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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Mouthy Buddha - Bob Lazar UFO Topic


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 11:54AM by Outrageous_Resist447 https://ift.tt/dWlNeYh

Pine, CO off my back porch during plane grounding at the beginning of covid. Any thoughts? Happened for a few days.


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 10:08AM by SnooBananas1841 https://ift.tt/gAx8CUq

NASA’s TRAPPIST-1e conception


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 08:15AM by zarvinny https://ift.tt/GdhaDjS

👽 they are here


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 05:17AM by MaXxxmmm https://ift.tt/T8PpkGI

Tom Delonge Beliefs

So, I have been studying Gnostism for some time now. I have been watching a few interviews with Tom and I wonder if he is a believer in the Gnostism. Thoughts?

Submitted December 31, 2022 at 06:23AM by WheelslvlsLegman https://ift.tt/hPUdAZn

that something wasn't moving at all


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 05:11AM by MaXxxmmm https://ift.tt/gtSZ6p3

same thing


Submitted December 31, 2022 at 05:13AM by MaXxxmmm https://ift.tt/oZ9SwfH

Friday, December 30, 2022

Area 51 The Alien Interview 1997


Submitted December 30, 2022 at 10:42AM by Outrageous_Resist447 https://ift.tt/4H6NWDz

A new theory suggests that Aliens are trans-dimensional entities capable of traveling with light.


Submitted December 30, 2022 at 11:10AM by ritesh_k9 https://ift.tt/M8Hxmau

BREAKING: China Claims That Its ‘Sky Eye’ Telescope May Have Received Signals From Alien Civilizations


Submitted December 30, 2022 at 09:14AM by pissalisa https://ift.tt/02ceOSK

There is an alien message in our DNA (english subs)


Submitted December 30, 2022 at 09:14AM by EnvironmentalBar9410 https://ift.tt/3elmYZJ

Extraterrestrial conspiracies seem to be a sophisticated disinformation campaign.

With all of the recently de-classified information, I found myself jumping back into the UFO conspiracy wormhole. Some of the theories put together by this sub are very convincing. However, I've realized that we've been engaged in a arms/technological race for the past century. Staying ahead obviously requires plenty of secrecy. As we know, by the time the public has access to new technology, the U.S. government has had their hands on it for decades i.e. The Internet.

With that being said, it would be much easier to tell the public that any exposed futuristic technology(such as advanced AI, new aircrafts, new energy sources) is alien instead property of the United States'. For example, imagine the outrage if the public discovered the U.S. was withholding a cheap new power source that would makes today's gas and batteries obsolete. Keeping this information private is important because of the implications new discoveries can have on national security as well as the potential the social, political, and economic consequences. Check out this timeline:

  • September 1945: World War II ends, the U.S. immediately enlists thousands of the brightest(formerly evil?) Nazi Germany scientists to work on top-secret U.S. projects, effectively offering immunity. (Operation Paperclip)
  • March 1947: The Cold War with the Soviet Union begins.
  • June 1947: Kenneth Arnold claims that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainer at speeds that Arnold estimated at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour. His story is corroborated by numerous others over the next few weeks.
  • July 1947: The Roswell Incident occurs, a crashed flying saucer is discovered. It is publicly acknowledged as a saucer by the U.S. Army before they change narratives. The cover-up is obvious even though we're not sure exactly what was being covered up. This makes national headlines and becomes the starting point of the next 75 years of UFO conspiracies in popular culture.
    • Note: (If you believe in the "The Bell"/Die Glocke conspiracy, its feasible that perhaps the U.S. had adopted this "saucer" blueprint from the Nazis, and the Roswell incident was a legitimate crash that occurred during a test flight)
  • September 1947: The National Security Act of 1947 establishes the Central Intelligence Agency

Therefore, I don't think its a coincidence that this new wave of disclosure is taking place during a time where tensions with Russia are ramping up again. It is feasible assume that the U.S. is testing plenty of new technology in our skies right now, and would much rather prefer for you to believe it is of alien origin.

  • August 2013: CIA releases Area 51 related documents online.
  • February 2014: The Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity occurs as their pro-Russian President is removed and Ukraine looks to join EU/NATO.
  • April 2014: Russia invades Ukraine and annexes Crimea. Conflict is "resolved" by 2015.
  • January 2015: U.S. Air Force releases UFO-related documents.
  • January 2016: CIA releases another batch of Alien/UFO files.
  • January 2017: CIA releases another batch of declassified documents pertaining Aliens/UFOs
  • December 2017: Two U.S. Navy videos showing footage of a strange flying aircraft accelerating without means of propulsion are "leaked"
  • December 2018: U.S. Navy is granted patent for anti-gravity "UFO-style ship that can be used in water, air or even space."
  • May 2019: Zelensky is inaugurated as the new President of Ukraine. Openly supports joining NATO.
  • April 2020: The Department of Defense officially declassifies prior leaked videos from the U.S. Navy as well as video from an additional incident from 2004.
  • January 2021: The CIA releases its "entire collection" of declassified UFO/UAP documents for download.
  • March 2021: Russia mobilizes forces at the Ukranian border before invading in a "special military operation."
  • June 2021: Pentagon releases a UFO report under the FOIA, which doesn't confirm but "leaves the door open" to the possibility of ETs.
    • Note: This is the first time in over 50 years since Congress addressed UFOs since the end of Project Blue Book. The end of Project Blue Book was coincidentally during the same period of economic downturn in the Soviet Union.
  • November 2021-Present: Under the FOIA, various U.S. government agencies including NASA continue to release documents, reports, and footage regarding potential of extraterrestrial life and UFO/UAPs.

As an example disinformation, look at the case of Paul Bennewitz, a U.S. Air Force contractor who was unknowingly stalking and decoding top-secret military messages/projects. He allegedly was misled(on purpose) by government agents into believing he was directly intercepting alien communications.

I don't think any of this completely disqualifies the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs as we idealize them. But I think there has been a sophisticated effort(perhaps a joint effort by the CIA and Pentagon) to turn us into tinfoil hats and distract us from real futuristic technology. This technology is already out there and being spotted by civilians.

They're not preparing us for disclosure of aliens/UFOs, they're simply misleading us and making us easy targets to be ostracized. At the same time, they are preparing us to get used to seeing this futuristic "unidentified" phenomena during these times of rising tensions with Russia.

Submitted December 30, 2022 at 04:40AM by PomegranatePrimary82 https://ift.tt/IPhFH6k

Solution to Fermi paradox. Are we the beginning of aliens?

Let’s start with the living in a simulation theory which I’m sure we are all familiar with. I’m specifically talking about the idea that is the theory is true then we are either the first people and will create the simulation or we are the last and are currently living in it. I propose we modify this and mold it to fix the Fermi paradox. Any civilization that expands more then the planets resources can handle will cause the need for planetary expansion. They will bring the colonization with of different planets, mars being the first. My theory is this, after millions of years of planetary and universal expansion humans will evolve physically and mentally, as will be needed to adapt to the different environments, and after enough time of planetary division and colonization will become something very different then humans today. I propose that the reason why we have not found life yet in the universe is we are the seed life form, and we have not yet become what we are looking for. Please tear this idea down it too much to handle.

Submitted December 30, 2022 at 03:01AM by One_Virus8852 https://ift.tt/rmVqMPB

I MET MY ET FRIEND IN Sept-Oct 2022 , Followed me from Los Angeles to Gulf Breeze Florida and back again. I had a heart scare two weeks ago,- only reason I am coming forward now. I would not be sharing my story to the extent I am, had I not landed in ER. I turned 55 in Oct 2022.

Yes, I have video and photos, yes they are dated, no I have no idea how to edit them, I stink with computers and the videoes and photos are not organized on the phone nor the computer, but yes, I have them. they have been looked at by some professional UFO Folks and deemed authentic. But I digress.

Thursday, early day off for a four day weekend I was exploring Reddit and this group popped up over my feed. I am a natural investigator, and I did corporate investigations for the first 15 years of my career, I work with Mental Health- Homeless- housing., and every day can be intense. I research before I click join, but today I did not inspect it, research it, I just clicked join, as directed with no thought, and when things happen as such, I identify it to it as an energy nudge sometimes it even feels electrical in nature. Like emotional and then physical instinct with a kick! I explain this because it's similar to how my ET friend communicated with me, and always has. We as humans refer to it as Instinct, that thing you just "know". With ET it's not language it's like a thought direction- leading me down a path to create action or share information. It's energy communication -can't explain it any other way, but if they speak to you, you will see it and feel it clear enough to understand the conversation. You won't be confused or scared, it's super peaceful, at least for me.

I am not intellectual in the traditional sense, nor am I a blogger, story teller or good writer. so try and bare with the grammar, etc !, I have video and photos, but I ask you to focus on the story, prior to the proof. Because there are 100's of people like me, that refuse to share their story, because of the drama they have to go thru, personal attacks, and prove it attitude. And often when we do, it's dismissed once we move on. We enjoy our ongoing relationship with our ET friends and keep to ourselves. . Our larger UFO community leaders are primarily male, why is that? <no I am not looking to make a gender war>. But if we are to study our skies, we must first understand the amazing and highly educated, male dominated UFO professionals. Why are there so few women? Could it be, because in the skies, the male presenting beings are in charge. I've never met a female or felt a female energy, not once. I would love to know if any of you have, "felt or saw a female presenting being as a communicator? "

When I was in the 3rd-5th grade, I lived n Preston CT with my military dad and mom. Dad was on subs and then moved to ships. We returned from Living in spain. My grandfather was involved in the nuclear sub technology at the EB program and he lived in Groton, CT. It is when we moved to Preston, that I would see tinkerbell looking things, late at night in the woods. When I met My ET friend he said that It's the frame of reference a young kid can relate to and not get scared or Traumatized, my ET friend said they learned a lot about how not to traumatize young kids, show them something that is already in their brain as a nice experience that can then convert into the ET energy or ET being. To me, back then they looked like "White Knights" or Angeles with their long robe looking thing. I started to get in trouble because my dad would think I got out on purpose. He then changed all the locks to key only and some kinda of special locks on the windows, "kid proof". I still got out, and if they found me, it was always on the same, very large light colored Bolder, asleep, not scared. I also recall a white horse. I can piece together NOW is that their visits had to do with intuition and speechless communication, training my brain to listen differently. and learning how to Master it and understand it. That would mean, I would understand it and be open and less afraid as an adult. Thus, he said that right before 55, I reached a bridge to see them, one that I would not freak out or be traumatized.

