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Monday, February 28, 2022

A podcast that goes into depth and discusses a few theories for The Fermi Paradox.

Really interesting episode I thought I’d share.


Description copy and pasted below:

Where is extraterrestrial life and why haven't we seen anything, dead or alive, yet? I mean, Matt Williams tells me maybe we have already with Oumuamua Oumuamua, but that's still up for debate among researchers. Why haven't we confirmed anything outside our planet yet? Enter, the Fermi Paradox. In today's episode, we discussed some more proposed solutions; The Zoo Hypothesis, The Dark Forest Theory, The Great Filter to name a few covered. (Part 2 to episode 66).

Bio: Hello all. What can I say about me? Well, I'm a space/astronomy journalist and a science communicator. And I also enjoy reading and writing hard science fiction. It's not just because of my day job, it's also something I've been enthused about since I was young. By the time I was seventeen, I began writing my own fiction and eventually decided it was something I wanted to pursue.

Aside from writing about things that are ground in real science, I prefer the kind of SF that tackles the most fundamental questions of existence. Like "Who are we? Where are we going? Are we alone in the Universe?" In any case, that's what I have always striven for: to write stories that address these questions, and the kind of books that people are similarly interested in them would want to read.

Over the years, I have written many short stories and three full-length novels, all which take place within the same fictional universe. In addition, I have written over a thousand articles for a number of publications on the subjects of science, technology, astronomy, history, cosmology, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

They have been featured in publications like Business Insider, Phys.org, Real Clear Science, Science Alert!, Futurism, and Knowridge Science Report.

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 09:10AM by ItsTheTenthDoctor https://ift.tt/Ui9kCbo

Thoughts? Saw this on war-tok


Submitted February 28, 2022 at 05:13AM by camefromxbox https://ift.tt/WsUyRt8

Why is this never mentioned when people say there's no evidence/clear video. National television with live commentary in 1979.


Submitted February 28, 2022 at 02:32AM by arakaman https://ift.tt/QoBZtdi

In light of recent events in Russia, do you think the UAP's and/or aliens will intervene in the event of a Russian nuclear launch?

It's been well documented for a long time that the UAP's are interested in our nuclear facilities and spend most of their time monitoring them and whatnot. There's even been reports of them actively disabling nuclear missiles. So, I think it would be safe to say that they don't want us to destroy ourselves with a nuclear war. So it stands a reason to believe that in the event Putin launches a nuclear missile, they would disable it or shoot it down. Do you realistically believe that would happen?

Submitted February 28, 2022 at 02:49AM by matt73132 https://ift.tt/ezqVjas

Sunday, February 27, 2022

What do you think of this ...


Submitted February 28, 2022 at 12:40AM by Valmika https://ift.tt/K1qxe9f

Grey Alien Hybrid Footage


Submitted February 28, 2022 at 01:02AM by qupdub9006 https://ift.tt/tZeDUwN

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Could it be the other direction entirely, when Extraterrestrials choose to reveal themselves? Through reinforcing only peaceful behaviors

Such as with the construction of Extraterrestrials monuments, Movies depicting positive steps made in Extraterrestrial alliance participation, or activities of celebrating the positive aspects of Extraterrestrial psychology such as a holiday?

I’m not an expert, however, I am sensing reinforcing undesired behaviors with some air show is likely very far from their range of desired interests of expenditures of technological advancements. Even if I had my own spacecraft I’d likely stay at a distance until organization had reestablished itself as to sustain a simplicity within the population.

(Likely a downvote TT energy hedge for redaction fyi)


Peace, Love, Respect

-Jesse Valdez

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 07:48PM by PurpleCabbageGod https://ift.tt/xRrevMJ

75th Anniversary of Roswell is this year — will anybody important fess up?

For the 50th anniversary, the government put out a new cover story for Roswell.

That was 25 years ago, so enough time has gone by for them to change their story again.

With the disclosure movement thought to be well underway by many observers, will we get any kernels of truth about Roswell in 2022?

Perhaps an insider whistleblower?

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 06:40PM by EngineeringNo1675 https://ift.tt/R9JzemG

Chico Xavier and the "Limit Date" (Aliens and War)

Chico Xavier was a popular Brazilian philanthropist and spiritist medium. He talked about Aliens in his "psychographed letters" (spirits talked to him and he was a medium to transcript the words). He never did things for money, he died poor in a small room. He was famous and could be rich, but he donated all for charity. There is a lot of him in the internet.

But I want to talk about one of his last predictions. He said 2019 was the "Limit Date", there are books, television shows, documentaries about that. This prediction involved a War, Aliens, Brazil, and a era of supreme elevation of the human kind, or if all things go wrong, in supreme decay of the human kind.

I will not tell nothing more, you could research about it, I am not lying. He was a good men, never became rich, only did good things. He was strange, he was nothing like us, i am not spirit, neither religious but this man is different and for me he did a "good prediction of our current time", he died in 2002 with 94 years old.

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 06:40PM by victorhkr https://ift.tt/6qGcA39

The Day After Roswell book

Hey all,

I started reading ‘The Day After Roswell’ written by United States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso, with help from William J. Birnes.

I thought I knew everything about the crash but the book goes into serious detail as it’s told through Colonel Philip Corso who seems to legit be the guy at the pentagon behind the foreign technology department or was even till he died.

Anyone looking to Learn more about the subject it’s worth a read even goes into the autopsy of the aliens.

Just wanted to share as there’s always so much false information on the subject and the contents of the books seems to be more truthful if you can use the word 😂


Submitted February 26, 2022 at 05:17PM by Harvish69 https://ift.tt/cO6LI5E



Submitted February 26, 2022 at 02:55PM by flpp06 https://ift.tt/G3grDkC

Current events

Dear r/aliens community,

due to an influx of users trying to find correlations between the ongoing siege of Ukraine and the existence of extraterrestrial life, we wanted to remind everyone that this topic should be treated very, very carefully.

Please remember to respect the people of Ukraine who are in a life and death situation, our hearts are with the brave men and women defending their home relentlessly.

However, we have a channel dedicated to the discussion of the invasion, and for everyone who needs to vent.

The discord channel is linked in a pinned post, and can also be found on the sidebar.

Stay safe everyone!

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 02:08PM by berkenobi https://ift.tt/8Ps1Afg

This current war does prove some things about UFOs/UAPs theories wrong or right though. But right or wrong depending on how you view it.

I'm not going to say too much because I know how sensitive this topic can be.

Theory number 1: Aliens actually care about humans hurting each other is debunked. If Alien visitors existed and care about humans they would've already stopped this war. Or at best stop the first two world wars lol. Either Alien visitors don't exist or maybe Alien visitors do exist, but they just don't care and are indifferent.

Theory number 2: UAPs/UFOs are foreign countries' technology. This might not be true after all. Because Putin would've already used this technology by now. Or again the technology would've been used in the first two world wars.

So in conclusion. We are back at square one. Which is "I dunno".

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 11:23AM by Some_Personality8379 https://ift.tt/Stmj6Tk

Why legitimate UFO footage is guaranteed to be "debunked": probability is not common sense.

To demonstrate how easily probability can be misused, see the prosecutor's fallacy.

The prosecutor's fallacy is a fallacy of statistical reasoning involving a test for an occurrence, such as a DNA match. A positive result in the test may paradoxically be more likely to be an erroneous result than an actual occurrence, even if the test is very accurate. The fallacy is named because it is typically used by a prosecutor to exaggerate the probability of a criminal defendant's guilt. The fallacy can be used to support other claims as well – including the innocence of a defendant.

For instance, if a perpetrator were known to have the same blood type as a given defendant and 10% of the population to share that blood type, then one version of the prosecutor's fallacy would be to claim that, on that basis alone, the probability that the defendant is guilty is 90%. However, this conclusion is only close to correct if the defendant was selected as the main suspect based on robust evidence discovered prior to the blood test and unrelated to it (the blood match may then be an "unexpected coincidence"). Otherwise, the reasoning presented is flawed, as it overlooks the high prior probability (that is, prior to the blood test) that he is a random innocent person. Assume, for instance, that 1000 people live in the town where the murder occurred. This means that 100 people live there who have the perpetrator's blood type; therefore, the true probability that the defendant is guilty – based on the fact that his blood type matches that of the killer – is only 1%, far less than the 90% argued by the prosecutor.

A UFO photograph or video is often considered to be debunked if at least one unlikely coincidence is found in the case. You only need one. We now know that the Flir1 Nimitz UFO footage is authentic because the government admitted it was, but this footage was leaked in 2007 with skeptics concluding that it was a CGI hoax because it was originally uploaded to a CGI website. What are the odds of legitimate Navy footage being first uploaded to a CGI website? This demonstrates that even if you have a very strong coincidence argument against UFO footage, it could still be perfectly legitimate.

