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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Tom Delonge - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #113


Submitted June 30, 2022 at 02:46PM by Kuri44 https://ift.tt/V4d8Q5l

Do you think we’re smarter than Aliens? If not, why?

Me, my GF and a few friends had this debate and I wanted to see what others think and believe. 🙂

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 01:22PM by Charlie203P https://ift.tt/73NcbtL

are aliens gender fluid?

are aliens gender fluid?

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 12:01PM by Competitive-Draft-98 https://ift.tt/BipJnCg

The Roswell Crash Modeled On My Train Layout


Submitted June 30, 2022 at 12:07PM by StrangeMorris https://ift.tt/8eEtgGr


Skepticism is healthy, but did all the blatant unbelievers just wander in here because they thought this sub was a place to complain about immigration? Lolol.

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 10:42AM by johnjaspers1965 https://ift.tt/BnHJAvt

The intelligence behind the phenomena at Skinwalker ranch could be exposed by having the whole property filmed from all angles live on the internet 24/7.

Though, this may create a world wide supernatural, Lovecraftian contagion plague of god knows what, but at least everyone would finally know about the Non-human intelligences that live amongst us.

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 08:50AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/7hZbY8g

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

gray experience

Hey there! Id love to hear about your experiences with the gray aliens if anyone here has encountered them.

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 06:45AM by Sensitive-Humor-9476 https://ift.tt/brjdPoa


Has any body else experienced sucked through the rough of you car and then waking up screaming with lost time ..I know I saw somthing but it’s like my mind won’t let me process what or who it was

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 05:44AM by theBBC_QB https://ift.tt/HaT5MFp

Imagine you go to another planet and see this lol.


Submitted June 29, 2022 at 04:20AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/zmtnkDb

Travis walton: truth or lie


During that JRE Interview he was asked to describe the aliens from that abduction and can tell he is not very keen to give specific detail and tends to swing the discussion right away. Gray skin, hairless, very large eyes are the typical ones out there. I mean ask a safari guide about his encounter with a lion and you'll see the point I'm making. His story just can't get past my bullshit meter.

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 02:30AM by flatfishmonkey https://ift.tt/WyzBdwq

The Alien Abduction: Pascagoula man says he had an encounter with aliens: this is a more legit story


Submitted June 29, 2022 at 02:54AM by flatfishmonkey https://ift.tt/PGiuNOo

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Is Earth just a Squid Game for Aliens?

While watching that fascinating series about human nature, it occurred to me that perhaps the natural tendency in the universe is to enslave the less powerful.

But the catch is, the more intelligent the enslaver, the more manipulative and covert they can be about the enslavement.

So as humans evolved and became more intelligent over time, our creators, the malevolent alien species, needed to become more and more crafty about their intentions so we wouldn’t wake up to their enslavement of us.

For example, say they created us to be their slaves, terraform Earth, mine gold, silver, and copper and grow vegetation.

So they created religion for us so that we would be happy to follow the above instructions from our Gods.

Now look at modern society.

A population explosion in the 20th century made it harder to control us.

Development of nuclear weapons made a rebellion by us possible.

So what was their response?

Radio, television, proliferation of the internet, a networked earth and a world of small machines.

Now we can be far more easily controlled thru manipulation of content.

It’s a mental war at this point and if we don’t even know they exist, then how can we have any chance of winning?

So what will their response be to full disclosure of the alien presence on Earth?

I don’t know, but I would expect a huge counter-move by the aliens to re-exert control, and maybe this is why disclosure has been interminably delayed as the MJ-12 folks figured out that some version of Squid Game was afoot and they dreaded disclosure because they know the aliens might strike very hard.

Hence the buildout of a planetary defense network via Space Force, in preparation for the possibility that disclosure provokes an all out attack on human civilization.

There sure has been a large increase in alien surveillance and monitoring over the past 10 years, something that does indicate a possible preparation for battle.

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 01:13AM by EngineeringNo1675 https://ift.tt/RuEZBUx

Trancas case, 6 flying saucers, humanoid silhouettes, a white substance composed of Calcium Carbonate (96.48%) and Potassium Carbonate (3.52%) in the footprint and the Naval Intelligence Service questionnaire on this event. Argentina, 1963.

The purpose of this post is not to explain the Trancas case in depth, but to translate and share the form of the Argentine Navy (more precisely, of its UFO division), completed by one of the witnesses that night.

There are several videos and web pages in English that deal with the case, therefore, I will only make a very brief summary of the case, which does not have all the details of it.


October 21, 1963, Jolié Moreno (23 years old) and one of her sisters, Argentina (28), arrived with their young children from Rosario to San Miguel de Tucumán.

There they went to the "Santa Teresa" farm 3 km from the town of Trancas where they would join their parents, Antonio Moreno (72), Teresa Kairuz (63) and her sister Yolanda (32). They traveled because their husbands, both army officers, would participate in maneuvers and in the early morning they would leave by train from Tucumán to Salta, passing through Trancas.

Around 9 p.m, the maid Dora Guzmán (15), who was at the back of the house, appeared and insistently repeated that she saw lights on the railroad embankment, 100 meters from the farm

The sisters went to check on the lights she kept seeing. There were five lights, no less than 100 meters apart: three in front and two a little further to the northeast.

The women suspected that it could be a railway accident or a group of workers repairing the tracks, since to the north they could see silhouettes that seemed human and moved around the beams of light. They seemed to go from one side to the other in a large elongated tube with a compact, almost fluorescent light, which prevented seeing more in detail.

They approached to observe more in detail, until seeing a tenuous greenish luminosity. They thought it was a servant who worked on the farm, surnamed Huanca, who might be driving his truck. Therefore, they went to meet him towards the gate. The three of them walked towards the light and Yolanda directed the light of the flashlight towards the object and, at that precise moment, a ray of reddish light emerged from the object that hit their faces fully and blinded them momentarily, throwing them backwards. The one who suffered the most was the domestic maid, Martina, who was ahead, to the point that she had to be taken to the hospital later, with first and second degree burns.

The object had six rectangular windows and large divisions on the sides, like segments with exposed rivets on its apparently metallic surface. This was stated by the witnesses, who also reported that it produced a slight sound, similar to "turning off a fluorescent tube" and a strong smell of sulfur was perceived, which lasted for several hours.

The Police guarded the place for days. In addition, they asked Dr. Walter G. Tell of the Institute of Chemical Engineering of the University of Tucumán to examine a white powder found at the site of the lights. They were white balls that disintegrated when touched and were present in a radius of almost 30 meters. It turned out to be Calcium Carbonate (96,48%) with Potassium Carbonate (3,52%) impurities.


The following is the form of the UFO Division of the Argentine Navy, of which Frigate Captain Omar Pagani was in command:

\"Unidentified Flying Objects Technical Information Form.\"



Naval Information Service

Unidentified Flying Objects Technical Information Form

The present questionnaire has been prepared so that you can give as much information as possible regarding unidentified flying objects you have observed, (UFO is understood to be any object in flight which, due to its performance and aerodynamic characteristics or unusual features, does not agree with known projectiles, airplanes, objects or atmospheric phenomena).

Try to answer as many questions as you can. The information you provide will be used for research purposes and considered confidential material. Your name will not be used without your permission in connection with any statement or publication made on the subject. This completed questionnaire should be sent to:

Naval Intelligence Service."

1 - When did you see the object? "21-10-1963"

2 - Time of day? "8:30 pm"

3 - Where were you when you saw the object? "Trancas, Tucumán."

4 - How long was the object in sight? "40 minutes."

Check what apply:

With appreciation "Certain" Almost certain Not very sure Conjectured

5 - What was the condition of the sky?








6 - If you saw the object during the day, where was the Sun located when you looked at the object?

A) In front.

B) Behind.

C) To your right.

D) To your left.

E) At the Zenith.

F) Do not remember.

8 - If you saw the object during the night, what did you notice about the stars and the Moon?


(a) "None."

b) A few.

c) Many.

d) Don't remember.


a) Full Moonlight.

b) Less intense moonlight.

c) "No light, total darkness."

d) Do not remember.

9 - The object appeared:

(a) "As a light."

b) Bright.

c) Dark.

d) Do not remember.

If it appeared as a light, was it brighter than the brightest star?

"There were no stars, I can't say."

10 - The object:

a) Seemed to be still at any time?



Don't know.

b) Suddenly accelerated and sped away at some point?



Don't know.

c) Did it break into pieces or explode?



Don't know.

d) Did it emit smoke? "Fog"



Don't know.

e) Change of brightness?



Don't know.

f) Change of shape?



Don't know.

g) Fulgurated or fluttered?



Don't know.

h) Disappeared and reappeared?



Do not know.


11 - Was the object moving behind something, at some point, particularly a cloud?



Don't know.

If you answered Yes, then say behind what:

12 - The object was moving in front of something, at some point, particularly a cloud?



Don't know.

If you answered Yes, then say in front of what:

13 - The object looked like:

(a) "Solid."

b) Transparent.

c) Vapor.

d) Do not know.

14 - Did you observe the object through any of the following?








Other. "Directly at first."


15 - Say in a few words the following things about the object:

(a) Sound: "Barely audible high-pitched buzzing sound."

b) Color: "Aluminum."

16 - Draw a picture showing the shape of the object(s). Point out and include in your drawing any details of the object you saw such as wings, protrusion, etc., and especially exhaust trails or vapor trails. Put an arrow next to the drawing to show the direction of the object's movement:

"Fixed windows to the outside. Apparently a colored serpentine was spinning inside that made the light change colors constantly."

17 - The edges of the object were:

(a) Blurred or fuzzy.

b) Like a bright star.

c) "Clearly delineated"

d) Don't remember.

e) Other:

18 - If there was more than one object, then how many were there? "Six"

Draw a picture of how they were arranged and put an arrow to show the direction they were traveling:


19 - Draw a picture showing the movement the object(s) made. Place an "A" at the beginning of the trajectory, a "B" at the end of the trajectory, and show any changes in direction during the trajectory.

"1 ship in the garden of the property".

20 - What size did the object appear to be to you when compared to one you are familiar with?

"Like a train"

21 - We want to know the angular dimension. Hold a match at an arm's length in line with a known object and see how much of the object is covered by the match head. If you performed the experiment at the time of the sighting, how much of the object would have been covered by the match head?

22 - Did the object disappear while you were observing it? If yes, how?

"The apparatus in front of the house (the one we observed the most) emitted a beam of light that seemed solid, as it did not leave (?) that, oriented to the South, turned 180º from South to North (by elevation). Upon reaching that point, the other devices and this one, started at the same time the march towards the East until it was lost behind the Medina hill."


23 - In order for you to give as clear a picture as possible of what you saw, describe in your own words a common object or objects that, placed in the sky, give the same appearance as the object you saw.

"A bus."

24 - Where were you located when you saw the object?

a) Inside a building. "(In a second moment)"

b) In a car.

c) Outside. "(At the first moment)"

d) In an airplane.

e) At sea.

f) Other...

