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Monday, January 31, 2022

are aliens kind?

maybe aliens are kind and they don't wanna hurt us.

what do you think about that?

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 08:53AM by Several_Juice_6482 https://ift.tt/PTrcWUiqd

UFO Spotting in Lunar Eclipse of June 2011

This happened with me in the Summer of 2011 when the Lunar Eclipse happened. My sister and I sat at the terrace to watch the event unfold, I was 11 years old. That was supposed to be the darkest night of the year. I am not sure if what I saw was actually a UFO like a flying saucer but it seemed that way, but it was too far up in the sky to clearly identify. It had lights like on a flying saucer, and its surface seemed to rotate like one, with the lights moving round like a carousal. It moved in all directions, so it was definitely not a plane. My father said it might have been a drone capturing pictures of the moon but I don't really believe people would be using drones in 2011 in Lucknow, a small city in India. I mean it could have been a drone too but I am curious if anyone knows about such other stories of possible sightings in 2011 Lunar Eclipse.

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 05:23AM by Mercury_Chap https://ift.tt/HWfrg93zU

What are some good books to read to be more educated on the types of Aliens and such?

Thank you in advance

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 04:18AM by FoxxyG https://ift.tt/ZozDykjv3

Uri Geller claims alien invasion is about to happen

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 03:33AM by kar96_ https://ift.tt/s1qSb7TEV

What would be the scariest message humanity could receive from outer space?

I’m your opinion what message would be the most frightening to receive?

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 02:38AM by Act_Consistent https://ift.tt/1uJRXkN97

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Maybe aliens created religions to provide a framework for synchronized thinking and for establishing cultures?

Listen to Jordan Peterson (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Peterson) discuss how the bible is a framework https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt9K6kmpx44 .

People here are saying religion may be created by aliens. Maybe religion is a simple 'framework' they use for progressing a chaotic society of a species to have some order and uniformity? They could be shaping us as a species for a certain purpose later to be determined, or to simply join them and bring our own diversity/perspective to solving their/other alien societal issues.

They could also be studying the impact of an religion's attributes, to how successful that society survives and thrives. Basically yo determine how to make religions with more control and uniformity.

Disclaimer: This brought to you by good weed

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 01:03AM by NnOxg64YoybdER8aPf85 https://ift.tt/8XGRNDjSJ

Anyone remember 1940-60s US government recommendation for secrecy about UFO?

I'm looking for a document I once read, but can't remember everything or find it. I'm hoping someone here can help me, please let me know if you remember the document I'm describing or have a reference.

The document provides an assessment to Congress about UFOs and recommendations for actions. I think it came from the 1940s-60s. I would guess closer to the 40s because it was an early document.

I understand it to be the last honest recommendation or assessment published by the US government about UFO/ETs because it basically said, "If UFO/ETs are real and here, the government should lie about it because the people aren't ready."

I think this was before Blue Book and the Condon report.

I have an impression that the CIA was a thing by the time of the assessment, not OSI.

I think I read the document through the FOIA website. I was shocked at how public the document was and also how explicit the plan was, basically, "if UFOs are here, we should deny it."

Does anyone remember this document or know where I can find it?

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 08:53AM by CosmicDreamSanctuary https://ift.tt/sGJ9itDuA

Deep thoughts

How convinced are you that aliens are real. I’m high af and want to conversate

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 04:20AM by Bulky_Tourist_9369 https://ift.tt/f5EpG3or2

Alien Abduction or highway hypnosis?

I need your guys help sorting through something that happened to my wife and I. We had got invited to go to my dads to hang out and and eat some good food. We did drink some. My brother was there and asked if we wanted to hang for a bit at his house after, we said sure. The drive to his house from my dads was about an hour drive, it was night time at this point. I was driving and my wife was in the passenger seat. We were headed Down the highway and at a certain point seemingly out of nowhere it’s like we both came to and realized we had missed our turn and we’re about 30 minutes passed it. We had to turn around and were about 45 minutes late to my brothers… now this is weird because we both came to around the same time. We both didn’t realize we had driven as far as we did. To me it seemed like there was lost time. It was all very odd. Does anyone know if this is just an innocent case of highway hypnosis or something crazier?? Any info will help thank you.

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 05:12AM by SuperDuperWavyCrazy https://ift.tt/ikjBsWZt5

Weird Sighting on Live Webcam (Earthcam) - Saipan Beach - 29 Jan, 2022

Hey Everyone !

Yesterday while I was casting some live animal webcams for my 2.5 yo son from Earthcam to our TV, we came across some eery and unexplainable sighting on one of the cams, Saipan Beach Cam to be specific.

The time in Saipan was between 9:13-9:16 PM, and everything was dark except for some small lit-up hut. A fairy looking object came up flying in the dark sky with what looked like a sparkly wave pattern until it disappeared.

Unfortunately, I couldn't take an image of it as my phone was with my son and it happened in a split of a second.

Anyone has an idea how to access the history of Earthcam webcams? Or knows someone who works there and can help?

Details: Location: Saipan Beach Cam Time: 9:13-9:16 PM (Saipan time) Date: 29 Jan 2022

Cheers !

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 03:55AM by TheFibrilator https://ift.tt/TOv9xCcwW

Sorry to bother you, I'm looking for a video.

I recently watched a 2 hour Podcast of a retired CIA guy talking about aliens. Can't remember his name or the name of the podcast. He was a skinny asian guy that wore glasses probably around 50 years old. The leader of the Podcast was a big fat guy wearing a tie.

Anyway, he was talking about his experiences with UFO's while in the CIA and the different meetings he went to. At around the hour and a half mark, he said that the people were actually worshiping the wrong side of the Bible. Saying that the people should really be worshiping the Luciferian aliens because they wanted to progress our technology faster, and that the Aliens who we refer to as God wanted to slow down our technological progress.

I'm trying to find that video. Any ideas? It was recorded this week I think.

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 03:08AM by Tellin_Truths https://ift.tt/jdi28O7qC

Saturday, January 29, 2022

how has bob lazar not been arrested

so maybe this is a dumb question, but isn’t spilling the beans on area 51 treason and grounds for imprisonment?

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 01:06AM by Dude0927_ https://ift.tt/kqOJvxE2T

Mars exploration: they sure are sending a lot of probes out there. What is the probability they are looking for remnants of an ancient civilization, including ancient tech?

Per title

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 11:50PM by RevolutionFriendly56 https://ift.tt/kfiWlh4XB

Electronic Telepathy

Electronic Telepathy, or e-telepathy, is a sub-trope of Telepathy. In most cases, characters using telepathic powers will do so by using some kind of supernatural force or a highly evolved biological mechanism that comes thanks to being a Sufficiently Advanced Alien. However, in some cases, a character will have no natural or supernatural telepathic ability and instead use a Brain–Computer Interface to gain this power. In this form of telepathy, thoughts are converted from impulses in the brain (electric activity produced by neuron reaction potentials) into digital signals that can then be broadcast artificially to another e-telepath using radio waves or some other form of wireless communication. Obviously, this can lead to Mental Fusion or even a Hive Mind, just as non-technological telepathy can. This form of telepathy is different from others in that it does not allow Mind Reading, since a person must be actively transmitting a signal in order for another to receive it. However, it is possible for an enterprising cyborg to "mind hack" another user of an implant and monitor their thoughts without their permission, similar to infecting a computer with spyware.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 06:08AM by Slight_Lunch4786 https://bit.ly/3Gb8hcy

Animal mutilations and the greater implications

In the last several weeks I’ve tried to research and understand this topic in more depth. After doing so I have a few observations and a couple questions.


1) While cattle mutilations get the headlines, many other mammals have been involved, including dolphin, horses, dogs, cats and marmots. Cattle are the most common mammals on the planet at about 1bb.

2) The earliest documentation of the phenomenon was recorded by King Edward several centuries ago.

3) There are a few basic variations in cases but far more similarities. Some of which include, cuts made with surgical precision, specific organs removed including single ears, ‘cored anus’, missing tongues, missing male genitalia, missing udders, exposed jaw bones, and the big one….not a drop of blood to be found anywhere, which rules out earlier theories of predation and ‘satanic cults’.

4) The phenomenon has been reported in every country around the world with the exception of India. Coincidentally (or not) the dominant religion in India is Hinduism which holds cattle as sacred.

5) The total number of reported mutilations is unclear but anecdotally it seems pretty staggering

6) Eyewitnesses have reported seeing lights and metallic orbs in the area. In a few cases witnesses reported seeing cattle being lifted to a ship in a beam of light. As with crop circles there are some pictures and video of these small metallic orbs near cattle.

7) Police, FBI, scientists and others have investigated many cases over the years with no conclusive findings

8) Many people are convinced (as am I) that these mutilations are being perpetrated by aliens.

So here are my two questions. (I find it interesting that in all I’ve read and watched on the subject, I’ve seen few if any people asking #2.

1) I’ve seen only 1-2 theories from alleged abductees who claim to have been told by (reptilian) aliens the reason(s) for these mutilations. Assuming you agree aliens are responsible, what credible reasons have you heard for the mutilations being conducted?

and the big one….

2) Most moral humans would consider the wanton mutilation of animals (allegedly while still alive) to be cruel, immoral, insensitive and unnecessary, etc. Not to mention the theft of valuable property without regard to compensation or consideration of the owners.

So, what does all this say about the morals and values of these ‘highly advanced’ beings and their egregious lack of compassion and respect for the animals and life in general? Not to mention a lack of respect and consideration for their owners. The whole picture doesn’t bode well for a healthy relationship between us and them. Morals and compassion seem to have advanced in a different direction than their intelligence. Right? So WTF does that mean for humans? “Yes, yes, it’s true. We’ve stolen and butchered every mammal on your planet at some point but loosen up guys, we draw the line when they’ve got opposable thumbs”. ?!?! 👽😱🤞🙏😅🖕🏿

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 01:33AM by Soft_Tax1757 https://bit.ly/341uVHk

Burnt sugar smell inside UFOs.

