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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Weird dream after following CE-5 protocols.

I want to share my experience, months ago I had a weird dream days after following the CE-5 protocols for the first time. (Im from Mexico btw, sorry for my english).

I was falling asleep and I started to have a lucid dream where 2 guys and a girl where outside my window, the 2 guys were wearing black jackets and jeans, the girl a yellow dress and a black jacket, though my bed is under the window and my bedroom is in a second story, I didn't care and I started to talk to them, I remember that the girl told me that she had a recent surgery, but that was the moment when I asked myself, who the f@#k Im talking to? then I looked at their faces and I saw big black eyes, they were grays wearing human clothes!!!.

I remember not panicking though one of my biggest fears was having an encounter with grays. The next thing I remember in that dream was me lying in my bed and one of the aliens touched my head and I felt an inner peace that I haven't felt in a long time.

Then I woke up in the middle of the night and my dog was barking in the yard, under my window, he usually doesn't bark in the middle of the night. The next morning I asked my parents if they heard our dog barking, and they did, but they didn't know what he was barking at.

For the next days I felt so relaxed, I had that inner peace and lost my fear to gray aliens.

I've had lucid dreams before but nothing as weird as this one.

Submitted August 01, 2022 at 12:51AM by memomtzv https://ift.tt/LAf83wP

Short Documentary on the 1952 UFO Invasion of Washington DC


Submitted July 31, 2022 at 04:49PM by Ok-Toe-1673 https://ift.tt/9oH8lih

Does anyone have a newspaper clipping or similar of the Jonathan P. Lovette story from March 1956?

If you haven't read about the case, it's pretty chilling (if true). The part that puzzles me is that there is no mention of this case anywhere on the internet prior to around 2012.

Surely, a grizzly death like this should have garnered media attention such that it would at least have been published in the newspaper or at least have him in the obituary section.

Does anyone have evidence that this happened? Anyone from New mexico that has access to the library database?

There's lots of really wild stories like this on the internet but when you dig a bit more, you don't find any sources for the information or it simply comes from a single mention in a book.

Submitted July 31, 2022 at 05:02PM by Guses https://ift.tt/g43Ltcx

Skinwalker Ranch: A Brief History of this epicenter of unexplained phenomena

Skinwalker Ranch has gained pop culture status as a magnet and epicenter of unexplained phenomena, ranging from UFO sightings to cattle mutilations, shapeshifter sightings, poltergeist activity as well as the hitchhiker phenomena. Many believe it’s a portal to other dimensions or places in the universe. Here’s a brief historical overview beginning with the Ute Tribe placing a curse on the Navajo’s. Check it out!

Submitted July 31, 2022 at 03:57PM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/vtc9fYJ

which version of alien 3 is on disney+

I'm new to the alien franchise (have only watched alien and aliens) and have heard there are 2 cuts of alien³ a theatrical and a directors cut. Which one is on disney+?

Submitted July 31, 2022 at 11:27AM by silver_beaches https://ift.tt/bB07TUq

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Aliens as Energy Beings

I don't believe for one second that humans have any power over any alien species.

Time is a man-made construct. When I posted my space-time continuum theory one Redditor rebuttaled that Earth has different timezones. So, with the understanding that one planet has multiple time zones you can use this same logic with universal law. Different planets have different lengths of days and nights, there's ripples in space with black holes and gravitational pulls that cause "time" to move different.

There's also the experiment NASA conducted on two twins where one went to space and one remained on earth. The telemeres of the astronaut in space moved at a slower pace than the one on Earth. Meaning, the chemistry in his body was slowed down while in space. Upon landing, his body's chemistry caught back up with him.

So if we apply this theory to evolved beings, they would be adapted to cellular changes, energy transference and consciously ascended passed the point of oral communication.

I do not believe some aliens would appear to have a physical form, but be advanced enough to become "light-beings". I also believe that time is a construct and if we can see energies from the past in the form of paranormal energy then we can also communicate with energies of the future in the same manner.

To support my claim, Germans used psychic mediums and clairvoyants to create weaponry in WW2 and they continue to used psychics in science to advance technology. Meaning, they are pulling alien (foreign) blueprints from intuitive connections for the advancement of the human race. It's been displayed throughout ancient history, also. Especially with Egyptian Civilization.

What are your thoughts on my theory of alien species not actually having a solid physical form, but being created of energy through evolutionary ascension?

Submitted July 31, 2022 at 12:03AM by henrylawzoni https://ift.tt/CKiQ8Vv

Updated photo of last alien post closer pic


Submitted July 31, 2022 at 12:05AM by Theskinnyskatepimp https://ift.tt/14WCHeZ

AI generated photos are fascinating but could we please stop

This ads nothing to the subject matter. We all have the same ability to generate a creepy photo of a UFO and or aliens. I could have sworn /r/aliens voted to make it a rule not to post AI images. I'm just someone who frequents this sub and it's been such a tease to see images of UFOs and aliens just to find out it's AI.

Submitted July 30, 2022 at 01:49PM by PestoPastaLover https://ift.tt/wUNeiuV

Encounter Thoughts?

Look, I realize this sounds absurd and I’ll be candid about the details because context matters but as a young child I was terrified of aliens: their lifeless, penetrating black eyes, their seemingly supernatural abilities.

Between them and Ebola, my fears were completely random and unorthodox, but they petrified me.

Fast forward to 2007, I’m entering my senior year in college and I’m having a rough go of things. My girlfriend left me for another dude, and my relationships that I sacrificed in the year prior are in tatters because of my commitment to said woman.

In an attempt to heal I reach out to a buddy, who invites me over and who forgives me for my thoughtless and selfish behavior.

That afternoon we smoke some pot (my first time) and drink. By the end of the night I walk 2 miles back to my apartment which I’m due to vacate in a week or so.

Consequently there’s only my bed, and a blanket.

Around midnight I go to sleep, it’s quiet and I’m soon asleep. However at some point in the night, I am awake but unable to move. I’m normally a person who sleeps in the fetal position but I’m on my back with my hands firmly at my side.

Above me is an apparition, it’s smoke like in appearance, but slate gray. I can’t make out it’s features but I feel helpless, while it feels evil. I try to scream but can’t. I try to thrash but am immobile.

Suddenly I awake and it 0900. I’m soaked in sweat from head to toe, my sheets, my bed, my blanket, they’re all drenched.

Perhaps it was a nightmare with random sleep paralysis, but I’ve smoked dope since and have never had this experience again.

Anyone care to enlighten me?

Submitted July 30, 2022 at 10:22AM by NoGarlic8399 https://ift.tt/1lUBZPL

A “UAP Theory of Everything”

One of the most perplexing things today is the notion of the the “Great Silence.” That is the simple question of why we haven’t been able to detect or find evidence for not just other civilizations in the galaxy, but life in general.

One theory that attempts to answer this dilemma is that once sufficiently-advanced civilizations reach a certain point in their technological development, they develop the ability to essentially download the digital equivalents of their organic forms into digital versions of themselves that can live nearly forever in a digital environment (or it’s equivalent, based upon whatever technology this civilization develops).

Therefore, the theory goes, there could be whole planets out there in the galaxy that are “dark” in terms of their electromagnetic output yet very much alive with what would be essentially “server farms” powered by solar energy from their sun, housing entire species on software platforms that live, in their subjective sense, forever in a digitally perfect environment. In such an environment, one second in the “real world” could be the subjective equivalent of one year in a digital world. The theory makes sense. Indeed, if we ourselves develop such technology, one is safe in assuming we’d use it.

Therefore, there would be no need to travel into space, and definitely no desire to contact other civilizations. The energy cost would be lower than the cost of space travel for organic forms, which has a multitude of problems and costs.

One would think it wise that if one did this, one would hide the servers in safe locations, locating them near endless energy sources, and optimally guard them with any means possible. Wouldn’t one create the equivalent of AI-driven robotic “monitors” that, over the course of the ongoing millennia, keep the servers protected while monitoring progress in the “real world?” Monitoring would include being on guard for natural disasters such as meteor strikes. This would likely include being on guard for any species that develop in the planet that, over thousands of years, might prove a threat.

At present, we understand that the Earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old. Life has arisen, and been extinguished, at least five times that we know during that time. The latest mass extinction was 250 million years ago, when 96% of marine life and 70% of land life was wiped out.

Archaeologists will acknowledge that it is certainly not safe to assume that we’ve discovered all of the various forms of life that have existed on Earth simply by looking at the fossil record. Fossils are hard to create, and it is actually luck that we find any fossils at all. With the eons, continents shift, natural disasters happen, and it is safe to say there may indeed be fossil records, or even records of past civilizations, that we may never know of.

It is a reasonable assumption, therefore, that there have existed on this Earth other forms of life that we do not have any tangible fossil evidence for.

Query: Was there a sufficiently-advanced civilization that existed Earth, during its billions-of-years history, that reached this point? Could such a civilization have built the equivalent of our server farms that now house billions of singular intelligences in a virtual environment?

If one builds such technology and eventually uses it, wouldn’t one want to do so in the murky depths of the oceans, deep below the penetrating strikes of meteors, destructive mechanisms of earthquakes,and other natural disasters that befall land-dwellers?

Wouldn’t there be endless sources of energy located under the oceans, near hydrothermal vents or just closer to the Earth’s core? One could “sleep” in this environment for eons

Is there such a “sleeper” civilization living in a virtual environment somewhere in the unexplored depths of our oceans? Could UAP be their “observers,” or monitoring AI robotic craft that are programmed to monitor the progress of Earth’s denizens over the eons? To protect the server-based citizenry from an advancing species on land that has created, among other things, nuclear technology?

If this were the case, wouldn’t it explain a lot?

Submitted July 30, 2022 at 10:02AM by Glanton4455 https://ift.tt/pVrxmAi

Present from the husband:


Submitted July 30, 2022 at 09:15AM by zmaribeth16 https://ift.tt/RNGD3Zo

A Close Encounter With Betty Hill

Betty revealed something to me about her experience. She told me that only two other people on the planet knew what she was about to tell me. She asked that I tell no one. It was a gift. To this day, not even my wife knows.

- photographer David Mendelsohn

Intriguing - any ideas as to what this supposed secret could be?

Submitted July 30, 2022 at 05:10AM by IsleBeGone https://ift.tt/KObThz9

Friday, July 29, 2022

Deputy Johnson's UFO sighting, 1979


Submitted July 29, 2022 at 04:26PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/7J9pQaj

New Videos Emerge of the San Diego Lights and the Mystery Deepens

The US news media lost interest in the San Diego Lights after two days, so the contradictory information given by the Coast Guard, the Navy and the Marines was not clarified.