There are other kinds of coincidences that are used in the same way. What if the UFO resembles a man made object? Does that mean that it's probably a hoax? Actually, no. I'll explain this critical error using the McMinnville UFO photographs. They are often considered to be a hoax because the UFO resembles a vehicle side view mirror from that era. What are the odds that a UFO would closely resemble a side view mirror? That's not actually what the argument is, however. It's actually "what are the odds that any of a number of unlikely coincidences in the case would be found?" This is because if an unlikely coincidence was found, it would be considered to be debunked. It just happens to be in this case that skeptics discovered the resemblance to a man made object, but many other kinds of coincidences could have taken its place.

In this debunking of the MnMinnville UFO, they didn't use the highest quality version of the photograph, so it only appears to be a very close match. However, we should expect to find at least one man made object that resembles the ufo, but that doesn't actually mean anything for guilt or innocence.

What is the total number of things humans have created? Billions? Trillions? We have created an uncountable number of things of all shapes, colors, and sizes, and each of them can be photographed from a wide variety of angles, including various kinds of toys, kites, balloons, vehicle parts, trinkets, cookware, utensils, tools, hats, etc, etc. Unless the UFO is of a very unusual shape, it's nearly guaranteed that you'll eventually discover a man made object that resembles a UFO.

What about hobbies and occupations? Even though many people out there work in special effects and are equally likely to see a UFO as anyone else, if a UFO photograph happened to be taken by such a person, it will be automatically discredited. What are the odds that a UFO witness will happen to work in special effects? Like earlier, this is not what the argument actually is because other occupations and hobbies have been used to discredit a UFO photograph or video. Any other kind of unlikely coincidence could be used here.

People who are automatically suspicious of perpetrating a UFO hoax: 1) anyone who has a drone, 2) anyone who builds scale models, 3) anyone who has a hobby or occupation involving VFX, 4) anyone who has a hobby or occupation involving special effects, 5) anyone with a youtube account or something else that may theoretically draw subscribers or money from the sighting, 6) anyone who has seen a UFO more than once, and 7) anyone with a conviction on their record. I know I'm missing a lot here, but you get the point. Additionally, even if the witness had no occupations or hobbies having anything to do with these things, and even if this is the first UFO this person has witnessed, it can still be "debunked" if a skeptic finds a man made object that closely resembles the UFO. At the end of the day, the likelihood of a legitimate UFO witness passing the "no coincidence test" is low because there are so many available options to choose from. You should expect to find at least one unlikely coincidence in the case, sometimes more.

The 2007 Costa Rica video has been "debunked" because it was found that the primary witness builds scale models of horse drawn carriages and stuff as a hobby, alleging that he could have also built a UFO model based on this coincidence. Here is the Costa Rica 2007 UFO video. Here are screenshots of the video, and here's a gif of the movement. Here is a video on his scale models, and here is a photo he took of one of his scale models What are the odds?

This video of a flying saucer zipping around outside of an airplane window was debunked because the witness who posted the video was accused of being a hoaxer. She works in special effects (not VFX) and worked on a couple of alien themed movies. She was widely accused of being a hoaxer and eventually deleted her original tweet. What are the odds that a UFO witness would work in special effects on a few alien movies? I would change this to "what are the odds that you'd find at least one unlikely coincidence in a UFO case?" It could very well be CGI, but the fact that you found an unlikely coincidence doesn't support that allegation.

The bottom line is that you are not asking how unlikely it is that a person who films a UFO would work in special effects or that the UFO resembles a specific man made object. Your actual argument is "what are the odds that I would be able to find at least one unlikely coincidence in a legitimate UFO case?" The answer is that it's practically guaranteed because coincidences happen all the time, so when you do finally stumble upon that coincidence, that by itself is not evidence of anything whatsoever. If enough details are made public, someone will eventually discover that coincidence.

Here are two more critical errors I've seen made many times on the subject of UFOs:

1) Just because something is possibly true does not mean it is actually true. Just because it is possible to recreate a UFO photograph using camera trickery does not mean that the photo is a fake. Possibility here does not imply likelihood because many real things can be recreated using camera trickery. Think about real things being depicted on a Hollywood set, such as gun fights, car crashes, etc.

This argument is also often based on the idea that extraterrestrial visitation is unlikely, meaning that if it is theoretically possible to recreate a UFO photograph, then it must have been fake, but we don't actually know how likely or unlikely alien visitation is.

2) Just because there are many cases of conventional objects being misinterpreted as UFOs does not imply that all UFOs are conventional. If alien spaceships really were visiting Earth and the public was aware of this, the majority of sightings would still be conventional phenomena because most people are not expertly familiar with aircraft, atmospheric physics, astronomy, etc. A sampling of reports from the general public would still be mostly conventional, not actual UFOs, whether UFOs were real or not.

Submitted February 26, 2022 at 09:05AM by MKULTRA_Escapee https://ift.tt/dKiJAef

Friday, February 25, 2022

Looking For A PDF or Book


Quite a few times I’ve come across a post that included either a book or pdf file of many illustrated and hand drawn alien races and species, and now I cannot find it. It had a specific illustration of a short, fat, blue alien species. I have tried searching the Reddit with the keywords as well as through media posts, but no luck.

If anyone can give me a link to what I am talking about that would be great and much appreciated. Thank you so much. Stay safe!

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 01:53PM by Puzzleheaded_Dish_45 https://ift.tt/LeFkuan

The Strange Abduction of Travis Walton has new insights

The strange abduction of Travis Walton is as intriguing as it is infamous. It is also one of the best documented alien abduction accounts on record. What makes it unique, intriguing and infamous is the fact that Travis Walton disappeared for five days, and then returned, safe and sound. It's been 50 years, and a lot has happened, Travis and others have new perspectives and there's lot's to learn by comparing experiences since and connecting multiple dots.

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 12:40PM by ProjectBluebookTV https://ift.tt/v3QJd7B

If we achieved immortality in this life what would you do after you have done all the things you have ever wished and imagined for ?

Lets Hypotheses that somewhere in the history after the big bang some species achieved immortality, they realized all their material dreams, they conquered all of the universe. They even became so developed that understood they could imprint their self into matter. They could merge with the universe itself and control every aspect of it. They could become a living Universe. Than after some billion years they get bored and just for the sake of fun started a sort of mental masturbation and recreate the same conditions where they were a ‘’child’ civilization just for the sake of reliving it as if it was everything new again. But the problem this time is that the experience is new in itself because we can not recreat every aspect of our first conditions because we have changed the essential nature of matter making it like us: mind and we understand instead that this is a simulation.

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 07:30AM by Soggy-Investigator53 https://ift.tt/UKIYoml

Gemini Home Entertainment discovery?

From Nexpo YouTube account; Disturbing Things vol 11 vs. Gemini & The end of the world & maybe Chernobyl (theory)

Okay so as we have learned from Gemini… A form of alien attack comes from inside (hollow earth perhaps?) the ground. Correct? Mhm.

According to Gemini: It takes our bone and skin (container theory?) and mimics how it understands human behavior. Our bodies become “new bones” but really is just structured ligaments and tendons… like that muscle diagram from middle school health class… minus the bones. You aren’t dead but you aren’t alive.

This is said to come from a “planet” to which I believe is either the mother/queen of these parasitic alien bugs OR is a spaceship with someone coming with some beef towards humans. (Enki’s bro perhaps?)

Your exterior and skeletal structure now house an almost Zombie-like behavior. They will shout from heavily wooded areas for help. TO LURE THEIR PREY!

Anyways; I don’t know how it hasn’t been noticed yet but the very first video on Nexpo’s Disturbing Internet vol 11 is of a man hearing a woman shout from the wooded area as if in distress. If you see the screen grab of the original post at the 2:45 minute mark; it’s hash-tagged Cunningham ms. Cunningham middle school he also says in video which is located in Texas



Did you know that interstate 35 begins in Minnesota and ends in Texas? It takes one infected person or vessel to travel and spread.

back to Gemini. Remember Jack and Mary? Hopping over the river? Mary fell in the RIVER. She became something else… was taken DOWN in the river and became something else.

Minnesota has a LOT of rivers, directly connects to the Mississippi River…. One that has stuck out to me is ROOT RIVER. (GEMINI AGAIN HERE REMINDING YOU THAT THE INFECTION THAT CREATES THE NEW BONELESS BONES SHELL OF A HUMAN SPECIES (think the hiv of aids) is called DEEP ROOT Disease. ROOT.

Root river also has a satanic named waterfall where the river just seems to disappear into the earth, INTO the earth. And as Gemini reported during the home invasion series that it is recommended to borrow under preys house for minimum efficiency when attacking.

Gemini is a warning for us and a reminder, for the succeeding fused beings, to their hostile and apocalyptic plans for earth.

If these things have been growing since the 90s (when videos were broadcast) or 80s (as video claims) and if they can inhabit human life, which consists of 70% water… they most likely will(can) breed and nest near water sources to nourish the embryos….