25 - You were:

(a) In the commercial center of a city.

b) In the residential center of a city.

c) "In the open countryside."

d) Near an airfield.

e) Flying over a city.

f) Flying over an open field.

g) Others....

26 - What were you doing when you saw the object and how did you happen to notice it?

"I was lying down, when I was called by service personnel to observe what appeared to be an accident on the railway tracks. Initially I saw something like two spotlights facing each other on the embankment, in whose beams silhouettes were passing.

As I left the house with the other family members (after our call) and provided with a flashlight, with the intention of going to the railway tracks (?) we saw a few meters away (at the garden gate) a faint greenish light (similar to the light of the mercury gas bulb that is going out) that we mistook for the truck of a laborer. We turned on the flashlight to illuminate it, finding a (?)

*****Note from me: Apparently Jolie was left with no more place to write on this page, so this text continues on one of the last pages of the form, but I don't want to break the order of the pages, so I'll leave another message below to let you know that there follows this text*****


27 - If you were moving in a car or other vehicle at the time, complete the following questions:

In what direction were you moving?

a) North.

b) Northeast.

c) East.

d) Southeast.

e) South.

f) Southwest.

g) West.

h) Northwest.

At what speed were you moving?

Did you stop at any time while looking at the object?



28 - In which direction were you looking when you saw the object?

a) North.

b) "Northeast."

c) East.

d) Southeast.

e) South.

f) Southwest.

g) West.

h) Northwest.

i) Upward.


29 - In which direction were you looking when you last saw the object?

a) North.

b) Northeast.

c) "East."

d) Southeast.

e) South.

f) Southwest.

g) West.

h) Northwest.

i) Upward.

30 - If you are familiar with azimuth (angular direction) terms, try to estimate the number of degrees the object was from true north (due east) and also the number of degrees it was above the horizon (elevation).

When it first appeared:

a) From true north: "15º"

b) From the horizon: "5º"

When it disappeared:

a) From true north

b) From the horizon: "30º"

31 - In the following diagram, imagine that you are at the indicated point. Place an "A" on the curved line to show the height of the object above the horizon when you first saw it. Place a "B" on the same curved line to show the height of the object above the horizon when you last saw it.


32 - In the following diagram place an "A" in the position of the object when you saw it for the first time, and a "B" in its position when you saw it for the last time. Refer to the smaller diagram as an example of how the larger diagram should be completed.

33 - What were the weather conditions at the time you saw the object?


(a) Clear sky.

b) "Foggy."

c) Scattered clouds.

d) Dense or charged clouds.


a) "Dry."

b) Foggy, drizzle or light rain.

c) Moderate or heavy rain.

d) Snow.

e) Do not remember.

34 - When and to whom did you notify that you had seen the object?

35 - Was anyone else with you at the time you saw the object?



If yes, did they also see the object?




Please enter their names and addresses:

36 - Was this the first time you saw an object or objects like this?



If No, when, where and under what circumstances did you see the others?

37 - In your opinion, what do you think was the object and what could have caused it?

"An unknown spacecraft"

38 - Do you think you can estimate the speed of the object?



If yes, at what speed do you estimate?

39 - Do you think you can estimate how far away the object was from you?



If yes, then how far away would you say it was?

"At first, about five meters away".


40 - Physical Evidence Information. Immediately report the existence of physical evidence (either material or photographic).


  1. Fixed photographs. Submit negatives and two copies. Title the copies and negatives, or indicate the place, time and date of the incident.
  2. Motion film. Obtain the original film. Examine the film for apparent cuts, alterations, obliterations, or defects. In the report comment on any irregularities, particularly if received from other than the official source.
  3. Supplemental Photographic Information. Negatives and prints are often insufficient to provide certain valid data or to permit firm conclusions. Information that will aid in location, approximate distances, apparent size and nature of the object, probable speed, and movements, include:

(a) Type and brand of camera.

b) Type, focal length, and brand of lens.

c) Brand and type of film.

d) Shutter speed used.

e) Lens aperture used, i.e., the "f" point.

f) Filters used.

g) Base used, solid or tripod.

h) If a "lens hood" was used.

i) The exact direction the camera was pointing in relation to true North, and its angle with respect to the earth.

4) Other camera data. If supplementary information cannot be obtained, the minimum data required are the type of camera, maximum and minimum apertures and camera speeds.

5) Radar. Submit two copies of each still camera photographic copy. Title the radarscope photographic prints.

Note: If possible, develop the photographic film before sending it. If the film is shipped undeveloped, mark it visibly to indicate this fact. Undeveloped film has often been destroyed by exposure and handling during inspection en route to its final destination.

b) Material

Any Agency or Destination receiving suspected UFO material should safeguard it so as to avoid any deformation or alteration that might reduce its value for examination and analysis by the Naval Intelligence Service.

c) Photographs, Motion Picture Film and Negative Submissions.

Individuals often submit photographic or motion picture material as part of their UFO reports.

All submitted material will be returned to the interested parties, after completion of the necessary studies, analysis and copying by the Naval Intelligence Service.


41 - Please provide the following information about yourself:

Last name: "Moreno Ebaich"

First Name: "Jolie"

Middle Name: "del Valle"

Street: "Leiva"

City: "Rosario"

County: "Rosario"

Province: "Santa Fé"


Age: "24"

Marital Status: "Married"

Indicate any additional information about yourself including education that might be pertinent.

"I attended secondary school "Colegio Segundo Corazón" up to 3rd year and then (?)

42 - Date you completed this questionnaire:

Day: "29"

Month: "11"

Year: "64"



(Compendium of data)

So that your information can be filed and coded as accurately as possible, please use the space below to write a short description of the event you observed. You may repeat the information you have given in the questionnaire and add any additional comments, statements or diagrams that you feel are important. Try to present the details of the information in the order in which they occurred.

Name: "Jolie del Valle Moreno Ebaich".


Date: "11-29-64"

Question No. 26:

**** Note from me: The text mentioned at the beginning of the form continues on this page. ****

... apparatus rising a short distance above the ground, giving off a white mist on its underside. When we turned on the flashlight it gave off towards us a beam of intense red light of great heat, which hit us in the face making us retreat to the interior of the house. The illuminated apparatus consisted of six windows inside which began to rotate with increasing speed something like a ribbon or serpentine that made the light of the windows change color constantly, giving off more color the greater the amount of fog at the bottom. The other apparatuses in their totality on the tracks more or less in a sector of a (?) of distance were illuminated, directing parallel rays of light towards the house and facilities, analyzing all the angles of the farm, the roof, etc."

"The closest one (the one in the garden) directed a beam of light to the barn 20 meters away from the house. Another one of the apparatuses, from above the embankment of the tracks, launched two parallel beams of light that when leaving the ship advanced slowly, like two gigantic pills through the fields, (?) to stop in the barn where the chickens were kept, for 40 minutes (it is then when (?) the hour).

The light that enveloped the house made the temperature inside unbearable and the children


(who did not wake up) sweated profusely.

It is worth mentioning that the objects in their (?) elevation, which was at the height of the hill "Medina" (they were lost behind it) left the horizon tinged with red and white lights (like a city seen from an airplane) for more than an hour, (?) that the neighbor Francisco Cropiano could observe after we managed to wake him up.

It is double to clarify also, that while the apparatuses remained stationary, they wobbled on their axis, without stopping at any moment."

Question Nº 16:

Fixed windows to the outside.

It seems that a colored serpentine was spinning inside them, causing the light to change color constantly.



"Buenos Aires, October 1, 1964.

Dear Madam:

As promised, I am sending you the forms printed by the Naval Intelligence Service for you to fill in the data of your observations of Unidentified Flying Objects. When you have filled it out, you may send it to the address indicated therein or to my own address. Omar R. Pagani, Cap. de Frag. -Naval War School - Avenida del Libertador nº 8071 or to Mr. Azeuy if you prefer.

And moving on to our favorite subject, I will tell you that next week we will connect with some people from the north of Tucuman, but we still do not know their identity, who according to what we have been informed have made some interesting observations. We will let you know when this happens, as your help in qualifying these people could be very useful, if you know them.

Madam, if it would be more convenient for you to send the forms to my mother's house in Rosario, you can do it, her address is 1140 Alvear St. - Rosario-.

I hope I have not disturbed your attention too much and while waiting for your reply, I send you my best regards, which I hope you will extend to your husband, whom I also hope to meet."



Details of the Trancas case, (?) results:

When she was in the garden with her sister, (?) without speaking so as not to wake the others, they thought that a very faint light of greenish color, was the reflection of the moon (which there was not) on the roof of a pickup truck of a stallholder who had just bought it and as he did not drive well he left it there in the garden, after a moment when she turned on the flashlight and directed her light towards that place she discovered the apparatus she describes in her report. He saw (?) quantity of "airplane rivets" that (?) in the upper part, at least 6 straight (?) (whenever (?)) and an upper dome, which was of (?) lit the dim greenish light that she had observed.

As remains where the UFO had been there was a flattened lettuce plantation, and a lot of small balls (1cm in diameter) very (?), white in color and that fell apart when touched. According to


Mrs. Colotti, they were analyzed in the (?) of Tucumán and the report says that they are remains of Calcium with Magnesium in a state of great purity. ?

The mark on the lettuce planting (?) looks like a burn, but when sowing this year or rather when picking up the seed it was verified that in that area the soil would have been sterile."


"Rosario 11-29-64


Frigate Captain D. Omar R. Pagani.

Of my highest consideration.

In response to your courtesy of July 1st October, I enclose, duly completed, the forms that kind enough you send to me.

There is data that I cannot detail exactly because I do not have the elements of precision or related knowledge, otherwise except for the logical deficiencies that all the time that has elapsed brings (?), I think I have been quite objective in the data supplied.

I regret not having been able to cover what was requested before, due to the fact that I was absent from the city. Regarding your request to qualify various people to be questioned in the north of Tucuman, I will gladly send you my opinion, if I meet them, regarding them.

Likewise, for reasons of my husband's professional nature, at the end of the year we will leave Rosario, and very possibly we (?) in (?), in which case or another, I will send you my (?) address in order to maintain contact,


in case at your discretion, (?) Without another particular, I take the opportunity to greet you on behalf of myself and my husband, with my highest consideration. Jolie M. Ebaich de Colotti."

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 12:28PM by Raxazetta https://ift.tt/rV4msY6

UHF Corp on TikTok - Full Transparency about Alien Life on Earth

I've searched all over reddit, and have seen no content posted regarding a new tiktok account UHFcorp, claiming to be a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to safeguarding and learning from known alien life forms.

Of course I have my skepticism, but this "organization" doesn't appear to be selling anything, or advertising anything that could benefit from the publicity.

They claim that due to public awareness regarding UFO/UAP and Aliens, that it was time for them to become transparent on their research they've been conducting since the 50s.

Anyone have any thoughts about these claims? Is this the moment we've all been awaiting? Full public transparency on aliens??