In Gulf Breeze and on the video, I do get scared, so does the dog. But once I calmed my mind, it was "intuition, or like a nudge on my left shoulder, its always the left, that said to calm down and go back to the window.

When Covid in Los Angeles lock down hit, it hit us hard. For nearly a year, nothing was opened, It felt like a ghost town. Lines for everything and for the first time in my entire life, I was scared. I left my job, working with at risk folks, and we buckled down at the house. That lead to house chores, inside and out. Living in Studio City, we had a awesome view and deck. We decided to refinish it. BIG deck. When we started to sand, I started to notice something in the sky, I was nudged to look up, broad daylight, it called to me, but I kept dismissing it as a balloon, a plane, a drone, whatever my default was. Until one day on auto pilot, I started to record it. While it has now been authenticated and smaller craft around it, It took me a while to believe. Until it became daily. Every time I would go outside, they would be there. Then it got to the point that my intuition was telling me to go outside and they were there. They just flew around, entertaining, and it was fun to watch them. I did not "hear anything" but they were preparing me to be comfortable slowly, for what was about to happen, meeting them, in Person, In Gulf Breeze as a 54 year old woman.

Then Orange fire orbs and Blue Obs started to appear.

We lived in the Hills of Hollywood, Studio City, a greedy builder was building a massive and semi illegal house, on the HILLSIDE right above us. Half the hill had come down, previously, and we started to record everything he did. We were waiting for the shitty construction house to fall down on top of us. Another level of drama, being locked up.

. I got fairly used to the day visits and the night visits, but one night something changed. For three nights in a row, I was woken at 2 am. <this was right after the fire that had happened near Universal studio's that year> and the last time I was 'nudged" to look out the bathroom window, which was below the new shit show being build above us. I saw a SUPER large fire looking red orb. It was circling around the construction site, inside the new open construction, as if it was doing a grid or looking for something. Something jolted me and I started to scream "fire" and woke up my partner and my kid, claiming the hill was on fire, call 911. I run outside the grab the house, it's gone, no more red glow or orb. I did not tell the kid, I did not want to scare her. I think it was fixing the construction mess <all easy to research, many complaints were made>. Not long after that, we were relaxing on the upper deck and my partner says look, it's daytime and between two massive tree's in the distance, a blue set of orbs pooped out of the sky, like rolling marbles. It was another time I was trying to figure out what I was looking at, and by the time I thought I knew, they flew away back the same way they came, as if the sky opened and poof, gone.

Fast forward to my trip to Pensacola, via Knoxville. A white orb was with me the entire drive. I like to drive at night over daytime. I had a series of trauma's and it was as if it was keeping me company. It was a comfortable very, very long drive. When I made it to Pensacola, I had my dog. We would go for nightly walks and a few days after I got there is when a series of events happened that has explained so much of my life, why they are here and what it's all about.

Behind my parents house, is a lot of swamp. VERY humid, and full of these weird little frogs that make a noise that is so annoying. Every time I saw at ET flying overhead, the damn frogs would start. OMG. My dog and I would watch them, he was used to them and non reactive. Happened nearly every night, I would get a nudge to go outside and they were overhead. Even in a storm they came. They fly thru storms amazingly.

One night, this one craft stayed over head for nearly two hours. I got tired and asked it to walk me home and it did. I said goodnight. As I was walking towards the bedroom I thought "I wonder if they would come to the window"? . I looked out the window, kinda laffing at myself and watch what you ask for, because that is exactly what happened. First they flew thru the trees as a white orb, darting back and forth, then land on the street, and then the grass, right at the window. IT turned white, red and finally blue. Then it gathered and created an energy. The dog begins to freak out, I freak out because the dog freaks out, I put the lights on and we took a pause. I was nudged to go back to the window, calm. The phone had dropped when I got scared, but I had no care and did not care to find it. I went to the window and from behind the tree what I saw as a kid in the woods came sort of floating out to the window, not walking not flying , shrug, I DFK what it was doing.

It hovers towards the window, I think it's smiling but the mouth did not charge or move in a way I understood. SUPER tall, looks like us, but everything is longer, narrow and larger. Blue eyes, power white skin, but no color I have seen before. Long fingers and large hands. I never saw feet. or shoes. I relax, no idea where the dog is, but he was not barking. He says it was nice to see me, sorry it was during an upsetting event of mine, but he said you humans do better with our visits when you have your human trauma, because you will do anything to escape the pain, so we become less scary. Like a negotiation instead of a kidnapping. I'm calm and not scared , but happy to see him. I knew him. He told me about the things in the woods as kid, why it happens that way, we trauma survivors are easier to commune with, we look for an escape and my house was trauma as a kid. Our sadness is an entry point HE talked of why the diseases are going to continue and the why., , the future of the earth, how our planet is gonna blow up, and overheat, but it will be many decades from now. Humans are going to continue to evolve and the gender experiences the kids are now having has to do with evolution and their culture of genderless beings. Less focus on the stressors mating but more supportive family units. My mom died of ALS in 2019, he knew. He said ALS is an experiment gone wrong and that's why it's on a miltary island at 96% <not sure what island ?> he said that it's where the folks who serve there are 95% more liked to develop ALS then anywhere else? They won't come in full exposure because Humans are violent and will freak out, and we are not ready for them. But We have been using their technology for years. Computers, microwaves, Internet, and all of the other wonders that did not come from "horse and buggy" is their handy work they share with our government.. Five species and one eats us? GROSS!! It's the same as our world, different looking people all over the world. Every government knows about them and there are agreements but did'nt get specific other than they are allowed here and we accept their help as the human quest will become to make exit from this planet before it blows, have gotten used to all of the human genetic changes inside the humans and Mastered all of the Alien Tech needed to build on other planets and Master the way to get there . HE spoke of a time loop, where we will learn to cross over to different time lines? and then he put a vision of my daughter in my head, as if to say "see, this is you". I am still processing that, but when you hear about how my child was created, it could very well be true!

I don't have the energy to preview this or re-read it. It's a stream of consciousness that I needed to get off my heart, so if my actual heart does decide it's tired, my story has been shared. I am happy to share the videos and photos but would prefer to do that via zoom, so I can explain what we are looking at. Some of it is plain obvious, but some of the details happen so fast you miss can miss it.

He never told me his name, but I did wake up the next day, in my same clothes, with a odd mark under my arm. I never sleep in my day clothes. I think it's gross.

OF course there is more, but I'm tired. As I said had the heart issue not happened this story would still be in my head and in the heads of the few that have experienced some of this and have heard some of the story .

Submitted December 30, 2022 at 03:03AM by Consistent-Reveal192 https://ift.tt/0NV2kL6

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Joe Rogan interviews 2 Aliens?!


Submitted December 29, 2022 at 07:30AM by RaeNewsToday https://ift.tt/cB9AJYv

yesterday in heaven. What do you think?


Submitted December 29, 2022 at 06:23AM by Misterschaefer https://ift.tt/DBeCPpL

Artifacts of Extraterrestrials found in Veracruz, Mexico


Submitted December 29, 2022 at 06:02AM by talesout https://ift.tt/gdhyLUZ

Okay Friends are coming soon


Submitted December 29, 2022 at 04:26AM by Champagnerowdy https://ift.tt/EzGSHpD

My brother thinks he got abducted by aliens

So a about a year ago my older brother one night asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him, I was playing video games at the time and so he said he would come back in 30 minutes, so I could play more before we watched. About an hour and a half passed and I wasn’t upset because I was invested in my game but then he came into my room very confused and told me he had woke up on the ground in his room (the basement) and the last thing he remembered was opening the basement door which led to the outside, because he was going to smoke a joint. He seemed very freaked out but I told him he most likely just passed out and he settled down. Two days later however, patches of his hair turned blonde almost white like they were terribly bleached or something and he joked that he must’ve been abducted cause his hair was changing colors. I was quite spooked by the idea but he to just looked at it as an excuse to dye his hair and found it cool. That whole event was brushed off and forgotten about until recently he told me he went to an ophthalmologist to get his yearly eye exam and that his doctor told him he had ultraviolet damage on his eyes (corneal flash burns). My brother never having worked a job other than retail all his life found it odd to have sustained ultraviolet damage, and so did his eye doctor and so now my brother swears he must’ve been abducted which resurfaced this whole event and had me curious as to wether or not his experiences were in anyway consistent with other reports of abduction so as to find some sort of resolution or explanation on the rather strange matter.

Submitted December 29, 2022 at 03:03AM by Adventurous_Air3291 https://ift.tt/CAlIV72

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Can we have a serious, rational discussion?

Like any rational person, I have no reason to believe there is not life elsewhere in either our galaxy or beyond. In fact it would make no sense if there wasn’t.

But with that being said, that SAME rational person in me has to admit that it’s been obvious for a few decades now, basically since smart phone technology, that most alien abduction stories were/are imagined or scientifically explainable, as are most UFO sightings.

It’s irrational, at this point, to cling to a belief that 2 billion cameras rolling at all time just haven’t been able to capture them on video.

The same goes for ghosts. It’s no different.

Now I’m guessing the answers will be something along the lines of what religion always said……”you can’t understand….your video cameras can’t capture it”…..and so on.

But again, back to rational thinking…..

Submitted December 29, 2022 at 12:21AM by Distinct_Song4540 https://ift.tt/UbGnERz

The Plot to Build the World’s Most Ambitious Alien Detector


Submitted December 28, 2022 at 10:54AM by maztabaetz https://ift.tt/7DS1n2B

Why have we gone from calling them UFO's to UAP's and from ET's to EBE's? Are they now considered derogatory terms?