Seen this characteristic come up a few times. So, I looked up what smells like burnt sugar. Coolants smell like burnt sugar when it leaks. Many of the abductees are shown the "engine room" when they describe this smell.

Edit. Other smells include sulfur and ozone. The sulfur smell is linked to the devil. It's also linked to ball lightning and poltergeist activity. Whitley Strieber also described the smell with his contact.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 01:41AM by TabrisSeele https://bit.ly/3g9gWl3

Here's a very strange situation that happened to me a while back that I still can't get out of my head to this day.

So a few years back I was watching a show about aliens (which I very much believe in but also try to remain rational about certain experiences) when a thought popped in my head.

"Oh yeah if aliens are actually real and so advanced then they could probably read my thoughts, so why don't you just cut the power to my house right now"

Before I even finished my thought the power cut and chiils went over my entire body as I sat frozen for about 5 minutes. My parents came out of there room and were like "hmm that's weird it's sunny and there's no wind , I wonder why that happened" I looked at them and told them they wouldn't believe me if I told them.

To this day I get creeped out thinking about it. I try to tell myself it was an extreme coincidence and maybe the utility company was doing work down the road. The power came back on after about 15 seconds and didn't go off again.

But my rational brain also understands that the chances of this being a coincidence are slim to none given the weather, the thought that was going through my head and the show I was watching...

Anyone else ever experience something similar? I'd be interested to hear about it and if you think my experience was a coincidence.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 03:00AM by foggyhead93 https://bit.ly/3INUwCa

Friday, January 28, 2022

Making contact will be good or bad?

I for one believe they are real and will want to help us. If they wanted us dead they would have done it long ago. I believe they wanna make contact with us but we are just not advanced enough to make contact proper contact with them, even if we do manage to make early contact humans might take them as an immediate threat. Honestly the thought of making contact with aliens sound both scary and exciting to me unfortunately I don't think I'll be alive to see it. But just imagine humans making friendly contact with a more advanced life form. Please tell me what you guys think of it.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 12:08AM by Orphan-Shooter https://bit.ly/3INtfzT

What will aliens emotions be like something greater than happy?


Submitted January 28, 2022 at 02:29PM by Professional_Fee3749 https://ift.tt/3ILIwRH

Could aliens be NFTs?

This NFT stuff is rapidly evolving. Could it evolve, perhaps through AI into some kind of blockchain driven intelligence which creates NFTs, and the NFTs buy themselves, and keep doing it till there's big data, which we humans wouldn't recognise anymore and the only way it can interact with us is by quantum mimicking our cultural biases so that its aliens ans ufos?

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 01:49PM by phr99 https://ift.tt/32IK3sw

Should we put more thought into the UFOs/UAPs are Russians and Chinese, or American theory?

We still don't know what the hell these things are in our skies. So it's easier to assume it's tech by the USA or another country. It's, even more, easier to assume all UFOs/UAPs are just balloons and birds. It's easier to assume humans and mundane things are behind this phenomenon because that is all we know so far. That is what we are used to.

What I mean by the title. Is should we explain why the UFOs/UAPs can't be the USA or another country tech, more often. Note im not saying UFOs/UAPs are not man-made by humans. I'm just saying should we at least question the man-made UFO theory more often on this sub.

I'm doing this post because of the way UFOs/UAPs act in our skies. I don't know if im the only one who sees this. Or im just reaching here. But do you guys ever notice how strange UFOs/UAPs act? Like it's not human or something. Guys im not saying it's aliens Lol. I'm just saying the behavior seems very alien.

Ask yourself this question. If this tech from UFOs/UAPs were truly made by Russians, Chinese, or Americans. They why would human beings go to military bases out in the open? Does that seem like human behavior to you? You would think if Russia or China had this tech the world would never know lol. Because usually, human beings work in the shadows, not in the open. Sure there is a good possibility these crafts might be remote-controlled by Russia or China. But my point still stands. Why the hell would they want to be open in the public to people. Secrecy is ingrained in our DNA. We are like ninjas.

Again it's almost like these UFOs/UAPs behaviors seem not human a bit. For starters, the UFOs/UAPs don't care about being watched or observed by people. The objects are just there in the skies, just chilling on military bases. When in human history have human beings ever been out in the open and not discreet at all.

In conclusion

Either Russia, China, or America think they are invincible, to the point where they can do god-level trolling on military bases lol. Or something else is going on here.

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 01:04PM by Some_Personality8379 https://ift.tt/3o63wKY

How can I get a steady job in the UFO industry?

Is it possible to get some kind of basic job at a UFO or ET related museum / research department / library or even as an assistant to an investigator? Where do you recommend? I want a structured role so that I can devote a regular amount of time to learning about UFOs / ET research while also networking. I've just never been so inspired by a specific topic before. Thank you.

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 11:47AM by iva_yos https://ift.tt/3g4IesP

This 1973 abduction case included an entire family and deceptive communications from the kidnappers. It happened during the major 1973 wave of UFOs & humanoids sightings.

Name/Date/Location: Mrs. Patty Roach and four children, especially Bonnie, age 12-13, and Debbie, 6; October 16-17, 1973; Lehi, Utah

Preliminary: Mrs. Roach, a divorced mother of seven children, was moving into a new house and fell asleep on the couch. Her youngest boy sleeping beside her awoke and screamed that he saw a skeleton. She thought she saw an intruder, and heard the family cat and neighborhood dogs barking, so she called the police at 12:10 A.M. They arrived and searched unsuccessfully for a prowler. Bonnie, age 12 or 13, and Debbie, age 6, told the police that the prowlers really were spacemen, and Debbie described the interior of a "spaceship." Mrs. Roach remembered seeing a bright light outside prior to falling asleep.

Initial activities: Under hypnosis Mrs. Roach recalled that she awakened to see a bright light shining on her and her youngest son floating away while two beings stood nearby. These beings held her by the upper arms and drew her out of the house. Other beings escorted the three struggling children. They floated through a hatch.

Craft/Beings: The craft waited hidden in a nearby field. Mrs. Roach did not describe the exterior, but inside was a round, bright room, with stars visible through a window near the top. The beings were just over 4ft. (1.2 m) tall and skinny, their faces masklike and white with large elongated eyes and a straight mouth. They wore luminous uni- forms with Sam Brown belts, gloves, and helmet-like headgear. They had long arms with three-fingered, clawlike hands and small thumbs.

Onboard features: The room contained machines like computers, a clocklike device, glass cases full of liquid, and a floating table. A human male about 55 years old, balding and wearing glasses, assisted the beings. Debbie described an Indian girl in a long dress on board.

Onboard activities: Efficient in their work, the beings treated Mrs. Roach like a specimen. She undressed and laid on the table while wires were attached to one leg and arm. A gynecological examination followed, including insertion of a needle into her abdomen without pain. Another needle was inserted in her head to "take her thoughts," a process she resented but could not resist. Bonnie recalled watching a group of beings and a human male as they stood around a table where her naked mother lay. The Indian girl placed Debbie on some kind of machine, and Debbie recalled a line of people waiting to get on a floating table.

Communication: At the onset a being asked Debbie her name and assured her she would not be sick anymore. The beings questioned Mrs. Roach about what she loved and hated, and she understood that they had urgent need to understand human thoughts and emotions. The human was kind but seemed deceptive, and tried to trick her into believing she had taken a ride in the craft.

Termination/Return: The beings wiped her with a cloth and returned her clothes, but refused to answer questions about the safety of her children. They were back in the house before the beings grasped her arms and floated her back onto the couch. The beings placed the children in different places from before and departed by the time Mrs. Roach and her son awoke with fragmentary memories.

Aftermath: Debbie was sick just after the police left, but she no longer suffered any chronic illness. Mrs. Roach and Bonnie found pinpricks on their upper arms that healed within a few days. Nearly two years passed from the kidnapping before Mrs. Roach began to explore this experience.


Lorenzen, Coral, and Jim Lorenzen. Abducted! Confrontations with Be- ings from Outer Space. New York: Berkley Books, 1977, 9-24;

Kevin Randle. The October Scenario. Iowa City, IA: Middle Coast Publishing, 1988, 17-30

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 10:14AM by Spacecowboy78 https://ift.tt/3g49Cai

If they bleed, they can die?

Been thinking myself that what would happen if you kill an non-terrestrial being?, I’m not saying that if they exist we should exterminate them but by example you’re a normal dude and see one of them you get scared and you shoot one of the fear.

I understand that some say the US held captive some of them after Roswell, but my question is, if you kill one (any race) they will try to defend themselves or later take action against you like maybe some sort of intergalactic police?, I mean damn I’m pretty sure if Gorillas exist and they’re very strong compared to a normal human being, maybe some alien race is probably so strong that could kill one of us with one punch if we make them angry.

Just my thoughts, what you think?

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 02:16AM by Thurizsaz https://ift.tt/3Gfzj2E

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pure speculation - We are "living" in a simulation and UFO/Alien encounters are 'someone' just fucking with us.

Reading about how in the 1800's there were sightings of airships with propellers and occupants singing, and how in the 1950's & 60's craft were seen with fire exhaust and now we get sightings of sleek craft. This led me to think that someone or something is just fucking around with humanity.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 04:02PM by MadBetter50 https://ift.tt/3KObkec

The History of the Takohamo Research Facility has all but been erased from the Internet, anyone have additional information?

