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Thursday, March 31, 2022

In Car Experience

First Reddit post ever. Just to be clear, I am unsure if this has anything to do with aliens, but after reading a few peoples posts regarding losing track of time while in the car, I figured I’d share my story.

I grew up in Ohio and every summer my family and I would take a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC for a little week long vacation. I want to say I was 6 or 7 when this happened. I remember this clear as day and have never had another experience similar. We were driving back to Ohio from the beach and I want to say we were in Kentucky or Tennessee. It was getting dark and my mom and her significant other were planning to drive through the night. My sister and I were in the back seat. I was sitting there quietly just looking at the road being fascinated by the empty freeway illuminated by the orange street lights. All of the sudden I blinked and it was daylight. I remember being so surprised about it and saying to my mom, “I was just sitting here and all of the sudden it went from night to day. I blinked and it was daytime!” I got the standard response a kid would get from there parents when claiming nonsense, “oh wow really? You must have fallen asleep hard.” And that was that. I’ll be 30 this year, but somehow this memory was strong enough that it has stuck with me this entire time.

Also, I’ve never been a light sleeper. My entire life from being a teenager to now I was diagnosed with insomnia and have been on very strong sleep meds just to attempt to sleep through the night. Sometimes those meds don’t even work, so the idea of me thinking I blinked and 8-10 hours went by was actually me falling asleep didn’t really sit well with me.

I’d be interested to know if anyone has ever experienced anything similar? Thank you for taking the time to read my story and experience.

Submitted March 31, 2022 at 12:48PM by Tune_Up_Drew https://ift.tt/NOclwRe


Submitted March 31, 2022 at 04:21AM by abyssalblue02 https://ift.tt/gLvKT6X

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Consciousness origin…

If we already know it’s possible for our consciousnesses to control robots, then what are the odds that our consciousnesses emerge from within our own biomechanical bodies in the first place? Couldn’t we assume it’s more likely that our own bodies are being controlled by consciousnesses that exist externally to ourselves?

We’re probably not too far away from a future, right here on Earth, where the vehicles we drive and the video games we play are directly controlled by our consciousnesses via electrical voltages. That being the case, any given human consciousness will one day operate countless other forms. Any given form is unlikely to be the organic source of the consciousness controlling it.

So how do we know we aren’t simply being operated by an external consciousness? Isn’t that more likely, in some sense?

Submitted March 31, 2022 at 02:14AM by DragonStation https://ift.tt/tO7vKux

Dr. David Jacobs ominous opinion.

Dr. David Jacobs has been in the field of ufology since the 80's. Look him up.

"This is a clandestine phenomenon," Jacobs said. "There is one thing that I can say for sure: They don't want us to know what they're doing - because what they're doing benefits them and not us."

"I used to think it was the most amazing, wowee, gee-whiz thing," Jacobs said. "But the more I learn about it, the more I fear it, the more I don't want to have anything to do with it." - Dr. David Jacobs

Submitted March 31, 2022 at 12:25AM by BlueBolt76 https://ift.tt/K8PtgEN

Do you personally believe ETs will show themselves to humanity in an unprecedented way before 2030?

I think humanity will realize we are not alone in what we perceive as existence.

Submitted March 31, 2022 at 12:41AM by 420yoloswagmoney69 https://ift.tt/LTtrB3u

Quick Little Story

There have been plenty of moments where I’ve seen things moving in the sky at a higher altitude but this was a little different . I had just got home from work and was sitting on the back of my car smoking look at the starts like usual . Not too long into the watch I catch one of my little dots moving . I watch them for a while to see if they do anything sporadic . This one moved in a straight line for about a minute and all of a sudden a Bridget blue light flashed across it horizontally block the object out of view . As it’s slowly dissipated the object(little dot) was no longer there . This happened over a year ago but I figured I’d give someone some kind of reassurance . It’s definitely hard core evidence for myself .

Submitted March 30, 2022 at 11:37PM by senseimarlo https://ift.tt/7peLgJu

Thoughts on microscopic/camouflaged/invisible aliens.

So, I had a random thought the other day, which I wanted to share with others and see what they thought. Everyone discusses about alien encounters, UFOs and all that, however has there ever been any serious consideration to if these things do exist in our world today, why wouldn't they be in essence, invisible?

Basically, if a race was/is advanced enough to travel to our planet, is it really inconceivable that they'd hide their presence through some sort of disguise? This could be anything from camouflage, shrinking to microscopic level or even disguising as things found in our world. When those in the military conduct recon, they tend to do so in some form of disguise.

Just a thought. Personally always found it moot whether aliens did visit us or are visiting us. If they wished to influence our way of life they would have and if they have but we don't realize it, then we're fucked and there is no point worrying about it.

Submitted March 30, 2022 at 10:09AM by R3PTAR_1337 https://ift.tt/Kvwec2O

Good youtube channels to recommend?

Channels that are not clickbait, using fake sources and not exceeding over 20mins.

Submitted March 30, 2022 at 08:54AM by FalconVita https://ift.tt/cQIf2Ux

Am I stoned or is it real?

I've recently gone through a ton of data. What really piqued my interest was the former Israeli and the Canadian politicians coming out. After researching this all makes too much sense. And to be honest it's a little overwhelming as it would change my whole thought process. Not to mention it's not something I can really talk about!

Submitted March 30, 2022 at 05:46AM by RequirementFormal247 https://ift.tt/XIQnMHU

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My interpretation of a biblically accurate angel, an Ophanim. Their description reminds me of an alien spacecraft, so I made this to explore that concept.


Submitted March 29, 2022 at 07:54PM by polyheim https://ift.tt/agrL8BS

The 1976 Alien Abduction Case In Kentucky: Three Women Reported Being Abducted By Extraterrestrials


On January 6, 1976 in Kentucky, Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, and Elaine Thomas claimed to have been abducted by aliens. All three of the women later passed lie detectors confirming their story.

There incident started while driving to Liberty, Kentucky, from Lancaster, they described seeing a large red glow in the sky which got larger and more intense before descending until it was positioned at the tree line in front of their car.

They claimed they had seen a large metallic "dome" object in the sky, they complained about burning sensations, headaches, and missing time when they returned home.

MUFON investigated the claims and sent them for hypnosis, in which they recounted experiences with "beings"

The full story is in the link at the top, what are peoples opinions on this case?


Submitted March 29, 2022 at 05:01PM by matthew_caspian https://ift.tt/KtpkO6f

Does anyone have any idea what this is in my backyard? This is a cheap geeni camera and it is using infrared. That said, WTF is this? Zoom in on the glowing light lower left.


Submitted March 29, 2022 at 03:45PM by Toohypper https://ift.tt/d8x9nDe

Constellation Scorpio

I have been pouring though media to find patterns of hidden references to alien influence and origins.

Song lyrics. Music videos. Album covers. Movie posters. TV shows. Etc.

Hidden among them is a pattern that includes the constellation Scorpio far more than any other star group.

It's never called out. It's just there. Like a game. As if no one will notice.

Sometimes is reversed or mirrored. But it's still Scorpio.

Any ideas why this would be?

Submitted March 29, 2022 at 02:48PM by hyperbolicuniverse https://ift.tt/IkVUGv1

Tom Delonge Sekret Machines Interview

Can someone send me a link to the interview mentioned above? I’m rewatching the Delonge interview on the Joe Rogan podcast and I cannot find the interviews that he mentions anywhere…

Submitted March 29, 2022 at 12:06PM by silentsage00 https://ift.tt/gq4pBeE

Jacques Vallee, Allen Hyneck And Tom DeLonge Support The Interdimensional Hypothesis

J. Allen Hyneck, the lead scientist in Project Blue Book, started as a skeptic and later on changed his mind, together with Jacques Vallee, who devoted his entire life investigating the phenomenon, think that aliens are interdimensional...

Also, Tom DeLonge, who brought together Cris Melon, Lue Elizondo, Hal Puthoff and had briefings with high military officials, shares the opinion that the phenomenon is interdimensional, and they probably come from parallel universes.

Here's an interesting short animation video of describing the Michio Kaku theory about parallel universes and potential interdimensional beings.


Submitted March 29, 2022 at 08:23AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/zZLMaQA

Monday, March 28, 2022

Final verdict: it‘s us from the future

This future is not far away around 50 years maximum due to singularity, these are our drones, our vehicles when humanity reaches this stage of the singularity the AI we created understands how to travel back in time for information collection purposes.

Submitted March 28, 2022 at 05:07PM by 1337Mcburnie https://ift.tt/tjKTuDl

Will the Government trying to distract us from UFOs/UAPs theories ever stop?

When something big happens in the media or world. Some UFO followers always say it's a distraction by the Government to make people ignore the real issue. First of all, this line of thinking is just an excuse or cope out, because of the lack of UAP info we rarely get. And second of all, there is not much distraction the Government can do. Because again the info on UAPs is either small, confusing, vague, anecdotal, or unknown.

Whether it's the Government distracting us with murder hornets, the virus, the war in Ukraine, or even Will Smith LMAO. All this just come off as BS excuses to hide the lack of UAP info. The Government can't distract us. When the thing they are trying to hide has no reason to cause distraction on their part. You don't need a distraction to hide an issue. When people barely know anything about that issue in the first place lol.

