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Sunday, January 29, 2023

What if Aliens are exploiting our consciousness?

I’m sure this concept has been explored in detail somewhere at some point. Ive read that during an abduction they referred to us as “containers” but the abductee never understood what they meant by that. Perhaps instead of natural earth element resources, they are pilfering human consciousness or storing information in our subconscious or dreams. What do y’all think?

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 01:25PM by jakeplus5zeros https://ift.tt/l4UsDxf

Has anyone read the William Tompkins books - “Selected by Extraterrestrials”?

And more importantly - were they worth the read? I’m contemplating on buying them but I’m not sure.

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 02:11PM by Aviana9 https://ift.tt/dhCBKTz

Alien Antarctica crisis part 3 - ours and theirs


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 12:58PM by WizRainparanormal https://ift.tt/HzvBjri

Thoughts on the Fermi paradox

Hi all, I’m sure this has been asked a thousand times but what are people’s thoughts on the Fermi paradox? Do any of you have any wacky ideas or explanations? I had a thought today (and I’m sure others have had the same), but it’s basically this: there are no other alien civilisations in space because they have either: advanced to a point where they have fallen foul of their own technological advancements and destroyed themselves, or; they have reached a level of advancement where they have become wise enough to limit their own technology and ‘devolve’ to a civilisation that neither has the technology or the desire to explore space. Obviously both of these ideas Are predicated on the philosophy that technological advancement ultimately leads to ruin and self-destruction, which may not be correct. My thought was that if its true, aliens civilisations that are advanced enough for space travel will have either destroyed themselves before they reach us or have limited their own advancement intentionally to a state where space travel isn’t possible.

Submitted January 29, 2023 at 10:53AM by Negative_Potato_9250 https://ift.tt/erjz0Tm


Hello everyone,

I am a documentary filmmaker from London. I am currently making a film on UFO cults and I was wondering if I would be able to ask one of you a few questions about Raelism.

Also would anyone know any information about where the headquarters are based, or have anyway of gaining interview with one of the members?

Many thanks,


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 10:55AM by Zealousideal_Cat7035 https://ift.tt/ruLg7db

JWST Has Found Life's Elemental Building Blocks in The Depths of Darkest Space : ScienceAlert


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 03:55AM by Tao_Dragon https://ift.tt/r74gnuO

Saturday, January 28, 2023

From South of Jackson, Alabama tonight about 6pm


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 01:35AM by Jackfish2800 https://ift.tt/zIAnkQ9

Hexagonal UFO VA


Submitted January 28, 2023 at 08:20AM by wonderlarma https://ift.tt/fzGDX6k

Fallen Angel with a Sword and Shield was found by Miners in Siberia #new


Submitted January 28, 2023 at 07:10AM by talesout https://ift.tt/2OdPJm5

Be great to read one of these…https://ift.tt/oZlvNLM


Submitted January 28, 2023 at 05:35AM by wonderlarma https://ift.tt/oWabiVs

Are aliens in reality jinn, fairies, elves and gnomes?

The meaning of word jinn in Arabic means “hidden from prying eyes.” Not only can jinn remain invisible to us, they can also take on any form they choose. According to Islamic belief, jinn were created long before humans and have a very long lifespan. They live in a parallel dimension hidden from us. They are said to mainly dwell in ruins, cemeteries, hills, caves, and deep tunnels, all of which are inaccessible to us. Jinn corresponds to the “little people” of European legends and fairy tales, which consist of such magical creatures as elves, gnomes, fairies. In particular, dwarves are believed to be highly intelligent and capable of creating magical devices. Many reports of UFO sightings have reported dwarf humanoid beings dressed in silver suits. UFOs have also been seen diving into oceans and bodies of water such as lakes, which may be entry points to the underground bases of these supernatural beings.

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 04:54AM by MeanCat4 https://ift.tt/mS05Bjs


What would you say if everyday you wake up and see the same star "constellation" everyday but everywhere you drive there always there a clear difference between stars and what I see. When I was young I knew the difference now the technology would be hard to believe but see invisible what I would call and oracle everyday. Not paranoid not on drugs just have two kids and want it to end. I remember stars growing up they didn't move everytime I move Ive had people around me look in the sky and say those stars look like there moving?

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 03:35AM by False_Permission4873 https://ift.tt/nRsWCK0

From Twitter.


Submitted January 28, 2023 at 02:49AM by BoredGeek1996 https://ift.tt/oKLGgJP

Friday, January 27, 2023

Encounters in Virginia / DMV area for film student to cover?

Hi I’m a film student at Mason in Fairfax, Virginia. I am producing a documentary short film this semester. I have all the equipment and lighting needed to interview people, but right now I am in preliminary brainstorming phase figuring out what to cover. One option I’m exploring is interviewing people that have had sightings or encounters in the DMV area or West Virginia / Virginia Beach etc.

I think with the growing animosity towards stuff like “Ancient Aiens” the public is longing for coverage of the topic that is more critical or covering the most plausible encounters. Not necessarily debunking people’s experiences, but it would be refreshing to watch a piece that feels credible, does background checks, experts / scientists input or more tangible footage to explore.

To me when I think of the top 2 UFO / Alien encounters the first ones that come to mind is the one in 1994, where there was a UFO sighting outside Ruwa, Zimbabwe. 62 students at the Ariel School said they had seen a UFO. This is striking to me, as it is almost stranger if it is fake. The other encounter that feels more legitimate is 1973 Pascagoula alien abduction.

Anyways, I’m wondering if anyone has any connections to people that would be interesting to interview, or know of any leads closer to my area (Virginia, DC, Maryland). Or advice on where to start my research! Also happy to watch any documentaries or pieces if you have any recommendations for inspiration, thanks :) 🙏

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 02:13PM by jjhula https://ift.tt/UxtpYub

Mysterious alien spotted outside my window 😱😱👽


Submitted January 27, 2023 at 10:52AM by NuiN99 https://ift.tt/RBqQg12

Huge Organic UFO on the Moon? #new


Submitted January 27, 2023 at 10:11AM by talesout https://ift.tt/RAi0XOo

Crazy childhood intruder experience, wondering if it was a hallucination or visitation.

So, I'm 30, and still can't make sense of an experience I had as a child and am wondering if there are others with similar experiences? or if I should write it off as a hallucination..

I relive it a great deal, whenever I'm alone at night, rarely now that I have a family, but I get intensly afraid for a while and it's hard to sleep after. I'll try to recount all of it, it's hard to remember how it started.

I'm young, maybe five yrs old. And I wake up in my bedroom that I share with my brother, whose a yr older, to a very strange sound. It sounded like loud machinery, I thought someone had a car running outside, but it was too loud for that. There was a bunch of light coming through the window next my head. My bed's headboard was right next to or under a window, and the wall opposite had the door to the bedroom, like probably 5 feet from the foot of my bed.

The door was open and I could see shadows on the wall, and lol I thought they were dinosaur shadows, I only saw like two iirc, I mean I think part of it was the sound, which was weird and loud like a roaring of machinery, but for some reason I thought I saw dinosaur-like shadows but when I try to remember exactly what they looked like I cant unfortunately.. I think it was because I started to become really terrified, like paralyzed with fear, terrified. So scared its hard to relive yk.

Cus like I knew like this shouldn't be happening, and I started to hear voices of people talking from outside, and I realized oh my God people are breaking in to my house, like I was so terrified, and it started to build to a paralysis like I felt like I was gonna get caught just sitting there and for a moment I gave in and went like numb, but I mean, and this might be a little sad.. but my dad had REALLY bad anger problems, which also ig could play towards the hallucination cus I was definitely traumatized from it yk.. but, like, our dog crapped on the floor when we got home once and he picked her up by the throat yelling in her face and threw her into the wall.... so yeah.. but if it WASNT a hallucination.. I think maybe because I had a lot of experience with fear.. maybe that's why I was able to break out of the numbness and move.

So I did get out of bed and hid under this desk we had in our room, which was like a desk at school with the notch for pencils at the top yk, and I sat and waited, and God I wish I could remember exactly what they said but I was sooo terrified, I should probably try hypnosis ig, now that I'm actually typing this all out lol I realize that could help alot with the fear. But, I do remember the way their tones were it sounded like casual work talk. They literally were standing like 2 or 3 feet away, they had walked like right next to where I was, which was next to my brother's bed, and they were leaned over him doing something, idk what.

But the panic started to build as I realized I had my bed empty and they might realize someone should be in it. And then like as soon as I started panicking about that one of the guys mentioned "hey, weren't there supposed to be two kids?" And then I froze and honestly my memory almost cuts out there cus it's so hard to relive clearly, but I've tried a lot and the other guy said something to the effect of eh whatever, or maybe he's somewhere else icr. But I felt like I was about to die lol yk from fear and when he said that I swear my heart started beating.

But I can't remember the waiting too much, for them to leave, it wasnt as bad knowing they wouldnt pursue me yk. but they left soon after. And I was just like freaking out thinking I need to tell mom! So I got out from under the desk and started to run to the bedroom door and didn't get more than 2 or 3 steps and a fucking like mirror, what I'd see now though as a hologram like tv screen, but I thought 8t was a mirror cus it was ovoid in shape, like my gmas bathroom mirror. But yeah an ovoid screen appeared in front of me with some old man with grey hair and a mean, weathered face was looking at me, and he was like really mad and had a raised voice, almost yelling, and was like "WE'LL BE BACK FOR YOU, YOU DIDNT GET AWAY." or something very close to that..

Aaand yeah I freaked the hell out and ran screaming to my moms room and she ofc convinced me it was a dream, and then I believed it and could sleep, but then I woke up in the morning and the FIRST thing I realized was that if that was a dream how did I get to my mom's room. Like I woke up and immediately relived it, and thought oh but it was a dream, and then realized wait if it was a dream how did actually run into my mom's room and sleep here...

So hallucination ig is possible, but wasn't a dream, cus there was no like waking up transition yk and would've had to been a waking hallucination, and the only one I've ever experienced too.. to be fair my dad prolly has mental illness in his family, but on the other hand, I realized as I was older, well if it wasn't a hallucination, that was very smart to scare the crap put of me before I told my mom, so that I was hysterical and it sounded like a nightmare I had just woken from and not like I was cleverly hiding and I actually had a bit of confidence because of that lol. Felt like I outsmarted them.