The History of Takohamo (As Divulged To Me…)

In 1961 the first (documented) meeting between USA military personnel and a particular race of extraterrestrials took place on the Takohamo Plateau, which is (or WAS) an area on the Canadian/USA border, near the Great Lakes. During this meeting 3 humans were 'exchanged' for 3 aliens. As a result of the meeting, the Takohamo Military Experimental Camp was created in a joint USA/Soviet effort to establish superiority over their alien visitors. That the USA and Soviets put aside their 'Cold War' differences to work on this project in total secrecy is astounding enough, and begs the question – what were they trying to achieve?

In 1967 the ETs returned (without the exchanged humans). By now, 1 of the exchanged aliens had died (as a result of the experiments) and the other 2 had escaped the Takohamo Military Camp, obviously fearing for their lives. The game of 'interplanetary double-crossing' was in full-swing by now. The ETs demanded the return of their own, but the USA/Soviets claimed that all 3 'exchangees' had escaped the Takohamo facility. An ultimatum was given by the ETs to the USA/Soviets that all 3 be returned to them within a year. Desperate to avoid any exposure of their real intentions the USA/Soviets mounted a campaign to locate the 2 escaped ETs. After months of searching, 'OLSEN-2' (codename for one of the escaped aliens) had been located. On these surveillance tapes OLSEN-2 waited by a window 24 hours a day, obviously waiting for a signal or waiting for rescue. The USA/Soviets decided that they would not approach OLSEN-2, and couldn't locate OLSEN-3 (the other ET escapee). A year later, in October 1968 the ETs returned once more. The USA/Soviets claimed that all 3 ETs were unable to be found, and as a consequence of this, the ETs destroyed the (majority of the) Takohamo Experimental Military Camp (with severe loss of human life) in October 1968.

OLSEN-2 was monitored for the next 9 months, until 18 July 1969, when it was decided that OLSEN-2 was no longer useful in the USA assault on the Earth’s Moon. In fact, OLSEN-2 became a THREAT to the Apollo 11 mission. OLSEN-2 was assassinated by USA military personnel on 19 July 1969. On 20 July 1969, Neil Armstrong walks on Earth’s Moon. On 26 July 1969, the USA was 'officially' warned by the aliens to 'stay off the Moon.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 02:50PM by 444444444444333333 https://ift.tt/3G59j9V

Gaia Space Channel- Yay or Nay?

So I keep getting ads on YouTube for Gaia. Their YouTube channel had a few interesting videos. However, the ads I keep getting are Johnny Enoch saying there are humans who have lived for 200 thousand years. Plus a European guy with a mustache who says that Lizard Aliens and other aliens are living in the world. The last ad I keep getting is Greer who seems like a scammer.

Has anyone gotten the channel? Is it worth the price or should I subscribe to the channel on YT?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 12:24PM by Murrman1978 https://ift.tt/3u9U3Gq

I am looking for a disclosure/interview video on youtube from 2008

Hey, so about 2-3 years ago I came across a video on reddit (I can't recall what subreddit) that was linked from YouTube.

I recall the video was released on youtube around late 2008. The video was under 10min long and its contents were in essense just stock images and video clips of the moon landing and Area 51. What was interesting was the audio. The audio was of a retired government worker who had knowledge and experience in Black Projects and UFO (like Philip Schneider). Whom claimed that there are Alien bases on the far side of the moon.

That there is one alien race like 1,000 years more advance than us and then one even more advanced than them. That the aliens come from another dimension.

If anyone can link it to me, I'd be very happy.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 10:41AM by JaegerBourne https://ift.tt/3KR2R9Y

How Much Is An Alien Worth?

Just curious, how much do you guys think the government would pay for the whereabouts of an alien?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 09:43AM by Choice-Funny-7965 https://ift.tt/3AEETdK

possible abduction, dream?

So, my girlfriend, who I will call S from now on had weird dream last night, as well as my sister. She dreamt of being at some kind of camp ad wondering into the forest, where she saw a tipical grey.The grey alien was nice to her, but she attackeh it, kinda killing it.When other camp members sawwhat she did, they were angry at her, and at some point, became the grays, where she, somehow started killing them. Same night, my sister had a simmilar dream where she and I were fighting the same grey alien in our livingroom and being abducted. S also told me that I was in her dream, with my sister, and that we were running away from them with her, so did my sister.

I often have dreams with greys, but they are not scary, they just talk to me about space, in what I am so interested, and telling me some facts..

I don't know what to make of it, any questions or suggestions are of help.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 05:15AM by AggravatingRip5443 https://ift.tt/33O7Yrb

A question for every alien enthusiasts in this community!

What is one conspiracy theory (probably relating to aliens) that is way too absurd and baseless but also fascinated you in some way?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 03:19AM by Leveloski https://ift.tt/3Gas6R3

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A new massive "Oumuamua" like object has been spotted traveling through the Orion Nebula!!

This object looks nearly identical to what we saw back in 2017. Like extremely identical, to me the odds of this are very slim. Keep in mind, a long massive cigar shaped object would be ideal to travel in space. Due to its long body it can be massive, but skinny enough to dodge any space debris ahead of time.

Oumuamua did speed up after it passed by us, which is something we have never observed before. Are these some sort of probes, ships, or just rocks? What are the odds these two objects are related?

The Orion Nebula object doesn't look like anything in its immediate surroundings and was accidentally found via a NASA probe.

Orion Nebula object: https://imgur.com/ij18Djy

Oumuamua: https://imgur.com/NGxOt2q

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 01:59PM by WardTheSky https://ift.tt/3nZLJ8c

So you just saw Joe Rogan, heard about the tic tac, and now you have an opinion on abductions!

Save it.

Just stop.

The whole UFO thing was a joke to you before the minute you learned it was real, and now you’re going through the same arrogant thing with the abduction phenomena.

Your intuition isn’t as good as you think, or you would have been here before it was big mainstream news.

If you feel the need to express your opinion about it, use the term “I think”. Shit even if you’re seasoned like me, “I think”.

If you’ve never heard the name John Mack, please become aware of him before you develop strong opinions about the abduction phenomena. He’s one of the most credible researchers.

Please also learn about school landings.


Submitted January 26, 2022 at 01:11PM by adhominem4theweak https://ift.tt/3AxgaId

This 1975 abduction includes the now well-known "hitchhiker effect," the burnt odor, as well as the removal and replacement of the victim in a moving vehicle.

Name/Date/Location: David Stephens, 21, and "Glen," 18; October 27, 1975; Tripp Pond, Maine

Preliminary: After hearing an explosion, witnesses drove to a nearby lake at about 2:30 A.M. The car turned as if of its own accord onto a road that seemed unusually smooth. A herd of cows lay sleeping on the ground, and no traffic or other moving thing appeared. Two lights rose soundlessly from a corn field and, as they neared, enlarged into a craft. It followed the car for a minute, then shone a brilliant light beam on it; the car skidded sideways and the men lost consciousness.

Initial activities: Under hypnosis Stephens remembered standing outside the car while "Glen" remained inside. A humanoid being met Stephens and escorted him to a hospital-like room.

Craft/Beings: The craft was large and cylindrical with many lights of various colors. The beings were about 4 ft. (1.4 m) tall and had large hairless heads, large slanted and unblinking eyes, small noses, and no ears or mouths. Their skin was white and seemed harder than human skin. They had four webbed fingers and wore black garments.

Onboard features: Stephens saw two rooms: one was domed with curving walls and a shiny floor, the other (hospital-like) room had gray walls, a shiny floor, and bright lights overhead. The latter had an "operating table" and equipment, felt cool, and had a burnt smell.

Onboard activities: Four beings drew two tubes of blood from Stephens's arm, took trimmings of his hair and nails. He refused to undress and struck one of the beings, who appeared neither hurt nor angry. He then gave in without further resistance and felt no fear as the beings undressed him. While lying on the table, a device scanned his body for 40-45 minutes. Finally, they gave him an injection in the shoulder (a common point of injection in these cases).

Communication: After the examination Stephens got dressed and communicated with the beings. The original being reassured him that he would not be harmed. They communicated by "brain waves" and said that they had observed him for some time, and would meet with him again. They refused to answer questions about themselves.

Termination/Return: After the shoulder injection, they led Stephens back to the first room. He next recalled being back in the car with "Glen" driving away from the corn field while the UFO continued to follow them. They stopped the car in a field, its engine and radio dead. The main UFO and two additional disks remained in sight, maneuvering until a fog hid them. Around 6:30 A.M. the large UFO seemed to suck up the fog and fly away. The car then became operational again.

Aftermath: When the men arrived home, they felt cold, sore, and lightheaded. They lacked balance and coordination, and their eyes burned and had a notable orange discoloration that persisted for three days. Stephens experienced intense thirst and both men slept soundly. Hallucinations and poltergeist-like activity troubled them for the next few days, and a random, stocky man warned Stephens not to talk about the experience. Under hypnosis, he refused to discuss when or whether the beings said they would return. Investigation began October 28, and hypnosis sessions followed between December 1975 and March 1976.

See: Raynes, Brent M, "The Twilight Side of a UFO Encounter," Flying Saucer Review (June 1976) 11-14;

Fickett, Shirley C, "The Maine UFO Encounter: Investigation under Hypnosis," Flying Saucer Review (June 1976): 14-17;

Schwarz, Berthold Eric, "Comments on the Psychiatric-Paranormal Aspects of the Maine Case," Flying Saucer Review (June (1976) 18-22;

Lorenzen, Coral, and Jim Lorenzen, "Abducted! Confrontations with Beings from Outer Space," New York: Berkley Books, 1977, 70-79.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 10:59AM by Spacecowboy78 https://ift.tt/3H5mUiU

112 - Conversations with Love / Source. Star / Sun entity becomes human to learn to find her light

Raw video recording of deep trance hypnosis session, Quantum healing, Akashic records access, "past" lives regression and Higher Self conversation.