Here is their link tree: UHF Corp Link Tree

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 11:14AM by rotsquid https://ift.tt/7pDWNme

The Holloman Air Force base UFO/alien encounter


Submitted June 28, 2022 at 08:45AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/YAni0bk

Hyper sonic UFO over Fox Glacier, New Zealand


Submitted June 28, 2022 at 04:42AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/eTDnN0V

Monday, June 27, 2022

Louis C.K, Donald Rumsfeld and the Reptilian Conspiracy

Do you guys know that in 2011, Louis C.K asked Donald Rumsfeld is he was a reptilian ? Here's the wild part : Donald Rumsfeld obfuscates like crazy and doesn't answer . Louis asks him very directly "Can you give us a straight answer ?", and instead of just saying "No, this is dumb", Rumsfeld goes on some wild tangents about being offered diner at a restaurant. So yeah make of it whatever you want, but it does correlate with the "free will/we can't lie about the evil stuff we do" supposed rule of the universe.

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 01:58AM by hubertbonisseurjr https://ift.tt/DyFwEVr

Men in Black Theory

Ok, first of all, I’m in the mood to be up front and honest about something that I never really talk about, even though it’s my favorite subject within the UFO realm.

I must admit I’m a little embarrassed about saying so, but I’ve had an unhealthy obsession with wanting to figure out the Men In Black mystery.

I realize it sounds silly, and it’s not as important as studying propulsion systems, reading about telepathy or even just imagining what another extraterrestrial civilization might be like.

I know this makes me a little bit of a weirdo, and that’s not the type of person I typically care to be viewed as, but since I care so deeply about getting the answer to the Men In Black deal, I‘m going to make an exception and not really worry about seeming like some freak to other people.

Like what % of UFO buffs would pick The Men In Black mystery as their favorite topic when you have the whole interdimensional vs extraterrestrial debate out there, and the future human vs parallel universe choices out there, I mean which is more probable, the future human or the parallel universe? Who would you bet on? Damn, that’s a really interesting question, which one of those two choices is more likely? That’s exciting shit right there for sure. And I know all of those topics dwarf the importance of the MIB mystery, but I really don’t care, because to me the MIB saga is the most interesting thing in the world. Not even just in the UFO subject, in the entire world of subjects. It’s just that fascinating.

Ok, now that I’ve admitted how damn lame I am, let’s review the Men In Black issue. These are guys that show up, usually at your place of residence, almost always two at a time, after somebody sees a UFO or has a close encounter. They are generally described as being tall and intimidating looking, and nearly always identical. Now here’s the thing, I haven’t even said anything that interesting yet. I mean, on the one hand it’s kind of weird to have 2 scary looking random dudes show up at your house just because you had an interaction with a UFO. On the other hand, it’s sort of expected, right, I mean it’s pretty strange, but then again so is the psycho-ness of the government in terms of how intense they are at making sure the secrecy lid on UFOs stays squarely strapped down, so their disinformation campaign and coverup can then run relatively unopposed by the reality of the situation — that UFOs are real. So the existence of the MIB and the government’s secrecy around UFOs are both a 10/10 on the strangeness scale, so they cancel each other out. Therefore, the strangeness of the fact that MIB exists really isn’t that strange given how much the government acts like they have on the line if the UFO secret ever got out.

Ok, so what then is really strange about the MIB? Why are they the most original invention since radio or air conditioning or video games or the the bacon cheeseburger?

Because of how they just show up put of nowhere and how freaky these guys look and how wacky they act, and because they have all kinds of special powers that only characters in cartoons have, and then to cap it all off, they can just disappear instanteously. And they leave the UFO witness super super confused. Like did that shit actually even happen? Like in real life?

Alright, so I’m pretty high right now so maybe I overdid it a little bit on how ashamed I was about being this damn interested in The Men In Black. I mean, now that I typed all that out, it deserves to be more interesting than people think it is.

These guys always roll up to somebody’s house in a black Cadillac, like that’s their choice of cars. So friggin weird. And you are always home alone, they never come over when you have any company. And then these 2 intimidating guys roll up to the door and they ALWAYS gain entrance. Like nobody ever looks out their door and says to themselves, “I’m home alone, I don’t own a gun, those guys look scary and threatening as hell, I’m just going to turn off the TV, tell my dog to be quiet and hope that these two guys that look like they want to throw me in a wood chipper for fun will leave my premises because they’ll just think I’m not home.“ I mean, wouldn’t that be the standard thing to do? These guys look like deranged psycho humans sent to slaughter me and leave no forensic evidence behind.

I mean, these guys are like 7 feet tall with black trenchcoats and black hats. They don’t look quite human but it’s hard to put your figure on exactly what is off with their appearance to make them seem non-human. It’s like, everything is just a little off, there isn’t anything too blindingly obvious for you to feel confident they aren’t human just going by looks. Their hair looks fake if they have any but usually they are bald, their skin looks too leathery, their eyes are too round and they don’t have eyelashes. And they always dress like it’s the 1950s, even if it‘s 2010. I’m just being honest, I’m a decently tough guy, like nothing that tough but definitely not an easy out in a fight or anything, and I’d be absolutely terrified if my doorbell rang at 10:00PM and I looked thru the peephole and saw these guys. I’ll admit it, I’d be absolutely shitting my pants.

But the craziest thing is, those thoughts never even enter the UFO witness‘ mind. He just opens up the door, every single time, and is oddly calm about it. That is totally insane! The very opposite of how any normal dude would act. Even if you would decide to open the door for whatever reason, you wouldn’t be all laid back about it. You’d be ready to fight for your life if you had to. That’s what would be on your mind, on the front of it if you are some average guy and maybe a little more in the back of it if you are tough. But either way, it would be on your mind, fight or flight, throw down or slam the door shut as fast as possible and hide. Maybe even ready to run for your life if need be.

But you wouldn’t be calm about it! That’s totally bizarre. Ok, so that’s the first really strange thing about the Men In Black fiasco. And then they usually walk into your kitchen and you feel powerless to control the situation. Just like you felt powerless to open the door all friendly, now you realize you are powerless over every aspect of the interaction, like you have zero chance of taking control. Nobody acts alpha around the Men In Black. Nobody. So they employ some kind of mind control over you and you lose all free will. They’ve just shown up in people’s bedrooms, too. Like out of nowhere. Bam!So you have no free will over their initial appearance out of nowhere, like how do they even know where you live and shit? It doesn’t matter, they know and they just show up, like they pop into this dimension and then they control the entire situation making you feel more beta than you’ve ever felt in your entire life. Think about it, it’s a complete loss of free will. When does that ever happen in life, besides the first few times you see a girl naked?

At the same time you are oddly calm, even though these bizarre looking guys look less and less human as time goes on. Really strange shit starts to happen to them, like their skin starts peeling and underneath you see something that doesn’t quite look like skin. It’s not the most obvious thing, I mean you are not totally confident their skin is non-human, there’s always a little doubt there, probably because they completely control your mind and you can’t even think for yourself anymore. And if they have fake hair or fake eyebrows, it usually starts moving unnaturally, like one eyebrow tilts 90 degrees or something when they are talking to you. And you still aren’t really sure they aren’t human, that nagging doubt is always just strong enough to outweigh the objectively obvious observation — they aren’t human.

So now that we’ve established that these guys aren’t even human, which is pretty damn strange don’t cha think? I mean seeing a UFO up close is weird and a low probability event. But seeing an actual non-human is 100 times weirder. It’s friggin crazy.

Ok, so you know these are probably not human beings but you can’t be absolutely sure despite all the evidence, and they are yelling at you and threatening you not to tell anybody that you saw a UFO. Like you really, really want to tell all of your friends and maybe family, at least the ones that won’t make fun of you, and you just can’t wait to tell them as soon as you possibly can that you saw a UFO up close, but now you absolutely cannot tell anyone.

Now hears what’s weird about that. They never actually threaten your life, they never say we’ll kill you if you tell anyone, they don’t say they’ll hurt your family or anything like that. But you know 100% that you will never tell anyone. These guys are that terrifying or that persuasive or both, but you won’t be telling anybody the coolest thing that ever happened in your lifetime? That’s so crazy. Think about that for a sec. That’s insane, it’s so contradictory.

They do all kinds of other really twilight zone stuff. Like they ask you to unplug your microwave, and they always say they’re somebody with the U.S. government or military, and they find and destroy your UFO pictures even though you didn’t tell them where they are located, and they melt a quarter in your hand without touching it or using any heat source. The quarter will just melt. Don’t even bother asking how the quarter got there. It just like appears in your hand. These guys are the best magicians of all time. Ok, then they say goodbye and what always happens is that the person shuts the door behind them and then looks out the window and they are never there. They just disappear. And their car is nowhere to be found. It makes no sense, like where the hell did they go?

So basically a bunch of interdimensional non-human clones that dress up in 1950s clothing and drive black Cadillacs regardless of the decade pop into your existence, take complete control of your mind, your thoughts and your emotions, beta the crap out of you, perform some really random magic tricks that aren’t tricks but actual reality, these guys have really serious superhuman powers… and then they just disappear back into the ether.

Alright, I don’t want to waste any more of your time on the actual event that is the Men In Black! It’s a full concert of weirdness that cannot be replicated by any other facet of the UFO realm. Everything about it is bizarre.

So let’s get to the theory, that’s really what this post was intended to be about and I’m sorry it took me this long to get to this part, but I just wanted to lay a decent foundation. I guess I’m a little defensive about caring so much about the MIB conundrum.

Well, after thinking about it for quite some time, here is the theory that I pieced together. Now I’m not saying this is definitive, like you could have a different theory and I wouldn’t think that you’re wrong. You could be right with a different way of thinking about this, I want to make that clear. But I also think this theory I developed is a pretty reasonable piece of speculation.

Ok, so the first thing that crosses my mind is who sent them?

I’m going to assume that somebody sent them or they sent themself, that it’s not some random event because they always show up within a few hours or a few days after you see a UFO close up.

I’m going to narrow it down to 3 parties. A non-human intelligence, an earth human intelligence or they somehow sent themselves.

Here’s the way I see it, who would have the motivation to keep those who see UFOs up close totally quiet?

The aliens might, because they are pretty surreptitious, using stealth mode in their UFOs, going invisible, taking off at high speeds so you can’t get a good picture of them. But wait, this was a close-up sighting! So maybe they are okay with being seen closeup, otherwise why allow it, they seem to have the tech to prevent it if they want. That last piece of logic makes me want to rule the aliens out as the ones who send the MIB. But wait, it’s still too early do that.

How about the government? They’ve been engaging in a pervasive disinformation and coverup campaign for 75 years. Yeah, it’s obviously them, no? They don’t want any citizen talking about UFOs being real, that’s too close to aliens being real and they are terrified of people finding that out. So they send the MIB, right? Maybe. It could be a little more complicated than that.

How about the MIB send themselves? The problem I have with this theory is that what is the threshold? Because there are a lot more closeup witnesses to a UFO sighting than there are MIB appearances. They don’t show up to 100% of people who had close encounters, it’s less common than that. So I’m ruling this choice out.

Ok, so we are down to the non-human intelligence (aliens) or human government.

How would the government be able to keep track close-encounter eyewitnesses to UFOs, especially in the 1950s when the technology to do so just wasn’t there? Impossible.