At first, the Coast Guard said it was a Navy exercise, but the Navy and the Marines said they didn't know what it was. The Navy later reversed and said it was an exercise, leaving more questions than answers.

However, new videos emerged from social media and the Mexican news, and a US military veteran specializing in ordinance and pyrotechnics debunks the "flare" theory.

What do you think?


Submitted July 29, 2022 at 04:54PM by Tokkertim https://ift.tt/iKxz5vH

I think this post about 4d beings explains Shadow people and the skipping movement of the Ariel school aliens


Submitted July 29, 2022 at 03:59PM by sharksfuckyeah https://ift.tt/FSBiZWI

Alien on a porch?

Submitted July 29, 2022 at 11:44AM by Broges0311 https://ift.tt/PNrLUGb

My Theory on Aliens

I believe aliens function like angels. Like nurses or guides pushing us to the light of truth in our interconnectedness. They are all love and light but not in a religious way — in a scientific way.

My idea is there are beings on earth with advanced nervous systems that may have been programmed for transmission of dense radioactivity and to absorb emotional traumas and music simultaneously.

In this theory the programmed beings would have to be multi instrumentalists as well as avid media consumers to truly obtain a PROGRAMMED brain. Like a Radiohead. Their measured cognitive process may be able to prove that music and the human heartbeat (as consolidated through hyper dense radio frequencies) can indeed sync universally.

These “advanced human” bodies have an evolved capacity to process emotions through the gut neurotransmitters.

Transmissions occur through FRBs and GRBs and impact gravitational waves so that over time all of us would operate from our gut microbes more than our egos. Cue empathy, oneness, and eternal truth. And cue a dream that one day the entire world could dance to one heartbeat via pulsars. And Beyoncé’s new song “break my soul.”

But the main concept is there are super humans here on earth that are able to absorb data to eventually prove we are linked more by our emotional energetic makeup than our biological and geographical differences.

Conveniently this almost sounds like a treaty for world peace. Thoughts??

Submitted July 29, 2022 at 11:54AM by tooljolie https://ift.tt/HEDa8CX

Alienware AW3418DW Monitor works fine HDMI, but DP constant black screen flickering HELP

I recently got an AW3418DW Monitor. My laptop is also Alienware (M17R5). When I first got this monitor I didn’t have a DisplayPort so I just used the HDMI port on my laptop to the monitor, however the HDMI on the monitor is limited to 50Hz. My laptop has a USBC (DP) port so I’ve bought a Dell USBC -> DP adaptor and used that to plug in the DisplayPort cord to the monitor so that I can get 100hz+ refresh rate.

Now here’s the issue, when using HDMI I had absolutely zero issues, working perfectly fine, picture is sexy crisp and flawless image. But, when I use the DisplayPort on the monitor it can’t go 1 minute without flickering to a black screen then back on then black screen. This is constant. Non-stop flickering on DP connection. My laptop is perfectly capable of using USBC to DP, but this fricken monitor just will not work without flickering, and I’m not even Overclocking it.

Here’s the trouble shooting I’ve tried so far;

  • buying a DP to USBC direct cable, didn’t work
  • using multiple DP cables, same issue
  • plugging in my partners MacBook, works perfectly fine (Grrrr)
  • trying the “turn off power, unplug, wait 30seconds, plug in, turn on” method
  • disabling hybrid graphics, doesn’t make a difference
  • fully reinstalling/wiping computer to reinstall windows 11, no difference
  • reinstalling Nvidia drivers, amd drivers etc, no difference
  • praying to a god I don’t believe in, didn’t work

However, using a USBC-> HDMI works without flickering, which just pisses me off like cmon, HDMI works fine but 50Hz, but DP flickers like crazy but that sexy 120Hz. I can’t catch a break.

Does anyone know any genies to grant me a wish to fix this problem. I’ve been stuck on it for 2 weeks now and cannot fix this fricken problem on the DP flickering to black screen constantly. I’m going insane. Please help. I’m desperate.

Submitted July 29, 2022 at 08:02AM by Raven_God_Gaming https://ift.tt/BlRbUCy

What do we think of these 1992 alien photos from Quebec?


Submitted July 29, 2022 at 04:30AM by MichaelEMJAYARE https://ift.tt/bQKWTxA

Thursday, July 28, 2022


Hey guys, we are a podcast/research team from the Pacific Northwest. We offer an indigenous view on all things paranormal! We would love if you'd take a listen and let us know what you think![ParaNorthwest](https://open.spotify.com/show/1W3YEc5q6P6DFeQeEpVoMu?si=67q40ervRAm6nK09w1pNyA)

Submitted July 28, 2022 at 11:43PM by ParaNorthwest https://ift.tt/HzeGYdM

My paintings, ufo, ancient aliens, etc. Oil and acrylic on canvas


Submitted July 28, 2022 at 11:54PM by MasterOgon https://ift.tt/G6JzwHc

Do you believe in the "Galactic Federation" that the former Israeli Space Security Chief claimed existed and that we've been in contact with them?

This sounds like something from Battlestar Galactica, but it's coming from a reputable source. Someone who has that job isn't some nutjob who gets his rocks off trolling people. You know as they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Is there any evidence other than his word?

Submitted July 28, 2022 at 02:16AM by matt73132 https://ift.tt/PhywjXN

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Megadeth: Rust in peace 1990 Album cover


Submitted July 28, 2022 at 01:38AM by stealthomarto66 https://ift.tt/193YgSD

Interview with a survivor from the Roswell incident. Warning: woo

I’m wondering if anybody on this sub has seen the supposed transcripts of an interview with an ET named Airl. My reaction was somber and it delves into much detail regarding Prison Planet. If you want to go down this rabbit hole, keep an open mind and mentally prepare yourself. I kinda wish I did.

Anyways, here’s the interview. There’s a bit of an intro that I personally think is worth listening to, but if you don’t want to deal with that the actual interviews start at 22:10.

Discussion encouraged, I can’t really talk with people about this and I’d like to.

Submitted July 28, 2022 at 02:02AM by macaroni___addict https://ift.tt/IHwJCie

Ariel Phenomenon Documentary is a truly compelling account told by inherently credible witnesses


Submitted July 28, 2022 at 12:50AM by odiephonehome https://ift.tt/eHrZ1KS

looking to get the skeleton of a alien as a tattoo. Do any of u have a reference picture I could use as the bone anatomy for alien that would work well?

looking for something small that has the stereotypical big head and small body so it could easily be identified for what it is

Submitted July 28, 2022 at 01:02AM by dxdwin https://ift.tt/5I3xMGL

Alien abduction story during a BBQ in Derbyshire England in 1995

A story about people being abducted in a group during a BBQ and missing time. This case is very hard to find so thought I'd share this, could there be a physical aspect during some alien abductions?

In 1995, couples and friends Mike and Debbie joined Steve and Annie at their Derbyshire house for a barbecue and several drinks. The night took a bizarre and frightening turn a little after 10:30 p.m.

Out of nowhere, an unusual disc-shaped craft hung over them. They watched it for several minutes before all four of them began to feel nauseous. The UFO then vanished as quickly as it had arrived. Steve looked over to the barbecue that only moments before had been glowing hot. It was now nothing but gray ash; the meat burned to a crisp. He checked his watch and was alarmed and confused to find it was well after midnight. Almost ninety minutes had passed.


Over the next few days, they all began to feel generally unwell, have trouble sleeping, and an overall feeling of anxiety. The friends agreed to be hypnotically regressed, and all four told the same story. They had been taken on board the spacecraft, and into a medical room where they were placed on tables for examination. The walls were described by Debbie as being “round, but divided into squares,” while Steve claimed he saw “figures and drawings on the walls” of various planets—including ones from our solar system that he could clearly recognize.

Full story: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/04/some-very-weird-alien-abductions-from-strange-places/

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 11:46PM by Oneromnation https://ift.tt/ie6GJ3c

A story proving aliens are real.

So I heard somewhere. A story about aliens and why they exist, The person who told me this was Part-time military, Lets call him Jim. He was stationed Somewhere I cannot say, as to protect him, he and his friend, Let's call him JC. Jc was a army pilot, Jim's best friend. So while they were in Nebraska, It was mainly countryside and in big cities, there's no stars. However in countrysides its the opposite of course, he would take photos. I do not have any photos, only a story. So JC Noticed something in the photos, one cloud had not moved in 2 Weeks so they had an idea, it would rain and the cloud didn't move. But luckily they had skydiving training so this was there chance, so they planned to fly towards the cloud. When they did, they had a reader, anywhere below A certain point is not normal and anywhere above a certain point is not normal. I forgot the numbers, so they flew up and the number was 2000! That's not normal at all. So they were convinced that it was a UFO. Think about it, it would be smart for aliens to hide as clouds. So when JC went to heli training, his power, communication, engines, Everything went out. So he unfortunately crashed. However, his power went out right above the cloud, so Jim suspected that it was a mini EMP that the aliens had.

TL;DR: cloud no move for 2 week they investigate emp kills best fren alien

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 10:40AM by e_man_cool https://ift.tt/TjBi8gv

Questions For Jacques Vallée

Hello Guys,

There is a possibility of having a conversation with Jacques Vallée, we would like to ask you what questions you would be interested in. For the record we did an interview at the beginning of the year with Garry Nalon, we hope by having Jacques we can have an indepth conversation.

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 08:48AM by meldiwin https://ift.tt/Dh08kHa

We don’t know who The Others really are, but when did you finally have that Wow Moment and realize that we are not alone, or are you still waiting for the President to tell you?


Submitted July 27, 2022 at 07:23AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/Fki1z4T

Where can researchers locate the largest public data base of abduction and contactee cases?

Much appreciated, All the best.

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 07:29AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/l62fAPp

116 - Releasement of 2 lost souls / spirit attachments. Come back to the light.

116 - Releasement of 2 lost souls / spirit attachments. Come back to the light.

Raw video recording of deep trance hypnosis session, spirit attachments removal, shamanic soul retrieval, Quantum healing, Akashic records access, "past" lives regression and Higher Self conversation.

• Subject discovered what is her mission in this lifetime looking at Earth from orbit
• Removing energetic cords and cables to toxic person, which was difficult to leave
• How to attract financial abundance
• How to connect with ancestors to gain strength
• Higher Self organized synchronized plan how to rescue subject from difficult low vibration life and this session was one part of this rescue action plan. Other event was planned for next day and another event in 2 days.

And much more!