…Another Reddit post questions Putins intent with Chernobyl… perhaps the soil? The radiation…. Or????

Russia has always been secretive of technology, we all know technology came from aliens… another life form unknown to this planet gave us our rapid technological developments and within Gemini someone from Earth, some deal was made, something Russia and specifically Putin (much like Hitler) has sought after alien technology…. This last paragraph is a stretch but something is going on.

Just barely forming connections. Help! Find more scream videos and see if we can see how it’s spreading

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 07:15AM by iamorphann https://ift.tt/MQSF7Za

The Phoenix Lights: The Real UFO Seen By Thousands Of Witnesses


Submitted February 25, 2022 at 04:58AM by scarez_Top5 https://ift.tt/sgnXDW7

George Carlin: Why we aren't ready for Extraterrestrial Intelligence


Submitted February 25, 2022 at 03:45AM by 2KALUBAFAK40z https://ift.tt/UTAeHfg

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Aliens That Look Like Ithilids

Does anyone know of any cases where someone has encountered or been abducted by ET's that looks like Ithilids from Dungeons & Dragons? The only difference in appearance is that they have 5 facial appendages as opposed to 4 and they wear government type suits. This is not a hypothetical situation, I am asking due to an experience of my own.

Submitted February 25, 2022 at 12:01AM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/02s4ekr

I have met the "awkward homies" aka aliens. Ask questions and I will answer honestly. If you are scared or are harassed lmk, we can stop that stuff.

Ask away

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 08:08AM by Sage_Human_Design https://ift.tt/6GAhk8g

[MEGADUMP] After spending many years sailing these salty seas, I have put together this collection of Extraterrestrial, Esoteric, Occult, Spiritual, Fraternal, Psychedelic, Intelligence materials to aid the humble truth seeker on his path 🙏🏻



let’s try this one more time shall we 🙃

it has been a jubilant year here at MIPLTD and first of all we’d like to say thank you for everybody’s participation

we try to cultivate an attitude of perseverance and the characters that have been paying attention grow in number by the day

this sub was designed to be the host of a body of work known as The New Shamanic and can be defined as a collection of multimedia that aids a budding truth seeker on their path to a clear mental realm

below shall be listed our efforts thus far and a suggested order for consumption:


Introductory Texts

Setting The Record Straight: A Primer to The New Shamanic

Phrases To Be Aware Of: The MIP Glossary

A List For Reading: The MIP Suggested Reading List

A Comprehensive Analysis On Why Tom Delonge Is Right


Somethings Going On

This series consists of a few of the common “falsehoods” I see shopped around subs of this nature and have detailed the objective truth. Each of these paragraphs to be used as copy pastas to be copy and pasted into any thread you see shopping around this nonsense that has the entire community bogged down and confused.



Satan, Baphomet, Lucifer and The Devil

The Philadelphia Experiment, World Wars and Montauk


Dead People With Something To Say

An ongoing project consisting of a collection of biographies of people that have been overlooked in the annals of history. Categorised as counterculture, pseudoscience and absolute lunacy these individuals were not listened to whilst they lived and it’s only upon re-evaluation it becomes clear that a distinct pattern of thought has been suppressed throughout history and has shaped the society we live in today.

Carl Jung


Rod Serling

Adam Parfrey

H.P Lovecraft

Helena Blavatsky

John Dee

Sister Lucia

John Lennon

Graham Chapman


Tsentsak: Deciphering Liber

The goal of this series is to provide budding practitioners with a curriculum to set out a clear sense of direction and progression with the ultimate goal being unbounded, safe astral travel and creative manipulation of the physical realm with the ultimate interest being achieving our individual dreams which in turn will allow us to achieve a large scale global goal such as world peace.

Womb Time

Your Way

Practical Merkaba

The Book of Balance


Extra Curricular Content

Something’s Going On YouTube Playlist

The Up, Up and Up Trilogy

Fly Me To The Moon by ølund

The It’s Not That Deep Bro Podcast


Here lies a mass of content that can, if you let it, lead you to alchemical change within yourself. It has been designed from ones own experience of walking the dark path across the abyss.

The desired culmination of this project is to release a physical collection of multimedia that can take this notion to its logical conclusion, a assault of various artistic platforms to inspire and help others emulate this expulsion of energy.

So please, as we continue to roll out this content, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to offer you services in some way. We need all the help we can get if we’re going to bring about global philosophy and ideological change so no matter you background and industry, please get in touch


the astral tramp




Submitted February 24, 2022 at 08:50AM by unlinedondabs https://ift.tt/j6MCWcQ

The War and UFOs

No, I'm not gonna ask the question, if aliens will reveal themselves and stop the war, etc. Instead I want to ask the following. Do you think that if the small chance that UFOs are actually highly advanced military weapons is real, we'll get to see them used?

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 06:05AM by Sp0ilerman https://ift.tt/x2yBcAI

so let me get one thing straight: homo sapiens have been around here for more than 300.000 (three hundred thousands!) years. so it took the entire species more than 299.800 years to develop electricity


what else am i supposed to believe in? unicorns?

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 03:03AM by FennelBright278 https://ift.tt/3f95XZO

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Does anyone think the Reptilian aliens are behind the aggression of Russia towards Ukraine?

Stated in title. Reptilians supposedly feed off negative energy. Does anyone think they played any role in this invasion?

Submitted February 24, 2022 at 12:20AM by AlE833 https://ift.tt/T13rSaZ

Supposed picture of alien

I saw this post about a supposed picture of an alien walking, I think it was taken by a cop or retired cop, I can't find it but the point of the post is to ask are there any "credible" or not easily debunkable picturea of aliens, not their crafts but the actual creatures. Thanks.

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 11:34PM by FredrickTheDinosaur https://ift.tt/FCPrLxN

Are aliens real? Logical answers only

I’m asking this question because for as long as I’ve been on this earth I’ve always wondered if there were other life forms on other planets.. They don’t even have to be bipedal.. just a foreign life form in general.

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 11:11AM by Interesting-Truck438 https://ift.tt/jXxyn8p

Found a podcast that discusses the Transcendence Hypothesis. It’s an interesting one of the Fermi Paradox theories.

Could aliens of transcended this 3D world?


Description copy and pasted below:

Where is extraterrestrial life and why haven't we seen anything, dead or alive, yet? I mean, Matt Williams tells me maybe we have already with Oumuamua Oumuamua, but that's still up for debate among researchers. Why haven't we confirmed anything outside our planet yet? Enter, the Fermi Paradox. In today's episode, we discussed the ins and outs of finding other lifeforms, along with Matt's favorite theory for this dilemma, the Transcension Hypothesis.

Bio: Hello all. What can I say about me? Well, I'm a space/astronomy journalist and a science communicator. And I also enjoy reading and writing hard science fiction. It's not just because of my day job, it's also something I've been enthused about since I was young. By the time I was seventeen, I began writing my own fiction and eventually decided it was something I wanted to pursue.

Aside from writing about things that are ground in real science, I prefer the kind of SF that tackles the most fundamental questions of existence. Like "Who are we? Where are we going? Are we alone in the Universe?" In any case, that's what I have always striven for: to write stories that address these questions, and the kind of books that people are similarly interested in them would want to read.

Over the years, I have written many short stories and three full-length novels, all which take place within the same fictional universe. In addition, I have written over a thousand articles for a number of publications on the subjects of science, technology, astronomy, history, cosmology, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

They have been featured in publications like Business Insider, Phys.org, Real Clear Science, Science Alert!, Futurism, and Knowridge Science Report.

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 09:25AM by ItsTheTenthDoctor https://ift.tt/9KxMwt8

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Extraterrestrial life and religion

If and when alien life is discovered what do you think will happen to our religions?

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 01:41AM by Vercitti https://ift.tt/mtcRfLF

i interacted with a ufo

i'm just putting it out there I was at the park, and i saw 2 lights hovering above my head. they were twirling around. they stayed there for about 2-3 hours.

i was having a bit of a trip while it was happening, kind of an out of body experience

Submitted February 23, 2022 at 12:55AM by newsupportsystem https://ift.tt/zk4Y1Rn

“Aliens” are decedents of the most corrupt organization of humans that abandoned mankind


Submitted February 22, 2022 at 05:48PM by PhuckYouRedditUgly https://ift.tt/9ekELmp

What is the Annunaki theory

What is the Annunaki theory and why do people believe it

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 03:04PM by tag123tag https://ift.tt/9urP5yX

Are aliens actually ancient?

Has anyone explored the topic that aliens may well be ancient individuals? I mean, we are just starting to explore the science of longevity and making progress in creating long lived, healthy mice. A slew of new supplements and drugs are appearing that appear to improve health and lifespan. Prominent scientists speculate that lifespans will extend to 150 years within the next few decades. And some speculate that the first "immortal" human may have already been born.

