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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Earth scientists are talking about hiding Earth from Aliens, wouldn't it make sense that they are also hiding?

If we are at least talking about hiding ourselves, it would make sense to assume that other civilized planets would think of the same thing and would be hidden from us... Kind of creepy if you think of the upper hand they have over us, kind of like a two way mirror.

Submitted April 01, 2016 at 12:24AM by DrogonII http://ift.tt/1PJ4fpE

Here's Tom DeLonge's 4-hour segment on Coast 2 Coast AM • /r/UFOs


Submitted April 01, 2016 at 12:08AM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1SDtPkt

Commonly reported implant locations?

Aside from peoples assholes, what are some of the most commonly reported locations for implants?

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 09:07PM by RainbowSpirals http://ift.tt/1VcUMhn

Sighting in Northern MN

I just found this sub while skimming the lists, just wanted to share my story and see if anyone else has seen anything in the "woodlands" of northern US/ lower Canada

A few years ago, mid "rifle" deer season, I went hunting with my father and a few of his professor colleagues from the university. Where we were was roughly twenty miles due west from a local military instigation, Camp Ripley.

It was about a quarter after four in the morning when we reached our stands, and in another fifteen I was set up and posted, ready to hunt. Sunup had not come, and therefor, deer could not be shot- so I was scoping out the landscape with my binoculars.

At roughly five AM I looked east through my binos, looking for hints of first light, and noticed something very strange- a light in the sky, with several small lights sitting around it. "All right, probably a helicopter or something on base"

Nope, the smaller lights moved. I radio'd my father to try and get a visual on it, and he got the rest of our party on the horn, and for roughly forty five minutes we watched at least six small light zoom around and "enter" the larger light (I say six because that's how many we could count at any given time). At this point, dawn was breaking and the lights were either rendered invisible because of this, or left the area, because all of us lost them.

During the day we all witnessed a large influx of what I'll call "fancy" vehicles running around the area, much more than a standard country road used by farmers usually calls for.

I'm a long- time believer in the unknown, and I'm not sure if this was a simple military exercise, or if myself and five tenured professors saw a "mother-ship" and smaller child crafts, but damn, it was weird.

Let me know if anyone else has had any strange experiences in the north borderlands? I'm sure I've seen stuff back before I moved from Montana but I was to young to remember the details now.

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 03:52PM by Cheeseburglar_9000 http://ift.tt/1RNWX5m

Russia Is Launching a New Space Station Supply Ship Today


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 02:35PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1SpD1X5

"Revolutionary contact lenses" that can give medication to your eyes


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 01:59PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1X0mnBn

Take a look at the world's first beautiful electric bike – that’s connected to the internet


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 02:10PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/235u8JQ

A computer may be able to predict how long you will live


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 02:24PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1UFzMBl

Check out Robocar, an autonomous racing car


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 01:44PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1TlsAbU

What is the Greater Community? - Chapter 6 of Greater Community Spirituality


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 11:58AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1SBVHW8

The Global Emergency - The New Message from God


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 10:51AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1VVkh7z

Observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have led to the first temperature map of a super-Earth planet. The map reveals extreme temperature swings from one side of the planet to the other, and hints that a possible reason for this is the presence of lava flows.


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 09:51AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1ZNhZHs

Scientists have used data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the NSF’s Jansky Very Large Array to determine the likely trigger for the most recent supernova in the Milky Way.


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 09:12AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1oo37BH

Ad agency McCann Japan hires an artificial intelligence as creative director


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 07:57AM by tyrerk http://ift.tt/22RvsU3

New experiment named OMG

How does a government agency get away with naming an important global climate change experiment OMG? Public relations on climate change is no joke!

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 08:21AM by Gzogzez88 http://ift.tt/1RzGTFo

Hilary Promises to Make the UFO Files Public


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 07:27AM by slowbrowsersarefunny http://ift.tt/1Y1Pq7V

About the moon landing

So a friend of mine is 100% convinced that man has never set his foot on the moon. I'm quite sure he had just read a bull$hit -article or a conspirancy theory. I did a little research and apparently there is a lot of people who actually do not believe that NASA ever managed to get to the moon and that the moon mission -photos are fake. I cannot remember the number but it was like 14% of USA citicens (or something like that).

So since there is way too much "evidence" that moon mission is fake, let's sum-up why it's NOT fake. Since he does not believe me I hope that this sub-reddit can make him change his mind. And I'm also interested what you guys can get up with.


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 05:53AM by Teo3N http://ift.tt/25y4PSV

Build 2016: NASA, Microsoft team up to bring you a guided tour of Mars


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 06:10AM by CourtnLott http://ift.tt/1RLXqIp

New map of rocky 'Super Earth' unveils lava world


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 05:34AM by mark315 http://ift.tt/1SAy942

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What 17 Prominent Roboticists Think Google Should Do With Its Robots


Submitted March 31, 2016 at 02:56AM by macarthy http://ift.tt/1MV3Vo7

Between the mens and womens bathroom doors should be a fake door that says aliens

No text found

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 01:15AM by BenRayfield http://ift.tt/25xNhX6

What is the most respected and recognized authority on ET disclosure?

No text found

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 01:18AM by Grizzly-Slim http://ift.tt/1PGUd8s

Today, your cell phone has more computer power than all of NASA back in 1969, when it placed two astronauts on the moon. (x-post /r/FunFacts)


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 10:26PM by ForTeaSicks http://ift.tt/1SzmHFM

a lighterweight DSN Now?


I like the idea of this page, realtime monitoring of the current status of satellites and sat dishes and such.

However I'm wondering if this service is available through an API or telnet or any other interface. I've found my browsers don't always like the JavaScript on that page.

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 09:58PM by CowboyFlipflop http://ift.tt/1qkzRxu

New Position Available: NASA Ames, Social Media Specialist (Contractor)


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 08:18PM by mateobuff http://ift.tt/1MUgZKg

The Prism of Lyra discussion

Picked up a book called The Prism of Lyra a while back. Very strange book dealing with the subject of extraterrestrials. I have my own opinions about it, but has anyone else read it? Seems to be relatively rare and, unbiased opinion, reads like a cult manifesto

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 08:13PM by EbonWolf88 http://ift.tt/1q3DZSs

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/newscientist

March 30, 2016 at 01:30PM

The Power of Knowledge - The Reality and Spirituality of Life in the Universe, Chapter 10


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 04:14PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1ZLwN9w

Handgun shaped like a smartphone is the ultimate 'concealed carry' weapon


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:56PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1SxV6ou

Check out this Tractor That Can Plow Fields And Talk To The Cloud


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:43PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1SxSxTw

Inflatable habitat to be tested in space


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:32PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1pL4knM

Do you believe in Aliens? Why? Why not?

Personally I do. Statistically they must exist. Billions of stars, billions of planets. surely. Have they visited us? I don't think so. Finding us would be a long shot.

Also why do people stick Aliens, Ghosts and God in the same bundle of belief sets?

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 01:59PM by Tomcules http://ift.tt/1UUQ0WM

New magnet has been discovered: Controlling dirac fermions with zero mass


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:07PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/232bClB

Researchers identified an enzyme that can make HIV meds safer for the heart


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:19PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1VTNeR9

Astronomers Create First Heat Map of a Super-Earth


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:11PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1RLeBXo

Apollo coffee table book: Kickstarter project with 48 hours left...

Thought this could interest some people in here... 65€ + postage for a copy of the book. Note the size of the book. 30x30 cm., not huge, but not small either. PS, for full disclosure, I myself joined the Kickstarter today. They are more than two-thirds towards their goal of 33,000€ with 48 hours to go.

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 01:55PM by Buddingastronomer http://ift.tt/1RLcqTY

Is NASA slow-rolling a cybersecurity breakthrough?


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 12:54PM by Deeganwa_Eden5 http://ift.tt/1VTisYz


I don't dream very often. Well I never remember dreaming, and when I do it's super abstract and impossible to remember the next day (typical, right?) anyway last night for the first time ever I had a super realistic dream. It moved in seemingly real time and space. It was aliens herding us. Like a dog sent to herd sheep. My heart is still pounding. Thoughts on the significance of dreams?

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 10:17AM by TipplesThePanda http://ift.tt/1MSK0Gc

NASA Selects Instrument Team to Build Next-Gen Planet Hunter


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 09:41AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1V4MkQY

NASA has completed a major milestone on its journey to Mars and is ready to begin another phase of work on its spaceport of the future, where the next generation of astronauts will launch to Mars and other deep-space destinations.


Submitted March 30, 2016 at 09:47AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1V4MkAG

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How accurate is Unsealed : Alien Files?

Its on Netflix but i want to know how accurate it is or if its all just fiction.

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 02:13AM by HuebiesSpeedruns http://ift.tt/25vC9dj

I didn't know where else to post this, you are just the most technologically informed subset of people I know.

I seem to have experienced an electrical anomaly. I have 77 Mbps down and 74 up, however, watching YouTube videos is laggy on both my iPhone app and my Macbook Pro?! My internet isn't out, it's just whack. Furthermore, all 2 of my RF remote controlled RGB led devices (I have 1 controller for each led device and a separate bluetooth sound system : possible interference?) all turn only green as opposed to their normal rainbow fade function..?

Submitted March 30, 2016 at 12:33AM by DPlex http://ift.tt/1RJDaEd

Alien found in photo. People in crowd say they didn't see anything.


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 11:51PM by DankestManonEarth http://ift.tt/22N7uJw

Looking for info on the Tall Greys

I have reason to believe I am being contacted by tall greys, I need as much info as I can get on these guys. Help would be very appreciated

Submitted March 29, 2016 at 11:56PM by EbonWolf88 http://ift.tt/1RJy8rc

I need a quote from an expert in space travel

I am currently working on a research paper on the benefits of international cooperation in space research and exploration. The early days of NASA were fueled by competition. Now we are seeing a shift from competition to cooperation. Is there an expert out there who can give me a good quote to use in my research?

Submitted March 29, 2016 at 10:14PM by InternetPie http://ift.tt/22MTUWx

Hearing back for NASA Pathways internship?

About a month ago I got an email from NASA Glenn Research Center telling me that a selecting official was interested in my resume and had asked for me to apply to a particular position. How long does it usually take for GRC to reach out for an interview? I'm starting to get antsy cause I need to figure my summer housing situation.

Submitted March 29, 2016 at 06:36PM by MCtheAE http://ift.tt/1LYhAQn

Meet the astronomer-artist who makes the NASA visualizations that capture your imagination [audio]


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 05:39PM by listen2spacepod http://ift.tt/1MzCDIW

Hybrid Alien Creatures Caught On Tape. What Is It?


