apparent that alien races could very well live in parts of the Earth where humans simply don’t explore.

Deep sea and deep underground.

And it also seems probable that the government is working with several different species of ETs in underground bunkers, as that’s something that has come up repeatedly from a variety of different sources.

I find the woman in this interview both highly intelligent and an outside the box thinker.

She really explains the threat narrative to which Lue often alludes.

Her take also makes sense of Delonge’s diabolical narrative.

I’ve read thru a number of supposed alien accounts and none of them seemed even halfway believable to me.

This is the only interview where I really felt like I was listening to the thoughts of a high IQ alien that was able to put together many of the puzzle pieces to form a coherent narrative that explains why the coverup has been so extreme — our survival as a species on Earth is potentially at stake.

Submitted May 15, 2022 at 12:57AM by EngineeringNo1675 https://ift.tt/l8yEmHV

Hello brethren

I been watching the Bledsoe said so podcast cause Ryan’s Bledsoe father Christopher is having the same experience I’m having involving orbs and I honestly believe their side of the whole phenomenon.The more I listened to the podcast and became more open minded towards seeing the phenomenon i see the phenomenon on a day to day basis and from what I can conclude until I invest in a camera to record my sightings and experience is that they

1.appears mainly to open minded individuals.

2.They are telepathic as whenever I ask for them to come (even with witnesses) they will appear within minutes just like Chris bledsoes sightings.

3.I do not believe it’s aliens but something far beyond the concept of a extraterrestrial from another planet ( my personal opinion due to what I’ve seen)

4.They are beings of light and sometimes spirits of loved ones watching over you , some say it can be guardian angels , your grandma, dead dog. I can’t fully prove that as I have not gotten super close to the point of seeing inside the orb of light (only been 30 feet away) and most sightings are in the sky

I’m at work right now and just wanted to post my experience and open to answering questions. This is just my opinion on the phenomenon due to my sightings don’t go crazy trying to degrade me . Later on if this draws attention I’ll add on (will include links around 12:00pm on break of the podcast and Christophers social media platform

Submitted May 14, 2022 at 07:21AM by IndependenceNew3964 https://ift.tt/PoZgMl0

The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 1 - The GUTs of The Matrix

Lue, thank you for your time, efforts, and dedication to the morals and foundations of our republic! Take your leave and get some well deserved time to yourself. Your clues have highlighted possible weaknesses in the formulation of Q.E.D. I can only hope the knowledge is put to use for good, freedom, peace, and equality.

I suggest everyone watch Danny Sheehan from this point.


  • TL;DR
  • Added Videos Since Last Post
  • Past Post References
  • Introduction
  • Suggested Review Material
    • Suggested Books
    • Suggested Videos
    • Suggested Papers
  • The Standard Model
  • Theories and Frameworks
  • Limitations of Conceptualization
  • Spin and Spinors
  • Algebras of Physics
    • Geometric Algebras
    • Lie Algebras
    • Cayley-Dixon Algebras
  • The Matrix
  • Future Work


  • The current understanding from math to consciousness is an overly complexified hierarchy of scientific babble
  • One should study Non-Linear (Matrix) Algebra, Continuous Algebras, and Particle Physics to get a basic grasp of the problem at its core before trying to move up the ladder of abstractness - These posts will help guide you there
  • Physicists don't know how many dimensions make up our reality; but they are getting close.
  • Spinors and the idea of Spin are VERY important to this topic
  • Most Physicists don't understand Spin conceptually
  • The common algebras used to describe spin are inadequate, they hide information and put spin in the wrong geometry
  • Matrices lay the foundation of a description of the algebra that describe reality.
  • Matrix format descriptions are absolutely necessary so as not to veil information in the more abstract algebraic interpretations.
  • The properties of "The Matrix" will have non-associative and non-commutative properties
  • If you know "The Matrix" structure of reality, you can use that to understand and control it.
  • "The Matrix" is mentioned in the Bible (KJV) many times; thereby associating Theology With Physics
  • The authors of the bible don't want you to "open The Matrix"
  • Some suggested physics books and videos
  • A listing of possible future posts and their topics

Added Since Last Post

Videos added to the GitHub Web Page since 30 APR 2020.