Submitted March 28, 2022 at 03:40PM by Some_Personality8379 https://ift.tt/Aqco21e

UK TV viewers Blaze Channel UFO week

Starting tonight with the UK TV premier of The Phenomenon Sky channel 164

Submitted March 28, 2022 at 03:07PM by PeoplesDope https://ift.tt/hz1MRZm

“Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Academic and Societal Implications”, published by Cambridge Scholars.


Submitted March 28, 2022 at 01:21PM by AntisocialGuru https://ift.tt/NpsYGAf

Looking for experiences

Hey there, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday so far. I don’t know exactly where to ask this so my wife suggested I try Reddit…

I am looking for people who have had experiences either witnessing unidentifiable objects in the sky or even 2nd or 3rd type encounters who would be willing to share their personal accounts with me. I am an author doing research for my next book.

In the name of full disclosure, I am a believer who has had an experience myself which is what spawned my interest all those years ago and now desire to write on the subject. I am not looking to disprove nor discredit anyone else, nor am I trying to debate with skeptics the legitimacy of any beliefs and or claims.

If you have had an experience and would like to share, please feel free to post here or dm me and we can discuss further.

Thanks for your time and I wish you a wonderful day!

Submitted March 28, 2022 at 01:02PM by TheDopeScop https://ift.tt/oQdxbmL

Help finding a theory

I saw an interesting theory on this sub a long time ago & was wondering if anyone had a link to the post, or any more info on this idea. I don’t remember everything that was mentioned but i’ll give it a shot since it was so unique

The op explained how when we die, there’s interdimensional beings that fool us to think they’re God & to walk into the light at the end of the tunnel, but the light is actually a harvesting tool to consume our soul & we’re sent back to Earth with a new consciousness to continue feeding their needs of human emotional energy. They also mentioned that if we refuse to enter the light we will keep our consciousness & enter a new body with our old memory, but nobody can do it because the amount of fear/comfort we have when we die. The aliens have a net over Earth that generates energy from our emotions & they renew us through death to keep generating energy.

I’ve never heard anything like this before & really want to explore those type of ideas

Submitted March 28, 2022 at 04:13AM by AssMustard69 https://ift.tt/09QKMEq

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Bear with me on this one, Cephelapods as aliens?

Pure speculation of course...

Nautilus, Cuttlefish, Squid, Octopus.

Characteristics that we know: Malleable fleshy skin free of joints and bones Large rounded heads with two large eyes Ability to deceive with phosphorescent shimmering and camouflage Profound intelligence Millions of years old Move freely between land and sea Capable of withstanding deep sea pressures

Let's say (far stretch) an evolutionary branch of Cephelapod developed a technological path. In the case of an encounter with humans is it possible they could attempt to mimic the humana and look a lot like your standard grey?

I'm just spitballing here but it could be interesting.

Submitted March 27, 2022 at 11:55PM by FellowEnt https://ift.tt/15fDCdv

Cycles of Humanity, Atlantis, ancient/modern religions trying to contact "aliens", Aleister Crowley

Theres been numerous religions in the past that have tried to contact these "aliens" and have been masquerading as different beings

small excerpt (read full wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aetherius_Society)

King claimed to have been contacted by many aliens, including Venusians, Martians, Devas), and the Great White Brotherhood to spread a message to aid humanity. This message exalted the promising future humanity has should Earthlings turn to better ways of living, while warning of the possible consequences otherwise.[72] King taught that humans had the choice of self-destruction or the enjoyment of a New Age that was coming to Earth. And that the Cosmic Masters had intervened via the Aetherius Society to help humanity into the New Age.[10][24][31]

As Zeller notes in his chapter "Apocalyptic Thought in UFO Religions," King believed there would not be a catastrophic end to the world, but that the planet is on the verge of a new millennium of peace and enlightenment and the Age of Aquarius. This will also require human effort.[30][72][73] The Aetherius Society's teachings share the individualism of not only other New Age teachings of the era, but of the Protestantism King grew up in, i.e. individual humans face the decision of whether to join the millennial kingdom.[31][72][73]

The society also predicts the coming of 'the next Master' from space at an indefinite time, which is said to depend on the advancement of humans and the balance of karma.[10][47][74] It is claimed he will arrive in a spacecraft with great power, and present his credentials to the leaders of Earth.[30][31] Those who engage in war or ignore the ‘Divine Law’, will be removed from the Earth and reborn upon another planet where they will continue their progress. Those who understand the law will be left on Earth to enjoy the new millennium.[30][75][76][77]

The Silence Group[edit]

The Society claims that the 'Space Beings' have contacted the leading Governments of the world in many ways but a rather sinister group of individuals called 'The Silence Group' (a pseudonym coined by UFO researcher Major Donald E. Keyhoe[80]) have been deliberately suppressing this information so as to keep people uninformed, or misinformed, as to their true nature.[81] According to King, the Silence Group uses fear and ignorance to control humanity.

Theosophy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophy (I really recommend reading the full wiki)

As presented by Blavatsky, Theosophy teaches that there is an ancient and secretive brotherhood of spiritual adepts known as the Masters, who—although found around the world—are centered in Tibet. These Masters are alleged by Blavatsky to have cultivated great wisdom and supernatural powers, and Theosophists believe that it was they who initiated the modern Theosophical movement through disseminating their teachings via Blavatsky. They believe that these Masters are attempting to revive knowledge of an ancient religion once found around the world and which will again come to eclipse the existing world religions. Theosophical groups nevertheless do not refer to their system as a "religion". Theosophy preaches the existence of a single, divine Absolute). It promotes an emanationist cosmology in which the universe is perceived as outward reflections from this Absolute. Theosophy teaches that the purpose of human life is spiritual emancipation and claims that the human soul undergoes reincarnation upon bodily death according to a process of karma. It promotes values of universal brotherhood and social improvement, although it does not stipulate particular ethical codes

The Masters

Central to Theosophical belief is the idea that a group of spiritual adepts known as the Masters not only exist but were responsible for the production of early Theosophical texts.[37] For most Theosophists, these Masters are deemed to be the real founders of the modern Theosophical movement.[38] In Theosophical literature, these Masters are also referred to as the Mahatmas, Adepts, Masters of Wisdom, Masters of Compassion, and Elder Brothers.[38] They are perceived to be a fraternity of human men who are highly evolved, both in terms of having an advanced moral development and intellectual attainment.[38] They are claimed to have achieved extra-long life spans,[38] and to have gained supernatural powers, including clairvoyance and the ability to instantly project their soul out of their body to any other location.

The Masters are believed to preserve the world's ancient spiritual knowledge,[39] and to represent a Great White Brotherhood or White Lodge which watches over humanity and guides its evolution

Book of Enoch talks about hybrid "angels" and humans and the world was filled with sin/violence/depravity, these hybrid "angels" sound a lot like hybridized aliens/humans which looks like its currently happening today again. I believe we were under control of these "aliens" a long time ago and now they're seeking to control us again. Tom Delonge talked about how Atlantis might of been real and how they might of fought back and got destroyed and here in Theosophy:

At this point, the fourth Root Race appeared, living on the continent of Atlantis; they had physical bodies but also psychic powers and advanced technology.[63] She claimed that some Atlanteans were giants, and built such ancient monuments as Stonehenge in southern England, and that they also mated with "she-animals", resulting in the creation of gorillas and chimpanzees.[62] The Atlanteans were decadent and abused their power and knowledge, so Atlantis sunk into the sea, although various Atlanteans escaped, and created new societies in Egypt and the Americas

There also multiple people claiming to have visions/marian apparitions claiming the end of times is here and will begin a new cycle where (https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/) (personally I don't think these are really Mary or Jesus but "aliens" taking a familiar form to warn us as Tom delonge also said that Earth was filled with different "aliens" competing with each other like Syria even in the gateway tapes Robert Monroe talks about the Christ consciousness :

https://www.mensajerosdivinos.org/en < this one talks about consciousness

"The end of times announces a moment of triumph, the triumph of the Heart of God in those who will persevere, and, it does not matter that they are few, they will generate merits, not only for the human race but also for the races that they do not know, consciousnesses that have committed ancient errors, unknown to the world, but deeply lived in the human consciousness, which even to this day suffers their consequences." (I read somewhere that the Atlanteans were tricked into contacting an interdimensional being and then got wiped out)

"Great were my people in the ancient days,great beyond the conception of thelittle people now around me;knowing the wisdom of old,seeking far within the heart of infinityknowledge that belonged to Earth's youth.", tom delonge talks about ancient religion which has been lost

https://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html < emerald tablets of thoth the atlantean, occultist book also talks about how earth is enslaved, and how a survivor of Atlantis created new religion in Egypt

Tom delonge also talks about an alternative reality made up by our unconscious thoughts, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_unconscious by Jung (jung also had visions), perhaps the aliens want us to summon them so it can affect our unconscious reality.