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 04:22AM by archeolog108 https://ift.tt/ZbARWgJ

Alien Watchers and their Ancient Relations with Humans

Millions have undergone bizarre, other worldly UFO experiences from alien abduction to visions of unearthly apparitions. Here is a researched account of mankind's past; and a viewpoint on how religious, linguistic and mythological roots, threaded through multiple cultures and religions, can be linked back to Alien and UFO experiences as described in our modern era. Check it out!

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 02:20AM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/5bIWpsC

I think I had a sighting (ufo)

Sorry in advance for the long post,

I haven't really been on this subreddit but this started bothering me again recently. Before I left walmart I was working the 5am shift. I'd leave the house when it was still dark. I loved the drive because the streets were clear the air was cool and the skies on a good day were very clear.

On this particular morning I hit the highway that went to work, and the sky was unusually clear, I mean it was like I could see every star in the sky, it was honestly fascinating. As I'm getting to the walmart, I see these three bright lights quite a ways in the sky.

Now I will try to explain this the best I can. When you are sitting and driving you see what is directly in front of you, and for the most part you can't look straight above you, so these lights were difficult to guage how far they are. But what I remember is how yellow these lights were. It wasn't like regulat white light, it was a very luminous yellow.

Now for the past year I rationalized it as this. I live near a military facility, maybe they were doing early morning drills. These lights were signal flares. That would explain how bright they were. The alternative is they were helicopters. What neither rationalization makes sense is the way they moved.

You see I am not aware of any flare that drops suddenly, then in an instant shoots back up into the air at incredible speeds. Then there is the question of the size. I know flares are bright, and I am aware that light works funny when it comes to perspective but they were far too big to be signal flares. Now I'm not saying they were huge, but they were of a decent size.

Now for the helicopter theory. So this military installation does house choppers. We see them all the time buzzing around the skies of the neighborhood, during the day. This was my first issue with them. In the year I worked thar shift I'd never seen the helicopters fly that early. So to explain this I said maybe it's a random training excersise. But for me, this is the issue. Why would they do such crazy maneuvers so close to a residential area. I mean the way they moved was insane. For the few minutes I observed them, they would coast around for a little, then just drop out of sight only to shoot back up and out of view at insane speeds just to drop back down and hover in place. It was like they were dancing around eachother.

I didn't want to write about this because I thought it was silly, and people would just tell me those were the helicopters, and you know maybe they were. But if there was a place to write about it I figured it would be here.

What prompted me to write about it was that new movie, Nope. My brother and I went to go see it, and the movie just bothered me. It's like it's just had me thinking more and more about what I saw thar night. What irritates me the most is I didn't film. I was so entranced by the lights, the way they moved, the early morning sky that I just didn't.

But yeah that's my story.

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 02:37AM by KapitanBoricua https://ift.tt/kLdPB7b

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Coming out my friends house and see this…


Submitted July 27, 2022 at 01:56AM by neusstep https://ift.tt/qedaIRK

Recent Brazilian UFO hearing sought to link religion to UFOs/abductions

Disclosure may involve religion in some way.

The speech in the recent Brazilian UFO hearing was designed to link religion, UFOs, and abductions, because they needed to push their religious non-believing population towards acceptance. I wouldn't be surprised if other religious countries follow the lead.

In the hearing, Dr. Inajar Antonio Kurowski states that a study with 2,000 participants was held recently, the participants were majority Catholic at 53%. The remaining were a mix of other religions, atheists, and agnostics.

This was a fair mix of people who were surveyed, balanced by sex, age, income, schooling - it was a very well-designed sample plan, discussed with three statisticians from an institute that does electoral opinion polls.

The majority of the surveyed people answered that they did not believe in UFOs at 67%. It was quoted that the most noticeable reason was the varying beliefs and ideologies among their religions and belief systems that taught them they are unique and special in the Universe.

There was an apparant need to connect this UFO phenomenon with these various belief systems, to point out similarities from religious events to modern day abductions and UFO sightings.

After speaking about abductions for some time, Dr. Inajar Antonio Kurowski says in translation:

"More than 700 UFO sightings in Brazil are registered on the Government's page. Having made this brief presentation, I have to comment that since our history began to be written down, from the Sumerian platelets still made in cuneiform writing, there have been records of abductions. Even in communities where there is only oral record, these stories of abductions and beings that came in ships or in flying canoes, or in flying shields, had contact with humanity and took some of us to walk in these ships; some did not return.

In the Book of Kings, it says that the prophets Elijah and Elisha were walking, talking, and what they expressed in the language of the time emerged as being a chariot of fire that drew near and separated them, and Elijah ascended to heaven in a whirlwind.

When Elisha experienced this, he cried out and called for: "Father, my father, chariots of Israel and their horsemen!" And he saw him no more; and taking his clothes, he tore them in two parts. He lifted up Elijah's cloak, which had fallen from him, and turned and stood by the Jordan river.

In some versions, it says that Elijah threw his cloak to Elisha so that he would go on.

Another, which is apocryphal, is the Book of Enoch.

Enoch is Noah's great-grandfather. In chapter 13 of this Book of Enoch, he reveals some details of a space trip he made:

"I was enveloped in clouds and thick fog, uneasily contemplating the movement of stars and lightning, while favorable winds lifted my wings and accelerated my course...

I was taken to the sky and quickly reached a wall built with crystal stones. Moving flames enveloped its contours.

I began to be seized by fear... Entering, I threw myself into the midst of the flames [he was afraid of that fire]... And I entered a vast abode, whose floor had also been built with crystal, as well as its foundations."

Imagine that he has been abducted and he finds himself in a room, where there are many flashing colored lights and switches with various purposes. There weren't any form of lights besides fire at that time, 3000 years before Christ. So, he identified those colored lights as being colored flames. He entered a room with crystal walls. Some abductees say that when they entered the ship, the walls were transparent. They could see the stars and everything. And the floor itself, the floor was transparent. This transparency, Enoch interpreted as being crystal, which was what he had in his vocabulary, at the time, to be able to express himself.

Enoch says that he visited seven different worlds, saw in them winged creatures, with the head of a crocodile, with the tail of a lion. On the seventh world, he personally met the creator of the worlds, who explained the formation of the Earth and the solar system. Enoch says that the journey, for him, lasted a few days, but when he returned to Earth, many years had passed, decades, in fact. This is typical close to the speed of light travel effect.

In Genesis, there in the common Bible, chapter 5, verses 22 to 24, it says, "And again Enoch walked with God; but then he appeared no more, for when God took him..-", that is to say he was taken away for some time, returned to pass on great wisdom, then was again abducted and never returned. So Enoch, for us here, never died. He was taken.

"Jumping a lot in history, we can find there are reports of abductions throughout history, both in ancient Rome, in Greece, throughout the Middle Ages, in short, until modernity, there are reports of abductions."

Submitted July 27, 2022 at 01:00AM by Joshuah1991 https://ift.tt/5qGrzUM

Anyone have parallel bruises made of small punctures?

https://ibb.co/album/1Z77Q6 back

https://ibb.co/album/41DLGn shoulder

Woke up with these one day.

Submitted July 26, 2022 at 12:42PM by amendednumbertwo https://ift.tt/549hosT

Stardust Ranch


Submitted July 26, 2022 at 05:20AM by seenthattinker https://ift.tt/i81NYFc

Aliens and the Bible

I just wanted to share this thought because I’ve never heard anyone say it before, & I have no clue where to share it. I know my thought is extremely unique and my belief stems from knowledge of scripture based on a religion Reddit seems not to like, but with all this said - I do not practice any religion at this time. Please think of this as a mere possibility, and not discredit it too quickly.

Some religions teach that it was meant for humans to exist forever without death & with the earth as our home. If that is the case, I think I may have a few logical suggestions as to

1.) why they’re so super sophisticated compared to those on earth.

2.) why aliens have been spotted numerous times, but they don’t come here to stay and hang out.

Ok let’s start with the whole living forever thing. If it were true that Adam and Eve and their descendants would’ve lived forever without death, then it would mean mankind would’ve been able to accomplish much greater things in a quicker period of time. But with death being a factor, human beings die as soon as they reach the highest pinnacle of mastery and understanding of their craft.

This is important because if a society in another world exists, it is very possible that this society has not inherited sin and death. Which would mean that their masters and great minds have been able to spend much more time developing new technology.

On top of this, we know that the 7 days of creation was to create the universe as we know it, however we do have an understanding that the 7 days were not literally 24 hours . They were simply periods of time which science proves to be billions of years.

So with all of this information at hand, we can readily assert that these societies outside of our galaxy may have been created before earth and humankind, which is just another reason why their technology is light years ahead of ours.

Now my logic allows me to conclude that if there’s a creator, then he probably created the aliens as well, and if he wants society on earth to follow his rules, he would probably want society on other planets to obey them as well.

We all know earth is a sinful planet, and it has been since Adam and Eve. Before then , it lacked sin. There are numerous occasions in the Bible where god tells his servants to stay away from non-servants of him, so that their sinful ways don’t rub off on them.

I believe this is why we see UFOS and then they shoot off as soon as they realize they’re near a sinful planet. It is because the aliens are pure , sinless servants of god , and they are simply instructed not to come here

Submitted July 26, 2022 at 04:13AM by Hefty_Menu_2101 https://ift.tt/hgPB1lM

Monday, July 25, 2022

Project Blue Beam: What Is Serge Monast's Bold Theory?


Submitted July 26, 2022 at 01:33AM by Suspicious-Shelter32 https://ift.tt/9beYxME

Anyone heard of shape shifting hostile insects from ESPILON ERIDANI?


Submitted July 26, 2022 at 02:12AM by knatascheek https://ift.tt/IGNJEwf

Just a sketch of my interpretation on how "grey" could look like. 🤗


Submitted July 26, 2022 at 12:01AM by tesoart https://ift.tt/hL0IPpu

OnlyFans star Elle Brooke convinced aliens exist as 'something is out there'


Submitted July 25, 2022 at 11:19AM by GIJew22 https://ift.tt/o7YeCW5



Submitted July 25, 2022 at 11:47AM by Sussy_Daddy69 https://ift.tt/lnQIoJN

UFO Abductees shown images of Dead Earth

I have been reading books about people who have been abducted and found that a great many of them the last thing that happens after the crude examinations is through telepathy or a 3-D type screen images of an Earth on fire, oceans with black oil slicks, continents flooded. I’m wondering if they know the future or are trying to prevent it through ‘educating’.

Submitted July 25, 2022 at 10:38AM by ExKnockaroundGuy https://ift.tt/tFckw4M

Alien Isolation (Nightmare Difficulty) | Full Game Playthrough | No Comm...