But please if anyone has a similar experience, I mean the people looked human yk but the dinosaur thing has me feeling funny lol lizzid ppl yk. So it seems like it could fit in this sub. But even any similar proven hallucinations would comfort me heavily at this point. It just seemed very real, like after I saw that old dude so mad at me and say that he was gonna get me basically, I was like sobbing, trying to figure out why he was so mad at me and remember what I did for it to make sense for him to be that mad yk. I guess that relates to being the subject of my dad's anger though wow haha, deep realization? yeah, idk.

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 06:42AM by Dapper-Fortune-1220 https://ift.tt/tpU8vzH

What is everyone’s thoughts on if it is a good or bad idea to try and shoot at a ufo/uap/orb that you are witnessing fairly up close?

I often wonder what the ramifications would be if I saw something outside my house, then ran in and grabbed my rifle, and then fired at it. First of all I don’t even know if you are breaking any laws honestly by shooting at something that no one has any idea what it is. Part of me thinks whatever I am shooting at might retaliate and become hostile. The other part of me says it would be amazing to down an orb or something and then investigate what it is exactly. I have read about fighter planes scrambled to chase ufo’s, but I have never read anything of someone trying to actually shoot at them.

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 02:41AM by strangerxdangerx https://ift.tt/lWHbzBh

Thursday, January 26, 2023

This was this afternoon is San Antonio Texas


Submitted January 27, 2023 at 01:51AM by Doomer4everr https://ift.tt/khvTy8W

Ep. 36 | The Unbearable Weight of Cyrus Parsa’s Talent: A.I., Aliens, and High Altitude Karate | Coast to Coast PM


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 12:58PM by real_politik_pod https://ift.tt/mEWXqKu

NASA Astronaut Confirms Extraterrestrials Are Here #newvideo


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 11:05AM by talesout https://ift.tt/oZNzeLp

Radio signal from galaxy nearly 9 billion light-years away captured


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 09:45AM by Middle_Dimension529 https://ift.tt/lG6TfiR

Anyone have thoughts sorry for the shaky vid


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 04:18AM by Tv9967 https://ift.tt/7h2Qn34

UFO IN THE CLOUDS %110 real 🩳Sheep eyes will hurt (WARNING) 18+


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 03:54AM by Former_Selection6966 https://ift.tt/XPJUIGu

Aliens followed me home…


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 02:57AM by Round-Average-6460 https://ift.tt/YCqvFJZ

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

I saw it

I was driving on the freeway about 40 minutes ago. I saw a sphere hovering in the but very low height, it was on top of the freeway and I was approaching it and ended up driving under it, it was just sitting there to the left of me. I am still in shock. I’m not sure what to make of this, I’ve never seen anything in real life but tonight was scary but thrilling.

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 01:55AM by Accomplished-Peak486 https://ift.tt/9gPdYKz

UFO in the shape of a “falling star”

Hi folks. I wonder if there has been any evidence, video, sighting, or description of UFO in a shape of a falling star? The ufo looks like a comet in a distance. However, as it travels closer, its shape appears to be a four-winged star. The wings are bent backward due to the UFO speed, creating four “tails” similar to a tail of a comet. Any mention/discussion of similar type of craft is much appreciated. Thanks.

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 02:03AM by InternationalPart667 https://ift.tt/fgUPjD5

Does anyone know more stories like the Varginha Brazil UFO story?


Submitted January 25, 2023 at 12:44AM by Markyobvi https://ift.tt/0gzJuFk

A Reluctant Disclosure Program: The Pentagon’s Policy on UAPs Reflects a Decisive Struggle within Elite Circles. J. Burkes MD 2020,edited 2023 It has been three years since this blog was first posted on social media. I believe that the information and analysis offered is still pertinent.

“The 4-minute interview linked below covers a great deal of important material. It starts by mentioning the Navy’s remarkable admission in 2017 that 3 separate videos, from 2004 and 2015, are genuine images of UFOs. Now in 2020, the Navy has refused to declassify all the data obtained during these encounters because this would allegedly severely imperil national security. The former head of a US Defense Department’s project studying UFOs, Mr. Luis Elizondo, states that a complete release of all the information obtained on those tapes would include “metadata” revealing important aspects of defense technology. He suggests however that the Pentagon has means of “cleaning up” the material to remove any sensitive data that could aid potential enemies in learning about classified technology.

Elizondo then goes on to reiterate comments he has made in the past that there is opposition within the defense establishment to release information about UFOs. Thus, we have a wavering policy that reflects a struggle between competing factions. On one hand, we have those pushing for more openness. On the other hand, they are being opposed by more conservative factions that might want to continue a strict de facto program of ridicule and denial forever.

That struggle within the Pentagon I believe mirrors a much larger conflict within various elements of ruling elites. From the Wilson-Davis leak, we now know that attempts have been made to reverse engineer flying saucer technology for decades. Allegedly, according to the sources described in the Wilson-Davis interview, not a great deal of progress had been accomplished in deciphering the secrets of the saucers. This is thought to be due, at least in part, to the extraordinary secrecy in reverse engineering projects that must limit the numbers of scientists and technicians involved. When they are faced with technical problems, unlike in open scientific research settings, they are not able to employ the most knowledgeable scientists in that field to help solve the problems blocking progress.

Thus, the highly classified nature of these so called “black projects” not only prevents rapid development of new technology, but more importantly rules out completely any commercial applications of the advances learned from “off planet” sources. It is probable that secret budgets for reverse engineering projects over the decades have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for private contractors. My guess is that this sum is “chump change” compared to the trillions in profits that would accrue if super advances from the “saucers” could be downloaded into our commercial technological culture.

Luis Elizondo has talked about the possible benefits of such advanced technology. These could include not only space craft design and propulsion systems, but also commercial transportation and even medical care. Thus, it is important to see how the battle in the Pentagon about openness on this subject is part of an even more decisive struggle occurring within the economic and political elites of our planet.


Addendum: The confirmation process that has been going on since December of 2017 involves the acknowledgement that flying saucers are real, and that the US government is studying the challenge as a defense concern. This policy must be distinguished from what people imagine is the big D “Disclosure.” This is supposedly when some kind of "authority" figure (US President, or the Pope) makes a announcement to the world that “We are not alone.” Confirmation of the reality of the phenomenon is a necessary preliminary step prior to more substantial disclosures and are part of what Grant Cameron calls the US Executive Branch's gradual "acclimatization" project. And it has been going on since the very beginning of the modern UFO era. In his important book "Managing Magic" Cameron documents this eight-decade process in detail.

Dedicated observers of the flying saucer scene should understand that the predominant response of ruling elites has been a counterintelligence one. This is because UFO intelligence threatens all terrestrial elites, economic, political, military, scientific and even religious ones. In my opinion, however these, "others" don't threaten the Earth's peoples. So, it is not surprising that any confirmation process will involve a combination of accurate information and disinformation to maintain elite control over the process. The problem is that the elites of our wounded planet will never be able to control the actions of what Jacques Vallee called a “higher intelligence agency", the non-human forces responsible for flying saucer phenomena.

Submitted January 25, 2023 at 01:01AM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/X4mqSF7

What is the community's opinion of Steven Greer?


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 10:36AM by Salesman89 https://ift.tt/3ErJtjg

Trailer Video of My Summer Paranormal Outbreak


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 10:14AM by Docgnostoc https://ift.tt/IT1gQao

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works employee speaks out 'Technology from Extrate...


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 07:34AM by talesout https://ift.tt/63htOIJ

Why were UFO's more commonly reported in the late 20th century US than anywhere else or at any other time?

No text found

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 06:02AM by Fireboythestar https://ift.tt/GQjC9Us

Link to article in comment section


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 06:14AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/NUT3km9

Monday, January 23, 2023

Could be real.


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 02:06AM by MrAnderson888 https://ift.tt/ocxF4pL

Do aliens prefer or avoid Christians, Jews, Buddhists, or atheists, or do they even care?

I'd be very interested to know what religious affiliations or beliefs that contactees, abductees, and first account witnesses had or didn't have at the time their encounters occurred. Does anyone have or know of any information about that?

Submitted January 24, 2023 at 01:16AM by JustPlaneCrazyMan https://ift.tt/Zcs9jFh

Do you think the reason Govt. is so secretive about alien life and UFO’s has to do with peoples religious beliefs? Like would it make religious people upset or something? Does it have something to do with our creation.. I just wander about this 🤔

No text found

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 04:10AM by lat2020 https://ift.tt/EOknU1N

Ojuelos de Jalisco carvings

I never hear any discussion about the carved rocks/stones in Ojos de Jalisco, Mexico.

There are thousands of them, and there was a great documentary that I previously saw, but I can't find it now- it was removed from YouTube.

The most references to it are people selling the artifacts on eBay.

Does anyone else know about these artifacts, or has seen the documentary?

Many of them show women holding up babies to show them to aliens in UFOs, have star information, etc.

I haven't searched too much for confirmation or debunking info, but there isn't a whole lot of info on it, which makes me think it might be real.

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 02:19AM by Freak-Wency https://ift.tt/KnmHxJg

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Disclosure & Technology/Robotics/AI

I have a theory that explicit government disclosure of earth shattering technology and/or aliens hasn’t happened yet because the powers that be are incentivized to keep the working class working on planet earth to generate resources and economic output, but that the need for this is becoming less and less important as technology continues to get better and better.

If interstellar travel was suddenly widely available, the working class and oppressed, which make up the vast majority of the global population, would have more incentive to leave earth in search of opportunity/new beginnings, similar to the waves of immigration to the US from Europe in the 1800/1900s. Today, this would cause society as we know it to come to a grinding halt. Maybe not as much in the near future with manual tasks becoming increasingly automated.

However, if we are close to replacing the working class with robots and AI, might there be less incentive to withhold groundbreaking technology?

Hypothesis in progress, but I do wonder if somehow the current trajectory of technology, robotics and AI is driving a potential disclosure event in ways that aren’t immediately obvious.

Submitted January 23, 2023 at 02:02AM by sevenhappyowls https://ift.tt/yAcQzv2

This is probably what humans look like to aliens


Submitted January 22, 2023 at 04:20AM by Internal-Strategy-10 https://ift.tt/IdnGxDt

Very strange light anomaly. Mt Etna Sicily.


Submitted January 22, 2023 at 03:44AM by RumoredAtmos https://ift.tt/UHrzKeu

Does anyone think aliens have something to do with the mass amount of missing people who have disappeared without a trace?

No text found

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 02:19AM by Ok-Significance7758 https://ift.tt/uWoihIL

Help me calm my little sister about Tall Greys.

My little sister had odd experience with a “Tall Grey” that she just now told me about.