Previous control:

Besant and Leadbeater claimed to be able to investigate people's past lives through reading the akashic record, an etheric store of all the knowledge of the universe.[80] They, for instance, claimed to have attained knowledge of their own past lives as monkey-like creatures residing on the moon, where they served as pets to the "Moon-man" (a prior incarnation of the Master Morya), his wife (Koot Humi), and their child (the Lord Maitreya). When they were attacked by "savages" and animals "resembling furry lizards and crocodiles", Besant sacrificed herself to save Morya, and for that act made the karmic evolutionary leap to becoming a human in her next incarnation.[


Deities in ancient Mesopotamia were almost exclusively anthropomorphic.[12] They were thought to possess extraordinary powers[12] and were often envisioned as being of tremendous physical size.[12] The deities typically wore melam, an ambiguous substance which "covered them in terrifying splendor".[13] Melam could also be worn by heroes, kings, giants, and even demons.[14] The effect that seeing a deity's melam has on a human is described as ni, a word for the physical tingling of the flesh


Occultist Aleister Crowley contacted an "alien" (gray alien) named lam:



" Vallée proposes that there is a genuine UFO phenomenon, partly associated with a form of non-human consciousness that manipulates space and time. The phenomenon has been active throughout human history, and seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures. In his opinion, the intelligence behind the phenomenon attempts social manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact."

Vallée also proposes that a secondary aspect of the UFO phenomenon involves human manipulation by humans. Witnesses of UFO phenomena undergo a manipulative and staged spectacle, meant to alter their belief system, and eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from outer space. The ultimate motivation for this deception is probably a projected major change of human society, the breaking down of old belief systems and the implementation of new ones. Vallée states that the evidence, if carefully analyzed, suggests an underlying plan for the deception of mankind by means of unknown, highly advanced methods. Vallée states that it is highly unlikely that governments actually conceal alien evidence, as the popular myth suggests. Rather, it is much more likely that that is exactly what the manipulators want us to believe. Vallée feels the entire subject of UFOs is mystified by charlatans and science fiction. He advocates a stronger and more serious involvement of science in the UFO research and debate.[10] Only this can reveal the true nature of the UFO phenomenon.

Musicians/famous celebrities with a lot of pull trying to get people to contact them such as Demi lovato:


" Lovato continued, “Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me. This planet is on a very negative path towards destruction but WE can change that together. If we were to get 1% of the population to meditate and make contact, we would force our governments to acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us and change our destructive habits destroying our planet. This is just some of the evidence from under the stars in the desert sky that can no longer be ignored and must be shared immediately.”"

Blavatsky taught that Lord Maitreya—a figure she borrowed from Buddhist mythology—would come to Earth as a messianic figure.[66] Her ideas on this were expanded upon by Besant and Leadbeater.[66] They claimed that Maitreya had previously incarnated onto the Earth as Krishna, a figure from Hindu mythology.[66] They also claimed that he had entered Jesus of Nazareth at the time of the latter's baptism, and that henceforth Maitreya would be known as "the Christ

According to Blavatsky's teachings, many of the world's religions have their origins in a universal ancient religion, a "secret doctrine" that was known to Plato and early Hindu sages and which continues to underpin the center of every religion.[48] She promoted the idea that ancient societies exhibited a unity of science and religion that humanity has since lost, with their achievements and knowledge being far in excess of what modern scholars believe about them.[49] Blavatsky also taught that a secret brotherhood has conserved this ancient wisdom religion throughout the centuries, and that members of this fraternity hold the key to understanding miracles, the afterlife, and psychic phenomena, and that moreover, these adepts themselves have paranormal powers.


She was contacted by "aliens" at birth and had supernatural abilities, reading thoughts, etc.

In London, Blavatsky founded a magazine, controversially titling it Lucifer)


The young man later identified himself as the Count of St. Germain. Ballard provided details of his encounters with St. Germain and other Ascended Masters in the books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, using the pen name Godfré Ray King.

Guy Ballard, his wife Edna, and their son Edona Eros "Donald" Ballard (1918-1973) claimed to be the sole "accredited messengers" of Saint Germain. Their teachings constitute the original nucleus of what are today called the "Ascended Master Teachings" and are still used in "I AM" Sanctuaries all over the world.[2]

675 “Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo [or false] messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.”

Trying to destroy Judaism:


in the Great Invocation. According to Newman, "the Plan" named in the invocation refers to the plan authored by "the Hierarchy", that Newman states places "high priority on removing all Jewish presence and influence from human consciousness, a goal to be achieved by eliminating Judaism."[46][a]

Alice and Foster Bailey founded "Lucifer Publishing Company". ("'Lucifer' and 'Lucis' come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin genitive case meaning of light.",[21] After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co."[22] (The Theosophical Society also used the name "Lucifer" for its early magazine.)




Adam and Eve were told not to eat from the tree of knowledge but were tricked into eating it, similar to these people being tricked into learning secret knowledge and trying to contact an interdimensional being.

If you read more of this stuff it says that they inspired the motto of the revolution, descartes (famous philosopher) got visions and so did Thomas Aquinas. It seems like they've been responsible for new changes/inventions/ideas. They've also inspired religions such as Islam(Muhammad got visions from an "angel"), pythagoras had visions too.

Book of Enoch the half breeds/earth was wiped out by a flood sent by "God" or the good "aliens" as the world was in total chaos and depraved because of these half giant "angels"/humans and Theosophy talks about in ancient times there were giants. Book of Enoch also talks about how "angels" taught humans how to make stuff for war/industry/other things and magic/sorcery similar to how its happening today. It also talks about how the giants forced humans to be enslaved and that the human spirits of those slain cried out to god and other stuff I recommend you read it.


Tom Delonge said these "aliens" are evil and are based on consciousness and that we shouldn't be trying to contact them.

I believe these "aliens" seem to reestablish their dominancy like it was in the book of enoch and enslave us once more. When God sent that flood to wipe out everything it seemed the "good" aliens took back control and gave us this current freedom.

also a current marian apparition with light miracles, predicted COVID and war in Ukraine, telling people to stock up on food/water and clothes for warmth and predicting an attack on a politician

https://lareginadelrosario.org/messaggi-mariani/ < google translate right click

https://lareginadelrosario.org/gallery/ < videos of light pulsating/movements

http://www.thebostonpilot.com/article.php?Source=Popular&ID=188257 < predicted covid and country originating from

"the war is ready, when I ask you to stock up, it will not only be for you, but also to help your brothers, because everything is about to collapse, including the economy that will bring famine in a short time. .."

https://lareginadelrosario.org/2018/09/messaggi-settembre-2018/ scroll down to see photos



it is also predicting an attack on a political leader:

March 1st , 2022:

Pray for a political leader who will suffer an attack

May 8, 2021:

[…] Beloved children, I ask you to pray for Eastern Europe, because it is from there that your suffering will come. I ask all humanity and all nations to kneel frequently and to make sacrifices: this will be your sole salvation. […]

Submitted March 27, 2022 at 02:18PM by Real_Bonus https://ift.tt/aHd7O4Q

What if first contact has to include the big everyone group?

What if first contact is a series of steps and one rule is to test the big everyone group? Maybe the rule is that NASA don't have to do the test, but run it on Earth? Should we look for it? I'm thinking that one of the steps may be use body language only. Because biggest language on Earth is body language.


Submitted March 27, 2022 at 01:19PM by Icy_Pea7531 https://ift.tt/7cB0vNE

Evidence of Alien influence on Native Cultures

This journey takes us down the rabbit hole to discover evidence of Ancient Alien presence in America. Native cultures have handed down shocking accounts for generations of visitors from other worlds, in the distant past and their involvement with them, presented by Paul Cook and Gordon Rife.

Submitted March 27, 2022 at 09:26AM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/B0NJ4DH

Primal Fear of Aliens Since Being a Child

Hello, I usually don't post on this sub but I would like to reach out and see if anyone has experienced anything similar to me. Ever since I was a child I could not stand seeing images of grey aliens. It feels like my heart just sinks every time I see them. I don't have any memories of ever seeing them in person but I do know that my grandpa once saw a UFO. Is this normal? How do I know if I've been abducted before? I don't have a fear like this for anything else which is strange, it almost feels like I my body and mind are reacting to some sort of experience that I've had before. It's almost like I have PTSD. Any thoughts?

Submitted March 27, 2022 at 08:26AM by Hotcheetoswlimee https://ift.tt/rONmBgE

How aliens look like

Hi, I couldnt sleep last night and it got me thinking about life outside of earth. I came to the thought that we cant imagine how a alien looks like. Just like you cant imagine a new color. If I say to you to think about a alien. You probably think about the one you see in movies or strip books. I did some research and there is 0 evidence they actually look like that.

Submitted March 27, 2022 at 08:10AM by JarnoNL_ https://ift.tt/0f7AQEh

Is it possible that WOW! signal was manmade?

Is it possible that the WOW! signal was sent from Earth as a form as a joke?


Submitted March 27, 2022 at 05:07AM by Icy_Pea7531 https://ift.tt/k8Oc4Qf

Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Buff Ledge Abduction sheds a new light on Alien Human Reproduction interest

A main theme repeating throughout the Alien Abduction Syndrome is the Aliens interest in Human reproduction. The Buff Ledge Incident offers rich details by two abductees who's independent accounts corroborate the reality of their experiences.

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 10:12AM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/Zn7d40h

Locations of activity based on my biases

Awhile ago, there was this person that went by Añjali and they made fantastical claims about being shown an alien base in a cave somewhere out in the Mojave desert. Most people on these subs disregard her claims and say that she was just a mentally unstable person.

after she revealed she would go back to the cave with a team and equipment and if I’m not mistaken she tried to provide credibility for her identity as an intelligence worker. Pretty much all steam was lost and I haven’t heard her name since.

