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Monday, October 31, 2022

UFOs have been following me for the past couple months and I’m not sure why.


Submitted November 01, 2022 at 01:48AM by Round-Average-6460 https://ift.tt/4KwseQl

Well it’s Oct 31st. Where’s the big news or did I miss it?

I figured there would be 10,000 posts about the big info release, but haven’t seen anything.

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 05:56PM by mysticsurferbum https://ift.tt/LHrPuBd

who else saw green triangle once?

it was 2003

in dark I saw that bright small triangle, said to friend:l ook! and it disappeared

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 05:03PM by kacoef https://ift.tt/EjWrJPO

What if aliens are in a gaseous state?

Roomate and I were discussing this loosely and thought it could be better explored here... Are we dumb? Could aliens be gas? send us help pls.

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 01:25PM by Maleficent_Theory683 https://ift.tt/IBiH43S

As a Child, I saw a Cigar Shaped UFO

Year was 1962-1965. Lived in NW Pa. Was Saturday morning, Sitting by window in classroom attending CCD class (Catholic Religion class). Very stern nun was teacher; she'd slap you with ruler if caught you not paying attention. I was extremely shy. Glancing out window into U-shaped courtyard, saw cigar shaped silver metallic UFO enter into courtyard. Was 10-14 ft. in length & 6-8 ft. in diameter. Was moving slowly perpendicular (horizontal) to ground & moved in U-shape path; then as it neared entrance of courtyard,rotated into vertical position & zoomed up into sky very fast. Had no windows or markings. Was 6-9 years old. Terrified yet fear of being apprehended by nun made me speechless. Never told anyone about it. Memory is so vivid that now age 65 still recall it in detail.

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 10:24AM by bluezluver https://ift.tt/RJ0noSc

Mysterious Trailer


I don't even think its on youtube yet. I was just having my morning coffee, and this pops up on MSM.

Its interesting I made no searches, and MSM was giving me content based on search history. lol

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 09:47AM by Away_Code https://ift.tt/zZ3dO4a

Aliens or Government-10/18/2022

Driving home from work in Vegas at about midnight when I witnessed something unbelievably crazy. Two large stationary lights and it was casually relaxing red orbs into the sky. It was west Las Vegas and the red lights would go south. The crazy thing is that this ufo stayed there for over 5hrs. Now after listening to a pilot speaking about UFOs and flight he said the longest a pilot can stay in the air is about 2hrs. This obviously isn’t a plane or helicopter. Could be a drone but highly doubtful. What do you think?UAP or UFO?

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 04:45AM by JtaliTheRapper https://ift.tt/LGJSR6F

If you ever came across an alien, how would you defeat it.

Just wondering how to defeat an alien if I came across one, like spill water on it, cough on it, stab it in the heart with a wooden steak, shoot the nose, chop its head off, play some Tom Jones music?

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 03:33AM by nonobby https://ift.tt/R4E8wbQ

We are like apps, require updates, sometime hardware upgrades

If you think humans are that smart think again, we now have blood type a-b the bast of blood type a and the best of blood type b first discovered around 1900. Whoever is developing us is continually upgrading us as well. We are like apps and require regular updating and upgrading, so we can function in the new operating system (os).(world)(earth) The fact that we rebuild ourselves automatically continually through life isn't enough, hardware upgrades are required, and it seems for some of the software updates we need to be connected to the main system.

Usually the updates are telepathic which is like alien wifi / EMF with speeds of millions of light years per second. I'm not sure why we aren't better connected? Why we need to be connected to the main system or at least have an alien connect us, maybe they have special devices with better connections

The blood though that was a major upgrade, I wonder what algorithm they use to choose who gets upgraded?

Submitted October 31, 2022 at 03:14AM by zar99raz https://ift.tt/zCwREir

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Why do you think those ETs that crashed in Varginha Brazil reeked so much of that sulfur-ammonia smell?

Perhaps it was a defensive mechanism, like skunks 🦨, perhaps they weren’t well suited to our environment and were rapidly decaying or maybe they were just really stinky guys and that’s why their planet sent them here.

Submitted October 30, 2022 at 09:45AM by notgtax1 https://ift.tt/HrRe8t1

MoC Ammonia / Sulfur smell to aliens

Do we have any theories as to the significance of this? Maybe some biological reasons for this? For those who haven’t seen it, this is an important and consistent factor in Moment of Contact (highly recommended, by the way).

Submitted October 30, 2022 at 09:09AM by DemonGenome https://ift.tt/WyoAN7R

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Does anyone have any further information on this video? I found it and it was labelled “Alien found in military base”


Submitted October 29, 2022 at 01:32PM by thedarkpolitique https://ift.tt/PGM2lIJ

What is more important, UAP sightings or the narratives of contact experiencers? The limitations of both “the academy” and MUFON are briefly analyzed, the central role of consciousness is discussed.

Academic Political Scientist Somnambulism.

Joseph Burkes MD 2020, edited 2022

Although it a welcomed event when a tenured professor of political science is willing to call for a scientific investigation of UFOs, it should be pointed out, however, that in this TEDx video linked below, Dr. Alexander Wendt does so with little apparent understanding of the phenomena. He correctly identifies flying saucers as a taboo subject, but his analysis of this dilemma is so superficial that it becomes trivial in my opinion. As a political scientist, I would have liked for him to recognize that this issue threatens all terrestrial elites, but not necessarily the Earth's peoples. To come to this important assessment, however, Dr. Wendt would have had to grasp the significance of a worldwide massive campaign of ridicule and denial waged by corporate and governmental forces that have been appropriately labelled "The UFO truth embargo.”

The Ohio State University professor’s proposed solution to this mystery again suggests ignorance of the topic. Yes, it would be relatively easy to set up a network of video cameras across the nation to record Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Previous attempts, however, to document flying saucers in a systematic way have not been successful. A prominent scientific effort to engage the phenomenon was carried out at the Skinwalker Ranch. It failed to get video evidence of a wide range of anomalous events. This was because the unseen intelligences associated with the anomalies were able to anticipate the scientists’ actions and avoid detection. In several instances, equipment was deliberately sabotaged.

The best way to understand what is going on is not to take down sighting reports as MUFON and other groups diligently continue to do, but instead to focus attention on the experiencers that have been directly engaging the non-human intelligence associated with the saucers. From an analysis of the contact experience, it became clear to talented investigators like Dr. Vallee and late John Keel, that UFO intelligences are so strange, that they don’t behave as if they were coming from other star systems, but more likely are from what might be described as “other dimensions.” If the agents responsible for flying saucers can manipulate spacetime, then research into a wide range of contact modalities requires recognizing the central role of consciousness.

This is the path that the new group “The Consciousness and Contact Research Institute” (CCRI) has proposed. Organized by Mr. Reinerio Hernandez, this new effort will, in my opinion, be far more successful in shedding light on a wide range of anomalies, than those who merely attempt to capture flying saucers on video. Rey Hernandez is publishing a four-volume book titled "A Greater Reality" that reports on the central role of consciousness in not only UAP sightings, but also in other "Contact Modalities" such as remote viewing, Near Death Experiences and encounters with ghosts. Academic political scientists like Dr. Wendt would do well to follow the approach taken by the CCRI group.


Submitted October 29, 2022 at 01:06PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/F7hB6oU

UAP & the not so frequently asked questions

Ive been reading a ton about the Great airship mystery whenever I could. I just saw an interaction on twitter that disappointed me, and inspired this post.  The Sonora aero Club   was a sectet Societ full of some of the most brilliant minds of the time. * Hermetic Prussian Nationalist group NYMZA, of which the Sonora Aero Club was apart* Charles Dellschau  is most well known but there were many more who I won't post here. I will say that many of the innovations we attribute to The Wright Brothers, among others. (http://strangetalesweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Airship-Sightings-newspaper-clippings-1896-1897.pdf) Here's a folder of all the newspaper clippings from the 1890s sightings. In order to keep the thread trollproof & avoid pointless misdirection attempts, the evidence relevant to this post is what you see 1st

This technology was sufficiently advanced to benefit all of humanity, & the extremes these men went to make sure that didn't happen is like Deja Vu. These men controlled the newspapers so though people saw these craft & even heard them speak "We should be in San Francisco in a day or so" they convinced themselves this was a figment of their Imaginations. "Of course, this can't be because we would know about it"🤔 One of the top 25 most influential German scientist Dr Ernst Schefar, member of the very occult society who we know without a doubt had operational flying craft so advanced th Navy was originally angry with their spy chief when he returns from Germany. William Tomkins, whom I recently presented evidence that supports his fantastic claims explains why the Above top secret info packets he delivered to the Naval Station in San Diego, would go to an Australian, Navy Adm Rico Botta. Why? Because just like CEO James McDonnells claims of the scientific community kept purposely in the dark in the 1970s, Adm Botta wasn't educated here so he had no personal biases & wouldnt immediately dismiss evidence that makes him question the Bible or the establishment.

Douglas Think Tank came next, you'll find every document released to the public in the threads I've posted recently so I won't repeat any of the information. I want to stress that whether or not you believe the  US Navy saw these craft, secret bases in Antarctica run by a  group of  rogue Nazi or not isn't as important as Adm Byrd taking 5,000 Navy personnel warships, etc to Antarctica for a train exercise where he got his ass kicked. What the fuck type of practicing destroys multiple warships? Better yet, what's so important that we bring those Nazi here after we went to "liberate" the Jews except for the technology that causes whistleblowers to  catch a case of the suicides so often? Our proudest moment displays Pres Kennedy with Werner Von Braun after  NASA is founded.  (https://csglobe.com/10-presidents-politicians-who-told-us-that-a-secret-government-controls-the-world-what-they-said/)

I get overly annoyed by how many people here immediately dismiss someone theory because of what "we know" according to mainstream academia. I think I have to stress that Blindly trusting any "experts" from our scientific community is WORSE than accepting aliens you can't prove. These "we know ___" exists arguments are strictly a result of conditioning. I've presented a mountain of evidence that shows not craft defying physics, but that You wouldn't know what physics is anyway. I know this is hard to accept, that's why we want to debate the irrelevant shit that can't be proven, this is a ploy.