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 04:38PM by NubianManzi http://ift.tt/22Z20rO

The Arcturians - Aliencyclopedia 07


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 03:17PM by FriedChickenAndJuice http://ift.tt/1RFONz9

Ringly Launches ‘Aries’ Smart Bracelet


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 03:04PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/22LHpe1

MIPT's scientists build Russia's first two-qubit quantum circuit


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 02:38PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1V1ISH1

Wearable defibrillator may be possible alternative to ICD for some


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 02:49PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1ZJ2z7j

Laser equipped in fridge can detect bacteria in food


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 02:17PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1VRUugq

Smart suitcase lessens your travel problems


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 02:31PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1ok7e1O

The Crisis [of Separation] - The New Message from God


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 01:36PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1WVeXzg

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/PhysicsWorld

March 29, 2016 at 12:00PM

A new NASA airborne field experiment planned for this summer will make key airborne measurements of clouds and smoke particles over the southeastern Atlantic Ocean to help scientists understand a major challenge to our understanding of climate science.


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 09:42AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1Sjtjpf

Mini NASA Methane Sensor Makes Successful Flight Test


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 08:59AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1ojhozG

NASA is Going Green With a New Rocket Fuel in 2017


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 09:15AM by cristophercostu http://ift.tt/1RHH4NY

NASA-released images show what a comet looked like as it hurtled past Earth last week


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 08:54AM by burkeskilleon http://ift.tt/1WUrZgz

Space Station Flies Over Roman Ruins in Stunning Skywatcher Photo


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 07:51AM by CourtnLott http://ift.tt/25u24Sv

Monday, March 28, 2016

Japan's newly launched Hitomi space satellite loses contact with Earth


Submitted March 29, 2016 at 01:28AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/1SiCV3w

99% positive I had an encounter with an ET last night...

I was driving down the county road here and there is seldom traffic on it, up ahead I see bright lights around the bend and I begin to drive cautiously - I've never been one to believe in aliens or anything of the realm. I'm a true "I'll believe it when I see it" type guy, a real honest of Abes, straight-shooter. Anyhow as I draw closer it's what looks to be a broken down truck with an LED lightbar... Turns out it's stuck in the mud, doors open, nobody near. I get out and holler - "HEY, anybody here!!!" then a small humanoid comes from around the side of the car says some gibberish that I'm not quite sure what it was, alien tongue I reckon. I didn't have time to really assess the situation, I just knew I was in trouble - I pulled out my revolver and shot at it - Drained my .357 mag into it. Its head popped like a pumpkin and it slumped against the truck. I was incredibly shaken and scared and I was quite inebriated from Easter festivities with my family so I hoped back in my car and rushed home. I returned later today to find everything had been removed - Nothing at the scene. however, I have evidence that the truck was there. There are tracks in the mud. BFG all-terrains.

Submitted March 28, 2016 at 09:36PM by bumbo1 http://ift.tt/1MxdHBR

UFO activity over New Jersey

Hey guys, I saw some weird stuff tonight while walking my dog.

It's a pretty windy and cloudy night, except the clouds are pretty spread out and moving across the sky pretty fast. I always tend to look up at the sky in hopes of seeing something peculiar and well I guess tonight I did.

I look up to see two little lights moving pretty slowly across the sky in the opposite direction of the clouds. What struck me as significant was that these were extremely high. Higher than commercial airline planes even go. Just enough that I could see their tiny selves moving. I follow them and then lose them under a moving cloud. As I wait for them to come out the other side I look towards the other gaps in the sky and to my surprise there's even more little lights that are moving in the same direction. As I scan more gaps in the clouds I spot more of them just moving in the same direction. Their glimmers were really tiny, which suggest to me an extremely high altitude. Probably a level those specialized NASA jets fly on. They weren't stationary stars, I made sure to triple check that. I also saw another light following the first two tiny lights I saw, except it seemed to be much closer than the rest. The thing about this brighter one was that it didn't show any signs of an airplane/airline. No sound or flashing lights. Just one light moving across the sky at constant speed in one direction. It was really eerie.

TL;DR: A whole bunch of tiny lights (suggesting really high altitudes) moving across the sky in one direction at once. Like a lot of them. One other brighter light moving in the same direction, although not showing signs of an airplane. (no flashing red or green lights and no sound)

I stopped watching when the sky became overwhelmed by clouds.

Submitted March 28, 2016 at 09:13PM by Acid_sprinkles http://ift.tt/22IXCQY

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from Twitter https://twitter.com/DiscoverMag

March 28, 2016 at 06:40PM

I made a breakdown poster of the Saturn V rocket


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 05:00PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/1Uy9MYw

George Knapp and Tom DeLonge discussing disclosure - worth listening to.


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 07:31PM by Cyberchopper http://ift.tt/21Q0Jkt

The Ocean Geysers of Saturn's Enceladus --"The Best Astrobiology Experiment in the Solar System" (NASA)


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 07:23PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/22ILlMs

The Fate of Nations - The New Message from God


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 06:31PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1ZHisuW

How did NASA and the media promote the moon landing?

When I think of the possibility of landing on Mars and it being televised I just think of what a media circus that would be. Commercials and billboards bombarding us with the news, social media sites going rampant, movies being on Mars released around then and people making toys and clothing of the astronauts.

Was it anything like that when we landed on the Moon? Anything that could be found on how this was advertised to the world?

Submitted March 28, 2016 at 05:48PM by sross91 http://ift.tt/1ShVV25

If these are real, do you think it's Grays or something else?


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 05:43PM by RadJunkie http://ift.tt/1ZHaNge

Precision Meets Progress in Welding on SLS Liquid Oxygen Tank Hardware


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 03:08PM by iGotDatDainbramage http://ift.tt/1PBmldm

Scientists brings back an abandoned drug and finds it effective against human viruses


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 02:49PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1Mwqjck

Toyota Announces it will Make Automatic Braking Near-Standard By Next Year


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 02:21PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1ohj9gH

Delivery drone that flies drinks and balls to golfers in Japan


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 02:34PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1qbNzTc

A new type of metal foam handles heat better than stee


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 02:05PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1RnQZfU

Japanese X-ray Satellite Lost Communication with Earth


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 01:51PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1RFP16i

Our Payload Had To Go Through Acoustic Testing at JSC


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 11:12AM by houstonspace http://ift.tt/1TelFRT

Why do the astronaut space suits in movies always look better than what we currently have?

Can't NASA step up the game in that department? Not saying that there probably aren't some cool prototypes in the makes.

Submitted March 28, 2016 at 11:21AM by kaliflower http://ift.tt/1UpXYYb

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from Twitter https://twitter.com/ScienceNews

March 27, 2016 at 10:30AM


Hi all, I have recently become interested in NASA and would like to learn more about its history. For example, its missions, their purpose, when they took place and as such. Can anyone provide me with a medium for learning these things? Such as a book, website, or documentaries? Thanks in advance for any help.

Submitted March 28, 2016 at 06:43AM by nxckolai http://ift.tt/1Sqn3hU

Courage and the Will to Prepare


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 06:32AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1Sgreua

NASA Will Test ‘Green’ Rocket Fuel in 2017


Submitted March 28, 2016 at 06:24AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/1PAeD2Z

Sunday, March 27, 2016

SDO flips upside-down for a day (March 23, 2016)


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 08:37PM by teridon http://ift.tt/1REjtxA

Which movies or shows have influenced your ideas regarding the possibilities and realities of alien life?

How has popular media influenced your understanding and expectations of life in the universe?

Submitted March 27, 2016 at 06:30PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/21O2rmo


People attempt perfection because they are convinced of error, but they do not know perfection. You cannot know perfection from error. You can only know error. Perfection is not erasing error. It is gaining Wisdom, compassion, ability, capacity and love. Stamping out error does not produce perfection. If you could see evolution on a larger scale, you would most certainly adjust your expectations of yourself.

Quote from the book, Wisdom from the Greater Community, volume I

Submitted March 27, 2016 at 05:17PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1pSkAEf

Steps to Knowledge - Step 14: Review


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 03:23PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1SoTs8w

What bothered me about the movie Transcendence

It was the consciousness discontinuity, in a nutshell. Here's my brief rant after watching it (although I did enjoy many aspects of the movie):


Did you enjoy Transcendence?

Submitted March 27, 2016 at 02:34PM by judogoat http://ift.tt/25rd4jM

Final Hopi Prophecy Sign Before Nibiru Just Happened!


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 02:13PM by TomRayEl1960 http://ift.tt/1of0TVh

Love and Relationships - The New Message from God


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 11:28AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1q9vF3x

Scientists Discover more about Pluto that we didn’t Know [Images]


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 11:07AM by newsbbc-net http://ift.tt/22RriIj

NASA Astronaut John Young suits up for shuttle launch; cross post from /r/EducationalArt


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 09:52AM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/1Pys5V1

4K video of solar burst - March 13 - 2016: close up of round solar prominence over a 3 hour period


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 09:55AM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/1UUNU7W

A range of interviews with researchers and ET-human hybrids


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 08:42AM by gumbo-23 http://ift.tt/1WS4rJ6

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Fallen Angel aka Alien as Human! Shapeshift on tape! incredible


Submitted March 27, 2016 at 12:21AM by BluntSmokingNinja http://ift.tt/1q8KzXM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/applediscounts_

March 26, 2016 at 04:33PM

If [Work is Automated], Then [Abolish Work]


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 06:05PM by AbolishWork http://ift.tt/1ZEJEdC

awesome cross section of the Sky Lab which was launched by NASA in 1973 - cross post from /r/educationalart


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 05:03PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/1pPDRGl

KGB/Project ISIS:Mummified Alien


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 05:02PM by Teppa http://ift.tt/1RvePVR

On a brick and a pear: Gigantic comet's flyby captured by NASA (PHOTO, VIDEO)


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 04:21PM by rehanjawaid http://ift.tt/1VOf2GB

Looking for texture references!

Hi everyone, I'm not 100% sure if this is the best place to post about this, but I'm a visual effects and animation student at the University of Hertfordshire and I'm going to be texturing an astronaut character soon for a short film and finding really nice high-quality images of the various materials space suits are made out of is proving difficult, does anyone know any good sources of have some good images I can use? Anything would be helpful

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 03:03PM by illegalpancakes http://ift.tt/1UtcSgD

Alien Contact through Dream/Meditation/Channeling Thread

I've been noticing more and more posts about possible alien contact through dreams or meditative states. I thought it might be constructive if people could submit their experiences into this one thread. We might be able to picks out themes, commonalities, anomalies, or whatnot. (Mods please let me know if this idea is out of line.)