No text found

Submitted December 28, 2022 at 11:05AM by Mediapenguin https://ift.tt/ODcGRew

hi someone have real fotos of this place [ 35.8889023, -117.6711139 ] googel maps

No text found

Submitted December 28, 2022 at 10:01AM by deluxs https://ift.tt/qihp3JG

Dr Garry Nolan (Stanford) states that UAPs can be detected via specific frequencies and a dual atomic clock system (a nearby spacetime warp throws off the sync of one relative to the other)


Submitted December 28, 2022 at 05:05AM by thebusiness7 https://ift.tt/L4dvBIC

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Interview with Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s space program

TLDR: ETs exist and monitor our nuclear capabilities, a “Galactic Federation” exists, the closest to us are the Grays and any form of contact will most likely be made official with them first, US representatives are present at a Mars base where ET representatives are also present, the Earth is their Petri dish, 9 main types of ET species are known to us, some of the smaller UFOs are robots/ AI, consciousness is present after death, humans have anti gravity technology but it’s still classified.

Highlights are below:


Skinwalker Ranch:

“ You see the radiation jump, and you see how a shape-changing body arrives, light comes out of it at a frequency that you cannot see with the naked eye - in fact, you do not see anything when you look normally - but with the cameras, at the high frequencies, you see this body perform" Kill from utilization' - drawing blood from the cattle on the ground in front of your eyes."

What exactly did they see?

"Something like a cloud like that. Like you draw a ghost for children. It's like an undefined cloud, amorphous, and the horns come out of it, and you see the cow twitching. And when it's over, everyone runs to the field to see, and there's nothing there, no blood - but the cow's body has a cut which is like with a laser. They removed her organs and pumped her blood! If they had told me that, I would have said: Shit, it's a show. But professors from MIT and leading researchers have seen and confirmed it, and everyone is shocked. So listen, we have to at least check."

Why doesn't Robert Bigelow himself tell about it?

"He received huge funding from NASA as part of programs that my friends there only mumble about under their breath, and he made a written commitment that everything goes to the Pentagon and is housed there. It upsets him that the Ministry of Defense is not ready to release anything."

Robert Bigelow also said: I can't publish the films."

Why, will they kill him?

"Yes. They killed a lot on the way. Everyone who opened their mouth."

^ This bit is important. Looking back over the last few decades it’s clear that classified programs exist in a compartmentalized fashion. People working on them only are allowed to focus on one task while the higher ups know the full scope of what’s going on. The people selected for high ranking positions or access are screened beforehand. The ones that are chosen have the most to lose and this is used as leverage against them to keep quiet. The “agencies” have a clear history of being ruthless, read any of the declassified documents on their programs and you’ll come to the conclusion they wouldn’t have a problem “silencing” anyone coming forward with information.

Life present throughout the universe:

There is life throughout the universe, the closest to us are what we call the 'greys', It is assumed that some of them came from the Pleiades

Anti gravity:

We have anti-gravity (Elizondo has stated this in his interviews also)

ET-Human relations:

The ETs are constantly watching - and there are many reports on this - after the nuclear events in the world, they monitor all the nuclear weapons stations and bases

The ETs asked not to advertise that they are here, humanity is not yet ready. There will be a great rampage of all, and what the Inquisition did to guys like Galileo and Copernicus will be back. They want to make us sane and understanding first. They waited until today, for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we would even understand what space and spacecraft are

There is an agreement between the US government and the extraterrestrials, the understanding is that the Galactic Federation has nine elements of advanced extraterrestrials of various types, who signed a contract with us to do experiments here." (Interestingly enough, Dr. Garry Nolan in a recent interview had given a similar hypothetical number “let’s say the government knows of 9 different species of ET....”)

What interest do they have in us?

"There are all the resources here. There is water here in quantities that are not found anywhere else, there are all types of vegetation, all types of animals, the ocean."

But as a more developed intelligence than us, what good are we to them?

"We are their petri dish. They are also investigating and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe,

There is an underground base in the Mars, and there are their (ET) representatives there as well as our American astronauts

UFO crafts:

The big spaceship is almost the size of a small city. Small spaceships come out of it - most of them robotic, manned by intelligent robots. At first they will send such robots, primitive in their view, or a message that we will have to decipher."

They have a method for producing a bubble that neutralizes time-space, and the tool does not move - space moves, and this is consistent with the theory of general relativity.

Consciousness and the continuity of life after death:

We are also energy. Even when we die we don't die, because we are made of molecules and atoms, and we move to another energy. You connect back to the cosmic fabric, to the network, to the connection of consciousnesses. You are consciousness."

"Consciousnesses will not die. Everything you have accumulated is added. It goes to the same network - and everything you have accumulated in your life, the personality, the totality of what you have been through, it accumulates.

Submitted December 28, 2022 at 02:04AM by thebusiness7 https://ift.tt/wJIkxKD

My odd experience

One day, when i was in high school. I was walking home with my friend and randomly as we were walking we were stopped by what i can only describe as an overwhelming blue light. It engulfed both of us but i couldn’t see my friend anymore . It only lasted a few seconds ultimately but it felt as if it were longer . We walked home after in dismay. I don’t speak to that friend as much anymore so idk what he feels about this anymore but honestly it was insane.

TL:DR i was “attacked” by a mysterious light that i cannot explain any better than this .

Submitted December 27, 2022 at 11:18PM by Supreme1P https://ift.tt/WJuUtwM

Shamanic Approach to the UFO Subject


Submitted December 27, 2022 at 12:06PM by Outrageous_Resist447 https://ift.tt/h3JvG7z

People who have had contact with NHI, did they give you any messages? Did they show you anything?

Please be respectful. I'm looking for real answers

Submitted December 27, 2022 at 12:12PM by HumanReincarnator https://ift.tt/7wQbWfL

What’s everyone’s predictions for 2023?

Let’s be real. Disclosure isn’t a “thing” - but with the governments acknowledgment and actually starting to take things seriously, what does everyone think may happen in 2023?

Could be the discovery of single felled organisms in an ocean on Europa - or full blown contact with the Galactic Federation.

I’m posting this mainly for fun.

Submitted December 27, 2022 at 11:02AM by sdemat https://ift.tt/T18otYr

Tucker Carlson interview with Gary Nolan provides more clues than anything else

I watched tucker carlson interview with gary nolan again for the 10th time and found it interesting. I feel like gary nolan had dropped more clues than anybody else in the ufo world. He said multiple alien races could be fighting for earth's domination due to tension. If that is true, then that explains why there are so many ufo sightings.


Submitted December 27, 2022 at 06:36AM by Altruistic_Ball3511 https://ift.tt/QxtLWG8

What would be the first questions you would make an alien if you had the chance?

No text found

Submitted December 27, 2022 at 05:50AM by The-One-In-All https://ift.tt/eu2Z1Wn

Monday, December 26, 2022

Has anyone ever met an extraterrestrial in person?

serious answers only. I've met a few people I thought weren't quite human, one had a large forehead but I wasn't sure if it was a birth defect or something else. Has anyone ever met an extraterrestrial/crypto-terrestrial in person before? Where they either claimed to be or you were fairly certain they were and it was not in a dream state nor sleep paralysis and it was clearly in waking physical reality, and what was it like?

Submitted December 27, 2022 at 01:53AM by Personal-Molasses537 https://ift.tt/rEUDYca

Puzzling UFO Crashes that Happened BEFORE Roswell


Submitted December 26, 2022 at 06:47AM by talesout https://ift.tt/EHZyN5W

I live in a supposed UFO hotspot how can I confirm the presence of aliens?

Is there a way to get them to come to you or something? I want to believe but I will have to see it to believe it unless they’re hostile.

Submitted December 26, 2022 at 04:35AM by Chavocien https://ift.tt/8vBS0sc



Submitted December 26, 2022 at 03:08AM by Wrong_Kitchen_9558 https://ift.tt/8YBM1I7

Sunday, December 25, 2022

what are the best alien pictures out there with credibility or hard to debunk? Similar to skinnybob

hey im making a montage of clips and id like to feature possible alien beings like skinny bob and some dulce base supposed aliens but id like to feature ones ive probably havent heard of

Submitted December 26, 2022 at 01:17AM by Comprehensive_Yak417 https://ift.tt/7feB5V4

Ancient Aliens- Was Santa Clause an Alien?


Submitted December 26, 2022 at 01:31AM by orangemonk https://ift.tt/4ZWVMdk

What could this be? Screen shot from previous post I’ll try to link below


Submitted December 25, 2022 at 11:57PM by Defiant_Coconut_5361 https://ift.tt/OhfCiLn

Get ready for shit to get weird in 2023 and 2024... and keep your mind open

I've noticed a ton of skepticism on whether disclosure will ever happen in our lifetimes, and people acting like every single piece of news about UAPs have been just a big nothing-burger.

That's a far from the truth as you can get.

We're seeing monumental and rapid changes, and this skepticism is mostly coming from a constant expectation of lies and cover-ups - and that's fair given that's been the modus operandi for decades, but this is all changing very quickly.

Yeah, don't expect Biden to have a press conference tomorrow and show off some grey booty and clap cheeks in front of a cheering audience. That's not how this is going down (unfortunately). The expectation that some day our president will disclose everything at once was always a naive pipe dream.

As John Ramirez said (ex-CIA), "disclosure is not an event, it's a schedule". We're seeing a scheduled release of UFO and alien secrets they've kept, through mouth-pieces like Lue Elizondo and potentially Jim Semivan (and oddly Tom DeLonge).

Keep in mind the government kept this under wraps for decades, and Cold War secrecy was a part of it. Who knows if it was secret USSR aircraft? They used to talk more openly about it, especially with all the UFO over the Whitehouse in the 40s (look for the news headline). But then their new method of dealing with it was to stigmatize it, make UFO people sound crazy, make people too afraid to talk about it. Anyone experiencing it wanting to talk about it were generally met with threats.

But now for the first time, Congress is attacking the secrecy. If you watch the Public Hearing, it was a nothingburger... except for the fact that congresspeople were demanding answers, and left telling reporters "We're not going to get the truth unless these people have whistleblower protection".