But the location, Mojave desert keep that in mind

Second story is that of the beaver Utah footage, arguably some of the best footage we have of a ufo. It was captured on a drone while taking some b roll shots I believe, and not discovered until after reviewing the footage. A lot has gone into examining this footage and it’s Authenticity and from what I’ve gathered everyone is on board that this is a legitimate ufo.

That took place in Utah

Next is Roswell, definitely one of the best known cases if not the best known. Clearly some shenanigans were at play and even Hellen Keller could have realized that. I’m not going to go over this too much as it has already been done but the location is notable in my opinion

Location New Mexico

Next is going to be a very niche piece of evidence but I’m going to include it because I want to. In the infamous skinny bob video if you view the meta data of the videos, included in the tags are mentions of New Mexico and roswell. Even though there are no relations between those places and the videos. It was Probably to bolster the exposure of the videos but I digress

Lastly is something I just stumbled upon earlier today and that is the M cave. If you don’t know what that is I suggest that you do research but I will briefly describe what it entails. There was a YouTuber that searched caves and other abandon tunnels for fun, but weirdly he mentioned in a comment under a video that the weirdest cave he ever explored was out by nellis Air Force base and Area 51. He said he didn’t enter the cave because when got close his body started vibrating. Anyway all of his fans took a large interest in this and demanded he go back, in which he obliged. Unfortunately he could not find the original location of the cave and uploaded his failed attempt. His fans were not pleased and once again demanded he try to find it. And once again he obliged, but unlike last time we don’t know if he found it because he randomly vanished. This happened about 7 years ago. And no one knows anything about his whereabouts. People have tried to find the cave where they believe he was referring to with debatable results.

This happened in Nevada

With all this in mind I have a strange feeling that there might be something going on in the Mojave desert region. What this could be I have no clue, but it’s curious this location keeps appearing when I research different cases.

Maybe the Area 51 speculation could be a factor in why this location is frequently brought up, but I don’t know, it just seems off

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 09:08AM by fln_germ_yass https://ift.tt/miQSDbP

There are probably beings up there that live their ordinary lives just like us.

The simplest things are the most interesting to me. I read many theories about Aliens, but nothing is as fascinating as the (very likely) possibility that there are other people out there on other planets, and they're just busy with their everyday lives. They have families, go to schools or jobs, have their own culture, music, arts, beliefs, and they can get sick or feel scared or happy... And when we gaze up to the stars and observe other planets wondering if we're alone, someone out there is probably staring back at us, wondering the same thing.

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 08:02AM by SirLadthe1st https://ift.tt/Uc0VuIB

Thoughts on the Fermi paradox and other questions about intelligent life

Space alien paradoxes like many paradoxes (to me) always seem to try to solve problems that does not exist instead of contradicting a measurable fact.

It is okay to exercise intellectual freedom of thought in order to find solutions or pose questions, however when those facts are unproven/( cannot be proven) yet used as widely accepted cornerstone for arguments, it does boggle ones mind.

Wether that be Fermi Paradox, drake equation, great filters etc, etc, etc I’m reaching to the conclusion that these are all just memes for “many” to masturbate about ideas that we are in no way ready to come to conclusions about!

1, Fermi paradox: Fermi paradox, Drake equation

What evidence do we have that we’ll even leave our solar system much less colonise the galaxy in 2 million years? because “scientists say so? Where is the evidence ( just my argument, not a rebuttal)

2, earth also had at least a billion years of life, yet until 70-90 years ago based on these mental masturbations it wouldn’t have any intelligent life!

3, if there was anatomically modern human say 100k years ago equivalent in the star system of Proxima or would we notice?

4, what about summers, Egypt, Rome, the British Empire, if they existed 4 light years from us would we even notice? Are they not intelligent then?

My point is, though the ingredients for intelligence in our current state exists in many places it may well be rare since the goal of evolution isn’t to build rockets but to simply survive, thus many thought experiments and paradox’s are simply used as mental masturbating facts instead of genuine thought provoking questions , I mean I doubt we’d be here if the dinosaurs survived!

Therefore we don’t need to find planet spanning aliens, in fact we don’t even need to find “fish” on any extraterrestrial body, all we need is a single celled organism, and that would answer everything, but of course we cant detect those with satellites.

Let’s continue to look for radio signals, but not find any does not diminish the existence of “Life” or pose any paradoxes worth crediting at this stage of our existence!

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 06:21AM by International_Sir282 https://ift.tt/I5orPcG

Paul Hellyer - Tall Whites

In 2014 I remember being able to find this dude's whole report on how Tall Whites (strangely Nordic looking aliens) were collaborating with the world governments now I can't find it anywhere.

Anyone know where that original write-up still exists?

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 03:45AM by Minimalist_Logout https://ift.tt/GjRISE5

What would a multi-species alien civilization look like?

I’m gonna be honest, I highly doubt there exists another intelligent civilization in this galaxy beyond us. It would take so short a time to colonize the entire galaxy and the galaxy has existed for so long that if we don’t already clearly see the existence of another civilization, it most likely does not exist. That being said, I still want to entertain the thought about what a galactic-wide civilization would look like if it had multiple intelligent species living under its banner. Star Wars and Star Trek have made depictions of this, but those depictions often seem impractical in some ways, such as the breathable air issue, assuming they would breath in the first place. What do you all think?

Submitted March 26, 2022 at 02:53AM by New-Investigator5003 https://ift.tt/70szHnh

Friday, March 25, 2022

Questions about knowledge, hitchhiker effect, and UFO's

I've recently come around to the idea that humans have made contact with some type of intelligent life that we do not understand or really know much about. While researching this topic I have seen multiple warnings of the dangers of learning about UFO's and things such as the hitchhiker effect. Lue Elizondo, George Knapp, and Tom Delonge all seem to Indicate that this phenomenon is indeed real. In fact Delonge has even stated that knowing too much about this kind of thing is dangerous because "that's just how these things work" or something along those lines.

Now, maybe I'm just a bit paranoid, but this has made me hesitant to learn much more about the topic. Does anyone know what they are referring too? Am I fine to keep researching online about the subject? I've seen several reports about people witnessing UFO's at skinwalker ranch and being stalked by a large bipedal human wolf hybrid after witnessing the UFO's. Lue did state that skinwalker sightings hitchhikers are not similar to normal UFO sightings hitchhiker effects, but still...

Sounds too crazy to be true but who knows. I thought the concept of aliens interfering in our ancient civilizations was crazy a few days ago. Now I'm starting to think that it may actually be true!

I'm probably just paranoid but even a 1% chance of encountering some demonic/malevolent entity is enough to make me nope outta this. 😂😂😂

Thanks for anyone who responds!!!!!

Submitted March 25, 2022 at 11:16PM by Dr_Brule_X https://ift.tt/JIxlC4T

What is some of the best evidence we have of alien beings? Not crafts or types of materials but organic beings from another planet/dimension?

I’m asking this because I’m at work and I’ve been getting interested in aliens again. I’ve always been interested in UFO’s and my interest peaked a year or two ago when the videos came out of the pentagon. I want to know if there’s any actual evidence of alien beings though. I’ve seen numerous pictures and they are either fuzzy or blurry or are simply fakes.

Submitted March 25, 2022 at 05:00PM by Semour9 https://ift.tt/doQ6S0q

Let's Speculate About ET Influence

I'm a UFO nerd. I think the evidence clearly shows that ET has also been visiting this planet for a long time, possibly for longer than a "reasonable" person would be willing to accept. Some folks, who I don't usually agree with, have made the claim that ET has been here for as long as 250 million years.

Last night I watched James Fox's appearance on the Logan Paul show. After the segment on the Ariel school incident, the question was raised why ET don't communicate with governments and instead communicate with children. Mr. Fox posited that perhaps ET is trying to make it's presence know as safely and gently as possible, hence closer and longer communication with children.

That moment, alongside the claim of a 250 million year old ET presence, reminded me of a dinosaur book I had as a child. On one page, with no caption or context was a colored drawing of an upright, bipedal, human shaped being, with pebbled, lizard-like skin. This picture didn't make sense to me at the time as I knew "people" came long after the dino's. But if I assume that ET is indeed trying to soften the blow of their existence in subtle ways, perhaps this is indeed an instance of that type of social engineering? Has anyone else ever pondered this? Have you seen any sign of possible influence similar to the picture I saw in my dino book?

Reasonable speculation please, if you're here to flame, I'm not playing along.

Submitted March 25, 2022 at 03:23PM by TPconnoisseur https://ift.tt/BA7cX5D

Life as we know it would not exist without this highly unusual number


Submitted March 25, 2022 at 07:47AM by Tao_Dragon https://ift.tt/AZKrYyT

Lue Elizondo comments

Hello peeps. Does someone know if there is like a cheat sheet or list of comments that Lue has made on specific UFO questions in his interviews? I have spent countless hours listening to podcasts and interviews and clearly should have taken notes because I simply can not remember stuff anymore.

Submitted March 25, 2022 at 07:57AM by Galaxydestroyer666 https://ift.tt/bajOHx7

Just saw this cute little movie on Prime Video: Alienated


Is the movie any good? Eehh... I give it an A for effort! (But it's by no means bad).

In short, it's about a scientist (human male) who falls in love with an artist (female alien, who's here on Earth as part of a 'getting to understand Earth society better' mission).