It’s got to be the aliens themselves on the UFOs. They would be in position to know who got a really close view of their craft and they know other non-humans, so they have the connections to send the alien MIB to the homes of eyewitnesses. It could even be the UFO itself automatically senses being viewed in a closeup encounter and that triggers an automatic signal to MIB headquarters, from where these interdimensional freaks can be dispatched.

But there’s two problems with that scenario. How would the aliens know where you lived? And how would they know when you are home alone?

And then there’s the issue of their appearance and their rides.

They always drive black Cadillacs. Those are American cars! Hmmmmm….

And they always dress like it’s the 1950s. Hmmmmmm…

Who doesn’t change the way they dress over time? Older men. And who works in the government‘s UFO cabal? Older men. And who drives Cadillac sedans? Older men. And who would think Cadillac sedans are the right car for the job of the MIB? American older men who work for the UFO cabal in the government!

Ok, so the government seems heavily involved with the MIB following up with some of the eyewitnesses who have close encounters. Not all, but some, remember the close encounters are more common than the MIB.

But there’s no way the government can track the closeup encounters, the surveillance tech, especially in the 1950s and 1960s when the MIB had their heyday, just wasn’t in place.

So the UFOs themselves must be responsible for the surveillance, they have to be involved somehow with the ordering process, too.

Ok, so here’s where we’re at right now.

Only some of the close encounter witnesses have dealings with the MIB, the government has the most motivation to keep things quiet by somehow ordering the MIB after a close encounter.

But how would the government have any relationship with interdimensional non-human MIB?

And if they did have some relationship, then wouldn’t the MIB be trained up better, so they don’t come across so unnatural and weird. Unless maybe that’s by design, for them to be even scarier that way.

I think the answer to the MIB conundrum is the following:

Both governments and aliens are involved together somehow in ordering the MIB.

The government has the motivation and the aliens have the access.

But then why are they only ordered some of the time, after only a fraction of the close encounters?

Well, there are 3 types or alien races with respect to the government.

Malevolent enemies, friendly allies or neutral bystanders.

I think the answer to the MIB enigma is that the government has an agreement with its allies’ UFOs only, and since those UFOs are only a fraction of the total UFOs out there, the close eyewitness encounters with a government‘s allies’ UFOs comprise only a fraction of the total close encounters.

The ally aliens or their craft register the close encounter, take a picture of the eyewitness and perform a telepathic remote viewing to determine where they live and when they will be home alone.

The friendly alien races have MIB already under contract because they’ve dealt with similar situations in the past, when a government wanted to keep UFOs a secret from their citizenry at all costs.

The government is given the choice to customize the dress and style of the MIB, and certain physical attributes like height, and since older men work in the MJ-12 cabal, the style and dress of the MIB has never changed since the 1950s. Even if sometimes a younger man replaces one of the older guys, there are always a majority of older men who don’t change the way they dress so their fashion gets stuck in the past. But what about after 40 or 50 years, shouldn’t the style of even the older men change during that long a duration? Sure it will, but these are old conservative men and their attitude is “if it aint broke, don’t fix it,” and their success rate with MIB has been so high that they don’t want to change anything about it. Besides, the black top hat with the black trenchcoat with the black Cadillac is pretty timeless and classic.

Oh, and the other thing the government chooses is the tall stature. They think that’s the most intimidating height and they’re right.

So that’s how I think the MIB puzzle is solved.

Again, it’s just my reasonable speculation, I’m not saying this is definitely correct, just that it manages to answer a nice amount of the puzzling attributes that comprise the MIB phenomenon.

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 01:11AM by EngineeringNo1675 https://ift.tt/EVUGLv9

After thinking about all the terrible experiments we as a species have committed on animals in the name of science. It would come as no surprise if all the traumatic abduction stories are true.

We can’t expect mercy when we’ve given none.

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 03:05PM by Competitivecro https://ift.tt/2FgpoSn

Really really dumb question

In all these alien abduction or contact scenarios, how do they know earth languages? Like in stories were people recall conversations, I always found that weird.

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 01:53PM by sarcasticmedic92 https://ift.tt/IJcYdHa

Could all consciousness be plasma-based?

There are theories about the phenomenon being sentient plasma-based beings that can change appearance, and possibly even materialize into what we see as UFOs / UAPs.

What if WE are plasma-based as well?

I’m not sure of the veracity of this site, but they claim the soul could be plasma-based.

Could it be that we are plasmoid organism that has created a human shell around us, much the same way many imagine a UFO is formed around an “alien” plasmoid organism?

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 01:55PM by h_r_l_ https://ift.tt/QxobCfB

Russian pilot claims he got shot down by a UFO


Submitted June 27, 2022 at 06:28AM by twist_games https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/vlsdju/russian_pilot_claims_he_got_shot_down_by_a_ufo/?utm_source=ifttt

Sunday, June 26, 2022

I filmed this hiking today! Any idea what this could be?


Submitted June 26, 2022 at 11:36PM by DrJeffreyC https://ift.tt/F4eqz91

Full video... Thunderbirds. Was too close to so many crappy vids out there I had to share.


Submitted June 27, 2022 at 12:09AM by DrJeffreyC https://ift.tt/hCWPHtT

Timothy Taylor from American Cosmic should speak publicly about his role at NASA and the claims surrounding him about being in contact with non-human intelligences.

Podcasters, Journalists, etc, has anybody tried to get Timothy Taylor (Tyler D) on record? I feel this is long overdue.

He apparently attended the latest Scientific Coalition for UAP studies conference. If anybody reading this attended, can you please verify Taylor’s attendance?


Submitted June 27, 2022 at 12:35AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/50drxVG

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Recorded on 25th June 2022, East Europe


Submitted June 26, 2022 at 12:18AM by ClickWD https://ift.tt/t2fvoME

how's this for some HIGH strangeness?


Submitted June 26, 2022 at 12:40AM by BoonDragoon https://ift.tt/IU0JEOQ

“We have to improve ourselves more ethically” Profound opening Statements made from Brazil UFO Hearings.

I started skimming the script, a very fascinating leadership agenda & directive for tone setting. I expect to see similar uniformity from the U.S. government interests & other world leaders very soon.

Keeping in mind the population of Brazil is 200 million+ people a very large demographic on earth with tremendous influence economically & socially, Well known & respected for their Victoria Secret Supermodels too, -.- the social systems in all countries praises their ‘Angels’. So a very very powerful country for Female equality & Leadership tone setting.

What I find fascinating is this first Poll question we ask on r/Aliens quite frequently. Some quotes.


“It was asked: in the event that extraterrestrials are visiting us, do you believe that they would be technologically more advanced by how much?

Thousands of years ahead of us, won with 21.6%; then came,

hundreds of years ahead of us, 19.8%;

hundreds of thousands of years ahead of us, 16%;

million years ahead of us, 15.5%;

don't know, 15.1%;

billion years ahead of us, 12%.

It was kind of distributed, but now... Did you feel the weight of this question? I think this here freaked out a lot of people who are watching us now, including scientists. This means that the Brazilian people believe that, if we are being visited, these technologies and these beings are thousands of years ahead of us. Can you imagine what our science will be a hundred years from now? We are already wanting to go to Mars, we already have plans to go to Centauri - Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri -, a constellation outside the Solar System, very close there. There's even a planet there that has the possibility of harboring life. And all this now, in the next 20, 30, 50 years at the most. Now, you play there a thousand years ahead. What if they're a million years ahead of us?

So, this is the answer, in my opinion, why this topic is so delicate and why they don't interact with us so easily:

…Obviously, we're not mature enough to get much more technology than we already have. We have to improve ourselves more ethically…

I want to say to you. that, regrettably, we are late as humanity to master technologies that may be a million years ahead of us. That's what prevents. And it's very important... In my opinion - I'm expressing my opinion here -, I think this is an impediment. We have to improve, and improve a lot, so that we can advance this agenda.”


A very true sentiment. Please share your thoughts. r/Aliens likes to hear. & if you are a believer, what range in years do you think Extraterrestrial are at?


Peace, Love, Respect

-Jesse Valdez

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 11:18PM by PurpleCabbageGod https://ift.tt/1l0rpy3

Any one seen a documentary on psilocybin mushrooms and aliens?

So my wife started having visions or flashbacks of being aboard an alien craft during and after a trip on mushrooms. I swear I watched a documentary or ancient aliens episode that discussed a proposed connection between psilocybin and Extra Terrestrials. I have searched every where and cant find whatever it was I swear I watched. Has any one here also seen this or am I trippin? Lol.

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 12:13PM by dnm81 https://ift.tt/7AweXJ0

What if the aliens visiting us are not as conscious as we are?

Do you think that an intelligent species must be conscious? If yes, to what extent?

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 10:03AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/lq6YCxv

Can anyone recall a comment by Tom Delonge about a war between good aliens who have bases under our Oceans and bad aliens who have bases on the Moon?

I kind of recall that Richard Doty said this and that he was told this by Delonge? Yes, I know, Richard Doty and all. I just can’t recall where I heard the post title and was wondering if anyone here knows the source of the post title. Cheers.

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 08:28AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/6fHq2wM

Strategic Command chief Charles Richard on UFO's


Submitted June 25, 2022 at 08:39AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/LhFOb8o

during the day

Hey there, has anyone been abducted by extraterrestrials during broad daylight? Or are most of these instances during night time?

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 08:58AM by Sensitive-Humor-9476 https://ift.tt/KHd3Qly

Something is happening up there...


Submitted June 25, 2022 at 06:09AM by BestOfSport99 https://ift.tt/wrTmAYZ

Did i have an encounter?

A few weeks ago, i had very, very vivid dream One that stuck with me and left a deep emotional pain that lingered for days and still comes back when im reminded of it. In this dream i was visited by an extra terrestrial after being lost in my own woes about how i have nobody in my life that can relate to me and what ive had to deal with. But this ET came to me, and tried to reassure me that on some level, it understood what i felt despite only having a minorly similar set of experiences. It tried its best to comfort me. To make me feel like i wasnt alone, but all its done since was remind me on a deeper level how lonely i am among my follow man from this lack of being able to be understood. But i still keep coming back to that, was it my subconcious or was it an encounter?

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 03:43AM by GuiltySimpBass https://ift.tt/ABWkxti

Friday, June 24, 2022

when would aliens come and destory this crazy world? please

when I was a child, I thought the world will be better. :(

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 12:40AM by Select_Push_3639 https://ift.tt/wF7rHK5

94% of DMT Users Experience Similar Otherworldly ‘Beings,’ Study Says


Submitted June 24, 2022 at 11:58PM by Gawrila https://ift.tt/sgqJweC

Aliens spotted cruisin’! Created by me!


Submitted June 24, 2022 at 07:30AM by Either-County-3599 https://ift.tt/k4lQLKO

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Hypothesis: Aliens have made contact with world government officials, but encourage them not to make it known to the public.