And then they added it to a bill, actual whistleblower protection regarding UAPs. And then the fucking President signed it.

Do people understand how huge that is? That means we have both congress and the top of the executive branch supporting disclosure. This is a HUGE deal. This is a huge move past secrecy.

It started with the Pentagon video, unheard of to put out official UFO shit into the mainstream. That was a huge move on its own, the government saying, "yeah they're real and here's a very high def video with multiple sensors". Fucking huge. Then we saw them disclose AATIP's existence. Then the former Director of AATIP started speaking out, WITH government support. He is still following their "schedule", only saying what he's allowed to. That means the internal folks that know the most are already pushing disclosure forward. There was a point where Lue Elizondo was in a meeting with a bunch of high ranking folks, and he came out saying (paraphrasing), "I can't tell you what was talked about, but know that it was a monumental move towards transparency. History was made."

So the people that know, are releasing info. The congress people who don't, are getting real legislation to trigger disclosure. The fucking President is signing that legislation and supporting it.

People who think this is a nothing-burger have not been paying attention. This is a drastic change with multiple of the most important parts of government deciding it's time to tell us stuff. It's fair not to trust them given the decades of secrecy, but this is such a massive swing in the other direction that it's ridiculous. And we just had Chris Mellon former deputy assistant of the Secretary of Defense for two administrations tell us that a memo saying they retrieved non-human craft and reverse engineered it, is a real fucking memo.

But if you've been paying attention to what Lue Elizondo and Jim Semivan have been saying... Keep your mind way open. There might be a reason that disclosure is so slow, and has taken so long. The truth might be a lot stranger than you believe. If you have been listening to them, it's sounding a lot less like physical aliens from another planet, and more some strange link to consciousness, almost like spirits from a spirit realm to put it in another way, the "extra-dimensional" hypothesis. Jim Semivan has said some weird shit about how they can control us, and he outright fears them. Lue Elizondo has made multiple statements about how we're not the apex predators we thought we were, that we've been making the same mistakes as thinking the sun revolves around us, that our human history... is not entirely accurate.

The truth might change a whole lot more than you think. It might change some fundamental beliefs about human history. It might mean there's a whole new invisible form of life all around us. It might mean we're in less control than we think, that we're not the top of the food chain. It might be a bit scary to fully accept.

I started out skeptical of anything but aliens from another planet, but then I realized these ex-CIA people knew shit that was a whole lot more weird than I'd ever considered. I used to think shit like CE-5 was insane... but then Lue Elizondo confirmed it works, but "you don't want to do it". If CE-5 works, that means a lot of woo shit is real.

Keep your mind open, but get ready for some wild shit.

Submitted December 25, 2022 at 03:29PM by mortalitylost https://ift.tt/DJRqraN

Astrotheology, History and Aliens

I like to think of Aliens as extradimensional beings that can view our universe as if we were in flatland.

I think the ones watching Earth are 7th dimensional beings, do so over a long period of time and have an agenda: they pick favourites to reveal information to and lead into prosperity.

Before we go any further, Astrotheology is the pagan study of Astrology and how it relates to religion. The virgin birth on December 25th, Miracles, and death and resurrection are shared between Horus Dionysus Jesus and More and the 3 kings (the constellation) etc point to the bible being an extension of Sun worship. If you chart the sun’s motion in the sky, it precedes backwards through the Zodiac, changing signs every ~2000 years. Right now, we are in the Age of Pisces, when the Sun is in the constellation Pisces. Before Pisces it was in Aries, and then Taurus before that.

By favorites, I mean the chosen people. Those who the Aliens chose.

The Ancient Egyptians ruled in the Age of the Bull. It is a pretty popular theory that Ancient Egyptians had contact with aliens.The bible then tells of Moses chastising his people for worshipping the bull as a False Idol and ushering in the Age of the Ram (Aries). Now the Jewish people are chosen to lead society. This coincides with the rise of the Jewish people described in the bible - another popular theory involves Jewish people and Aliens. They are still now responsible for owning most of everything.

Then came Pisces, and the English are chosen, leading Christianity (Sun worship) to the world. The rise of Western Society to the world can be traced back to the time period when the expanding British empire set the stage for todays world. (If you are curious, the Age of Gemini came before Egypt, and the Sumerians discovered bronze tools and language)

In the bible, Luke 22:9-10: - [9] And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? [10] And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.

This referring to the Age being passed on to the people who will carry the Alien agenda into the future. The age of Aquarius.

I think they want us to know about the nature of physical space, which is why they spread the message of the movement of the stars.

There is more evidence everywhere I just wanted to point this out.

Submitted December 25, 2022 at 08:16AM by seedyProfessor https://ift.tt/47bMvI5

Douglas Dean Johnson interviewed on the newly enacted UFO "whistleblower" law

On December 23, 2022, President Biden signed the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes a section through which Congress is in effect inviting "whistleblowers" to report any secret UFO programs or incidents they've ever been involved in, as government employees or government contractors, into a new "secure reporting system," and to be protected from any reprisals for such reporting. Any significant new reported information that checks out will be forwarded to the congressional Armed Services and Intelligence committees, and to top congressional leadership.

So-- what happens now?

On December 21, 2022, I was interviewed about the new legislation for one hour on Frank Morano's radio/internet program The Other Side of Midnight, on 77TalkRadioWABC, based in New York City. We talked about successive actions by Congress to create and now expand the powers of the Pentagon UFO office (the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, AARO), with the just-signed law further enhancing the powers and status of the director of that office, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. We got into the Bob Lazar tales, the "Davis-Wilson notes" story, and much more.


Douglas Dean Johnson (ddeanjohnson on Twitter)


Submitted December 25, 2022 at 07:51AM by Implacable_Gaze https://ift.tt/jO5upHF

they will sexualize aliens

You want to know whats coming next?

Sex. Aliens sex.

Hear me out

They're gonna start sexualizing aliens.

Humans can't breed with them. It solves the population problem and keeps humans complacent while aliens conduct research on us.

Then if you want more population then just tell the aliens to fly away and the humans will again have sex with each other.

So that's what's coming next the sexualizatoon of aliens hear me out.

Submitted December 25, 2022 at 04:38AM by dartunknown77 https://ift.tt/NAiTDhl

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Chris Mellon just verified the Wilson-Davis memo


Submitted December 25, 2022 at 12:33AM by Slhlpr https://ift.tt/2KGkFfA

UFO in Vegas ?


Submitted December 24, 2022 at 10:18PM by TraditionalPea7716 https://ift.tt/Jdq1OXU

Deer Hunter caught bright spheres above and beams of light below cloud o...


Submitted December 24, 2022 at 01:55PM by talesout https://ift.tt/FSMkLH6

what do you think 🤔 fake or real


Submitted December 24, 2022 at 12:57PM by MaXxxmmm https://ift.tt/H3N2jWd

Hat Man is probably ET

Isn't the “Hat Man” that people encounter in their sleep paralysis just a cloaked ET entity that resemble the one involved in the Pascagoula abduction?



The hat man is described to be very tall and paralyzes its victims. IMO, they are the same creature, just in camouflage mode.

What do you think?

Submitted December 24, 2022 at 09:34AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/eJQ6zKp

Paul Bennewitz and the initial deciphered transmissions

I recently checked out Mirage men and watched the Why YouTube video on Paul Bennewitz.

I’m trying to make sense of his original deciphered messages that say something around “women are needed” and that grey’s “exhausted their own resources”.

I am assuming these messages were intercepted before the involvement and misinformation campaign of Doty and the military? That part of the story was not clear. I’m also looking for the full deciphered transcripts if anyone knows where to find them.

Submitted December 24, 2022 at 04:29AM by Total-recalled https://ift.tt/oO7RxyQ

Soft disclosure going on RIGHT NOW?

So as I’m scrolling through Instagram I’m seeing a lot of posts in unison about an advanced civilization in Antarctica, (inner earth/cavern theory) underground military bases with alien housing, etc etc, and all of these posts have the same “fact checkers say this is false” footnote. Could this possibly be a soft disclosure? Or a coincidence?

Submitted December 24, 2022 at 03:47AM by Dapper_Commercial_90 https://ift.tt/dLgo4OC

Friday, December 23, 2022

Thursday, December 22, 2022

My solstice alien poster!


Submitted December 23, 2022 at 01:55AM by RedDwarfBee https://ift.tt/EreB6kj

how do I be abducted?

I need to be abducted by aliens and we travel. My life sucks and I want to get out of earth. If any aliens are reading this please pick me up.

*Only if you will never harm me in any way shape and/or form.

Submitted December 23, 2022 at 12:52AM by used_cow_3 https://ift.tt/erBXfjC

ChatGPT’s hypothesis on means of propulsion of UAP’s

I was curious and asked chatGPT about the propulsion system that these UAP’s might have , first i started with some basic questions to train the AI, then copy-pasted this study to make sure i feed it maximum information Then went along and asked : Pretend that this study is 100% confirmed and trusted information, give me a very long and precise hypothesis concerning the means of propulsion that these UAV’s have , and what type of technology it could be, you are allowed to speculate and imagine.

It came up with this answer which i found quite interesting: It is difficult to speculate about the exact nature of the propulsion system used by these UAVs, as we do not have enough information to make any definitive conclusions. However, based on the observed acceleration capabilities, it is clear that whatever technology is being used is significantly advanced compared to our current known technologies.

One possibility is that these UAVs are utilizing some kind of advanced propulsion system that is not based on conventional forms of propulsion, such as jet engines or rockets. This could potentially involve the use of exotic forms of matter or energy, or the manipulation of fundamental forces in ways that are currently not understood.

Another possibility is that these UAVs are utilizing advanced propulsion technologies that are based on known physical principles, but are significantly more advanced than anything we currently possess. For example, they may be using some kind of advanced ion propulsion system, or a form of antimatter propulsion.

Alternatively, it is possible that these UAVs are utilizing propulsion technologies that are based on entirely different physical principles than those we currently understand. This could potentially involve the use of higher dimensions, or the manipulation of the fabric of space-time itself.