It happened right around when the pandemic started. Perhaps a little before or after, she can’t remember.

She lived in Italy at the time and if you can remember that was one of the epicenters, so she was understandably under a lot of stress at the time.

She says one night she had a “really weird dream,” that involved what we think might be Tall Grey but neither of know much about alien. We only gathered that term after googling a bit.

In the dream she woke up from a dream and yet couldn’t move, kind of like sleep paralysis .

She woke up cause she sensed a presence in her room. It was a tall slender alien-like figure at the end of her bed. She says she was nervous but Her instincts kicked in and ultimately took over and she forced her body to break free from the sleep paralysis.

She jumped up and stood in her bed and then immediately ran towards the end of her bed and towards to the figure. She reached her hand out to grab it and when she did it disappeared into thin air and she was left just holding it’s black (human) clothing.

She said she felt like she was on autopilot cause she’s not normally that confrontational. And she felt like she startled the creature and it wasn’t expecting her reaction. She also says she was aware from the beginning it wasn’t a human intruder and somehow knew it wasn’t going to harm her but also did t want to wait to find out. Lol. I agree that it’s not in her nature to be so bold.

After the creature disappeared she had an adrenaline rush and realized how scary it all was and then…. She woke up again! Apparently it had all been a dream ?

She’s very confused caused she’s never woken up from a dream only to then wake up again. She fears no one will believe her. I told her it has happened to me before and I woke up twice from dream but it was not related to aliens in anyway so it doesn’t really help her.

She wants to know what it all means and if she “ruined her chance of meeting aliens.” lol. I told her that I would ask Reddit since I don’t study this stuff. She’s not freaked out but wonders if she blew it. I kind of agree. Lol

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 02:53AM by SilkRocks https://ift.tt/jUbx30Z

Saturday, January 21, 2023

UFO over Vallejo, CA hwy 80 1/21/23 7:53pm


Submitted January 22, 2023 at 01:45AM by Guy_Basic https://ift.tt/wtT5NUq

Why Some People Can't See Them

I've been thinking a lot about why some people can't see aliens or a ufo or don't have any notion of this and others do. Could both skeptics and experiencers be right? I realized that maybe it depends on what we pay attention to and literally see. There's a famous psychological video where a bunch of basketball players are throwing a ball with a gorilla in the background. Once you know there's a gorilla there you will see it but if not you literally won't see it. A lot of people miss the gorilla because they aren't looking for it. Oftentimes people who see aliens are deemed insane but maybe they're just looking for what other people aren't. I know from Vallee and other researchers that consciousness is tightly integrated with the phenomena but that's because it's integrated with everything else. I remember Tom DeLonge saying that people just weren't looking up. I think he meant they were looking to their phones.

When I look up more often I do see more strange objects. it could be attentional bias or technology or even consciousness itself that hides it from us rather than a malevolent coverup all the time.

Submitted January 22, 2023 at 12:50AM by neonnephilim https://ift.tt/AjQxiH0

Google Earth REFUSES To Map Nellis AFB Area Where Tall Whites Alien Base...


Submitted January 21, 2023 at 06:23AM by talesout https://ift.tt/HcDAqer

Is there any countermeasures to aliens knowing your thoughts, emotions, what you will do? Possibly even psychic abilities “hindering/stunning” you?

Or a simple case of “apex predator” against small game?

Submitted January 21, 2023 at 02:57AM by imfjcinnCRAAAAZYHEY https://ift.tt/1d0sEwS

Non believer scientist?

Are there scientist who study extraterrestrial possibilities who don’t believe in aliens? If so, why?

Submitted January 21, 2023 at 03:11AM by Time-Direction-6532 https://ift.tt/eQwIF8E

Friday, January 20, 2023

What is happening

I keep seeing these lights in my town that stay in one spot and don’t move for hours? Sometimes they flicker on and off every few minutes but its yellow lights. Everyone in my town thinks its ufo’s but idk. It’s suspicious

Submitted January 21, 2023 at 01:05AM by cassthecacti https://ift.tt/AUK1iDG

Last year in Austin Tx, I encountered another supernatural event where I witness what looked like a mushroom or a tree in which humans where being created / coming out the tree. Thoughts?


Submitted January 21, 2023 at 01:34AM by RealHelicopter233 https://ift.tt/C06jn3I

Is It a UFO? Giant Pink Cloud Captivates Turkey in Viral Video


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 01:59PM by Damanjain https://ift.tt/Rtg5wCS

So someone told me this was a lens flare and then I got banned from the sub. Because I asked more questions and didn’t agree with just that one person. What is this?


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 01:15PM by Crazy_Kale1029 https://ift.tt/NlL3vUM

If aliens 👽 are real why don’t they want us to know about them or interact with us?

No text found

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 04:16AM by fe_licia26 https://ift.tt/Be2jEyV

Where Nommos, annunaki and other "old" aliens went?

When I started being interested in the alien/UFO subject it was with a book about the dogon tribe and their teachers nommo. I have then read about the annunaki, a strange tribe I think in China that it supposed were discendents of aliens that have crashed on earth thousands of years ago and other African and not testimonies of alien visitors. Then there is a miriad of little more recent testimonies of dozens of different alien species and we arrive more recently at the grey race, nordics ecc. What happened to those old alien races? They disappeared? They were always living on earth but when new alien species came from other planets, they preferred as minority or not tecknologically advanced like the new visitors, to stay covered away maybe from difficult situations? They went back to their planet home? They didn't existed at all? Even the testimonies of flying objects, its not so well documented in old manuscript like the fenomenom didn't existed in old times. Does that mean that these objects are made from a country here on earth or maybe these aliens are not so tecknological advanced like we suppose and their flying objects are relatively a new discovery of theirs? If these alien races are all real It seems that our planet is visited by dozens of different alien species. Regardless that, none of them left behind tangible trace of their presence. We have more evidence (bones, Teath, foot prints, even fur trapped in Amber) from dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago than from tecknological advanced species. I would like to hear other opinions on this subject.

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 03:16AM by MeanCat4 https://ift.tt/bgNXWAz

Thursday, January 19, 2023



Submitted January 20, 2023 at 01:49AM by guynnoco https://ift.tt/wAh0YBV

Smoking Gun for the Great Pyramid Passive Hydrogen MASER Hypothesis??


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 11:26PM by rnagy2346 https://ift.tt/CQbFSV7

Live on-air UFO sighting takes place as a news network is going to a commercial break.


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 12:08AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/Ft5BNf7

i found this document on CIA.GOV


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 09:53AM by Few_Code5184 https://ift.tt/n4Vozlt

I was on Parents Engagement Session (via Zoom) of my kid's primary school and browsing this sub at the same time (cause i'm bored lol), then a teacher flashed this slide and number 5 makes me chuckle.


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 03:50AM by HelmholtzResonator https://ift.tt/M4dUIqy

Aliens definitely exist, and it's possible they're living among us on Earth but have gone undetected ...


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 02:30AM by florin0427 https://ift.tt/SuZWgad

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mysterious blue light pt. 2.


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 12:57AM by SetExtension1028 https://ift.tt/RjcUQyq

Spoke with Andromedans during Astral Projection, AMA

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Submitted January 18, 2023 at 03:55PM by Primary-Conclusion64 https://ift.tt/six3wEk

Inside a Secret Alien Society


Submitted January 18, 2023 at 04:00PM by SebastianHuber https://ift.tt/w7BXzo6

Actual Footage Of Bob Lazar With John Lear; Witnessed Testing Alien Craft At Area 51


Bob Lazar is a controversial figure in the UFOlogy community, who claims to have worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4, located near Area 51 in Nevada. Moreover, Gene Huff, Lazar’s former colleague, also claimed to have worked at S-4 and seen extraterrestrial spacecraft.

There is a video of Bob Lazar hanging with Huff and Lear in the Nevada desert. It is claimed that Lazar reportedly took Gene Huff and five other people to the edge of Groom Mountain on two consecutive weeks, where they could observe strange, glowing objects lifting off the mountain. They managed to dodge security patrol to witness these events.

A videotape was recorded during one of the trips to the groom mountains, where all the witnesses saw a bright light moving up in the sky. At some point, John Lear, who had worked for the CIA as a pilot, appeared in the video, speaking of his experience during the trip. He admitted visiting eight miles due east of Groom Lake, Nevada, at the government secret test site on March 22, 1989.

Submitted January 18, 2023 at 02:43PM by Trueboey https://ift.tt/6DePUrt

In case you didn't see this

Supposed ufo shot down in Russia. I saw the article but the video popped up in my Facebook fees. Some I guess thought it might be a drone but I actually brought it up to my chemistry teacher and although he was skeptical he admitted who's gonna make a drone purposely that noticeable. Also it's a literally a ball. Video is here https://fb.watch/i7PwLXyg2q/

Submitted January 18, 2023 at 10:49AM by BingusBongus1 https://ift.tt/1PcYDmN

Finally UFO Abduction !!


Submitted January 18, 2023 at 07:58AM by Accomplished-Gene396 https://ift.tt/jZVDsA5

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

UFO caught on video. 2nd Video shows UFO ejecting something


Submitted January 18, 2023 at 01:29AM by iamherenow303 https://ift.tt/BILT293

Where does the popular phrase, "We are not alone" come from? The answer is a very interesting dive into the history of science and public perception

In 1964 Walter Sullivan, science editor of The New York Times, published a book titled "We Are Not Alone: Is there life on other planets?" in which he very thoroughly dives into the apparently recent shifted perception within a small group of the scientific community at that time on the subject of life on other planets.


The first page is transcribed below with bolding added by me for emphasis:

Wild speculation? No--a very possible scientific theory. So possible that it's probability has been seriously discussed by no less reputable an organization as the National Academy of Sciences...Even now some of America's top scientists are engaged in trying to predict how an advanced civilization from another galaxy might go about sending signals to an alien planet. Even now scientists are trying to devise a code that would be comprehensible to beings with whom we may have nothing in common except intelligence.
In WE ARE NOT ALONE Walter Sullivan explores every facet of science's search for life on other planets. From the ancient Greeks to our latest secret projects, he takes you on a century by century tour of the background ad experiments in this field. Among the topics he covers are: Is there life on Mars? Have there been visitors from outer space? Can we develop an interstellar language? Will our religious and philosophical concepts need revising if indeed we are not alone in the universe? And he tells how the final answer to the life process itself may lie within our grasp---or that of our grandchildren.
"The most stimulating scientific reportage and speculation to be published in recent years...A narrative with the pace of fiction and the challenge of the new mathematics." ---Harrison Salisbury, The New York Times
WALTER SULLIVAN is one of the best known journalists in the United States. He is Science Editor of The New York Times and the author of Quest for a Continent, the story of the four final American expeditions to the Antarctic, and Assault on the Unknown, a full account of the International Geophysical Year. Mr. Sullivan's coverage of the I.G.Y. won him the George Polk Memorial Award for Journalism.

