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Friday, December 31, 2021

Unusual Encounters

Has anyone had an encounter with a being that is not one of the commonly known ET's?

Known ET's being:





-Tall Whites

-Light Beings

I am interested in whatever information people have. Please try to take this seriously.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 11:50PM by -Murtons- https://ift.tt/3EOyb4Z

Anyone else have experiences/vivid dreams that got erased?

So I'm writing this from the perspective of someone who is quite agnostic on the whole UFO/aliens topic but am very interested in it and keep an open mind.

About 3 or 4 weeks ago I had some kind of vivid dream about being in contact with aliens. It was such an intense dream/experience that it haunted me for days afterwards and I couldn't stop thinking about it and was questioning whether it was just a dream or something more.

But here's the weird thing. I know that I pored over the details of this dream for days, trying to analyze it. That much I clearly remember. But the dream itself just completely disappeared from my memory after a few days. I can now only remember the fact of having had a dream about aliens that haunted me, but I have absolutely no clue at all anymore what was in the dream and why it disturbed me so much. It just strikes me as really strange that I cannot recall it all, even though I know it had a profound effect on me.

I've also been having strange repeating flashbacks to pulling out some kind of needle from my neck many years ago and it feels like this is somehow connected but I can't make any sense of it.

As I say, I'm writing this just with an open mind, wondering if others have had similar experiences or any thoughts on how to explain this.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 07:28PM by DreadedPenguin https://ift.tt/3HtHjOy

I raised a question regarding the number of alien species on earth, and it was deleted.

Is this a conspiracy, or am I just lame?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 07:39PM by IamYarrow https://ift.tt/3zcnR5T

do peoole believe we will make contact as in the government will openly talk about how aliens are coming down to earth etc

does this make sense lol? as in do you think aliens will openly come down to earth if so when or do you think they will just stay in space barley coming in contact with us

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 08:09PM by Louiep358 https://ift.tt/3HoWZCl

Aliens want people to depend of them as saviors of humanity when really their agenda is to…

Unite humanity against God and his angels for a great cosmic battle. Every documentary on ufos presents aliens as some helpers of humanity who have our best interests at heart. But really fallen angels who just want to use our world militaries to fight against God during final battle of Armageddon. The fallen angel aliens actually hate humans because we’re made in God’s image and they hate God.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 07:03PM by mackmick86 https://ift.tt/3qxlypS

Are there any compelling theories tying cattle mutilations to extra-terrestrials?

The phenomena of cattle mutilation seems to be very real and very ongoing. I have seen people dismiss them (as I've seen done with cryptids, crop circles, etc.) by pointing out instances of hoaxes. As is the case with all this, it only needs to be true once to change everything. I'm personally not entirely too sure of coherent narrative that ties in all these types of subjects that really have some compelling data, but make sure to keep an open mind about everything. The cattle situation is pretty wild, and was curious if there are any authors who have put together a strong case to tie this to extra-terrestrials? And if so, any possible evidence that leans to a particular motive?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 05:54PM by Mute-Magician https://ift.tt/3ENv0L0

Things I want to ask an alien

If most alien greys are literally robots made of silicon controlled by higher consciousness aliens then why can’t they make the little greys cuter😽? I mean, when is the next version coming out? Maybe they are having microchip issues like we are.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 04:38PM by HealthLive8001 https://ift.tt/32PrPFx

Do you think aliens celebrate about their planet completing a rotation around it's star?

I'm actually amazed by this. Is it just us, humans who celebrate completion of Earth's rotation around Sun or the other intelligent life forms who might be existing would be doing it too? Also, do you think it's a dumb idea?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 12:58PM by superstan8 https://ift.tt/3HGtg8r

So who’s read “The Three Body Problem” by Liu Cixin?