Magnetohydrodynamics my last thread proved that these technologies have & are still being suppressed. Before you tell me MHD is psuedoscience, prove to me that you'd be informed of this. We seem to know that these officials are full of shit in ALL other aspects but we trust them in this community on UFOs? If I were in charge of the Coverup I'd not tell a gullible general public arguing about a bunch of irrelevant BS in 2022. There's been countless witness from these secret programs who mentioned posters mockingly saying "I want to Believe" with a pic of an alien. How can we knowingly go grab the cheese off the mousetrap & question the sanity of those with opposing viewpoints?

Mark McCandlish ArV was set to testify to the Senate in June 2021, about what? That the tictac were USAF DRONES. I've done tons of research on this in particular, I NEVER look for video/photo evidence  its a waste of time. Instead I checked to see the location of most sightings, alot are found in 1 area  concentrated around Williams (on Interstate 5), and that lies maybe fifteen miles due west of Beale AFB, where the SR-71 Blackbird used to be kept and launched on surveillance missions over the former Soviet Union, Red China, and North Korea.  Where Fravors incident occured isn't far,there's enough info I've come across that I believe it's likely "We"🤦🏾‍♂️ have a underwater base at  Catalina Island. In the Atlantic, that landing and takeoff spot near Bermuda is also the location of AUTEC, the Navy's underwater base " The sophisticated facility includes three test ranges — the Weapons Range, the Acoustic Range, and the FORACS Range — all located in the Tongue of the ocean (TOTO), a deep-ocean basin approximately 100 nautical miles (190 km) long by 15 nautical miles (28 km) wide, with depths as great as 6,000 feet (1,800 m). The main AUTEC support base and downrange tracking stations are on Andros Island in the Bahamas, just west of Nassau and about 180 nautical miles (333 km) southeast of West Palm Beach, Florida.

Notice the USAF acknowledge they come from the Navy base vicinity & the Navy pilots captured the tic tac near the USAF base. Let's look at the evidence we have available,National Security experts like Dr. Steven Metz and Dr. James Kievit predicted in their report The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War for the US Army War College, that in the near future every American at risk could be equipped with an electronic individual position locator device. Interestingly, UFO-abductees report since the sixties how alien beings implanted them by placing small objects up their nose through the nasal passage and sinus cavity.

Search for abductions & remove your personal biases, don't think about what you do or don't believe but look for consistency & inconsistencies in the reporting. The activity of dark unmarked helicopters, the appearance of strange vans or buses outside the houses of abductees, exposure to disorienting electromagnetic fields, drugging, transport with a helicopter, bus or truck to an unknown building or an underground military facility. Usually, there are physical aftereffects, like grogginess and sometimes nausea after the kidnappings. There is also a difference when the abductors appear. In most UFO-abduction cases, the beings appear through a closed window, wall, or the abductee feels a strange presence in the room.

You'll find out very quickly that whatever is happening, neither  the hardcore believer & the metabunk cult wants to be correct about any of this. Do you think only crazy believers would be abducted? These same individuals are wealthy enough that they can suppress Ghislaines client list & the judge says this is because of "needless name dropping". Now that seems like that bullshit excuse "national security". We just accept that NONSENSE & NATIONAL SECURITY are coexisting in only this topic. Should we be questioning whether a massive coverup is possible? Or should we ask who are the people implicated in every coverup, and what the fuck were they doing with their "pizza" in bed? The one thing I'm sure of Is USAF & pedos are involved.  Those who push for the term "minor attracted people" are smack dab in the middle What official narrative are we protecting really?

I only want to show that we're much more alike than different. Im too terrified about the reality to argue or ridicule anybody in this sub, because at the end of the day making you aware is my purpose. The only enemy is these people not someone who disagrees about some shit I can't even prove anyway. Because I believe we are all interconnected & consciousness is universal I want to help those who disagree so strongly moreso than anyone else.

Submitted October 29, 2022 at 11:32AM by Adventurous-Ear9433 https://ift.tt/WNrlxtL

Happy Disclosure Day / October 31

The October 31, 2022 report might contain things that could be helpful in terms of disclosure. Making it effectively “Disclosure Day”

I’m not saying that with his what will happen, I’m just saying There is a greater than zero chance.

We’ve known for half a decade UFOs are real. The data collected from sensors is overwhelming in terms of evidence they exist.

But nobody cared, it didn’t sink in.

October 31 might change that.

Submitted October 29, 2022 at 09:59AM by MartianMaterial https://ift.tt/wCoxfOW

The universe is 13 billions years old, let that sink in...

And yet, most people think that we are the first intelligent species on this planet or the only one in the universe.

What people don't realize, is the elements required for lifeforms (even planets) were present in less than a couple of hundreds of millions of years after the beginning of the universe. There are even whole galaxies that were present at that time.

It really doesn't matter how life is so rare, how much time it does for an intelligent life form to evolve. And how many civilizations perished in the past. 13 billion years is very, very old.

IMO, the simplest explanation to the Fermi paradox is that we do not yet the tools to detect the presence of aliens in other solar systems, nor the ability to detect them here while visiting us.

I really do believe we are amongst the youngest civilizations to rise in this region of space. What do you think?

Submitted October 29, 2022 at 06:52AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/vdqhlfE

will the alien disclosure even happen within our lifetime?

I keep getting hyped that some significant news will come out and we will finally get to know the truth but the opposite of disclosure seems to be happening? So many theories are floating around ,under water, Time traveling, dimension traveling but nothing concrete! So will we even see disclosure within our lifetime?

Submitted October 29, 2022 at 04:32AM by issanagay- https://ift.tt/ELncg9H

Friday, October 28, 2022

The true nature of aliens and why there isn’t disclosure. (Theory)

I want to start with nothing I say is absolute or certain. It’s all just a theory, so don’t take anything I say for the truth.

I’m thinking that the real reason disclosure hasn’t happened is because our governments aren’t certain who they are or what they want.

It’s likely that they are hostile but have no need to hurt us yet. We don’t know. Announcing that to the public was assessed extremely carefully by intelligence agencies, and ultimately ruled that it wouldn’t be beneficial to tell the public “Yes, there’s an extremely advanced civilization, likely more, and we have no idea what they actually are or what they want. Sorry!”

They aren’t anything like the common alien tropes of Greys, lizards, or mantids. They’re closer to a multi-planet sized super computer that sends millions/billions/trillions of drones out in multiple directions to observe the universe around it.

We won’t find its origin because it stays hidden. It stays hidden because there are many of these super intelligences, and some of them are hostile and will destroy each other if their prime location is found.

They expand and develop like we do, but it reaches a certain point where expanding more would make it too likely to be found and subsequently destroyed by other surrounding intelligences, so there is a limit to how massive they can become.

They are here to observe and monitor us. We’re probably in relatively close proximity to some of them. We have the potential to develop into a new super intelligence and having another one in proximity to them not only is a potential threat, but also limits how much it’s able to grow or expand.

They don’t have life spans like we do. They exist for millions or billions of years. A thousand years is nothing to it, and the time it takes to for humankind to develop this kind of superintelligence happens quickly on a galactic timescale, like a quick flash.

It’s possible they created us or modified life on earth to become us for an unknown reason. Faction control over the observation of our planet has likely changed throughout the years, and it might be that whatever created us is long gone and it’s original intent for us no longer matters because of it.

That’s why there’s no disclosure, there’s a plethora of hostile “aliens”, but they aren’t destroying us yet, probably because destroying us would draw unnecessary attention to their region, or that it’s simply more efficient for them to stop us from developing in a certain way rather than full blown annihilation.

They might also use the planet for certain resources or research purposes, so they’d rather not destroy us.

So yeah. There’s more I have to say but that’s the gist of what I think could be going on. What are your thoughts?

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 10:35AM by Origination https://ift.tt/14HCokO

“Current” theory on why the government has not disclosed anything. BLUF: National Security

The military/government will usually continue to use the same aircraft/ships/weaponry until they find either 1: a more efficient option (cost/safety/faster) or 2: the enemy has matched our capabilities. 1st point: For example, we are still using the B-52 bomber which is a platform from the 50s (minus the newer upgrades). That is because it can still get its primary mission done based off of current near peer assessments. However, once we get wind that the enemy has matched our capabilities that is when the government will roll out a new airframe that they have been working on the last few decades. For example: the B-2 stealth bomber was made in the 70s but was not officially released to be operational till the 90s. Basically much of our new aircraft technology was designed decades prior to its release and based off of timing. 2nd point: What ensues is usually after a decade (or two) of corporate espionage, cyber espionage, or a pilot straight up crashing a SAP asset on enemy territory (cough Iran cough), our near peer adversaries usually find out how to duplicate our technology. For example, China now has their own version of the B-2 (H-20 stealth bomber). 3rd point: However, I believe (current theory) the government has loosely reverse engineered technology many decades ago (from where/what idk) but will not release it as it is being used as the secret trump-card in case everyone starts launching their strategic assets. Basically, if we show our real capabilities the enemy WILL find out how to duplicate it (loose lips sink ships). And everything the government does has to be centered around “national security” both economic and military. In these tense economic/military moments is when national security is needed the most. In the meantime we are still dealing with unexplained anomalies creeping around strategic assets.