So, isn't it reasonable to assume that aliens with tech possibly thousands of years in advance of ours not also have mastered such technology for their own species? Should we expect aliens to actually be ancient?

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 12:40PM by abudabu https://ift.tt/gXn6SRh

Aliens drink water

Think about it.

As far as we know, liquid water is essential for all life. Even in the most harsh, extreme conditions (hydrothermal vents, underneath the ice in Antarctica) where there's water there's life.

So we can assume whatever aliens are out there are also composed of H2O to some extent and likely need it to survive, meaning:

Lifeforms on distant worlds probably drink water like us

Submitted February 22, 2022 at 11:21AM by Gigabitten https://ift.tt/NLM08T6

Argentina 1973 : Dionisio Llanca (25) met with 3 tall humanoids who allegedly took him on their ship. After hiding for decades, last year he accepted to give an interview.


Submitted February 22, 2022 at 07:57AM by Arto3_phag https://ift.tt/hFAHo4u

Monday, February 21, 2022

Fictional War, use your knowledge of history, and conspiracies.

DEATH BATTLE: Russia VS USA. Condition: They use their secret advance alien technology/knowledge, and/or any secret toys they've created from reversed engineered alien tech, or anything of a classified nature.

Round 1) 1v1.

Round 2) Allies help

Round 3) Other countries pick a side and get involved e.g. China, Japan, North Korea, etc.

BONUS ROUND) Russia vs NATO, but Germany is a wild card that could go in any potential escalation path, e g. With NATO, With Russia, or sweep them both for the win, etc

Who wins each round?

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 04:31PM by SSJNoctis https://ift.tt/H0yYDKc

We should be very quiet

Until we know more about who else is out there, I think we should try to keep as low a profile as possible.

There are probably countless civilizations that will wipe another out just because they detected them, and they could become a threat in the future.

We live in a dark forest…

This is based off of Cosmic Sociology. The two axioms of which are:

  1. Civilizations tend towards expansion, survival is paramount

  2. Resources are finite

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 03:30PM by Miskatonic_U_Student https://ift.tt/QnyGHoU

Microwave weapons in Washington DC?

I am intrigued by the recent 60 minutes episode on the Havana Syndrome. Especially with the episode concentrating on Ms. Olivia Troye who worked on national security and homeland security issues at the National Counterterrorism Centre, the United States Department of Energy Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, and the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis. And, Mr. Miles Taylor American former government official in the George W. Bush and Trump administrations. He was a Trump administration appointee who served in the United States Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Robyn Garfield, also a trade officer with the Commerce Department, who was posted in Shanghai. Individuals who have come forward to describe debilitating symptoms with not just them personally, also their kids. Investigated by Dr. David Lehman EMA Otolaryngology in Nose, and Throat in West Palm Beach Florida of Stanford University. Who keeps referring to the victims as human this and human that, of hearing brain and neuron? I am suspicious there is more to the perpetrators. They say it is a microwave weapon. Well, I for one done believe that if you going to use the microwave weapons in the white house grounds then get away with it. No mam you are not Russia or China. What you think? Please watch the 60 minutes video attached.

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 11:10AM by sonicagain https://ift.tt/KEUqg7v

Matrix or just Entropy wich is it ?

So from this Soft- Slow Disclosure we can synthesize most of the claims to this fundamental principles.

  1. Consciouness is related to the Quantum realm, and as such

  2. is Connected to a universal consciousness.

  3. Our material existence/body has smth unnatural to it as its infinity( consciousness) inside a finite being ( material body).

Two possible explanations are for me :

First possibility

We can deduce from this as refered to the Gnostic text by Tom Delonge that there are beings that have created us, that control us. And ‘’we are their property’’(Jaques Vallees). They have created us , but what for ? In the movie matrix when explaining the humans conditions that : “The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown... What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this {showing a battery}.”

As a possible hypothese this can be true, but only if our body and consciousness can be used to harvest Quantum Energy ( see casimir effect , zero point energy ).

This would possibly explain why we see light as particles and not as waves as they really are. Like there’s a program that doesn’t let us see throw our true nature. Doesn’t let us see ourselves.

Than there is a good and a bad. The entities that have created us to harvest quantum energy and our universal father ( god/consciousness ) trying to help us.

Second possibility

We live in a fractal universe, our Universal Quantum Consciouness is trapped in some form in the material realm.But its nobody fault, it just happened, the Universe evolves in mysterious uncontrolled ways. We are just a product of entropy. And our Universal Quantum Consciouness is trying to communicate with us in ways that we can understand. And what we understand Is stories about bad and good and victims and heros ( messiah, neos who would help get throw our difficulties). And that’s it, its nothing depressing just the natural entropy creating smth weird.

The point is that in someform we have to evolve and find a way to liberate ourselves from this condition to get to our full potential. .

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 10:08AM by Soggy-Investigator53 https://ift.tt/wtsxneH

I don't think much would change if aliens were discovered

I think for a week, a month at most it would be the only thing people talked about and after that most people will be back to business as usual.

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 09:09AM by QuantumGold1 https://ift.tt/p4NWTuQ

How many ETs are there in our Solar System & what do you think they do on a daily basis?

Do we know how many of them there are? Are there more of a certain race (ie. Greys) while other races (ie. insectoids) aren't even here at all? And of those who are here, how exactly do they spend their days?

I mean, there are the occasional atmospheric (earth) flybys, abductions, and cow mutilations... but besides that, do we have any knowlege of what they actually do for most of their time? Do they just chill and play sudoku in their free time? Or zip back to another star system and do things there, and only come back when called by their superiors, ie. "on-demand"?

That's assuming they even have some kind of heiracy... speaking of which, do they? With Leaders, & galactic presidents?

Genuinely curious.

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 09:11AM by NutellaOreoReeses https://ift.tt/h3fdMHq

Do you think the moon is more than a lump of rock?

Do you think the moon is more than a lump of rock?

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 07:50AM by TalkaboutJoudy https://ift.tt/E5nJMoh

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Early days of the campaign to stage Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE-5 Joseph Burkes MD in interviewed by Miranda Cunha in 1993

This YouTube video truly is a blast from my past. It is 23-minute vintage 1993 video of Miranda Cunha interviewing me as “young Dr. Burkes”. It was during my second year of volunteer contact work. In February of that year, I participated in what was called an RMIT (Rapid Mobilization Investigative Team) mission to the Volcanic Zone outside of Mexico City. There at the base of Popocatepetl Volcano, the CSETI Director signaled at a large triangular shaped UFO that replied by flashing its lights at us. I continued my volunteer work for the Center For the Study of ET Intelligence till 1998. In May of that year, I resigned from that organization for personal and political reasons. Nevertheless, I have continued to support the staging of Human Initiated Contact Events (HICE) aka CE-5s during these past three decades working with the Peruvian based network now called Rahma and independent teams of volunteer contact workers.

Three decades ago, I was a firm believer in the ET hypothesis as the sole explanation for the flying saucer phenomenon. Over the years my confidence in this theory has been eroded by the many high strangeness aspects of UAP phenomena. Nevertheless, whether the intelligences responsible for flying saucers are ETs, interdimensional beings, time travelers, or denizens of non-material realms that manifest as “angels” or “aliens”, I am confident that they are on a helping mission for Earth. Their presence and long-term involvements with countless individuals are promoting an expansion of consciousness for humanity. This is facilitating the profound spiritual transformation required if we are to address the fundamental challenges facing our civilization. These include war, racism, environmental pollution and resultant global warming, and the obscene disparities of wealth and power that exist across our planet. A owe a special thanks to Miranda for preserving this vintage interview link..


Submitted February 20, 2022 at 12:27PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/xHjzGTs

2022 Nuclear war and aliens arrival.

What if this year 2022 we have the start of a nuclear war and is when aliens reveal themselves stopping our self-destruction.

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 11:45AM by InternationalIce8153 https://ift.tt/MPIjYKE

Muted here for calling the mods CIA

I think im on to something

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 09:39AM by pellosanto https://ift.tt/eCKvqLW

NSA reading room. Messages from outer space.

I’ve just been trawling through the NSA reading room and have came across a number of interesting releases. One piqued my curiosity Re decoding messages from outer space. This does not appear to be a “scenario”. Ultimately the messages did not appear to make much sense, however the fact that this has been released, is quite frankly remarkable. NSA LINK

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 09:13AM by beepbotboo https://ift.tt/IYo0CPO

Was Bobby Ray Inman’s MJTWELVE cover blown prior to his 1994 confirmation hearing?

Back down in the Rabbit Hole again, I came across some interesting remarks from Gordon Novel relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (ret.):

Interviewer: And what about Bobby Inman? What’s he involved in?

Novel: [smiles] He’s reputedly ah, MJ-4, but whether he is or not I don’t know. He’s a nice guy. He and I are friendly, so I’m not going to say anything negative about Bob. I don’t know anything negative.