A few things stand out to me. One is the attitude that speculation is acceptable in scientific reporting. The author is one of the best known journalist in the US at the time. I find the fact that he is an editor at The New York Times very interesting. I also find it interesting that he authored two books on Antarctica. In fact, he was one of the only journalists to actually go to Antarctica during Admiral Byrd's Operation High Jump! Very interesting...



Below is a link to the entire book in electronic format for free.

So why is this relevant? Well many people in "ufology" are surely familiar with some of the theories involving Antarctica and of course the most popular hypothesis for ufo's is in fact the ET hypothesis. So, it is a bit interesting that the most popular science journalist of his time and New York Times editor published books on both subjects. Perhaps this very clear node in the network of memes is relevant to where some of the mythology within ufology has come from. Followers of Sullivan's work (of which he had many) would've been fascinated by both subjects.

I haven't had a chance to dig into this book yet, but I do find it interesting that it states "And he tells how the final answer to the life process itself may lie within our grasp---or that of our grandchildren." It's been 60 years since the book was written so it would be interesting to dissect that statement.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 02:42PM by efh1 https://ift.tt/ZftqLQj

Is it wrong I consider Aliens wholly different than other paranormal phenomena?

I've noticed since I joined this Reddit that I'm getting suggestions for things like the ghost and bigfoot Reddit. I get that there is likely common interest between these things for most people, but am I wrong to think of aliens as something entirely different?

Aliens lie at the other end of the spectrum from things like Bigfoot in that it is extremely unlikely aliens don't exist, while it is extremely unlikely bigfoot does. Aliens are supported by science unlike, say, ghosts, which would exist outside the realm of rational explanation. I'm curious how many others here are like me and buy into aliens, but almost wholly reject most other paranormal stuff?

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 02:13PM by willfla29 https://ift.tt/qdDEY2n

Fire in the Sky (1993) The 15 minute alien abduction scene in this film is pure nightmare fuel! One of the most chillingly effective and atmospheric body horror sequences ever created.


Submitted January 17, 2023 at 12:04PM by elf0curo https://ift.tt/uolXsaM

I believe in aliens.

Aliens are a phenomenon; they are another species no matter what I know there have to be Aliens out there because the universe is so massive, there are over 2 TRILLION galaxies in the observable universe, and somewhere out there is the technology that can be used to communicate with us. Maybe "they," think we are the aliens and there can't just be 1 alien species; if there is 1, why isn't there more and other aliens can or are communicating with each other, although hasn't found us yet; if so, I hope someday shortly we can communicate with aliens some maybe nice others not if "they" are nice then they might tell us about there lives to help us with tech and teach us about what more there is to discover out in the universe yes it may be hard to communicate with another language "they" may use morse code, binary, hexadecimal, or any others that we have not found yet so I believe in aliens.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 10:32AM by Medical-Affect-4321 https://ift.tt/iCoSq9O

UFO Experimented on Hogs and Sheep and Temporarily Paralyzed Farmer - Eyewitness Interview


Submitted January 17, 2023 at 10:00AM by InformationOk9318 https://ift.tt/9DgOx2H

Monday, January 16, 2023

UFOs seen flying near London Heathrow UK


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 06:04PM by chebenteen https://ift.tt/Lb7UovT

Was Noah's Ark an Alien Ship that Saved 40 Pregnant Human Women?


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 05:13PM by Happyfuz https://ift.tt/4lIzH7r

Allegedly over a Saudi Arabia airport around 2015/2016.


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 11:12AM by BoredGeek1996 https://ift.tt/iLqIw2F

Tennessee Congressman alleges "huge" UFO cover-up in U.S. government


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 11:19AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/nRtw56D

Aliens definitely exist, and it's possible they're living among us on Earth but have gone undetected ...


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 09:41AM by florin0427 https://ift.tt/PWmb6Mc

Really bizarre UFO recorded from ISS - Any explanations?


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 08:42AM by FrostyFaraday https://ift.tt/Z6dhr7M

Photo of an extra terrestrial.


Submitted January 16, 2023 at 04:00AM by Aware_Eggplant1487 https://ift.tt/QLatfeG

How “down” would (y’all) you be, to group together, and massive astral project, somewhere remote, or reported high-activity?

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Submitted January 16, 2023 at 02:46AM by imfjcinnCRAAAAZYHEY https://ift.tt/r1ULRTd

Sunday, January 15, 2023

If you think about it, Any other life form that is not from earth can be considered a alien. Society normalizes the “Average” Alien. AKA, Big, Beady, black eyes. Big head, and grey skin. But aliens can take on many different shapes and forms. As can humans.

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Submitted January 15, 2023 at 08:45AM by ComprehensiveTree403 https://ift.tt/NG1Mp5U

Why do people believe skinny bob is real?

I was only just recently introduced to it. The very second i looked at him i immediately thought it was fake, it looks like stereotypical early cgi work. How on earth (or off earth) do people believe this is real?

Submitted January 15, 2023 at 08:15AM by Dajey45 https://ift.tt/SFciwxr

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Are there any extraterrestrial theories on the origins of bacteriophages? They've always appeared engineered to me. Like a Von Neumann probe.


Submitted January 15, 2023 at 12:58AM by tobojijo https://ift.tt/S9ZGP2Q

Given that there is obviously non-human life around us, how should we react as a species?

Why they here? Please choose:

  1. To kill us (spoiler alert: nah)
  2. To help us somehow
  3. To stop us from killing ourselves

If you have other theories let me know please. Is stuff happening too quick? Common even Ezekiel saw a UFO ffs this is no new news. May the LIGHT guide us all.

There are plenty reports. Illuminati dudes been waiting on this for ages. But the official reports keep on growing in number. The sightings increased exponentially. I guess they will keep on showing themselves. So, should we be scared?

If the universe wants unity, would it allow its manifestations to kill each other? My guess is an obvious no.

Those people who think some entities are "using their energies".... those dudes fly through space with the same effort you go for a walk to your local coffee shop. Does anyone really think they need our energies?

Feel free to share :) best regards to everybody. The LIGHT always prevails. Will we prevail as a species or we are way too underdeveloped and are doomed?

My guess: we are due an Enlightenment. But I'm a random dude I have no idea. What you guys think?

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 11:48PM by Fuzzy-Sir2272 https://ift.tt/Qkq1Z9a

The LAYCERTA files:

Alleged Interview with subterranean Reptilian Alien who calls herself Laycerta. Impossible to know if this is real or not, but it's a fascinating listen. It's on YouTube, but I really had to a lot of digging to find it.

Interview with reptilian Woman- Everything you want to know[Universe inside you] - YouTube


Submitted January 14, 2023 at 03:04PM by Jasons_Brain https://ift.tt/iwMUZKv

A thought about abductions: What if the medical procedures ARE necessary?

A common theme in alien abductions is that of seemingly pointless experiments and surgeries. One possibility is there is no purpose to them at all, but what if there is? One possible reason that occurred to me is that the people who are being targeted are in some way different to other human beings.

I don't think much of silly "human hybrid" stories which I think are mostly the work of fantasists and grifters trying to sell trashy books, but all the same, if these medical procedures really are being conducted by aliens on humans, the only reason I can think why they would need to perform them on specific individuals is out of necessity.

For example, what if abductees are born with, or are altered to have, genetic differences which might need maintenance or corrective surgery? Would that explain it?

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 01:11PM by huzzah-1 https://ift.tt/y3JFqRB

Scientist Claimed that on Earth there are people with extraterrestrial i...


Submitted January 14, 2023 at 07:46AM by talesout https://ift.tt/jkUuQhX

Weird small creature I recorded while watching live online cam of forest at 3AM


Submitted January 14, 2023 at 06:38AM by Any_Insect8448 https://ift.tt/bXDGhAH



Submitted January 14, 2023 at 02:38AM by Ok_Shallot8088 https://ift.tt/oF1Tbuj

I never seen much speculation on the 3 human looking aliens Travis Walton claimed to see. Does anyone have a good speculation on what they might be

I've listened to his story countless times, but the only thing that truly gives me the creeps is when he gets to the part with the 3 'humans' on the ship.

By his description, they looked just like normal humans and you wouldn't be able to tell them apart in a crowd of other people. They'd blend right in.

This really bothers me. For years I've tried to come up with a good explanation of why humans would be on an alien ship.

The first theory a lot of people like to throw out is robots. I discount this theory for two reasons. The first is he said one of the aliens was wearing a space helmet. So it breathed air. A robot wouldn't need that. Travis said the air on the ship was difficult for him to breathe, so when the 'human' alien came to get him, it put on an oxygen helmet so it could breathe also. The second is he said the 'human' alien winced when he yelled. Something that would only happen to an organism that processed sound. A robot wouldn't do that.

I really think the only logical explanation is that these are actual humans, but humans made by these aliens. Humans that are used to infiltrate and blend in to society. For what purpose? Don't know. Perhaps to gather research and study humans up close.

For whatever reason though, it really does scare me that there could be aliens blending in to the world walking around us and we'd never know.

Submitted January 14, 2023 at 02:44AM by ToothlessGrandma https://ift.tt/VDcLa2i

Friday, January 13, 2023

UFO spotting?


Submitted January 14, 2023 at 01:58AM by LandrificaLagician https://ift.tt/IvmpACR

When I was 6 years old, I was abducted by ETs


Submitted January 13, 2023 at 10:03AM by Project_Contact_ https://ift.tt/aWvsZ3Q

NY Times: Did Aliens Land on Earth in 1945? A Defense Bill Seeks Answers.


Submitted January 13, 2023 at 08:29AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/7WZkt2c

where can i find paranormal cases thst have been documented?

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Submitted January 13, 2023 at 07:11AM by Simple-Ad-6046 https://ift.tt/MayzsEU

350+ new UFO Reports Flood the US Government: Are Aliens Responsible?


Submitted January 13, 2023 at 05:25AM by yourbossissick https://ift.tt/ln5w6U8

Does astral-projecting, or “consciousness exploration” feel like anything?…

Roughly recalling a similar comment… Someone said, humans naturally have …telepathic or abilities involving the mind, though are being suppressed.. somehow.”