One caveat for submissions:

The experience should be significant in some way. For example, the dream may have left a lasting mental or emotional impression. It may have coincided with an unusual event. There may be something unusual about the dream content itself.

This caution is so that we don't get flooded by dream reports of "I saw an Alien Grey in my dream, what does it mean???"

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 02:17PM by Scroon http://ift.tt/1LPQRW7

Channeled alien messages - what do they mean?

There are a whole lot of different "messages" apparently being received from aliens, as far as I understand. Although I have not personally investigated all of them, they seem to be pretty diverse. Does anybody know what the main ones are and if they correlate on any main points?

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 01:16PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1UkqAlx

BUDD HOPKINS - UFO Abduction Cases: The Medical Evidence [x-post from r/AlienAgenda]


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 01:04PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1ZE1f5z

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/dailygalaxy

March 25, 2016 at 11:08AM

USC Documentarian Seeking Stories of Alien Encounters

My name is Adrian Hernandez, and I'm a student filmmaker at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. I have been making short films for a number of years, and have always had an affinity for stories about extra-terrestrials.

This is why, for my upcoming junior thesis film, I'm planning to make a short documentary recreating a human encounter with an alien being. If you have a story of a close encounter of the third or fourth kind (alien contact or alien abduction), please send it in to uscalienstories@gmail.com. The documentary will be made in a similar style to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEBw0MITJBs

Submissions can be anonymous. Audio of you describing your encounter preferred, but text is definitely allowed.

Take care, friends, and keep watching the skies.

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 12:48PM by universallogin1290 http://ift.tt/1WQsUyu

Steps to Knowledge - Step 13: I want to be separate to be unique.


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 12:39PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1RsjLsg

USC Documentarian Seeking Stories of Alien Abduction

My name is Adrian Hernandez, and I'm a student filmmaker at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. I have been making short films for a number of years, and have always had an affinity for stories about extra-terrestrials.

This is why, for my upcoming junior thesis film, I'm planning to make a short documentary recreating a human encounter with an alien being. If you have a story of a close encounter of the third or fourth kind (alien contact or alien abduction), please send it in to hern351@usc.edu. The documentary will be made in a similar style to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEBw0MITJBs

Submissions can be anonymous. Audio of you describing your encounter preferred, but text is definitely allowed.

Take care, friends, and keep watching the skies.

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 12:07PM by universallogin1290 http://ift.tt/1q7QqMR

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/dailygalaxy

March 26, 2016 at 11:07AM

Uber's plan to get more people into fewer cars | Travis Kalanick


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 09:37AM by mecheunpedito http://ift.tt/1MrAuir



Submitted March 26, 2016 at 06:04AM by DesiderataVix http://ift.tt/1Ujv4sE

Anti radiation

So if it it possible to cancel a frequency at a lower frequency. Ex. noise cancalling headphones. It is possible to cancel this at a higher frequency. Given the wavelength of radiation I would like to ask, What would be the thickness needed. Thanks, Tut

Submitted March 26, 2016 at 04:19AM by tuttut97 http://ift.tt/1LOCPE4

The Awakening - The New Message from God


Submitted March 26, 2016 at 03:20AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1UjdoNN

Friday, March 25, 2016

Finding Roommates for Summer Research (OSSI)

I was just offered a summer research position at Ames and I was wondering if anyone else has gone through the process of finding a roommate. If you have any advice, feel free to drop a comment. If you want to live with me in the NASA Lodge to split the cost, let me know!

Submitted March 25, 2016 at 11:26PM by fever008 http://ift.tt/1q6Vtgu

Ancient Roman Visits and Workshops to all UK schools


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 09:08PM by farlaylacey50 http://ift.tt/1UiAG6s

James Webb Space Telescope integration engineer finds the perfect necklace


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 08:02PM by rtphokie http://ift.tt/1WPfzq6

I have an upcoming interview for a CS internship with JPL. I'm super excited but I have a few questions about the internship/project, will you guys help answer them?

This was the project that I was sent.

I'm decent at Java and have a pretty good grasp on object oriented programming. However, the position seems to entail way more than that. 2D/3D Java? Splice? Aerospace Engineering? Am I expected to be familiar with all of these things prior to the internship? I'm totally up for learning about all those things during the internship but i'm just a bit worried about the interview because I only have a week to make an attempt at familiarizing myself with those things. So to summarize this chunk of text into a question, does NASA expect their interns to know more than what they put in the required section?

Also, I have a few questions about the project itself! I'm kind of struggling with understanding what it's all about. I looked more into what the Dawn mission's objectives are and found this:

The Dawn mission's goal is to characterize the conditions and processes of the Solar System's earliest eon by investigating in detail two of the largest protoplanets remaining intact since their formation.[32] The primary question that the mission addresses is the role of size and water in determining the evolution of the planets.[32] Ceres and Vesta are highly suitable bodies with which to address this question, as they are two of the most massive of the protoplanets. Ceres is geologically very primitive and icy, while Vesta is evolved and rocky. Their contrasting characteristics are thought to have resulted from them forming in two different regions of the early Solar System.[32]

There are three principal scientific drivers for the mission. First, the Dawn mission can capture the earliest moments in the origin of the Solar System, granting an insight into the conditions under which these objects formed. Second, Dawn determines the nature of the building blocks from which the terrestrial planets formed, improving scientific understanding of this formation. Finally, it contrasts the formation and evolution of two small planets that followed very different evolutionary paths, allowing scientists to determine what factors control that evolution.[32]

So from that and the internship description, I am getting the idea that it's a piece of software that generates 2D/3D renderings of its surroundings, which can used to analyze how size & water influences the formation of planets, is that correct? And what does SPICE have to do with all of this? Google tells me that SPICE's a circuit simulator, which to me, seems to lean towards CSE/EE more than CS stuff.

Help would be much appreciated!

Submitted March 25, 2016 at 07:19PM by tomathoe http://ift.tt/1ZBLxbb

With today's technology, we could already have a virtual world like The O.A.S.I.S.

Last year, Facebook bought Oculus VR for $2 billion. I remember thinking the acquisition seemed a bit random, but this is why it makes sense:

Consider that Facebook has the best database of our real life avatars (even if they are in abstract form right now) along with their connections. If only they could create a place, THE place, where the world could get together and hang out..

Imagine Google Earth meets GTAV meets Facebook.

Such a place could then be a platform for games, education, communication, collaboration, work, tourism, culture, entertainment, commerce, etc.

This development would be financed by the earnings of its own marketplace and of course, ads.

It should prove to be a challenge to develop, so most likely it would be a collaboration between tech giants, but whoever can pull it through will own the next big thing, which could eventually evolve into something like The O.A.S.I.S..

What do you think? Would a unified, single-instance virtual world be successful or would it be just another Second Life?


TLDR: we already have the technology to create a multi-purpose virtual world that would be actually useful, and Facebook might be onto something..

Submitted March 25, 2016 at 07:00PM by Speckart http://ift.tt/21LbK6u

Why can't they land any rovers directly onto Mars' ice caps?

No text found

Submitted March 25, 2016 at 06:09PM by ewoksareevil http://ift.tt/1T9YKHr

NASA scientists say we could colonise the Moon by 2022... for just $10 billion


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 04:53PM by fantastickmath http://ift.tt/1UReNcV

NASA Graphics Standards Manual book is now available for pre-order, shipping May 3.


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 03:30PM by design-nerd http://ift.tt/1Uq8hLT

What will happen to Pluto and Neptune? Year 7837.


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:38PM by rayarias35 http://ift.tt/1RDLrzD

Steps to Knowledge - Step 12: My individuality is to express life itself.


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:24PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1q66E9m

Fish-shaped rock swims into NASA photo from Mars


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:20PM by ArsenDanoilla http://ift.tt/1UhrCOY

Automated lip-reading technology has been invented


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:10PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1UhrzCN

Australia plans to find out whether wind farms harm human health


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:23PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1XSSWBn

New research ensures car LCDs work in extreme cold and heat


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 12:57PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1SlswXt

Comet Flying by Earth Observed with Radar and Infrared


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 01:06PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1RDGjvt

Airbus allows the Internet to decide on the design of its new futuristic planes


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 12:46PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1LMQXh5

GPU-powered VR is guiding UCLA's top surgeons


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 12:34PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1UNYgYE

Hillary on UFOs on Jimmy Kimmel (March 24th)


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 12:08PM by AlwaysBeNice http://ift.tt/1UNU6zX

What is Life Force? - Greater Community Spirituality


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 11:47AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1RDv3PU

NASA chief returns to Montana amid preparations to Mars


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 10:31AM by RenoBenteen http://ift.tt/1T9kL9d

US Leadership In Space Has Eroded


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 10:20AM by wickster1 http://ift.tt/1UgQAy8

Scientists working on NASA's Cassini mission have identified the highest point on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Titan's tallest peak is 10,948 feet (3,337 meters) high and is found within a trio of mountainous ridges called the Mithrim Montes.


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 08:52AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1q5HkQE

Humanity in a few hundred/thousand years - an analogy for our potential relationship with other more advanced societies?

Let us assume that our society survives climate change, that we eventually stop fighting each other and begin to live in a more stable, structured global society where waste is minimised and resources are allocated as efficiently as possible. Population control is done in a largely ethical manner and we are able to maintain our technological advancement to the point where we are able to develop a new kind of propulsion which allows us to travel between stars at a relatively fast pace, although not instantaneously.

Assuming that we don't find a way to create energy out of nothing or to produce technologies without actually spending resources, at this point we may be beginning to outstrip the resources of our solar system, as most of what we are able to mine may already have been incorporated into our infrastructure, or may simply be too expensive to extract. We are now engaging in interstellar travel in order to find new resources to exploit. Our scientists discover an earth-like planet rich in all the resources that we would require to sustain our society for another ten thousand years and which is within reach of a viable mission, and so we set out to explore and establish our claim over this new world.

Upon reaching this new world we discover that a relatively primitive society exists upon its surface, and that there are some very nasty diseases that we are not prepared to handle. We now face a difficult situation; we either give up and go back home, dooming our society to decline and eventual collapse, or we try to find a way to use the native society to our benefit (bear in mind that we are not going to have a giant army of robot workers lying around, as we are currently constrained by our limited physical resources). They seem superstitious by our standards, but we are able to persuade them that we can provide marvelous technological advancements that will greatly improve their society if they are willing to sign a free trade agreement with us. These advancements are basic technologies to us and would be a very good trade for access to the resources of their world.