* Entity having a duty of a star/Sun, but failing in its duty

* Focus on the lotus inside you giving your energy and wisdom

* Power of attention and focus to have happiness and joy

* Higher self of the star entity is energy of Love / Peace / Source which gives practical advice about her current life and future...

• Be more connected with plants/animals/sun/water

• Importance of patience in development

And much more...


Submitted January 26, 2022 at 11:14AM by archeolog108 https://ift.tt/3g1v14e

My Grandmother saw a UFO

My grandmother and I got on the topic of UFOs and I asked her what she thought of them. She said she didn't know about UFOs but she saw something that confused her once. Apparently she saw "The mother Mary walking up the golden steps to heaven". She is Christian so that's probably why she explained it that way. Anyways- she gets awkward easily and just changed the conversation so more questions weren't welcome.
What do you think that means? If she brought it up, I'm assuming she thought it was extraterrestrial something.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 06:21AM by CrookedLadyM https://ift.tt/33KL8k9

Possible abduction?

I don't know if this is allowed by the rules so I apologize if not.

I grew up in an area where I've seen a lot of weird things. I've seen a 10 foot tall black figure on an ATV trail when it was getting close to nightfall. I've seen 3 lights the size of a country road rotating in a circle in fog above the same village. But this is definitely the strangest and scariest to me.

About 1 1/2 months ago I think I might have gotten abducted. It was about 2-3 AM and I was lying in bed. I fell asleep pretty quick but then my eyes shot open quickly which is pretty off for me to do. I saw this thing standing above me in my living room. It had a Head like an owl with 6 black eyes. When the light from my TV hit its eyes they had a shade of red. It stood at about 8 feet from what I guess. All I remember seeing was its head sadly. It leaned down and got right into my face. I couldn't move at all but I felt fear like I never have before. My eyes shut and when they opened again I was somewhere else. I was in a white room and I could barely see because of how bright it was. I saw these old computer looking things with red and green lights blinking. My eyes shut again until I woke up the next morning way earlier than normal.

It still scares me and I can't fall asleep without some light on. I'm normally fearless. I don't know what happened and part of me isn't sure if I want to know. But I feel empty not knowing if this was something real or not. It felt very real. The fear that I feel in that moment and right now is very real.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 05:26AM by seanlocke139 https://ift.tt/3tYzqgr

Can anyone point to the most compelling evidence?

I need the skeptics out there. The ones who don’t believe anecdotes and find reasonable explanations for almost anything. Is there any impossible to explain and credible evidence I can look at? Even if it’s small or seemingly inconsequential

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 03:31AM by AlmightyKira https://ift.tt/3Gfhi4x

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Mind blowing documentary

Can anyone recommend some mind blowing alien documentary, video, or movie you recommend? I feel like I’ve seen em all. TIA.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 12:29AM by Character-Put-850 https://ift.tt/3u0NDcB

Some thoughts on the Control System Theory proposed by Jacques Vallee

Just finished Reading Jacques Vallee book Dimensions, which seems to be a stepping stone on actual UFO research. In it Jacques Vallee tries to challenge the Ufo- Aliens Spacecraft Theory and proposes an alternate theory of a system of control from other dimensional beings or possibly a new aspect of our consciousness that develops on other dimensions.

Summary of Dimensions by Jacques Vallee

Some arguments from Jacques Vallee.

– ‘’Challenging the Spacecraft Theory

  1. Too Many Landings

The first argument against the idea of flying saucers as spacecraft lies, oddly enough, in the large number of verified, unexplained sightings. In my own files I have selected approximately two thousand documented cases of close encounters from every country on earth, many of them involving occupants of various sizes and shapes. It may seem that two thousand cases in some twenty years is not a very large number, but we are talking only about the cases that were actually reported. It is possible to calculate how many landings this represents if, as the contactees claim, UFOs are spacecraft whose occupants happened to be surprised by witnesses who wandered onto the scene as the craft was being repaired or as the crew was conducting some exploration of our planet. To make this estimation we must take into account three factors: the time of the sighting, the probability that it will be reported, and the place of the event. Most landings are reported to take place after 6:00 P.M. The frequency distributions my computer studies have disclosed for every continent show this activity peaking at about 10:30 P.M., decreasing sharply after that time, and increasing again just before dawn. There are few reports after 6:00 A.M. What could this mean? That the activity of the objects is nocturnal by nature and by choice. Then why do the reports decrease in frequency around midnight? Simply because people go to bed: after 10:30 P.M. the number of potential witnesses is severely reduced. Then let us ask how many reports would we have if people did not go to bed but stayed outside to watch these so-called spacecraft. The answer is about thirty thousand. We would have to multiply the number of cases by a factor of fifteen, and the actual peak would then be between 1:00 and 3:00 A.M. Now, this last figure does not begin to approximate the actual number of events, because we know from many independent studies that only one case in ten ever gets reported. Then we should have not thirty thousand but three hundred thousand cases in our files!

But this still isn't the whole story: most landings occur in unpopulated areas, away from dwellings. If the earth's population were distributed evenly instead of being concentrated in city areas, how many reports would we have? Again, taking a conservative multiplying factor of ten leads us to the staggering conclusion that the UFOs, if they are spacecraft engaged in a general survey of our planet, must have landed here no fewer than three million times in two decades!

[I first reported this finding ten years ago in a paper delivered before the American Institute of Aeronautics and astronautics. This "law of the times" has now been verified by other researchers in various countries, and the total number of estimated landings has been repeatedly confirmed.] This number is totally absurd. Using a single probe the size of a beer keg in orbit a thousand miles above the earth, human technology as it exists today would be able to capture in a few weeks most of the important facts about the planet's geography, weather, vegetation, and culture. Given the earth's abundant emission of radio and television programs for the last fifty years, even the deployment of such a space probe might be unnecessary. This is one of the little-recognized facts of the UFO problem that any theory has yet to explain. The theory of random visitation does not explain it. Either the UFOs select their witnesses for psychological or sociological reasons, or they are something entirely different from space vehicles. In either case, their appearances are staged!

  1. The Super Physics of the UFOs

Most witnesses are not primarily reporting an object or a craft; they are reporting a light, a massive, multicolored, intense, pulsating light, a playful, fascinating, impressive, hypnotic light that is accompanied by strange sounds. In other words, UFOs may be unidentified, but they are not flying, as birds and airplanes fly, and they do not always behave as material objects. How much do we know from the avilable scientific literature about the effects of strong, pulsed, colored lights and other electromagnetic radiations, such as microwaves and gamma rays, on the human brain and on the major nerves? Pitifully little. Until this area is fully explored, we will only have a poor understanding of the physics of UFOs.

  1. The Absurd Humanoids

Contactees tell us they have met the denizens of other planets. In some cases the beings turned out to be robots or dwarfs in diving suits, but in most incidents they were humanoid, and they could breathe our air. They walked normally on our planet. In a variety of sightings they were accompanied by human beings. Occasionally, the occupants were completely human and spoke human languages. The same applies to elves and angels, to sylphs and to jinn. However, visitors from outer space would not be human in shape. They would certainly not breathe our air (for fear of viruses, even if they were adapted to the atmosphere's chemical composition). They might have serious problems with the earth's gravity. They would not fit within our culture. We would not recognize the emotions on their faces

Emerging fully armed into our local universe, the UFOs provide the physical support for our own dreams. We do the rest. Our brains erect a ladder of symbols toward the darkened skies where the strange machines hover, and we meet them more than halfway across the bridge of their strangeness – perhaps because we vaguely percieve that their irresistible, pathetic adventure is closely related to our own. But the extraterrestrial theory is not good enough, because it is not strange enough to explain the facts.’’

Than Jacques Vallee goes on to develop his Theory of System of Control

- ‘’As a society, we are developing a great thirst for contact with superior minds that will provide guidance for our poor, harassed, hectic planet. I think we may be ready to fall into a trap, perhaps a kind, benevolent pitfall. I believe that when we speak of UFO sightings as instances of space visitations we are looking at the phenomenon on the wrong level. We are not dealing with successive waves of visitations from space. We are dealing with a control system. The thermostats that regulate your house temperature summer and winter are an example of a control system. In summer, a thermostat allows the air to get warmer until a certain limit is reached, and then the cooling system is triggered. But in winter, when the outside atmosphere turns cold and the temperature drops below another limit, a different mechanism, the heater, comes into play and warms the house. A naive observer might try to explain all this by assuming that warm is "good" and cold is "bad." He or she would be right half the time. Another naive observer of the opposite school might take a reversed view and decide that warm is "evil." He or she would also be right half the time. To understand the whole phenomenon one needs a grasp of the control concept, and one must be ready to understand that it needs two opposite principles for its function. I propose that there is a spiritual control system for human consciousness and that paranormal phenomena like UFOs are one of its manifestations. I cannot tell whether this control is natural and spontaneous; whether it is explainable in terms of genetics, of social psychology, or of ordinary phenomena – or if it is artificial in nature, under the power of some superhuman will. It may be entirely determined by laws that we have not yet discovered. I am led to this idea by the fact that, in every instance of the UFO phenomenon I have been able to study in depth, I have found as many rational elements as absurd ones, as many that I could call friendly as I could call hostile…..

- What is the variable being controlled in this control system? Thermostats control temperature; gyroscopes control the direction in which a rocket flies. What could a paranormal phenomenon control? I suggest that it is human belief that is being controlled and conditioned.