Submitted July 25, 2022 at 10:02AM by PaulGamingWorld https://ift.tt/t4IZg6w

NASA Unveils a Bold New Plan to Look for Signs of Life on Other Planets


Submitted July 25, 2022 at 06:23AM by andre-1425 https://ift.tt/rJczHT9

CGI recreation of my UFO encounter in Germany, July 25th, 2013. (Description in comments) [OC]


Submitted July 25, 2022 at 04:39AM by miesdachi https://ift.tt/4gKIBZy

Former CIA Officer Jim Semivan talks about Aliens

At instagram @ disclosure_team, Jim Semivan, former CIA officer and member of TTS, admits that there is "a force that exists out there that can control our environment, put thoughts in our head, lie to us, deceive us, and that we are not in control of our lives".

Here is the link disclosure_team on Instagram: Jim Semivan Full interview on @engagingthephenomenon YouTube channel. Video: Mike Colangelo on Twitter 🛸 Follow @disclosure_team…

What do you guys think about this?

Submitted July 25, 2022 at 05:11AM by Old-Amoeba-644 https://ift.tt/Gk5AO1w

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Saw this in my backyard last night


Submitted July 24, 2022 at 10:32AM by akand_1 https://ift.tt/2IlsQtr


I asked myself, "why do governments not acknowledge alien life?"

The simple answer goes hand in hand with some other things you might recognize. The answer is FEAR. Fear allows for control and coersion...so if we don't fear aliens then how can the masses be manipulated? Why do so many movies depict aliens as blood thirsty killers, coming to take our world (and surely our women too??)

Submitted July 24, 2022 at 09:25AM by dbone531 https://ift.tt/ViH26vb

Are there any seasoned researchers who know if Bill Herrmann from ‘Contact from Reticulum’ is still alive?


Submitted July 24, 2022 at 07:14AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/K3F1OSf

Has anyone witnessed the same?

A few days ago me and some friends were staying in a very remote part of Spain near Malaga. As you can imagine, the stars were extremely visible.

As we were stargazing, I noticed what looked like another star slowly moving across the sky. At first I assumed it could be a satellite, but after about a minute of moving across the sky at the same speed, two other lights (looking exactly the same as the other one, like a star) began to move towards it and they stayed extremely close for around 30 seconds, almost overlapping, and then all departed slowly at the same time to create a perfect triangle in the sky - they then slowly faded from view.

I have no idea what this was but it felt like I was witnessing something synchronised with the coming together and departing into a triangle. Has anyone else witnessed anything like this or has an explanation?

Submitted July 24, 2022 at 05:08AM by jackwarne https://ift.tt/ek8N0nU

Saturday, July 23, 2022

ai generated


Submitted July 23, 2022 at 03:04PM by worldboxgamerthe2nd https://ift.tt/Hm9slFe

here's my story

I have seen two types and felt a 3rd and maybe a 4th type what i interpret as an alien. The first happened as my so and i were on our way to pick up our daughter at her boyfriends house. Btw, she told me later that she saw a ship also. When my so and i were still in our neighborhood we saw what we thought at the time to be a shooting star, what i immediately realized was that it may have just been a ufo entering our atmosphere. It caused me great alarm due to its trajectory appeared to me at that instant was headed to crash into the local highschool at the end of the street i was driving on. Then the meteorite looking streak tail which was a glowing green with sparks just stopped. As we continued driving a few more blocks i saw a humanoid thing come down from the sky. It hovered above the sidewalk of a street i was passing. this event which still haunts me to this day lasted mere seconds. It was at the height of a second floor window and facing towards a house. I was able to see it just floating there it had on a gray ish metallic suit on with blue lights emitting from the angles of the suit where you see appendages and openings. It was humanoid in structure. Head arms and feet and torso. I told my so to look but so did not look. It never made a sound. It didnt have any looking means of propulsion. The only thing i could think was to keep driving and get the hell out of there. Another time i was actually driving my daughters boyfriend home. We finished passing the local commercial area and were passing a ditch. In that ditch i saw what looked like several of the predator looking alien creatures from that series. The exeption was that the dreadlocks on top of its head appeared to me to bw lighted with a soft glowing biolusience which were colored like a neon colors of white and purple ish intertwined. They looked like there were about at least 6 or more of them. They appeared bulky in size and i was just far enough not to be able to see further details. The last one i unfortunately did not get to see it with my eyes. It did in fact was the most disturbing. I had awaken in the middle of the night. I could feel like aomething small walking on the bed where my so and i were asleep. I then heard a scan being made towards my so face. When i first realized that all of this was happening i made a concious effort to keep my breathing to stay calm and to pretend i am still asleep. Then i heard it make a few steps towards our feet as opposed to the head of my so. Then it made a strange whistle like it was an unnatural harmonic in a dark and musical way. Then i heard like a suction sound and like a weight lifted off of us. It was gone. I know that i dont know what they are. I just know theyre hear and the story is bigger and deeper than our feeble minds can imagine. The last one occured at the end of may this year. I woke up to seeing my family getting ready for school and work. While i was atarting to move and get up in bed i saw 3 what looked like bouncing basketballs bouncing together but at different parts of the path, as in they were not in sync with each other. As i noticed them and started to really focus they immediately stopped and started doing the same bouncing but this time moving away from me on the side of the edge of my bed. I asked thwm if they saw them, they said they did not.

Well thats my aliens story. Not the crafts that ive witness s story. Thanks for reading.

Submitted July 23, 2022 at 01:39PM by PS1CSLAYA https://ift.tt/YynuzbJ

On September 11th, 1997, a mysterious caller phoned into the Coast to Coast radio show with Art Bell. The caller, known as the "frantic man" claimed to be an ex-area 51 employee on the run from the government. His chilling statements about aliens made the phone call famous in the 1990s.

Submitted July 23, 2022 at 11:42AM by metalnxrd https://ift.tt/RLQjPEU

The Olympics is the perfect stage for aliens to make an appearance?

Every country by the world is gathered in one spot and so are their multiple medias. Globally, all eyes are on the ceremonies. If ET‍ wanted to make their presence known to everyone, this would be most effective way than say, showing up on the front lawn of the Whitehouse.

Submitted July 23, 2022 at 08:27AM by brewerlinear https://ift.tt/MpN60Fe

Trillions of Galaxies, with Trillions of stars, means there is likely trillions of Earths and trillions of civilizations. The Universe is teeming with Life; Human folklore and myths are derived from interacting with non-earth life and seeing their crafts.

Most humans do not think about life on other worlds or are aware of the crafts that visit Earth.

Submitted July 23, 2022 at 07:10AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/9oYB6az

To search for alien life, astronomers will look for clues in the atmospheres of distant planets — and the James Webb Space Telescope just proved it's possible to do so


Submitted July 23, 2022 at 05:14AM by Tao_Dragon https://ift.tt/jg0YsOw

Friday, July 22, 2022

On The Left We Have The Shape of a Plane In White Hot IR, On The Right We Have The Shape of the Gimbal UFO in White Hot IR (Explanation In Comments)


Submitted July 22, 2022 at 10:04AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/8uSLBkP

The shapeshifter .the archon


Submitted July 22, 2022 at 08:41AM by deadfinger100 https://ift.tt/3nfjEY2

Trying to get back into 3d modeling. Was inspired by a guy who posted a UFO in a bunker a month ago, tried my hand at a different interpretation.


Submitted July 22, 2022 at 08:09AM by alphabeticmonotony https://ift.tt/eDEOoly

aliens really do use probes it’s not just stereo typical shit

i wish i didn’t find out the hard way.

Submitted July 22, 2022 at 08:15AM by frogbongo https://ift.tt/fTao6dB

Got my sweet poster! Woohoo!


Submitted July 22, 2022 at 05:50AM by 2r0jg8vjghjhgj https://ift.tt/zUxd5PJ



As long as you can MAKE the vehicles out of a reactor/vehicle

The accelerators will have so much pressure that they will force the vacuum to be neutral in order to keep in line with the law as of conservation of energy Space is already a vacuum

No gas, no electricity other than to power the particle accelerators. Could gravity be negated if several accelerators were “Russian Dolled” within sustainable vacuums? Could this pressure between heat and the vacuum amplify the effects of the engine on the vacuum? All theoretical. Was brainstorming with Erik

Biggest difficulty to even test this would be making an engine small enough. Which is a huge stretch(since they’re Km long). Maybe in several hundred years

(Torch Reality). Heat is exerted from a torch when the trigger is pulled. This measures around 4” when fired. When exposed to sunlight the same torch will lower this output to approximately half or around 2.5” This is the problem with combustion engines. We are not using the gas effectively. We could be using vacuum seals around self sustaining engines that could essentially be configured for travel.

Harnessing the ability to use this is one thing.

Harnessing the ability to recreate this is theoretically possible.

Here’s why: Because the torch has a vacuum inside- there is a pressure difference between the in and outside of the casing. When external heat is applied to a vacuum creating propulsion/heat from inside, this creates a pressure differential. This pressure differential can be used to create a sort of THOR hammer effect with the ufo. The gravity and pull from the pressure differential between the two vacuum sealed particle accelerators will then create a instant motion in wherever the gravity control desires.

This reason is why Bob Lazar states that these crafts fly using the broad side of the disk. This is the same craft he mentions.


Element 115 should be used as a clay-dried into metal property. Based on my understanding of 3D density amongst solids. Metals can act like mercury but we have yet to see something of clay texture. So it is a “theoretical” possibility. Since it’s “man made” here but could be “theoretically naturally produced elsewhere”. This material may be what is used to house the unit. Acting as one piece of many desires. Depending on electric current applied to the element this will allow for wiring, transparent to opaqueness-vice versa. Whatever it needs to be.

Submitted July 22, 2022 at 04:15AM by Comefindoutthen https://ift.tt/aodwhRj

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Spoiler **** NOPE

What did you think about the movie? Do you think we could have alien UFOs? Could aliens traverse the universe in there physical form?

Submitted July 21, 2022 at 11:38PM by manofadv https://ift.tt/Gb5kgfJ

Aliens 2: what if some personal remained on the Solaco?

I understand WHY no one remained on the Solaco and why they went to LV-426, but what if the went to LV-426 with a full contigent of troops? How differently would things have turned out if a crew remained on the Solaco? On the wiki it says a Conestoga Assault ship can have up to 90 crew & passengers and over 2000 marines in hypersleep. For this we will just say 500 troops go down to surface and 500 remain on board along with the 90 crewmen on board? Any thoughts anyone?