Date Person Answer/Statement Analysis/Comments Interviewer/Venue Duration Link
2022-05-08 Lue 13:40 Other Q.M. realities Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue 15:20 Other realities exist Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue [26:00 The tech is Pandora's Box when it is acknowledged Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue 38:10 "Introduction to modern optics" and "Mathematic Physics" books on his desk at AATIP The "Modern Optics" book just showed some possible problems with QED. Explorer Lab 1:09:44 https://youtu.be/R84kGo3tL14
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 9:30 UAP Faster than sonar Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 11:30 Hot Knife more than a hypothesis Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 28:30 Cigarette non-locality comment Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 36:10 Dean Radin Comment (Dean Radin does non-local and precognition studies) Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-05-08 Lue & Cahill 50:30 Spacetime measure between two things to have time. Whole Size/Scale thing again. Problems of Q.E.D.! Generation Zed 1:09:09 https://youtu.be/PMAfIK2whdc
2022-04-21 Lue 44:00 Info Will Destabalize Religions ISU GEOL 1107 1:14:25 https://youtu.be/AywBWJyqcZU
2022-04-21 Lue 1:10:10 Hints detections coming from deep space. Same as stated by Mellon recently. ISU GEOL 1107 1:14:25 https://youtu.be/AywBWJyqcZU
2022-04-30 Lue Nada Callin at 1558s seconds Fessler 2:34:55 https://youtu.be/uRFk12p3-xU

Past Post References


To know the physics of consciousness, one must know biology. To know biology, one must know chemistry. To know chemistry, one must know physics. To know physics, one must know particles. To know waves, one must know forces. To know forces, one must know topology. To know topology, one must know geometry. To know geometry, one must know curves. To know curves, one must know algebras. To know algebras, one must know symmetries. To know symmetries, one must know matrices. To know The Matrix, you must be the one.

A more succinct format in decreasing abstractness:

  • Consciousness
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Particles
  • Forces
  • Topology
  • Geometry
  • Curves
  • Algebras
  • Symmetries
  • Matrices
  • The Matrix - The one that describes all forces, interactions, and time

One can see that there is a tower of knowledge that must be gained to fully appreciate the complexity of the issue. Unfortunately each level of knowledge is wrapped in a veil of domain-specific scientific babble that even experts in each area often confuse or misuse.

There is a mountain of information to scale before attempting to describe consciousness. Understanding of even one subset of each of these areas are entire fields of study unto themselves that would take more than a lifetime to dissect. An overview of the important topics will be presented here and in following posts. It is up to the readers to dig deeper into each of the subjects that are of interest to them.

This post will touch upon the Standard Model, Spinors, Grand Unified Theories, and the popular algebras that describe them. This is somewhat of an "odds and ends" post; there may be one more such technical post similar to this. Please bare along, there is a method to the madness. Its purpose is to lay the groundwork for future posts.

There aren't any earth-shattering revelations in this post, but there might be one hidden meaning in a Lue's Clue on how to properly think in the terms of physics.

Suggested Review Material

Suggested Books

DISCLOSURE: This author ** DOES NOT ** have any financial interests in the sale of any book, nor any personal relationship with any author.

  • "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras" (ISBN: 9781530187607) By Dennis Morris Amazon Abe Books

Suggested Videos

Suggested Papers

Cohl Fuery * Generations: Three Prints, in Colour * Charge quantization from a number operator * Standard model physics from an algebra? * SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y(×U(1)X) as a symmetry of division algebraic ladder operators * Three generations, two unbroken gauge symmetries, and one eight-dimensional algebra

Many newer papers exist that may be of more interest than the above.

The Standard Model

The Standard Model of particle physics that we use today was finalized in the late 1970's. It describes everything we know and can measure in nature as particles and their interactions; excluding the force of gravity. The search for a model that unites the standard model with gravity is underway.

There are four known forces: * Gravity * Electromagnetism * Weak * Strong

INCOMPLETELY, the Standard Model can be summarized as:

  • Bosons - Force-Carrying Particles
    • Photon - Carries the Electro-Magnetic (E.M.) Force
    • W+/- & Z - Carries the Weak Force
    • Gluon - Carries the Color Charges to Mediate the Strong Force
  • Fermions - Spin 1/2 Particles
    • Leptons - E.M. & Weak Force Particles
    • Electron - E.M. & Weak Force Particle
    • Neutrino - Weak Force Particle
    • Quarks - Strong, Weak, and E.M. Force Particles

Neutrons and Protons are composed of three quarks each.

Quarks and Leptons come in three generations. Each generations is more massive (heavier) than the last and are shorter-lived.