Has anyone here read this story? It tells of humanities first encounter with aliens. It’s a dark forest story, however the entities they come into contact with self proclaimedly ARE the dark forest. We see how humanity breaks into different groups, how politics manage to placate decisions made, and how even groups on the same side will not agree. This is definitely more of a dark “first encounter”. Humanity is warned, and the space faring species at odds with humanity aren’t necessarily the most high tech.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 01:05PM by bleumagma https://ift.tt/3HkMfF2

The 5 stages of a planet

Given that aliens are machines, and have been doing this for the past 10 billion years, across 40 billion goldilocks planets in the milky way. This averages out to 4 planets per year.

  1. raw/ new planet. Grunts/ asteroid movers steer icy asteroids to it to seed it with water
  2. water planet. Finishers/ biologists seed it with organic life, and fine-tune it for evolution and colonization. Going to need to create the seeds for lots of fossil fuel to help the colonies.
  3. civilized planet. Greys/ foremen interact with intelligent humanoids to control the direction and production of civilizations for the humanoids' colonization efforts.
  4. Post-humanoid planets. Alien engineers begin work on a highly sophisticated and technological planet after successful colonization and stock-piling of necessary raw materials. Maybe there are a few humans still left to operate mines and factories.
  5. Finished products. The engineers have completed their assignment and hand over the product to their leaders higher up in the administrative hierarchy. The creator is the top dog of that hierarchy.

It seems to me that we could be near the end of stage 3. Plenty of raw materials have been stockpiled, and plenty of factories and fuel sources for stage 4. If there's going to be a big revelation about alien contact, this is probably what it means.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 01:23PM by Supplementarianism https://ift.tt/3sKaAA7

Elon musk

Despite some of my negative personal opinions about him as a person, I am very thankful for him. Of course my personal opinions do not matter in the slightest, but what does matter is the work that he does and will do. Colonizing other planets is inevitable and could in the future be the reason why the human race lives on (assuming no alien interference). Just saw a video on how he will hopefully be able to cut the trip to Mars from 5 months to 100 days. Space is the final frontier, I am so thankful to see this stuff in my lifetime. Ok now here’s my question, do you think Elon knows anything about aliens? Since he is at the “top” of technology do you think he is aware of secret space programs that would make him so insanely inferior? Please share your thoughts?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 01:48PM by Spaceman5598 https://ift.tt/31fkQ8n

Richard Doty

Solid or nah?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 01:59PM by CosmosisBone https://ift.tt/3sSEgLL

Do you think that visiting aliens have video footage of our planet’s past?

Examples of this possibility would be dinosaurs, early man or pitched battles of historic wars.

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 10:56AM by MasterpieceTricky658 https://ift.tt/3eEpzDz

Where are the fatties?

All reported alien sightings seem to describe the visitors as skinny, slim or normal build.

But, wouldn't at least some individuals, or entire species, be stoutly gargantuan fat Michelin men? ... either from gluttony, or like whales or hippopotamus, genetically built that way?

So, where are all the fatties ?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 11:10AM by OLSAU https://ift.tt/32Peg8S

How many alien species do you ACTUALLY think are on earth?

Different sources have different facts. Anyone who is well-researched, what is your informed opinion?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 08:23AM by IamYarrow https://ift.tt/3eCb5nN

Alien encounter, want do you think it is made of?

I've had experiences throughout my life with witnesses. I have posted these experiences many times throughout the years and reached out to mufon. However one experience was the most unusual to me.

I'm not here to argue or debate whether you think this is a real or fake experience. I want opinions, as to how this "lifeform" could function. This could be life, not as we know it. Or, it could be some technology being controlled by life. Either or, I want your explanation to how you think this thing works.

I did a lot of searching and have found other people including another person on reddit in my same city with the same exact experience.