Submitted July 21, 2022 at 10:22AM by Relevant-Lie8006 https://ift.tt/CtvIz0x

Aliens 2: What if the dropship "Bugstomper" didn't crash?

What would have happened? Would Ripley still discover Burks scheme? Would Burk get away with it? Would Burk try somehow to stop Hicks from "Nuking the entire site from orbit" once they all got back to the Solaco?

Submitted July 21, 2022 at 10:12AM by Relevant-Lie8006 https://ift.tt/bdxu2nT

Mysterious bundle of string on Mars' surface found by Perseverance rover


Submitted July 21, 2022 at 05:16AM by E_Gadd_PHD https://ift.tt/9ncgdXO

Martian invasion in a bathroom


Submitted July 21, 2022 at 04:14AM by TheMartinDeckerShow https://ift.tt/N1CtiFl

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

U.S. military creates new "Anomaly Resolution Office" to investigate UFOs


Submitted July 21, 2022 at 01:28AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/WVRpIS3

I used a powerful AI to generate artwork about UFOs


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 07:57AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/qbRJvQZ

Something’s Going On // A YouTube playlist to keep you occupied in these strange times… 🧿🛸🪐👁‍🗨


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 06:23AM by the_astraltramp https://ift.tt/REGNSnW

Aliens and UFOs: The Bigger Picture


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 05:27AM by LetsTalkUFOs https://ift.tt/ur2GlfI

Albert Rosales Humanoid Reports

I used to read these as a teenager, back when they were available on his website. They're probably the best source of information on alien encounters outside of the well known ones - Beyond Creepy even sources some of his videos using them. Now I see that you need to purchase them in book form over at Amazon, but to buy them all will be pretty expensive.

Has anyone read them? Are they worth it? Is there a bundle I can purchase somewhere?

Submitted July 20, 2022 at 04:17AM by WasabiSeahorse https://ift.tt/v92xJfL

John Ramirez says on LinkedIn that using cars as SCIFs was commonplace in the IC - like the Wilson-Davis conversation in Las Vegas


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 03:47AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/08gTomr

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Anti-Gravity TR3-B in action?


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 01:53AM by Goddo-Fo-20 https://ift.tt/2EZuJ3x

Thoughts on this? Real or fake?


Submitted July 20, 2022 at 12:15AM by DemonLizardman https://ift.tt/sM4JEVh

Raw Footage Ariel school UFO sighting 1994


Submitted July 19, 2022 at 02:10PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/q128PfD

The closer we get to Disclosure, the worse the world's problems seem to get.

Anyone else notice that since 2017 when things started heating up with Disclosure, the world started going to shit? Could this be because the malevolent aliens are trying to distract us or worse, deciding it's time we destroy ourselves? I know it could just all be a coincidence but it's been bugging me for a while now. Thoughts?

Submitted July 19, 2022 at 10:58AM by FoulYouthLeader https://ift.tt/PsQw6HV

2 UFOs fly by a plane


Submitted July 19, 2022 at 09:26AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/PasgF3i

Ready for Contact


Submitted July 19, 2022 at 09:05AM by Cautious_Working_264 https://ift.tt/HcZwI7W

Best YouTube channels for alien encounters/abductions?

So tired of hearing about Roswell and Rendlesham Forest. Please could you recommend me some channels that cover the good (i.e. lesser known) stuff?

Some channels I am already aware of are: Beyond Creepy, Bedtime Stories, Think Anomalous, The Paranormal Scholar.

Submitted July 19, 2022 at 07:49AM by WasabiSeahorse https://ift.tt/8pZmS6G

Fermi paradox and Matrix Level VR

Imagine what would happen if we are able to create a perfect simulation of the world of our dreams and needs and it will be so realistic we won’t even notice that we’re in an VR. I think it would be comparable with heaven. You could do and live wherever you desire to even on Pokémon island if that’s what you want… so not exactly like in the matrix. Food security and Energy Production is automated. So why would anybody ever leave that simulation? If you see how much time many of us already spend in the internet or games. I think this is we’re our society is heading and if it could happens to our society why it shouldn’t happen to alien civilizations? Why to explore space then if you have billions of perfect worlds to explore in that VR? Excuse my rough writing but I would like to hear your thoughts on this

Submitted July 19, 2022 at 05:33AM by ganguspangus https://ift.tt/hmITrnY

Monday, July 18, 2022


Maybe them aliens hiding in infrared

Submitted July 19, 2022 at 12:28AM by MindlessSeed https://ift.tt/pDAsYmb

UFOs the Pentagon's Project Sign 1948-1953


Submitted July 18, 2022 at 08:52AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/smKxSIQ

The CIA have planted disinformation about UFO’s in media, news and Hollywood since the 1950’s. It’s likely they are still actively doing this today. Beware of those who debunk & ridicule.


Submitted July 18, 2022 at 07:10AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/kSiTOgu

When aliens say to us (i.e. via kids in Ariel school): tech will destroy humanity, they didnt mean the atomic bomb. They meant social media. And its happening. Thoughts?


Submitted July 18, 2022 at 06:02AM by randall_walsh95 https://ift.tt/k8qhHyP

Almost Every Researcher Starts With The ET Hypothesis But Later Ends Up With Interdimensional

And I'm not talking only about ordinary people but also scientists like Jacques Vallee, Allen Hynek, Travis Taylor and even Bill Nelson the administrator of NASA played with this theory...

Also insiders like Lue Elizondo mentions this theory a lot and we know that Tom DeLonge is 100% convinced in interdimensional beings and like him or not he's one of the main guys that started this chain of events that lead to congressional hearings and soon to be immunity for all insiders.

I myself (not an expert) started with ET and didn't even want to consider the interdimensional/paranormal/parallel universe theory but in time and as you progress it becomes impossible to ignore it...

I covered this in a few short animation explainers that I've made:

Interdimensional/Parallel Universe: https://youtu.be/QdX5qhOrk9U

Hidden Realms: https://youtu.be/ZXGNunXxJ30

Consciousness Link: https://youtu.be/_fmbVg96oTg

Submitted July 18, 2022 at 04:40AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/HO1vMm5

If humans are an invasive species, will aliens be as well?


Submitted July 18, 2022 at 02:47AM by ResanChea https://ift.tt/bgnaX4r

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Memories from being a toddler

Ok. so this is something i've never shared with anyone before...partly because it was hard to put out in words, partly because it is something i wish it was just some crazy imagination or coincidence:

So i have always had some clear memories from being a toddler and even a baby. i know some memories are real because whenever i talked about them with my parents they would recall some of them and confirm they really happened.

I've always had a hard time going to bed. for most of my life i didnt like to have my bedroom door open at night and if it is i am always looking at the entrance waiting for something to go inside.

I have some memories of when i was still in a crib, so i must of been less than 1 year old. i remember seeing a black oval in a drawing or a toy and thinking to myself "i dont like that shape, it looks like one of their eyes!" i kinda remember "they" would stare at me at night, and i didnt like having them watching me. whenever i remember that it makes me a little anxious and i just have to look around me making sure nobody or nothing is watching me.

I'm one of those that always finds UFO's in the sky and i have had some strange things in my life that makes me wonder if they have, or are still visiting me.

Submitted July 18, 2022 at 02:11AM by emveor https://ift.tt/F31cktX

real or a dream? it has bugged me for years!!

Hey guys!!, Sorry this is a long one. When I was around 7 or 8, I was playing in my room with my toys on the floor. Now this may seem really strange, I remember this clear as day. I watched a spider walk across my bedroom floor, under my bed, (this is where it gets weird) I then watched the spider walk INTO the skirting board. The skirting board actually opened up with a bright light coming from inside it. Now.. I run downstairs to tell my parents there was a monster in my room, they actually remember this.. they told me not to be silly and go back to bed. I did. The next morning I looked at my skirting board, and there were little lines there, as If that was where it opened up, my mum still lives in that house, and I actually thought about it the other day and checked the skirting board again, guess what, no lines.. did I hallucinate this? Was I dreaming if my mum and dad can remember me coming downstairs? Nothing else strange has happened since. Ever. Has anyone else ever experienced anything as odd as this?

Submitted July 17, 2022 at 05:24PM by AdMuted8014 https://ift.tt/L3S8tzu

Are There Godlike Alien's


When pondering on the existence of alien life we some times can find ourselves drifting to the thought of how advanced life may be. If we look at our technological advancements for a reference we can assume that in a million years time the average humans experience will be completely alien to us.

So what if there are civilizations out there with capabilities that seem godlike to modern day humans. If you were to be sent back 500 years with our technology it is likely that they would think you're a witch and burn you.

Our ability to phantom future technology relies is based on knowledge of pre existing technology. There are many advancements we have made that people from the past would be able to understand but other that they will have no reference point of comprehension.

So could the same be said for an alien species out there? Could this species be able to Traverse the stars in a instant maybe even time or even multiple universes. Have they found a way of transcending their biological origins?

Who is to say? What are your thoughts on this idea and alien life?

I have created a video on this subject as well as many other just like it so please check it out if you're interested! Much Love :)))

Submitted July 17, 2022 at 05:03PM by SpaceObserver- https://ift.tt/0Yzil5A

WELCOME VISITORS (2022) photo of myself!


Submitted July 17, 2022 at 02:09PM by Successful_kank https://ift.tt/6dEQB5Y

What do you all think of the video of the Lunar Mona Lisa from the Apollo 20 mission? Do you believe the footage was real ? And that they actually discovered other beings on the far side of the moon? Also I cant find the video on YouTube anymore , jus images on Google


Submitted July 17, 2022 at 12:54PM by Ta2Luis https://ift.tt/r3N4EKA

2 UFOs combine and disappear


Submitted July 17, 2022 at 09:56AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/b0nPZKf

Saturday, July 16, 2022

I can't clap some alien cheeks then wtf is the point of looking for them😔


Submitted July 17, 2022 at 01:24AM by jacobm3770 https://ift.tt/hmZqDU0

One of those interviews that flies under the radar but offers some potential answers to some big questions. More evidence for me that ‘the truth is out there’ but you’re probably pretty clueless if you’re ‘sure you’re ready for it’.


Submitted July 17, 2022 at 01:36AM by Soft_Tax1757 https://ift.tt/MTfBANo

509th bomber group badge. These were the guys who found the 1947 Roswell craft. Why is there an alien on the badge?

Submitted July 16, 2022 at 06:59AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/ix7hnWb

Magnetic Field Disruptions:

So as of late Earth's magnetic field has been acting up, does anyone think the uptick in UFO sightings has to deal with that?