Interviewer: So, isn’t he part of Disclosure. Didn’t we hear that?

Novel: We hear it, but, you know, it’s one thing to hear it and it’s another thing to do it. You know, it’s one thing to say it. It’s another thing to do it. So...

https://projectcamelot.org/lang/en/gordon_novel_interview_transcript_en.html (3/4 down the webpage)

After a bit more excavation of the rabbit hole, I found the following:

  1. Inman was nominated by then-President Bill Clinton to be Defense Secretary in December 1993. He was considered to be a very sharp Intelligence Community insider, having been the Director of Naval Intelligence, Director of NSA, and Deputy Director CIA (at one stage, when transitioning from DIRNSA to DDCI, he held both positions simultaneously, and according to NSA folklore wrote memos to himself to get favorable policies pushed through regarding budgets). He was a veteran of the war between NSA and CIA, preventing a proposal from DCI Stansfield Turner for CIA to absorb the NSA functions during the Carter / Regan administrations, and was due to attend his Confirmation Hearing in late January 1994.
  2. On the 12th January 1994, a group called the Computer UFO Network (CUFON) decided to write the following memo and send it to the mainstream media and selected members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in order to ask certain questions to Inman during his confirmation hearing:

Has Secretary of Defense designate Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Ret., made

statements indicating that the U.S. Government has extraterrestrial craft in

its possession? Admiral Inman has been credited with making such statements

which have been construed as meaning that he was aware:

\* that "recovered vehicles" (meaning extraterrestrial alien craft*) have been in possession of the government for over 10 years,*

\* he had "some expertise" in the area of UFO before his retirement,

\* that he has been aware of a program to "indoctrinate the public" in UFO


\* that he "understood who is behind the technology in the crafts" meaning

extraterrestrial alien beings*,*

\* that the matter (of U.S. government recovery and possession of alien UFO craft) was covered by the "national security laws".

The distribution list was as follows:

Senator John McCain Senator John Glenn Senator Jeff Bingaman

Senator Edward Kennedy Senator D. Kempthorne Senator Carl Levin

CNN Larry King Live The Washington Post Reuters America

AP UPI Adm. Inman


  1. On the 18th January 1994, Inman held a press conference and announced he would not be seeking nomination as Secretary of Defense. Was Inman’s decision a direct result of not wanting to lie under oath about the subject when asked (particularly by Senator Kennedy, who knew better than most of the power of the MAJESTIC GROUP) and to suppress the existence of the alien presence to the general public?


  1. Some interesting comments from Inman at the following timestamps:

· 24:00 – Inman discovered in 1981 that Israel had direct access to the imagery produced by the NRO’s Talent Keyhole compartment (they didn’t have to ask for imagery). He was curious as to how the IDF had used IMINT for the attack on the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. Inman changed this arrangement, most likely over simmering feelings still felt over the USS Liberty incident, in which NSA civilian SIGINT operators were killed. I found this curious because prior to the creation of the NRO, the CIA was responsible for the KEYHOLE satellites. The person responsible for the “Israeli desk” at CIA for 20 years was none other than James Jesus Angleton, the only CIA officer who has their own memorial garden in Jeruselum. In Honor of James Angleton, Founding Father of the CIA-Mossad Alliance (deepstateblog.org)

· 29:00- Senator John McCain is mentioned (one of the CUFON memo recipients)

· 31:00 - The Clinton’s involvement in the Whitewater Affair is mentioned

· 32:15 – “There are certain clubs I won’t resign from” (specifically the Bohemian Club / Grove, but I wonder if this is a veiled speech reference to MAJESTIC TWELVE)?

· 39:50 – “I scare the bejesus out of people because I am a product of the Military-Industrial Complex

  1. The Clinton connection is interesting too – did they “cotton-on” to MAJESTIC TWELVE through Inman’s declination of the DEFSEC position, and become interested in this subject matter as a way to make money (by selling classified info) after they left the Whitehouse? Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House | HuffPost Latest News and Hillary Clinton Emails Held Info Beyond Top Secret: IG (nbcnews.com)

  2. Gordon Novel was the predecessor to Tom DeLonge regarding Disclosure. He was trying to shop a movie around Hollywood called The Supreme Cosmic Secret. In this interview with New Realities’ Alan Steinfeld, he name drops John Podesta as someone he has been talking to in this regard (30:11 timestamp): https://youtu.be/eFa_lTkESD0

  3. Inman was also on the board of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), which Ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler, believed was involved in UFO research alongside other major aerospace contractors. Oechsler was the original source of the CUFON statements, which he obtained from Inman via a phone interview in 1989: Ex-NASA man who claimed space agency was covering up ET visitations, 'alien corpse in a cryogenic tank' and UFOs dies (thesun.co.uk)

  4. I found this reference to “M/J Operations” on the CIA Reading Room site:

Corona KH4 satellites

Initially, I thought these birds were tasked with trying to capture UAPs / UFOs interacting with atomic radiation clouds, as there were 4 nuclear tests at the Tonopah Range around the date of the memo which studied nuclear fallout propagation. However, as much as I would like M/J to reference MAJESTIC/JEHOVAH, I believe it is in reference to the model of the CORONA KH-4 “M” / KH-4 “J” satellites that were used at the time. CORONA (satellite) - Wikipedia)

The tests of nuclear radiation around the time the memo was written may have been what they (and other partner nations) were interested in. At the time, the Keyhole satellites did 80-90 orbits (around 3 days) and then the film was ejected, re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere, and was caught by an airplane as it descended by parachute. The still-redacted portions of the mission profile and memo may be a reference to the CIA setting up their film and computer systems to share the data directly with Israel, obviously under the ever-watchful eye of the Owl – James Jesus Angleton. His dual role as Chief of Counter-Intelligence and custodian of the Israel desk at the CIA has always puzzled me. Secret JFK document #2: James Angleton's testimony > JFK Facts

As an aside, I have always considered the creation of Israel in 1948 as having been directly related to the crash retrievals of 1947 and the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls the same year. The source of this information was passed to me (and anyone else at the time who was interested) in a very peculiar way. When I started my working career in 1989, I traveled into the Central Business District of Sydney, Australia every weekday. Occasionally, I would come across a homeless-looking guy with a scruffy beard and long hair that had two paper flour sacks tied together over his shoulders, like a walking billboard sign. On these sacks he would draw in very elaborate, cursive writing “UFOs are Gods”, “Ezekiel 1:16 was describing a UFO”, and “2018 – 70 years after Roswell the Lord will return”. I would see him at various places – standing on the side of the busy Bradfield Hwy leading to the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Central Railway Station, and other random places. He would just stand there, not talking. I even approached him once to ask him about it, and he just stared through me, not uttering a word. The last time I saw an example of his work in 1991 was probably the weirdest though – he had nailed it onto a telegraph pole in the backstreet of a small town 60 kms from Sydney. I found this strange as it was out the back of a small church where I had just attended a wedding – definitely not for the mainstream view. I would be interested to know if anyone else had ever seen or heard of this strangely prophetic fellow.

Gordon Novel’s interview with Jack Sarfatti has some notable timestamps, though not related to Inman or UFOs specifically:


· 15:26 – claims J. Edgar Hoover was compromised by films/photos “with kids” (al la Epstein Island?)

· 20:00 – mentions “the Dragstrip”. How did Novel find the CIA? He didn’t, they found him. Novel bought a disused dragstrip in 1960 with grand plans for it. Also located on the land were secure bunkers for storing explosives used by O&G company Schlumberger. CIA needed access to the bunker for the Bay of Pigs operation, so they approached Novel for the key, and thus started the relationship.

· 21:00 – “yeah I was involved with Angleton, Colby, and Conein – don’t forget the name Lucian Conein”. One of the original OSS members along with Hunt, Helms, and Colby, and had connections with the Corsican Brotherhood during WW2. Novel says to “remember” his name, because Conein was most likely directly involved in the recruitment of Corsican hitman Lucian Sarti for “the Big Event” (JFK assassination).

Lucien Conein (spartacus-educational.com)

· 21:47 – Indictment by Garrison. It is hard to watch Gordon Novel’s interviews, mainly because he talks in riddles. I believe this is primarily because he sued Jim Garrison, who claimed Novel worked for the CIA. Having won the lawsuit, he was probably reluctant to admit that he actually did work for them, in case he perjured himself. Novel and William Colby both made enemies in the FBI when they worked on the Waco inquiry and did not want to kick the hornet’s nest again.

This hole is deep, though Admiral Inman is still alive and he may now be more open to discussing "Disclosure".

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 06:33AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/KjfXnM9

What is this alien? Completely white, half grey, half owl 3 ft. Tall?

I had a dream of it once. I've seen owl deities online but never white greys.