At its core it's about synchronicities. How having positive vibes leads to positive synchronicities, and how have negative vibes leads to negative synchronicities. The two aliens (the woman and her mother) are both played by humans.

I'm just wondering if anyone else's seen it and what people's thoughts on it are. And if anyone knows any other movies like it they could recommend?

Thank you.

Submitted March 25, 2022 at 07:07AM by -ZetaCron- https://ift.tt/wRVaTKj

Thursday, March 24, 2022

The smell a smelly smell

Why does it smell like bonfires out?

Submitted March 24, 2022 at 11:26PM by grahamc01 https://ift.tt/NfpMSHU

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Any Galileo Project Updates?

I know this stuff takes time, but do we have any idea on how long we can expect some form of data from them?

I'm not saying clear pictures of UAP, but surely we should have some idea on what they have been doing the last 6+ months?

Submitted March 24, 2022 at 01:12AM by IQuoteShowsAlot https://ift.tt/sEo5bH3

Lue ELizondo w/ Linda Moulton Howe. March 23rd, 2022. This is going to be an interesting one to watch.

With Lue Elizondo and Sean Cahill talking recently about how Ufology in its current form needs to end and begin anew, Lue will now be spending one of his last online appearances going on to the show of one of Ufology's most staunch defenders and spearheads; Linda Moulton Howe. Most known for her research on cattle mutilations that began in the 1970's.

Since then, Linda has become a known figure in the realm of Ufology. Her weekly live streams include discussions on aspects of the phenomenon including Tall Whites, Reptilians, Bigfoot, Underground Alien Bases and more. The exact topics that Lue and company currently believe are not helping or adding to the discussion of disclosure. I'm interested to see how Lue brings this up and how Linda will respond to it.

For those of you that don't remember, Linda went onto to Theory of Everything with Curt Jaimungal and things.... didn't go too well...

I'm excited for this interview, and I hope it serves to move the discussion forward without creating more division.

March 23rd, 2022. Lue Elizondo w/ Linda Moulton Howe

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 04:12PM by Kamala_Kaze https://ift.tt/kJZi8XU

In 2016, former European Comission Pres. Jean-Claude Juncker stated how "leaders of other PLANETS" (it's on linked video) are worried about the situation in Europe. I feel like this has received very little attention. Has this been debunked or was it left ignored?

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 02:31PM by Lupishor https://ift.tt/tTNY4EW


Submitted March 23, 2022 at 01:38PM by Horror-Ad-4264 https://ift.tt/SICVjLE

What is anything we know about ocean life that is being kept hidden?

As we all know, the ocean is over 90% unexplored, which means there may be secrets hidden there, and creatures like octopuses don't share Earth's DNA, leading researchers to suspect they are alien species. I'm curious if naval officers or deep sea divers have discovered something unusual but kept hidden from the public eye.

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 10:46AM by Xyt0 https://ift.tt/o8GKfEI

Dan Zarfati published a MEGA book in which he assesses every aspect of the UFO phenomenon in a single volume.

More than 1,000 pages. Its name is "The Time Is Right: Decoding The UFO Phenomenon". As he puts in the book description, "instead of staying on the fence, here we elaborated possible explanations, that take into consideration all the (valid) data available, there was not a choice and pick process at play. Considering all the data we pointed towards some possible solutions to the problem. We also provided an explanation regarding the scientific method and the issues that are decurrent of it.". So, I highly recommend it. It could be useful. The link to buy the book is this: https://www.amazon.com/Time-Right-Decoding-UFO-Phenomenon-ebook/dp/B09VYLKFR6/

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 10:26AM by luigirovatti1 https://ift.tt/cYCeMoO

What is anything we know about ocean life that is being kept hidden?

As we all know, the ocean is over 90% unexplored, which means there may be secrets hidden there, and creatures like octopuses don't share Earth's DNA, leading researchers to suspect they are alien species. I'm curious if naval officers or deep sea divers have discovered something unusual but kept hidden from the public eye.

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 10:46AM by Xyt0 https://ift.tt/o8GKfEI

Where are all the videos of those beings from Mexico that looked like kevlar balloons from a couple days ago?

I can't seem to find anything, maybe because I'm in NA. but I remember seeing like 2 or 3 posts about it across the alien and ufo subreddits and I can't seem to find them anymore.

Anyone have them?

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 07:10AM by Fr0me https://ift.tt/5ayAM1l

What if the "Big Bang" and creation of our universe was the result of an experiment that creatures performed in another dimension?

What if that experiment was a different species first nuclear detonation and everytime we detonate a nuclear weapon we are unknowingly creating "Big Bangs"? There are reports of UFOs being sighted at military bases that house nuclear missiles and also of those missile systems going down mysteriously while UFOs are in the area. They could be attempting to stop us from creating more alternate dimensions.

Submitted March 23, 2022 at 05:27AM by kmac6868 https://ift.tt/XA261pG

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Anyone else saw something last night 3/21 .

As I was going to sleep I saw a tall grey one in a long black coat I think .. just staring at me from a distance. I wasn’t scared or anything just it was just simply observing. But I saw it’s features pretty clear. Just would to know if anyone else has experienced this . Thank you

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 01:33PM by crzyshiba https://ift.tt/uWCRdix

Is there any more evidence than before?

When I was a kid (90s) I was really into unos, aliens and all of that.

I remember a TV show here in Mexico called "Third Millenium" that every sunday played amazing videos from all around the globe.

One of the things I always believe was that there were no more evidence because not everyone carried a camera everywhere.

But now, more than 20 years later we carry a camera everytime and it seems that the evidence is almost identical.

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 12:56PM by calagomx https://ift.tt/DvtGP27

Book recommendation

Hello! Can you recommend me some good books about alien-human romance? Thank you!

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 10:29AM by Keiner_Minho https://ift.tt/wj71F8H

Interesting Animation Explanation Video About Inter-Dimensional Aliens

Here's an interesting short animation explanation video about Interdimensional aliens. I find it interesting that Bill Nellson the director of NASA stated that there are probably parallel universes. Also Michio Kaku explanations of the vibrating universes, take a look https://youtu.be/QdX5qhOrk9U

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 10:02AM by darko_ufo https://ift.tt/wBsXzFq

What is the true size limit for alien creatures on super earths and larger ocean worlds?

I’ve been thinking lately, the Astrophysicist community just passed 5,000 confirmed exoplanets discovered yesterday. Out of those 5,000 30% are super earths (granted our current tech isn’t up to snuff for catching earth sized or smaller bodies as well yet)

I’ve been wondering if there could be an upper limit for how big a life form relative to animals/humans could get on say a super earth that’s 4x-8x our size. Could their be intelligent creatures with technology that are the size of giants 10, 20,50,100 ft tall?

On large Ocean worlds could their be leviathan type creatures pushing 500-1000ft in length with predators reaching up to half to maybe three quarters that size.

Since their is bound to be a good percentage of worlds with the polar opposite consisting of microscopic sized life.

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 08:21AM by ll_Stout_ll https://ift.tt/FiAVRO4

I saw the strangest thing ever. Am i alone?

So one night i was watching the sky with my uncle as we usually do. just look for stars and small meteor showers. well then i saw a bright star moving really fast so i thought it was a satellite so i didnt think much of it. and then suddenly it changed directions and went left super quickly. i wasnt sure what was going on so when i asked my unlce he was also confused af. and this part no one believes me till this day. i saw that object move to another shiny dot which wasnt moving and then it stopped for a sec and out of nowhere both of them started moving in a zigzag direction. like i dont understand but can someone tell me what is that.

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 08:46AM by CroaspYT https://ift.tt/7tTJC8s

Ban me please

I have seen enough of this subreddit. I know that I could just un-join or mute notifications but I do not want to even be able to touch this place. For the love of all that is spaghetti, finish me off!

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 08:00AM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/jMKcFl5

Annunaki was created by the Draconian

Hey! So I've came to the conclusion that the Draconian created the Annunaki with the sole purpose for them to be population control for every and all life forms. Prove me wrong.

Submitted March 22, 2022 at 07:07AM by BadBaaAaAdSheep https://ift.tt/N0rQ4Jy

Monday, March 21, 2022

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The story that nobody believes

Several years back, during a meteor shower, I was outside with some family relaxing while we listen to music and talked about things that were going on in each others lives. My mother and cousin went inside for a moment as I stayed out gazing at the stars. Between two pine trees I noticed what I thought was a star but it was moving slowly and inching its way to the pine tree to the left of the two. We had already seen the meteor shower so I thought it must be a plane and no sooner had I thought that, that it changed its direction at the speed of light. Just like a laser pointer when you move it as fast as you can and it leaves a momentary trail of light.

Submitted March 21, 2022 at 12:17AM by IGATheory https://ift.tt/vN6kSRU

I’m not saying I was abducted by aliens. But if an alien ever tells you he abducted me, I know when it was.

June 22, 2018

My husband and I had visited Cahokia Mounds that day and stayed until just after dark. The place was wonderful and made us both feel peaceful, happy, and oddly connected to something. It was that sort of vibe when you’re driving home and you’re grinning ear to ear. It just felt good. And the radio was playing good music. I knew all the words to the first song, and then the second. It felt really nice until my daughter texted (again) to see how much longer before we would be home. I had texted her when we left Cahokia with a time, and here she was asking me again so soon. And sure enough, the directions only showed about 15 minutes closer to home. I started to text her back and realized, it had been longer than 15 minutes since our previous text. It had been a little over an hour. Our distance between Cahokia Mounds and home did not reflect that amount of travel. My husband was also baffled. We tried to recall everything that happened over the past hour, but all we could remember were those two songs and how nice we felt. There are roughly 45 minutes that neither of us remember. And our vehicle either stopped or existed on a road turned treadmill, because no distance happened either.