Over time we establish a series of resource extraction operations and adapt their native infrastructure to suit our needs. In order to assure our supply of resources from this source (they may be a tad unstable) we make sure that the native peoples incorporate our technology into their society and are unable to reproduce our technology themselves. We have now effectively established them as a client state and we are able to sustain our society by exploiting theirs.

Submitted March 25, 2016 at 07:53AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1LM74eO

Does anyone know who this is or heard of a debunking on this?


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 03:13AM by apollo341 http://ift.tt/1XRTZ4w

Alien photographed in infant car seat!

Terrified couple in Northern Florida photographed this being in their car after hearing their baby let out a shrill cry.


Submitted March 25, 2016 at 02:45AM by Molecularization http://ift.tt/1q5iX5R

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Creation of NASA TV UHD


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 10:11PM by Ender0319 http://ift.tt/1VLDpVj

Word Up Performed by Christian hart by Cameo


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 10:09PM by OvrkillCreations http://ift.tt/1VLDloy

Reasons for lack of communication.

Imagine that you are an intergalactic traveler and you stop upon a small well settled planet. You decide to observe the dominate race as a whole hoping their friendly, so you watch how they interact with each other and the other species on their planet. You then see them continuously fighting for power and prosperity, all the while not really caring what they hurt. Would you try to help or even communicate with this race?

Submitted March 24, 2016 at 08:47PM by Kanaya69 http://ift.tt/1o9WVgu

Microsoft deletes 'teen girl' AI after it became a Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 04:50PM by theSurgeonOfDeath http://ift.tt/1XQUSub

Alien contact in a dream

So i used to look a lot into aliens but never really thought anything of contact through a dream to happen to me, i kind of thought it was all bogus (im not sure if this was just a dream but you can be the judge). 2 nights back i remember just a few short glimpses of a dream where i was in just a white room laying on some sort of plain white bed, and i was looking up at these tall, and very light blonde haired beings. It was really silent and their eyes seemed kind of long. And all i remember at the end is just waking up and my eyes felt like i had been staring into a bright light or something, and they were kinda sore. Can anyone tell me what this could mean?

Submitted March 24, 2016 at 04:38PM by Knightwill http://ift.tt/1LKxmy8

Testing the Mars Pathfinder airbags, used to land the rover on Mars. [1530 x 1018]


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 04:01PM by piponwa http://ift.tt/1UOXysY

Aaron Rodgers explains his bizarre theories on UFO sightings


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 03:17PM by SaganWasMisterX http://ift.tt/1RzWPGD

This is us. And Charles Bolden, director of NASA :)


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 01:57PM by bogsolntsa http://ift.tt/1LKc0ku

How to Contact Space People


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 02:21PM by hipsterwoo http://ift.tt/1o9g4zd

New material has the ability to fit a house into a backpack


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 01:05PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1S958d6

Google partners with Nuance for speech recognition API


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 01:17PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1S958cZ

Rocket Lab will launch new and affordable rocket engine later this year


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 01:32PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1q4k7yo

Affordable Hypersonic Jets will soon be a reality by year 2023


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 12:44PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1RoeVON

Samsung's brainBAND can track possible concussions in athletes


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 12:30PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1pK9ktg

Senior Research Project

The theme of my history senior seminar is history of memory. I am interested in witness testimony of European alien encounters. This ranges from visitations, to UFO encounters, abductions, etc. If anyone would like to contact me about their experiences, it would truly help me. Thank you.

Submitted March 24, 2016 at 11:56AM by brazil-n http://ift.tt/22IaK5m

Steps to Knowledge - Step 11: I am not apart from life.


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 11:24AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1RnBAsw

Think-Tank Calls for NASA to unleash its Gryphon-X project, a proposed cybersecurity fusion and training center


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 10:38AM by Miccah231Angelina4_ http://ift.tt/1VJcN7o

What does Net Neutrality mean in today's accelerating world?

Here are some thoughts I've laid out on the subject of net neutrality:


Where do you guys fall on the subject?

Submitted March 24, 2016 at 09:44AM by judogoat http://ift.tt/22xNt9P

During the Apollo 17 mission, in 1972, the rear fender of the lunar rover broke and lunar dust soon became a problem. This is how astronauts Cernan and Schmitt repaired the fender, with clamps, duct tape and lunar maps. [3000 x 3000]


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 07:53AM by piponwa http://ift.tt/1Zw3sQt

BEST FOOTAGE of ALIEN Close & Clear!! HD 14/6/2014


Submitted March 24, 2016 at 03:20AM by aliensandcharma http://ift.tt/1MDJfAM

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Best UFO/Alien videos

I'm looking for some factual UFO and alien documentaries and videos. Anybody know of any good ones on YouTube. I watched one on Netflix but idk.

Submitted March 24, 2016 at 12:09AM by ToTheBlink http://ift.tt/1pJlzX2

NASA launches first Philippine-made satellite, ‘Diwata’


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 08:30PM by Run-GMC http://ift.tt/1Rm1f74

The most evolved cybersecurity initiative by NASA just went public, Gryphon X


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 01:42PM by Emmettey2Ricardo1_ http://ift.tt/1MD6tXR

REal Alien Pic


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 06:04PM by aliensandcharma http://ift.tt/1Sieplv

Entering the Greater Community


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 04:56PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1RlSPuc

Unveiling Ceres - YouTube


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 04:31PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1RhmLek

A Robust Account Of All The Machines We've Sent To Mars, in a video game style


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 02:51PM by neoteotihuacan http://ift.tt/1WJaH5S

Ancient Polar Ice Reveals Tilting of Earth’s Moon


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 03:15PM by mateobuff http://ift.tt/1VFKoyZ

Steps to Knowledge - Step 10: What is Knowledge


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 02:29PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1S6NnLs

Getting Started Guide - Finding the New Message from God, but where to start?


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 02:35PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1S6NnLq

CST-100 Starliner water landing drop test


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 12:42PM by Rambo_Brit3 http://ift.tt/1MCsPc3

Remote camera photo of Atlas V / Cygnus OA-6 launch, taken from just 100 meters away.


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 12:08PM by jardeon http://ift.tt/1VEU398

New system uses light to clean the air


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 10:48AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1ZsGYji

A Notebook That Can Erase Itself When You Microwave It


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 10:58AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1U8TXaj

Robots functional both on a soccer field and in a leaking nuclear power plant


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 11:06AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/25mGBLb

Sensitive electronic biosniffers traces diseases via biomarkers in breath


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 10:37AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/22Fkn4M

New ultrasound method captures better picture of cardiovascular health


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 10:20AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1S65zF3

Today's r/RedditDayOf/ topic is the Apollo Program. Come share your favorite post with us.

/r/RedditDayOf is a sub that encourages people to research and post information on a different topic each day. Today is all about the Apollo Program, so we thought /r/NASA would be interested. Please come visit our sub and share your favorite post about the Apollo Program or just enjoy what others have posted. Thanks!

Submitted March 23, 2016 at 08:32AM by wormspermgrrl http://ift.tt/22F1yyE

Excerpt: The Gift of a New Life

To approach God's New Message, it is necessary for you to put aside your personal ideas and beliefs about what God is and the nature of God's Plan for you and for the world that you have come to here to serve. Even the nature of Revelation itself, as far as it has been described and understood in our history, must be seen in a new light. Here Knowledge becomes the central focus, the connection between our worldly selves and the Greater Reality from which we have all come, and to which we will all return.

People come to the New Message to see if it conforms to their beliefs, their ideas and their expectations. Of course, it does not do this. People come to the New Message from God wanting to use it as a resource to get what they want for themselves. But the New Revelation has a greater plan and promise for them.

People come to the New Message hoping that they will find the wisdom necessary to correct their mistakes and to make their current investments profitable and meaningful. But the New Message is here to give them a new life—not simply a new idea put upon an old life, not simply a sweetener to make the bitter taste of their current experience more palatable and acceptable. People expect too little and want too little, and their expectations are not in keeping with the meaning and the power of the Revelation. People come to God’s New Revelation wanting to see how they can use it right away, as if it is nothing more than a series of tools that people could use to try to improve their lives. But they cannot improve their lives because they do not know what they are doing. They do not know where they are going, and their assumptions and beliefs, more often than not, are not in keeping with their greater purpose and true direction in life.

Read the full text here: http://ift.tt/25m0nGF

Submitted March 23, 2016 at 07:24AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1MBS2mR

Bashar Infinite Parallel Realities


Submitted March 23, 2016 at 06:51AM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1RxPCXx

Hybridisation and genetics - does convergent evolution occur at a subcellular level?

If human genetic material can be combined with ET genetic material, then perhaps that implies other things about our visitors that people normally dismiss on account of "we just can't assume such things because we don't know". But if hybridisation is taking place, then we actually do know.

One of these other things is the vulnerability of a foreign species to the biological hazards that exist throughout our environment - from fungus to virus. Perhaps they are unable to survive exposure to these contaminants, which is why they wish to acquire naturally evolved human resistance to these factors.

Submitted March 23, 2016 at 04:06AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1WHwyuw

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

NASA catches the flash of a supernova for the first time


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 05:40PM by basitwahid http://ift.tt/1ZpSFXY

The Economic Benefits of Alien Abduction


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 04:27PM by aliensandcharma http://ift.tt/1o4SraV

An application for epigenetics in the era of personalized medicine.


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 02:24PM by DNAMethylation http://ift.tt/1MAm2zy

Retired NASA engineer Bob Ebeling has died. For thirty years he blamed himself for not being able to stop the Challenger disaster. He foresaw the explosion, but his warning to higher-ups was ignored.


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 02:12PM by Voyage_of_Roadkill http://ift.tt/1Ppt1ey

Retired NASA engineer Bob Ebeling has died. For thirty years he blamed himself for not being able to stop the Challenger disaster. He foresaw the explosion but his warning to higher-ups was ignored.


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 02:11PM by Voyage_of_Roadkill http://ift.tt/1pxlLYF

When will the technological singularity happen?

For what it's worth, here's my speculation on why we are already starting down the slope that leads to the singularity:


What year do you peg it at happening?

Submitted March 22, 2016 at 11:49AM by judogoat http://ift.tt/21Fyuop

Huge network of robotic ocean probes receive smart upgrades


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 11:09AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1RialzB

Space Station Cargo Launch May Be Seen Tonight at the East Coast


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 11:22AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/22tTKDv

NASA celebrates a new milestone for the James Webb Telescope


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 10:44AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1LDYBdH

The world's biggest aircraft is floating but not flying yet


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 10:18AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1UC5uif

New and innovative ways to archive data for supercomputers


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 10:31AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1o4bodR

Panoramic View of JSC Mission Control Center


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 09:51AM by rtphokie http://ift.tt/1T5cHGA

Launch tonight, couple of questions...