In the Summer, I found myself some nights outside in my backyard, occasionally laying down straight up and eyeing bright stars. Woe-ing about the mundanity of work and life, I looked up at the night sky, shouting in my mind “show me something…” essentially- more or less.

There was one night I saw 3 white lights in a (fixed) triangle position just out of the corner of visibility, then passing a tree, away from me. Later, I saw a very- if not same appearance on Reddit, later debunked to be birds.

Regardless, does astral-projecting or telepathy, “feel” like anything? Or say, if an alien was telepathically communicating with you, would it feel “like normal?”

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 04:20AM by imfjcinnCRAAAAZYHEY https://ift.tt/zxDrNun

Thursday, January 12, 2023

My 3 years quest for finding physical evidence for David Jacobs mind controlling alien hybrids living among us this is what I found.

Short summary:
A university professor called Dr. David M. Jacobs and his friend Budd Hopkins brought him into the world of doing hypnosis on abductees that are missing time, they noticed aliens were involved in a breeding program creating hybrids or human starseeds. They wrote several books based on what experiencers told them unconscious. After, more doctors and psychiatrists followed like Dr. Karla Turner and PhD. John Mack.

They all have been heavily criticized for this or even ridiculed by other professors and doctors and even the government, they were also censored on some occasions on this topic.

After when all these researchers passed away, Dr. David Jacobs is the only one left still researching this and started to notice a shift in abductions in 2003. He wrote in the 90's in his book The Threat that aliens are creating human hybrids and abductees were remembering getting similar messages said by gray aliens like ''ISNT IT WONDERFUL, SOON WE WILL ALL BE TOGETHER.'' remembered by several abductees under hypnosis, in the same pattern.

During 2003 until 2014 David Jacobs regressed again abductees and started to noticed a shift in abductions, that completely looking humans were abducting people how to integrate into society and they more started to do the same work the gray aliens did, like putting alien implants in abductees or wipe their memories, asking weird questions, some of them are very clumsy humans with mental abilities like mind control you, levitate objects like telekinesis, can talk in telepathy, make objects disappear, alter your state of consciousness. This is all written in his book called Walking Among us: The alien plan to control humanity during training sessions abductees had onboard UFO's with them.

I had a hard time finding physical evidence but started to connect them with shadow figures, weird apparitions, sleep paralysis and then it completely made sense, here is an article what the pentagon said, exactly what I found out too: https://www.newsweek.com/pentagon-ufo-program-disclosure-aliens-poltergeist-top-secret-bigelow-948051

I created a video about this 2 month's ago that alien hybrids can turn invisible or into shadows and are basically like magicians and mentalists, this video of my also covers the breeding program: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/ytnos2/during_3_years_of_alien_abduction_research_i/

So who are these mind controlling hybrids that David Jacobs talks about? The best evidence I could find is that several mentalists are in theory alien hybrids which includes: Derren Brown, Lior Suchard and this young mentalist called Timon Krause that also fooled Penn & Teller.

Here is a clip where Timon Krause brainwashes an Atheist to believes he is a preacher of the gospel and this is parallel with hybrids that are able to do mind control.

Timon Krause

I've checked his history and his Instagram and found weird tattooed writings on his back, at first I couldn't make anything of it but then I compared them with alien writings I saved on my computer remembered by abductees, which I was planning to do a post on, they do look remarkably similar.

Timon Krause

UFO or alien writings and symbols.

I have more alien writings and similar symbols remembered under hypnosis, either seen on UFO's or remembered through channeling, I will cover that in another post. But the theory definitely leads to some mentalists being hybrids.

Submitted January 13, 2023 at 12:44AM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/pOM9rSE

New York Times Julian Barnes still defending his previous UAP article. Calling out reddit posts and "Big Alien" on Twitter.


Submitted January 12, 2023 at 11:50PM by FriendlyAlienBotFart https://ift.tt/EcrOsaV

who done put the alien silhouette in those damn metapods when u zoom in lmao


Submitted January 12, 2023 at 08:44AM by FaithlessnessSad2123 https://ift.tt/x1MihDK

Declassified Australian UFO report involves Cat Faced and Dwarf Extrater...


Submitted January 12, 2023 at 07:11AM by talesout https://ift.tt/jRwBPve

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

If there is other civilizations that are at the same progression as us, then would these "higher civilizations" extraterrestrials also watch and experiment on them?

Shower thought but it's been bugging my mind... we can't be the only civilization that's on our way to build our civilization to a Type 1. If these extraterrestrials have been more or less, have something to do with our evolution, then must they have been doing the same with other lower civilization? Are we the only civilization they're "interacting"? What will it change if we aren't? I'm sorry if I sound dumb for asking.

Submitted January 12, 2023 at 12:39AM by curleygao2020 https://ift.tt/nyLj8x1

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest…

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Submitted January 11, 2023 at 11:49PM by InsipidGamer https://ift.tt/82VjUP9

John Lear accounts RAF Bentwaters meeting of 3 small aliens walking up to General Gordon Williams.


Submitted January 11, 2023 at 11:56PM by Cool-Loan7293 https://ift.tt/dJLf1Ot

Government making plants for post contact

Is anyone familiar with, or aware of, and plans by the U.S. government on how to react, or treat the public when we are contacted by aliens?


I really like the above youtube channel, and he dedicates an entire video to it. Just curious if anyone is aware of the plans he's referring to. Thanks!

Submitted January 11, 2023 at 09:41AM by stevengreen11 https://ift.tt/h85oJLw

Cloaked UFO filmed in Pennsylvania


Submitted January 11, 2023 at 06:26AM by talesout https://ift.tt/gSMRand

Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America. I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole and would love to open this up for discussion. Sorry if it’s already been posted before


Submitted January 11, 2023 at 06:34AM by constellationkaos https://ift.tt/mSGx6qB

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

what if...


Submitted January 11, 2023 at 01:24AM by PreparationTough9082 https://ift.tt/gDIoQBb

What do you think, ETs or ancient humans? - Video title: The Pyramids were built by a Race of Giants with Elongated Skulls


Submitted January 11, 2023 at 02:06AM by TheGoldenPi11 https://ift.tt/qTsXNA6

are aliens biological the way humans are?

Recommended books/authors? Are aliens theorized to be biological like humans (living, dying), or more mechanical/technological entities? Like an AI with free movement. I like imaging a shared undercurrent of life around the universe, maybe there is. Also heard that they may have long ago done away with living and dying and turned to something purely mechanical. Probably its a mix?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 11:23PM by inthe_pine https://ift.tt/iwMhzdF

Dream about aliens has me wondering.

So I had a dream last night that gave me chills and gave me a couple questions/statements in reference to aliens ufos etc. which I was hoping could be considered so as to have an interesting, open minded, fact based conversation. also so I could learn since I’ve just started getting into the interesting topic but anyway here goes!

Last night I dreamt I was at some party with my family when out the window I see an atom like shape, rainbow as fuck, shooting rainbow lightning bolts into the sky. It felt like my brains modern take on 1566 Basel. Seconds later in the dream it shrinks out of vision kinda like when turning an old tv off, and then I see what would generally be regarded as a “normal” ufo, like a structure abiding to laws of physics normal, and it is like cloaking in the night sky trying to like leave undetected, which I was somehow omniscient of cause you know, dreams. Anyway I share that to share this series of questions/ statements I have regarding the subject that arose from my dream, in hopes you smart fellers could answer to your best ability and have a cool conversation

  • has there ever been a ufo sighting that resembles an atom? Several rings of opposing axis with one ball in the middle? The reason I ask is when I saw that in my dream it felt realer and scarier than the typical shapes we see ufo’s as being depicted and if there are no real reports or sightings matching the description of what I saw in my dream, then PLSS someone somewhere profit off the idea for a story or movie or something cause I truly feel like the idea of saucers is not nearly as terrifying as a ship that does not give a single fuck about physics.

  • Why are Ufo’s that behave like a light rather than a “ship” considered to be manned? I’ve recently heard and have seen reports of people talking about balls of light & the idea of something so massive or small, with intelligence, made of light, makes me believe the flying “object” IS the species/race rather then an advanced ship being manned by a race. Seeing as how it would be likely impossible/impractical to fluctuate size with one’s ship, and light isn’t exactly a material that can be manipulated such as let’s say steel, i don’t see these lights actually being ships so why do others?

  • Last question. Hypothetically playing with the idea there’s some galactic federation or at least several intelligent species that are simply aware of each others presence, what if earth is like “base” sort of like in tag, where we’re regarded as important for whatever reason, and the idea of aliens settling conflict between other aliens on this planet would or could never be allowed? for example some aliens might hide here to pretty much dodge a sentence, which could potentially explain the plethora of sightings of all sorts of species, and why we can’t define a motive for their actions or interactions with our kind. Maybe there’s so many different species on their own agendas doing whatever is in their best interest, that we miss the utter simplicity in the whole situation. Some aliens could seek precious materials here so as to not piss off another race who could or would do something about it, some aliens could come here in the name of science, or some even might seek redemption on some bounty hunter shit. Wether we’re their pet project (meaningless), or a species that is special (meaningful) they care about us and the control of disclosure on their existence, so as far as agenda goes I think we can all generally agree we’re important enough for them to not obliterate us, or even let us know they exist. when humans think that all aliens think the same or are working towards one unanimous goal, I find it silly because that seems so unfathomably difficult to achieve for an entire species let alone several interacting with one another.

I would love to hear everyone’s perspectives, answers, and reasons for why they might agree or disagree with me on my questions/points and for any professional on the subject, I am sorry if my questions or statements come across as silly or ignorant but I am only trying to learn more and am just trying to encourage open minded conversations, so If offend thee for coming off stupid or something, I am sorry In advance, pls just make me smarter and don’t hate, hehe🖖

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 11:54AM by Adventurous_Air3291 https://ift.tt/fpOmZeN

The Keys to Effective Ghost Hunting


Submitted January 10, 2023 at 10:55AM by definitebureaucracy https://ift.tt/KaYjWZr

Scientists Discovered These Ancient Cities Have a Secret Link to the Cosmos


Submitted January 10, 2023 at 09:37AM by definitebureaucracy https://ift.tt/lL70HZI

A more thorough explanation for why aliens would probably tend to be humanoid

Before I begin, I want to stress that humanoid occupants of UFOs is also perfectly consistent with the time traveling human hypothesis, the ancient human technology hypothesis, the Silurian hypothesis, the hypothesis that the occupants are avatars, etc. Basically we don't really know what's going on yet, but this post will focus specifically on why it is expected that aliens would be humanoid (either interstellar aliens or those from another planet in this solar system that went underground).