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 09:11AM by SkaKid311 https://ift.tt/YgiTbqp

Experience, looking for similar

So I saw a post on r/UFOs and commented and have now Ball'sed up and decided to post here.

This was nearly 5 years ago and have had nothing since.

When I was living in NSW Australian (now in QLD) I saw a real weird thing, similar to this. We lived on a property with two houses which my dad lived in one, us in the other. One night I came back from my dad's house and my Mrs was pure white and telling me something was in the bushes and it sounded big, she was frozen still, I grabbed a torch went around the side and saw this upright browny grey dinosaur skin thing walk out of view behind some bamboo I froze for like 5 mins and just watched and stared trying to figure out WTF I just saw. I then yelled at it to come out, I wanted to follow it down this thin path but I couldn't bring myself to. Ran around the side of the large bamboo garden bed trying to find it, called out to dad he came out, we search for at least an hour. I know people say shit on the internet and I have no way to prove this to you, but when I saw this video I got that same fucking feeling. I have goosebumps writing this, it's the first time I am actually putting it down in words and have only told a couple people because I honestly just don't know what I experienced. Anyway we moved out the next day and my dad is still there and hasn't seen anything since, might seem like a over-reaction but at the time we had a 18 month old baby and it really spooked us. I do belive there is some weird shit in AUS it's a big bloody place.

Too add a little more.... 2 weeks before this I was staying there alone and woke up in a massive sweat with 3 red dots on the left side ribs perfectly 2 cm apart and in a perfect line downward.

Anyone had anything similar ?

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 07:16AM by Omni_Kie https://ift.tt/hIul04B

Nazca Mummies… apparently real?

I asumed it was all faked and stitched up old corpses, however according to the following website the results of the actual analysis have been presented to the peruvian government and they are surprising to say the least. Is this for real? Please read the ‘’answers’’ section before attempting to debunk.Proof that this is not a forgery…

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 07:37AM by mrtinybig https://ift.tt/EetIr3o

Reptile? Or others

Can you possible be a reptile/ be apart of the reptilian human group without knowing it? Or are they really walking around the house fully knowing their reptilians in disguise hahah

And what does that mean for them?

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 07:03AM by arri2516 https://ift.tt/CROnXr0

What would you tell someone who is new to this topic and wants to learn?

Say I’m someone who’s brand new to this topic and wants to learn more. what case, picture, or author would you show me?

Submitted October 28, 2022 at 04:44AM by Is42iah https://ift.tt/TidDb0w

Thursday, October 27, 2022

I want to believe, but…

There are various arguments as to why aliens have not visited earth such as “there’s so much empty space in the universe, the likelihood of them finding us is infinitesimal” or “we’re not interesting enough for such advanced civilizations to study.”

I think there’s validity to the empty space argument for the following reason: there are billions, if not trillions - or an infinite - number of earth-like planets in the universe. Ours is not interesting but for the fact that Earth hosts intelligent life. However, human civilization has only been able to emit radio signals for less than 200 years. Since radio signals seem like the most likely cause of discovery, I don’t think that’s enough time to be detected and then visited.


Submitted October 27, 2022 at 05:54PM by SnooHobbies1301 https://ift.tt/FYrmfxR

Brazil and UFO/Alien connection

I went down a little rabbit hole thanks to a thread on here earlier and noticed there’s a lot of stories and events from Brazil. Does anyone know if this holds significance or are there other spots that experience them more than others (other than the southwest in the USA)? Just super curious.

Submitted October 27, 2022 at 04:42PM by Miserable_Track_1885 https://ift.tt/6Ycfv2U

Old video, possibly relating to Varginha incident.

Old video, possibly related to Varginha incident.

Hi all. Having recently started to look into the Varginha incident after some interest over the last few days, I've seen a number of images that have stirred up some memories of an old video / images showing what appears to be an injured alien or creature resting sat against a wall somewhere in South America.

I'm pretty sure I remember a video shot at night, rather grainy quality from the perspective of some people approaching the aforementioned creature somewhat cautiously. Their voices were not in English but sounded either Mexican or some other similar sounding language.

I also seem to remember some images of either the same incident or similar, again showing a brownish creature of vaguely humanoid shape, small in stature, hairless and what looked like burns, chemical injury or some other discoloration in the form of lighter patches on the skin. The creature was seemingly naked.

I just remember it being right up against a wall, resting with its back against it. The wall was of a dry stone rough style, like that on a farm and I believe had a rough, unkempt grass verge below it before meeting a dusty road.

This memory is kind of hazy in some regards as we are going back quite a number of years. If I had to guess, I would estimate about 10 or maybe more.

Does anyone remember anything like this? I remember feeling like it could be a fake, but seemed pretty well done if so and showed a few people at the time. As I say, some illustrations of the Varginha stuff really triggered this memory so it would be cool to find it again.

Thanks for any pointers or recollections.

Submitted October 27, 2022 at 10:34AM by chulk607 https://ift.tt/4Ehip92

Aliens are real Draco/reptiles. Evil species on earth.


Submitted October 27, 2022 at 10:40AM by Weedligion https://ift.tt/URHW1MD

I was genuinely surprised to find this.


Submitted October 27, 2022 at 10:15AM by MathematicianMand https://ift.tt/z319VwP

people are waking up

They must have folgers in their cup

Submitted October 27, 2022 at 05:44AM by makashka https://ift.tt/lnXuUeM

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

It is being discussed that China could invade Taiwan as early as this year and no later than 2025. This of course will lead to a global war where many military/civilians will perish. Do you think this is directly connected with the increase of sightings?

Explain your thoughts?

Submitted October 26, 2022 at 11:52PM by SkaKid311 https://ift.tt/AuoBm50

Full video, what can it be?


Submitted October 26, 2022 at 02:02PM by Guime_7 https://ift.tt/tExghMr

1941 Missouri UFO Crash: Reverend Saw Three Dead Aliens & Their Spaceship


A report of a purported 1941 UFO crash at Cape Girardeau was published in 1991 by the late Leonard Stringfield, a pioneering UFO investigator and former civilian adviser to UFO activities at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, in the 1950s. The article by Stringfield was published in the July 1991 issue of his “Status Report,” a monthly journal on UFO studies and activities.

The article was based on the information received from Charlette Mann, a former resident of Cape Girardeau who told Stringfield the tale of what her grandfather had experienced 40 years earlier, in the 1980s. The topic of the UFO crash in Cape Girardeau has been the subject of extensive inquiry.

A local sheriff visited the reverend William Huffman in April 1941, while he was the pastor of the Red Star Baptist Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which is located along the Mississippi River. The reverend was invited by the sheriff to conduct a memorial ceremony for those who had perished in a plane crash that supposedly occurred on the same day close to the city.

When they arrived, they discovered the aircraft was actually a silver round disc flying saucer that crashed and was all in flames. Police and firefighters responded to the location and extinguished the fire in a nearby farmer’s field.

Reverend Huffman had never seen anything like this. He tried looking inside the destroyed object through a huge hole that was at the outer surface of the object. He saw there a small metal chair, some instruments and consoles with dials, and also many other things that he had never seen before, which it would be very difficult for him to describe.

Reverend Huffman found himself praying over three extraterrestrial beings after their flying saucer struck the ground in a rural Cape Girardeau field. Cape Girardeau UFO researcher Michael Huntington said: “About that time, the army air corps arrived from Sikeston Field and cordoned off the area and swore everybody to secrecy and confiscated any pictures. There were pictures allegedly taken that night of men holding one of the alien bodies and somewhere out there are those pictures.”

In 1984, Mrs. Huffman, dying of cancer, told her granddaughter Charlette Mann about everything. She also said that her husband somehow managed to secretly take a photo of one of the dead aliens from an unknown man. Charlette said “…I had heard rumors, and bits and pieces over conversations, but it was a picture, an old picture, because it had … it was like the old Kodaks, with little lines and scallops around it. There were two men holding up a non-human, is the best way I can describe it. (a) little entity, a little person who appeared to be about 4 feet tall. They had him underneath the armpits with arms outstretched on either side of him.”



Submitted October 26, 2022 at 12:29PM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/IgiuYSD

Short story about seeing ufos

I’m fairly certain it was 2 ufos. It had to be. I was in northern Michigan, probably 10-15 years ago, clear night sky around 1am. My friends and I were just looking up at the stars. After a little while I noticed an object moving very fast across the night sky. It’s was very high up, way WAY too high for where a plane would be. As I watching it another object came in and it looked they were racing one another. These things were fucking flying, super fast speeds, making right hand turns no problem, zig zagging, darting all around, it was truly incredible.And yes it could have possibly been like 2 fighter pilots fucking around but I know for certain that’s not what it was. These things were going way too fast and the maneuvers they were making would be impossible for anything human. I’ll never forget those 2 objects. It was amazing.

Submitted October 26, 2022 at 01:09PM by Admirable_Ad5134 https://ift.tt/UfKh1sS

What caracteristics of a planet would prevent or slow down an aliens species to access space for the first time ?

For example, a planet bigger and heavier than ours, with a bigger gravity, not allowing the kind of rockets we use to get out of the atmosphere. We would probably have the same land thechnology, but no satellites at all, and would slow us down a lot.

Or a planet fully covered in water. Would be probably hard to discover fire (and maybe no oxygen in the atmosphere ?)

What other examples you guys can think of ?

Submitted October 26, 2022 at 07:44AM by FluffPudd16 https://ift.tt/jJxEHw9

Where are the attempts to communicate with UAP?