I'm from Maryland, but on vacation in Vero Beach. I really want to get as close as possible to the launch tonight, but I'm having a hard time justifying (to my wife and parents) the drive because of the chance of it being scrubbed.

How good are the chances of the launch happening tonight?

How different is the experience between Port Canaveral and Vero Beach (over an hour away)

Submitted March 22, 2016 at 10:01AM by thefalcon3a http://ift.tt/1T5cHGy

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/Gizmodo

March 21, 2016 at 09:33PM


I found a sea creature on Google Maps, look up the Longitude and Latitude:

-53.019056 72.575766

Im scared.....

HERE IS A SCREEN SHOT! http://ift.tt/25ikCoW

Submitted March 22, 2016 at 07:47AM by _RevTech_ http://ift.tt/1RgdRfX

NASA New Gravity Map Gives Best View Yet Inside Mars


Submitted March 22, 2016 at 05:06AM by newsbbc-net http://ift.tt/1WEOOEP

Monday, March 21, 2016

Bob Eberling, engineer who warned of risks in launching the Challenger, has died


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 11:27PM by humanracing http://ift.tt/1LCExs3

A 'Tail' of Two Comets


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:58PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1pYQXk7

Bob Ebeling, the Challenger engineer that recently found peace after years-long guilt, dies at 89


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:41PM by HueyBosco http://ift.tt/1pYOKoX

Many ancient maps depict Antartica before it was locked in ice


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 09:13PM by ancientalienstruth http://ift.tt/1Rw3l7s

Climate Change Shifting Wine Grape Harvests in France


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 07:24PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1LCgZUl

NASA Marks Major Milestones for the James Webb Space Telescope


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 07:03PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1WDSEhl

This Place Can Make YOU Feel the ABSOLUTE Freedom! A Place Without Politics, Religion or Money


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 05:33PM by YouAreBastards http://ift.tt/1U2tL0Q

I’m working on a new print called “The RGB Space” with Orion capsule. What do you think?


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 03:49PM by michalsobel http://ift.tt/1pY2XCz

Love and Fear - The New Message from God


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 01:11PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1VvQhig

The World's Best Taekwondo Kid | Amazing Moments


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 01:19PM by mubashirabbas http://ift.tt/1o27gv2

A new computer program than can identify leaves faster than botanists


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:37AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1S0zjDc

Astronomers discover a star with a record variation period


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:50AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1S0zluQ

A flying drone that can stay underwater for months has developed


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:04AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1PmrHcm

Proposed lithium-metal batteries with graphene considered safe and more efficient


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 10:21AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1VuYqDu

One of the most massive and distant "hypercluster" of galaxies has been discovered


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 09:44AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1ScSXP1

'The Age Of Women' - Women Must Rise, For The Advancement Of Humanity


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 09:21AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1XHblB8

New educational recreation of the Mercury Missions for PC, Free demo download.


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 09:03AM by GFLMercury http://ift.tt/1Uxzhsn

Higher Self


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 08:49AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1U14UdX

The Great Waves of Change - A New World: The New Message from God warns of impending global changes to the natural physical and socio-economic environments as a result of various factors that will have severe impacts and implications for the whole human family.


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 07:39AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/22rMZlu

Steps to Knowledge - Step 8: Today I will be still.


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 07:47AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/22rMZlp

Thinking with God


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 05:04AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1UeXl3V

Alien Ship Caught on tape!


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 04:37AM by mekkawytime http://ift.tt/1LAt6Bi

My wife's grandfather won NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal but I can't seem to find anything about why he won

He was in charge of rocket propulsion research for a major defense contractor for 30 years, that I know from talking to him. But there seems to be very sparse information available publicly detailing just what his contributions were or what his award was for. He later was in charge of a very important program for NASA that was also vital to the Department of Defense. Once again these are things that I have found online but only with some circumspect, offhand reporting and references to technical papers that are nowhere to be found online. He is getting pretty old now so it's harder and harder to talk about it with him, but it is really fascinating and for my children's sake, I would really like to know more. I have spent a few hours sifting through google results for his name coupled with the programs and contractor but it is a fairly fruitless search.

Submitted March 21, 2016 at 02:53AM by throwawayyelp12 http://ift.tt/1Vtxrs8

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Datlof tests Worlds first Fuleless engine prototype!


Submitted March 21, 2016 at 12:20AM by AngelMoo http://ift.tt/21CJ5AC

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/dailygalaxy

March 20, 2016 at 01:34PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/techradar

March 18, 2016 at 06:44PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/cultofmac

March 18, 2016 at 04:20PM

This week in patents: Facebook for IoT, NASA gets athletes ready to compete and more


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 09:25PM by vickhunter http://ift.tt/1RdLGw0

Have I been abducted

So this morning I woke up feeling really dizzy and still have been for the past few hours, I have no memory of last night and have a really bad headache, I don't drink so I know it's not a hangover and I've been pissing a lot and my arse hurts

Submitted March 20, 2016 at 09:24PM by potato_headed_druggo http://ift.tt/21CxpxC

Can anyone identify this mercury spacecraft? (It's not Freedom 7.. but Al Shepard is sitting in it Freedom 7 II ?)


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 08:27PM by GFLMercury http://ift.tt/1RvDkPm

Spiritual Preparation for a Difficult Future - Marshall Vian Summers


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 06:15PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1WB28Kj

Dr. David Jacobs (11-15-11) Abductees and their Involuntary Tasks


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 04:31PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1RdjM3d



Submitted March 20, 2016 at 03:03PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1XFjwhh

Steps to Knowledge - Step 7: Review


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 05:08AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/22vJc3l

NASA’s New Horizons scientists have released papers that shed new light on the Pluto System


Submitted March 20, 2016 at 05:14AM by john_smith756 http://ift.tt/1WzKoz1

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Okay so me and my band are starting a scifi punk band. What would be a good name for that genre?

We wanted Visitors but there already 2 bands named that.

Submitted March 20, 2016 at 02:09AM by Magnum40oz http://ift.tt/1RujDYe

NASA is sending a 3D printer to space that you can use


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 10:20PM by Mathew425 http://ift.tt/1Vp87n4

Big city abduction cases?

I understand that its easier to abduct a person who lives in a private house in the woods, but what about people like me who live on a first flat of 16 flat building in NYC? Any danger for me to be abducted? Are there any cases of that happening with people from big cities?

Submitted March 19, 2016 at 08:36PM by Zormut http://ift.tt/1R6yfBf

The Martian Species!

Hi guys, do you think this a creditable source :) http://ift.tt/210QLBA

Submitted March 19, 2016 at 07:54PM by reptilianswalkearth http://ift.tt/1Rs3uJf

Bashar Beliefs and Teachings


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:36PM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1XDz0Ct

Starseeds, Wanderers and Indigos. About Planetary


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:37PM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1XDz0Cl

Alien Types and Agendas


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:39PM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1XDz3hA

CE5 Meditation Steven Greer


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:43PM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1XDz3hw

Law of One - Service to Self vs Service to Others


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:44PM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1XDz3hp

Scott Creighton explains the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids and their link to Osiris


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:41PM by cloudAtlas0085 http://ift.tt/1XDyK6c

Two ‘alien’ Skulls Discovered In Russia, A Secret Nazi Institution.!!


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 04:04PM by siamagazin http://ift.tt/1TX5IRb

HD Nephilim AKA Aliens pics


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 02:01PM by HashSmokingNinja http://ift.tt/1UcqkFo

My grandfather worked on all of these missions.


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 11:13AM by jtsheridan http://ift.tt/1Uco7d2

4K video - close up of the sun


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 12:27PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/1MhI5Qu

just a little bit of space history


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 11:59AM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/1WyhcZ7

Ra The Law Of One Summary


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 09:27AM by spiritunity1123 http://ift.tt/1Wy1tcp

Decisions and Responsibility


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 07:23AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1RqPsrb

Relationship between your True Self and your worldly mind.


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 07:18AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1UbWXTF

What does the New Message from God advocate?


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 06:31AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1Pil0YA

God's New Message for young people.


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 05:07AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1pSj3O7

Steps to Knowledge - Step 6: I have a true foundation in the world.


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 05:10AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/21AnqsI

Love - The New Message from God


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 05:00AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1R56cSI

Dr Karla Turner - The UFO Masquerade


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 03:45AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1pScICm

Friday, March 18, 2016

NASA’s foremost solar system explorer says Europa lander a “necessity”


Submitted March 19, 2016 at 12:30AM by wraptra69 http://ift.tt/1MsP6c1

Alien Contact NO BULLSH_T


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 11:58PM by chief-scientist http://ift.tt/1UoX65M

Did NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly Just Admit To Seeing Aliens During His Year In Space?


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 11:08PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1nWf2qd

Bassett: Obama Will Be The UFO ‘Disclosure President’


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 11:15PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1RqlT97

ALIEN CONTACT – Alien Voice & Speech Recorded


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 06:26PM by chief-scientist http://ift.tt/1PhrneX

The real power that aliens don't want you to know about (hint: It's not technology)


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 03:45PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1RryKBS

this guy is stupid lmao


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 03:35PM by treyark http://ift.tt/1nVdWLe

The New Message on the Subject of Climate Change


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 03:32PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1nVezEG

What is that bright spot coming into the picture on the bottom left corner?


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 03:07PM by ForgottenHexen http://ift.tt/1XASUxV

The New Message from God on the subject of religious violence


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 02:47PM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1SYPhCP

NASA astronaut application statistics?

Does anybody have access to statistics regarding the pat few years' NASA astronaut applications. I have seen the statistics on what degree levels were accepted...those were easier to find. But I am specifically interested in gender breakdown in the applications...is the % of female applicants growing? I want to know if these numbers can mean an increased female interest in going to space, though I know there are lots of variables. More women in STEM fields every year means more women who might conceivably want to go to space and actually have a viable degree, so an increase in numbers or % may be an effect of those changing variables and not an increased interest.

I'm also interested in the overall degree distributions, racial distributions, etc.

I understand this information may not be public, just wanted to see if it was out there.

Submitted March 18, 2016 at 02:17PM by zeekzeek22 http://ift.tt/1RrljSv

NASA Slowly Realizes They’ve Created a Planet Inhabited Only By Robots


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 02:22PM by goodtimelaughfest http://ift.tt/1LviHXD

I wrote an article exposing how "aliens" are demons. Keep an open mind. Former believer here.

Share and re-post. Very interesting stuff.