Ultimately, it is impossible to say for certain what kind of technology these UAVs are using, and further research and study will be necessary to better understand their capabilities. However, it is clear that these UAVs represent a significant technological advancement, and studying them could potentially lead to significant breakthroughs in our understanding of physics and technology.

Its not teaching us alot about the whole subject , but for it to generate such a response with limited data , to me is fascinating.

Submitted December 23, 2022 at 12:12AM by Ffcd23 https://ift.tt/UFfwVZ8



Submitted December 22, 2022 at 02:05PM by The_Horror_Nerd https://ift.tt/ZgjXcvO

Aliens from Hurgos get in touch with us


This is the 1st time that this people are contacting us, for some reason, they chose to speak in Spanish which, i believe, for some of you won't be a problem. Pretty much, they are looking for water and they are extracting it from the Amazon River.

Submitted December 22, 2022 at 11:36AM by miguelcp7 https://ift.tt/CxLw0Ee

Old Movie or TV Show

Does anyone remember seeing a movie or a show about 10-20 years ago that dealt with some type of Aliens in space that came to earth to help the younger generation? There was some kind of noise, or something heard by the younger people and their skin changed to like a metallic color and it was protection from a shift in UV Rays or the sun getting closer? I vividly remember seeing this but haven't found anyone that's ever seen / heard of what I'm talking about.

Everyone thought they were here to harm but in reality they had already been through the same from wherever they came from and they came to help us evolve.

Submitted December 22, 2022 at 10:24AM by Observer414 https://ift.tt/GN38bH2

Why does literally everyone think aliens must be technologically advanced?

It absolutely baffles me that everyone i hear talk about aliens thinks they are technologically advanced. Like i get a normal person saying that with all the pop culture advanced alien media movies and propaganda. But like every scientist and philosopher and theorist i hear talk about aliens acts like they literally have to be technologically advanced or else they dont exist.

Submitted December 22, 2022 at 08:12AM by Nomiiverse https://ift.tt/5Wz9tnb

One massive reason for the secrecy…

What if it goes much farther than ultra-fast propulsion and free energy? Consider the possibility of a completely new branch of technology, one that can amplify and project consciousness. I’m not a big Marvel fan but that big machine that Professor X plugs himself into to expand his mental powers; that would be based around a completely new paradigm of understanding and would essentially mean that what we might call “magic” actually exists and we are each capable of accessing it to some degree.

That would definitely upset the apple cart of our global system.

Submitted December 22, 2022 at 06:24AM by hunterseeker1 https://ift.tt/ejNcgwJ

Thought form entities

I’ve had multiple direct experiences in my life. I’m 21 years old, there is absolutely nothing special about me whatsoever. When I was 18 I had my first encounter near my home. A friend and I were doing what us kids always did and were enjoying each others company, I look out the window of his car and tell him to stop right now in the middle of the road. We both get out and precede to witness a giant triangle, with four lights placed on each side of the triangle, slowly moving through the sky. It didn’t even have wings man, so I’ve been convinced since I was fairly young seeing as how I’ve seen them! Lest our government figured out anti gravity all by themselves and they are keeping it a secret, which I’m sure they do have anti gravity figured out and they are keeping it a secret, along with the rest of the technologies humanity isn’t ready for. But I highly doubt they figured that out on their own. What do I know though I’m literally just some kid who got thrown into this mess 21 years ago. Anyways after this experience I started reading up. I started with the Law of One Book of Ra. It’s a collection of messages whom people claim to be the voice and intelligence of an extra terrestrial speaking through a human. As a “channel” or “medium”. Now there’s a lot of skepticism that surrounds stuff like that, but when you’ve seen intergalactic flying objects with your own eyes you tend to throw away everything you thought you knew. This book, is wild. And the text within has zero contradictions throughout the entire catalogue of chapters. This book would even mention at times that aliens are slowly showing themselves to our species from the skies to prepare our population to talk about the giant fucking elephant in the room. Hey so all your religions are false and your species couldn’t be more wrong on just about everything, here we are! It’s not gonna be all celebrations when they come, people who have spent their life indoctrinated will HAVE TO wake up, no more blindly following. This book mentions other things though, like how to contact them yourself. And I’m here today telling you that I, a 21 year old kid who doesn’t know shit, have definitely made contact directly with an extra terrestrial intelligence. Don’t believe me or disbelieve me, get out there and figure it out yourself because YOU WILL PAL. Shits more real then we can imagine. Th contact was very very brief. And it didn’t take place in the physical. They make contact by appearing to you in an energetic thought form being, what I’m trying to express is that you will see them inside of your mind. No not imagining an alien in your brain, I mean eyes closed but you can still see people as if you didn’t shut your eyes. That’s because these inter dimensional buddies of ours exist within a thought form creation. It’s a different dimension altogether. They have trouble appearing to us physically because they aren’t physical, they can if they want too, but it takes work, they are literally energetic beings, their bodies are made of just energy. So, in this contact, nothing was said, we didn’t exchange any words, I do remember feeling very comfortable and almost as if I was being enveloped in warmth when his presence was there, I say him because I get a male energy from his facial features. Which it’s so hard to describe their appearance because again, their true form isn’t physical, they appear as anything they wish, but I’m gonna try anyways, he was red, had huge smile on his face, black eyes and mouth, very standard face similar to our own faces, he did not have a nose though nor ears. After typing for a while I’ve decided to post this and come back later to finish my piece and discuss amongst you frans.

Submitted December 22, 2022 at 05:43AM by TerryFIaps https://ift.tt/yBgA0DQ

There’s a ‘Portal’ Above the White House


Submitted December 22, 2022 at 02:55AM by talesout https://ift.tt/SvoyKx0

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

One of Nine

Summer of 1996

My Second Experience - In The Swamp

i’m woken up by this loud rumbling sound and as i’m sitting up in bed looking at the window. i can see between the slats in the blinds that It’s daylight outside. The clock said 2:00, but It didn’t feel like i had slept that long. So i got up and peeked outside the blinds into the front yard.

i expected to see a bunch of Harley motorcycles in my front yard. Did my girlfriend come back to pick up her stuff and recruited some of her new boyfriend’s friends? i wondered. There were no motorcycles in my front yard.

There was nothing in my front yard and it was night-time on the other side of the road. i couldn’t see anything out my front window so i went to the bathroom window. There i could make out the edge of a silver disc hovering just feet above my house, which made a huge racket. Rumbling like a giant broken washing machine. A clunking noise that circled my entire house. i could hear it going round and round.

i thought ‘cool!’ i just knew aliens existed. i was going to get to meet an alien!!! So i ran to the living room and found my ex’s dog, Corky, standing on the back of the couch barking at the ceiling. i opened up the sliding glass door to the backyard and stuck my hand out in the light. It was a bright bright white light.

i thought twice about walking out there; maybe they would zap me. So i ran into the garage and grabbed one of my spare tires, opened up the sliding glass door again and rolled it as hard as i could into the backyard. It made it about 3/4 of the way across and then suddenly... fell over. Nothing happened.

i considered again about going out into the light. Then i thought ‘Well, what are they doing above my house at 2am?’ And ‘They must’ve come an awful long way. For what? To see me?’

Oh, hello Fear. Now i’m freaking out. Absolutely freaking out. i ran straight back to bed grabbed my gun and while kneeling on my bed began pointing my gun at the window then at the door then at the bathroom, the window, the door, the bathroom and then i remembered they can go through walls. So now i’m pointing it at the window, at the door, at the bathroom, at the wall, the window, the door, the bathroom, the wall. i would’ve shot anything that moved. The window, door, bathroom, wall, window, door, bathroom, wall. i began hyperventilating. Window, door, bathroom, wall, window, door, bathroom, wall. i was going to pass out.

Right when i realized i was going to pass out the lights turned off and it seemed like they were pulling away. i got up and stumbled to the bathroom window and sure enough they were leaving. i watched the ship slowly go up higher and higher and higher until it was just a blue star. Then a blue ring began to grow around the ship until it was about ten times the size of a star when then it quickly grew another ten times bigger and then just as quickly imploded on itself and it was gone.

Dead silence.

Submitted December 21, 2022 at 11:47PM by one-iota https://ift.tt/Mh3dHrL

mystery solved


Submitted December 21, 2022 at 10:41AM by ask0329 https://ift.tt/sZUSDyl

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mechanics of Disclosure (Farsight Intelligence Briefing)


Submitted December 21, 2022 at 12:00AM by LetsTalkUFOs https://ift.tt/bSh5UwM

Vertical jet trail?


Submitted December 20, 2022 at 04:47PM by porpoisewang https://ift.tt/aKYGJ8v

Has anyone of you ever seen this? Has this possibly to do with Aliens/UFOs? I just saw this in front of my house.


Submitted December 20, 2022 at 02:57PM by HugeBrick5957 https://ift.tt/Po8T5wK

If there are 4D life forms, where are the 2D life forms?

No text found

Submitted December 20, 2022 at 12:18PM by realmoflor https://ift.tt/wq6XPp2

I think I’m dead already

I know, I know, you can all read this, but does that prove I’m really here? Seems like some people, literally people I’ve know for my entire life, have disappeared for me. I can find them online, but I have no ability to reach them. Sending texts isn’t working, calls ring with no voicemail. I have read some stuff about how a crossover from another spiritual plane means that the passed person sometimes believes they are still present in physical reality, whereas the interactions are not happening but just a manifestation of the persons memory when they were alive. Anyone have any ideas? I am sure existential crisis is beyond what’s happening. I already think all of this is an illusion, and working to try and break out of it. None of this is real. But am I?

Submitted December 20, 2022 at 11:22AM by Djragonslayer https://ift.tt/UqGEjwz


all i remember this a an old flim where a giant ufo over a city, it had a like wing top and ball in the center, i think the pov was from a truck. You could see lighting from the ufo, i need to find this video. Its driving me crazy.

Submitted December 20, 2022 at 10:28AM by Apprehensive_Bag842 https://ift.tt/sDeCIHG

Scientist declares: "The anti-gravity space vehicles of the US are made ...