- When I speak of a spiritual control system I do not mean that some higher supercivilization has locked us inside the constrains of a space-bound jail, closely monitored by entities we might call angels or demons. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual trends have no real power. At that level, time frames are long and evolution is slow. Mass media, which are designed to give split-second images of transient noise (the noisier the better), miss this signal entirely. A society with an attention span of minutes (the interval between two TV commercial breaks) can have no concept of events that began when my grandfather was not yet born and will end after my grandson dies. But there are such long-term changes. They dominate the destiny of civilizations. Myths define the set of things scholars, politicians, and scientists can think about. They are operated upon by symbols, and the language these symbols form consistutes a complete system. This system is metalogical, but not metaphysical. It violates no laws because it is the substance of which laws are made. The theory does not explain how UFOs are made to appear to us, although it gives support to one idea about them: that they are constructed both as physical craft (a fact which has long appeared to me undeniable) and as psychic devices whose exact properties remain to be defined. As a focus for psychic phenomena, the UFO evokes a deep emotional reaction in the viewer, but logical development of an investigation is prevented – or precluded – by the apparent violations of causality that surround it and by the sociological climate that is created. Scientists may be willing to interview witnesses who have seen a landed craft, but they may not wish to talk with the witnesses. Or a witness may offer as "proof" of his experience a couple of pancakes given to him by extraterrestrials, or a recitation of meaningless messages, or a story of sexual contact with a being from outer space. Pursuit of the rational study of the case is discouraged. The lurid aspects of many such stories make their serious examination improbable, and this in turn reinforces the role of the rumors as secret folklore, rich in new images.

- Instead I believe that the UFO phenomenon represents evidence for other dimensions beyond spacetime; the UFOs may not come from ordinary space, but from a multiverse which is all around us, and of which we have stubbornly refused to consider the disturbing reality in spite of the evidence aviable to us for centuries. Such a theory is required in order to explain both the modern cases and the chronicles of Magonia – the abductions and the psychic component I believe there is a system around us that transcends time as it transcends space. Other researchers have reached the same conclusion. Some have come away deeply discouraged by the realization best summed up early in this century by Charles Fort, the author of The Book of the Damned: "We are property." Scholars of this phenomenon, like Father Salvatore Freixedo in Latin America, John Keel in the United States, and Aime Michel in France, feel that we may be powerless before the complex and absurd capabilities of an alien intelligence that can masquerade as a Martian invader, as a primitive god, as the Blessed Virgin, as a fleet of airships. While I acknowledge their observations I remain confident that human knowledge is capable of eventually understanding the larger reality the phenomenon represents. We should go on studying it – case after bizarre case, pattern after strange pattern.

- The system I am speaking of, a system with mastery of space and time dimensions, may well be able to locate itself in outer space. Nonetheless, its manifestations cannot be spacecraft in the ordinary nuts-and-bolts sense. The UFOs are physical manifestations that simply cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see here is not an alien invasion. It is a spiritual system that acts on humans and uses humans.In attempting to find an adequate research framework, it is useful to speculate about variants of current physics in which apparent miracles could occur without violating physical laws and in which psychic phenomena should be the rule rather than the exception. In such a physics, UFOs could come from earth without necessarily being human inventions, or they could come from another galaxy without necessarily being spacecraft’’

My thoughts on the Control System Theory

His Arguments against aliens spacecraft’s are quite compelling, these seems more like creation of our own imagination than aliens visiting earth but than his theory of parallel dimensional beings is quite difficult to prove and seems as well far from being true. Im more intrigued by the possibility of these being natural and spontaneous phenomenon of the Human consciousness in these reality not in some other dimensions. This seems more to be a Spontaneous System of Self-control generated by some form of synchronized movement of the masses.

My theory is that our collective consciousness is greater than our individual consciousness, our collective consciences its more than the some of its parts. The interaction and synchronized activity maybe on our subconscious level creates electromagnetic waves able to produce different form of lights.

But what are the possible mechanism and origin of these Phenomenon ?

There are some concepts we have to explane

Self organization -


‘’Self-organization is a basically a process of evolution where the effect of the environment is minimal, i.e. where the development of new, complex structures takes place primarily in and through the system itself. As argued in the section on evolutionary theory, self-organization can be understood on the basis of the same variation and natural selection processes as other, environmentally driven processes of evolution. Self-organization is normally triggered by internal variation processes, which are usually called "fluctuations" or "noise". The fact that these processes produce a selective retained ordered configuration has been called the "order from noise" principle by Heinz von Foerster, and the "order through fluctuations" mechanism by Ilya 📷Prigogine

All the intricacies (limit cycles, chaos, sensitivity to initial conditions, dissipative structuration, ...) associated with non-linearity can simply be understood through the interplay of positive and negative feedback cycles: some variations tend to reinforce themselves (see Autocatalytic Growth), others tend to reduce themselves. Both types of feedback fuel natural selection: positive feedback because it increases the number of configurations (up to the point where resources become insufficient), negative feedback because it stabilizes configurations.’’

Explained simply- Entropy causes new characteristics of the system to emerge , if these characteristics are useful in our survival we retain them if not they disappear. To have a complex phenomenon you don’t need a very difficult explanations. From the Theory of Cellular Automata we can prove in a sense that from simple rules and structures we can produce greater variety of unexpected behaviours.


These means that its sufficient theoretically for our human bodies to have some form of simple synchronisation to produce very complicated forms of behaviour.

It has been scientifically proven that humans do synchronise with each other, we synchronise our movements , heart rates, brains ect. (



https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/hyperscans-show-how-brains-sync-as-people-interact/ )

In nature we have other forms of collective movements caused and explained from basic principles like Bird Flocks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flock_(birds)))) , Fish Schooling ect. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoaling_and_schooling)

The second concept important to explain is the Ideomotor Phenomenon

- Ideomotor phenomenon

“’The ideomotor phenomenon is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. Also called ideomotor response (or ideomotor reflex) and abbreviated to IMR, it is a concept in hypnosis and psychological research.[2] It is derived from the terms "ideo" (idea, or mental representation) and "motor" (muscular action). The phrase is most commonly used in reference to the process whereby a thought or mental image brings about a seemingly "reflexive" or automatic muscular reaction, often of minuscule degree, and potentially outside of the awareness of the subject. As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively with an ideomotor effect to ideas alone without the person consciously deciding to take action. The effects of automatic writing, dowsing, facilitated communication,[3] applied kinesiology and Ouija boards have been attributed to the phenomenon.[4][5]’’

One of the effect of the ideomotor pheonomenon is the Charlie Charlie challenge

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Charlie_challenge ) ‘’Psychological suggestion can lead people to expect a particular response, which can result in thoughts and behaviors that will help bring the anticipated outcome to fruition – for instance by breathing more heavily.’’

My speculation is that there is some unknown mechanism where we the people make very simple synchronisation of our bodily functions ( possible radiant heat or some other forms and waves emantes from our body in a synchronized form) caused by some from of ideomotor phenomenon, by some form of self hypnosis. These synchronised electromagnetic waves are in fact In control of these incomprehensible light that communicates with us in forms of ufos, virgin Mary ect.

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 09:27AM by Soggy-Investigator53 https://ift.tt/3H2GnAO

How many races of alien do we know of?

I have heard different people talking about more than one race of aliens that have potentially visited the planet, based off of eye witness sightings, different types of craft spotted and ancient accounts. Is there any good resource you can share that covers this subject in detail?

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 09:38AM by forestcreature989 https://ift.tt/3FUJ0mF

Tony Woods Spotted a Mer-Man While on Vacation

Wanted to post this and see what people think ultimately of the merman/mermaid talk in general. Got a good laugh from Tony nonetheless. Also just like a slight switch up on topics. Apologies if this has been posted already.

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 07:14AM by Mocs45 https://ift.tt/3KH5P0V

Monday, January 24, 2022

What are the implications if they're biologically based upon "Dark Matter"?

I'm no physicist and wish I had the time to re-learn physics from the ground up, so this is pure speculation from a place of ignorance. Assuming much of the lore about aliens/ultra-terrestials/"the phenomenon" is at least somewhat based on reality (and presuming some of it is hogwash or misdirection) - could Dark Matter be an explanation for all of the "woo"? What if they are either biologically-based upon dark matter and/or their technology exploits properties of dark matter? We don't really know what "dark matter" is, so the term might be completely misleading. Does anyone here have any knowledge of this topic? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 02:09AM by Mister_Washcloth https://ift.tt/3AwkG9V

Greys in the garden

Five (+ 1) photos show what appears to be gray aliens walking around in someone's backyard.

These photographs have been around the internet since the early 00's. No one seems to know where they origined from, but here's what I found.

According to this website, the "Mr XXXX" was woken in the night and saw a triangular UFO, grabbed his video camera and filmed it for 4 minutes. After that, he filmed the aliens after hearing a noise in his garden. This website dates back as early as 2004.

Rense.com claims that it took place in Italy.

From Italy (www.sentistoria.it) comes some fairly impressive, but nonetheless clearly hoaxed "Greys in the Garden" shots, said to have been shot with an infrared camera/lens.

In this video Jaime Maussan claims that the photos were Italy, early July 2003. Curiously, Sentistoria.it has been down since July 2003.

Maussan contradicts himself by saying that they come from England, late 1999. He claims some guys working in British government computers leaked it to the internet in 2001. Looks like there's another photograph of one of the aliens.


Someone in the comments of Rense.com found an older site that reports the photos coming from England in 1999. It also reffers to the photos as "frames" and has 6 of them! It also links the photos to Project Aquarius, but the link for that part is dead. This is the oldest source I could find.

Does anyone have any more information about these photographs/video-frames?

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 12:30AM by samu__hell https://ift.tt/3qYqi9K

What alien species would be the most (human) passing?