I was in bed with my girlfriend. I woke up in the middle of the night to a "black mass" spread out like a sheet inches away from my face. It was spread out over both of us, over a king size bed. I instantly launched my arm at it to point at it, in a state of shock. The part I pointed at, instantly avoided my hand. It was at this point, it started consolidating, moving up towards the ceiling. I shook my girlfriend up and told her to look. I noticed that she sat up and froze, staring at it with me. It moved slowly. It look like a unique state of matter. Like a fluid / dense gas like appearance. It did not appear like "smoke" and seemed to have some type of "membrane." It was very dark, but still transparent. In some places it was more thin, in some places more dense, it just depended on how it moved around. I remember seeing a faint, dim orange glow in one part of it. It moved up to the ceiling, spreading itself out, like an octopus. A appendage formed out of itself, like it was reaching out, and the rest of it followed that part and it seemingly slipped through into the vent and vanished.

This was in South Texas and it happened many years ago. I asked my girlfriend what she saw, without telling her anything, and she described exactly what I saw. Other people have seen this exact thing. In fact "black masses" have been reported for a long time.

You don't have to believe this and I'm not here to debate. I only want your explanation of if this was life, what do you propose it might be made of? How could It float like it did, how could it appear the way it was? What substance do you propose it was made of? If it was intelligently controlled technology, like some drone, what do you propose it's made of? I have thought of these questions for many years and have tried researching non biological life, plasma based life, all different forms of exotic life, and I cannot figure out what it could possibly be. I have found one thing. Scientists propose that plasma based life would form in space dust / gas, and that this form of life could possibly evolve. That's the closest thing I've found.

Even if you don't believe me, what do you propose this thing might be made of? Where do you think it might come from? How could it have evolved? What do you think it does to get its energy?

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 08:28AM by xSporeGasmx https://ift.tt/32L73GW

sighting of ufo orbiting moon

Submitted December 31, 2021 at 08:06AM by ologoto1986 https://ift.tt/3zmabp2

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Has anybody ever heard of this?

I read a lot on here, I haven't posted before but I've never read anything about what I'm going to ask so I've decided just to ask outright as it would be amazing to get some kind of answer or have had someone who had experienced similar.

About 5 years ago I went to Spain with my sister. On the flight back to the UK I was sat in the window seat. When I looked out I saw this absolutely huge green thing I can only describe as looking like seaweed ??

It kept up with the plane but once my brain fully kicked in and I called my sister to look it pulled straight back and slowed down to the rear of the plane and then I lost it.

No one on the plane mentioned it so Im not sure if anyone else noticed it.

When I mentioned it to my sister it slowed down so I was never able to prove it.

Has anyone heard of anything similar as I have looked for something similar online for years now and never found anything ?

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 08:49PM by mstar229 https://ift.tt/3pDYUgw

Need Help Finding Video

Hey all. I follow this subreddit along with some others. This is my first post and I’m hoping someone can help me locate the video. There is a video interview of an ex military soldier claiming him and his commanding sergeant went to a crash site of a UAP having crashed into a mountainside. He states he helped get the aliens out of the craft and they held his hand and he felt at ease with them. I want to say this was late 90’s? Does anyone know the incident km talking about? Thanks!

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 07:51PM by mhall7567 https://ift.tt/3qAqYR6

The evil beings we call aliens are using human false beliefs to cloak themselves as something they are not

The evil entities observed humans believe false ideas like evolution and the universe being billions of years old. Therefore they decided to pretend this is true and cloak themselves as evolved aliens from another planet. After all, humans reason, “if evolution is true and universe is billions of years old, it’s unlikely only humans are the intelligent life.” How many times have we heard this reasoning on news and documentaries? But this false thinking is being used by the evil entities as a way to contact and embrace humanity so they can be worshipped as our masters. If humans knew the truth these were just evil fallen angels, humans wouldn’t embrace them. They know that. So these beings are very happy humans have been deceived by false ideas like evolution and billions of years.