Reason being the aliens know that the public would be skeptical of any message or intent coming from the government should the government acknowledge contact with the aliens. If the aliens can travel intergalacticaly and, based in numerous reports of alien encounters involving telepathy, can communicate with our minds without speech, we would have every reason to believe pur government leaders have been mentally influenced by the vastly technologically superior species.

Submitted June 24, 2022 at 01:30AM by IchooseYourName https://ift.tt/4HPgc2a

Anyone know what this is? I'm going to Feel Stupid if this is an Air plane


Submitted June 24, 2022 at 01:41AM by moochee22 https://ift.tt/ca1wgms

Alien Abductions,Skinwalker,Dogman,UFOs - Episode 3 Dimensional Walking


Submitted June 23, 2022 at 11:17PM by WizRainparanormal https://ift.tt/OrFLEAY

Why are they here?

I have made a sort-of succinct list of possible reasons they are here.I would like anyone to add or expand upon anything on this list.

Since discovering that they are real in 2017, I have found it harder and harder to ignore this. I did not subscribe to ideas about extra terrestrials until 2017.

Since then, every other month, became every month, became every other week, became nearly every day of my waking life. The documentaries, the release of the real Project Blue Book etc etc...

I am spiraling on the one question... Why?
Why are they here?
Just because they exist, doesn't mean they have to visit.
So, then why would they bother with us at all?
Many possibilities have the potential to overlap in-part with other possibilities.

  1. They are extremely charitable and are trying to help without getting too involved.
  2. They want to inspire technological development with humans. (they could observe us in stealth just fine, but clearly choose not to).
  3. They have no moral center regarding the natural course of a species evolution.
  4. They have a moral center regarding our evolution, but we live on the periphery, or well into the wilderness of outer space, and enforcing such a morality of non-interference is logistically/politically or both, not feasible; so mitigating measures have been approved in haste.
  5. They have a cultural/military/hedonic interest in Earth and regard us a management task.
  6. They are originally from Earth millions of years ago, and have been living here contiguously since, and only recently took a more interactive interest in humanity due to the risks we have created for Earth i.e. nukes.
  7. They set up a colony on Earth ages ago, and have a strategic, and cultural interest in Earth that pre-dates most of, if not all of, civilization, and are simply managing us as best they can without getting too bogged down; therefore interfering in our evolution is regarded as unavoidable etc etc...

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 11:26PM by LoveIsAButterfly https://ift.tt/lyvXZ5g

Aliens Attacking


Submitted June 23, 2022 at 09:51AM by tomd_96 https://ift.tt/jBhdKS7

The Official UFO night in Brazil, 1986


Submitted June 23, 2022 at 07:10AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/NK8dPlQ

Did I miss something?

Every few months I’ll see a news article or a shared Facebook post claiming things like “US Government will be releasing classified info proving UFO existence” but have never heard or seen any such legitimate info. Clearly these may just be BS clickbait for garbage sites, but I’m wondering if some of this “info” has been posted and i may have just missed it?

Either way, would love some opinions on this or links to legitimate sites with some Hard info.


Submitted June 23, 2022 at 05:13AM by janewalch https://ift.tt/R36Bvzu

we are a farmed predator

Consider the possibility that aliens look at us like a great white shark, tagged and tracked-studied. Look at the average gray, no teeth, no particular muscle mass. An average in shape human may be a terrifying predator to them, muscles, teeth, a violent instinct. They're watching us, we are violent, we hunt, kill and fight for sport not to mention entertainment. We have developed a weapon to kill us all, yet continue to develop new weapons that are precise to those we want to kill. We have a social prerogative that is easily manipulated into loyalty. We're possibly an organic nuke to a superior species, keep us in reserve until we're needed

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 02:21AM by randiddykong https://ift.tt/yl5UY6J

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

What rules do you think will be set up after disclosure officially happens?

There's a lot to be considered. Will our contact with the ET's be strictly via radio communications or will the ET's want to physically come to Earth and show themselves to us? And if we have physical contact with them what rules would we establish as to who we send to meet with them? What exactly would we want them to say to them? What would the protocol be for interacting with ET's and/or their probes? There's going to be a mad rush of everybody wanting to communicate with them.

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 12:41AM by matt73132 https://ift.tt/HbfsiRp

What is your favorite Fermi Paradox Solution, and why?

We are all convinced to some degree or another that we are not alone, what is your favorite possible reason as to why it looks like we are alone, within the extra-solar environment. Where are the galaxy wide projects? Maybe we just can't tell, perhaps our feebel minds cannot differentiate the high technology from nature itself.

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 12:46AM by dzarren https://ift.tt/d6FZXex

Highest ranking officer Colonel Thomas DuBose Roswell Statement


Submitted June 22, 2022 at 10:17AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/g4NHIYJ

Alien pictures - City of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico - Circa 2003

Does anyone have further information regarding these two pictures?

Reverse Image Search didn't get me far, nor did keywording my way through google with: "Ciudad Juarez", "2003", "Alien" and/or the likes. I found it's become increasingly difficult to find such images because of that, since I remember that at least PHOTO 2 was semi-famous and existed in slightly higher resolution.

The reason I know both of these images are related is because I remember the aforementioned higher version of PHOTO 2 had the same label as PHOTO 1 slapped on top of it, which does not necessarily mean that they were of the same event, but that whoever labelled one also labelled the other.

Although I don't know the font used in the label, it's very similar(if not the same) as the one used in TV news channels in Latin America (makes sense for Mexico) which leads me to believe there was a screening of sorts where these two images appeared together, and not in a blog (not to reject the possibility, though).

Can anyone help me with this research or provide more information? Maybe find the original stream, labeller, person(s) involved in the production of the pictures, further pictures? Thank you.

PHOTO 1 - Grey-like figure behind tree

PHOTO 2 - Slender figure behind man

Submitted June 22, 2022 at 09:41AM by Latecunt https://ift.tt/n4YRF78

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

alien movies where the aliens are good?

Hey all, anyone have any recommendations of alien movies where the aliens are good? I'm looking to scratch an itch. Something like Close Encounters, Contact, Arrival. I need something stimulating! I'm honestly surprised most alien movies are just murderous creatures. TV shows work too.

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 06:50PM by heavynutartillery https://ift.tt/aukF0P4

Are the Corteum the Ael'Kayeen? Are they archons? Can they be trusted?


Submitted June 21, 2022 at 04:40PM by chillocrat https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/vhn0y4/are_the_corteum_the_aelkayeen_are_they_archons/?utm_source=ifttt

November 26th, 1977. A message was transmitted on television.


Submitted June 21, 2022 at 04:07PM by BlackoutTimeline https://ift.tt/UZy5ODe

The Watchers UAP Footage Compilation Volume 2


Submitted June 21, 2022 at 12:55PM by TomThePosthuman https://ift.tt/7kt51DQ

The 1976 Tehran UFO Incident, Iranian General Jafari


Submitted June 21, 2022 at 12:02PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/XkwYzgp

AI image of an alien caught on trail camera

Some look real, right?


Can you imagine how much footage can be faked now?! And by anyone, since this type of AI is free and open source.

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 10:02AM by dirtyhole2 https://ift.tt/u32Nil8

Why don’t we have a Stanton Friedman award? In honor of his work. Also major Kehoe should also be honored as well

Some sort of award for furthering the study or something along those lines

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 08:59AM by delucas0810 https://ift.tt/IcUx6G2

Monday, June 20, 2022

Psst, hey you!

Do you want to know who your spouse has been meeting with behind your back?

Because I've got hundreds of witnesses in law enforcement, military, government, the sciences, as well as thousands of civilian witnesses from every walk of life, who ALL saw your spouse french-kissing another person after exiting a hotel room together.

We've got hundreds of official transcripts of their communications about their secret love affair.

We've got thousands of photos and videos of them together, some of which are grainy, some of which are clearly faked, but some of which have been analyzed by imaging experts and declared legitimate.

This has been going on for several decades, but in recent years the most well-funded and technologically advanced investigative agency on the planet captured your spouse and the other person having sex with each other on multiple forms of sensor media, as well as multiple eyewitnesses. This didn't happen just once; it has been witnessed and recorded on a daily basis, over dozens of years.

We have hundreds of highly credible, expert witnesses who have made sworn affidavits about what they saw.

And this damning evidence about your spouse comes to us not just from your home country, but from every investigative agency in nearly every nation across our entire planet, for the last 70+ years.

[There is even evidence that your spouse has been fucking other people for thousands of years, as mentioned by most every historical culture on the planet---but we can leave that part out as unreliable.]


Now that I've delivered this message to you about your spouse and their lover, I'm guessing your response will be thus:

"Not interested."


"So where is the double-blind laboratory study proving their affair?"

"It's impossible."

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 12:17AM by 8ad8andit https://ift.tt/RClx4Nr

New spiral seen in territories situated in the southeast of the Pacific, in Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Astronomers still dont have an answer. What do you think?


Submitted June 20, 2022 at 01:40PM by JustMebcn https://ift.tt/hgNrBIL

Paranormal, Alien Abductions and Cryptid Stories!


Submitted June 20, 2022 at 12:24PM by WizRainparanormal https://ift.tt/YgvA2ha

why are aliens drawn like this👽?

I recently became interested in this topic, and I don't understand why aliens are drawn like that, who was the one who invented that aliens have that physique?

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 01:00PM by TraditionalControl94 https://ift.tt/AdZTHIy

Is Roswell worth visiting? Debating a little trip.

If so, what do you recommend I see?

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 10:54AM by ashwee14 https://ift.tt/zQh1fWv

If they're ocean-based...

Could they be extremophiles that evolved in the deep trenches, and we haven't seen habitats 'cause they just stay there? Something like this would, to me, better explain the concern with nukes than multiverse tearing. If some visitors are off-world, they're likely to be interested in contact with the most advanced species on the planet, as well.

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 09:46AM by PACTA https://ift.tt/O4zsJUL

Crazy UFO maneuver.


Submitted June 20, 2022 at 05:04AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/zaHynEl

People who have had an Alien Encounter or have been Abducted by Aliens, What's your story?

I've never had an encounter before, but I'm really fascinated by other people's accounts.

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 02:48AM by Eternal_Rest27 https://ift.tt/DYox3wI

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Rendezvous with Rama - A 1973 novel about earth's first encounter with an interstellar object - eerily similar to Avi Loeb's theory about Oumuamua


Submitted June 20, 2022 at 01:58AM by BrokenHarp https://ift.tt/hExSyir

Most credible interviews or video's on Youtube talking about evidence of being visited by ETs

Hey all,

So I am new to the topic and I was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction.

Does anybody have any recommendations on the most credible interviews/videos/podcasts that talk about the possibility of life from another planet visiting earth?


Submitted June 19, 2022 at 02:14PM by Alternative-Fox6236 https://ift.tt/gaOMRsu

UFO filmed in Brazil. May 22, 2020


Submitted June 19, 2022 at 11:37AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/59AkSMh


Just a reminder that the glorification and abuse of mind altering substances in correlation (yes you read that right) with the possibility of life outside our planet is a perma ban.

Since rarely any scientific community takes us seriously, these things make us look like idiots once again.