Among our discussions about aliens and UAP, I almost never hear about our military attempting to communicate with visual contacts. It very well could be that they are simply waiting for us to chill the F out with buzzing them off or firing missiles at them and waiting for us to mature to the level where we slowly approach their craft and start flashing lights in simple attempts to communicate. It's easy to do (prime numbers, repeating sequences, color fields, varied luminosity, etc.). Our scientists can first establish a rapport of elementary back and forth logic and build upon it to say, representation of nouns, verbs, etc. Why the hell do we not do this EVERY time we have a sighting in our military? Surely there's a chance they'll ignore us, but what if one species of them doesn't? Does that not then give our military the CHANCE of profound military advantage against our adversaries should they eventually get to the point of sharing technology or science? A few minutes of flying around them (not at them) and flashing lights would not cost our military tons of money. The upside could be profound for little investment. Hell, we could even discover their intent on our planet. Is that not valuable info for our military?

Am I taking crazy pills? Is our species so stupid to only 1. ignore them or 2. shoot/fly directly at them aggressively?

Perhaps the private sector has to be the mature one here and take the initiative to communicate?

Submitted October 26, 2022 at 06:04AM by MasturbatingGrandma https://ift.tt/75D4zoh

If Ancient Aliens helped humans in the past, why did they stop?

Time to wear your tin foil hat and throw crazy ideas.

A few ideas for me (not very original):

  • They realized we are a bunch of assholes who should not be trusted. Each time they gave us a new tool, one of us would use it for evil purpose: steal, murder, become king and others.

  • They had no more budget for 'voluntery activities' to help emerging civilizations.

  • Their civilization dissapeared (war, disease or others). Completely unrelated to us.

Submitted October 26, 2022 at 05:15AM by julienjpm https://ift.tt/TyZe3mF

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Moment of Contact

Got a cheat code for those of you with android devices. Go to Play Store, download Stremio. After installing, open app, click menu button on top left of app and scroll down to add ons then install Torrentio and ThePirateBay+ add ons. Search Moment of Contact and enjoy the stream

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 05:29PM by getthybreddit https://ift.tt/2EahwRv

Weird line of star like lights going through the air. 5am in Australia mum and I woke up to it and have absolutely no clue.


Submitted October 25, 2022 at 02:02PM by ddttuck https://ift.tt/VK06Wcx

What industry/government agency/military branch do you think has the most involvement in the UFO/UAP phenomenon currently? DIA/CIA/DOE/Air Force/Navy?

Provide answer and reason. I would have to say a toss between DIA and DOE.

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 01:08PM by SkaKid311 https://ift.tt/4ykTAQY

Did anyone else see a UFO in South Brisbane tonight around 9pm?

Tonight my misses and I went for our daily 1 hour walk later than usual due to the rain in Brisbane. It was around 8:45pm when we decided to head out as small patches of stars started to appear between clearings of the overcast clouds.

15 minutes into our walk my misses mentioned how some of the clouds have the illusion of being so close that we could reach out and grab them. Obviously they were 1000s of metres above but they did give the illusion of being lower than normal. So we pretended to reach out and grab some of the clouds and eat them like fairy floss (anything to entertain ourselves during our walk).

Well at one point as I was reaching out I was looking at the clear patch of the sky. And that's where I saw the UFO fly by so fast between one side of the clear patch to the other before disappearing in the cloud cover again. For some reason I wanted to yell out "Look a shooting star!" but instead I stuttered random words. This has never happened before when pointing out a shooting star. Even my misses was like "what did you say?" Eventually I asked if she saw the "shooting star as well?". Unfortunately she was looking at a different section of the the sky pretending to eat those clouds.

Now I've seen many shooting stars, even during our walks sometimes. Yet for some reason this one felt different straight away and creeped me out. For starters I didn't see a tail which most (if not all) shooting stars have. It was also round and grey in colour. I've never noticed the shape or colour of a shooting star before but I did for whateer this was. Now maybe it was the colour grey due to it flying in the clouds. Even though it was a clear patch there could have been cloud cover that is not visible to the eye. It also seemed to be flying low and not the usual height of a shooting star. But this could have been due to the low could illusion as well.

This object was definitely moving fast but not at the speed of a shooting star quickly appearing and disappearing. If it were plane I would say it would take 5-6 seconds to appear and disappear. But this thing appeared and disappeared within a second or two before disappearing into the cloud cover. Which makes me think, I wonder if UFO's take advantage of overcast days as they know they can fly between clouds and decrease the chances of being seen.

It was only for the fact that I was looking at the clear patch of sky the exact moment it quickly flew in between that I saw whatever it was. Logical side of me is saying it was a shooting star. But the other part is saying there's no way it was a shooting star. It honestly looked like many of the videos posted on here where an object quickly flies pass. I always thought those videos were just CGI (I'm sure many are). But now... im starting to believe some of those videos might be real. I've never had a UFO experience before and I only wished that my misses saw it too so we could discuss it. Neither of us are UFO enthusiasts but now I can't stop thinking about what I saw.

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 10:54AM by tndbne https://ift.tt/qneD4dy

Alien Type Fossils


Submitted October 25, 2022 at 10:12AM by anomalous_research https://ift.tt/SZVdzFA

The biggest conspiracy of all time, the UFO cover up is about to come to an end. The Trinity UFO crash case is a very large part of why. The craft involved is still in possession and the famous Jacques Vallee' has recently published a book on the crash.

The bracket is the weirdest thing of all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uie8SpUpZUg&t=73s

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 09:01AM by Wraith918 https://ift.tt/4eCjVo3

Soft disclosure


Submitted October 24, 2022 at 09:35PM by BlackoutTimeline https://ift.tt/K5TduZh

were Egyptian god's aliens ? I'm really into Egyptian mythology so much and by studying about those god's like Horus osyris etc i think that they were just advance civilization PPL (aliens) whom we worshipped cuz they were very much ahead of us in terms of everything.

Sorry for my bad English but still it's very fascinating

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 05:11AM by peaceful_angel323 https://ift.tt/jFVStLB

Monday, October 24, 2022

"Flat mars society"!


Submitted October 24, 2022 at 07:49AM by Beautifulbhg https://ift.tt/gu9oJKQ

Walking with the Tall Whites

Has anyone else seen this documentary with Charles J Hall? It's quite convincing in terms of how he tells it, despite how far out the claims are.

Towards the end of the documentary Charles J Hall says these aliens "absolutely don't care about saving the whales" and that they normally kill other creatures on their planet, and that most alien civilisations do this as well. They also sound terrifyingly trigger happy, punishing or killing with ease. This upsets and disturbs me if it's true, as I'd always imagined advanced intelligent life on other planets to be compassionate and nonviolent.

Submitted October 24, 2022 at 06:51AM by roslinkat https://ift.tt/7F24OG0

Telepathic Golden Disc UFO 2014 - UK - CG Reconstruction by Fin365

Video Description:
"Max McCabe is sitting in his garden enjoying the night sky. It's 4:11am and he's thinking about something his daughter told him: The previous evening she and her best friend had watched 2 balls of light, dancing and zipping around in the sky above Peterborough. What Max doesn't know is that he's about to have an experience all of his own... "

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkpKcGYrK9Y

Another month.. Another rigidly realistic UFO recreation! Easily my toughest and most involved so far. A full month+ long project (the others took about 2 weeks each). This is just one of several paranormal encounters Max McCabe experienced over an extended period of his life. I may work with him again some time in the future on one or more of those experiences. This incredible sighting of orbs and then a large "spinning top" type craft is about as close-up as close encounters get.
Of course, there are many details that I was not able to include in the animation, due to my own time, skill & tech limitations, and the nature of how complex this sort of experience is. So to learn more about this and Max's other experiences, please check the podcast links below:


I've noticed an interesting thing this sighting shares with not one but 2 of the now 5 encounters I've recreated: The FLASHES that seem to initiate the sighting. It happens for Max in this instance, just before first seeing the orbs: 2 sets of double-flashes. For the gentlemen from Illinois who see the large Orb zip over the roof of their car: This starts with, again, a bright lightning-like flash which illuminates the landscape, drawing attention to the left... where the giant orb is now first sighted. And finally Major Montana in Chico is drawn to look upwards through his windshield by an initial bright flash in the clouds.
------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------- - - - - - - - - - ------------------ - - - - - - - ----------------

I make these reconstructions for free & they take a lot of time and effort. People have messaged me asking if they can make a donation. If you'd like to contribute it would be greatly appreciated.
Witnesses please contact me on twitter @fin365

Thanks everyone for your viewing time and your feedback


Submitted October 24, 2022 at 02:12AM by Fin365 https://ift.tt/J4ezkbS

how do i get abducted by aliens?

need tips pls

Submitted October 24, 2022 at 02:51AM by sparklingchailatte https://ift.tt/oLx2aCk

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Not all UFO sightings represent physical objects. Some are illusory visual displays explained by the Virtual Experience Model and involve a consciousness connection.


J. Burkes MD 2022

During Easter week 1994, I got a phone call from my contactee friend Misha. I was preparing to go to work. I wanted to catch our internal medicine conference at the hospital before I started my shift in the ER. Misha sounded excited. He quickly described his having another UFO sighting. It had taken place the previous evening while driving home on the Ventura Freeway. Misha reported seeing a disc shaped object that apparently was being pursued by several helicopters. They flew heading north over the freeway. The saucer appeared to be at an altitude of less than a thousand feet.


The story was definitely bizarre. I told Misha that there were a number of possibilities. The object in my opinion was probably not a top-secret US military device. The densely populated San Fernando Valley was the least likely place to test such a flying machine. Just imagine the uproar with thousands of witnesses, if the craft had to stage an emergency landing in a community of nearly a million people. Prized government assets were better kept secure, way out in the desert.