Each particle can be described by a number of properties. The properties are: * Mass - Measured in Electron-Volts * Charge - Measured in fractions of 1/3 * Spin - Measured in fractions of ½ * Color – Measured in 8 different colors and different combinations

Every quark and lepton has an anti-particle. An anti-particle can and should be viewed as particle moving backwards in time. The anti-particles retain the same mass, but have inverted charges and other mirrored properties.

The weak force is responsible for nuclear decay, as well as for transmutation of protons to neutrons and neutrons to protons.

There is something VERY unique about the Weak Force. The weak force is what is assumed to give rise to the arrow of time and many other aspects of the weirdness and beauty of nature. Neutrinos only interact with the weak force.

Gluons hold Quarks together to make Protons and Neutrons. Gluons "Mediate" the strong force to hold atomic nuclei together.

There are a limited number of physical constants. Interestingly, or obviously, only six of the physical constants of the universe DO NOT deal directly with the strength of particle/field interactions. The constants that deal with particle/field interactions are called coupling constants.

Theories and Frameworks

Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) is the study of particles interacting via the electromagnetic force. It is suggested to get a full background on it by reading the books in the Suggested Readings section, or at least watching the Feynman lectures on the topic. QED is where you see the famous Feynman Diagrams that describe particle interactions concisely.

Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is the study of gluons and the Color Charge. Color Charge describes a different type of property that is reserved for Quarks. The color charge is carried by gluons and is responsible for binding the quarks to one another to create Neutrons and Protons. The color charge is what gives rise to the strong force. A component of the strong force is responsible for holding the nucleus of atoms together.

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is QED and QCD combined, on steroids, and much more complex. It treats everything as fields instead of particles.

Grand Unified Theories (GUT) are theories of everything. There are many GUTs, but none has been proven fully correct. GUTs generally have an underlying reality of five to sixteen dimensions. GUTs are often named after the algebras that describe them. Some examples of GUT names are SU(5), SO(10), String Theory, M-Theory, Super-Symmetry.

Limitations of Conceptualization

On the Youtube channel "Theories of Everything" Curt Jaimungal, u/curtdbz , had a conversation with Lue about unintentionally putting our thoughts into little boxes and worms conversing about human thoughts in that regard. The worms asked themselves "I wonder what kind of dirt humans eat? Only the best of course!" That conversation resonated with this author when first seeing the interview; but the importance in regards to the algebraic structure of reality didn't come until recently.

We live in a boxy, Euclidean, world: Length x Width x Height. By putting our minds in a box we are limiting our thoughts to be Euclidean in nature; often without realizing it.

Our reality at the smallest scale ** IS NOT EUCLIDEAN **! The Euclidean geometry of reality we perceive is most likely an emergent property of the base reality in which we reside.

Imagine a sphere in three dimensions. Most likely you are thinking about something like a ball floating in space. Imagine yourself inside that sphere standing on the inside edge of it. Now make the underlying shape of the reality you are in the sphere itself.

Here is the hard part; imagine a sphere in that space. You probably are thinking of another ball floating in 3D space. That though is absolutely and totally incorrect. What is the shape of a sphere in spherical space in which you reside? It sure as heck isn't the same as a sphere floating in Euclidean space.

Now walk around the inside of that space. Are you imagining yourself in three dimensions still? If you are, you are wrong. Squish that sphere down so that it isn't round when viewed from the outside so that it is 100 units wide and 1 unit tall. What does it look like to you inside the sphere who's entire reality is the squished sphere? It is unchanged. When you walk in a straight line, it is still a straight line to you regardless of the direction of travel. One needs to consider Flatland where the flatness may itself be a multi-dimensional ball of interconnectedness when conceptualized in three dimensions; but completely flat when inside the space itself.

This is NOT a new concept at all. However, the pitfalls of our 3D way of thinking force us to conceptualize much of what should be very odd multi-dimensional geometries into a 3D backdrop by nature; thereby completely misrepresenting what a rotation actually is. This video does a pretty good job of helping one conceptualize how difficult it is to imagine different geometries of space.

Is the underlying nature of reality spinorial? Are we conceptualizing spinors correctly? What other geometries and algebras give rise the type types of spinors observed?

It wasn't until near the end of the authorship of this section of the post that this author realized the importance of Lue's comments with Curt Jaimungal. The above comment and references to Lue and his conversation with Curt were added after-the-fact because it gave a nice introduction into these topics and how to think about the limitations of our 3D Euclidean conceptualization even when we try not to. If that was a Lue's Clue, it was a very deep and well-placed clue.