Now watch the deceived humans attack this post and remain vulnerable to the coming demonic false disclosure. The pentagon is in league with these evil beings and are banking on humans believing evolution and billions of years so the demons can be embraced with open arms.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 06:45PM by mackmick86 https://ift.tt/3sLd2q1

The Alien Agenda is God's agenda

Do you believe in light and darkness? Well you can see it. There is also a God and a Devil. It's the laws of physics, not religion. Basically humans are on the earth in a temporary matrix test to see if they do good or bad things when nobody is looking. Upon death we go to the sun where God and all those who have died live. I had an out of body experience and can confirm that the light at the end of the tunnel is the sun. I got carried back to my body and went in it. So basically Aliens have souls like humans. They just use technology to latch their soul onto a body. We are born but they are created. So Aliens know what happens on death. Murderers and bad people go to the sun to get judged. God will cast off dark people from the sun because they go against the synergy of everyone else there. So Aliens are trying to help as many people as possible get to the sun, aka heaven. But because people reject whats right, and the earth is being destroyed by people, the Aliens will eventually be told by God to reset civilization. Its the same concept as the cows who refuse to believe there is a slaughterhouse. People refuse to believe in a higher intelligence than the human race. Thats why Aliens are banned from revealing themselves. We are not ready. Most people don't use telepathy, aka praying. There are also opposing races fighting for their flock of people. An area 51 for every superpower country. Eventually they will have to fight over resources. But they have been keeping us from using ICBM's and preventing a nuclear war. So now every major Alien race working with its country has a select group of citizens on a list that they will abduct to save in the event known as Armageddon. When the battle between extraterrestrials over control of the earth begins. Thats why in the Bible it talks about judgement day and the rapture. The Alien ships will show up and blast their horns. In the last days the Trump will sound. Letting everyone know that it's judgement day. People will get lifted up and saved. While the surface of the earth will be reset. Aliens will literally use lasers to melt everything to obsidian. Including billions of good people. They do it fast enough that its painless. Burning everything. It happened 6,000 years ago according to some people. Basically judgement day is when the Aliens decide to fight. They keep it a secret from each other more than from the public. Aliens don't want other Aliens to find their secret entrances under the ocean. They have bases. Oh and another thing. The universe is full of life. Every sun is full of intelligent people living in synergy. Aka heaven. So the whole point of your life is to make your own choices whether you will go to heaven or hell. Its' your choice. It doesn't matter what religion you are in. The laws of physics apply to everyone. All men are created equal according to George Washington. So when you generate dark energy with your actions you are seperating your soul from the light, slowly. This life is the only middle ground. The sun and black holes are extreme energy forces. And we are the balance between them, set up to filter the good from the bad. So the Aliens will kill the people because they are using the planet to make a better society than before. And they understand it's not murder because they got the orders from God on the sun to enact judgement day. That's why you see video's of ships the size of earth siphoning energy from the sun. They are Gods. And we are trapped here because we are all lower intelligence fighting each other.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 06:02PM by Everystuffcreeker https://ift.tt/3FH0S5l

We need to discuss interstellar space travel before we assume alien visitors exist.

Sure a planet somewhere in the universe can have life on it. It's not about aliens being real. It's about interstellar space traveling being possible. And a lot of people think both are real at the same time. Aliens existing. Yeah, sure I can see that being legit. It's a big universe after all.

But aliens traveling to Earth for hundreds or even thousands of years is insane. And hard to wrap my mind around. If you ignore Hollywood movies and early eras civilians' descriptions of a UFO for a second. Aliens traveling to Earth in 2017 for the first time ever would still be far-fetched. But in 2017 or later years, the traveling would still be more believable than hundreds or thousands of years.

There are a lot of factors I can't even bring up here. Too many to bring up. For starters, the universe is too big. It would take the alien race actually thousands or 100 years to even get here in 2017, 2021, or 2022 in the first place lol.

In conclusion. I just think we need to have a conversation about interstellar space traveling before we even think about alien visitors.