Submitted March 21, 2022 at 12:31AM by MushroomWhisperer https://ift.tt/FXSZzJg

Looking for Trained Observers

Greetings ET enthusiasts! I'm putting together a project to show the connection of Human Intention and the Summoning of UAP.

We need independent groups of researchers to participate as a phase-blind component of the study. Among the groups are trained observers to help analyze all forms of collected photographic and video data.

If you're interested, please let me know, and I'll be happy to explain more.

Feel free to AMA

Submitted March 21, 2022 at 12:58AM by AntisocialGuru https://ift.tt/zD4yBoP

Aliens, do they exist?

Whenever we talk about an alien civilization, we conclude with one question “Will we ever find them?”…the question should be “Do they want us to find them?!”.

aliens #aliencivilization #UFOs

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 11:40PM by NY2Lon https://ift.tt/1mrADLb

i saw a alien ufo or some secret stealth plane

So im sitting in my house and i hear a noise something flying very close about 15 meters above my house flying away out of sight i could see it as it went over my house at first i thought it was a helocopter i looked for the spinny things but there was none and i saw a sterotypical ufo shape with small lights on it this just happened a few minutes ago im thinking its either a ufo or a goverment one of them classified stealth planes im making this fast tryna think what the hell happened it flew past my home i do not know what this is im not a big believer in aliens but im mad confused i wish i took a photo but i only saw it for like 15 secs and i didnt think about taking a photo i wish i did

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 06:06PM by karmadarren https://ift.tt/o4O3Buk

If Earth is a planet for souls to learn and grow and we choose our lives, could this be why aliens don’t try to help us? Because we, as souls, chose this life and need to do live it on our own?

If ET’s are interdimensional, wouldn’t this mean they can communicate with our souls after physical death? I think I even read somewhere that a lot of abductees or people with particularly horrifying abductions chose to have that happen to them before they were born. They essentially make a deal with these beings that they can use their physical body for experimentation and in return, their soul is higher after physical death or something to that effect.

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 03:06PM by throw_away_8726393 https://ift.tt/vl6rZ7C

Paranormal Investigation with Extraterrestrial Implications

Chad Calek's has a sequel to his Sir Noface documentary. In Two Face: The Grey, he continues to investigate a compelling paranormal case suggesting extraterrestrial implications on a global scale. A great Sunday treat.

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 02:09PM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/pHKFVBl

New case of cattle mutilation reported in Oregon, United States.

A new case of cattle being mutilated has been reported.

The original article can be read here on the coasttocoastam website: https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/new-cattle-mutilation-case-reported-in-oregon/

"Specifically, Carter observed, the bull's blood had been drained from its body and its reproductive organs as well as its lips and tongue had been removed with what seemed to be surgical precision. Adding another layer of intrigue to the case, the rancher noted that there were no traces of the perpetrator left behind at the grisly scene."

What are your thoughts on cattle mutilation?

Do you think it's aliens?

Why do think they do it?

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 11:46AM by Cool_Dynamics https://ift.tt/hn4dN0z

Cool alien art

I'm a huge fan of aliens. Once a year I travel to Roswell, NM. Anyway I found some cool alien art and I wanted to share: https://solsea.io/collection/61ddff737785e86ef159a998


Submitted March 20, 2022 at 10:40AM by SchwarzLotus https://ift.tt/r5F2VId

I've Spent Over 80 Hours Animating My Third Video And It's About The Nimitz UFO Encounter

Hey everyone, I wanted to make this video so people can see how the Navy located and encountered the Tic Tac UFO and later they managed to get the FLIR footage.

Debunkers would like to ignore all these steps and focus only on the video and they have managed to push a false narrative into the public that the encounter is debunked...


Submitted March 20, 2022 at 10:10AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/kFezuL7

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Humanoid Cases

Can anybody please send me a link or document on encounters with ET's that look like Humans but not quite?

Submitted March 20, 2022 at 01:34AM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/mwypV2O

contact later in life?

Hi everyone! After seeing quite a few posts of experiences with ETs, It seems that the majority of them occur at an earlier part in someone's life. Im in my mid 20s but haven't had any experiences yet. I was curious if anyone has had any ET encounters later in life? If I am lucky enough to encounter them I definitely have some questions about our universe i'd like to ask lol.

Submitted March 19, 2022 at 10:48AM by jt121234 https://ift.tt/WMBTNU4

This is a letter my mom sent me and my brothers this morning. It's her accounting of a UFO encounter she and my deceased father had back in the early seventies, in Northern California, in the hills above Cazadero. Quite interesting stuff, I was around 4 years old, depending on the year.

This is the entire letter. I don't study UFOs so I cannot vouch for the person she refers to in the last paragraph. The first two paragraphs are the accounting of what she and my father witnessed. I have no reason to disbelieve her:

Dear sons,

I am sending a video that was just made that you might want to watch.  I watched it last night (I found it while looking for something else - funny how that happens in life).  I am sending it to you because I  felt so close to Dad as I watched this and how completely he was fascinated and drawn to UFO's and how strongly he felt that every single thing under the sun should be able to be investigated scientifically - that there should be no taboos ever.  He was especially disturbed that people who wanted to study UFO's were mocked and laughed at.  I remember him telling me that that posture was a government decision to prevent serious consideration of UFO's.  I remember going with him a few times to the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) meetings at various locations.  Wasn't it incredible that he was so interested in so many things - an incredibly talented brilliant man.

I don't know if you know of the UFO experience we had while living in our dome at Gualala Ranch in 1973 or 74.  It was a mild spring (or summer I think) night and we had finished dinner and were sitting outside on the little deck facing west.  Suddenly (literally suddenly) there appeared a bright object in the sky.  We watched in fascination as it moved at enormous speed (it was silent) across the sky and then would just as suddenly move in another direction before changing again.  It also arose straight up in the air at times and then down again. This happened for awhile - maybe 10-15 min or so.  Dad was convinced it was a UFO and said he hoped it would land and communicate with us.  He left the deck and walked a little further from the dome and was trying to communicate mentally with whatever it was to invite contact.  I was afraid and upset and asked him to please stop and to come inside.  He told me I did not have to be afraid.  I did not believe him.  It frightened me to see something so strange in the sky.  Dad was not afraid at all.

This video I am sending you is talking about UFO's - their presence, their deep concern about how things are going on our planet, their interest in humanity, their non-interference, their hope that we finally grow up as a species.  I don't know if Dad read the books of the man in this video - Dr. Greer is an emergency room physician and has been writing and studying UFO's for years, but I know he would be in sync with his views.  He speaks of the contacts, the deep concern of some "cosmic organization" that is monitoring our situation and offers information on "the Black Curse" as it is called (our use of oil/gas) and the destruction of our planet and it being the cause of almost all the wars and unrest.  He speaks of non-violent resistance as well as so many other things, including technoloy that already exists for clean energy that has been stalled or stop by the petrol industry and all that entails.  He speaks of open source energy that already exists.  Imagine free energy.  Would humanity be free to get along then?There is much food for thought in this video and it is clearly looking at the threat we are now facing - esp nuclear - but also I felt hopeful and encouraged.  I hope you will watch it and perhaps we can exchange thoughts about it.  


Submitted March 19, 2022 at 08:55AM by infodawg https://ift.tt/zB4iVC8

Reminder that the UFO issue isn't just a problem for the US.

UK RAF whistleblower reveals that craft demonstrating incredible abilities also picked on UK radar. The British government and military fully aware of the potential threat posed by these visitors.


Submitted March 19, 2022 at 07:25AM by markglas https://ift.tt/ivNUSMm

I just want to know for certain

All i want is to know 100% for certain of we are alone or not. Im hoping ill know before i die. I starting to lose my belief in extraterrestrial life, because everyone around me is constantly debunking my beliefs. Ive got nothing to lose, im in a super low point in life, all i want is to know.

Submitted March 19, 2022 at 06:22AM by mordi12345 https://ift.tt/WOBGs8r

I want a Alien Girlfriend


Submitted March 19, 2022 at 05:14AM by JumpManBlue https://ift.tt/qP7OWsk

Friday, March 18, 2022

Aliens likely call their planet "Earth" too

And they call themselves humans. Just in their language.

Submitted March 19, 2022 at 01:06AM by timecamper https://ift.tt/e0mE7k6

I am looking for stories of alien types I recall from some book or other. Tall greys with short hairy helpers.

I recall reading some encounter experiences with a type of alien similar to a grey, but tall. They are associated with squat, hairy creatures that seem to assist.

Looking on the internet hasn't yielded much and I'm wondering if I invented it or if it's from a movie.

Submitted March 19, 2022 at 01:09AM by DomesticApe23 https://ift.tt/3aTehKG

can anyone link me those fake videos of german ufos and die glocke?

I'm currently trying to make a video and need scoop of these ufo videos and I remember there being one about the haunebu and die glocke. So if you know what I'm talking about, plz link me the vids plz and thx.