Spin and Spinors

Spinors are without-a-doubt the most important mathematical structure in the universe aside from whatever the full geometric shape of underlying reality is (assuming it exists). Eric Weinstein talks about them with Lex Freidman here..

If you didn't watch the suggested video: PBS Space Time - Spin, please do so. The concepts of spinors is probably the most or close to the most important idea in this post.

The idea of a spinor is that a 360 degree rotation only gets you half-way around the object that is rotating. It has to do "two" rotations to make a full turn. However, this idea that it has to turn "twice" is in itself flawed.

Do not think of a sphere that has to turn twice to get all the way around; it is more akin to a Mobius Strip. Here is a video with everybody's favorite Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about Mobius Strips.

Imagine being on a Mobius strip, where all of reality is the Mobius strip. If you were to walk around it to get to the same point from which you started, you wouldn't have walked around it twice, you would have walked around it once. Yet when that object is embedded in our 3D world, you have to "go around it twice" to get to the start. That is once again limiting ourselves to think like a boxy worm.

In the theoretical physics world one will hear the term "Double Cover" over and over again. "Double Cover" is exactly this idea. The physicists are inadvertently thinking, or at least speaking, like these objects are embedded in a 3D or 4D reality, when in fact they really aren't; even if they don't mean to. Even if they aren’t imagining them embedded in a Euclidean-Like space, they still are not properly thinking of how rotations working in other constructions of empty space.

One should really view a 720 degree rotation as the underlying rotation to get back to the start of whatever object they are working with. Maybe we should call a standard 360 degree rotation a 1/2 cover. Yet again, even the idea of a 720 degree rotation in a spinor space itself is bad. In the spinor space it is just a full rotation and should be labeled as such; just like setting c=1=h-bar.

If you further compound the idea of these Double-Cover rotations with the "inappropriately conceptualized rotations" in the completely wrong type of space as pointed out by Dennis Morris in the aforementioned book there is no wonder why theoretical and mathematical physics is so confusing.

If a Mobius Strip is a one-dimensional spinor embedded in Euclidean 3-space. What would an 3-spinor embedded in a Euclidean-like 8-space be like? What if the underlying space is an 8-space of a spinorial construct? One can begin to see the difficulty of the ideas of spinors and spinor spaces.

Above it was suggested to watch: PBS Space Time - Spin. Remember how it had the cube rotating in a 3D scene? A Spinor represented as a 3D Cube embedded in a 3D Euclidean Space, rotating about a single axis. Do you still think that video was an accurate representation of spin/spinors?

The idea of spin, spinors, and spinor spaces become VERY important as you progress along the path of discovery (and in these posts). Always keep in mind that you are predisposed to think in Euclidean geometry even when you try your hardest not to.

"I wonder what kind of spinors humans think in? Only the very best boxy spinors of course!"

Algebras of Physics

Geometric Algebras

This author was absolutely enamored with Geometric/Clifford Algebras upon their discovery. The Clifford Algebra take what seems to be the absolute best of the other algebras and makes it incredibly easy to chain together long constructions in an arbitrary number of dimensions.

The Clifford algebras are extremely intuitive.

However, one can guess from the introduction why Clifford Algebras are so intuitive. They suffer from many of the same problems as Lie Algebras, but excessively more so.

Lie Algebras

Lie Algebras were created in the late 1800s. They are the most popular algebras in use to describe particle physics. Lie Algebras are generated and described by various types of matrices.

There are three general categories of Lie Algebras that are of importance:

  • U(X) - Unitary Group
  • SU(X) - Special Unitary
  • SO(X) - Special Orthogonal

In general Lie algebras describe, circles, spheres, spinors, and rotations of each.

The Unitary Group are just circles and spheres of X dimensions.

The Special Unitary Group can best be thought of as spinors, n-spheres, and rotations of spheres. The standard model is build upon this group SU(3) X SU(2) X U(1).

The Special Orthogonal Group multi-dimensional non-imaginary/flipped rotations.

The Lie Algebras have been used very effectively to describe the Standard Model; uncannily so.

However, there is a problem with Lie Algebras. There is an inherent, but well hidden bias in their construction.