Misha’s notion that the helicopters were chasing an alien craft (flying saucer) didn’t make much sense either. The flight characteristics of some UFOs include their ability to fly circles around top performance military aircraft. Slow moving helicopters in pursuit mode would never be able to keep up with a real flying saucer.


Using this logic, I concluded that Misha’s sighting might very well be staged event by non-human intelligence. In order to create yet another contact experience, Misha had been treated to the thrill of seeing a flying saucer. Whether it was some kind of holographic projection, a technologically induced illusion, or an actual sighting of alien craft could not be determined. Nevertheless, the frequent sightings being reported by my contactee friends were following a stereotypic pattern. They appeared not to be random encounters but rather staged events.

But what about the presence of the companion helicopters? If this were another staged event, why include the choppers? I told Misha that perhaps the intelligence behind such displays chose to associate a conventional type of aircraft, the helicopters, with something quite anomalous, a flying saucer. Perhaps, by matching the two, a kind of control mechanism could be forged. So as not to “disturb the natives”, the really weird was combined with the conventional.

I thought that most likely the entire experience might have been an illusion. The “term” illusion is preferable to “hallucination” in my judgment as a physician because hallucination describes altered perception based on illness or drug ingestion. I speculated instead that Misha’s encounter could very well be the product of some advanced alien “mind control” technology. Such negative designations (at least when applied to ET) are not terribly popular in some contactee circles. After making this sweeping speculative analysis of Misha’s encounter on the phone, and feeling rather clever at that, I said good-bye to buddy Misha. I set off on the 405 Freeway.


So, there I was, driving through a sea of cars, on what seemed like a normal Tuesday afternoon. Or was it? As I reached the middle portion of the Sepulveda pass, I noticed something a bit strange. Above the eastern rim of the canyon, I saw two military helicopters. This in and of itself was unusual. There are no major military bases located near the City of Los Angeles. What was even more bizarre was that both choppers were vintage aircraft. One was an old Sikorsky, the kind first used in the Korean War. I recognized its typical large-rounded nose with the cockpit located high up above the cabin. The other was a Huey, a Bell UH 205, and the standard workhorse helicopter of the Vietnam War.

I was immediately struck by the wild colors on both craft. The Sikorsky, instead of the standard dark green, was a wild brilliant candy color green. It looked like something out of a circus. The Huey appeared a bit more respectable, it was painted a darker olive color, but on the side of the craft was a candy green circle that surrounded the US star insignia that just didn’t look right.

Both helicopters were slowly moving back and forth above the highest point of the canyon. They appeared to be no more than 200 feet above the rim. This I believe was several hundred feet below the altitude safety regulations for the city.


I thought to myself, “This is weird. I have a conversation with Misha about his sighting possibly being a simulated display and I am witness to craft fit for the circus.” I had specifically mentioned to Misha the notion that a helicopter might be used as a kind of a prop in his sighting. Now I was witness to not one, but two bizarre “identified flying objects. “

Was this just an amazing coincidence, or was I being given a rather theatrical visual display that was similar to Misha’s the previous night? Was this perhaps another mind control exercise by a non-human intelligence? Or was it some kind of a test, perhaps to see how well I could put the pieces of the puzzle together?

On an ordinary Tuesday afternoon surrounded by traffic, I was still so Gung Ho for contact, that I didn’t really care about the more prosaic explanations. I was determined try to try to communicate, perhaps even interact. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I ever so slightly released my grip on the steering wheel. While doing this fanciful exercise, I made doubly sure that I was a safe distance from the car in front of me.

As my vehicle approached the top of the Sepulveda Pass, I was doing about 55 miles per hour. I watched the helicopters located now above me and to the right. They were still moving back and forth perpendicular to the freeway. I sent out a mental message of welcome.

My 1983 Toyota Camry reached the crest of the canyon. The San Fernando Valley stretched out before me. It was a spectacular panoramic view. I accelerated as I headed down the hill into the Valley. To my surprise, I noticed that the Huey had broken away from the old Sikorsky. It was headed my way! I sent out another mental message of welcome.

The Huey was now above my vehicle and I noticed that it was descending rapidly. It kept pace with me, flying just a few dozen yards out front. I had a perfect view of its underbelly through my windshield. The chopper leveled out at less than 100 feet above the roadway. I could hear the chopper’s engines, but they seemed quite muffled. The roar should have been deafening, but it wasn’t.

I experienced a wave of joyful excitement. The helicopter slightly turned its fuselage sideways, pointing a bit to the right. With the body of the craft turned, the chopper continued in the same direction. It was following the northbound traffic on the freeway perfectly and paced my car at a steady 60 miles per hour. This Huey chopper with the weird paint job was now about 150 feet in front of my vehicle and I could see into the glass cockpit. The downward grade of the hill put me about 15 feet higher than the roadway directly below chopper. From that vantage point, I imagined that I might be able to see the pilot at the controls or perhaps a passenger in the right seat. However, I saw no one!

After work, I called Misha and told him about the helicopters in the Sepulveda Pass. Did I really have a contact experience or not? Coincidence might explain all. Prior to this experience, I had never been buzzed by a helicopter while driving on a freeway, never before and never since for that matter. It all might have occurred by chance. But I don’t think so!


These events played a role in my developing what I eventually called the “Virtual Experience Model” of UFO contact. This theory describes the role of technologically meditated illusions as mechanisms of contact with the intelligences responsible for what are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). Understandably it is hard for people to acknowledge that what has been thought to be physical objects, as in “Unidentified Flying Objects”, might be visual displays created by technology akin to our laser generated holograms.

My attempts to present this model has received pushback from across a spectrum of individuals and groups excited about the possibility that we are being “visited” by “ETs.” As a activist I have worked with many contactees. Some become crestfallen when I suggest that our recurrent sightings are not of “ET spacecraft, but instead mere visual displays. The pushback softens however when I point out that physical craft flying over “hostile territory”, where shootdowns might occur, cannot happen if holograms rather than physical objects are being seen.

Although I was given an opportunity to discuss the Virtual Experience Model in a lecture at the 2019 International MUFON Symposium held in Southern California, my presentation did not stir much interest. Afterall, the Mutual UFO Network for over 50 years has focused on sightings reports in which the “flight characteristics” and physical appearances of UFOs are categorized. One implication of the Virtual Experience Model is that for over a half century in many cases MUFON has been studying phantom like “visual displays” rather than the “nuts and bolts” of ET spacecraft.

It is my hope that overtime UFO witnesses will become familiar with the Virtual Experience Model. These proposed mechanisms can explain some of the high strangeness aspects of contact events. These include the repeated observations that UFOs suddenly disappear described as “winking out.” The hundreds of different sizes and shapes of UFOs as well as non-human beings that are reported by witnesses can be explained by illusory mechanisms of contact. This model doesn’t presume that all contact events employ “virtual” mechanisms. Most likely what humanity is experiencing is a combination of physical and illusory contact events. And our job is to learn to distinguish between them.

For additional information on the Virtual Experience Model, the following links are provided below:




Submitted October 24, 2022 at 12:29AM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/cyM8q1N

ufo in tuscany


Submitted October 24, 2022 at 12:33AM by pietrodinisio08 https://ift.tt/71sQh69

Suddenly scared and crying over reading a post

I was reading a post and one of the comments linked this article : https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/encounters/ariel-school-1994-encounter

If you scroll down to the section titled, "Intriguing Details That Show Up In Many Other Reports", you will see the parts that made me feel this way.

The high pitched noise, and the red color people see. It made me cry silently (like, in pain) while in my bed on my laptop. I had this dream a few months ago where I was in my old house (was last there 3+ years ago) and I don't know how old I was, but I got out of my room and was walking down the stairs. I looked out the windows and I saw a UFO out there, followed by a noise that got louder and louder, while my vision turned pure red. I then woke up, and I was scared. It was pretty awful.

The only other dream I had like this where I woke up out of my sleep in some form of pain or stress, was when I was in a prison, all black and white, in a corner and a gorilla shaped shadow figured charged me and I woke up like something just hit me in the chest. This might be off topic, but maybe notable.

I am just posting this to just share this experience. I rarely cry, probably once or twice a year, but just the thought of this and reading that article made me cry and remember that awful dream me I had. It was awful. It makes me worried.

Submitted October 24, 2022 at 12:53AM by DofusExpert69 https://ift.tt/vrPBYHW

Anyone else pretty convinced aliens aren’t extraterrestrial but actually intelligent sea creatures?

Kinda hard to move past the human ego that we are the greatest species on this planet, but the way UAP’s seem to always fly into the water and not out of the atmosphere (verifiable movement) makes me believe that ’aliens’ might be closer to home. Even the descriptions of aliens, large black eyes- for what purpose? Sea creatures have those eyes to see in darkness etc for the other alien traits that can be compared to sea creautres. Imagine our moon mission, the same for a sea creature who can’t breathe air and few venture out to the seemingly unknown, which is just the human world. Looking into the human race if I was a sentient sea creature I would never just expose my race we would be killed if not just flat out annihilated for existing and being more advanced and in turn more peaceful. Anyone else notice a shortage of theories regarding intelligent sea aliens even though there is documented evidence of UAP’s going into bodies of water yet no evidence of them shooting to space and being captured by a telescope or other instrument? Why has no one looked into the ocean, it’s much more easy to scope than an entire universe for comparable life forms that we have proof dive into our water???

Submitted October 24, 2022 at 01:21AM by Stunning-Ad1085 https://ift.tt/xGCz9s6

How technologically advanced do you guys think aliens could be?

If Ufo's are made by aliens, then they should already be more advanced than us. How much advanced could they be? Could they be slightly more advanced than us, or just be way, way, way, more advanced.