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 11:53PM by chef_joker https://ift.tt/aks3S5h

Can Astral Projection help in finding aliens?

So recently, I have been reading a book called 'Astral Projection, OBE and Lucid Dreams'.

The catch is that one of the benefits of Astral Projection is that we can travel limitless, and it's mentioned that Astral Projection can be useful in finding aliens. They say that we can go anywhere we want, even into area 51.

I have not experienced it yet, but there are multiple people who have accomplished successful Astral projections. I felt that I should first take your opinions on the matter and also let you know about this information.

Disclamer: I don't have any solid proof, and I'm just conveying what I found to you all.

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 01:34PM by Money_Ad_1311 https://ift.tt/4Tj1MtL

Reverse question, where would you retreat to if there was an alien invasion?

And would Area 51 accept humans into the base or is it still bad blood?

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 08:28AM by MessageOk9579 https://ift.tt/yZWI9Et

Did aliens created humans?

I've heard theories about us being an alien experiment. What are your thoughts about that?

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 06:53AM by WinterFlan9416 https://ift.tt/1OSLKQx

What do you guys think of Bob Lazar?

I have been researching aliens for the past year and a half and I've come across a lot of stories. But one stands out and that is of Bob Lazar. I genuinely believe him because everything he describes and says is verifiable and supported by contextual evidence. I just have no physical evidence to prove it. So I was wondering what people in this subreddit think of his story. Do you believe him and why/why not?

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 05:16AM by Badassteenager https://ift.tt/pFovbHW

Please check this out. I’ve watched this YouTube for years now and I remembered about this video and I’m sure a lot of you haven’t seen it or know who he is. He doesn’t talk about this kind of stuff at all. His story is crazy as well.

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 03:40AM by JumpManBlue https://ift.tt/ZBtWw8u

Thursday, March 17, 2022

I think I saw a UFO last night..

So last night at about 9:30pm I was inside my house. There’s a venue behind my house that always has parties and I heard all this noise. My house backs onto a laneway and I heard this loud crash thinking that maybe someone had throw something into my garage door or the kids yelling I was hearing was actually naughty teenagers kicking peoples fences ect (we all did it growing up). So I finally went outside to just check, my backyard is really big and I have a gate that separates my courtyard from my back yard with grass ect, I lock it every night just to feel safer when I’m in the house as I live alone. Anyway the gate is lattice fencing so I went up to the gate that’s probably about 8 meters from my house and look through just to make sure my very back gate that’s metal isn’t open and that the kids yelling I could hear were actually from the venue behind my house (they were).

I turned around and I looked up at the sky, because it was such a nice night. I also want to say I never go outside at night because I often feel scared. But the sky was clear, the moon was full so it was bright and it felt calm. I was standing at the gate the separates the courtyard and backyard and when I was looking up I saw something moving towards me. It was high up in the sky but not too high I couldn’t see it, it also came down lower while it was moving towards me. I stood there thinking it was a plane because it had a small flashing light but it wasn’t flashing it was more so blinking. It came down lower and I thought maybe it was a drone; it made no sound though. It was just above my house which is a single story home and almost did semi circle to be in my direct line of vision. I realised it couldn’t be a drone because it had no colour, essentially like a bubble? I could see the edges and the shape as a whole moving in the sky but it had no solid colour to it. The light that flashed that caught my attention also didn’t flash after I was looking at it or when it was hovering in one place. After it hovered for a brief moment it then almost like vanished into the sky. It went up in the shape of a straight line and a light blinked again and then it was gone. When it was hovering also it wasn’t big, it would be maybe the size of a small dinner place (bread and butter plate I’m not sure what you call it?

I didn’t feel scared, I was curious. But that’s was it. I really don’t know how else better to describe it than a bubble. Like it was invisible but also viable as I could see the edges and that it had a body.

I guess I’m writing this to connect with anyone else that’s seen something like this and to know what anyone thinks of this experience.

Also please forgive me if words are spelt incorrectly or poor grammar, I have dyslexia and I’ve tried to spell check this but often miss things haha.

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 12:43AM by kungflupandaa https://ift.tt/8QXDnYw

Got to talk about my project thanks to ExoMetaverse!


Submitted March 17, 2022 at 11:41PM by AntisocialGuru https://ift.tt/Q7x34bm

I have a strong feeling that i will come across a UFO atleast once in my life😎.

I have experienced my gut feelings coming true many times before😉. Hope so aliens will not be that much scary😍😂

Submitted March 17, 2022 at 11:07AM by herazanaseer https://ift.tt/yD962Se

Is making our planet a better place to live in before colonising Mars, a wrong thing to say?

Okay so I want to ask this question here! We as humans want to become a multiplanetary species and our great leader Elon Musk is trying everything he can to get humanity to Mars. Great! But before venturing into space, there are various things which need to be corrected on our planet Earth na?

I agree that there are infinite resources available in space but then we don't have the technology to mine asteroids, colonize other planets and get the resources, right? Shouldn't we work together as a whole and come up with better solutions to make Earth a better place and then go and visit other planets? Isn't a first step necessary here?

What are your thoughts about this?

Submitted March 17, 2022 at 07:07AM by spacefanatic666 https://ift.tt/Pmt8KZa

This is what the aliens use. Set all magnetic spheres to repel off each other and this is what you would get.


Submitted March 17, 2022 at 06:01AM by KevinSprowl https://ift.tt/7DxOtey

They must know everything.

I suppose it would be pretty easy for alien watchers to park a space probe near one of our bigger stationary satellites out in space and pick up all the data that is constantly getting uploaded and downloaded. Their AI system would be able to analyze everything and give them updates on demand about what exactly we earthlings are up to.

Submitted March 17, 2022 at 02:34AM by CatioDaddio https://ift.tt/njdtI2J

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I just played this free demo game on Steam called “They are here” SO GOOD. ALIEN HORROR GAME. Please download and play it. It’s about true events. Go check it out. So realistic


Submitted March 17, 2022 at 12:52AM by JumpManBlue https://ift.tt/fXh4bE5

Some alien worlds are bound to be extremely similar to ours - not necessarily in a good way

As many stars as there are in this galaxy alone, let alone other galaxies, the past, and the future? Earth-like planets probably tend to produce Earth-like life. Biodiversity is high here. Some traits evolved independently in different species multiple times, so those same traits probably did pretty well on similar planets too. Plants probably look mostly the same. Bugs, mammals, reptiles, birds, microorganisms, amphibians, fungus, and fish all fill their biological niches. Some have weird, flashy characteristics that attract mates and don't really serve any other purpose but it's mostly just traits that aid in survival with little regard for aesthetics. Sapient life has to exist on countless other planets as well, and some of those have a roughly similar level of technology and society. What I'm getting at is this: you know when you need gas, so you stop at one of many gas stations along the highway to get it, go into the store and buy something to snack on while you're in there, and on the way out a drug addict approaches you and begs you for money, then you get back on the highway and sit in traffic again? I guarantee this isn't the only planet where that (and other similarly mundane and annoying things) happen regularly. It's just weird when you think about it. There were crackheads at the 7/11 with wasp nests in some of the nooks and crannies around the building and anthills in the cracks on pavement with a full view of the traffic that's at a dead stop on a different planet somewhere millions of years ago, and they'll be there again on some other planet millions of years from now. Might not be fossil fuels - could be hydrogen, propane, electricity, ethanol, etc. but the point remains there's some kind of vehicle that needs some kind of fuel which is exchanged for some kind of currency.

Not all alien life is scifi-esque and weird but it's interesting to think that we're probably not alone in the mundane and annoying day-to-day stuff we deal with, even if we might never meet or even know about the aliens out there living just like us.

Submitted March 16, 2022 at 11:17PM by PiratesOfTheAss https://ift.tt/m98Zcn7

Ok last time I’ll try to post this vid here. This is max zoom on a Samsung, edited video for brighten of the night sky


Submitted March 16, 2022 at 03:35PM by RockstarBrandon01 https://ift.tt/ewj648E

Maybe The Phenomenon can only exist in our reality if we are aware of it to a certain degree.

Without realizing it, we all agree on reality every waking second of the day. If something from outside of our reality wanted to make an appearance in our reality, technically we would have to be aware of it somewhat for that to happen.

If there is a telepathic or consciousness-based component to The Phenomenon, then it would be able to know when nobody is around, and if people are around what they are paying attention to. This could explain the lack of hard evidence, and only brief, seemingly accidental encounters people have. If there is a component of controlling time/space as well, then it would be very, very easy for it to never (or rarely) be spotted. If I thought "I need to take a picture," then it would know that and be able to prevent it. If there were a lot of people around, it would know not to go there because it can see a cluster of conscious activity, etc.

However, sometimes it seems like it makes brief appearances just to keep the discussion going. This could also be why people who have longer encounters (or abductions) are often told of a prophecy of some sort that isn't real. The Phenomenon knows this person will tell at least some people, keeping the discussion going until that date at the very least. Maybe this is what fuels their existence in our reality, some sort of collective awareness. This could also be why it's often a weak "signal," so to speak. Because only a small portion of people are giving "awareness" to The Phenomenon at any given time. In Biblical times, The Phenomenon was much more prevalent in our reality because so many people believed in it deeply (interpreted then as spiritual, or Holy, rather than the sci-fi versions we have today).