In the Suggested Readings section "Lie Groups and Lie Algebras" was given. Despite this book's title, the book is actually a strategic nuclear bombing of Lie Algebras. It not-very-subtly corrals the reader into the more flexible Cayley-Dixon algebra constructions.

On pages 2 through 4 the author states:

"Lie theory is about rotations; your author asserts that if we misunderstand empty space, then we misunderstand rotations in empty space."

"Lie theory assumes all types of empty space are of the same nature as our 4-dimensional space-time. Lie theory completely ignores the very different nature of the spinor spaces even as it speaks of spinors. These spinor spaces are very unlike our 4-dimensional space-time."

"Spinor spaces are very different. For example, we can rotate in only three 2-dimensional planes (all Euclidean) within 4-dimensional Quaternion space. This effectively constrains rotation in Quaternion space to be in one of three intersecting circles. We cannot wave our arms around in Quaternion space. "

"The four 3-dimensional spinor spaces allow no 2-dimensional rotations; each of them has only one 3-dimensional rotation. Conventional Lie theory ignores the higher dimensional nature of spinor rotations completely."

The majority of the book is an absolute destruction of many of the hidden assumptions from which the Lie Algebras were constructed. It (and his other books) gives the Quaternion constructions of the various Lie Algebras and shows the full algebras in both matrix and symbolic representation that are hidden behind the Lie Algebras.

"I wonder what kind of boxy algebras humans think in? Only the very best Special Unitary Lie Algebras of course!"

Cayley-Dixon Algebras

Cayley-Dixon Algebras start with the common one-dimensional real numbers, double in size to be represented by two values, then four, eight, etc.

The first five construction names, their dimensions, and an example are given: * Real - 1 -> 4 * Complex/Imaginary - 2 -> 4 + 6i * Quaternion - 4 -> 4 + 6i + 1j + 4k * Octonion - 8 -> 4 + 6i + 1j + 4k + 5p + 2q + 8r + 9s * Sedenion - 16 -> You get the idea

Note that the plus symbols above aren't really "adding". They are representations to show that they are all part of the same "Number".

Each doubling causes a property of the algebra to be lost. One could argue that with each doubling a property isn't lost, but rather a veil of ambiguity is removed. Each doubling makes the algebra more pure, but at the cost of complexity for algebraic operations such as multiplication; the order of operations becomes important and meaningful; just like reality.

The Octonions are the last of the zero-divisor Cayley-Dixon algebras. At Sedenions certain operations become non-trivial to perform. There seems to be something very unique and interesting about the Octonions and their representation of the Standard Model.

One can assume, "Great, there is our X-Dimensional Cayley-Dixon Algebra.". However, the truth is that it is much more complicated than this. The true underlying Cayley-Dixon algebras, not just thier representation, are actually defined in matrix-format and the process to construct them are well outside the scope of this post.

An example would be the matrices that construct the various algebras such as E8).

This author's favorite GUT is the Octonion Representation (but the underlying algebra of choice to construct the appropriate Octonion is up for debate). Two strong contenders for the underlying algebras are E8 and M8; but they are not the only ones.

E8 is the algebra used by Loop Quantum Gravity.

M8 has become a favorite in many circles including those like Cohl Fuery.

There are in fact a VERY large number of algebras that could be constructed, it is a matter of searching for an algebra that matches what is observed; bonus if the algebra can be constructed from a fundamental principle of logic.

In such a construct, each of the forces may be described by N-Dimensional Algebras: * Gravity - 1 Dimensional * Electro-Magnetic - 2 Dimensional * Weak - 4 Dimensional * Strong - 8 Dimensional

Each of the higher-order algebras have four copies of the next-dimension-down algebra. These sub-algebras would interact with one another depending on how they mix with one another in a given matrix. The actions on the matrix would describe the various actions in reality. Coefficients could be pulled out or applied to the matrix that correspond to the various curvatures of the underlying algebras; which could then be viewed as constants of nature.

It must be explicitly stated that there may very well be a direct link between the number of doublings used to construct the algebras and the number of generations of Fermions. It probably is not a coincidence that three doublings result in three different generations. Note the paper: Three generations, two unbroken gauge symmetries, and one eight-dimensional algebra

The curvature of each dimension, or the difference of curvatures between dimensions of some geometric object underlying reality is opined to be proportionally related to the strength and nature of each force and mass of each particle. However, this is rightfully contested and only a matter of opinion at this point. Some mathematical physicists have show that the differences of force strengths and properties may in fact be rotations of lines, planes, and N-volumes in a multi-dimensional object.