Submitted July 16, 2022 at 03:35AM by QuantumFenrir001 https://ift.tt/OH4fpZG

Take me to your leader


Submitted July 16, 2022 at 04:02AM by stopthisrideIwantoff https://ift.tt/p2OvV1R

Friday, July 15, 2022

Skinwalker Ranch be like


Submitted July 16, 2022 at 01:44AM by zarmin https://ift.tt/4tGOk8a

What does everyone think about aliens as time travelers (us) from the future?

Do you think aliens could be time travelers or intertemporal beings?


Submitted July 16, 2022 at 12:16AM by Mike_n_Maurice https://ift.tt/ByFsYMS

There is a Universal Writing System we can use to talk to aliens and I created an app all about it!


Submitted July 16, 2022 at 12:40AM by JonoThora https://ift.tt/uUXfvHO

"objects in Mirror are Closer...1 and 2" Work partially inspired by the James Webb historic journey. Mixed media on vintage car and truck mirrors mounted on 8 x 8" wood panels. Stay Super-Galactic Everyone!


Submitted July 15, 2022 at 07:14AM by Octo-30-artist https://ift.tt/mv8LZIP

I have no idea what that was..

I woke up an hour ago, uk that feeling when ur eyes are sticky/laggy when waking up. So I closed my eyes,raised both eyebrows (stretching my face) and moved my eye aside ways while a weird thought of this being a “code” or some type of pattern flashed, next thing I see is that I’m wasting my POV through a screen, and I feel like someone was freaking out that I found out about it.. I tried it again but couldn’t reach it I don’t do any substances and I was an hour awake already. Idk if this has happened to anyone, or if it’s some psychological issue.. lol if u got any thoughts or ideas pls share them Kinda feeling weird

Submitted July 15, 2022 at 05:04AM by awoman101 https://ift.tt/SR35pZd

What was revealed to Robert P. Renaud by the Inhabitants of Planet Korendor?

Mr. Renaud wrote a book about it : UFO contact from Planet Korendor: Another Advanced Society Volume two. The book is not available on Amazon or eBay. He was contacted on his ham radio by a female who asked him to stay on frequency for a while. The female said she was on an airship hundreds of miles above Earth, He met the Korendorians and rode in their ships. He also had tapes of space communications he had with these beings. He wrote a dozen books on Korendorian life each 500 to 600 pages long. Single spaced with no typographical errors. Which seemed to be written automatically.

Submitted July 15, 2022 at 03:55AM by skyhawk77 https://ift.tt/FXSweun

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

1968 Minot AFB UFO Encounter


Submitted July 13, 2022 at 01:05PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/fVAmr8R

Rat race on alien planets

Do you think on other planets they got a similar system to us? A 9-5 cubical job, traffic, bills, credit score etc

Submitted July 13, 2022 at 01:08PM by Tasty-Television-360 https://ift.tt/IayzECY

Astronomers detect a radio “heartbeat” billions of light-years from Earth


Submitted July 13, 2022 at 12:08PM by Hywaystar74 https://ift.tt/RLy1UDA

Webb Telescope Image Observation

I was looking at the Webb telescope photo and after adding some picture enhancements, I noticed the bright spots are big X's. Are these points of interest (UFO?) from NASA or alien planets/motherships or simple coincidental camera glare that look like X's in a map?

Submitted July 13, 2022 at 10:28AM by MMic21 https://ift.tt/TK8AHDV

can somebody explain this moving star like thing


Submitted July 13, 2022 at 09:47AM by Sad-Boysenberry-8561 https://ift.tt/jtSYE5z

Bob Lazar Explains Role Of Element 115 As Alien Fuel Source For UFOs

According to Bob Lazar, Element 115 is a highly radioactive element that allows alien spacecraft to traverse the cosmos, impervious to gravity’s effects. Lazar has been claiming for years that he worked on the material at Area-51 and that it can be used to power spacecraft.

In his initial TV interviews with George Knapp back in 1989, Bob first discussed Element 115 and how it was used in the propulsion system of the alien craft hidden at the S-4 facility. He never denied or confirmed if aliens had given them Element 115 but he told that they had 500 pounds (227 kg) for reverse engineering purposes.


"It's a superheavy element," Lazar once told Larry King. "It's a unique element. When it's exposed to radiation, it produces its own gravitational field—its own antigravitational field, and it's what's used to lift and propel the craft." The UFO fuel is stable and did not decay, according to Lazar. He said that the fuel creates gravity waves to propel the UFO.

Submitted July 13, 2022 at 08:10AM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/ZtUP8pg

What were these?

When I was younger I was near a glass door in my house during the night, across the street above my neighbors house were 3 teal blue disks circling above the roof, there were no sources to make that. It was not a reflection for the fact nothing behind me would of made that, also when I went to get my mom, they disappeared. It has stuck with me ever since, and the neighbors house has had some dark stuff going on even with the new family that moved in. I know what I saw even years later, I remember that night fully.

Submitted July 13, 2022 at 06:35AM by Strawburrrrs https://ift.tt/wfp81LQ

Alien graffiti can be pretty hurtful


Submitted July 13, 2022 at 04:42AM by beroemd https://ift.tt/a0mps8C

Question regarding a video

I can’t remember, but there was a video of a guy doing a video call with I think it was a ufologists on a live stream. Then in the middle of the interview something peeks around the corner behind him and pulls back. Everyone in the chat freaks out. I think it was at the Skinwalker ranch, but I can’t find anything on it.

Submitted July 13, 2022 at 02:32AM by AnIceMonkey https://ift.tt/PeOUSJm

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Was earth sold sometime in the past?

What if earth is currently owned by an alien species? When I say owned, it’s like us owning a piece of land after we sign papers with our government.

If we presume aliens are hundreds of millions’ of years more advanced than us. Then rarity and exclusivity are the only currencies that they probably use and trade with.

It would not surprise me to know that this planet was bought and sold many times in the past.

What do you think?

Submitted July 12, 2022 at 09:36AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/GC8AF6l

The earth-like planet kepler-452b and why the visitation hypothesis isn't crazy

According to NASA the exo-planet kepler 452b, is within the habitable zone of it's star, it's rocky, circles it's star in 360+ days, and is slightly bigger than earth. Additionally it's six billion years old

The only aspect left to learn about it is whether it has liquid water or not. This is what the James Webb telescope is for. The odds aren't certain, but the mere fact that a planet within our small observable universe already cuts so close has significant implications statistically given how much bigger the rest of it is

What the james webb will confirm for us is how likely it is to find water and biogsignature gases on a planet within the habitable zone. If it finds any on the three habitable zone planets on proxima centauri. (Which they confirmed to be on their list) Then the odds shoot up even higher for kepler because it's circling a tame sun much like ours instead of an active red giant

Even if we don't find water or bio-signatures the odds for a planet which has our conditions and a civilization which developed like ours--yet is older/more developed is still significant. For example earth is currently is 4.5 billion years old. Homosapiens first emerged 300,000 years ago. Which is barely a blink in the planets timeline. If we were to suppose that intelligent life evolved on kepler, and developed somewhere around the same mark as our planet then they could poses technology that is a good 2 billion years older than ours.

Think of the current day smart phones, now compare it to what your grandparents were using or what you used when you were a child. It's only been a couple of decades and yet look at how much it changed! One could argue that a mere 500 years is more than enough for technology to look unrecognisable to us nowadays so think of what a whole billion could do or two

Suddenly the ridiculous air to water maneuvers UAPs did in the Nimitz incident don't seem too outlandish to believe

TOI-561b is another rocky exo-planet that is close to earth's size. It's the oldest at 14 billion years old. It orbits too closely to it's star for life (as we know it) to survive. However, it poses as an example. A show of how easy it for the universe to create older copies of our old. There is still a lot left to for us to learn and i hope that JWST brings us closer to finding answers to one of the big questions. "Are we alone in the universe?" It almost feels very dumb to ask this now

Submitted July 12, 2022 at 07:28AM by Latticese https://ift.tt/0nKV1DQ

Monday, July 11, 2022

Uncommon things happening

So, this has happened a while ago, actually.

It's WAY long, bc it has lots of relevant details. Sorry.

I had a normal day and went to bed like every day. But I had a dream in which I was driving around town and I suddenly felt an urge to stop by an old building and enter it for no reason at all. Inside I found myself in some kind of medical clinic and there were many of my work colleagues. They had been given some sort of "DIY kit" to collect blood samples. The building itself was disturbing, because it looked really old outside, but, inside, it had glass walls, bright new white floor and roof... Basically everything was white-ish and/or metallic. Okay, so my real-life boss comes out of a room with someone I've never ever see in my life, a tall, slim white guy with a green metallic hair. Boss greets me and hands me over the blood collecting stuff. I ask why are we doing this and he says the company has asked us to do it and send the blood samples to our administration center and reaffirmed that it was all right and if I couldn't take my blood myself I just had to ask them for help. I felt like it was all strange and delayed doing the deed until I couldn't avoid it any longer. My boss and the tall guy came over in a friendly manner and said that they'd help me doing it, but I'd need to go in the room they first came from. I followed them somehow, like being controlled. There, I found out it was some kind of bathroom, where Tall Guy went over and sat in a bench and Boss told me to stand on the wall, and so I did. Boss picked a way large needle and kept saying "Hey, don't need to be scared, okay? That's gonna be quick and won't hurt at all" whilst sticking the long needle through the front part of my throat, precisely at the laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple) and a slight drop of blood came through the other side. Then I hear someone from everywhere else but there say "Tell them you know it. Tell them you are aware of it" and so I did. I said "Hey, cut it. I know you guys are not what you are trying to make me believe you are." They were somehow shocked, looked at each other and said "Excuse us... What do you mean? This is exactly what it is!" and I replied "No. It is NOT. You know it, I know it, stop trying to lie to me, I'm not scared. Come on, just ask what you want from me." Then, suddenly, the "bathroom" is a white room with thick glasses on the wall, from where I can see the entire planet Earth, slightly close. I ask them if we're on a ship and they nod and say "Yes, you can somehow say that". They're shocked that I broke their illusion and keep on talking to each other like "how did this happen?" and "what do we do now?", so I asked them if all they needed was human blood. They confirmed it and I said "You guys don't need to do all this for blood. Jesus Christ, I produce a couple liters of blood now and then, we could go on a deal over this! Look, I know you're more powerful than me and there's things which are meaningless to you, and, therefore, you can pull your strings and manipulate this and that to get it. Reality is just something you can hold in your hands, so what about it: you help me, I help you" and I told them what I needed in exchange for my blood in an amount they thought it would be fair. They spoke to each other and told me "We'll need to talk to [unintelligible title/name for the one calling the shots]. I'll go (Tall Guy) and he (Boss) will keep you company until I come back". So I waited a while and asked Boss if that was really Earth, and he nodded. I asked how long have they been there, he said "For quite some of your time". I walked around the room and Boss was kind of scared of me because I broke out of the illusion. I said "Hey, you don't need to keep looking like my boss, I know you're not him. He'd never act and talk like you do" and smiled, and Boss smiled back a scared smile. He kept the image of my boss, though. Tall Guy came back and said "It is a fair proposal, we can arrange that" so I said "Great. It's a deal, then. Let's shake hands as we do on Earth, shall we?" and we shook hands. I almost instantly woke up with a slight pain in my throat, exactly where the needle went through. That's not all: in the same week, during a unexplained blackout, a strange light was floating and turning around a light post near the building I live in until it disappeared. Also, in the next week, three vacant apartments were rented by three different families; each of them with a relative who's a tall, bald, white guy who's deeply serious, quiet, with a deep voice and all they will say to me is "Hello". I've never seen them with each other, but I know there's three different men. And they always, ALWAYS are wearing formal clothes. Even when I went to get a pizza, they also went to the building entrance to get a hotdog (a guy was delivering it, if I didn't make it clear) in a white shirt, black tie, black pants and shoes. And, of course, he said "Hello".