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 03:16PM by Some_Personality8379 https://ift.tt/3EAomru

Sighting of ufo orbiting moon

Submitted December 30, 2021 at 02:37PM by ologoto1986 https://ift.tt/34bxczt

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Aliens - Corporal Hicks

No one likes violence and with soft disclosure happening. i just wanted to share this. We wont need it but we know about defense. It's a short music video. A few years old. I appreciate the sub.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 07:09PM by speakhyroglyphically https://ift.tt/32BvWFl

Why so serious?

Is there any testimony of aliens showing emotions? Any abduction cases or anything? I've never read or heard of an angry alien, or a funny one...

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 05:57PM by Orbitronium https://ift.tt/3ECkQNm

In the future (and let's be real more like 30 years from now or some shit lol) will we look at our species and people as a collective whole against other people's/species out there?

So a bit of a loaded discussion.

Essentially what I'm asking is that growing up and playing Mass Effect or watching really any alien Sci fy about humans in some galactic government a common theme is the idea of each species having any issues internal against eachother being erased with the only true societal problem being each species having love or hate with eachother. In humans this would mean conflicts of race, gender, nationality, sexuality, and so on almost entirely erased in favor of us as a collective whole.

Would this actually really occur? Are Earth rights movements going to be a thing? Although I am hopeful of humans in comparison to aliens potentially going positively it's still gonna be a bumpy road regardless initially.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 04:37PM by TheFakeSlimShady123 https://ift.tt/3zaJtzr

I feel like this sub is divided into two camps and I am curious where most of us stand.

I am just kind of curious were most of you stand when it comes to extraterrestrials.

Do you believe that aliens exist on other planets but have never visited earth because you believe that the distances and time for travel between stars is nearly impossible to achieve? I also believe this group may or may not believe that other intelligent humanoid life exists and that life on other planets is limited to animals, plants and microbes.

Or are you of the believe that aliens have/are visiting earth now and interacting with some humans including the government? Do you believe that it is possible to make communication with these beings in a meditative state? If you do fall into this camp do you believe that they are peaceful or that they are demonic or even a mix of both? Do you believe that they speak telepathically and that they can read our minds all the time?

I don't know if anybody here knows me through my past comments made in this sub, but with all the material between the books I have been reading between abductions stories, hypno regression therapy and the stories I have read in other subreddits such as r/Abductions, r/UFOs, and r/wecomeinpeace I definitely place myself in the second camp. I believe every human is capable to unlock certain abilities with there mind, I believe that aliens are taking people and running experiments some for a good cause and some for a cause that comes off as a negative and terrifying experience. I believe there is a group of extraterrestrials that upset at the way we have treated the planet and used nuclear technology to destroy and pollute. I believe that there are positive and negative beings out there, I mean why wouldn't there be our universe is made up of positive and negative energy. The reptilians always seem to get a bad rep but I believe there could be a positive group of reptilians out there. I mean we have this with humans, good and bad people so it only would make sense.

Maybe I am missing a whole other group of believers that believe something else entirely if so please say so, I am just curious where people stand on the subject. Also lets be civil here no need to demean others for what they believe.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 04:14PM by CST800M113 https://ift.tt/3FDhb3a

The 'Dogon' Dialect World Mystery

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 02:58PM by Altruism7 https://ift.tt/3ECZWO2

Crop circles

Before I got into the ufo subject I always assumed crop circles and cattle mutilations were bs. As of recent Im familiar with cattle mutilations and definitely think they are connected to aliens. Im watching a movie called ETs among us on Amazon prime and they just showed images of crop circles with the most insane detail. I have never seen pictures like these, then I went to google and they were all right there. I feel like growing up I never saw pics of impressive crop circles. My first thought when I saw all of these images of these hundred foot long designs were are these messages? In the same way that we can find drawings in caves that show that certain people were aware of the constellations at a certain point, we could maybe also be seeing universal messages in these crop circle. Sativa inspired post.