Of note and importance is an understanding that one of the columns, rows, or diagonals in any matrix that is used to describe a GUT will be the "Real" component. In a Cayley-Dixon Algebra the first number is the "Real" number. In this reality we "Feel", we "Measure", we "Experience" the Real component. The Complex/Imaginary, Quaternion, and Octonion components of the algebra are just out of reach. These other components/degrees of freedom would absolutely have an effect on the Real component and would be the reasons for a change in the Real component. If one could perform a rotation on one of the "imaginary" components of the algebra that has an interaction with the Real component, the Real component would also rotate.

It should be mentioned that the non-commutative and non-associative aspects of the higher-order Cayley-Dixon algebras may in fact be what would give reality the preferred direction of time because these properties what could give rise to the oddities of the weak force.

There is something slightly hidden in the abstract interpretation of the Cayley-Dixon construction of reality. That hidden aspect isn't present in a matrix format. Recall the Roger Penrose interview with Eric Weinstein. He states that a complex number isn't really constructed or viewed as a plane; it is in fact a "complex line"; or in this case an "octonion line". So the dimensions could just be eight degrees of freedom that describe a line. Could our 3D world actually be three or four "octonion lines" that interact with one another? Three "octonion lines" and one "complex line" representing time? This is purely conjecture and will be pondered more.

The Matrix

The take away from all of this is that Physicists are searching for "The Matrix"; "The Matrix" that constructs an algebra that describes all of reality. If one understands "The Matrix", then one understands reality and time. If one understands reality and time, then one can control reality and time. What is the nature of "The Matrix" that you live in? "The Matrix" is going to be mostly symmetric, of high-dimensions, and with a few non-commutative and non-associative oddities that give rise to the more interesting aspects of reality like the weak force.

Lue said that the information they have would destabilize religions.

He also said that science and religion are one in the same the further up the pyramid you go.

Could he have been somehow linking this to "The Matrix" references in the bible? Please understand that I am in no way pushing or discouraging any religion; I just found the connection quite interesting.

Exodus 13:12

That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix ..

Exodus 13:15

.. I sacrifice to the Lord all that openeth the matrix ..

Exodus 34:19

All that openeth the matrix is mine ...

Numbers 3:12

.. all the firstborn that openeth the matrix ..

Numbers 18:15

Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh ..

It seems that the authors of the bible do not want you to open "The Matrix".


The following books will eventually be referenced. It may be worth while to purchase them for your own edification if you are so inclined.

  • "Physics from Symmetry" (ISBN: 9783319666303) by Jakob Schwichtenberg Amazon Abe books
  • "No-Nonsense Electrodynamics" (ISBN: 9781790842117) by Jakob Schichtenberg Amazon Abe Books
  • "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" (ISBN: 9780691083889) by Richard Feynman Amazon Abe Books

It is suggested to watch these videos in order:

If The Men In Technicolor don't pay a friendly visit to your favorite armchair theoretical physicist, the series of posts should go in the below order. The time frame for writing and releasing any of these is no longer set; if ever. Freedom for creative titles was generously sprinkled about.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 1 - The GUTs of The Matrix

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 2 - Time for some Symmetries

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 3 - ELECtron yrteSYMM vs neutONIR YRTEsymm

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 4 - Destroying Causality to Create Reality

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 5 - Storage, Recollection, and Processing in Dual-Entropy Causality Loops

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 6 - Consciousness is Neurologically Controlled Exploitation of CPT Symmetry - An examination of ORCH OR

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 7 - CPT Symmetry Exploitation is Neurological Control of Consciousness - Hacking the ORCH OR mind for fun and profit.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 8 - God - Ignorance - Freedom - Evil - Free Will - Innocence - Greed

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 9 - You are insane and you will prove it.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 10 - Our hope is in our past; your hope is in our future.

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 11 - Magic Mirror On The Wall, What Destroyed QED Most Of All? Optics and Cosmic Inflation - If I get "disappeared" ...

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 12 - <Frozen music> Do you want to build a time machine? Someone is stealing bitcoin to buy sun screen! </Frozen music>

  • The Physics of UFOs and Consciousness - Part 13 - You don't talk about fight club: Classifying the Unclassified

Have humility, show kindness, embrace empathy, be curious!

Submitted May 14, 2022 at 08:07AM by _throwaway_thekey https://ift.tt/mK3tXuO

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.