Are there any species that would be hard to detect or easier to blend in and integrate society?

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 01:03AM by B_Unlocked https://ift.tt/3FXicm0

Serious question - If given the opportunity would you have sexual relations with an alien?

Once disclosure has happened and humanity has been made aware that aliens are, in fact, a fairly common occurrence in the Milky Way, we all know darn well that there will be a segment of the population that will be curious about "alien dating" and whatnot. It reminds me of the movie "Avatar" in which the human and the alien become sexually attracted to each other and they have the aliens's version of sex. It's an intriguing concept though. In all honesty though, would you?

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 11:33PM by matt73132 https://ift.tt/32tiBPe

Alien meeting guy at bar

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 03:21AM by mdl8488 https://ift.tt/3nReGTX

Just speculation I guess

Prefacing this with the fact that I am mostly rambling but thought it was an interesting idea.

I have not looked into this topic as much as a lot of others but I was interested in throwing the ideas out there. Apologies if this just seems like the ramblings of an insane person.

What if our brains are the result of inter dimensional beings who are capable of altering matter, down to the smallest bits, but unable to experience emotions so they use our brains to interface with our experiences/emotions and our dimension. Our brains are a form of technology of their world. They use us as avatars to experience the 3rd dimension.

Maybe the idea of good and evil is an actual ongoing battle between these beings behind the scenes from humans since we are unable to perceive them but we can perceive them in other ways that we have yet to qualify through science. Perhaps some of them don’t believe that they should be using humans in this manner because they are able to sway our emotions in a way that has real consequences in the lives of humans. Maybe some have an addiction to certain emotions that humans experience such as hate and anger, etc,. They try to wreak havoc in human lives, whereas others enjoy emotions more generally associated with positive emotions like love.

I’ve always felt as though my emotions guide me in some instances and maybe those are moments where these beings take over. It seems that maybe through certain practices spiritually be it meditation or whatever else you can block the attempts of these beings trying to interface via your mind.

We are simply organic machines that sustain themselves so that these beings can interface and enjoy or destroy our lives. Not to say we don’t have ANY control and perhaps their are "good" ones who use crafts with greys inside as a means to form a dialogue with our race since we humans have not developed an effective way of communicating with them since they don't use language to communicate, almost like an inter-dimensional phone call. FIN

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 01:59AM by Mouthycriminal https://ift.tt/345ACnn

Sunday, January 23, 2022

If we have such a wealth of knowledge of the human body here on earth, for what purpose do you believe abductions are for?

I would assume they could use Starbucks’ WiFi and download everything we have up to this point. But the probing and all that stuff must be for something completely unrelated to understanding our anatomical functions. What do y’all think?

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 12:16AM by jakeplus5zeros https://ift.tt/3578T62

Scientists Extremely Intrigued by Possible Sign of Life on Mars


Submitted January 24, 2022 at 12:32AM by Falseprofit007 https://ift.tt/3qSLrSu

UFO's or swarms of intergalactic probes? Common sense MUST prevail.

The UFO fallacy has got to stop. Any galactic space-faring civilization worth their salt will not be sending pilots in space-planes to check on us. Probes, in their gazillions would be sent out to the four corners of the known universe to gain intel and report back.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 12:41AM by Falseprofit007 https://ift.tt/3nR7OpG

Every UFO sighted is unique - The Lost Alien Theory

Admittedly I'm a bit stoned but I mulled this over and I think the logic is solid here. I'm here to tell you that I don't think there are aliens interacting with our world in a deliberate manner, but rather that every single (legitimate) UFO sighting is completely unique, unintended, and unconnected from all other UFO phenomena. Let me tell you why.

The only presumption you need to agree with me on for this to be rational is:

1) At least one alien civilization has developed light speed in the known universe.

I looked up information about time dilation while I was watching this documentary about the Event Horizon Telescope. I came across this article titled "How does time stop?" from the University of Southern Maine. It takes Einstein's theory of Special Relativity and makes interesting observations. Here is the bombshell that is relevant for this post,

Time dilates on moving vessels: the greater the speed, the greater the time dilation. Only when such velocities* approach light speed do such effects become significant. If, and this one of those extreme IF's, a vessel could attain light speed, time aboard the vessel would cease altogether. Any person on that vessel would experience nothing at all.


Let's say, to play with this fantasy world a bit, that a vessel moves at light speed from now (2014) to 2214. For us, two hundreds years would elapse. No time would pass at all on the vessel. What would be two centuries on Earth would be instantaneous on the ship.

To sum: light speed travel is instantaneous to the passenger regardless of distance, because time effectively stops. If one had enough theoretic "fuel" and traveled in an unobstructed path, they could arrive at the heat death of the universe just as quickly as they would traveling a few light years away: at the blink of an eye.

If an alien civilization gained the ability to FTL travel in the year 2020, then they would effectively be present at every point of time, for all of time, at the same time, going forward from 2020. Imagine how these kinds of aliens would interact with Earth. I think that we traditionally envision extraterrestrials as one group that is exerting their influence over the planet. What I think might be more likely is that Earth is an attractive pitstop in the long-distance voyages of alien civilizations or individuals.

Think of how different an alien may observe life under these circumstances - where you can go anywhere in the universe, but each stop you make is hundreds of thousands of years apart. What's a threat, anymore? What's an Empire if you never have to be around for it? What's property, or possession? What's a "civilization"? Why care about a planet called Earth? We think of groups in a permanent sense, but if you can transcend time forwardly, then permanence is an afterthought.

I think this explains several trends we experience with UFOs:

A) Withheld Interference - Self explanatory from above.

B) Lack of continuity/explanation - If any one FTL vessel can traverse the universe in an instant (theoretically of course), then any civilization with FTL can arrive to Earth from varying time periods. Lost travelers, wayward soldiers, and exploring civilizations both good or bad could come across our little blue ball. It could explain why we see saucers, pills, triangles, and all sorts of varying aircraft. It's why some aliens are friendly, some probe you, and others kill in horrific ways: they're not the same folks.

C) Government confusion - If the above statement is true, then it is an utterly terrifying situation to behold at the government level. How can you make sense of being caught in a galactic jet stream of alien travelers, each hailing from every epoch of time? How that revelation can make you feel so insignificant, small, and helpless? Furthermore, if every piece of recovered alien tech (crash landings or whatnot) each hails from a different civilization, then there is no way to discover patterns and actually ascertain the technology.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 01:11AM by MotivatingTree https://ift.tt/33I43fa

Will Tardigrades be found on other planets ?

These little guys are found everywhere and may even be able to travel in the void. Imagine a volcanic eruption sending them into space only to land safely on the moon, Mars etc etc. You heard it here first.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 01:15AM by Falseprofit007 https://ift.tt/33Wq9KN

Scary Compilation


Submitted January 23, 2022 at 11:34AM by Tough_Beautiful_3240 https://ift.tt/3fQeS1j

And *POOF*, just like that Disclosure has all but vanished....


Submitted January 23, 2022 at 11:58AM by DowntownRanger5 https://ift.tt/3r2Etux

These beings are incredibly evil. And they should not be contacted.

Whether you believe this or not is irrelevant, reality is that which exists even when you stop believing in it.

These beings come from the etheric auric realm. They are non physical but can manifest in the physical. There are many species but none are benevolent. They have the same agendas but have different means to their ends.

Their agenda? Consume humanity by subverting it. They cannot reproduce and seek to perpetuate their progeny in the physical.

The U.S compiled a series of ufo cases in the late 40s detailed Project Sign, the project was later changed to project Grudge which then became the infamous project blue book. Project blue book was not meant to explain UFOS, but to explain them away.

Government new exactly what they were since the late 40s.

There are 14 reports totaling hundreds of pages of ufo cases in Peoject Grudge. The most interesting is report 13 which is the only one that hasn't been declassified.

It recounts, according to the few who read it, a human mutilation case. Organs missing, drained of blood amidst no vascular collapse, rectum excised.

1970-1980 thousands of animal mutilation cases through the mid west and the world. Cattle, small animals, all brutally mutilated in similar fashion. Tongue removed at the lower jaw, blood drained, no vascular collapse, rectum excised.

Consider this. The first organ to develop in the womb is the rectum.

They seek to create a hybrid race or ways they can reproduce their progeny in the physical.

They manifest in this realm to the level at which we seek them out. Steven Grier CE5 contact is EXTREMELY evil. He is perpetuating the means for which these beings will have full legal right in our world.

But at this point it doesn't matter, they are already in. They have been manifesting in our world throughout history but never to any fullnextent, exccept in the beggining of human history and now.

The "demons" of the Bible are the Nephilim the progeny of these cresture with humans. Their souls live on in the Astral realms. The Astral realms are below the etheric auric realms.

The etheric realms are home to beings of even more sinister unimaginable power.

Humanity will be unrecognizable in 150 years. Again their goal is to subvert humanity, morraly, socially and finally biologically. Transhumanism is their agenda.

By doing so they kill two birds with one stone. They find ways to manifest in the physical while consuming us.

I had a vision. Strange temples similar to the pyramids but build with metallic substance littered the world. These beings were worpshiped by humans.

This phenomenon is a control mechanism of the highest order. Rest assured. I wrote this so the info is out there. Downvote me.

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 11:01AM by IAmFree1993 https://ift.tt/3ApM4pL

Jacques Vallée joins the Galileo Project!


Submitted January 23, 2022 at 07:34AM by serenity404 https://ift.tt/3qS4X1q

Strange And Creepy Creatures Caught On Camera


Submitted January 23, 2022 at 08:51AM by Tough_Beautiful_3240 https://ift.tt/3Ip0Z6q

Multiple cases of abductees being on board a craft who have noticed the same symbol on the clothes of the ET's that 'abducted' them. The symbol is of a flying fish like creature, has anyone else come across something similar?