Submitted December 20, 2022 at 09:10AM by talesout https://ift.tt/mMtK7vG

Entrance to Underground Alien Base spotted in Zion National Park


Submitted December 20, 2022 at 06:21AM by talesout https://ift.tt/mgEtoPG

Monday, December 19, 2022

What does AI imply about Aliens

It's to be expected that any sufficiently advanced civilization develops artificial intelligence. It's too obvious and straightforward a concept. IMO, if you can accept that aliens would develop computers, you should accept that they would develop AI.

Which brings me to my second point; there's a strong argument that AI cannot be developed safely. That you can't attach human ethics to something operating beyond a human level of intelligence, or even, direct your society in such a way that more primitive examples of AI aren't rather recklessly implemented, or eventually abused in such a way that your society, inevitably, collapses.

A strong argument can be made that the galaxy should be littered with species that tried and failed to safely devise AI, and then went on to pay the price for it.

Not only that, you can further argue that any species nearby would be at risk also if the AI was expansionist, or, to liken to the famous example, a paperclip optimizer which ran out of resources.

But, here we are, with accounts from respectable fighter pilots of craft using extremely sophisticated technology.

So what does this mean? Is an AI responsible? Or if it isn't, how are they safe from the great trap of AI, and a galaxy full of failed experiments?

Submitted December 19, 2022 at 11:20AM by ribblle https://ift.tt/FPLRNne

Aliens don't have to be advanced right?

I'm new here so this might have been talked about before. I heard a quote by someone in a video earlier today relating to the "Fermi paradox" it went like this I think "if there is other life in the universe, why aren't they here" and it made me think, why aren't we there? Right. Like for all we know there could be aliens that aren't as advanced as we are. That's just a random thought I had.

Submitted December 19, 2022 at 05:06AM by joshthejake https://ift.tt/uIbeMHd

Golden orb clusters emitting white orbs

This phenomena has been recorded on many occasions. I have a few examples on video that are from various locations:




As you will see in the videos the behaviour is consistent, a large orb or cluster or golden orbs emits or drops white orbs/ points of light. There was a very well publicised sighting in Thailand which was all over the Thai news. It seems to be the same phenomena but we do not see the emission of white orbs in this video:


I never would have noticed these similar videos but I saw the phenomena myself on multiple occasions. The first time I saw it I thought it was a bunch of balloons which had gotten loose but they behaved strangely. They ascended quickly and then just hung in a stationary position for about half an hour. I thought it was weird but I didn’t bother filming it or giving it any consideration.

The second time was different, they appeared after a large white orb had appeared in the sky after I did a visualisation (think CE5 but I don’t like Greer so I avoid that term). I even caught them on video rising and emitting the points of light. They also remained stationary for a long time (more than 20 minutes) and they emitted points of white light. The points of light moved beneath and behind the main orb cluster. If you watch the whole video below you will see the points of light moving as the cluster moves from below, to a fixed position and then moves back across the sky. The first video is stabilised and edited. The second video is longer and you can see the white points of light moving and following:



This encounter lasted for over 40 minutes and three from my family filmed it on multiple devices. Since that day I have searched for answers and dug into the literature and scientific papers on this topic. I note the following excerpt from a published paper on Atmospheric Light Anomalies:

  • “…are also characterized by the formation of light ball clusters and the ejection of mini light balls

The link to that paper is here:


It seems to me that all of the video evidence links above show this documented scientific phenomenon. These beings are also noted to be responsive:

“Previous experiments carried out in Hessdalen and other places of the world too where the same kind of phenomenon is recurrent showed that aiming a Laser beam and/or a powerful flashlight at such luminous plasmoids triggers almost always a reaction from them. In some cases the plasma ball starts to pulsate or to change its pulsation rate every time in which the beam is directed towards them.”

Yes, they respond, I have seen them do it many times and so have many others. The quote above is from Dr Massimo Teodorani who is attached to the Gallileo project along with other luminaries from the world of UFOlogy. There is also the ebani, min min lights, marfa lights. These beings/ manifestations are mentioned all throughout our history, will o the wisp, jack o lanterns, and now they are called sentient plasma by Dr Teodorani and other researchers. I could go on and list many other studies such as Project Condign and many others but this is enough for now:


Submitted December 19, 2022 at 04:01AM by 99TimesAround https://ift.tt/FgCq9BZ

Sunday, December 18, 2022

I used Dall.E to create a ‘Banksy style extra terrestrial’. Looks pretty cool I thinks.


Submitted December 19, 2022 at 12:36AM by Hendersbloom https://ift.tt/jvZ5olI

Super dense informative video on the Apexians.

https://youtu.be/hIi3RR6MCy8 The Catholic Church is involved. This goes deeeeep. They have hive mind like termites and bee colonies . Also, they successfully enslaved humans 25000 years ago, until the Annunaki decimated them. I think the Apexians still have a hold of the Earth.

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 11:56PM by penis_malinis https://ift.tt/aGCQX9i

The State of Georgia

Ss. The state of Georgia looks more than a little like the constellation Orion.

And Atlanta, which was given its name by 33rd mason, is essentially located in the same spot as the star that marks the heart of Orion

There you go. Lol

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 05:54PM by hyperbolicuniverse https://ift.tt/Z1l8uXz

If light can’t escape a black hole..

What would happen to an alien vehicle with gravity manipulation like what has been theorized?

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 11:16AM by Spartan706 https://ift.tt/2Wbq1QH

Does anyone know of any good documentaries or videos regarding interdimensional or ultraterrestrial beings that they could recommend?

No text found

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 09:29AM by CHutt00 https://ift.tt/oEa26Uc

Ball lightning or plasmoid caught on camera , America 2020.


Submitted December 18, 2022 at 08:01AM by Original-Solution108 https://ift.tt/O1UdZv0

(Little) Gray aliens

My question for the community would be, if anyone had done a research when exactly was first time mentioning in history of grey alien in ufological terminology. First mention of 3-4,5 feet/ or any other hight as amatter of fact, grey aliens. tnx

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 08:15AM by suforc_21 https://ift.tt/zBUV6eu

Question about Aliens

Hello all! I’ve recently started to really come around on the existence of Aliens and their contact with humanity. I’m still very new to this, so I have two questions that I was hoping the community could provide some information on:

1) I’ve seen a couple of different shows (on YouTube) that make it sound like the reptilians do not like humanity and would like to see us gone. Why haven’t they just taken over? I was watching an interview from the 90s with man who’s claimed to have had contact with the Ebens (I think it was them) who said nobody could wipe out the reptilians.

2) What are some good documentaries to watch concerning the alien agenda and some of the different species that exist? The different species is particularly interesting to me and I haven’t been able to find too much information on this, aside for a couple of short clips.

This sub has amazing so far, and thanks in advance for any information as I try to educate myself on this topic!

Submitted December 18, 2022 at 06:36AM by diopsideINcalcite https://ift.tt/QvtqF2s

A scientist asserts, “Humans are too violent and dangerous, preventing aliens from visiting Earth”


Submitted December 18, 2022 at 05:31AM by sTationn7ew https://ift.tt/92XbCWQ

Saturday, December 17, 2022

DOD Office Moving Ahead in Mission to Identify 'Anomalous Phenomena' > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News


Submitted December 18, 2022 at 01:39AM by alienaftermintx https://ift.tt/D9PMJGv

Saw this weird thing a few years back


Submitted December 17, 2022 at 10:45AM by fuglysmugly https://ift.tt/xWXHF9w

If extraterrestrial life would ask you to show them 3 objects from our planet, what would you show?

I'm doing a survey and will share the results for those interested.

You can answer here: https://forms.gle/px5EGn8E2kZt6ivE8

Submitted December 17, 2022 at 08:44AM by Acceptable-Cycle-578 https://ift.tt/7qYLPxV

Things are probably deeper than this but through a skeptical standpoint, could shadow people actually be the results of aliens creating hybrids and they are responsible for poltergeist activities implanting false memories into people?


Submitted December 17, 2022 at 07:34AM by Oneromnation https://ift.tt/jokyDuM

from a movie, video game, person, or alien?


Submitted December 17, 2022 at 04:20AM by CSWRV https://ift.tt/V0hA2BU

Friday, December 16, 2022

Does anyone know what this is???


Submitted December 17, 2022 at 01:10AM by betchster https://ift.tt/h3uOX1Q

Icke and Penre both talk about a "Universal Symbol Language" used by aliens and governments, any more info?

Most signs at Dulce are in the "alien symbol language" and a universal symbol system understood by humans and aliens -Tales from the time loop pg 173

Submitted December 16, 2022 at 11:39PM by Silver_Task956 https://ift.tt/2ZNSVde

My daughter saw this in the sky while on a walk. On camera it looks like a glowing light, but from the naked eye it looked like a tiny ring of light that was spinning slowly as it moved across the sky. Any idea what it was?


Submitted December 16, 2022 at 11:15AM by Dramatic_Quarter_323 https://ift.tt/zajOP8H

Tuatha Dé Danann: The Anunnaki of Ireland •


Submitted December 16, 2022 at 03:20AM by fullmooncharms https://ift.tt/ZQEVrxG

NOPE was a very interesting take on aliens

I was pleasantly surprised at how believable this movie was. It really gave a new what if element to those “beyond”. The flying saucer isn’t just a saucer anymore it’s a living enitity of its own. It hunts, it eats, it’s like a predator in the wild. The plausible explanation of it being a constant emp bomb, therefore no one with an electric camera could get a shot. This movie reallly deserves more credit for being different.

Submitted December 16, 2022 at 03:05AM by stolepeterparkersgf https://ift.tt/qorsE2Z

Thursday, December 15, 2022

In 2023, Will E.T.s Land & Save Humanity? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CIy_1v-fkA

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the upcoming year and years ahead for humanity, because we see what you have individually and collectively created for yourselves, and we know that you all will be quite pleased with what you are moving towards. Of course, you will still see the predictions about the completion of the shift, as people like to get ahead of themselves. And because it feels very good to go to that place, many individuals will accept those predictions as truth.