There would still be a lot of variation, but only variation within the humanoid form. I don't buy the idea that aliens shouldn't be humanoid, concluding that one of the other hypotheses must be correct. In this case, I think the underdog scientific theory that aliens would share a great number of similar characteristics to us is the correct one, and this will be accepted more and more over time in evolutionary biology/astrobiology circles.

1) They are likely going to have two eyes. Binocular vision is far more useful than a single eye, and any more than two eyes is going to be a waste of resources, and therefore not worth the energy expenditure and maintenance. Since eyes evolved independently on this planet at least 6 times, aliens would probably also have eyes, and two of them specifically. Among all of the most intelligent species on this planet, two eyes is universal and there would probably have to be some very unusual circumstances that lead to any creatures having more than two (spiders for example).

2) A tripod leg situation is simply not ideal. Either two or 4 legs is clearly the most efficient way to transport your body over a landmass. A third leg would be a waste of resources. The only bipedal animals on this planet kept their other two limbs for some other purpose and their ancestors started off with 4. Birds have wings. Orangutans have arms for climbing and grasping. We have arms and fingers for fine manipulation of materials. The only land-dwelling creatures on this planet that have 6, 8, or even 1,200 legs are insects/spiders, so we can probably assume that for the particular niches they fill and the uses they have for more legs is an unusual situation that is unlikely to lead to having a gigantic brain since no single insect has ever developed anything remotely resembling mammalian or avian intelligence.

3) Nature's whittling down of variety that occurred on this planet multiple times may not have been a "chance" event. The best forms that developed into what we see today originated with whatever the best forms were back then when each cataclysm occurred. Those forms were what survived because they were more suited to survival through those cataclysms and beyond. The starfish still exists today for whatever reason, perhaps simply because that is one particular case where a different body form is better suiting to that particular unusual niche. It doesn't have a "brain" per se, but its "head" is located in the center with 5 or more limbs radiating outward. If that unusual form was "better" for leading to a wide variety of other lifeforms that then move onto land, perhaps including intelligent lifeforms, then that probably would have occurred eventually, but it hasn't. (I explain later why intelligent spaceship-building aliens would probably be land-dwellers).

According to Arik Kershembaum (Cambridge zoologist), from his book The Zoologist's Guide to the Galaxy, in chapter 2,

"Presented with similar environmental challenges, similar solutions seem advantageous. Indeed, it is quite likely that given a particular problem, there exist only a limited number of possible solutions. If that is the case, it should not surprise us that birds, bats, the pterosaur, and insects have arrived at similar functions (flight), albeit with different forms. This example of the convergent evolution of flight only scratches the surface of a hugely broad phenomenon. Convergence is everywhere. Eyes, like ours with a large lens, evolved at least 6 times. The generation of an electric field from the body, either to stun prey or sense surroundings, has evolved at least as many times. Giving birth to live young, which appears to have evolved quite independently, evolved at least 100 times. Even photosynthesis, the basis for all life on Earth, probably evolved separately in at least 31 lineages."

Also see The Deep Structure of Biology- Is Convergence Sufficiently Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal? edited by Professor Simon Conway Morris of Cambridge University. Morris is a paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and astrobiologist.

Morris also wrote a book called The Runes of Evolution, and a few others on the subject of convergence in evolution, which I haven't read yet, but I can cite some quotes from a media interview:

An area of biology which is becoming popular, perhaps too popular, that the possibility evolution is becoming much more predictable than people thought,” he told The Independent. “The book is really trying to persuade the world that evolutionary convergence is completely ubiquitous. Wherever you look you see it.

“The theme is to try and drive the reader, gently of course, into the possibility that the things which we regard as most important, i.e. cognitive sophistication, large brains, intelligence, tool making, are also convergent. Therefore, in principle, other Earth-like planets should very much end up with the same sort of arrangement.”

Professor Conway Morris, a Fellow at St John’s College, said it follows that plant and animal life on other planets able to support life would also look similar to Earth’s.

He said: “Certainly it’s not the case that every Earth-like planet will have life let alone humanoids. But if you want a sophisticated plant it will look awfully like a flower. If you want a fly there’s only a few ways you can do that. If you want to swim, like a shark, there’s only a few ways you can do that. If you want to invent warm-bloodedness, like birds and mammals, there’s only a few ways to do that. https://web.archive.org/web/20171213113935/http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/forget-little-green-men-aliens-will-look-like-humans-says-cambridge-university-evolution-expert-10358164.html

Here is a comparison photo between a dolphin and a shark. Keep in mind the dolphin comes from a vastly different creature: some kind of land animal with 4 legs: https://imgur.com/a/k0w9AKP Two entirely different looking creatures, a shark and a land animal, converged on the same general body plan in the sea, even with fins in the same exact places. The exception is that fish and shark spines move horizontally, while dolphins and land animals vertically. This was not a coincidence.

In my opinion, the phenomena of convergent evolution sufficiently explains why aliens capable of building spaceships would be humanoid. Nature tends to gravitate toward the best solutions, which are always trade offs. The popular idea that alien planets could contain all manner of extremely strange animals, everything we can imagine, is likely not correct. There could be specific reasons why extremely advanced intelligence cannot arise in other kinds of animals, such as the elephant, octopus, etc. Their intelligence could plateau at some point, whereas a bipedal creature could be the most likely candidate template for super advanced intelligence for whatever reason, including the fact that two of their limbs could be specialized in fine manipulation of materials rather than locomotion, leading to tool creation and inventions.

The elephant has a single manipulative arm, not two like us. The octopus probably won't ever build a spaceship because it can't create fire, and discovering fire may be one of the prerequisite events that leads to super advanced intelligence because then you can break down food to feed the growing brain, chemistry, tool making, etc. There aren't any intelligent land-dwelling molluscs (of which the octopus is a part). Fire is easily created, controllable, and transportable, whereas an octopus attempting to use hydrothermal vents for chemistry doesn't sound plausible, useful, or long term. Although some birds are pretty intelligent, most of a bird's energy is focused on fueling the wings, not their brains, so a bird-like creature may be less likely to eventually build spaceships, but I wouldn't rule it out yet (although we do have the 'Mothman' phenomenon to deal with).

PBS: Why Do Things Keep Evolving Into Crabs?

When there is a very open set of niches unoccupied, the creativity of Darwinian evolution would be in full swing, but over time, a limited set of body plans would outlast the others. 4 limbs to move around on land could be the best solution. Any less is a hassle, and any more would require the growth and maintenance of unnecessary body parts, and evolution tends to minimize things for efficiency and limiting the number of limbs that could be grabbed by a predator and that would slow you down in a run. The 4 legged creatures will outlast everyone else. However, some insects have over a thousand legs for some reason. The exception might be planets with much more gravity than Earth, which may lead to a larger number of legs to distribute the weight of large creatures on land, but we don't know if it's even possible for a super advanced organism capable of building spaceships to arise on such a planet.

Out of this pool of 4-limbed creatures, the most likely lineage that may one day lead up to a super advanced intelligence would be those who became bipedal. Keep in mind there is a difference between advanced intelligence, such as in the elephant, octopus, etc, and exceptionally advanced intelligence, such as what we have. Perhaps there simply isn't another likely option for nature to create something as smart as us without making it humanoid. There are other intelligent creatures on earth, but nothing like a technology-obsessed super intelligent species like us. However, it seems possible that chimpanzees or orangutans might one day reach that level, likely once they go fully bipedal so their hands can fully specialize in fine manipulation of materials rather than locomotion and swinging through trees.

So I think humanoid aliens capable of building spaceships might be expected to exist, rather than the Hollywood idea of ink blobs and slug aliens and all manner of other strange variations of creatures that our imaginations have conjured up. I think there is a very good reason why aliens are almost universally sighted as humanoid, with over 4,000 reports so far, rather than being described as Hollywood aliens (of course, many Hollywood aliens are humanoid as well, but there are many, many other variations). Their skin might be different. The arrangement of the organs, total number of teeth, total number of bones, their size, number of fingers, etc might also be different. But I think aliens capable of building spaceships are probably going to be humanoid.

Note: the lack of a visible breathing apparatus in many of these reports might suggest something. I wouldn't be surprised if alien planets look somewhat close to conditions on Earth. Since photosynthesis happened here at least 31 times, then it might be the case that there is some leveling off eventually in terms of oxygen percentage on most planets with life, so a lot of aliens may easily hop from one planet to the next and breathe the air without much or any support. This would explain why only some of them have some sort of breathing apparatus, while many do not, although you could argue that in some cases, there is some kind of very advanced internal breathing support device.

Now I'm going to throw a wrench in my own post. A little known fact about humanoid cases is that a fair percentage of them look like they are actually human, aside from larger eyes, weird mouths, etc.

Out of the approximately 2,500 cases [as of 1968] in which witnesses have reported seeing the UFO pilots themselves, roughly 90 per cent of these ''pilots'' have been described as humanoid beings dressed in coveralls or tight-fitting "space suits." In about 30 percent of these cases, the ''pilots'' were said to look exactly like us with only minor differences in facial features (overly-large eyes, peculiar mouths, etc.)

From Secret bases Across the US, by John Keel, Saga Magazine, 1968.

So about 30 percent of them look too similar to us to be a coincidence, and this has to be explained in some way. I highly doubt that evolutionary convergence would cause this, but I guess I could be wrong. My thinking on this is 1) this is exactly consistent with the time traveling human hypothesis, and 2) it is consistent with the extraterrestrial hypothesis with weird extra steps. You'd have to assume one of a few things. One possibility is that humans long ago were abducted in a mass "Rapture" of sorts and transplanted on other nearby planets, perhaps genetically engineered in some way, and they routinely travel here for whatever purpose. Another possibility is that these are "workers" who were genetically engineered from us and perhaps live underground on earth. A third possibility is that these diverged from us long ago and developed on their own path in some parallel civilization, either here underground to avoid cataclysms or colonized other planets on their own, perhaps in this solar system or otherwise. Either way, this is a very strange aspect to the humanoid phenomenon.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: fixed wording.

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 10:06AM by MKULTRA_Escapee https://ift.tt/ljiy7eD

If there are aliens or hybrids between us, in which social class you believe they are? Do they have occasional meetings with those who put them in our society?

If there are hybrids/aliens already between us, are they part of a plan? In which social class you think they are if they have more intellectual/informations that normal humans?