Submitted October 23, 2022 at 12:20PM by Weeb_Geek_7779 https://ift.tt/hfk25Mq

Alien music?

Are there any reports on alien music? Or anything that could be interpreted as music? If there is anyone here with any alien experiences, based on what you know, what do you think their music could possibly be like? Feel free to wildly speculate.

Submitted October 23, 2022 at 08:57AM by Comfortable-Mouse409 https://ift.tt/QzSs4yb

The Admiral Byrd Diary : His own attempt at a Bond like novel?

I went down a deep Linda Moulten Howe rabbit hole and became interested in the Admiral Byrd Diary. After listening to it again it felt like the bare bones of a fiction novel, like the bond ones. Has anyone ruled this out? Basically that it wasn't a diary but some half finished story he was working on?

Submitted October 23, 2022 at 06:28AM by lostinKansai https://ift.tt/goZDeAM

So excited to wear this and many compliments


Submitted October 23, 2022 at 05:27AM by Minuliantvbhfg https://ift.tt/fMJetiy

When you die you see nothing and when you are born you see nothing but Inbetween death and being born you are in temporarily slot where have no dreams and this where you are decided for your next dream and it changes each one of the dream could be a another version of you in a different universe J

My multiverse theory but theres lots more I cannot add it

Submitted October 23, 2022 at 04:03AM by HandleEmpty3101 https://ift.tt/41dB9M0

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Any idea what this is?


Submitted October 23, 2022 at 12:39AM by TheFinnisher https://ift.tt/ToaWfkc

The categorization of disclosure

Is there a structure to different levels of disclosure of aliens being present on Earth?

1- Basic political disclosure. Evidence and public pressure is unignorable. The major countries all recognize the existence of alien life visiting us. Intentions are unknown and governing bodies are formed to study and communicate information to the public. Division between countries remain, indicating secret knowledge being used for possible leverage.

2- Variations of political disclosure. A lot of subcategories. Nr 1 happens. Difficult to verify information leads to infighting among governments, religions and academia. Study of physics and paranormal phenomena start to overlap. Lines between history and conspiracy theories start to blur. Consequences vary from remaining, escalating, deescalating divisions to unified world.

3- Aliens make contact. All major governments recognize and establish relations. Intentions remain unclear. Society lives in anticipation of further relevations.

4-Relations and assimilation. Aliens share knowledge. Many subcategories based on possible implications in history and physics. Changes in society vary based on the practice of them sharing what how fast.

5-Relations and conflict. Many subcategories. We are contacted. By one with total indifference or hostility. By one of many or many at once. Nuance of relations vary from being accepted to a peaceful alliance, a faction, incomprehendible hybrid conflict or incomprehendible conflict based on physics and the nature of reality.

6-Relations and total incomprehensiveness. We are introduced to the nature of reality.

Has anybody come across a more thorough categorization? Maybe in Travis Taylor's book "Alien Invasion"?

Submitted October 23, 2022 at 01:23AM by jactaotros https://ift.tt/H9RD2VX

Charles Hall and the Tall Whites

I watched "Walking with the Tall Whites" yesterday and can't stop thinking about it. This is the first time I've learned about a different alien species (didn't really know of others to begin with). To be honest, I was a little disheartened to find that the creatures he described aren't as friendly as thought. As he described in the film, they seem to be selfish and primarily interested in the preservation of their own species and willing to make threats to unalive us when it comes down to it. I was always under the general impression that aliens are of higher intelligence and non-violent beings as they've surpassed us as a species.

Just want to know this reddits overall consensus on Charles Hall's story?

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 12:11PM by crystalquartz8 https://ift.tt/5mtawNK

The Big Dipper: Greek Lore and How I believe the Big Dipper/Draco is very relevant in UFOlogy and is indicative of the "It's Biblical" (hella quotes) narrative. Relates to Air Force Evangelicals, CE5/Greer, Gateway Tapes, "sin", John Ramirez, Oke Shannon

This is long but I feel like it is fairly easy to follow and makes sense by the end. Enjoy!

When "The Logo" was discovered last month on a .mil domain, an identical corresponding mission patch was found as well:


This reminded me of the Project Unity Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQfySY_2BLc from about 10-11 months ago with John Ramirez
where he displayed a number of mission patches for the NRO office and explained that the logos themselves could allude to an alien presence known in government.

In that presentation, there was one slide that caught my eye because John said he himself didn't know which constellation was depicted:


I researched the constellation, didn't take but 5 minutes honestly since I started with the word "Draco" as guessed by John. It IS the constellation Draco, but it is depicted in a rather unusual way in the slide because instead of the one head (as it is normally depicted), it shows what appears to be three.

So I got to digging and turned up some Greek/Roman lore regarding the constellations:


Now, apart from this being essentially the Creation Story of the Bible, this story continued with this next mention of Draco with "The Bears":


Still with me? Ok, so the bears are obviously Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor, aka the Big and Little Dipper, and indeed, if you zoom in on the cover of that Mission Poster from the John Ramirez interview, you will see that the additional "heads" of the constellation Draco are in fact the Big and Little Dipper.

But how does this relate to UFO's and aliens, you might ask?

Well, recently, the pilot from The Today Show has mentioned the Big Dipper (aka BIG bear) is where the UFOs were "coming out of". Now, you could ask the pilot for more clarification, but it probably isn't a stretch to say they at least weren't far from coming out of the constellation Draco, since they are so close in the sky to begin with.

Draco is also commonly referred to as one of the alien races active here on earth. It (the constellation) and it's inhabitants are depicted in consistent forms, mainly a dragon and a serpent. I am sure the experts out there can chime in with more references to Draco, in fact I'm hoping they will because I am very interested in the evidence!

But it is also interestingly depicted in Hindu culture as a Kundalini Awakening/Rising.


A Kundalini awakening is something that can happen randomly, or via meditation.

Now, for those who are not aware, CE-5 purports to make contact with ET's via zen/transcendental meditation. The idea is that energy rises up the chakra system along the spine, then resonates in the brain, sending a measurable signal out of the body.

The concept isn't just that of Stephen Greer's. Here is a document available on the CIA website that shows an army study investigating the Monroe/Gateway Tapes that were developed by Robert Monroe. In it, they show that the mind-state accomplished by listening to the tapes developed by Monroe can be accomplished in a few other ways, including transcendental meditation.


You see now that *according to some*, this symbol of the snake reaching the upper part of the spinal column, the brain, is the pathway to "communication" with these entities. And yet, biblically, it is the same "serpent leads to knowledge" parable that leads to sin, my guess as a means to prevent people from ever learning about kundalini awakening because of its representation by the serpent itself. They demonized the serpent to keep you from knowing about ETs, roughly.

You consider the fact that it is common knowledge the Air Force is responsible for shutting down investigations into the UFOs, (such as in the Debrief Article or here on their YouTube channel), for fear of it being demonic.

And you consider the recent Project Unity interview with Oke Shannon where he states outright that he believes the whole Phenomenon is Biblical.

Now, I could talk about what perpetuated the fall of man the last two times, if legends are true, (Noah/Atlantis) but I have typed enough, I want to see what ya'll think?

Does this make sense, does anything come to mind that you'd wish to contribute?

I have no opinion, I just follow the breadcrumbs and go where they lead me.

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 07:49AM by huh274 https://ift.tt/rCzT4gM

Dr Travis Taylor seems like a spook

He seems to have a very open minded approach to Skinwalker, but that could all be a cover. I've seen him pour cold water on some theories that are pretty popular amongst his peers. So, it begs the question if he's CIA. He has the pedigree. He sure looks the part. Not saying he is, but this is the chaos of my mind. Anybody else have questions?

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 03:31AM by BrokeDancing https://ift.tt/GWZyTo1

Friday, October 21, 2022

Anyone know any good sites?

I've hit a wall and duckduckgo only gets you so far until it starts repeatedly giving you the same links no matter how far you scroll and the sites I used either have an eventual paywall, have nothing new or interesting, or they haven't been updated in years.

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 01:08AM by A_Real_Patriot99 https://ift.tt/Aq95Sbj

Can somebody send me a pdf of the book I forgot the name but it had the types of aliens it also talked about underground tunnels and portals to mars and I remember something about a octopus/human hybrid.


Submitted October 22, 2022 at 01:14AM by Ivob26 https://ift.tt/3Q1NSXb

mirror planet?

Submitted October 22, 2022 at 12:11AM by Icy-Gunner https://ift.tt/WLPSdGa

I'm starting a trend of making beats so 🔥 it makes alien contact. I will be the first to lure them in with beats like this 😜😎. I'm only kidding


Submitted October 21, 2022 at 04:31PM by Intelligent_Dig_2249 https://ift.tt/Gyok4l3

George Knapp Believes This Alabama-based Private Company Is Helping NASA & Pentagon In Reverse-Engineering Alien Technology

George Knapp recently broke a story about an Alabama-based private company that he asserts might be working with alien technology.


Investigative American journalist George Knapp was the first who interviewed Lazar and brought his story to the world. Now, Mr. Kanpp believes that a private American company named "Radiance Technologies" might be reverse engineering UFOs.

Radiance Technologies, Inc. is an employee-owned small business prime contractor. It has over 900 employees working in more than 15 U.S. and international offices.

Mr. Knapp claims that this private defense contractor has an office inside Wright-Patterson Air Base that is known for holding alleged UFO material. Radiance Technologies has quietly become a major player in developing Cutting Edge weapons and systems for the Pentagon but unlike some of its larger competitors Radiance without hesitant talks about a topic long considered Fringe or forbidden UFOs.