However, you are meant to have many more experiences there in the fourth dimension before you complete the shift to the fifth, and those experiences will serve you very well as fifth-dimensional beings. You are, however, definitely getting closer to full and open extra-terrestrial contact, and many of you are interested in preparing for that contact. And what you are doing in those moments of preparation is you are solidifying your place on the timeline where it occurs in the very near future. You are showing faith.

It is important that everyone who wants extra-terrestrial contact understands that this is not a savior scenario. This is not a time where e.t.s come in and solve all of humanity’s problems. That’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about beings who will get your attention for a variety of reasons. The flashy spaceships are of course nice to look at and get on board and fly around in. And the e.t.s will be a curiosity for many, but it will be what they emanate and what they teach you that will be of greatest importance to the evolution of consciousness of every single human being.

You have much to share with them, and they have much to share with you, and we are all more powerful when we are united. Therefore, it takes a lot of will power for them not to just land their ships before humanity is ready, because they so want that coming together as well. They want to experience the power of the unification of the galaxy, with humans of Earth being a part of the galactic community.

And so, you have to be patient as well and recognize that you can still have your own e.t. contact experiences while you wait. You can still prepare yourselves for face-to-face contact and ships landing all across the planet, and you can continue to cleanse yourself of everything that is heavy, dark and no longer serving you so that when you stand face to face with one of your e.t. friends, it will be as an equal, as someone who is feeling their worthiness to have that engagement. And you can let go of that idea that, ‘They are just coming to save us all from ourselves.’

You are the ones who are leading humanity in this consciousness evolution, and you will be the ones who take to the teachings best, and you will spread them to your fellow humans, who will accept or not accept those teachings, depending on where they are. But we know that enough people will be in acceptance of those teachings to make a huge difference in the overall collective consciousness of humanity, and that is what it will take to complete the shift in consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Submitted December 16, 2022 at 01:03AM by redditsafespace123 https://ift.tt/8h1skJT

How to reach out to intergalactic/interdimensional beings?

So, what is it that is required for us to enter in contact with other life forms? Obviously nobody knows for sure. But there are some key points to look bare in mind:

  1. Everything is made maninly of 4 elements (+-)
  2. The "SIMPLE" existence of DNA
  3. Electric Energy is complex and useful
  4. Past evidence of advanced knowledge
  5. Cyclical universe (possibly), cyclical cycle of life, cyclical developments, and so on.

Anyway, to not go into too much detail, let's just leave these ones for a while as an interesting addition to the status quo.

And now, the MAIN QUESTION.

How can humans reach out to other forms of life across the cosmos?

  1. The whole universe can't be just for us
  2. Recent disclosed documents and videos clearly show humans have no idea whats that.

Good news! In order to achieve a level of development as a civilization to fly across the cosmos or dimensions a species would have to cooperate. Also, if they wanted us dead we would long be gone..

ESSENTIAL: As above so below. The universe is relative.

Endless questions without real answers: is our universe just a small component of the next universe? For all I know we could be in a quantum powered box. These questions can't be answered now.

Now, are we being watched? So what do we have: 1. Plenty cases of uap/ufo and such 2. Government opening up that its tech they don't possess 3. Such reports been around since ancient times, could "they" just keep an eye on us like a big brother so we don't ruin what's been done till now.

So, HOW DO WE REACH OUT? Many came forward saying there are alien entities on earth. Devateful. But if we, Same as some alien group, are part of the same universe.

Therefore contact COULD be established through energy transfer/manipulation or maybe you know of other ways? Let me know what you think. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT allows particles to form connections irrelevant of distance, what if the same can be done with human energy?

Maybe through quantum entanglement a human may communicate with "gods", or other entities, can be a "messenger" of some sorts.

It is said, probably from religious sources, that the so called "bad spirits" try us, but the good ones need to be "reached to". So how do we do that?

There are secret societies. Each with their own technique or tradition. Which one is to trust?

Let me know what you think. Cheers

Submitted December 15, 2022 at 01:09PM by Fuzzy-Sir2272 https://ift.tt/wEcdlG6

The Challenge of Searching for Extraterrestrial Life


Submitted December 15, 2022 at 11:55AM by MileJonesJr https://ift.tt/dvZ1Dx8

If you take out our cultural bias, the data suggests Oumuamua is this color, shape and reflectivity.


Submitted December 15, 2022 at 10:30AM by MartianMaterial https://ift.tt/1A72Bj4

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Are aliens in the Bible?


Submitted December 15, 2022 at 01:46AM by TrimmedandBurn https://ift.tt/sRfqCO6

Aliens in the Bible


Submitted December 15, 2022 at 01:07AM by TrimmedandBurn https://ift.tt/9ZgXTP6

Do you think these zodiac signs match these aliens? Let’s discuss!


Submitted December 14, 2022 at 11:18PM by thejessiek https://ift.tt/NQPIJyK

Advanced civilizations cloaking themselves / living underground ?

Living on the surface of the planet feels like having a shower in the open public if a civilization knows that intelligent life is all over the universe. More or less, that's what's happening to us right now with all these UAPs appearing and disappearing out of nowhere, seeing everything we do and we barely understand them yet. It would make sense to think that they could prioritize security and privacy. They would cloak their cities/bases from other space 'watchers' if they lived on the surface of their planet. OR, they could be living underground, 'inside' their planet if you will. Why would we assume we would find these ETs only on the surface of the planets ? Does not sound logical to me. Hence , they could be here in our solar system and we can't see them. They could be even here on Earth, living besides us, and we wouldn't have the slightest idea.

Submitted December 14, 2022 at 11:46AM by galoen https://ift.tt/bmPGFrc

Where does AI Fit into This?

More to the point, why isn't some galaxy-spanning AI controlling everything?

Again in binary just in case it is:

01001101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101111 01101001 01101110 01110100 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100111 01100001 01101100 01100001 01111000 01111001 00101101 01110011 01110000 01100001 01101110 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01000001 01001001 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01110100 01110010 01101111 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00111111

Submitted December 14, 2022 at 10:35AM by ribblle https://ift.tt/7j9KN0E

UFO sighting in Egypt. Captured by chance.


Submitted December 14, 2022 at 10:12AM by Public-Inevitable772 https://ift.tt/uBHVPK1

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Can someone explain what are those 3 perfectly aligned things?Maybe stars, satellites, something else? This wasn't the first time I saw this


Submitted December 13, 2022 at 10:30PM by Cookiee02 https://ift.tt/RFYyb0P

I believe THIS is the non altered photo from LA ‘battle’.

Submitted December 13, 2022 at 05:29PM by MrNomad101 https://ift.tt/7sVuBLt

The sun to the earth is the alien creation. Ain't no aliens traveling here from other worlds folks

No text found

Submitted December 13, 2022 at 03:45PM by sunshiner69 https://ift.tt/GY207mr

Photo of the Unidentified object that triggered the entire of LA with sirens and thousands of gunshots, now called - 'Battle of los Angeles 1942.


Submitted December 13, 2022 at 02:50PM by user678990655 https://ift.tt/P3UGgz0

Drawing of what the Ariel school kids saw in 1994, Zimbabwe


Submitted December 13, 2022 at 12:33PM by user678990655 https://ift.tt/zN70q9H

Stunning footage of UFO being hit by lightning


Submitted December 13, 2022 at 07:42AM by talesout https://ift.tt/W6ESOMt

Alien Portrait Found On Lunar Surface?


Submitted December 13, 2022 at 02:47AM by GR2342 https://ift.tt/CqkQGas

Monday, December 12, 2022

Society for UAP Studies hosting a symposium with what looks like serious academic firepower, creating a journal too.

There’s no crossposts here, or I screwed something up, so I’m swiping a good one from

u/EthanSayfo about the Society for UAP Studies hosting a symposium in February.


This looks very interesting. It's international, a boatload of interdisciplinary PhDs, has some of the usual suspects like Mick West, SCU and ICER folks but a lot of new blood. And they're creating a peer reviewed scholarly journal on UAPs too.

Submitted December 12, 2022 at 02:25PM by malibu_c https://ift.tt/XkqJvug


Then, watching the movie "The Visit", I noticed a word in the movie Sinmorfitellia, searching for it, I DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING, just a guy from 2010 saying about that word, and saying that he dreamed of this place in 1996. In the movie it says that this place would be a place of creatures from another planet, that make you sleep, could it be that the director just invented that word, and was it all a coincidence that they found each other?

Submitted December 12, 2022 at 12:17PM by Kaynnan_Marcel https://ift.tt/oWpKcPL

Gaia's Truth Hunters Season 2 legit?

Tim Tactical Advisor from Germany. What do we know about this guy? Legit or no?

Submitted December 12, 2022 at 12:01PM by MeowMeowHappy https://ift.tt/0BK4WvX

Something is up

With the upcoming report on UAPs this December and NDA witness protection law getting enacted, we're clearly in an entirely new age for ufology. We went from being mocked and gaslighted by the government to having full support from the scientific community (NASA, Harvard), congressional intelligence community and ex/current directors of the CIA. However, I can't help but feel a bit of unease about it all. It's almost too good to be true. If we went back seventy years and told earlier enthusiasts of this topic they would laugh us off. This is worth celebrating but I feel concerned about why this sudden switch happened. I don't want to speculate too far and want to know if anybody has gathered any useful clues on this

if I recall correctly, a previous report or statement on UAPs mentioned that their presence is growing exponentially. A very specific word. Now if this was any article you can dismiss it as as an exaggeration but this is from a government report, they choose their wording very carefully. There needs to be evidence behind every statement. Any inaccuracies or exaggeration can be punishable by law. I'm now wondering now why their numbers is increasing and what could it mean

Submitted December 12, 2022 at 08:49AM by Latticese https://ift.tt/hlqAx7i

I believe the highest levels of government are preventing full UAP "disclosure" to the public because they know supernatural demonic entities are behind the glowing orb/cryptid phenomenon.


Submitted December 12, 2022 at 06:33AM by AlbaneseGummies327 https://ift.tt/mypIsRS

Sightings 90s TV series

Very good 90s TV series called Sightings on UFOs, abductions and other mysteries:


IMDB Sightings Episode list:


Submitted December 12, 2022 at 05:45AM by Johne1618 https://ift.tt/Jwn7b6C

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Does anyone recognise this print? Found it outside my house in Bristol, UK. It was about 10cm long.