Yes it is very cool that you saw aliens in your bedroom after overdosing on mushrooms, we just do not care and this is the wrong subreddit for that.

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 07:21AM by berkenobi https://ift.tt/52JpsMy

UFO crash site? Mysterious ‘winged craft’ uncovered in Antarctica – Google Maps sighting


Submitted June 19, 2022 at 06:51AM by signor-eth https://ift.tt/SselEg7

Did life on Earth come from space? Possibly not, and that’s good news


Submitted June 19, 2022 at 05:29AM by Old7777 https://ift.tt/nimfpDP

Blue Planet Project

I was a teenager when i read it for the first time. Is it reliable? Or it's just a fake?

I was very fascinated by the Dulce base part, and the underground facilities. I'm not saying i believe everything of this stuff, but it is interesting.

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 04:11AM by Scafista_T-J https://ift.tt/RjTLHu6

Saturday, June 18, 2022

If you could ask aliens one thing what would it be?

Assuming that they are greys or some other sort of well known alien type I guess. If you had one that was friendly infront if you, that you could ask a question, what would you ask?

I would probably ask how me, a single person, could try and improve the world when governments and corporations destroy it

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 12:43PM by Semour9 https://ift.tt/Tv6Ypuo

🛸💥PRIMICIA: OVNI Explota Delante de Testigos


Submitted June 18, 2022 at 11:11AM by Disastrous-Button-15 https://ift.tt/rz2D30B

Ancient Alien Found In Mongolian Tomb?


Submitted June 18, 2022 at 09:11AM by Squand0r https://ift.tt/VYZ52Lf

artistic social engineering

i’m halfway through dimensions by Jacque Vallee. in my opinion it’s one of the most important sources to making any sense to the paranormal. things i never thought connected actually fit fully. angels, demons, fae, elves, ufos, apparitions ect.. leaving nothing out theres really only one explanation. a beautifully artistic social engineering project. if you remove all religion, myth or fairytale from history our civilization is unrecognizable. i couldn’t imagine what we as a people would look like without their influence. for that i thank them, they are true artists.

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 05:46AM by i-like-vag-bro https://ift.tt/ROdvgmU

Friday, June 17, 2022

Anyone got good sources about inner Earth beings?

I've hit a semi research block for ETs, IDs, and IUs and this has caught my eye. I've never touched the topic except maybe for some of the cave dwellers if that counts and I'd like to dig into it in case there's anything possibly valuable.

Edit: If not then any experiences or cases involving such or suspected to be is fine. If you've had an experience and would like it to be private, feel free to dm me and if I don't reply immediately it's because reddit didn't notify me.

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 12:59AM by A_Real_Patriot99 https://ift.tt/geICbWw

If aliens communicate with us, what do you think they would say to us?

My opinion is they would either want something from us or control us.

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 12:08AM by FitPost9068 https://ift.tt/l8LZCzK

Alien Intelligence and the Concept of Technology


Submitted June 17, 2022 at 01:11PM by CuttingWithScissors https://ift.tt/4U3Y8tc

Weird UFO footage. (not the sun) What is it?


Submitted June 17, 2022 at 12:05PM by twist_games https://ift.tt/r916MFK

I’m starting to think the aliens aren’t visiting because of nukes, but instead AI

If the rumors are to be believed, Google has just created a sentient and self-aware AI. If aliens really are here, and if technological fusion is the next form of human evolution, I have to imagine the aliens are going to want to know what they’re dealing with.

Submitted June 17, 2022 at 09:00AM by UnfortunatelyAnon https://ift.tt/pSls4xG

Can anyone link the post that was recently stickied that had all of the footage collected in one place? It had videos from Florida, Brazil and somewhere in the Eastern European area.

I am looking for the post where OP posted links to 7-8 videos that were convincingly real and was stickied in the sub for a bit. I would love to show my dad!

Submitted June 17, 2022 at 02:30AM by harionfire https://ift.tt/XOR3ms4

Thursday, June 16, 2022

It not a plane so what is that!?


Submitted June 17, 2022 at 12:12AM by WorriedReach5406 https://ift.tt/3c96sWG

We at Investigate The Unknown are welcoming you to our Podcast to tell you about Project NANU.


We at Investigate The Unknown are welcoming you to our Podcast to tell you about Project NANU.

What is Project Nanu?

Nanu aims to create a first-of-its-kind industry in the field of unknown phenomena. Our first project is Nanu app which will be an interactive social media platform.

The open mic night will be held in the company's public discord for about 1 Hour.

If you can´t make it to the live discord show you can also participate on youtube and twitch.

We would love to see you there, we really appreciate all feedback and look to use this as an opportunity to help us create the best experience possible for our community

19th June UK 7pm GMT+1, SWE 8PM GMT+2 and USA 3PM GMT-4.

Website: https://projectnanu.com/

Discord: https://discord.gg/mNfAapuasW

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr09YM8SvfOFm2jEbRZHfUA

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/projectnanu

-Team ITU

Submitted June 16, 2022 at 01:10PM by ProjectNanu https://ift.tt/3J246Uv



Submitted June 16, 2022 at 11:41AM by Disastrous-Button-15 https://ift.tt/sq9yHNU

Here me out… Streaming Consciousness to the cosmos?

Random late night thought.

If other complex life exists somewhere in the observable or unobservable depths of our reality, wouldn’t the one thing we undeniably have in common be consciousness?

This also rises deeper questions about consciousness: What is its purpose? Is it a product of evolution? What are its limits? Is it a product of advanced brain function? Is it separate from brain chemistry and gene expression, DNA assembly?

But that is a spiritual rabbit hole that i’ll save for later…

We send out lots of information into deep space with the intention of contacting these life forms. Since information is energy/frequency, what if we found a way to send our brain gene expression in the form of waves which undeniably express consciousness. To any life form advanced enough to receive those waves, they will easily be able to decipher this code as consciousness, right?

Has this been done already? Any links or research on this topic?

Submitted June 16, 2022 at 09:27AM by Detro_ali https://ift.tt/c1UNhoi

Aliens and Abductions

This is just a post for a thought that I had. Are alien abductions still happening today. I've not heard reports of any new ones in quite a long time. All through the 50's up until the early 90's, seemed like the prime time for abductions. Imagine if the test they did on people were to collect semen and egg to create their own humans. Those alien created humans will be in their adult age range today. Is it possible that there are alien humans in our society today?

Submitted June 16, 2022 at 07:31AM by W1shuW3r3H3r3 https://ift.tt/uhgFDnO

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

the secrets of religion could be all a lie but why did people even start to believe in religion maybe the secret to religion is only what they want us to believe it is and by they i mean some higher being a lifeform thats extremely advanced but still admirers us. could we be its creations


Submitted June 16, 2022 at 01:11AM by FroggyPondVideos https://ift.tt/izUpbxs

I Think I Found The Exact UAP From The Gimbal Video, And It's Showing In Multiple Videos Around The World


Submitted June 15, 2022 at 10:58AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/zPHDtwu

The Area 51 Caller (Part 2)


Submitted June 15, 2022 at 11:14AM by testingbicycle https://ift.tt/qN6PSB1

China claims its giant Sky Eye telescope may have picked up signs of alien civilizations.


Submitted June 15, 2022 at 09:42AM by Az0nic https://ift.tt/4EiGBQj

China Says It May Have Detected Signals From Alien Civilizations


Submitted June 15, 2022 at 09:48AM by maztabaetz https://ift.tt/7PKR3Xz

China Says Signal From Advanced Alien Civilization Might Have Been Detected


Submitted June 15, 2022 at 08:52AM by GigaBahamut https://ift.tt/jIwys14

Will a slow disclosure continue to just humm away forever, or will there be a moment when everyone says “I remember where I was when”…?

Who would deliver this grand message?

The US Military?

The US President?

The people who have studied the crashed crafts?

The Pope?

The Dalai Lama?

The UN?

The Chinese Government?

The British Queen?


The ET’s themselves?

What person or group of people are prestigious enough to confirm the Extraterrestrial presence on Earth?

Submitted June 15, 2022 at 08:14AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/Iu1f9bN

It only takes ONE.

The fact is, out of all the decades of bountifully fake or real evidence, experiences, videos and photos we have about UFOs and aliens. It only takes ONE of these to be real for their true existence.

Submitted June 15, 2022 at 04:04AM by Highclasshooker https://ift.tt/hdZQ7Di

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Alien signals detected by China?

China's Science and Technology Daily reported that the FAST radio telescope has picked up some radio signals that could be from an alien civilization…

A quote from the article: “We may not be able to survive on Earth one day. We’ll need the help of alien civilizations.”

Submitted June 14, 2022 at 11:26PM by intersim14 https://ift.tt/az1k54G

The Great Pyramid Interstellar Lighthouse Theory - Infographic inspired by the work of Christopher Dunn (The Giza Powerplant), Dr. JJ Hurtak (The Keys of Enoch), and John Cadman (Subterranean chamber research)


Submitted June 14, 2022 at 11:08AM by rnagy2346 https://ift.tt/TgoOqWf

UAP April 25, 2004


Submitted June 14, 2022 at 09:39AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/ahoFKOS

Former CIA Officer John Ramirez reveals the CIA office that provides assessments on "all types of foreign weapons threats" and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence had an interest in the secondary mirror of the James Webb telescope. "Why would that be?" he asks rhetorically...


Submitted June 14, 2022 at 08:35AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/mBvbrgc

UFO/Paranormal Podcast

Cool New podcost about UFO's and all things paranormal


Submitted June 14, 2022 at 09:01AM by capturetheflagg12 https://ift.tt/wtHhNDB

Monday, June 13, 2022

Dreggs of the Netherworld, Djinn and Demons


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 11:16PM by WizRainparanormal https://ift.tt/zS013pi

Alien activity for high school camp

Hello! Sorry to the mods if this isn't allowed!

I'm teaching English in Japan and next month I'll be part of an English camp for a day. I'll be at a really high level school where the students who want to interact in English sign up to be at the camp for the day.

We do a class on any subjects, just has to be in English and have the students participate in some way. I was planning on doing a debate based off the idea that aliens come to Earth and they (the students) have to convince the aliens to either spare or destroy humanity. One team for each choice, with each group working together to write why their choice is the best. Then starting with the Spare us team, they present their reasons and Annihilation team presenting why they oppose. Depending on which team is the most convincing I would show a clip of the "results" (the tunnel scene from Independence Day, for Annihilation, for example)

I am planning on making a "classified" folder to give to the students with the instructions along with a "Project Record" sheet where they brainstorm and then write their presentation, along with a print of Project Blue Book.

I was wondering for anything else I could include in this folder. Also, any other ideas/suggestions to my activity (I'm not a movie buff, so any scene recommendations would be great too). So far I would have 5 minutes left in my class that I don't know what I could do...

Any help/suggestions would really be appreciated!

Submitted June 14, 2022 at 12:10AM by Gure20 https://ift.tt/htEUwka

The results of doing CE-5 Marshalltown Iowa.