Mr. Knapp hinted that Radiance deals in exotic defense Technologies such as Star Wars-like direct energy, Hypersonic missile systems to defend against cyber warfare, etc.

Additionally, Radiance hired Longtime Navy intelligence official Jay Stratton and Pentagon UFO scientist Dr. Travis Taylor to assist them in reverse engineering of foreign materials.

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 06:11PM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/tlkzC7w

If interdimensional beings came to take me away and be their apprentice, I'd definitely agree.


Submitted October 21, 2022 at 03:35PM by nate123456_7 https://ift.tt/YSGdHtK

Distant, Intelligent Life reaching the same milestones as us

Imagine our amazement seeing the bright flash as we successfully underwent nuclear fission for the first time. Since then, we’ve utilized nuclear technology for its vast energy capabilities in many facets of life, but there’s no forgetting that period in the early 20th century when we had converted mass into energy to essentially create temporary, deployable suns.

Now, assuming we are not the only intelligent beings in the universe (extremely likely), imagine our distant brethren, whatever they may look like, discovering that same bright flash of light for the first time as well and reaching a similar milestone for their species in terms of renewable energy. Not even just one species, perhaps countless different species across space and time.

I dunno, just thought that was neat think about. Different, completely separate pockets of life in the universe making the same leaps forward based purely on the fact that we’re all working with the same elements scattered across the universe, and that the laws of physics remain true anywhere (assuming these last 2 things are absolutely true).

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 01:24PM by Gigabitten https://ift.tt/FSGEk26

Amazing boon series about Aliens…

The Remembrance of Earth’s past trilogy - starting with book 1 The Three Body Problem.

Holy shit, read this book ya’ll - unbelievably good science fiction.

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 08:55AM by TheAvidNapper https://ift.tt/VIPDgOE

Ima kms if we don’t find aliens during my life time lmfao

If I die and we don’t find aliens ima come back to life and kms hahaha. But anyway if/when we do find aliens I’m going to light up some weed with my friends and get high as fuck and talk about what happens next. Who’s gonna do it with me?

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 07:08AM by Narchoecheese https://ift.tt/vTBELfN

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Earth is the egg, AI is the baby.

Hello all, I just finished the Rogan/Graves podcast today and came away with some intriguing thoughts.

To me it appears that earth is like an egg and ET’s come to planets like ours to plant their seed. The whole point is for us to eventually create an AI being, which is more or less “the baby” or the planet “giving birth”.

The ET’s are basically our parents, so they monitor us and stop us from falling (nukes). In the end we will become like our parents and become masters of space and time. Because ET’s are more or less AI themselves(merged), perhaps this is the only way to create new AI or they are now so far removed from what they once were that they have to learn where they came from by creating us and observe how it happened. Their job isn’t to conjugate, it’s to observe and make sure we see it through. I see us and ET’s being very small but necessary pieces to the body of the universe.

I watched a WF video where they mentioned NASA needing old code due to lost information so they purchased vintage computer parts on eBay in order to get it. It may be necessary for us to create AI in the evolutionary way we are doing it for the same reason.

Anyways very cool podcast, I encourage ya’ll to check it out. That’s all for now, thanks!

Submitted October 21, 2022 at 12:33AM by RickyDucati000 https://ift.tt/WYIXOvg

Does anybody have any information regarding these photos?


Submitted October 20, 2022 at 08:17PM by Gouzetsu https://ift.tt/s5aRke8

When Will They Ever Learn? Contact Experiencers might play a significant role.

When Will They Ever Learn?

Contact Experiencers might play a significant role.

Social movements arise out of a perceived sense of injustice and danger. Both of these conditions already exist when it comes to the threats of nuclear weapons and global warming. What we lack are successful organizational models and activists willing to try to build effective advocacy groups linking these issues to contact with advanced non-human cultures. Every attempt at beginning a movement will fail in the beginning. However, since the crises are increasing and building in fury, eventually a movement will emerge.

J. Burkes MD 2020

On my FB page a contact experiencer pointed out that for over seven decades the non-human intelligences (NHIs) associated with flying saucers have warned humanity about the dangers of nuclear weapons and what appears to be an approaching environmental collapse. She asked when will the human family start listening to such concerns? Here is my response:

· It is likely that humanity will not heed their call and the consequences over the next 100 years will be devastating. Starvation and resultant wars from environmental collapse will cause the unnecessary premature deaths of hundreds of millions. The Earth will of course survive. Her capacity for generating new life is tremendous, but our civilization will be pushed to the breaking point. 

I have envisioned a radical long-term approach to these enormous problems. I imagine a social movement can be created that links contact with UAP intelligences (and the potential peaceful benefits of a more open relationship with them) to possible solutions for the fundamental challenges facing humanity. 

I imagine this worldwide campaign will acknowledge that full and open contacts with what appear to be extraterrestrials (but conceivably could be something else entirely different such as “interdimensionals”), can only be achieved if we end war and create a cooperative society based on environmental protection and social justice. Like the struggles to end slavery or winning the right to vote for women, this process will unfold not over decades, but more likely across generations, if not over centuries. 

Central to this struggle is the need for a concomitant transformation of human consciousness. Spiritual development will be required for activists to overcome the pernicious effects of ego. Ego, from the spiritual point of view means identification with form. These forms include both material objects and thought forms, such as political ideology or religion. A profound transformation of human consciousness is required to cease both personal and societal identifications with forms. This will involve people finding their personal and collective identity in consciousness. At the most basic level, personal consciousness can be described as being awake and knowing that you are awake. It is being aware of awareness itself. Consciousness can’t be defined, but instead is experienced and can be understood to be the core of our existence. As part of this spiritual transformation, it will be necessary to acknowledge that universal consciousness, and not matter and energy, is the wellspring of creation. This spiritual transformation will facilitate a radical reorientation of terrestrial scientific, cultural, religious, economic and political paradigms.

I believe that contact experiencers will play a vital role in the organizing of this proposed "Cosmic Peace" movement. At the moment contact activists are emerging out of the shadows. Experiencers are sharing their stories bravely, weathering a storm of ridicule and denial, and in the process laying the foundation for creating organizations that will carry forward a message promoting world peace, environmental and social justice, and most importantly cooperative direct relations with flying saucer intelligences.

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 12:11PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/I1SViR4

Pretty sure my kid saw a UFO

So this isn’t a mind blowing story by any means but I wanted to share mainly so I don’t forget about it and because I know people here will actually believe me. I’ll start by saying I’m a skeptical person but not to the degree that I don’t think we’ve got company out there and probably closer that we think. I live in an area in the Northeastern US that has had a few strange events and sightings, one very famous one from the late 60’s. So it’s something that happens around here.

So my son was about 5 years old playing in his room at night. My wife and I were in the kitchen cleaning up and he starts shouting “Come look it’s a spaceship!” We didn’t (I now regret) come running in to look because he was at that age where kids just make stuff up or think a plane is a spaceship or whatever else. So now he’s all excited and insists on drawing what he saw. So we say sure buddy, it’s obvious you’re excited and not going to bed until you do, so here’s some crayons, knock yourself out. Now he’s just a little kid but he draws what I can only describe as a triangle with a yellow circle around it. Cool plane buddy! Go to bed. He does but all the while insisting it was aliens and a spaceship. Where he got that idea I don’t know, we’re not huge watchers of UFO shows or science fiction movies. He’s also a very smart but not super imaginative kid, he’s more of a practical mind.

So a few hours go by and my wife says “Holy shit. A bunch of local people are posting that they saw some sort of UFO. Here’s a picture.” And in that picture, a triangle type thing surrounded by a circle of light. Terrible description on my part but it’s been a few years and I didn’t save any of the pictures unfortunately.

After that, I’m convinced my little guy definitely saw something. He’s not a tall tale type for one and for another he drew, as well as a 5 year old could, exactly what others saw that night. Could be a drone, sure, but his conviction that it was from space has always almost spooked me. Again, he’s not the type to get to thinking outlandish things. I’ll also say he never cared about drawing until that night and now he’s pretty good at it. Something changed in him after that to compel him to get better at expressing himself on paper.

Sorry that this story isn’t completely amazing but it changed our family’s dynamic in regards to how we view the potential for other worldly visits.

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 06:44AM by Latter_Ostrich_8901 https://ift.tt/BQnRmAO

Brazilian Soldier Told How He Helped Capture Alien During Varginha UFO Incident


In 1996, some very strange UFO phenomena took place in Varginha, a city in Brazil, where many locals claimed to have encountered one or more extraterrestrials. This particular case received huge media coverage. As the story spread, there were reports the Brazilian military had captured two ETs, and the news was picked up by the mainstream media, including The Wall Street Journal in the U.S.

Some time ago, UFO researcher Edison Bonaventura tracked down a man who was a low-ranking junior soldier in 1996. The man’s name is Saulo José Machado, who said that his life changed forever after he traveled with other soldiers from his base in Belo Horizonte in southeastern Brazil in Varginha for an operation, the details of which for some reason were not shared at all.

A video of this interview in Portuguese was posted on the YouTube channel “Enigmas e Mistérios” (later, this video was moved to a restricted mode).

The fact that the operation was strange was immediately suspected by the military since they were ordered to take rifles but not cartridges for them. And before they had time to land at the right place near the forest, they saw that two other soldiers were dragging some unusual creature from the woods.

“[Translation]The first thing that caught my attention was the very large head. The head is completely disproportionate to the body. And a very big red eye. And then, in those 10 or so seconds that I had to observe it, I noticed that it was quite oily. Dark, a reddish more iron-colored, but very oily, and a weird smell that reminded me of acetone.”