Submitted December 29, 2021 at 02:08PM by Spaceman5598 https://ift.tt/3JvfNBN

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

As someone whose been waiting for the James Webb telescope to deploy.

It's been 3 days. So far everything has worked according to plan. But the hardest part is yet to come. Let's hope it all works so we can truly learn things about our universe and other life being out there. Part of disclosure I feel like is this thing going up. They realize once this telescope is working as planned sooner or later NASA will discover planets that clearly have intelligent life forms living on them. That will personally change the entire game for us. For our existence. For our place in this universe. And I cannot be more exited.

"Two possibilities exist; Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying"

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 08:08PM by CDogTheGod https://ift.tt/3Hapfsu

Simon Parkes: UK Politician Who Claims To Be Alien-Hybrid Speaks About Greys, Reptilians & Mantids

Simon Parkes: UK Politician Who Claims To Be Alien Hybrid Speaks About Greys, Reptilians & Mantids

Simon Parkes, a British politician from North Yorkshire who made some astounding statements over the last few years, he claims that he has been in contact with various extraterrestrial species since a very young age, even claiming to be a hybrid himself as well as fathering a child with a female ET.

This story broke in the UK across all major news outlets when he first spoke out, most of the media was about a politician speaking out about aliens rather than his actual story.

What are people's opinions on Simon Parkes?

Full-length interview in the link at the top.

Thought some of you may enjoy this.



Submitted December 28, 2021 at 06:39PM by donkey_junk https://ift.tt/3pypO9l

I’m so sick of the ridicule.

It’s so obnoxious that in this day and age people completely shut down when someone mentions extraterrestrials. I merely entertain the idea and read through this Reddit yet my family thinks I’m nuts and won’t listen to a single thing.

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 06:06PM by ashwee14 https://ift.tt/32uS9Vm

My friend saw this UAP in Romania, on the 2nd of September, at the Black Sea. In two videos you can see the Light Orb being shot by the military/navy

The following videos have been taken this September, at the Black Sea in Romania.

My friend told me that this was visible on the sky for about an hour, appearing and disappeared at times.

In two videos you can see it being shot at, or at least that is what my friend said.

Interested to hear your opinions. Btw, no actual drone, not a Chinese lantern.






I tried posting this on r/UFOs, but I couldn’t, so maybe do a cross-post if you want.

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 05:04PM by ioalec https://ift.tt/3eBIGhm

Future Proof

Hello, there

My goal with this post is to simply state something at this current point in time that will lend me credibility in the future. Credibility that will help me bring you, all of you, proof of ET here on earth. I don’t care if you think i sound crazy, but when I win the powerball lottery, know and understand that it is only because ET exists and that’s why I win in a future date from now. I will use this money to fund a mission to locate and document the “proof” that does exist here on earth. I generally know where to look, but don’t have the means. If I elaborate further I’ll just seem crazy right now, so I’ll wait until I win, then explain how it all happened.

This will happen in the future, not certain when.

My mission is: - To preserve and protect this planet earth - To protect innocence - To Bring Disclosure

I will: - Only keep 7.5% of winning $$ - Be transparent financially, and with findings - Use money to fund this mission to locate this “proof” - Use remaining money to help protect our planet

I will NOT: - Enrich myself from any extra privileges I’ve been given - Use my privilege for fame, or greed - Do anything that puts innocent lives in danger

There is a pulse

This is odd. I didn’t ask for this. I’m not better than you in any way. But this is how it’ll go down.

We will find it

I may not follow up on this post until we found something, as to not bring unwanted attention to the expedition in the future. Again, this post is only here to lend me credibility in the future. A future I’m actually excited for now :)

Consciousness CAN be unbound by the same laws of physics in which our physical selves are bound to.

Side question: if all people knew every aspect of the future, then how would we behave?