So I wanted opinions on that, if you may.

Thanks for reading it all and you have my word I didn't make it up.

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 12:15PM by RezzRMX https://ift.tt/saClY8c

James Webb Telescope Conspiracy?

With NASA set to release the first series of images from the new James Webb Space Telescope, I can't help but wonder about something: Weeks ago I read an article saying that one of the mirrors on the telescope had been damaged by a piece of space debris and the entire thing had to be reconfigured so the damage wouldn't cause problems with the images it produced. That I'm mind I can't help but think that, since NASA has been getting images both before and after the damage, I'm wondering if there's something else going on: What if the telescope caught something and they're saying the images have problems from the damage because they don't know if they've photoshopped all of images well enough to hide what they caught?

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 11:01AM by nemesis0884 https://ift.tt/UCMQhAv

Who was the woman who claimed to have been transmitted information about aliens in Alpha or Proxima Centauri?

I remember reading about a woman who sketched the Alpha (or maybe Proxima) Centauri solar systems before scientists even discovered what they really looked like. But now I can't find it at all.

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 11:01AM by dspman11 https://ift.tt/xw59lQy

James Webb Early Reveal?

Thoughts on the recently announced early reveal of the first image from the James Webb telescope by the president?!

Kinda weird that the white house will televise this no? "NASA will brief the president and the vice president on Monday, agency officials said, and the first image will be revealed at an event at 5 p.m. ET at the White House." It just seems odd that they've scheduled this at the last minute. There must be something in the images that justifies for the president to make an announcement to the world....


Submitted July 11, 2022 at 08:40AM by Mysterious_Low988 https://ift.tt/bnFop45

Alien interests and manipulation

I really hate how a lot of entities, even advanced ones blame us for ruining earth, mother nature, etc, as if we're the only ones operating here on earth. Since you're claiming you're benevolent and the spirit of love, how about instead of making us feel guilty if you address these alien races that have bases on earth, the moon, motherships in earth's orbit, etc. Many of these races probably corrupted their own ecosystems, & planets and made them uninhabitable.

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 05:54AM by ab_amin7719 https://ift.tt/PvEsUie

What if Jesus was reborn today? how would people react?

So suppose the new Jesus was born, today or recently, makes no difference. And he is surprised by the state the world is in, but he is on a mission to turn it into Heaven.

What would his biggest issues be?

Please consider he is human. Enlighted human but still, he is no Superman or something. He is just the Chosen one.

Who would be his enemies? How should he appeal to the masses?

Please also note that his appearance would how irrevocable proof of alien life, whether we are the aliens or other species that have been monitoring us.

Submitted July 11, 2022 at 06:08AM by Straight_Peach1952 https://ift.tt/K31GR06

Sunday, July 10, 2022

UFO filmed next to a plane


Submitted July 10, 2022 at 12:01PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/Qt8k5vq

Image Released From The James Webb Telescope, Is it a sign of alien life?


Submitted July 10, 2022 at 08:28AM by avalondiscovery https://ift.tt/xMR2fkG

If aliens come to earth are they gonna unfreeze Walt Disney?

I’m mean he did freeze himself to see the future and they probably got they technology. What you guys think he would say?

Submitted July 10, 2022 at 07:06AM by Yo_yo_video https://ift.tt/kwCLhex

Skeptics vs Believers: Bob Lazar

Let’s discuss the evidence and skepticism of Bob Lazar’s incredible claims.

If you’re a skeptic with preconceptions, leave those at the door. Skepticism can turn to ignorance at a moments notice.

Similarly, if you’re a believer, consider the skepticism for a moment, ignorance goes both ways.

Submitted July 10, 2022 at 05:41AM by bubwithchub https://ift.tt/jXhe3Mw

Aliens do not exist

If they do I am Jesus christ superstar. So what is it do they but that would also mean i am Jesus, i dont think either is true but thats my opinion

Submitted July 10, 2022 at 04:58AM by sdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsd https://ift.tt/Bty6Fpz

Looking to talk to abductees

If you're interested in sharing your story on a new youtube/podcast channel, please send me a message. Thanks!

Submitted July 10, 2022 at 02:17AM by PokeandProdcast https://ift.tt/poRivaL

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Found one in my garden today


Submitted July 10, 2022 at 01:31AM by ObviousCity6095 https://ift.tt/3vaFMDz

Rep Tim Burchett says: what I've seen would disturb you. UFOs


Submitted July 09, 2022 at 10:47AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/VhwHaYz

Check out BBoy CriiTical🤸🏻‍♂️'s video! #TikTok


Submitted July 09, 2022 at 10:49AM by iTz_CriTiical_zZ https://ift.tt/xKTPqBo

am I going crazy or can someone please tell me if this is something extraterrestrial


Submitted July 09, 2022 at 06:34AM by PrestigiousAd3050 https://ift.tt/l28swYm

I mean...

Why does it feel like we are all just waiting to die at this point, with CERN, Russia, Biden, Abortion shit, stars colliding, or am I just super putting doomsday under a microscope and pull myself out of a deep fucking rabbit hole

Submitted July 09, 2022 at 04:51AM by Affectionate_Body_71 https://ift.tt/oC0xF7T

Religions, The Phenomenon & The Pursuit For The Universal Truth.

Without taking a neutral approach to the question of why we are here, we won’t be able to identify the contradictions within and across religions and our actions.

This reductive approach to ‘a personal path’ leads to picking and choosing according to ‘intuition’ or ‘feeling’.

You could argue it’s at the root of every problem we’ve faced since recorded history. It’s evident w the vast number of belief systems we see today.

We’re lost and destroying each other in our pursuit for meaning.

In modern times most pick and choose from their preferred religion(s), adopting an individual set of believes and practices, often as contradicting as the ideas guiding them.

I’ll refrain from giving examples to avoid offending any group, but the truth is, overwhelmed by the immense amount of literature, the above process kicks in to protect the Ego. A belief system w little scientific rigor is formed and actions are taken. The Pursuit of Truth placed secondary. Divisions are made and wars are fought.

It’s why we have divisions and the idea we need to defend our sovereignty from inferior, external, beliefs. When in fact we are all here together, and the Truth concerns us all.

So to achieve the answers to the Universe the key seems to be the Socratic method, “I don’t know” and not adopting an exclusive finite belief system a priori to the scrutiny of the required amount of evidence.

And who can say they can dedicate their lives to an Academic scrutiny across religions, correlate the data and show the overlaps? And match those overlaps with modern research?

That is what’s required to arrive at the Most Appropriate Religion and Practices. The Socratic and Academic Process of comparing and correlating the available evidence for each piece of evidence.

It’s what we’ve seen happening with the Eastern traditions since the 1800’s. Our instruments and techniques improved and we now have more correlates with Eastern traditions than other religions.

This brings me to my reason for reaching out to this community:

The contradictions that arise in Eastern traditions if you don’t assume an optimistic / benevolent truth, sticking to the above model, remaining neutral in your search.

I’m trying to say that every religion has things you can pick out as just not being right, and need to be excluded after comparison to Theological and Scientific Research.

One contradiction is the idea that the ultimate goal is to escape the Reincarnation Cycle, whilst simultaneously accepting the idea that we are one Universal Consciousness. Idealism.

How can it be beneficial for the self to cease its sentience once unified? It’s like the answer becomes an Atheistic “there’s nothing after death”, if escaping the Reincarnation Cycle leads to no Sentience.

Suggesting in some ways that the point of Samsara is to exit, never come back and cease to have consciousness, as there is no self no sentience once unified w the Universal Consciousness.

It’s like the biggest Koan.

But it’s evident negative ideas don’t lead to good thoughts and actions so most retreat out of these questions in unconscious Ego driven panic.

I personally entertained this Idealist view for a while but I now believe in a more Dualistic reality, where we exist in a substrate we could call a Consciousness Network, like Donald Hoffman describes.

So just like we are all contributing to the Internet, we are not one with the Internet. We have the potential for maintaining the individual Essence after death is what I’m saying.

The more difficult contradictions arise when asking innocent, naive and Socratic questions w the advantage of retrospection:

“Who or what is benefiting from my activities on Earth?”

“If the point is to learn, why do those w the ‘most truths’ go within and engage the least in this world?”

Closing their eyes for most of their lives, in order to have the clarity to go towards the light at death, and on Earth (being good to others). Avoiding the distractions of Samsara. All forms of experience involve the Ego, like a muscle, it develops the more e experience and engage w this plane of existence.

“Why is there an increasing amount of modern research showing once you go within and meditate you emit gamma in wake states, your brain is optimised, and reports of Parapsychological Phenomena, many included in the list of the Siddhis, Vatican texts and across other ancient texts begin to appear?”

“Why does it seem beneficial to not engage in reality, feeding the Default Mode Network where the Ego lies?”

“If we suppress our consciousness the more we contribute to this plane of existence, then who is benefiting from our engagement and suppression?

I hope I’m met with friendliness and open minds keen to help me think deeper. I made a related post on the Buddhism sub before which was taken down. It included a bunch of links to all my references to my thoughts guided by modern research of the brain and consciousness, studies of religions, sociology, psychology, parapsychology, and The Phenomenon. I was simply asking for guidance from people which I hope will be as neutral as I find myself to be. Shows how afraid people are to make a serious enquiry into their belief systems.