Case (1)

In this old documentary, a gentleman named Bill Hermann who was abducted in 1978, in South Carolina underwent hypnosis to understand the encounter, remembered being on a craft and the beings were wearing a uniform and he says at 1:37:48, "there was a little symbol, almost like a serpent with wings, like a half fish and half snake".

See link to documentary here, quote about winged-serpent symbol at 1:37:48.

See here for a more in depth analysis of this case.

Case (2)

Herbert Schirmer; December 3, 1967; Ashland, Nebraska. At about 2:30 A.M., while patrolling in police cruiser, saw red flashing lights ahead, investigated and encountered an object with portholes hovering just above the ground. The object rose and shot out of sight. When Schirmer returned to the police station at about 3:00 A.M., he realized that he could not account for 20 minutes.

Elliptical craft like polished aluminum encircled by oval portholes with red, flashing lights visible through them, tripod legs. Around its periphery was what looked like a catwalk. Beings were 4 to 5 ft. (1.4 to 1.5 m) tall, thin, with long heads, long flat noses, slit mouths, and catlike sunken eyes that did not blink. Gray-white skin, uniforms with boots, gloves, and head coverings. They had what looked like a small antenna on the left side of the head and an Emblem like a winged serpent visible on the left breast of the uniform.

See here for a more in depth analysis of this case.

It would make my day if someone found another case where the witness(s) noticed this same emblem on the clothing of the ET's. The function behind the emblem could be anything your imagination desires...we have no idea, but we can speculate by using Human analogies.

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 05:23AM by EarthAliens https://ift.tt/3FSEgOG

90s alien poster

When I was young I remember having a very basic green alien face poster with an orb in the bottom right corner. It was the typically portrayed shaped head and a black background but I remember this poster keeping me up at night. I was just curious if anyone in here remembers this little piece of nostalgia. I can’t find anything really resembling it.

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 03:00AM by snax4sax https://ift.tt/3GVrujG

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Drake's equation aside, who thinks life is EVERYWHERE in the Universe?

If we evolved from the same single original ancestor into creeping, crawling, swimming, walking, flying creatures in the blink of an eye, how can we not believe that life has evolved EVERYWHERE in the Universe. It's unimaginable.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 04:23AM by Falseprofit007 https://ift.tt/3GSz6Dz

Does the Great Filter Theory hold any water? If we find life on Mars does this mean we will not be evolving to travel to other systems or galaxies?

The suggestion is that finding life close by is a real Debbie Downer because it indicates the proliferation of living entities in the our galaxy meaning no other civilization has evolved further than simple life as there are no space travelling species further indicating that the Great Filter is a reality and we have yet to meet ours.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 05:01AM by Falseprofit007 https://ift.tt/3qQmIy9

Friday, January 21, 2022

Alien could just have been lucky like us

Just like us humans we had a nice padding of fossil fuels beneath our feet for fast and cheap energy,

These aliens could emerge from a planet that went through some crazy chit and created some crazy element that allowed them to advance.

Fossil fuels alone required a sequence of events to occur. Any intelligent race before the first abundant batch of organic materials would have never had the opportunity to advance very far. Humans are super lucky to have cheap energy to experiment with.

Maybe aliens just spawned with better things!

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 01:34AM by spinebrokehelp https://ift.tt/3qRbEB9

The Government obviously knows about aliens

Let’s say there’s so many aliens on earth, they’re in the ocean, they’re in the sky, they’re floating through fucking walls. Like there’s motherships just invisible on the moon just dodging rovers.

Anyway so if all these aliens are here and any/all government(s) have had contact with them, it would be easier to not disclose and put Anti alien stuff out. But they are disclosing slowly and people are getting more curious and a lot of shit I’ve read just in the past 5 days (looking at you, you long ass list) have just made me think really hard about it. And to be honest it feels more probable that they are here and they aren’t in good contact.

At some point I wondered what could they do under the rug that wouldn’t alert the average citizen and panic. Like could they hold the governments hostage and just use them to shit on each other and clean us up afterwards.

I don’t really know where I was going with this but it’ll be interesting to see what you think in the morning

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 01:15AM by GhanaSolo https://ift.tt/3qSdSQM

Aliens in Alaska

I just wanted to put this out there that on the Discovery + steaming app channel that the show Aliens in Alaska is pretty cool. It's just people recounting their encounters with extra terrestrials in Alaska. It's pretty well put together and stories that I've never come across. Check it out!

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 11:48PM by UrNicknameIsKeegals https://ift.tt/3FOYx7t

I've interviewed many alleged abductees over the course of a decade and I'd love to answer questions about it

I've spent a good part of the past decade interviewing alleged abductees from all over the world, though, primarily those from the West. I've also gone to great lengths when it comes to scrutinising their lives and mental health, where possible, by speaking with those within their social circles.

I've gathered a metric ton of data and written three books on the subject, well, two entirely about alleged abductions. None of them will ever see the light of day.

Please keep in mind that I can't share any details that may inadvertently reveal anyone's identity, and if something's based purely on my opinion, I'll label it as such.

If you'd like to ask anything, it'd be great to finally have a chance to share some of my findings.

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 12:53PM by CascadeThrowAway35 https://ift.tt/3AsE0oj

A Chinese farmer claims to be abducted by aliens and brings some interesting information

I. Principles of UFO Flight

I saw an interesting story yesterday. There is a Chinese farmer named Zhang Xiangqian who claims to have been kidnapped to an alien planet for a month in 1985. According to his introduction. UFO uses an anti-mass field engine, which can reduce the mass of the UFO to 0 or extremely small, so the UFO can maneuver at the speed of light, but the passengers are safe. Since the passenger mass is zero, the acceleration felt is also zero.

The engine principle is not very complicated. It is a ring-shaped particle accelerator that uses a high-speed rotating electromagnetic field to generate an anti-mass field. The spaceship cannot carry too much energy. It relies on the external power supply of the base to obtain the initial state when taking off, and consumes very little energy during the flight.

II. Will aliens help humanity?

Some aliens will help humans by the way, but not on a large scale. Just like American don't help Africa on a massive scale. Aliens don't care much about human society, they just come to Earth to find something useful to them.

III. Are Aliens Moral?

No, most aliens have nothing to do but just have fun all day. Because technology is so advanced, most goods and services are free. There are very few aliens working and researching.

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 11:48AM by david_tsang https://ift.tt/3AoIaxE

I'm sure this question will strike many as random, but does thinking about life in the universe and the expanse of consciousness make you want to be a vegetarian here on earth?

It does for me, though I've only been able to shift to ~90% vegetarian so far. The more I dwell on consciousness and the various forms it can take makes me sit with the uncomfortable reality of how much sentience exists on our own planet and the cold truth of how easily we snuff it out with our behavior and diets.

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 12:09PM by radiofiend https://ift.tt/33XVmwZ

Need your opinion on Alister Crowley, LAM, and Jack Parsons.

Below is the link. Is this all bogus? I want to believe that occult magik does play some sort of part in summoning something. Alien or not, still creepy.

link to LAM

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 09:33AM by 420yoloswagmoney69 https://ift.tt/3rHDuPv

Faster than light travel

I think the key to FTL is Pi. If we can figure out pi to a certain degree, or even to its absolute, we will be able to travel between the stars. I think aliens know this. I also think the key to Pi lies within the stars. The measurements between certain stars may equal absolute Pi.

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 08:26AM by Shaboogan https://ift.tt/3AyPsPv

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Most people know Betty and Barney Hill's story about being taken. Not many know the original abduction report from eight years earlier in Tujunga Canyon, CA.

Name/Date/Location: "Sara Shaw," 21, and "Jan Whitley," 22; March 22, 1953; Tujunga Canyon, CA.

Preliminary: Witnesses in remote cabin awakened at 2:00A.M., noted that all nature sounds had ceased, and a moving blue light outside was casting shadows on the wall. Both felt giddy and confused and lost conscious memory until 4:20 A.M.

Initial activities: Under hypnosis Shaw recalled that several shadowy beings approached the house and passed through a closed window and the kitchen door. The beings placed their hands on the two women and then seemed to control them. They debated whether to examine the witnesses in the cabin or to take them onto the craft, deciding on the latter. As the beings surrounded her and held her upper arms, Sara was floated toward the craft in a beam of light, her feet off the ground. When they touched her she felt tranquil and unafraid. Whitley, however, resisted and was rendered unconscious by an injection and carried on board.

Craft/Beings: Small Saturn-shaped craft was hovering at a spot down the road; varicolored like mother-of-pearl, made a whining sound. Slender humanoids with narrow shoulders and long arms. Their skin felt dry and cool. Oval faces, no hair, long, narrow eyes. Something like a ski mask covered their faces leaving holes for the eyes. Black skintight coveralls, mittens, and rounded boots. Most were about 5 ft. (1.5 m) tall. Two taller beings, about 5 ft. 7 in. (1.7 m), seemed to be the leaders. A tall being in a light-colored suit with black stripes and bare hands (showing gray skin) directed onboard examination.

Onboard features: They entered through a door above the rim of the craft and were taken to a large, domed examination room with a balcony surrounding it. There was a chair on casters and a table, and there were control panels on the walls.

Onboard activities: Whitley struggled with the beings as they tried to examine her breasts. She was dragged into another room. They undressed Shaw and spent time examining a surgical scar that seemed to fascinate them. They took her to the table and levitated her above it. An anvil-like device descended from the ceiling on a rod and scanned her body. A tall being on the balcony directed the examination, call- ing out instructions. Sara was taken to another room with chairs suspended in the air.