Submitted June 14, 2022 at 12:30AM by ReliefBest8686 https://ift.tt/9WEJULN

Bright flash of light next to Saturn


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 02:17PM by steviepax https://ift.tt/kXMEL2m

Part 4 of Alien Origins on Threshold tomorrow night!


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 02:02PM by Brendon_Scott845 https://ift.tt/QBbwT1c

Dmitry Rogozin: Aliens could have visited Earth, Russia investigating UFOs


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 12:41PM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/DzhEGeg

"due to their enormous size or other worldly strengths" classified, classified classified what the fuck are they planning on doing to us and how the fuck can you all sit there and do nothing about this were all fucking pathetic


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 12:04PM by b4conflava https://ift.tt/BrWmANz

The Wikipedia article about the Roswell incident is extremely dismissive. Thoughts?


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 10:56AM by fuckitsayit https://ift.tt/PuqQnez

UAP or Military Flare? Seen by me and my now husband when I was 17 years old walking in our neighborhood with our niece and nephew. I have been searching for this video forever because this was by far one of the strangest things I’ve seen. Seen in Jacksonville Beach, Florida May 30,2014 .


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 09:46AM by HiImAlexXD https://ift.tt/0awKAXi

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mexican adult 'manga' Chambeadoras series produced an alien special edition [collector's item]


Submitted June 13, 2022 at 12:21AM by edwin85 https://ift.tt/vbPcD7M

Got Some Recordings I Want to Share, Need Help Sharing Them

Can someone share the name of an app or software that can help with sharing videos but, I need help removing voice, identifiable data, etc? I also need to stabilize the video. Unfortunately, I was one of those people that couldn't get their hands together while recording. I'm the person I complain about. hahaha! Also, full disclosure, I am not tech-savvy so I'm looking for easy-to-use software.

Mods-delete if these resources have been shared already. Just looking for help.

Submitted June 12, 2022 at 02:48PM by Observer-Worldview https://ift.tt/fJm7VGr

Is it possible for aliens to become god?

Lets say that an alien species that was born during the early stages of the universe, managed to get to such a high advancement of technology that they are able to basically become gods.

For example in the game Asura's wrath, the 8 Hindu demi gods were interpreted as these robot like humanoids that were able to use a source of energy and by the end of the game it was shown that the god above them was sucking the stars and galaxies into them, wanting to redo everything.

So lets say an advanced alien race was so powerful that they could essentially remake the universe, do you think that could be possible?

Submitted June 12, 2022 at 02:08PM by Dashydoes https://ift.tt/xAv9zdP

Who is the most respected researcher on the Reptilian phenomena?

Serious question & please don’t say David Icke.

A good book or documentary suggestion would be great.

Submitted June 12, 2022 at 11:34AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/VGzfjxb

UFOs on CCTV camera in Rio. Splits into 2


Submitted June 12, 2022 at 10:04AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/Ckv6H2M

NASA catches 2 UFO's on camera. High acceleration and 90 degree turns


Submitted June 12, 2022 at 09:15AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/aSHUMVr

This is very strange indeed, I'm not sure what I'm looking at, what is shown in this video clip I cannot identify.


Submitted June 12, 2022 at 03:36AM by dhr2330 https://ift.tt/Zpyc7Yt

Saturday, June 11, 2022

I found this video, but can't find a debunk/explanation. Anybody have more info?


Submitted June 11, 2022 at 10:55PM by Joshuah1991 https://ift.tt/qQL6TG1

Is the Billy Meier case real?

I used to frequent the FIGU forums about 12-16 years ago, but I haven't paid close attention to much since. I remember seeing a documentary on him being a fraud but not sure if that was done to defame him.

What are the opinions here about the case?

Submitted June 11, 2022 at 08:48AM by Silly-Cloud-3114 https://ift.tt/ePBaE4S

lockheed martin scientist?

Does anybody have the interview, or the link to it, regarding a l9ckheed martin scientist claiming he analyzed ufomaterial and also had a photo of the alien?

Submitted June 11, 2022 at 09:05AM by fursten123 https://ift.tt/IGpvW8h

Alien Interview

Hi. I've read the book ALIEN Interview that includes the transcripts, letters and personal notes provided by the late Army Air Force Nurse Matilda MacElroy concerning the Roswell UFO crash in 1947. I haven't found a lot of information, documentarys, interviews, podcasts about this book or the transcripts, but the book blown my mind, a lot of cool Metaphysic concepts and the origins of our planet, race, history of our Planet and our place in the galaxy. His any of this true or just pure fiction? Thanks.

Submitted June 11, 2022 at 07:20AM by lopesmulder https://ift.tt/h8VubKk

Unknown UFO footage on the moon. Real or Fake?


Submitted June 11, 2022 at 07:25AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/sJhRqdu

Friday, June 10, 2022

What I really enjoy is hearings everyone’s theories as to why we are being visited, why there’s so much secrecy and why “they” aren’t establishing direct contact with us

I’ve heard some crazy/interesting theories so far such as earth is essentially a big farm or aliens are somehow influencing us to go to war to feed on our negative emotions or they are preventing us from nuking ourselves and so on.

Even though we may never find out in our lifetimes it’s fun to explore all the different theories and possibilities. As of now almost anything could be the truth and I find that quite exciting.

The secrecy behind it all makes it even more interesting. There’s obviously something really big going on and for now we can only guess as to what that is.

Submitted June 10, 2022 at 08:16AM by SirGlass5237 https://ift.tt/TVPpDZG

flying trashbin


Submitted June 10, 2022 at 09:02AM by leong-me https://ift.tt/2ZjgzdP

The best Popocatepetl volcano UFO footage.


Submitted June 10, 2022 at 07:31AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/aQGyBsU

The red wine test . Alien ,morgellons, nanotech, chemtrails ?


Submitted June 10, 2022 at 05:32AM by time4truth2022 https://ift.tt/7cZ8eKp

triangle-shaped UFO, three white lights with one red blinking light in the middle. I caught this outside about an hour ago.


Submitted June 10, 2022 at 03:43AM by DIR_Rayburn https://ift.tt/TX9a5tA

NASA to launch months-long scientific study on UFOs from early fall


Submitted June 10, 2022 at 02:20AM by quintessences https://ift.tt/m2W9HZT

Thursday, June 9, 2022

the visitation 👽


Submitted June 09, 2022 at 05:50AM by bertramdaddy https://ift.tt/BLkWC4t

Rapid-fire fast radio burst shows hot space between galaxies | Cornell Chronicle


Submitted June 09, 2022 at 05:06AM by wmdolls https://ift.tt/TMCZjuo

What do you all make of this? Anything interesting.


Submitted June 09, 2022 at 04:05AM by WokeEddieBravo https://ift.tt/6zC2J8P

Japan asteroid probe finds amino acids, filling in origin of life


Submitted June 09, 2022 at 04:11AM by Tao_Dragon https://ift.tt/vySsz2T

Official documents on the landing of a flying saucer and the descent of a crew member, and a report "sent to the United States". Argentina, 1978.

Location: Embalse la Florida - Google Maps

Number of witnesses: 6

Name of the witnesses: Manuel Maria Alvarez, Predo Raul Sosa, Ramón Armando Sosa, Genaro Luis Sosa, Jacinto Eduardo Lucero-San Martin, Regino Salvador.





YEAR 1978

EXPOSURE RECORD OF Genaro Luis SOSA and Others (UFO Apparition)





Subject: UFO phenomenon, landing of flying saucer and descent of crew member.


Manuel María Alvarez

Pedro Raul Sosa

Ramon Armando Sosa

Genaro Luis Sosa

Jacinto Eduardo Lucero-San Martin

Regino Salvador

Testimony of Genaro Luis Sosa.

Exposition of Genaro Luis SOSA:

In the city of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:00 p.m., a person who claims to be called Genaro Luis SOSA, being Argentine, 34 years old, married, working as a Banker, domiciled at 1056 Balcarce Street, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 6,809,547. who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met with his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONE, Eduardo LUCERO, and his brothers Pedro Raul and Ramon Armando Sosa, in order to go to the town of El Trapiche Embalse del Dique "La Florida" to fish.

That being approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the mentioned place, having dinner there and later embarking on a raft they tried to go to the center of the reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the pier of the Fishing Club that is there. They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately 5:00 in the morning and in circumstances that the exponent was sleeping, he was woken up by PERRONI, who told him to look towards the Northwest, managing to see an unidentified flying object, which around this it had a yellowish halo, which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter and moved towards the sky. It is what he exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for the record. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Pedro Raúl Sosa (1/1)

Exposition by Pedro Raúl SOSA:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:15 p.m., a person appears before this Federal Police Guard Office of the San Luis Delegation, a person who says called Pedro Raul SOSA, being Argentine, 32 years old, of single marital status, by profession employed in the Government House of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at Balcarce Street No. 925 of this City of San Luis, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO and his brothers Genaro Luis SOSA and Ramon Armando SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida ", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of the reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club de Fishing that is there. They were fishing when at a certain moment, it would be approximately 04:50 and in circumstances that the exponent was observing the reeds, when suddenly he saw a glow, later he could see that it was an unidentified flying object, which was was surrounded by a halo that radiated phosphorescent light, that it was suspended in the air on a sloping ground about 25 meters from where the speaker was. That from inside said object a ladder was opened through which descended a being in human form, approximately 1.90 meters tall, who was dressed in a shiny suit fitted to the body, silver in color and luminous,

Testimony of Pedro Raúl Sosa (2/2)

that he has placed on his head a transparent balloon walking towards the speaker about 10 steps, smiling and making a gesture of thanks with his hands that were three times the normal size and without fingers, which after this, he turned, he went to the object going up to it, closing the ladder, taking flight and as it moved away, the lighting was noticeable in different colors, increasing its luminosity, it was heading towards the North, getting lost in space. It is how much it exposes. Once the act was finished and this document was read, all its content was ratified. Signing below for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Ramón Armando Sosa.

Exposition of Ramon Armando Sosa:

In the city of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 5:30 p.m., a person who says his name is Ramon Armando SOSA appears before this Office of the Guard of the Federal Police Delegation of San Luis. , being Argentine, 39 years old, married, by profession employed at the "San José" Ceramic Factory, domiciled at 105 Miter Street, "Cantisani" neighborhood of this City of San Luis, who exhibits a Enrollment No. 6,801,223, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO and his brothers Pedro Raul and Genaro Luis SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida ", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of said reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club de Fishing that is located there.

They were fishing when at a certain moment, it would be approximately 4:45 in the morning and in circumstances that the decedent was sleeping, he woke up and was able to observe how an unidentified flying object, which radiated a phosphorescent light, moved towards the sky with northbound. It is what he exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Manuel María Alvarez (1/1)

Exposition of Manuel Maria Alvarez:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 6:00 p.m., a person who says his name is Manuel María ALVAREZ appears before this Guard Office of the Federal Police San Luis Delegation. , naturalized Argentine, with 25 years of residence in the country, 32 years of age, single marital status, employed by Aerolineas Argentina, domiciled at Ituzaingó street nº 1128 of this City of San Luis, who exhibits National Identity Document No. 14,594,582, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day he met his friends Regino PERRONI, Eduardo LUCERO, Ramon Armando, Genaro Luis and Pedro Raul SOSA, with the purpose of going to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida" , for fishing.