Submitted March 18, 2016 at 01:48PM by ReginaldBaker http://ift.tt/259eXBg

2017 Budget Hearing Video


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 01:35PM by jsalsman http://ift.tt/1MrTU1l



Submitted March 18, 2016 at 12:24PM by chief-scientist http://ift.tt/1SYsS8E

Abandoned Awe: Old Space Sites Should Inspire Exploration


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 11:22AM by speckz http://ift.tt/1PgrU0q

Paul Mason: "PostCapitalism" | Talks at Google


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 07:11AM by mr_moneypussy http://ift.tt/1RoA3Yx

3 Sciences Race,Spaceships,Drugs?


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 06:32AM by WhiteHarem http://ift.tt/1psjfDd

Who is Marshall Vian Summers?


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 05:35AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1psi8mP

NASA is setting to light fire on orbiting space craft


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 04:57AM by newsbbc-net http://ift.tt/1XzEuhr

Steps to Knowledge - Step 5: I believe what I want to believe.


Submitted March 18, 2016 at 04:46AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1pPPs7O

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Any tips for my First Launch?

Hi All! I'm going to be in Florida for Tuesday's scheduled Orbital ATK’s Cygnus launch. I will be making the drive to the Kennedy Center and was wondering if anyone who has been to a launch before have any tips for a rookie?

Submitted March 17, 2016 at 11:21PM by Rant_21 http://ift.tt/1McPC39

Matthew Stein on the Solar Threat to the Nuclear Grid


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 09:17PM by alternativemediaco http://ift.tt/1Xz2P6V

Marine Captain Randy Cramer describes 3 types of reptilians he’s seen and knows about.


I imagine this OP will get besieged by ATS-type troll posts, but I’m posting it anyway for whoever’s not a troll and might be interested in some very interesting information that he gives.

Submitted March 17, 2016 at 07:44PM by no1113 http://ift.tt/1S78m3c

Movie References in the NASA Arcade I Designed and Built


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 06:18PM by scoodidabop http://ift.tt/1PePsTz

New possible alien sculls found in Russia


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 06:03PM by spookyskywatcher http://ift.tt/1Mc8vmM

Fly Me to the Moon - The Story of the US and Soviet Space Programs


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 04:35PM by petewailes http://ift.tt/1Xyv2ef

Partial Disclosure Is NOT an Option | Unity, Kindness and Creating Tolerance for Diversity


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 04:03PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1U9HiEu

The India Times remembers the late NASA astronaut Kalpana Chawla, still the only Indian woman to ever go to space.


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 02:00PM by Run-GMC http://ift.tt/1WtINun

Anybody know if badged employees can tour KSC differently than the average visitor?

I'm a contractor at GSFC who will be vacationing in Orlando soon, and I was just wondering if my badge could provide me some sort of special access that the average visitor to KSC may not be able to get.

I don't expect anything to be honest, but I can't seem to find any resources on the subject and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Submitted March 17, 2016 at 01:18PM by BrewSoccer http://ift.tt/1TRnmpo

Hubble unveils monster stars


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 12:49PM by minterbartolo http://ift.tt/1Xy3jKE

Hubble Space Telescope Finds Nine Extremely Massive Stars in R136


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 12:19PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1Ujb74S

North America’s largest coal plant to be transformed to a 44MW solar farm


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 12:24PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1Ujb74I

Greenhouse gas may soon be used to help produce renewable biopolymers


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 12:29PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1Ujb8FP

An amazing computer chip that is made up of live brain cells


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 12:30PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/1Z5u3n8

David Weaver on Twitter: "Hearing underway @HouseScience with #NASA Administrator Bolden." Please link to the hearing documents in this thread.


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 10:19AM by jsalsman http://ift.tt/1TQXKJh

The reality of Knowledge exists beyond the reach and influence of your worldly conditioning, and is therefore free to express life itself.


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 09:28AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1R5GU3o

NASA's FY2017 Budget request to Congress - Detailed spending priorities and programs


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 09:29AM by AndySilkyJohnston http://ift.tt/1PdMKhd

Engineers at NASA have developed a space flight experiment that will increase understanding of how an accidental fire might behave in a spacecraft after it leaves Earth’s atmosphere. The 1st of 3 planned flight experiments is scheduled for launch in an Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo vehicle on March 22.


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 09:12AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1RouG5a

"What keeps people from being free..." - Quote from the New Message from God


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 09:00AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1pNBYcS

Steps to Knowledge - Step 4: I want what I think I know.


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 06:39AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1MahZz5

NASA's starting a fire in space


Submitted March 17, 2016 at 06:28AM by AllenDono http://ift.tt/255Wnu3

Questions and answers about the Intervention (from the sixth Briefing of the Allies of Humanity).




We feel that it is important, given the information that we have provided thus far, to respond to questions that must surely arise regarding our reality and the significance of the messages that we have come to give.

“Given the lack of hard evidence, why should people believe what you are telling them about the Intervention?”

First, there must be great evidence concerning the visitation to your world. We have been told that this is the case. Yet we have also been told by the Unseen Ones that people do not know how to understand the evidence and that they give it their own meaning—a meaning that they prefer to give it, a meaning that provides comfort and reassurance for the most part. We are certain that there is adequate evidence to verify that the Intervention is occurring in the world today if one takes the time to look and to investigate this matter. The fact that your governments or religious leaders do not reveal such things does not mean that such a great event is not occurring in your midst.

“How extensive is their infiltration of humanity?”

The visitors have a significant presence within the most advanced nations in your world, particularly the nations of Europe, Russia, Japan and America. These are viewed as the strongest nations, having the greatest power and influence. It is there that the visitors will concentrate. However, they are taking people from all over the world, and they are furthering their Pacification Program with all those that they capture, if those individuals can be responsive to their influence. Therefore, the visitors’ presence is worldwide, but they are concentrating on those whom they hope will become their allies. These are the nations and governments and religious leaders who hold the greatest power and sway over human thought and conviction.

“How much time do we have?

How much time do you have? You have some time, how much we cannot tell. But we come with an urgent message. This is not a problem that can simply be avoided or denied. From our perspective, it is the most important challenge facing humanity. It is of the greatest concern, the first priority. You are late in your preparation. This was caused by many factors beyond our control. But there is time, if you can respond. The outcome is uncertain and yet there is still hope for your success.

“What are realistic goals for us to set, and what is the bottom line with regard to saving humanity from losing its self-determination?”

The first step is awareness. Many people must become aware that the Earth is being visited and that foreign powers are here operating in a clandestine manner, seeking to hide their agenda and endeavors from human understanding. It must be very clear that their presence here is a great challenge to human freedom and self-determination. The agenda that they are furthering and the Pacification Program that they are sponsoring must be countered with sobriety and wisdom regarding their presence. This counteraction must occur. There are many people in the world today who are able to understand this. Therefore, the first step is awareness.

The next step is education. It is necessary for many people in different cultures and in different nations to learn about life in the Greater Community and to begin to comprehend what you will be dealing with and are dealing with even at this moment.

Therefore, realistic goals are awareness and education. This in itself would obstruct the visitors’ agenda in the world. They are operating now with very little resistance. They are encountering few obstacles. All those who seek to view them as “allies of humanity” must learn that this is not the case. Perhaps our words will not be enough, but they are a beginning.

Read more at http://ift.tt/1VeNo5h

Submitted March 17, 2016 at 04:24AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1UBLlYs

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The World's Future MEGAPROJECTS (2015-2030's)


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 08:09PM by a-e-riley http://ift.tt/1Uh2YOe

NASA Mars woes could delay other planetary missions


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 07:05PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/1SU93zk

Intelligent life once existed on Mars - but destroyed itself.

It's a freaky prospect, considering the modern day risks that we face with the constant threat of a nuclear, chemical or biological attack. However with the absolute certainty scientists now have, that martian life did exist on the surface billions of years ago when there was an atmosphere, magnetic field and water cycle that absolutely gives rise to the question: Was there intelligent life on Mars? The place has gone from an earth-like planet to a destroyed desert landscape. It sounds plausible to me that intelligent life led to the destruction of all life and planet due to the use of a nuclear arsenal. Most of the properties on the surface are those associated with nuclear bombs and massive holes in the surface give further rise to this theory. Either way, it's an interesting thought.

Another theory I've also been thinking about is: What if humans once existed on Mars. What if we were so intelligent that we were able to travel to Earth, inhabit it but because we knew of the destruction our minds would cause and couldn't manage the new territory of earth, we only returned pre-evolved/ignorant versions of our species so we could start again and have another chance in the universe.

Submitted March 16, 2016 at 07:16PM by chrisppy01 http://ift.tt/1M93dIR

Even UFOs Are Following Trump (Despite Being Undocumented Aliens)


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 06:39PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1poUmrY

Why Nasa still flies an old British bomber design


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 05:08PM by jonhalo http://ift.tt/1nP8KIQ

this guy is dumb lmao


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 04:52PM by treyark http://ift.tt/1nP7Mw9

I think aliens exist but don't want to disrupt our natural evolution

I think humanity is poised to transcend and post-transcendent aliens don't want to intervene in our natural development.

It's like grabbing a fetus from the womb and yelling at it saying "HEY LOOK THIS IS THE REAL WORLD. I HAVE FOOD AND KNOWLEDGE FOR YOU, TAKE IT."

Submitted March 16, 2016 at 01:55PM by Chispy http://ift.tt/22kMxp4

ALIEN CONTACT Are We Alone in The Milky Way Galaxy


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 01:09PM by chief-scientist http://ift.tt/1Z0Xrek

Why did the space shuttle never carry the external tank into orbit?

I was reading the wiki page on the space shuttle and it said that the shuttle had the ability to take the external take into orbit with it. Why was the function never used? I feel like it could have been used in a Skylab style station or attached to the international space station and used in a Skylab fashion.

Submitted March 16, 2016 at 11:40AM by Mrpeanutateyou http://ift.tt/1LqCVS6

What is Knowledge? - The New Message from God


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 10:56AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1QXQYhb

The New Message from God keeps mentioning "Knowledge", but what is it, and how does it work?


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 09:38AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1Z0euxc

February obliterated global heat records, NASA confirms


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 10:10AM by fantastickmath http://ift.tt/1TO1FGD

NASA Celebrating 90 Years: Robert Goddard’s Rocket and the Launch of Spaceflight


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 09:52AM by God_Wills_It_ http://ift.tt/1U7wjeu

"We live in both a mental and physical environment. We can influence the mental environment around us, but to a far greater extent we are influenced by the mental environment. The mental environment contains forces that affect our thinking and emotions and that can dominate our personal minds."


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 09:28AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1UfECV3

Petition for Government Research on the Interstellar

Sign here to support me and my brothers and sisters as Brother Josh appeals to politicians around the world.