Submitted December 11, 2022 at 12:00PM by SpyMistress69 https://ift.tt/zrCB2nf

1996 case: Alice & Sam Gerard witnessed a UFO over lake Tappan NY.


Submitted December 11, 2022 at 08:02AM by Remseey2907 https://ift.tt/Duj5Igx

what do you think aliens would look like both sentient and non-sentient and this could be about any planet or moon e.g titan

No text found

Submitted December 11, 2022 at 06:42AM by BigG2026 https://ift.tt/Du5Z9zr

On February 5, 2018, I had what I believe to be a unique opportunity to view objects with flight dynamics that were not of ordinary craft. I think I saw UFO's. Here is the full 2:15 secs of video. The Vertical speed and sudden stop and start of one of them gives me the impression of a UFO video 2:15


Submitted December 11, 2022 at 03:31AM by 2230redondo1 https://ift.tt/aRVpYfy

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Nagas - Powerful Humanoids That Lived Amongst Us ?

Submitted December 11, 2022 at 01:33AM by Key-Piece-2843 https://ift.tt/0LsFTKM

How to build a working UFO [The why files] youtube

Hey everyone i thought this short documentary on youtube was a real kicker i hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUFYnVXbLoY
The guy talks about UFO's, aliens and the assassination of scientists across the globe that have worked on advanced propulsion and energy technology.

NO, i did not make this myself...this is a legit video and you can hear the guy talking it is NOT i repeat it is NOT a music video roflmao...

Submitted December 10, 2022 at 07:06PM by Aware_Eggplant1487 https://ift.tt/iOpH4Ar

"The UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia."

Contrary to popular belief, the UFO phenomenon did not start in 1947 with Kenneth Arnold, but Arnold was the first widely-publicized modern incident. Here is Arnold's original drawing to the Army, top and side view: https://imgur.com/a/ETRrFB1 Note how closely it resembles a flying saucer, but this was before the term "flying saucer" was in the media, which means the "flying saucer hysteria" could not have influenced his report. Therefore, it's likley this original drawing is very close to what he actually witnessed. Years later, Arnold seemed to have been trying to distance himself from the "saucer mania," and added that one of the objects looked crescent-shaped, but that it could have been due to the angle it was at. He eventually had a drawing made of the "crescent" object and posed in front of it, which gathered enormous publicity, leading to the myth we all enjoy today that "flying saucers are a result of media hysteria and copycat reports."

Belated reports of other discs were seen prior to this, and this was part of the material later analyzed in the 1948 Estimate of the Situation. See Edward Ruppelt's book, chapter two, on that: https://sacred-texts.com/ufo/rufo/rufo05.htm

Prior to this in 1946, Sweden, ghost rockets: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_rockets

Prior to this, in the early 1940s, strange objects were reported to be darting around military aircraft. They were termed "foo fighters."

According to Nasa's Richard Stothers (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies), "the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia" (click PDF). https://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/st02710y.html He cites some choice examples, but you can find a lot more out there.

This thread has some examples of cigar/tic tac/egg shaped UFOs dating from the 1800s to modern times: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nh4l36/reminder_the_only_thing_new_about_the_tictac/

Another couple from the 17th century, America, balls of light darting around: https://www.history.com/news/americas-first-ufo-sighting

1561 Celestial Phenomenon over Nuremberg, spheres, cigars, and an "arrowhead-shaped" black flying object: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg

Here's a very interesting luminous UFO that had a "door" that opened up from the 11th century, China, recorded by polymathic scientist Shen Kuo, who gathered reports of it: https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/cjd2pk/11th_century_ufo_sighting_reported_by_chinese/

As for something disk-shaped specifically, quite a few historians, PhDs, etc appeared on a documentary about the 1917 flying "dull, silvery disk" incident here: Part 1 and Part 2. If you can make it past the first portion on the high strangeness that preceded the incident, the doc is well worth it.

Stothers cites another disk sighting in his paper, and you can find a few more throughout history, but overall, the UFOs seem to come in ~6 different main shapes, although there are outliers. The disc, the cigar/tic-tac, egg-shaped, spherical, triangular, and an often difficult-to-make out extremely luminous object. Regardless of what the phenomenon is, you would expect some variation of these year to year. Some are probably going to be more frequent than others. Activity will probably increase and decrease in various years.

For citations from the history.com article in case there is some skepticism of the claims made, here is the relevant passage from The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630-1649, Abridged Edition. Here is another sighting from The History of New England, from 1630 to 1639 by John Winthrop, and a subsequent sighting is mentioned several paragraphs later.


Thanks for reading.

Submitted December 10, 2022 at 10:57AM by MKULTRA_Escapee https://ift.tt/gumEkzf



Submitted December 10, 2022 at 08:52AM by Astromedic001 https://ift.tt/ptcAz7a

Can someone help me?

I’ve recently thrown myself into all this information and these theories. I can only spend so many hours in a day before exhausting myself physically and mentally. Wikipedia is great at telling me what information is out there without actually informing me at all about anything. Everyday I’m exponentially more confused and lost than before. And yea, I mean exponentially. I’m a college dropout, long personal history of “mental illness”, religious on and off in various forms, went cold Turkey off mood stabilizers and antidepressants last month, and now throw aliens into the mix…. Might as well put me in a padded room. Also, as of this week, I’m going cold Turkey on cigarettes and cannabis edibles. I’m assigning myself the task of getting my life back on track ASAP. Or perhaps, it never will. I want to know the truth No matter how much suffering will come from it. I might just get lucky and die from it all. I don’t want to catch the bus, but I want a change. An experience that will grant me what I need. I hope I’m not the only one who has or is experiencing this. And perhaps, there is more out there than just dead ends and mindless filler on Wikipedia and government sponsored websites that pop up when I search for something on Google. Can someone help me?

I’m not meant for this life I want to go home.

Submitted December 10, 2022 at 05:25AM by QUEERstioner https://ift.tt/iwU0Jk5

You better don't figure how UFOs actually work.


Submitted December 10, 2022 at 05:45AM by Arethum https://ift.tt/GwpVajr

How Many Planets Contain Life?

Lets just imagine for a second that there are only 1 billion planets in the observable universe, Now lets say that just 1% of those billion planets are able to support life of some sort - either bacterial, small life forms etc etc. Then that's 100 000 planets out there that can support some form of life. Now lets say of those 100 000 planets that do support life,1% supports life which is far more technologically advanced than our own, then that's 1000 planets out there that contain life way more advanced than us. Now consider this, it's estimated that there are between 100 - 200 billion planets in the Milky Way alone. As for the universe.... who knows.

Submitted December 10, 2022 at 06:19AM by Mediapenguin https://ift.tt/u2L1Sp3

Creepy UFO Sighting on Google Earth


Submitted December 10, 2022 at 07:13AM by Numerous-Sherbert838 https://ift.tt/rpvANRw

Friday, December 9, 2022

Alien Theory

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalytic theory believed that blockages in childhood development, during critical periods such as toilet training (anal retentive) could lead to personal blockages of the psyche. He died in 1939 and UFO abduction cases started to become widely reported in the 1950s, enough time for him to reincarnate as an entity to carry on his work with better understanding of the human body, unplugging our blockages with his probes. Thoughts?

Submitted December 09, 2022 at 02:11PM by Crazy-Car-5186 https://ift.tt/6ixauMm

Has any reputable organization ever put forth a possible value for fl (the fraction of life-supporting planets that develop life) in Drake's Equation? I can't find a single one, other than Drake's original value, which is 1 (i.e., life will always emerge from a Goldilocks planet containing water).

I see people like Neil deGrasse Tyson claiming life on other planets is pretty much guaranteed, which would suggest he has a value for fl in mind. If so, I'd like to see what it is.

Submitted December 09, 2022 at 11:39AM by TankTankleson https://ift.tt/JO70LmF

Night terrors actually aliens?

From 2nd-6th grade, I had a series of night terrors that were quite traumatizing on my child hood. The first one involved an ET like figure (from movie) coming out of a hole in the ground and talking to me, I distinctly remember it, it’s 3 fingered hands, being choked out/half awake as you are in night terrors, and it saying “it’s time (my name), it’s time”.

I eventually learned how to wake myself up from these when they happened, and always just chalked it up to my wild imagination, but was wondering if any one has had or heard of a similar experience?

Submitted December 09, 2022 at 10:56AM by Wooden_Platypus_7372 https://ift.tt/SbpLtKA

Was Jesus Actually An Alien?

He probably was. Whenever I'd look at the little statue of jesus on the cross at church when i was young, I'd feel the same exact fear i felt when i was visited by them in my first and second alien encounters. I couldnt look the statue jesus in the eye anymore, or I'd practically sprint out.

With Jesus being the most influential "man" of all time, it would make sense if he either was an alien, or aliens were influencing him to guide humanity towards a certain and better way of living.

Jesus has said some pretty sus alien things, like "And he said unto them, you are from beneath, i am from above, you are of this world, i am not of this world."

We all know about the human-alien hybrid theories-- what if an alien boned Mary, and Jesus was an alien/human hybrid? So he had special powers? And we all know that some bible stories really sound like alien abductions, Joab especially.

This would also explain why Jesus looked so different from his other fellow hebrews. We know that he had lighter skin, and long smooth hair. Why would he look so much different unless he was different?

What do you think? I think he was an alien and instead of looking for Jesus' tomb, we need to be searching Judea for Jesus' spaceship.

Submitted December 09, 2022 at 09:39AM by ForTheLoveofGodGame https://ift.tt/FR9l5Sy

Pizza Recipe for Aliens and Election for Earth's Ambassador (more info in comments)


Submitted December 09, 2022 at 05:27AM by neuerDeutscher https://ift.tt/Qb8ySUI

Compilation of clips showing real prof of Aliens/UFOs/Flying saucers


Submitted December 09, 2022 at 05:42AM by Numerous-Sherbert838 https://ift.tt/8Y1CFva

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.