I’ll refrain from posing the more blunt questions I think my post implies well, but will be happy to discuss in the comments if the mods allow my post 🙏🏼

Submitted July 09, 2022 at 04:07AM by Competitive-Cycle-38 https://ift.tt/KcJPhoi

Granting Technologies Beyond Natural Development Is Dangerous.

Recieving technology that is thousands of years beyond a group's natural development creates problems. The most significant problem is that alongside natural technological progression comes important progression in moral/social/spiritual understanding. Skipping these developments could easily result in extreme consequences not just for the group, but for the whole universe.

As a group learns to control the environment around them in a natural manner, they will learn in the short-term and the long-term what kind of effects their new developments are having in all facets of life - the land, the law, and the people.

From what's learned and observed in this development, the group should grow a sense of responsibility and understanding in regards to the growing implications of what their advancements are bringing, both good and bad. They will learn to find a balance. If they don't, they could fall, destroying themselves, or others.

By granting advanced technologies to lower developed groups, the lower group risks meddling in things that are far beyond their scope of understanding. If the lower group is already dabbling in basic technology as is the case with human beings, they could reverse engineer advanced technologies and create horrific weapons, learning new methods of war and control. This, from a group that hasn't yet learned how to properly tame their desires for domination and destruction could be catastrophic.

If the technologies granted were to also further the lower group's understanding of physics and other various sciences, playing with FTL travel may come thousands of years before natural discovery. A galaxy filled with advanced beings would then have to contend with a self-serving group who has their technologies, but none of their intelligence and wisdom.

This would seem to be the most logical reason as to why we are still in the dark. They're not ready to babysit.

Submitted July 09, 2022 at 03:03AM by Joshuah1991 https://ift.tt/jZ9nhuf

Friday, July 8, 2022

In order to share information, intelligent aliens must be social? And to be social they should be sympathetic?

Does this mean any successful aliens we may encounter are social and thus sympathetic?

Submitted July 09, 2022 at 01:57AM by ShyGuy2839 https://ift.tt/o4s3auq

looking for old footage

I can't remember where but I remember watching footage of astronauts on the moon and they were picking scraps of technology that was littered all over the surface from a crash or something and they also found a woman that was perfectly preserved like a mummy but had weird bar devices attached to her face. Does anyone else remember or know where I can find this footage? It might of been a fake video but even if it was I can't find anything on it.

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 09:38AM by resident-of-the-void https://ift.tt/xpAoOPS

Aliens may be really nice, or simply neutral. But what do we do about the bad ones?

I've noticed that in the past few years, we as a community and as a society in general have started backing away from the tropes of aliens being evil invaders or maneaters. Overall I think this is a step in the right direction, to stop buying into propaganda and fearmongering.

However, I feel many of us have forgotten that some people are having very serious, BAD experiences with ETs. Abductions, mutilations, forced hybridization, and torture. It's become a huge elephant in the room, especially when discussing hopeful views on interstellar diplomacy.

The legitimacy of these experiences could be called into question, but for the sake of argument I'll take them at face value. Let us assume that there are good, neutral, AND bad aliens. They don't all get along, and some of them are actively hurting human beings. My question is, what do we DO about it?

In a post-disclosure world, how would we make those aliens face justice? What is the legal and ethical course for dealing with a people who have completely different morals to our own? Their technology is much better than ours, so it isn't like we can just shoot them down and tell them to knock it off. Do we take them to court? Do we make a case for the other aliens to help get rid of them? Or do we just let them continue assaulting and traumatizing people until we have the tech to fight them?

Essentially I'm asking this: How do you think we should deal with ETs that treat us like cattle or lab rats? What would YOU do to address this issue in a post-disclosure world? How do we stake out our own freedom and rights on an intergalactic scale?

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 07:16AM by Probably_Bean https://ift.tt/ovl4bm5

Arrival Procedure/Intro?

Let's assume aliens haven't been here yet and/or haven't made contact/communication with humans yet. What's our plan? I mean assuming they're not hostile, cause if they are then the plan is to survive i guess. But let's say they're just travelers or researchers. Is there a 'Rosetta stone' of some sort that we can use to explain our language or science? It seems easy enough to use pattern recognition to describe maths and our number system, but do we have something set up for that yet? A simple visual website? Also, who are we relying on to describe humanity to them, governments? Seriously? Governments are the worst representation of humanity imo... Plato said something like whoever wants power doesn't deserve it and whoever doesn't want it is the one who should have it or something like that. But anyway... I learned of the Pioneer Plaques a while ago and I always thought it was clever the amount of information they contained in such a small place, so with a scrollable webpage and equal cleverness, it seems this issue should be solved.

What are your ideas on how the initial exchange of info and communication could work? Let's debate, and then ill make a mock web page of the best answers.

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 06:32AM by neuerDeutscher https://ift.tt/MRAuokz

Negative Societal Consequences

I've been thinking and wondering what you all think would be some negative consequences if Intelligent alien life on earth became confirmed, and even were told to the public worldwide through news, internet, videos, meeting people etc. I think mass xynophobia, hate, and speciism(?) would take place. The current status quo would most likely change drastically and in a lot of ways, especially within governments and the UN with worldwide and quick restructuring of policies and focuses that would drastically change and ruin the lives of millions (Job loss, economic shifts, etc) and how money is spent to different government sections like science, military, and education which in turn would make the economy go BONKERS, not to mention it'd change how we get taxed. I feel many religions (especially Abrahamic religions) would became massively effected and either change and adapt to the introduction of aliens or fade away due the fact atheism will spead faster after this happening.

What do you all think could be some negative repercussions to intelligent alien life being. Sorry for the super long read. Just been on my mind for a while!

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 05:19AM by GodofQunts https://ift.tt/mOT5ILE

Questions for type 2 and 3 civilizations

One of my greatest desires is to know how a type 2 or type 3 civilization answer life's greatest questions would such as "what is the meaning of life" or "what happens after you die"

Unfortunately, for a being living in a type 0 civilization, I will never get to meet a being from a type 2 or 3 civilization.

How about you? What questions would you ask a type 2 or 3 civilization?

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 06:12AM by dragunball123 https://ift.tt/Etg60iR

David Jacobs - The Agenda Is Planetary Acquisition Through A Hybridisation Program.


Submitted July 08, 2022 at 04:44AM by Competitive-Cycle-38 https://ift.tt/32cgzQ5

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Worlds Most Famous UFO photograph is NOT a Hoax (Belgian Petit-Rechain UFO) in Spotlight Once More.

In 1990, during the Belgian UFO flap, one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken, occurred over a village called Petit-Rechain. It was analysed by physicists and NASA scientists and could not be debunked as a hoax. Twenty one years later in 2011, without warning, the photographer admitted to staging a hoax. Several aspects of the unexpected retraction did not sit well with me. First, a reproduction photograph using an alleged Styrofoam model and light bulbs was never duplicated by the photographer and in addition to this, the photographer said that he took two shots of the UFO (that was all that was left in the roll of film), the first of which was a blank. If staging a hoax, why mention that the first frame did not show anything? I know that there was talk of money being involved in this story, and I am speculating that there was more to it than that as well. Recently, I contacted the photographer and he recanted his story of it being a hoax. In a recent communication (July 07, 2022), he told me that the photograph was real and that he was proud of it, but wished he had never disclosed it to the media and the world, as it caused him a lot of angst. He also told me that no monetary exchange had occurred during the initial disclosure of the photograph to the media. Moreover, when interviewed by the authorities at the time of the initial release of the photograph, he was perceived as a credible and honest civilian.

Submitted July 08, 2022 at 12:49AM by rogerstan1 https://ift.tt/cwKzESQ

Is this a secret message to aliens? Alberta Canada signal hill park.


Submitted July 07, 2022 at 11:39PM by MustangTogunner https://ift.tt/8J2Vmdc

Cattle mutilation theory

I've had this thought quite often, ever since Gary McKinnon mentioned government owned ships and "non-terrestrial officers" (which honestly could mean that they are humans that were born in space, not on earth - rather than aliens).

What if the cattle mutilation was done by the feds so meat/food/blood could be taken up to the supposed ships we have to feed the officers?


Submitted July 07, 2022 at 03:00PM by Outside_Savings_6959 https://ift.tt/GKmU91F

Man Claims US Military Forced A Nurse To Do An Autopsy On An 'Alien!'


Submitted July 07, 2022 at 01:13PM by GeneralDavis87 https://ift.tt/2poWkTC

Ep. 7 - Area 51, Aliens, and Prostitution Rings: The Bob Lazar Files | Coast to Coast PM


Submitted July 07, 2022 at 10:11AM by real_politik_pod https://ift.tt/9jcs6fd

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Why do scientist judge entire planet like Mars on one incident?

We have the rover on a tiny area and make statements about Mars. Can you imagine a alien exploring earth and their machine land in the Egyptian desert or Golbi desert saying oh there’s no life on earth, meanwhile 100 miles away there is a city of 10 million people. I just wish nasa wouldn’t make statements until they have more of Mars completely discovered.

Submitted July 07, 2022 at 02:11AM by Worried-Egg-8560 https://ift.tt/inzFy61

Brian Cox ‘wouldn't be surprised‘ if there are aliens below the surface of Mars


Submitted July 06, 2022 at 11:53PM by jormungandrsjig https://ift.tt/arbE9dn

we may never be able to understand the phenomenon but it can teach us a lot about ourselves

In addition to gaining deeper insights about how nature operates, science has for the most part improved our quality of life. We have, and still are engineering our way out of many challenges thanks to our curious nature, the desire to create and constantly improve. Our scientific models are also useful in describing the level of reality we interact with.

Assuming some of the phenomenon is not an advanced civilization from another planet - which is what I personally believe after reading everything I could get my hands on about alien encounters and the weird abduction stories - then we may never be able to understand the true nature of the phenomenon, simply due to the way we are made.

What we call reality is merely an interface constructed by our minds with the main purpose of survival and procreation. It is very useful at what it does because it conceals all the unnecessary information that could potentially be overwhelming to our brains.

You don't need to think about the inner workings of your computer to send an email when the browser you are using displays a simple interface for you to interact with, while simultaneously running code in the background which in turn gets translated as binary instructions for the hardware to execute.

If we are dealing with an intelligence that is on a different level of consciousness, and completely inaccessible by our interface, then any attempt to study it may be ultimately pointless. However, the only way we might make any progress is by learning about ourselves. More specifically, we need a robust understanding of consciousness.

Submitted July 07, 2022 at 12:42AM by jacobyh7 https://ift.tt/6A2HoPx

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.