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 08:44AM by Professor_Geo http://ift.tt/1XuMnog

David Jacobs, PhD talks about abductions at a 2013 MUFON symposium


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 08:23AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/21uYItV

I'm ready for s.....x without a relationship))). Come to the site and register . Search login - Katewinsovin


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 06:49AM by ybrnwzoxtjda http://ift.tt/253U3DP

wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》ッッ동탄오피 동대문오피 せせ강서오피 장안동오피

제이제이닷컴현재접속주소http://ift.tt/1ptuxHU ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》동탄오피 동대문오피 강서오피 장안동오피 wsfjyop§+wsfjy오피 ◆광주오피《JJZOA40.com》ッッ동탄오피 동대문오피 せせ강서오피 장안동오피

Submitted March 16, 2016 at 05:47AM by opghku http://ift.tt/1ptuAn2

The Message and the Messenger


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 05:36AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1RlSoiu

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Textfile UFO/ET Documents (1980s)


Submitted March 16, 2016 at 02:01AM by mage-of-all-trades http://ift.tt/1R222rp

I am writing a book about the future. Please help me write this book

I am currently working on a book about the future. I am looking for some suggestions about it. The book is about a timeline in the next 1000 years. So far I have only gotten to 2100. In 2085 the Sino-American war happens resulting in the fall of China. America and the EU create the International Space Agency. Can YOU help me figure out what happens next by leaving suggestions on what happens next? I promise I will acknowledge you.

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 11:37PM by Hydrospacer1000 http://ift.tt/1QWubSU

The Friendship Case.


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 11:05PM by LulzMacky http://ift.tt/1Wpk0aZ

If an advanced empire of combined alien races offered humanity the chance to join their empire, what would the world's reaction be?

If an advanced empire of integrated alien races came to Earth and offered us the opportunity to join their empire, how would the world react? What do you think our answer would be?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 09:59PM by Really_dont_trust_me http://ift.tt/253kr0n

Widespread neglect puts NASA’s networks in jeopardy


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 02:26PM by Space_D http://ift.tt/1Rleguo

NASA to light a fire on a Cygnus cargo craft


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 08:39PM by Mastur_Grunt http://ift.tt/1U5TvKc


It seems that everybody is focused on leaving Earth and colonizing outwards from the sun. I was wondering if anybody had ever put any thought into reaching out in the opposite direction. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to colonize Venus, I live in AZ and it's hot enough here as it is. How possible is it to think of Venus like a fuel source? Is there any plausible way to solve our fuel crisis on Earth using Venus?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 08:02PM by CoolerCatThanYou http://ift.tt/1U5OxgH

Are the reptilian social researchers that hidden?

I was just thinking about the fact we got all this "information" about reptilian, Draco and NWO and literally none on these reptilian scientists and human social studiers. I think it would be more interesting hearing what they have learnt from our species than negative propaganda. Your views?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 07:02PM by reptilianswalkearth http://ift.tt/1YXHNAh

Derrick Jensen: When I Dream of a Planet in Recovery


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 07:19PM by CunningAllusionment http://ift.tt/1M67j4t

Reinventing the Wheel: Goodyear Unveils 3D Printed Spherical Tire Concept


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 04:27PM by thefabgeo http://ift.tt/1pJJci1

Hey!Made a video talking about why movie aliens are made to look so much like humans!


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 04:06PM by HumanSeeing http://ift.tt/1SQFi2f



Submitted March 15, 2016 at 03:21PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1Lp087f

Human Sovereignty and Freedom Regarding Extraterrestrial Nations: The Declaration of Human Sovereignty


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 02:40PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1TLU9vU

Trying to find a video I saw on youtube a few years ago.

The video I'm talking about is a documentary type of video about 3 Italian men who came in contact with some form of aliens and befriend them. The Aliens then asked for the Italian men to order truck loads of what was 'unnecessary items' and they always paid in cash, the exact amount that was needed, as the Italian men distracted the delivery driver by signing forms and such the Aliens would take the goods using -what the men described as- materialisation. Nearing the end of the video the Italian men had a voice recording of the Aliens and they played it on the video. It was in Italian but the voice on the recording had.. like a robotic undertone and whenever the Alien was trying to get a point across that was important it would repeat key words 3 times.

Has anyone seen this or have a link to the video?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 02:59PM by LulzMacky http://ift.tt/1QVBThb

Marshall Vian Summers describes his experience receiving the Allies of Humanity Briefings and discusses the nature of the alien intervention currently underway in our world.


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 01:32PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1Rku0Og

kickstarter to fund public space lab w/ telescopes

possible? Lets stop relying on photos from nasa and do our own research.

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 12:10PM by skatergirl1307 http://ift.tt/21ttN0M

Scientists shocked by NASA’s latest announcement


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 10:15AM by jurvand http://ift.tt/1V9if3e

Listening for Knowledge - The New Message from God


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 09:48AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1R0a97P

Do astronauts have the ability to commit suicide if something on a mission went wrong?

Just imagine a new spaceship flies to a planet (Mars, moon, whatever) and the engines do not work correctly so they cannot control the direction of the spaceship anymore and just fly into nothing. If they wouldn't have the opportunity to commit suicide they would start starving after a while wouldn't they?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 09:45AM by 7rust http://ift.tt/22izhOs

[Question] Did Aliens ever came to you in a dream ?

It was around 5:15am and in this dream, I was a store clerk and not a lot of people were in the store. They were maybe 2 or 3. One of them was a woman wearing a headscarf. This woman came to the cash and wanted to buy a blue winter hat. When she arrived, she told me "Can you recognize it?" or something like that. At first I didn't know what she was talking about, but then I looked into her vivid blue eyes and saw a white light getting brighter and brighter. (this happened in about 5-10 sec) then I woke up. What do you guys think about that? I've always wanted to know about them and this is the first dream I can remember the exact details. What should I do about it ?



Submitted March 15, 2016 at 07:49AM by LazyPeach http://ift.tt/21t16RO

Interview with binary decoder of the Rendlesham Forest Incident


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 07:01AM by cloudAtlas0085 http://ift.tt/1ple87A

My take on a classic photo. Astronaut Anna Lee Fisher (circa 1985. 985x985)


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 06:48AM by Vangaurds http://ift.tt/1RiH394

Earth From Space - Over 24 hours of continuous footage from the International Space Station - edited to remove breaks in transmission. Just one continuous stream of amazing footage


Submitted March 15, 2016 at 05:10AM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/1RL6bjl

Human-alien hybrids - What would they be for?

I have heard and read on quite a few occasions of these so-called hybrids that are appearing in abduction accounts more and more. It would certainly explain why aliens are so interested in the human reproductive system, but why create the hybrids in the first place? Are they trying to survive on our planet? Presumably, if they can combine their DNA with ours in the first place, then a substantial part of their cellular makeup must be similar to ours. If that's the case, then wandering around the surface of our planet would be incredibly hazardous to them (think birdflu). Maybe they are trying to use our genetics as a way to establish their own resistance to native biological agents?

Submitted March 15, 2016 at 04:34AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1QUmQEG

Monday, March 14, 2016

[KS] The Heroic Future - A 3 day multimedia live documentary project.


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 08:36PM by CunningAllusionment http://ift.tt/1Wm93XA

Disclosures of Secret Space Program Whistleblower


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 07:58PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/1SOeYWA

What is a good way(viewing order) to experience the Kennedy Space Center?

Visiting the center this week, but need guidance on the best way to plan the day. Please help.

Submitted March 14, 2016 at 07:30PM by Tauro003 http://ift.tt/1RiSZS4

Media mogul Dmitry Itskov plans to live forever by uploading his personality to a robot.


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 06:36PM by kkoolook http://ift.tt/250OAh4

How easy would it be to remove pain through genome editing in my lifetime?

Or replace it with say a heavy vibration so you know not to accidentally burn yourself without suffering. I think this could solve a lot of the problems of humanity

Submitted March 14, 2016 at 05:32PM by Terrorcuda http://ift.tt/1QSOoJ6

NASA Michoud: The road to space you never knew was there


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 03:58PM by Muhib_Z http://ift.tt/1U1VD5D

James Webb Space Telescope secondary mirror installed.


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 11:04AM by youcanscienceit http://ift.tt/2500yYa

Ray Kurzwell on the Singularity


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 10:05AM by MooresLawyer http://ift.tt/24ZV3bQ

BB-8 on Secret Mission for NASA!


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 09:41AM by JJsCat http://ift.tt/1SMFIGP

M. J. Evans, Ph.D., shares her theories on the creation and evolution of humanity


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 08:42AM by ancientalienstruth http://ift.tt/1V6ntNe

I found this. It's part 1 of 5. Watch the rest, and please tell me what you think!


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 04:53AM by hmistry http://ift.tt/1YQ79A0

Sunday, March 13, 2016

aliens found on google maps


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 12:15AM by frankinabox http://ift.tt/1RgbQDC

Real Grey Alien Caught on Tape (Very Scary)


Submitted March 14, 2016 at 12:22AM by NubianManzi http://ift.tt/1TZJXAs

Nephilim pics aka "Aliens"


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 11:54PM by HashSmokingNinja http://ift.tt/1WjLw9V

How much was Scott Kelly compensated for his year in space?

Or just in general, how are astronauts compensated for space travel to the ISS? Is there overtime pay? Do they have vacation time in space? How do weekends work? Do they get a per diem?

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 08:56PM by peterpettigrew5 http://ift.tt/1QQ1M0P

I think aliens attempted to abduct me?

So it was early morning, maybe around 6am and I was sleeping in my bed. Suddenly, I woke up but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't scream and I couldn't "wake up". I felt myself being "pulled" up towards my ceiling and I remember struggling to resist this pull. This went on for maybe about 10 minutes.

Once this feeling stopped, I "woke up", got up from my bed and walked to my washroom. My vision and everything around me was really blurry. I remember looking in the mirror and being really confused. But, I went back to bed.

Within 15 minutes, this pulling feeling happened again. I got really "panicky" but I felt like I had a better grip at resisting this "pull". I'm not sure what happened next - I think I fainted, fell back asleep or got knocked out because I woke up normally at 9am, except I woke up being really confused.

At first, I thought I had a weird dream, but I know that I walked to the washroom.

Also, this happened around the week that I went to a psychic and she told me that these "light beings" were watching me.

What do you think?

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 08:37PM by marrrtiii http://ift.tt/1nHFjZf

Aliens are Demons


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 08:01PM by 87elite http://ift.tt/1QRm6jt

Star Trails 4K Photography Time Lapse From The International Space Station


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 06:13PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/1Ll1qAa

Do Aliens drink milk shakes?