Submitted February 20, 2022 at 01:23AM by EducationWeary8584 https://ift.tt/MTx78Vg

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Memory Wars I:Remembering Falsely, Hypnosis and the Virtual Experience Model

Alien Abduction theorists describe the creation of “screen memories” to block recollections of encounters. What if entire memories of contact events are implanted thoughts?


Submitted February 19, 2022 at 07:56PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/wWJi4vk

The kid from the System of a Down: Aerials music video is an alien-human hybrid

The kid looks human but also has classic alien features like big angled eyes and a small mouth. The song’s lyrics also contain extraterrestrial connotations.

"And we are the ones that want to choose/always want to play but you never want to lose" and the line "Life is a waterfall/we drink from the river then we turn around and put up our walls" refers to humankind's tendency to exploit the Earth's resources,something through the eyes of a heavanly being whether it be an angel or an extra-terrestrial.

Please look at the video and tell me what you think.

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 12:09PM by DavidPriceIsRight https://ift.tt/wHxSi8v

Don't you just wish we had the technology to travel at the speed of light?

I hate how there's probably lots of alien civilizations out there, probably intelligent ones, and we're probably never going to find out because they're light years away from us and don't have any space ships that travel at light speed, it just makes me sad thinking how we're never gonna know about them.

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 09:00AM by Organic_Currency271 https://ift.tt/bDCkuix

Reality check: alien life would be waaaay way different

We will probably never discover (intelligent) alien life because we’d most likely just end up looking right past it without even noticing it.

What we define as advanced life is based on our human standards of “advancement.” There could be alien life more “intelligent/advanced” than us, but with no desire to explore the cosmos, create civilizations, or even contact us.

And maybe alien life would be so different than terrestrial life that we wouldn’t even recognize each other if we did come face to face. A super-intelligent alien might just appear to us as an amorphous blob or a cloud of dust. Likewise, a human civilization might just appear to an ET as a layer of dirty mold growing on an otherwise green planet.

We send radio waves out into space hoping for intelligent life to communicate back with us, but why would it? What if the signals we beam out as we try to communicate with aliens are just picked up on their end as “pretty background noise” the same way that birds calling to each other just sounds like pretty and meaningless noises to us.

What if an entire solar system is a super-intelligent being that communicates with other ones. We might only think our solar system is lifeless because we are each just a microscopic piece of the entire being, just like the cells that make up your body aren’t aware of the entirety of you, because they’re each just a small piece of your organism.

There could be a sentient being that isn’t even a living thing. If we wish to communicate with other sentience, we might need to think way outside the box and drastically reevaluate what really constitutes as “life, intelligence, advanced, etc.”

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 04:50AM by Gone_gone_broken https://ift.tt/ZC81skO

Does anyone remember this specific episode of a specific show where they were pulling tiny aliens of a tree? (Real life documentary)

I have this vivid memory of a show I watched on the discovery channel as a kid back in 1998 - 2000. I believe the show was called Bizarre something, and I remember watching the episode super late at night. During the episode they were investigating aliens and they were in this forest I remember it being in Asia somewhere and the host and another man were pulling these tiny alien humanoids off of a tree. They looked like your typical alien but we’re very tiny, and I believe they were dead but they were just clinging to the tree. I remember it so vividly because it creeped me out and since it’s like the show disappeared off the air. I’ve never been able to find the footage. If anyone knows what I’m talking about that would be awesome. I recently saw a clip posted of a dead alien on ice in Russia and it triggered the memory I guess. Curious if anyone remembers this as well.

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 03:27AM by Logical_Photograph_1 https://ift.tt/FE2neIA

Friday, February 18, 2022

All of the ancient native tribes speak of their ancestors as extraterrestrials…

And have left petroglyphs of them all over the world, but modern people think it’s all myth even though we have thousands of extraterrestrial craft flying around in our skies, landing and going underwater RIGHT NOW. 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻

Tonight’s new Ancient Aliens episode is getting right to the heart of this with lots of details and stunning imagery.

The Kachinas are fascinating.

Submitted February 19, 2022 at 01:54AM by Money_Prompt_7046 https://ift.tt/MfouH9F

Youtube video of soldier speaking about alien war that's coming?

There's a youtube video of a bunch of soliders listening to one solider speak about the UFO and alien situation, claiming the US is allied with one race and we're expecting another species to attack us soon. Something about the bad species coming from orion's belt. The other soldiers can't believe what they are hearing and act like dumbasses.

Anyone have a link? Has this been debunked?

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 02:28AM by NnOxg64YoybdER8aPf85 https://ift.tt/4q2c5Wb

Thursday, February 17, 2022

This 1997 Moss Landing Power Plant UFO event on California's coast includes an absurd cartoon-like-grabber-arm:

In mid-August, 1997, Joy Williams (45), her husband Tom Williams, and their friend "Emily," had dinner at their home overlooking Monterey Bay in Aptos, California. From her balcony, Joy noticed a bright yellow-green glow in the water, maybe a quarter mile off-shore, well inside the northern edge of the bay. For the next few minutes, the glow slowly brightened until a gigantic egg-shaped object rose from the water.

“It was huge,” Joy said. “It was really big…And as it was coming out, I could see all the kelp slipping off it. It rose out slowly.”

Joy called for Tom and Emily and all three watched the object in shock through a telescope they had on the deck. The object moved slowly north, skirting the shore.

Joy later told MUFON investigators, “When we looked at it through the spyglass, we could see portholes all around the center of it.” There were about a dozen visible portholes, all elliptically shaped, alternating green and amber in color. The object was still moving slowly north and was a gold amber color.

After an estimated ten minutes, the object stopped, right next to the smokestacks of the nearby coal fire plant at Moss Landing. The object's light illuminated the smokestacks themselves, which were 500 feet in height. The object hovered immediately next to the tops.

Using the smokestacks as a reference, the trio estimated the object had to be at least fifty feet across.

Tom seemed to take the experience in stride. Joy felt slightly nervous, and wondered if the occupants of the object realized that they were being observed. Emily was the most upset of the three. “It was a little scary to be honest,” Joy says. “It disturbed me. It’s a hard emotion to express. It made me feel like I wasn’t in control, a bit intimidated because I almost felt like it knew I was watching it.”

What happened next left them all stunned: A gigantic metallic arm emerged from the side of the craft farthest from the smoke stacks. The arm grew out of the object, extended upward and over the top of the craft, and then continued downward on the other side. The end of the arm contained a gigantic pair of pincers, which began to probe inside the opening of the smokestacks.

“I don’t know what it was doing,” Joy says, “but it had these long pincers on it, and it looked like it was collecting something. It was just hovering right next to the power plant, and it did that for about twenty minutes…We couldn’t stop looking at it because it was so bizarre. We were so stunned. Like, what is this thing?” They remained in a trance-like state while the object hovered, feeling no urgency to get a camera. They commented about how the area was fairly well populated. "Other people would surely be seeing this. The craft was huge and very bright. We couldn’t be the only witnesses."

Fully extended, the "arm" was more than twice the length of the craft. The pincers alone were estimated to be at least twenty feet long.

“My first memory of seeing this thing hovering in the sky was between us and the power plant,” Tom says. “I didn’t see it come out of the water. It had an arm on it, and several lights. There was a telescope [and] once we had a good look at it, we saw this definite arm and a couple of different colored lights. The thing itself was a kind of golden yellow color, and it hovered in the sky for quite some time."

After they watched the object for close to 20 minutes, Tom eventually came to his senses and called the police. The officer listened to both Joy and Tom as they explained what they were seeing. When he realized they were describing an apparent UFO, the officer’s attitude immediately changed. Like a switch being turned off, the officer dismissed their testimonies completely. “It’s probably just a fishing boat,” he told them. “In the middle of the sky?” Tom asked, incredulous. “Fishing boats don’t fly!” Joy pointed out. “This definitely came up out of the water.”

They told the officer that the object was still there. The officer refused to listen. “It didn’t seem to make any difference to them,” Joy says. They hung up the phone and resumed their UFO vigil. After approximately five minutes, all three watched the object instantly wink out. In a split-second, it was gone.

Joy eventually contacted UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe and shared the sighting with her. Twenty years later, in 2018, she reported the case to MUFON.

See Preston Dennet's "Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters, Chapter 16.

Submitted February 18, 2022 at 01:35AM by Spacecowboy78 https://ift.tt/BzKnREv

WAR with an Alien Race? Are we as humans REALLY willing to do THIS?

On the say so of the United States o f America?

I want to explore a premise here for a moment and maybe some of you can expand on my thinking and add to my premise.

We've been seeing a new development where a possible race, or races of aliens may actually be real wrapped in the disclosure issue, etc....

Does this involve going to war with another planet? Seemingly I wouldn't think that wise for Earth if for instance a real alien race occupies a few planets and has a multi-solar systems wide multi-planetary population of 800 billion. What if their populations in only 26 billion or 3 trillion, does that make a difference?