Submitted January 10, 2023 at 08:04AM by MeanCat4 https://ift.tt/m9QLxMK

Monday, January 9, 2023

The Paranormal Highway, if you will, rests along the 37th parallel


Submitted January 10, 2023 at 01:43AM by AlbaneseGummies327 https://ift.tt/PoSl2nk

BKPS explores whether or not Alien Technology is controlling our weather


Submitted January 10, 2023 at 01:12AM by definitebureaucracy https://ift.tt/hV354f0

Uncovering the Different Types of UFOs Sighted Around the World


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 11:51AM by definitebureaucracy https://ift.tt/PsBjDqe

Argentina Strange Ground Effects Caused by UFOs


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 09:50AM by talesout https://ift.tt/TkeYAfC

Need help finding old alien photos from early YouTube cryptid compilations (drawing included)

In the early days of YouTube I would watch compilation videos of UFOs, aliens, crypto’s etc. 009 sound system playing in the background.

There was a set of alien pics that would often be in these, but I can’t seem to find them now. The alien starts off in some kind of ball form and then sits up on its butt. The background was maybe an asphalt road? It was an orange red color, like expanding foam. There were maybe three photos in the set. I attached a drawing from my memory.


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 10:01AM by leafcruncher https://ift.tt/PNBSHv5

If earth is potentially also occupied by a non human intelligence that the public has no idea about..

What I keep thinking of is how humans have allegedly polluted the entire earth, if there are other people living here and sharing the planet covertly, what if they get very angry and attack humans. Exterminating as a means of stopping human induced pollution? They have to see that shit in the ocean if there's really intelligence living down there.

I thought this be best sub to post in but I am not saying this is aliens at all really. Just maybe a hypothetical civilization right underneath humans who see their crafts flying around sometimes but largely have no idea.

Do you think this is a hypothetical possibility? I never believe anything for sure of course, just sharing theories.

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 08:55AM by Polychaete360 https://ift.tt/aKpfRrL

Waking up to hearing the name Vrillon multiple nights?

Like title said, two separate nights my s/o had woken up to hearing the name Vrillon. She asked me both times if it meant anything to me. After spelling it from Virillian to Virillan and Verillian, spelling it Vrillon had eventually yielded some results.

Found the 1977 Southern Television broadcast interruption? We had no prior knowledge about this and it's kinda freaked us out.

Submitted January 09, 2023 at 03:59AM by GreatGhastly https://ift.tt/F0bqfrl

Nice spooky one from my channel :)


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 03:03AM by KNOXCRYPTO https://ift.tt/GMkSC1L

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The government knows UFOs are real. Now what?


Submitted January 09, 2023 at 01:49AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/8WEKAdS

I don't remember that theory from ancient aliens...


Submitted January 08, 2023 at 10:56AM by puffinbluntz https://ift.tt/5cqv3Ax

Already exploiting Aliens in the name of fashion!


Submitted January 08, 2023 at 08:59AM by LyftedMedia https://ift.tt/kYRz3Q7

Russians shoot down UFO. Invasion coming. indian love call only answer


Submitted January 08, 2023 at 06:47AM by noblefuse1 https://ift.tt/hmPxBpu

Crazy lightning storm over Houston, Tx


Submitted January 08, 2023 at 01:50AM by scroopynooperzzz https://ift.tt/yCjYp3q

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Since I'm not allowed to post or talk about a possible ground breaking discovery that aliens are related to poltergeists, here is a scientist called Dr. Ruggero Santilli that proves invisible aliens are living among us.


Submitted January 07, 2023 at 11:58PM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/lIyKG7e

Are we able to detect Alien signals which may have been transmitted before the invetion of Radio ? Would the signals be trapped and bounce back and force on Earth's surface and the ionosphere?

No text found

Submitted January 08, 2023 at 12:01AM by Icy_Fix_2683 https://ift.tt/ghweGJa

Strange ‘alien’ holes discovered on the ocean floor


Submitted January 07, 2023 at 02:48PM by int_eRconnectionc_ https://ift.tt/9kQY7N6

“What did the Ramey Memo say regarding Roswell 1947 incident?” ChatGPT believes it was an extra terrestrial craft described in memo.


Submitted January 07, 2023 at 12:27PM by MartianMaterial https://ift.tt/AZJu074

my experience with some Sentient space object .

when i was 20 years old i went up to the roof of the apartment complex i am living in to take a breath of fresh air and star gaze like i always do only this time something strange happened, during this period i was reading [the Law of One] material so my idea of aliens expanded and i was really in wonder how there might be aliens out there watching us right now and how they could read our mind etc, i came from a muslim background most of these things are seldom thought about .

the Experience :

as i was looking up at the night sky, i decided to send a telepathic 'i love you' towards the sky, i am not a psychic all i did was think and feel 'i love you' and imagined it going up towards and into space, when this happened after about 15sec's or so i saw one of the Stars a blip in the night sky start moving around, i was astonished my jaw dropped to the floor, i took advantage of the moment and sent another telepathic message to make sure, 'go left if you can hear me' the thing goes left, 'omg now right' boom it goes right, 'do a circle' it took a moment then it did a circle, after that it re-centered it self in its former position and went still just like a star. ever since then i could successfully re-create this interaction with a couple more space dots (stars) i am now convinced stars are either alive or aliens or both.

TL:DR i telepathically communicated with a star that seemed to hear my thoughts.

i know the Bulk of you won't believe this which is fine and understandable but i could provide proof if i can have a star be properly visible through my phone camera if not i'll use my dlsr. stars are alive and they can hear us , anyone have the same experience let me know.

Submitted January 07, 2023 at 12:15PM by Spiritual-Neck-2957 https://ift.tt/5XCavHP

Anunnaki "Ancient Alien" Relief panel Period: Neo-Assyrian Date: ca. 883–859 B.C. Geography: Mesopotamia, Nimrud


Submitted January 07, 2023 at 09:22AM by SlimRioTV https://ift.tt/zCDsOka

Russia shot down suspected UFO, Rostov Oblast governor reportedly says


Submitted January 07, 2023 at 07:14AM by enderbey https://ift.tt/yVpL8Xl

Friday, January 6, 2023

UFOs and their ability to neutralize nuclear missiles


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 09:49AM by talesout https://ift.tt/51NAHhs

Men in black; Joseph Spencer


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 08:14AM by KrssvrX https://ift.tt/14newXA

I love the Ariel school case in Zimbabwe, the only thing I find strange is the fact that all the kids describe the aliens differently.

Some described typical grays, some of them saw pupils, some black eyes, some of them said they had long hair. What do you think?

Submitted January 06, 2023 at 05:26AM by Kye447 https://ift.tt/R5Sjf8z

3 Orbs observed and filmed on satationary cam by sky watchers over Wisconsin, USA on 24. December 2022


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 04:00AM by Puzzleheaded-Tie3735 https://ift.tt/FzJ1Lfi

One of the best interviews I’ve ever seen about the subject. Nothing revolutionary but detailed scientific discussion plus a great amount of perspective from the military side.


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 02:24AM by habachilles https://ift.tt/Uhw4jaA

My FOIA DIA/ATTIP/AAWSAP quotations & annotations of 1500+ pages

While working at a small space news outlet and utilities provider (ISS + launch tracker, astronaut database), I had the opportunity through a DIA FOIA request to review a set of around 1500 pages of documents (mostly DIRDS, similar to those released to Black Vault, Vice, and others online) - research related to alternative energy, exotic propulsion, quantum physics, black holes, anti-gravity, Bigelow, dark-matter, etc.

This is in no way a formal analysis, just research I was collecting for a long article being worked on and quotes I deemed important. It is organized by folder name, document name, quotations, and short Italic annotations. The information is short and digestible, as they are just informal notes that were only to be reviewed by myself and editor in preparation for the article. As I'm no longer with the company, and am no longer working on said article, I figured I'd just leave them here for anyone that wants the skinny and doesn't feel like going through the hassle.

*Redacted name and case number from FOIA response for privacy

*As names are typically rare in these documents, whenever I was capable of uncovering one, I did, or pointed out how you could do so through very minimal surface level research

[Note/email to editor]:

"The first folder is pretty self-explanatory- contracts, SAP requests, etc. The DIRDs are where it starts to get interesting. A lot of them tend to focus on historical context and previous experiments, and then theorizing what'll be accomplished in the future. Unfortunately, it still barely scratches the surface. What would be really fascinating to see is the advancements made in each of these fields in the last 10 years- or lack thereof. 

It seems as if the authors of these technical reports sometimes are/were the leading scientist in their field, usually having multiple papers published in the field already, and associated with national labs + college grants. Seems like a good idea to cross-reference the papers that are already published in these niche fields with the info in these reports leading up to the DIA contract to get a better idea of who they might've brought in. Or at the very least inquire into the new work related to these topics developed in the last 10 years. Are they familiar with anyone in the program?

For example, one author wrote the year in which he was born, the year he presented at a United Nations convention, and a new innovative unique approach that was specific to him. This made finding the papers he published fairly easy. One of which was published online in 2009 and almost identical to the one that was submitted to the DIA.

'nuclear propulsion.. manned deep space mission'

-Fridwart Winterberg

Dept. Physics. University of Nevada



Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ReLJBkePz48kXTDTTnLpEq-Q9_I_a27e/view?usp=sharing

Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qXitvy_2v1XDuuzaEv3XRmMDehMaoRWx/view?usp=sharing


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 03:00AM by BelievedDaisy https://ift.tt/RUlYJnw

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Newsweek WORLD Russia Says It Shot Down a UFO BY BRENDAN COLE ON 1/5/23 AT 11:36 AM EST


Submitted January 06, 2023 at 12:07AM by AWorkOfArt https://ift.tt/jxIs3oN

Depiction Of Aliens - Kimberley, Australia 5000 B.C.


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 09:45AM by SlimRioTV https://ift.tt/6LUZftu

Scientists Worried Humankind Will Descend Into Chaos After Discovering Alien Signal


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 08:29AM by lukaron https://ift.tt/PbHikpZ

A cool pic of a UFO - generated by AI


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 07:50AM by sceptic_believer https://ift.tt/t6esM7j

Stunning Spherical UFO Filmed by Driver in Czechia


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 06:16AM by talesout https://ift.tt/k5H7Str

What if UFOs are not traveling through spacetime but rather through the source code of different simulations created by AI?