I've been wondering this for a long time!

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 06:01PM by Rustythepipe http://ift.tt/1RfHnW5

Assumptions and tendencies regarding the possibility and the reality of Contact.

We should probably confront and question many of the prevailing assumptions and tendencies regarding the possibility and the reality of Contact. These include:

  • denial;
  • hopeful expectation;
  • misinterpreting the evidence to affirm our beliefs;
  • wanting and expecting salvation from the “visitors”;
  • believing that ET technology will save us;
  • feeling hopeless and submissive to what we assume is a superior force;
  • demanding government disclosure but not ET disclosure;
  • condemning human leaders and institutions while maintaining unquestioned acceptance of the “visitors”;
  • assuming that because they have not attacked or invaded us, they must be here for our good;
  • assuming that advanced technology equals advanced ethics and spirituality;
  • believing that this phenomenon is a mystery when in fact it is a comprehensible event;
  • believing that ETs in some way have claim to humanity and to this planet;
  • and believing that humanity is irredeemable and cannot make it on its own.


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 06:06PM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1QWtaYX

What is the typically OS of a NASA computer? Do they use multiple depending on the job?

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 04:22PM by keffjing http://ift.tt/22dR09H

Hyperloop to connect Bratislava, Vienna and Budapest


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 12:20PM by RC-Roi92 http://ift.tt/1U9U8BW

Quest for extraterrestrials


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 10:55AM by luxbush http://ift.tt/1TFF9j4

We work for aliens

Basically, humans are born to reproduce. We`re not really sure what the meaning of life is... But, recently i have been thinking that we are all working for aliens but we just don't know it, think about it. We build things like Buildings, cars, cities all that stuff and we have children to carry on from where we left off. So what if aliens decided that we had done enough for them, we have built everything they wanted and so they kill us all. And they start to inhabit Earth.

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 09:28AM by MC_ALDER http://ift.tt/1QOE8BR

Could Ions Emited From Spaceship Hulls Levitate And Propel

3 Sciences Race,Spaceships,Drugs

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 09:22AM by WhiteHarem http://ift.tt/1TFu6ql

Does anyone know the term used to describe humanity wanting to find other life and feeling lonely without it?

I have heard it somewhere but I cannot remember or find it, does anyone know or at least know what I mean (even if you can't think of it yourself)?

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 07:45AM by FIREATWlLL http://ift.tt/1QQgSVl

Steps to Knowledge - Step 3: What do I really know?


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 07:38AM by Rambutan97 http://ift.tt/1RXOn7c

NASA Successfully Tests Engine That Would Power Its New Deep Space Exploration Rocket


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 06:25AM by LimedaVarieur http://ift.tt/1XmW888

March 12, 2016 10:49 pm Sporadic lights in the Southern Californian Sky

I witnessed this just a few hours ago. At about 10:50 PM I saw 3 flashes of light that illuminated a large portion of the sky. I did not actually see the point emitting the light, it appeared as if it was at ground level. Me and my roommate caught the first two flashes from inside, then moved outside to see the final flash (hence no video, sorry) we thought about it being Disney Land until we realised the direction it came from was from over the ocean and there was no sound that came with it too. A couple minutes after the last flash, we saw a plane flying off the usual path most of the planes take (We live pretty close to an airport in Costa Mesa, CA) if anyone has any further information, theories, or finds any news on this, please let us know in the comments below.

Submitted March 13, 2016 at 05:35AM by Jim_Rex_III http://ift.tt/1TF8pXp

Dr David Jacobs - The Hidden Lives of Abductees


Submitted March 13, 2016 at 04:52AM by WonkeyChikin http://ift.tt/1TXsZ5N

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Frequency Distrubter

I was thinking the only way to open up a portal in to the greys that are parelel to us is to build that device and walk through it or it will be like a nice window to see the other greys cause when your brain is on certain distorted frequency and when you just open your eyes you can see that there is a parelel earth that the greys live in I saw this one time for 5seconds

Submitted March 12, 2016 at 09:28PM by A111saw http://ift.tt/1V2DAeu

What if all the people that are trolling, are actually aliens just trying to draw out attention away.

Think about it. People will get fed and stop coming here.

Submitted March 12, 2016 at 08:07PM by yaskh http://ift.tt/1pE2Wnc

Subscribe to my ifunny! @IvanCrusades Top notch shit.


Submitted March 12, 2016 at 07:48PM by IvanCrusades http://ift.tt/1TWL5F4

NASA Selects Instruments to Study Air Pollution, Tropical Cyclones (No word yet on Launch Date/Vehicle)


Submitted March 12, 2016 at 07:31PM by StructurallyUnstable http://ift.tt/24XobRh

Interview with Joe Luciano about decoding the binary sequence of the Rendlesham Forest Incident


Submitted March 12, 2016 at 07:32PM by ancientalienstruth http://ift.tt/22ca8F0

Can you guys help me solve a 20 year personal mystery? I saw a satellite re-enter the atmosphere in 1996 (possible, but not very likely end of 1995 or beginning of 1997). Or direct me where I could find out?

I have told this story when conversations come up regarding unexplained phenomena. There was a recent post on askreddit regarding weird/creepy things we have encountered: http://ift.tt/1McOuak Anyway, that triggered my memory and I have always wanted to find out more information about the occurrence, so I thought I might ask some experts. So, here goes...

Back in 1996 or 1997, I was driving home after work. I was a bartender so it was night. Anyway, half the sky lit up and the surrounding countryside looked like it was noon (no exaggeration). Anyway, the highway that I was traveling on was running south, but it is winding road. The half of the sky that lit up was to my left (as was the satellite), but because of the nature of the road that direction could have slightly NE to almost due South. If my memory serves me correctly, I think it was probably between E and SE, but can't be sure. I believe I was right around here 34.394496, -93.111605 when it happened.

I pulled my car over and got out and looked up into the sky. It sort of looked like a plane with one wing snapped off was falling straight down while the one wing was rotating on a horizontal axis. There wasn't any kind of tail to the back portion of the object. It looked tubular with maybe a solar panel sticking out. Flames were falling behind the object, almost like a gas trail, as well as around the object and the wing or solar panel. As I was watching it, a dime sized (as if you were holding it at arms distance, so for something in the sky it was huge) star trek looking insignia with a rounded bottom (poorly drawn picture of satellite and other object http://ift.tt/1YLu3IO) shot across the entire horizon, from one side to the other in a matter of seconds (maybe 2-4). A tiny dot fell off of the alpha shapped object about half-way across the sky and burned out almost imediately. Anyway, the area that I watched it go down in was hilly, so when it disappeared behind a hill, I called 911.

The place where I parked had a pay phone, so I called 911 to report a plane crashing. They transferred me to the airport where I was assured that there was no planes that had gone down as they would have been able to pick that up by its transponder.

So, I am assuming it was a satellite re-entering our atmosphere. Regardless, it was an amazing sight that I will never forget. I would love to be able to figure out which satellite it might have been. And what the object that flew over across the sky right after it was.

I live in Central Arkansas, I told a friend about it and he said that he heard that people in Louisiana had seen something similar as well.

Someone, mentioned the alpha object could have been an iridium flare. Would an iridium flare travel from horizon to horizon in a matter of seconds?

Googling for satellite re-entries in 1996 turned up Dong Fang Hong 37 aka Jianbing 93 http://ift.tt/1V2kRzI. Does anyone know if it fits the profile of what I saw from my picture? Would it have been possible for me to see it from my approximate position? Or do I need to keep looking? Any help you guys could give me, I would really appreciate. Or if you could point me in the right direction of who to ask, if I am in the wrong place, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Submitted March 12, 2016 at 06:57PM by balderic http://ift.tt/1nFTpKw

Can you guys help me solve a 20 year personal mystery? I saw a satellite re-enter orbit in 1996 (possible, but not very likely end of 1995 or beginning of 1997). Or direct me where I could find out?

I have told this story when conversations come up regarding unexplained phenomena. There was a recent post on askreddit regarding weird/creepy things we have encountered: http://ift.tt/1McOuak Anyway, that triggered my memory and I have always wanted to find out more information about the occurrence, so I thought I might ask some experts. So, here goes...

Back in 1996 or 1997, I was driving home after work. I was a bartender so it was night. Anyway, half the sky lit up and the surrounding countryside looked like it was noon (no exaggeration). Anyway, the highway that I was traveling on was running south, but it is winding road. The half of the sky that lit up was to my left (as was the satellite), but because of the nature of the road that direction could have slightly NE to almost due South. If my memory serves me correctly, I think it was probably between E and SE, but can't be sure. I believe I was right around here 34.394496, -93.111605 when it happened.

I pulled my car over and got out and looked up into the sky. It sort of looked like a plane with one wing snapped off was falling straight down while the one wing was rotating on a horizontal axis. There wasn't any kind of tail to the back portion of the object. It looked tubular with maybe a solar panel sticking out. Flames were falling behind the object, almost like a gas trail, as well as around the object and the wing or solar panel. As I was watching it, a dime sized (as if you were holding it at arms distance, so for something in the sky it was huge) star trek looking insignia with a rounded bottom (poorly drawn picture of satellite and other object http://ift.tt/1YLu3IO) shot across the entire horizon, from one side to the other in a matter of seconds (maybe 2-4). A tiny dot fell off of the alpha shapped object about half-way across the sky and burned out almost imediately. Anyway, the area that I watched it go down in was hilly, so when it disappeared behind a hill, I called 911.

The place where I parked had a pay phone, so I called 911 to report a plane crashing. They transferred me to the airport where I was assured that there was no planes that had gone down as they would have been able to pick that up by its transponder.

So, I am assuming it was a satellite re-entering our atmosphere. Regardless, it was an amazing sight that I will never forget. I would love to be able to figure out which satellite it might have been. And what the object that flew over across the sky right after it was.

I live in Central Arkansas, I told a friend about it and he said that he heard that people in Louisiana had seen something similar as well.

Someone, mentioned the alpha object could have been an iridium flare. Would an iridium flare travel from horizon to horizon in a matter of seconds?

Googling for satellite re-entries in 1996 turned up Dong Fang Hong 37 aka Jianbing 93 http://ift.tt/1V2kRzI. Does anyone know if it fits the profile of what I saw from my picture? Would it have been possible for me to see it from my approximate position? Or do I need to keep looking? Any help you guys could give me, I would really appreciate. Or if you could point me in the right direction of who to ask, if I am in the wrong place, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Submitted March 12, 2016 at 06:44PM by balderic http://ift.tt/1pDXQar

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.