Now let me lay out another issue and that is one of history. The Spanish nearly wiped out the indigenous populations of South America while here in North America the indigenous First Nations peoples suffered the same fate. And to a lesser or similar degree whether it be the Sami people or the Arctic peoples a similar fate befell them. I for one have missed their true histories being part of the present world now that we better understand what was done to them and the loss of culture which occurred. The same with Celtic culture. It was never allowed to develop tot he present.

As seemingly more and more likely with every passing day. What if, here on Earth we have an outlier, ancient civilization which has occupied this planet for several hundred thousand years and they reside under our (well actually their) Oceans. What then? Has anyone ever wrapped their minds around this?

Based on the current narrative developing, and certain threat assessment agencies, if Aliens are in fact real. Is it wise to engage in a genocide against them? Would it be wise to do so? Since they are such a threat to humans?

Is their technology of such paramount importance that humans would be willing to destroy them for it?

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 08:25PM by nprivate https://ift.tt/dQFTt3q

What’s the real reason for non disclosure?

I’ve heard Tom DeLong and others ‘in the know’ allude to certain realities that the public is completely unaware of and purposely shielded from by the government. Elizondo’s suggestion that there are some sobering realities the public has yet to be made aware of. I’ve heard enough that leads me to be there might be good fcuking reason for non disclosure that hasn’t occurred to just people whine about ‘disclosure.’.

What are some theories about the nature of these realities that were being protected from? For example, We’re a slave race bred by aliens, Earth is a prison planet for souls, there’s an impending apocalypse? Certain Aliens have total control and are able to commit abductions with total immunity.

Has anyone else heard about these theories?

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 11:41PM by Soft_Tax1757 https://ift.tt/F470ghB

why can't i ask a question

i just want to know man do aliens have dicks and vaginas nothing wrong with the question this should not get reported its just reddit is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit lol oh yeah aliens don't exist in our atmosphere anyone who believes that doesn't know how things work if there was aliens flying around our earth we would see it fucken delusional nuts

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 03:59PM by antijohnbruce https://ift.tt/LJyrmVq

Maybe we are evolving weird...

So, a project that I have been working on lately has lead me to an interesting idea. I don't know if I will be able to explain very clearly, or if maybe this is stupid and everyone else has already thought of this 400 times. I will try my best to explain what I am thinking.... I know that people have different ideas about whether or not aliens and the contact/abduction experiences that people have with them take place in the physical world, or if they actual take place on some sort of mental plane of existence, some realm where just consciousness interacts, or another dimension or reality altogether.

Sooo..... What if, there are two real evolutionary paths for the creation of an intelligent species, or maybe the next step of evolution, from where we are now as an 'intelligent' species, to a more enlightened species... Imagine most species in the universe that have successfully made this journey have evolved via the path of expanding consciousness. Becoming one with nature, understanding their true nature, reaching enlightenment, whatever, and the next step of their evolution lead them to this new plane of reality, in which all these different spoecies coexist in a somewhat harmonious state. The reason that they have taken such an interest in humans, could be that humanity took the other, less likely evolutionary path- physical/technological evolution, where we have not grown out of our violence and other childish traits as a species, but have continued to survive through our enormous ego and legendary stubborn-ness. Maybe this is rare, and this explains why there are all these different species of beings that are all together, looking at humanity who is all alone. Like this is one of the 'great filters' and there is one commonly traveled path of success, and then the route that humans are trying to take (although we are failing).

Does that even make sense? I don't know if I explained myself very well. I just have been thinking about this a lot lately and I am trying to work out the kinks in explaining it more clearly as the concept will play a role in the novel that I am working on. I haven't personally had any experiences of my own, though I wish I had, and would volunteer if I knew where the sign-up sheet was.

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 01:15PM by _basic_bitch https://ift.tt/tHcgUm2

Join me down the rabbit hole: Two Evangelical Christian film makers on demonic aliens "proven" by declassified documents...

Yep, pretty wild stuff...


It's a long listen, but some highlights...

  • Taxpayer funded human sacrifice to open up portals to communicate with demonic aliens
  • The evil origins of JPL and the role of Jack Parsons & Alisteir Crowley in opening portals
  • The Collins Elite Christian group going against a larger Pentagon group to not work with the alien demons
  • Mysterious deaths of key people
  • Personnel had to sign documents they would not use the word "Jesus" when working with 9ft+ tall Nephilim aliens in deep underground bases. These aliens told people they were going to war with God, and they were going to win.

Think you get the idea...

If you want a laugh, it's a wild ride...

But seriously, above makes me understand why there can't be disclosure - there are too many people who think like this and the end results would be bloody...

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 06:19AM by Bozzor https://ift.tt/wrFuUTj

What is the best alien themed movie you have ever watched ?

What is the best alien themed movie you have ever watched?

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 06:54AM by SceneAlternative5528 https://ift.tt/xHSU8b0

Wednesday, February 16, 2022



Submitted February 17, 2022 at 01:53AM by antijohnbruce https://ift.tt/UFNPbpW

On June 3, 1920 a small aquamarine UFO landed in some grass 15 feet from Clark Lynch in Mount Pleasant, Iowa

Mr. Lynch was fishing on his birthday when a blue translucent egg-shaped object landed fifteen feet away from him on the shore of the pond. Unsure what to do, he continuing to fish while he watched it for approximately fifteen minutes.

The object looked metallic, yet translucent, with a blue tint. It was the size of a five gallon water bottle.

When he thought about walking toward it, it left the ground, straight up, and disappeared out of view. The grass was depressed but there were no burn marks.

This case was included in Ted Phillips' Collection of Trace Cases, referenced in Robert Hastings' UFOs & Nukes.

Here is a courtesy copy for anyone with some free time for old reports since Ted's website is no longer online: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kem6kKze8JD-q3zmpF0skGRP-ECm1OxF/view?usp=drivesdk

Here is another reference: https://www.thinkaboutitdocs.com/1920-ufo-crash-mount-pleasant-iowa/

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 12:01AM by Spacecowboy78 https://ift.tt/IlNqTKj

Extraterrestrial Import & export classes, thoughts on societal structure & Poly species citizenships

So a quick survey likely shows humanity is a largely working class daytime labor intensive planet. Then we have Extraterrestrials who visit. So there is likely a similar structure of some material consumption in place for some of these species, energy exchanges &/or purposes for traveling.

  1. What types of materials do you think interest Extraterrestrials the most?

  2. Do you think Extraterrestrials are mostly labor driven species with social hierarchies similar to earth?

Or are many simply on vacation excursions?

  1. Do you think there are Extraterrestrial personnel readily available for hire for interplanetary occupations?

  2. How many humans do you believe have crossed foreign Extraterrestrial species societal structures successfully & been integrated into a dual species citizenship or have been integrated into multi species occupational interactions voluntarily?


Peace, Love, Respect

-Jesse Valdez

Submitted February 16, 2022 at 11:45AM by PurpleCabbageGod https://ift.tt/Eb1XZAM

A benevolent alien species lands on the White House lawn to announce their presence on Earth. What happens next?

What do you think would happen if an intelligent alien species with technology more advanced than our own decided to land on the White House lawn to announce their presence on Earth? Would the US military immediately react hostilely and attack? Shoot now, ask questions later? Maybe an emergency televised broadcast informing the public of the event? How do you think the public would react? (Riots, panic) Do we have any sort of protocols in place in case of visit like this?

Submitted February 16, 2022 at 10:53AM by Fortor https://ift.tt/6oWvK3B

The Coincidence Theory: how a CIA affiliate involved in the Bay of Pigs and possibly the JFK Assassination led Ross Coulthart to confirmation of a UAP reverse engineering program.

I’ve been trawling through the latest release of declassified Kennedy assassination documents over the last few weeks, looking for connections to the fabled MJ compartment, nicknamed “Majestic Jehovah”. I’m doing this in the hope that the declassification review board may have missed some references, similar to the way the MK compartment ULTRA mind control projects’ incoming and outgoing expenses were overlooked when CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all of the compartment’s documents be destroyed in 1972.

JFK Assassination Records - 2021 Additional Documents Release | National Archives

Last night I ran out of things to search for, so I picked up Ross Coulthart’s In Plain Sight book once again and flicked through it. I stopped upon Chapter 22, which was entitled “Gordon Novel – Fact or Fiction”. Reading the first few pages of that chapter, I realized that here was a new person to search for in the database. And wouldn’t you know, Gordon popped up in the files.

docid-32402028.pdf (archives.gov)

The document in question is pretty devoid of relevant information regarding UFOs; however, it is interesting who wrote and reviewed it and the comments they left in the margins of such a seemingly innocuous document. The author was Donovan E. Pratt, who at the time was the Deputy Chief of Counter Intelligence, Research and Analysis for the CIA. His boss, Raymond G. Rocca, signed the routing sheet and commented “these need to be sanitized”. Others commented, “because these data are sensitive from the viewpoint of CCS please restrict access to this info to yourself and DCI” (Director of Central Intelligence, Richard Helms). The CIA’s General Counsel, Lawrence Houston, also wrote: “as per above note”. CCS refers to Central Cover Staff, the section of CIA that creates front companies and cover stories for clandestine work by field officers. Why would such an unimportant person such as Novel’s call records to an answering service require the Director CIA and other organizational heavy hitters to keep the data to themselves? Rocca, one of Jim Angleton’s closest confidantes, classified the document as Secret and it was only declassified in full in November 2021.