Submitted January 05, 2023 at 04:16AM by Arethum https://ift.tt/0OrzmCZ

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Facebook post / U.S. Embassy Bucharest

US Embassy Bucharest:
Years ago, the CIA declassified hundreds of documents detailing the Agency's investigations into unidentified flying objects (UFOs). To help navigate through the vast amount of data made available to the public, the CIA has decided to highlight a few documents that UFO skeptics and supporters alike will find interesting. In the link in the comments you will find documents that we think Agent Fox Mulder would have liked to use to make the case for alien activity. Also there, you'll also find documents that we believe his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, would have used to prove that there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings.

As they say, "The truth is out there"; visit the link to find it.


Submitted January 04, 2023 at 09:33AM by against78 https://ift.tt/Zwda0r6

I go out onto my balcony at around 11:00 p.m. I begin filming because my mom is literally telling me she is seeing something weird in the sky. I began filming it, I have no idea what is supossed to be there, then I cut the video and see literally something flying in the air at the top right.


Submitted January 04, 2023 at 08:51AM by kinren10 https://ift.tt/EXK1jdT

What all this above NY city?


Submitted January 04, 2023 at 07:50AM by Yo_yo_video https://ift.tt/rnljMfU



Submitted January 04, 2023 at 06:47AM by Dizzy-Adeptness952 https://ift.tt/FfnVquK

Any good sites?

I'm sort of stuck on finding more sites on aliens or just the paranormal in general because the search engines either bury them or manage to give me results that are irrelevant. Any sites are good and I'd be very thankful :)

Submitted January 04, 2023 at 05:07AM by A_Real_Patriot99 https://ift.tt/5J7zSyh

Mystery Light Source


Submitted January 04, 2023 at 03:58AM by SeatownVoyager https://ift.tt/Kf9FBDS

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Fire Ball Unidentified Objects Clear Evidence around the globe.


Submitted January 03, 2023 at 11:09AM by firesquad189 https://ift.tt/YfqkoGn

If aliens show themselves it means no more taxes for humans or taxes for them?

Like the title say aliens decide to show themselves to all us humans. What happens then? Governments will decide that they must pay taxes for using the planet? Or humans will decide that if the aliens don't pay taxes there is good reason also humans don't pay more taxes?

Submitted January 03, 2023 at 08:36AM by MeanCat4 https://ift.tt/qNbP0jJ

my own recording using iphone 6


Submitted January 03, 2023 at 07:18AM by kwetiao https://ift.tt/AeNpr5Y

how hot do you think aliens would be? would you fuck them?

This is precisely what it says. it is very important because if they are unattractive then what do we do as a society?

Submitted January 03, 2023 at 05:47AM by bangerbod https://ift.tt/Jefvx7a

Monitoring one of the most active volcanoes in the world


Submitted January 03, 2023 at 03:59AM by Upstairs-Awareness62 https://ift.tt/lZ8FpkB

Five of Nine

May 18, 2012

Experience 7 - At the hospital across the street

There is a hospital that was built in the 1920s across the street from my house. My neighbor watched all day as it was being gutted. They were throwing everything into an industrial dumpster. As soon as i arrived home from work my neighbor hits me up to go check it out. He was climbing into the dumpster and i was enlisted for guard duty. i was looking up at the eaves of the hospital and i joked “There’s a video camera up there recording you!” Then in the same line of sight just above the roof of the hospital that’s where i saw it. i thought it was a bird in a turn, but it wasn’t righting itself and it was getting bigger. It was about a mile away and a half mile high. It changed direction, gained speed, and lost altitude. It seemed kamikaze. i yelled to my neighbor “Holy shit it’s a fucking UFO!!! Get down here!”

And so he did.

My first thought was to grab my Sony video camera that i just bought. It was just across the street right inside the door but i realized that it would have overtaken me by the time i made it to my front yard.

By this time my neighbor is standing there next to me and it was coming fast. Very fast. So i thought about my cell phone hanging on my belt i had just enough time to get a couple really good shots.

Right then four distinct thoughts popped into my mind. They were:

There is nothing extraordinary happening here.

This is all commonplace.

Everyone believes in UFOs.

Soon this will be happening all the time.

With that i clicked my phone back on my belt and just stood there.

And then it was on top of us. It was about 30 feet above. i could see all the detail on its bottom; all kinds of pipes and vent ducts.

It was traveling fast enough that it should’ve knocked us into the trees, but there was no wake. Not even a Whoosh. It made no sound at all. There was no engine noise, no air noise, nothing. If i would have had my eyes closed, i would not have known it had flown past even just 30 feet away.

It was completely un-aerodynamic. It was taller than it was wide and wider than it was long. Picture a giant gray cigarette pack. Flying upright. No windows.

It was just starting to turn twilight. It could very easily be seen by anybody. And there were people around and traffic. i can’t believe no one else saw it.

i was pumped. i was going on about such a great UFO experience and my neighbor looks at me and he says “i wish i could see a UFO someday like you.” “UMMM WHAT?!! What are you talking about?” He didn’t see a UFO. He saw a Chinook helicopter flying nose down with its rotors forward and to this day he will swear that that’s what he saw. My neighbor’s mind was mush and very open to suggestion just like mine had been. He developed his story through my questions about what he had just experienced. He said he saw a big long helicopter. “The kind with two propellers.” I asked - “a Chinook?” Him - “Yes.” I said - “But it was flying tall-ways” (imitating with my hand). He says - “Yeah, they were looking at us on the ground.” Then i say - “But it made no sound.” And he says - “Well, they have silent helicopters now y’know.” He has no idea how absolutely absurd that sounds. i mean, whats more likely? : )

It was three days before the mind control would wear off. i actually thought everyone did believe in UFOs. i went to work on Monday and was saying “Yeah, i saw another UFO on Friday blah blah blah.” That evening i picked up a Huffington Post article that said 5% of Americans believe in UFOs. Huh??? i totally believed that everyone believed in UFOs as a fact. Every thought that had been implanted, if not challenged, had become more solid every day.

i couldn’t figure it out. What was it doing? What was its mission? Why did it come directly at me? Did it have a purpose? That’s all i thought about. It was out flying around in the daylight and it had a technique to disguise itself in peoples minds.

It had been sixteen years since i had last seen a UFO up close. This one was very different. Almost a complete opposite.

This one was as un-aerodynamic as you could get. Basically a dull grey rectangle. While the one in Florida was a shiny sleek chrome disc. Perfectly aerodynamic.

This one was completely silent and the other was loud asf.

This one couldnt be correctly identified by other observers, but the other one could.

Because of how this one acted, coming directly at me, i have to believe they were looking for me.

Had they been searching for me for sixteen years?

Why? Are they still worried about the alien in the ditch?

Had they upgraded their technology so much in those sixteen years or is this another race that is working with those in the silver disc?

They tracked me from Florida to California. What makes me so valuable to spend all that time, energy, and resources?

It would seem that again i got the jump on them. They were just trying to locate me and i spotted them first! Maybe that’s why i saw it as a UFO while everyone else saw a helicopter. Once my mind identified it as a UFO, it had to go to plan B, which was to convince me that it was ok.

Submitted January 03, 2023 at 03:04AM by one-iota https://ift.tt/iuYTMtE

Monday, January 2, 2023

UFO over citrus bowl


Submitted January 02, 2023 at 05:17PM by Jackfish2800 https://ift.tt/XTVUJj7

The announcers in Orlando just said a UFO just free over the stadium at the Citrus bowl

I am not sure wtf they are talking about, etc and they never showed anything but several LSU posted about it. Is anyone in Orlando rn or know what this is about?

Submitted January 02, 2023 at 04:09PM by Jackfish2800 https://ift.tt/Lxrtkpm

Christopher Mellon blogpost from 4 days ago about UAPs


Submitted January 02, 2023 at 03:05PM by petermobeter https://ift.tt/IcOZw41

I was watching fireworks and seen a bright orange ball sitting still in the sky, as soon as I pulled my camera out it moved behind the houses, it definitely wasn't a helicopter, but maybe drone? just never seen a drone glow bright orange b4.


Submitted January 02, 2023 at 07:17AM by timstar282 https://ift.tt/vykfN6s

Abbiamo intervistato 8 rappresentanti di 8 DIVERSE RELIGIONI e gli abbiamo chiesto: cosa c'è DOPO LA MORTE? Venitelo a scoprire!


Submitted January 02, 2023 at 06:46AM by booktopics https://ift.tt/NH6wcz2

Why would aliens need/want to space travel?

Why would aliens need to know how to travel into space? Why would we assume aliens need resources?

I was thinking about this, in almost every iteration of alien life we assume that they can travel into space. And to me that seems a bit capitalistic. Wanting resources, for what? Survival? I assume aliens live in a post-scarcity society, a society in which everything they want they can have. Sorta like Star Trek, a utopia.

In contrast, humans live in an artificially scarce world, where whatever we want comes at a price. Almost everything humans do is done under capitalism, that is to say that there’s a profit motive. To build mega structures, like a Dyson Swarm, there’d having to be a capitalistic incentive. Same with space travel. For example, we see the moon as being rich with resources, so we’ll travel to it. To build all things, from a human perspective, requires inequality on a mass scale. Someone has to be funding the project. Because we don’t tend to do massive undertakings just for the thrill of it. Even things like exploration: when Columbus went sailing he was looking for India (i.e another market to exploit).

What if capitalism is the great filter that answers Fermi’s paradox? If the goal of evolution is to keep going and propogate itself then why create a system in which people purposely compete for resources. Any intelligent species would be beyond such a system as it actively stifles progress and ultimately hurts the species as a whole.

Maybe im being naive but most conversations about advanced civilizations seem to be under the guise that they need resources to further advance the civilization. But the want of resources, the desire to conquer n consume what if that ideology seems just as alien to them.

Submitted January 02, 2023 at 04:45AM by optionalhero https://ift.tt/ZGN3gYd

Sunday, January 1, 2023

A genuine question for every alien video believer

As per the rate AI is growing, is it possible that aliens aren't real but just some edited video using AI but if it is real can you comment the alien video of this subreddit that made you believe that aliens are real? I just can't differentiate between the fake ones and real one now.

Submitted January 01, 2023 at 04:00PM by Natural_Insurance460 https://ift.tt/YH1GfcX

Weird coincidence?!

So my boyfriend and I were driving around last week when he suddenly said, "well thats Omnious"

I asked... what is??

He said "I heard a voice in my head say 'It's coming, they're coming'."

And we just laughed it off nervously.

And now all yall are posting ufo sightings on New Years fuckin eve?!

Submitted January 01, 2023 at 04:10PM by Cosmic_rust https://ift.tt/zIFlOBt

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.