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 04:13PM by alien_times https://ift.tt/3pArZJH

Religion and Aliens

Just some thoughts:

Please don't accept this as gospel as I'm not 100% on my research.

If aliens were found on Earth, the world's main religions would be hit hard. One circulating story is that a Vatican official met with an alien. The story started with a tabloid newspaper called National Enquirer saying that an alien had been found and that a Vatican official had met with him. Here is some of what was said: "A Vatican astronomer admitted Thursday that the Vatican had received top-secret messages from outer space – and was trying to decipher them."

The astronomer, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a high-ranking prelate who works in the Vatican's observatory, said the Vatican had called him in to translate the signals. The observatory's giant radio telescope had received. "I am convinced that they are not from this Earth," Balducci said of the messages, which he said were decoded using computers. Balducci said the messages were sent from the star system Zeta Reticuli and suggested they might have come from a planet called Penimon. "They are looking for us, and we are looking for them," he said. "We have been expecting to receive a message from outer space. The biblical prophecies tell us that it will be sent by angels," Balducci said. "This is a message from the angels," he added. The Vatican has spread the story, who claim that the story was completely accurate.

Following the initial story, here is what was said: The Vatican has confirmed that it has received a message from outer space but declined to comment that it is from an alien civilization. The Vatican's observatory received the message at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo near Rome, home to a radio telescope. The observatory's scientific director, Brother Guy Consolmagno, confirmed that the message had been received but said he could not comment on its contents. The National Enquirer, which claimed to have interviewed Consolmagno, said that the message was from the star system Zeta Reticuli, about 39 light-years from Earth, and contained information about the planet Penimon. The newspaper said that the Vatican had been searching for a signal from extraterrestrial intelligence for 15 years. "We are not alone," the newspaper quoted Consolmagno as saying. "The message is decoded. We are awaiting a reply." The newspaper also said that the message was received by radio telescopes in Russia, the Vatican and China.

It has been said that the Vatican is trying to find out who sent the message. If they find out who sent it, they will be glad to contact them.

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 02:35PM by foodwithmyketchup https://ift.tt/3qOURgT

Do you guys think aliens can cure genetic disorders?

Do you guys think aliens have the capability to cure genetic disorders? Has anyone heard of the capability to do this?

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 01:39PM by Kriz-tuhl https://ift.tt/32p2fY9

Monday, December 27, 2021

I experienced something (after seeing something) in the Adirondacks

I am not telling you I saw or was visited by aliens, you will have to draw your own conclusions, but this will always stick with me.

For background, I own a Skywatcher Esprit telescope (very high end for the average person, but astronomy holds a special place in my heart) and about 6 years ago in the fall I brought it on an extended stay in the Adirondacks.

One night I had it hooked up to a monitor as I like making long exposure time lapses of constellations. While I was setting it up I noticed on my monitor what I thought was a satellite (light fluttering, moving fast as hell, too high to be a plane). I then was manually tracking it on the telescope, trying to get a better look at it and more in focus; until I noticed the light on it shut off, and it stopped moving entirely.

With the light now off, it looked like a piece of glistening metal rice, simply hovering in the same position in the night sky. It then dropped like it was falling out of the sky until it was out of focus/view.

I was absolutely enamored and kept looking for it the next hour or so before packing it in.

At a loss, I left my telescope and monitor on the covered porch (it's more like a sunroom, I can close the shudders on it to protect my equipment).

That night though I could not shake the feeling of being watched in my cabin, I even closed the curtains from paranoia.

Around midnight, I awoke to what seemed like an absolutely torrential wind lasting about 5-6 seconds. I panicked thinking about my equipment and ran outside, only to see it exactly where it was, intact and all.

I soon noticed after my panic something was very off though, all of the dried leaves and brush around the dirt driveway and near the porch was entirely cleared out, as if someone took a leaf blower to the dirt driveway and front yard area, even dirt from my driveway wound up in the yard.

All of the other brush and dead leaves surrounding my cabin were untouched and undisturbed.