Ross Coulthart doesn’t give too much credence to Novel’s various claims and describes him as a “Walter Mitty” type. However, other actual CIA insiders said that he did indeed have high-level CIA and military contacts, but “his biggest problem was keeping his mouth shut”. Of course, the document I refer to above was not fully available in unredacted form until Coulthart’s book was published.

Digging a little deeper, I found that the CIA had very good reasons to restrict information about Novel:

  1. Novel was involved with the CIA Bay of Pigs team, assisting in stealing explosives from a local oil and gas company (as Ross points out in his book)

  2. Novel ran an electronics firm in New Orleans that specialized in selling equipment used for bugging. His lawyer claimed he held a position identical to that of E. Howard Hunt, an intermediary between the Cuban exiles and the CIA. After initially denying that he had had any part in the burglary, he stated that "It was one of the most patriotic burglaries in history," and that it was done under the direction of the CIA as part of the Bay of Pigs operation. Novel confessed he had been given a key to the bunker and that the people he had met there, Arcacha Smith and David Ferrie were also working for the CIA."

  3. From the get-go of the Castro takedown plans, Novel was associated with a CIA front company called “Double Chek Corporation”. During the planning of the Bay of Pigs invasion, Howard Hunt also worked for Double-Chek, a dummy electronics firm located just outside Miami. Another notable employee of Double Chek was Barry Seale, of “Made in America” fame.

  4. Novel also worked with the propaganda end of the invasion. As a director of a CIA front called the Evergreen Advertising Agency, he was responsible for transmitting cryptographic messages to alert the exiles to the invasion date. Hunt was in charge of domestic propaganda for the Bay of Pigs operation and was probably Novel's superior.

  5. According to William Torbitt Novel had been seen by a Dallas attorney having meetings with Jack Ruby and William Seymour in the Carousel Club during October and November 1963. Another author, Paris Flammonde (The Kennedy Conspiracy), claims that Novel was questioned on five separate occasions following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

  6. Novel was subpoenaed by the Garrison Inquiry but managed to dodge the witness stand. He called Garrison’s claim of a CIA conspiracy in the JFK assassination “a fraud”.

  7. J.Edgar Hoover stated the following:” On 4/25/67 Mr. Howard Osborn, Director of Security, CIA, informed the Bureau's liaison representative that Gordon Novel's alleged claim that he was associated with is completely false. Mr. Osborn stated that Gordon Novel, David William Ferrie and Sergio Arcacha Smith have never been of operational interest to CIA. He also stated that the Evergreen Advertising has no connection whatsoever with CIA.” (This narrative is later proven false, and Evergreen was a CIA front company).

  8. Whilst he was away avoiding Garrison, a cleaner found the following note in Novel’s room, believed to be addressed to his CIA handler Mr Weiss:

I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation, expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels. Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Garrison's investigation.... Garrison has subpoenaed myself and an associate to testify before his grand jury on matters which may be classified TOP SECRET. Actions of individuals connected with DOUBLE-CHEK CORPORATION in Miami in first quarter of 1961.

We have no current contact available to inform of this situation. So I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation. Expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels.

Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Mr. Garrison's investigation.

We have temporarily avoided one subpoena not to reveal Double Chek activities or associate them with this mess. We want out of this thing before Thursday 3/67. Our attorneys have been told to expect another subpoena to appear and testify on this matter. The fifth amendment and/or immunity (and) legal tactics will not suffice.

Mr. Garrison is in possession of unsworn portions of this testimony. He is unaware of Double-Chek's involvement in this matter but has strong suspicions. I have been questioned extensively by local FBI recently as to whether or not I was involved with Double-Chek's parent holding corporation during that time. My reply on five queries was negative. Bureau unaware of Double-Chek association in this matter. Our attorneys and others are in possession of complete sealed files containing all information concerning matter. In the event of our sudden departure, either accidental or otherwise, they are instructed to simultaneously release same for public scrutiny in different areas simultaneously.

Appropriate counteraction relative to Garrison's inquisition concerning us may best handled through military channels vis a vis D.I.A. man. Garrison is presently colonel in Louisiana Army National Guard and has ready reserve status. Contact may be had through our attorneys of current record, Plotkin, Alverez, Sapir.

  1. Novel’s expertise in electronics and eavesdropping devices and close contact with CIA operatives naturally lead to his involvement in Watergate with fellow bugging expert James McCord and his old boss E. Howard Hunt.

Gordon Novel (spartacus-educational.com)

  1. Hunt starts to extort the Nixon administration, claiming he has evidence of Nixon’s involvement in the JFK assassination via his authorization of ZRRIFLE and membership of the 40 Committee, a secret team of high-level government officers (a sub-committee of MJ-12?). In fact, the following excerpt of the Watergate Tapes captures President Richard Nixon saying the following: "...just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved -- you happen to know that? If it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing, it would be a fiasco. It would make the CIA look bad, it's going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate - both for the CIA and for the country..." In his autobiography “The Ends of Power” (written whilst serving his prison sentence), former Nixon political aide H.R. Halderman claimed the Bay of Pigs reference was a codeword used by Nixon to refer to the JFK assassination.

  2. Hunt’s wife Dorothy, also ex-CIA, began extorting money from Nixon et. al. and paying off those involved to keep quiet. She was killed, along with 46 other people, when her plane crashed en-route to delivering the cash. DOROTHY HUNT'S DEATH (whokilledjfk.net)

  3. After the plane carrying Hunt's wife Dorothy crashed under mysterious circumstances in December 1973, the chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board told the House Government Activities Subcommittee that he had sent a letter to the FBI which stated that over fifty agents came into the crash zone. The FBI denied everything until William Ruckleshaus became temporary Director, at which time they admitted that their agents were on the scene. The Independent researcher Sherman Skolnick believes that Dorothy Hunt was carrying documents that linked Nixon to the Kennedy assassination. According to Skolnick these papers, which were being used to blackmail Nixon, were seized by the FBI. Skolnick's theory is corroborated by a conversation that allegedly took place between Charles Colson and Jack Caufield. Alan J. Weberman (spartacus-educational.com)

So, what has this got to do with UFOs? Well, as Ross points out in his book, Novel was also the author of The Supreme Cosmic Secret- How the U.S. Government Reverse Engineered an Extra-terrestrial Spacecraft. Somehow, Novel had gotten wind of a crash retrieval (perhaps after a few drinks with CIA personnel briefed into the CIA's MJ compartment) and arranged a meeting with the US Navy’s Director of Science and Technology Development (taking his son along with him). Novel died in 2012, but Ross managed to track down his son, who remembered the name of the Navy Director – it was Nat Kobitz, and we all know who he was.

And here is the most fantastic part of this story: that this is all merely “a coincidence” – a guy that is an affiliate to ALL of the CIA’s most nefarious activities of the 1960s, whose involvement with the CIA is kept quiet by the highest echelons of The Agency, also claims to have knowledge of a Reverse Engineering program and just happens to know the exact doors to knock on in the Pentagon (how did he even get into the Pentagon?).

We have now arrived at the Coincidence Theory, and the mental gymnastics required to think that these are a happenstance lineup of random events are tortuous, to say the least.

In Coulthart’s book, he explains that Novel approached Kobitz in 1993 with a diagram of what he called the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner – an anti-gravity propelled machine. The diagram was purported to have been drawn by a professional aerospace illustrator named Mark McCandlish, and was later used as testimony at the Disclosure Project hearing at the National Press Club in 2001 as evidence of a secret U.S. Government reverse engineering program. When asked about the Fluxliner, Coulthart states that Koblitz believed it to be a hoax, but later discloses that he had been read into a Waivered Unacknowledged Special Access Program (WUSAP) compartmented program that was indeed tasked with reverse engineering a craft that was “not of this world”.

Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV) Fluxliner

FLUX LINER (manmade-ufos.com)

To conclude: in my mind, it is clear that the CIA knew far more about crash retrievals and reverse engineering projects than they are letting on, and the highest levels of Government were involved in keeping that information suppressed – even if it meant taking out an entire airliner to do so.

Submitted February 16, 2022 at 11:12AM by Harry_is_white_hot https://ift.tt/bcxIm9O

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.