That at approximately 11:00 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft, trying to go to the center of said Reservoir, not being able to do so due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Club's Pier of Fishing that there is located.

They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately between 4:30 and 5:00 in the morning, and when suddenly he saw a glow and later he could see that it was an unidentified flying object, which had the shape of a inverted deep plate, which radiated a white light from its lower part and emerald green and garnet red lights from its upper part, which was suspended in the air, about 3 meters high and about 25 meters from the speaker,which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter, that a ladder opened from inside the object through which a human-shaped being of an approximate height of about 1.85 meters descended, who was dressed in

Testimony of Manuel María Alvarez (2/2)

that he was dressed in a shiny suit, tight to the body, silver and luminous, on his head he wore a kind of transparent diving suit, that the being walked towards the speaker about 6 meters, smiling and making a gesture of friendship with his hands , which were of a normal size, but apparently had gloves and could not see the fingers, after this, it turned, went up the ladder, which then closed, this flying object disappearing at the time, leaving a luminous trail that went disappearing as it moved away into space with a Northeast direction, they discussed this event with their fishing partners, the appearance lasted 20 seconds. It is how much it exposes. Once the act was finished and this document had been read, all its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of this document for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Jacinto Eduardo Lucero.

Exposition of Jacinto Eduardo Lucero:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 6:20 p.m., a person who says his name is Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO appears before this Office of the Guard of the Federal Police Delegation of San Luis. , being Argentine, 24 years old, married, by profession employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martín Street in the City of San Luis, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 10,945. 305, who states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Regino PERRONI, Pedro Raúl and Genaro

Luis SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida", for fishing. That at approximately 11:30 p.m. they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of said Reservoir, not achieving their goals due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Embarcadero del Fishing Club that is located there.

He was sleeping, it would be approximately 04:50 hours when he was woken up by PERRONI, who told him to look north, telling him that it could be an unidentified flying object, in such a circumstance the deputy could perceive a white light, which was moved far away, in that direction. It is what he exposes. Finished the act and read the present, its content was ratified, signing at the bottom of the present, for Constancia. I CERTIFY.

Testimony of Regino Salvador Perroni.

Exposition of Regino Salvador Perroni:

In the City of San Luis, Capital of the Province of the same name, today February 6, 1978, at 7:15 p.m., a person appears before this Federal Police Guard Office of the San Luis Delegation, a person who says his name is Regino Salvador PERRONI, being Argentine, 26 years old, married, by profession employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martin Street in the City of San Luis, who exhibits Enrollment Book No. 8,484,327, which states: That on Friday the 3rd of the current day, he met his friends Manuel ALVAREZ, Eduardo LUCERO, Pedro Raúl and Ramón Armando SOSA, in order to go to the town of "El Trapiche" Embalse del Dique "La Florida", for fishing.

That at approximately 11:30 p.m., they arrived at the aforementioned place, had dinner there and later embarked on a raft trying to go to the center of the Reservoir, not achieving their goals due to the strong prevailing wind, thus returning to the Embarcadero del Fishing Club that is located there.

They were fishing when at a certain moment it would be approximately 04:50 hours, when suddenly he saw a light and when he perceived it he covered his face, he immediately went to wake up LUCERO and the SOSA brothers who were sleeping so that they witnessed the event, after waking them up and returning to the place they initially occupied, they observed an unidentified flying object, which was moving towards space in a northerly direction and as it distanced itself, it left a luminous trail. That apparition lasted approximately 15 to 20 seconds. It's all he exposes. After the act, it was read, ratified and signed. I CERTIFY.


Police of the Province of San Luis


Official Statement

The headquarters of the Police of the Province of San Luis, through the Department of Police Relations, informs the general public the official information related to the alleged appearance of a UFO in the area of Dique la Florida.

1- The Police Headquarters of the Province of San Luis takes knowledge of the appearance of a UFO by the local media on February 6th of the current year.

2- Before this event, hours later of the same day, it invites the witnesses of the event to attend to the Police Headquarters in order to report their experiences.

3- The account of the persons is as follows: "That at approximately 4:45 a.m. on February 4th of the current year: 45 hours of the day February 4 of the current year, about 100 meters from where the facilities of the Club Nautico y de Pesca La Florida are located, heading south, they observed a UFO surrounded by a halo with a phosphorescent light irradiation whose ship was suspended in the air at a height of approximately 4 meters from the ground, A ladder was detached and a being with human appearance descended, wearing a shiny scaled silver suit tight to the body, on his head he wore a transparent diving mask that showed his face and blond hair, as well as he smiled and made gestures with his arms and immediately the referred craft took off northbound, leaving a flash of light forming a semicircle.

4- Upon taking knowledge, leaving of the account made by the witnesses, the Chief of the Police of the Province of San Luis, orders to integrate a commission with personnel of the Scientific Division under the command of the Private Secretary Deputy Commissioner Guillermo Andres Sosa Pinto, to travel to the area where the UFO was allegedly seen,

5- In the place where the UFO is supposed to have landed, studies of the terrain were carried out, taking tests of the soil, grasses and stones, photographs, location plan and traces.

Photographed the entire sector and the alleged path of the "walk" it was found that in a regular way and in spaces of about 1.5 meters "traces" are visualized with the characteristic of


crushed grass and a center devoid of plant elements, leaving the ground uncovered.

In general they are of ovoid form and with the impression of having been produced by a blunt element of great weight given the physical characteristics of the land, the measures of these tracks oscillate in around 30cm of length by 17cm of width. We also proceeded to the lifting of rocks located in the possible itinerary in order to determine if there is radioactivity exposing them to virgin film, which gave negative results.

6- From the analysis carried out by the Scientific Division of the Police and the Professorship of Minerology of the School of Geology and Mining of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the National University of San Luis, it has not been possible to verify the presence of radioactivity, existence of magnetism, neither signs or alterations produced by strange agents.

Police Headquarters - San Luis, February 18, 1978.






(Required radio conversation yesterday)

Pursuant to the request of that GENERAL DIRECTORATE, I hereby submit to you, photocopies of the records in the file on the UFO phenomenon, which occurred on Friday, February 3, 1978, on the shores of Lake "La Florida" Dike, Pringles Department, Saint Louis Province.

Said documentation consists of the exposition of the 6 witnesses of the event, a photographic view of a footprint supposedly left by the being, an official statement from the Police of the Province of San Luis, and a report on said case produced by the investigator Fabio ZERPA. Saint Louis, March 8, 1978.

Commissioner Carlos Washington."



Place: "El Trapiche" (San Luis)

Source value: A.

Information value: 1.

Origin: OWN MEDIA.

On Saturday, February 4, 1978, "El Diario de San Luis" which is published in the city of the same name circulated insistently in the City of San Luis, the version that in the tourist area "El Trapiche "La Florida Dam Reservoir", distant 42 kilometers from the Capital City of San Luis, an unidentified flying object (UFO) had descended, and an extraterrestrial being had emerged from its interior.

That day, in the aforementioned place, the citizens Manuel María ALVAREZ, Regino Salvador PERRONI, Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO, Ramon Armando, Pedro Raul and Genaro Luis SOSA were fishing.

According to statements by Manuel Maria ALVAREZ, Pedro Raul SOSA and Regino Salvador PERRONI, approximately between 04:50 and 05:00 hours, on February 4, 1978, they suddenly observed a light that illuminated the entire area where they were located. , being able to observe that an unidentified flying object (UFO) that radiated white light in its lower part and emerald green and garnet red lights from its upper part, was suspended in the air at a height of about three meters and about twenty-five


meters away from observers, on sloping ground. From said object, which measured approximately 20 meters in diameter, a ladder was opened through which descended -according to ALVAREZ, SOSA AND PERRONI- a human-shaped being, approximately 1.85 meters tall, who was dressed in a shiny suit, tight to the body, silver and luminous, and on his head he wore a kind of transparent diving suit.

The aforementioned continued to state that the being walked towards them about 5 or 6 meters, smiling and making a gesture of friendship with his hands, which were of a normal size, but apparently had gloves, not being able to notice these, the fingers, and after carrying out what was narrated, he turned, climbed the ladder that he later closed and immediately took flight, disappearing from the scene of the events at the time, leaving behind him a luminous trail that disappeared as he moved away into space with direction to the Northwest, having lasted the appearance of the UFO, about 20 seconds.

ALVAREZ, Pedro Raul SOSA and Regino Salvador PERRONI immediately woke up their fishing companions, Genaro Luis SOSA, Ramon Armando SOSA and Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO, telling them to look at the sky in a Northwest direction because a UFO was moving there, which seconds before had descended in the place where they were located, the latter could then observe that an unidentified flying object that had a yellowish halo, was moving away


at high speed in the indicated direction, then disappearing into the sky.

The Police of the Province of San Luis, took charge of the investigation of the event, to try to elucidate the case, and as for the San Luis Delegation of the Federal Police, they located the actors of the event, who in an exhibition, details of such circumstance were disclosed.

Manuel Maria ALVAREZ: Son of Carlos Vicente and Gilda Manuela GALDON, born on June 30, 1945, single, naturalized Argentine, employed by Aerolineas Argentinas, domiciled at 1128 Ituzaingó street in the City of San Luis. In the Federal Police he has a criminal record ------- and in the San Luis Police record -----, with no record in both cases. His political ideology is unknown.

Jacinto Eduardo LUCERO: Son of José Jacinto and Nélida Aurelia JOFRE, born on January 31, 1954, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martin Street in the City of San Luis. In the Federal Police he has ------ and in the San Luis Police record -----, with no priors in both cases. His ideology and political affiliation are ignored.

Ramon Armando SOSA: Argentine, Class of 1938, married, employed at the "San José" Ceramics Factory, domiciled at 105 Miter Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.


Genaro Luis SOSA: Argentine, Class 1943, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 1056 Balcarce Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.

Regino Salvador PERRONI: Argentine, Class of 1951, married, employed at the Bank of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 143 San Martín Street in the City of San Luis. It is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is ignored.

Pedro Raul SOSA: Argentine, Class of 1945, single. employee at the Government House of the Province of San Luis, domiciled at 925 Balcarce Street in the City of San Luis. He is not identified. His ideology and political affiliation is unknown.

San Luis, February 6, 1978.


"for the purpose of submitting a report to their natural commanders for subsequent submission to the United States of America,"


\"This photograph shows the place of descent of the Unidentifiable Flying Object and the place where the crew member who was traveling in it supposedly moved. It is added to your records\"

\"The present photographic view shows a footprint, supposedly left by the Being that descended from the UFO. Added to your records\"

\"This view illustrates the area of the \"La Florida\" Dam reservoir, where the raft was located with the six fishermen who were in the place on the day of the appearance of the UFO. It is added to your records\"

Submitted June 09, 2022 at 02:58AM by Raxazetta https://ift.tt/FwqMuEz

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