Erratic orbs in the sky, for instance, could be some sort of beacon sent out to get humans riled up and thinking about what it could be, thus generating enough focused conscious awareness to fuel larger "projects."

Sneaky, sneaky.

Submitted March 16, 2022 at 02:14PM by h_r_l_ https://ift.tt/lSuNIrf

ʻOumuamua prompted Disclosure

I'm using "Disclosure" as short hand for NY Times, the 3 Pentagon videos and Lue.

Is it a coincidence that ʻOumuamua discovered by Robert Weryk using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakalā Observatory, Hawaii, on 19 October 2017 would be followed just 58 days later by the New York Times story 'The Pentagon's Mysterious UFO Program' of Dec 16th - the beginning of the phase of the Phenomenon we are still in.

Or did the powers that be realize that ʻOumuamua was too big to hide and preparations should begin for Disclosure?

Submitted March 16, 2022 at 09:02AM by PeoplesDope https://ift.tt/SEvwoHe

Is it possible that the big bang was “man made” by a really advanced alien civilization? What if their universe was dying and it was the only way to make life happen again.


Submitted March 16, 2022 at 06:17AM by prfndsamurai https://ift.tt/YkOGaNl

Thought experiment

Existence is experiencing a spectrum of information driven by time itself,

Think of all existence beginning on a blank vinyl; the etching that makes up the music that we hear as we play the vinyl - is the concept of time playing itself out.

The concept of etching new sounds to the vinyl is a reference to how we can store and retrieve new information within a future or present state, but what has already been etched without our prior knowledge is recorded history. We cannot erase the past, we cannot predict the future and what it would sound like, we can hear the present; which gives us understanding of what was in the past and what is to come, but ultimately time itself connects information that makes up our sense of reality and that’s a really interesting thought experiment one should ponder about.

Is it that we are simply a vinyl (made out of matter) that has etched historic marks (the past), that were etched by some unknown force/entity or concept of randomness of which has just resulted in us to be what we are?) and that we are part of those etched markings that continue to etch further groves into the vinyl (the future). In that case, what we experience now is something of an illusion; time itself creates reality by creating a show where the record can be played and etched on to unfold the sound of the next song, and then the next and the next, until we reach a point where no more information can be processed and then; BANG. A Big Bang?

Submitted March 16, 2022 at 03:23AM by snortusmaximus https://ift.tt/Zb8tRoj

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Do aliens know that life continues after death?

What are your thoughts on this? I read countless aliens stories and in many accounts, life after death is mentioned. Is the human body a mere vessel to this world, and after it seizes to exist the soul continues? What do you guys think? I personally believe that there is a continuation to life and no... I am not religious.

Submitted March 16, 2022 at 12:41AM by Crafty-Meeting-9367 https://ift.tt/rQ9ZC7B


Can anyone please link me to any websites or documents where I can find information on Greys?

Submitted March 15, 2022 at 05:33AM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/j4NH8wP

aliens, altered states of consciousness and spirituality.

Based on personal experiences Ive grown an understanding that these subjects are very closely related. Wondering if anyone has there own takes on this. Open to discussion.

Submitted March 15, 2022 at 03:35AM by natranaut https://ift.tt/aVnGZ3K

Monday, March 14, 2022

Light Beings

Can anyone please link me to any websites or documents where I can find information on Light Beings?

Submitted March 15, 2022 at 12:00AM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/8raUqdB

ancient advanced ancestors

Evidence by Randell Carlson suggest that there was a ancient advanced human civilization who built the pymarids and Atlantis. It is believable because the same brains that did all the modern day advancement within 100 years was pretty much the same 20k-40k years ago, but we got reset by a cataclysmic event.

Even Bob lazar said that the craft he worked on was not a crash but was an archaeological artifact from 10,000 years ago.

So my theory is either humans split, some went to space, some hid underground.

Let’s play some eugenics and breed IQ like we breed vegetables and plants… we have the capability to literally exponentially breed our way to smarter humans… it only takes one dumb human to know the concept of selective breeding to start the biological singularity. Whether by aliens or by ourselves or by the people who hid under some advanced bunkers.

Edit: I am not in favor of eugenics but I think gene splicing and AI are basically the means to the same goal. As long as no one is hurt or forced.

Submitted March 15, 2022 at 12:04AM by PhuckYouRedditUgly https://ift.tt/bG5IjRB

Thoughts on drugs/consciousness/aliens/ random stuff

Okay so this is kind of another off topic post but I truly think this all ties together, how, well I just don't know yet. For anybody that's ever tried psychedelics ever notice that two things you will probably experience is some form of sacred geometry and two, disembodiment.

Ever wonder why marijuana/lcd/dmt has been just tossed out with the rest of the "bad" hard drugs without much "science" being applied until recently?

I saw an interesting post from MIT a couple of weeks ago that stated that humans hallucinate reality. I mean not really shocking to me, but excellent to see another highly regarded educational institution take this topic seriously.

Where I'm going with this is, imagine, truly just for a moment that when you enter that part of a "trip" where your sight is irrelevant of your body, and their are entities there, ever wonder why sometimes seem to notice you and approach you?

Ever wonder why of all things, we start to recognize things in the form of shapes, patterns, almost like it's too real, but like you are seeing the bigger picture all come together?

I've had some experiences for instance where I was pretty deep off of a quad of amazonians. I ended up having a moment where I couldn't see, and then all of the sudden I felt an immense sadness and emotions hit me like a tidal wave (this part wasn't necessarily new to me but the next part was).

I ended up seeing life flash before my eyes and an immense pain. This life though wasn't my own and I now realize that it was my aunt's. All I felt was that at that moment she was ready to die (had brain cancer).

I found out later that that very day she went blind, and then passed away literally as I was experiencing this.

I guess what I'm getting at is, although some people might just see things, I think "aliens" is an incredibly broad term. Think as broad if not more broad than the species on earth that we know of.

I think that (spirits/demons/ fallen angels/ insert whatever class of alien/spirit you want here) there's a fundamental part of consciousness that we might not even be experiencing that could be answering many of the questions we ask about aliens. I think there's beings in the above dimensions, I think there's alien beings in our dimension, and I think as many animals as there are on earth, there's entire classifications of "life" we can't even begin to comprehend nor may we ever.

Little bit of a tangent here but ever wonder why the whites aliens are tall and lanky? Maybe look at what the effects of gravity or lack thereof would do to the body? Big brains? Would make sense but I can only theorize.

Pale? Could make sense, since the absence of sunlight or walking under radiation is probably a thing of the past for them. Maybe?

Owl like eyes? Think genetically modified to see like an owl, but instead of the night, to the stars.

Small mouths, maybe because they can communicate with their minds because a part of their conscious is a higher level of hallucination. Or their conscious is a higher form of consciousness.

I think there are undoubtedly a ton of things I don't understand, and I hope as this life of mine goes on I continue to get some more clarity.

But that being said, I've seen a "tic-tac" with my own eyes, I've seen a black floating triangle (reddit hates the term TR-3B and granted there are probably many versions), but I've also seen entities for most of my life until I decided that was enough and consciously made the decision not to want to communicate or interact with them anymore. Also, I don't necessarily consider this all lucky either bc honestly some of it feels more like a cross to bear. After all this shit, I still have zero clue what the bigger picture is. I just don't feel like it's Jesus walking on water with flip flops (but holy shit that would be the ultimate joke), my life in a nutshell.

Sorry for the rant!

TLDR: hallucinations from drugs and a higher form of consciousness might literally be the answer right in front of our faces that we haven't even remotely explored enough yet. We go to space, we go to the ocean, we need to go to the inner depths of our minds more, which might ironically hold the keys to everything else.

Submitted March 15, 2022 at 12:07AM by d_pock_chope_bruh https://ift.tt/fHUqLAD

UFO bros, Mick West debunked us again. Why do we keep losing?

Submitted March 14, 2022 at 05:15PM by Minimalist_Logout https://ift.tt/By1ZKSY

Noticed some similarities between these and an experience I had... (Re-uploaded & Story in comments)


Submitted March 14, 2022 at 03:52PM by AntisocialGuru https://ift.tt/vqQdZeV

Alien Autopsy Video

Someone posted a supposed Russian alien autopsy video I hadn’t seen before earlier. Can’t find the post anymore. Does anyone have the YouTube link?

Submitted March 14, 2022 at 12:54PM by 20_thousand_leauges https://ift.tt/K16o3wa

Strange Request

Hello, I have come to this subreddit in search of people with the desire to discover the truth behind UFO's and our origin on Earth. I am sure that this describes many of you on this forum, but I am specifically looking for people that want to actually adventure into the world, investigate important places, and find the truth. I have no doubt that there are groups out there that plan to do this, or are already doing it, which is why I am here.

Does anyone know of any groups like this? It does not have to be a previously established group though, If anyone knows of any discord servers, private subreddits, or just any community who's goal is to uncover the truth through action, please let me know.

I have spent so much of my life in ignorance of the reality around me. As I have come to realize the true depths of the unknown, it has become impossible for me to stand idly by and hope that one day the answers will come to light. I can no longer stay complacent, and if guided to the right group, I intend to devote my life to finding the truth.

Submitted March 13, 2022 at 08:17PM by xX_Quantum_Xx https://ift.tt/Pq2QJpL

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.