Communication: The beings communicated without moving their lips (telepathy?) and reassured the women that they had nothing to fear and would not be hurt. More than once they indicated to Sara that she had lived a previous life. They discussed human rotting and a cure for cancer.

Termination/Return: The beings instructed Shaw to forget what had occurred. She was floated out a small window with her knees drawn up (see Budd Hopkins's "Linda Cortile" case) and returned to the cabin. At this point she saw her dog and cat outside the cabin and realized that they had also been taken on board.

Aftermath: Shaw found herself seated on her bed at 4:20 A.M. Whitley was "still" standing by the closet where she had last been seen. The air was oppressive, and they fled the cabin. Whitley saw an apparition while en route to the car. Shaw's lifestyle changed considerably after the encounter. She terminated her lesbian relationship with Whitley and eventually married. She also gave up her assembly line job and entered the medical profession. The investigators discovered that during the 1960s and 1970s several of Whitley's and Shaw's friends and acquaintances were involved in apparently interrelated abductions.

See Druffel and Rogo (1980); Investigators: Ann Druffel, Idabel Epperson, and D. Scott Rogo. Hypnosis by Dr. Martin Reiser, Dr. W. C. McCall, and John De Herrera.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 11:48PM by Spacecowboy78 https://ift.tt/3AlgZnp


Do you think the real reason why the government won't acknowledge aliens is because they have lied to us all along, and they are afraid we'd realize we don't need to stay here that we could actually go to another Galaxy and live free and harmonious with the help of the aliens.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 01:38PM by Chipmunk-Emergency https://ift.tt/3qLXe57

How do you feel about reptilians being possible?

There is a "being" that claims to be an extraterrestrial Reptilian stuck on this planet.

Everyone who has tried to debate him supposedly fails or can't find any flaws or hoax in his explanations/stories/claims. That "being" dislikes humans and considers our existence as a waste. Be warned as the posts and comments are not for the faint of heart.

I'm leaving it here for serious individuals to investigate further or those curious, as I see many on this subject regularly ask what it would be like to talk to an extraterrestrial being or how "aliens perceive us or what they want." I see quite a few of these questions that crop up quite often on here

Seen no one talking about this sub or even aware of its existence. The sub is called reptiliandude

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 12:39PM by GalaxySG https://ift.tt/3GPfobB

Discussion around alien life is slowly becoming a Dunning-Kruger Ouroboros

I love researching here and on many other subs, but I've noticed a pretty strange pattern. Don't get me wrong, it's always been there, but it seems so prevalent now.

The weirdest thing about reading discussions regarding alien life is the absolute certainty displayed when stating strictly personal beliefs on the subject, whether founded or unfounded in concrete reality. It's quite bizarre to see, especially when many discussions seem to go as follows.

"I wonder if that video was legit? It makes me wonder how they fly."

"Watch this documentary (name here). They fly by punching holes through space, and they're piloted by (insert trope). They're from the planet (insert name)."

Like, dude, you're saying it like you're presenting proven facts, whereas, in reality, you know as much as anybody else, and if you believe you possess factual knowledge, you only believe so because of the media you've chosen to view.

I understand that some of us wish to believe we hold the keys to knowledgeable gates, and I get why that makes us feel good, but it's the equivalent of saying,

"Oh, yeah. I've met God. He's Korean, and he lives at 165 Pearlygate Avenue. Trust me, bro."

The strangest part is that this post, and many like it, are likely to get downvoted and buried because they don't provide a space for individuals to repeat what they perceive to be knowledgeable/privileged information. Which alludes to a likelihood that there's little interest in furthering the discussion beyond reaffirming one's own unfounded views and opinions.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 10:45AM by CascadeThrowAway35 https://ift.tt/3KsyAhA

Has anyone seen an alien that looks like what my story describes???

I NEED THIS ANSWERED SERIOUS QUESTION? So when I was younger about 10 years old I was staying in a cabin near Pennsylvania and it was me my mom, step dad and sister who was 13 at the time and we were sleeping in the cabin one weekend and I woke up one morning and my sister was scared to even look at me I was so confused so I asked and she had said “there was a Wrinkly , tan, short dark hair, big black eye thing that was watching you sleep last night I woke up out of nowhere and saw it and completely froze and it went to look at me and I went straight under the covers and it was gone when I came out of the covers after only ten minutes” now obviously I was skeptical then and was for a while but even to this day she gets scared when I bring it up and doesn’t like talking about it and she’s never once had sleep paralysis or even lucid dreaming and I wanna know if anyones seen an alien that resembles what she described I’ve been looking for answers for years some one please help!!!

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 09:42AM by Far_Air9006 https://ift.tt/3IhhMbq

Most people wonder what they look like, but what about their psychology ?

Maybe their civilisation is way more wise than humanity, I think that a civilisation this advanced must be wise and NOT repeat mistakes. This is something that humanity is doing, we're kinda chaotic and we repeat the same errors troughout history. I think that ET's must be very wise and more connected to the environnement, to the universe than us, humans. their planet/dimension is probably in a better state than earth lol. what do you think about this ?

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 09:14AM by Kidayaam https://ift.tt/3tFPQKx

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Two people completely independent of eachother shared Abduction / Paranormal stories with me that were shockingly corroborative.

The first happened about 3 years ago. I was enjoying drinks at a local rooftop bar when I ran into my old elementary school teacher. I didn't know her that well but I did remember a few times that she had brought up aliens while we were kids. I say that because when me and my friends saw her she was already a little tipsy and started telling us some crazy stories about ufos and abductions. Essentially she said that her family members had been abducted and they've experienced periods of lost time driving long distances. I believed her.

Two years later I was working at client location in NJ and found out our senior manager was was joining us mid-week to oversee the job. When he got there wednesday he took me and my other team member out to lunch. Lunch was okay, he was a little awkward from what seemed to be social interaction issues but a really nice guy. In a brief moment of silence he goes, so something weird happened to me and my family (low 40's with a wife and kids). Essentially he told us the same thing as my teacher, but from his point of view he offered no explanation as to what happened. He simply stated he was driving with his family and they all lost two hours of time while driving home at night from a family vacation.

The weird part was that my teacher said aliens only cared about certain bloodlines (noting her family comes from a small town in whales). when I got back from lunch both stories were fresh on my mind. For some reason I decided to look up the history of my managers last name the country of origin. What do you know his family name originated in whales as well.

Overall it was weird to have two completely different people tell me stories that supported alien abduction, a little more weird the one guy didn't even think to mention it was ufo related.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 01:36AM by treesidelightpost https://ift.tt/3IjEqzX

I have conclude that the Alien presence is bad news.

It was grant Cameron who said that Ray Hernandez from the FREE foundation told him that the directors of FREE had a meeting with Delonge about their conclusions on the data they had collected which pointed to the phenomena being a net positive. This goes against the information Delonge has told to the public regarding the phenomena negatively manipulating Mankind’s history, and being a threat in general to the wellbeing of our species. Another comment from Bigelow regarding what he called “back of the bus research”, which he was referring to the study of demonology, which he acknowledged was an historic aspect of the phenomena but was apprehensive about studying it. Which narrative should we give most credence to when it comes to the agenda of the majority of ET species? Here are three:

1) Greer, Barbara Lamb, Dolores Cannon, Mary Rodwell: Aliens are highly spiritual cosmic beings here to guide mankind closer to the source.

2) Mack, Vallee, Hopkins: are tentative to conclude an ultimate singular agenda.

3) Delonge, David Jacobs, Karla Turner, decades old UFO government secrecy: Aliens are bad news. Full stop.

If it is number three, then pray for mankind.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 12:56AM by EarthAliens https://ift.tt/3FJH68v

One of our greatest analytic oversights might be the stereotyping of ETs

For a while, I have had the thought that, by referring to UFOs and ETs as a singular phenomenon (or by asserting that there has always been the same ET presence on Earth), and by assigning uniform traits to each of the beings, we might be doing ourselves an analytic disservice. Of course, analysis of the subject is difficult enough as it is, and this would only make navigating it all the more complex; and, prejudicial as it may be, stereotyping is fundamentally a pattern-constructing method.

But it is possible that, for instance, humans' interactions with a certain kind of ET might be representative of those beings' race inasmuch as an outsider's interaction with, say, some faction of a nation's military-scientific industrial complex would be representative of humanity as a whole. It is not a matter of course, for instance, that the beings mentioned in the Book of Enoch -- were we to interpret them as ETs -- are the same faction of certain beings seen in the 20th and 21st centuries.

We can most obviously see this tendency to stereotype play out in our genres of science-fiction and fantasy, where this or that race is characterized according to, say, some uniform emotional trait, while humans are depicted as being relatively dynamic because they occupy a behavioral median. So, despite perhaps looking similar, there may be notable differences between, say, the ETs observing nuclear bases or sites for weaponry testing and some of the ETs who abduct humans.

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 01:33PM by Abrbarzan https://ift.tt/3tMsnHH

What T F are we?

What is your definition of a live or real entity as opposed to an android or robot with an artificial intelligence greater than ours? maybe able to reproduce sexually? maybe a product of God or other supreme being? the point being if et's can build robots with artificial intelligence greater than ours and we encounter one of these how would we even know if they are real? and what is a 'real' being? How would we think of them in terms we humans typically use? Maybe a being with empathy or love or hate, one having emotion? With a high enough artificial intelligence they might evolve emotion. Then the day may come when humans become creators like God?

This leads to the next thought. As carl Sagan or Neil Tyson quote evolutionist Darwin "All things can be created by evolution without need of any supreme being-given enough time." so who tf are we? What are we and where did we come from?

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 11:59AM by Charlie_redmoon https://ift.tt/3FGkPID

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.