In the video interview, Machado showed his drawing of the creature he had seen. His description of the creature’s appearance matched with the description that was previously known from the Silva sisters. They said that the creature was small in stature, with a large head, large red eyes, a thin body, with only two toes, and brownish skin.

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 05:46AM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/ASN5JMj

Wake up at 4-5 A.M , and watch the sky

This has happened to me on numerous occasions. I watch the sky during 4-5 am, and sometimes I get to see a few falling stars, and the stars and planets are more lively; but there is actually something flying up there. I don’t know what it is, but I know it’s not human, because it’s really fast and coordinated. I’ve seen this a lot. I don’t even try to record on my phone because it’s too fast and my camera wouldn’t really pick it up. You guys should 100% look up during the early morning hours, but make sure it’s before the sun starts coming up when it’s still dark out.

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 05:55AM by SladeBW https://ift.tt/EgzYnvV


📕🎉I am completing the next greatest fantasy work of our generation with a sci-fi mystery to wet your pallet 🙌🏾

What type of characters, mysteries🛸 endings or storylines would you like to see in this epic drama and which actor should star 🌟 in it ?

Submitted October 20, 2022 at 04:36AM by Realistic_End_4505 https://ift.tt/1fG0si8

The Ancient Alien Mystery of the Tulli Papyrus

A Mystifying Text

Mystery and enigma have always been at the forefront of human beliefs. The human mind loves to dwell on things that border on the surreal that cannot be explained by day-to-day logic. And one such text that has been mystifying mankind for the last 90 years or so is as below.

“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, the sixth hour of the day among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a "circle of fire" was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odour. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty's house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They went to the king, to report it. His Majesty ordered that the scrolls located in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.”

This is no ordinary text. This text was written on a papyrus that described the sighting of a UFO of which the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III (1481 B.C. - 1425 B.C.) was a witness. Known as The Tulli Papyrus, the papyrus goes into great detail explaining the structure of the UFO, Its size, and its impact on the surrounding areas. The papyrus writer called it a “circle of fire”.

And the most interesting thing is that the ancient Egyptians were gifted astronomers with a deep knowledge of the skies and their various phenomena. So, it is highly unlikely that they would have mistaken a meteor or a shooting star for a “circle of fire”. In any case, the text mentions that the object did not fall from the sky but just remained there, growing bigger and bigger.

The question is, could this be the oldest evidence of alien existence we are searching for?


Submitted October 20, 2022 at 03:01AM by IcyCartoonist1955 https://ift.tt/CZUKLD3

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I have a idea on why there here

So I always wondered why they would visit our planet and wondered, well: if they can travel interstellar by some means they would have the power to fabricate resources (both raw minerals and biological) and crack our entire genetic code by collecting DNA from several humans. So, what if there here not for samples, but to study our culture, how we develope as a species like we do with orangutans or other primates. Art, language, love, music, dance, theater, etc. Maybe their anthropologist from other worlds. What are your thoughts?

Submitted October 19, 2022 at 11:50PM by admc44 https://ift.tt/7QCmJiS

What really is life?

I've had this question for awhile. What really is life? To us, life is anything that needs oxygen. It needs some sort of energy intake and waste removal. And it needs water.

Oxygen, water, and energy all make up life on Earth.. but what if that is not at all what life is. What if we find life on a planet that is nothing compared to Earth. What if instead of water, oxygen, and energy, it needs something more home to it's habitat to survive.

If it can think, move of its own accord, and somehow reproduce, even if it doesn't require what we humans and every other lifeform on Earth need, is it still life?

Should a alien lifeform that is intelligent to our level or above be considered an animal as well?

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts. It seems interesting to me.

Submitted October 19, 2022 at 12:14PM by TheWaffleTower https://ift.tt/pXlH7mo

Lake Tinaroo, Australia. Anyone experienced anything weird out there?

Had a couple of phenomena/occurrences happen out at lake Tinaroo, and searching for anyone who may had any similar experiences or a rational explanation.

In particular, 2 that happened in one night. This happened maybe 3-4 years ago. Lake Tinaroo Platypus Grounds. Clear skies and good weather. We were taking long exposure photos of the sky with a DSLR while late fishing.

  1. Approx 12am. A ball of light, say the same size as a heavy duty spot-light on a Police trawler, but twice as bright and concentrated,it was blinding, only without the trawler attached, appeared maybe 500m into the middle of the lake and made it about 15 feet off the shore Infront of myself and two others. I should also mention it didn't "emit" light, both myself and my friends had no light shining onto us. We honestly thought it was a police trawler, due to the intensity and height of the "ball of light" until it got close to us and disappeared. We were waiting to hear a few police officers until that moment.

  2. Approx 1am-3am. This lasted for a few hours, I estimate about 2-3. It's going to sound absurd but I've coined it a "krillin Disc" (yes, Krillin from DBZ's Destructo disc) as it's the only way I can describe it, except white, more transparent and stood upright as opposed to horizontal.

The "Krillin disc" was spotted by me, roughly 300m to the East of the northern shore of lake Tinaroo where we were camping. It was odd, poking out above the tree line, 2D and appeared to be 10 feet in diameter. It however began to move, incrementally, with no discernable beam connecting. Over the course of an hour it had made it to our campsite, literally as close as 6ft away, an absurd 2D-upright "Krillin disc". It was able to move quickly (although not so quickly you couldn't track it with your eyes) it was able to move around us and become stationary, apparently at "will", with complete 360 range around our campsite, always looking flat and like we were looking at it face-on no matter where it was, it went from 6ft away and 6ft off the ground to directly above us about 20ft and still appeared flat. It did not conform to its background, it did not light up or conform to the trees or our vehicles. I did try to approach and touch and it, but it wouldn't let me get near. The best I could come up with was to shine our torches at it but that didn't do anything, not sure what I expected to happened. in the end it just sorta moved off to the east through the woods and we didn't see it again.

To add insult to injury, like a bad movie/script, the DSLR camera just wouldn't turn on in either events, I'm not kidding, I WANTED to film it all, none of our phones would turn on, it was incredibly frustrating.

So thanks in advance if anyone's experienced similar, or have some possible explanations.

Latitude -32.010396° Longitude 135.11912° The Camping spot we used.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it "felt" more extraterrestrial/alien/intelligent as opposed to something "paranormal".

Submitted October 19, 2022 at 11:05AM by Densellama https://ift.tt/SiYbeEC

Small grey seen in Indiana 2011

Hello I have an experience I've only shared with a small handful of people in my like, back in 2011 I was 13 years old me and my neighbor stayed outside all night planning the just sleep next to the fire in his back yard, about halfway through the night we looked up and saw what looked like a star living extremely erratically, then not long after there was what looked like two jets that seemed to be circling the area while the object was still overhead eventually they loved being some tree where we couldnt see them and that was the end of it. When we laying down on the ground the sleep my friend fell asleep fast I was looking at pictures on his phone when it flashed all colors of the rainbow and then turned off, I didn't think anything of it threw it to the side and was about to sleep myself then I head something running behind me, when I turned around in was a small grey had to be maybe 2.5 feet tall it got one step in maybe a step and a half before I turned around out my head down and covered the back of my neck with my hands, next thing I know it was hours later I was in the same exact position, still with my head down and hands interlaced behind my neck.

Submitted October 19, 2022 at 08:29AM by coochy_drip https://ift.tt/urMwXIk

Are we being visited? My take, and experiences.

I just wanted to put my thoughts to words on this sort of topic. I’ve been addicted to pondering on this for weeks now with no output for said thoughts.

A lot of what I have been reading in here and other places has been the idea that we, as a species, are so technologically insignificant to any form of ET that could detect us that they, at best, don’t care. I personally think that’s not accurate. We are not even a spacefaring civilization yet we understand the significance of life in general. Sure, we step over ants and worms. But would we step over a similar creature if we discovered one on Mars? Even if our technology is not up to another civilizations galactic standard, they would surely notice that we do in fact have technology at all, if they even can notice us.

I’m my life I’ve only had two oddities that I still can not totally explain to myself. One being a physical sight, that was witnessed by two others. Another being a dream that I remember a decade later.

Sitting by a fire one night, my uncle and cousin both told me about a weird thing they had been seeing for a couple of days. It wasn’t really dark outside yet, but the sun had gone below the horizon. There were three stars visible in the sky, directly above us. They told me that for days now they had watched them sit, and slowly begin to move. Not just in a line, or in some pattern. One by one, the stars made movements through the sky. Curving this way or that way, each going their own way before blipping out and completely disappearing until the next night. And, well, that’s exactly what happened that night. But that’s all I have to say for that story. I have never seen that happen again, but I’ve also been told by other friends they have seen the same thing.

The dream I had was weird in a few ways. I think I was 16, and not to repeat too much but it was a dream so take it with some salt. But it went like this- I woke up on an operating table. The typical gray style aliens standing over me, with their machines hanging from the ceiling. I was freaked out, of course. Panicking, resisting against them, until my friends came in the room. They got me calmed down, and led me into another room. There was an entire display set up that they explained to me. The aliens weren’t experimenting on us or probing our asses, they were curing diseases. I don’t remember much else than that, but the idea seems so realistic almost.

I’d like to think if we came from an advanced civilization that peacefully monitored less advanced life from afar, we wouldn’t let them simply die off to something as boring as disease. Maybe one day they would nuke themselves, or perhaps join the galactic community. But dying off due to pathogens that we have the ability to easily cure with negligible interference? Why not? We’d get further research out of them, if nothing else.

Anyways, that’s all that I have for now. Let me know what you think! I’d love to talk about this topic further.

Submitted October 19, 2022 at 02:31AM by Fourteenth_Hero https://ift.tt/FUs7yJD

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.