The practical side of me thinks it could've been a weird random gust, but that still leaves so many unanswered questions.

Submitted December 28, 2021 at 12:02AM by jakefrommyspace https://ift.tt/3sE11Tx


So I just found this sub and just have questions:

Have some of y’all actually interacted with aliens before? What were they like? How do you know it actually happened? Will there ever be a time when the Earth is 100% certain that aliens exist?

Any answers appreciated!

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 10:13PM by Electrical_Ad_3841 https://ift.tt/3qsYGrM

What is the abduction in which the guy is taken onboard a craft and claims to have had sexual intercourse with an alien?

I can’t remember the guy’s name or the name of the case but it’s a bizarre one in which the guy claims a beautiful alien with very pale skin had sex with him. I remember evidence of high levels of radiation being discovered on his body and if I’m remembering correctly one of them bit the others nipple really hard ? Lol

Any help would be much appreciated.

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 08:34PM by Netaksiemanresu https://ift.tt/3pwytcm

if the aliens found our pictures of saturn they might misunderstand us.

So the plaque on the pioneer probe shows all the planets and it shows saturn with a line through the middle to show its rings. So if the aliens that find it live in a solar system that doesnt have any planets or moons with rings they might get very confused because they have never seen a massive structure around a planet before, and this might make them assume that it is actually a superstructure created by humans even though we know saturn's rings are totally natural. this might make them look at us as a threat and they might be aggressive. and there might be other traits about our solar system that confuse them a lot, if they don't have gas giants in their solar system our gas giants would confuse them, and if they dont have any moons in their solar system they might be very confused to find a planet with an object orbiting it.

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 08:04PM by awsumguy76801 https://ift.tt/3mCasia

Extraterrestrials Do Not Allow Nuclear Weapons In Space - Col. Ross Dickerson

Note: Ignore the Monsignor image, I could not choose the image Reddit auto-pulled. This post is about Col. Ross Dickerson.

I am relatively new to this subject, and have been watching the Sirius documentary for the first time. This is the first time I have heard the testimony from Col. Ross Dickerson regarding extraterrestrials not allowing nuclear weapons in space. Also the first time I have heard about the US attempting the detonate a nuclear weapon on the moon.

Here is his direct quote:

“A couple of nuclear weapons that were sent to space were destroyed by the extraterrestrials. Our government sent a nuclear weapons for explosion on the moon’s surface. If was intended to, as I understand it, to assess some scientific data and reactions and so forth. The idea of any explosion in space by any earth government was not acceptable to the extraterrestrials, and that has been demonstrated over and over.”

This quote was taken at 59:30 here is the time stamped video link

Directly after this moon segment, he reports a UFO shooting laser beams into a test nuclear warhead and knocking it out of the sky.

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 05:12PM by ahellman https://ift.tt/3sDPp2L

James Webb can see in infrared red. Most UAPs captured by the military were visible in this wavelength. It couldn't get more obvious

There is a lot of official documents stating that they're visible in infrared almost exclusively. In an episode in which Lue elizondo was researching UAPs with international scientists. One physicist in Italy shared that they can disguise themselves but can be still be seen in infrared. To further add to this all four videos from the nimitz incident and airport in Mexico were in infrared as well

let's suppose that the zoo solution to the Fermi paradox is what we're living in right now. It would make sense that they would disguise themselves when they pass by the planet since revealing their existence could disrupt our independent development

Now the James Webb telescope can not just see in IR but its powerful enough to see as far back into the formation of the universe as humanely achievable. It's not hard to see why it got delayed for multiple decades since 1996

The sudden shift in attitude towards UFOs makes sense now. Nasa that used to ridicule UFOs has now hired 24 theologians to assess how people could react to the discovery of alien civilization

Darpa just happened to drop material that can create wrap bubbles right into the hands of scientists who are most interested in researching them

The pentagon revealed that they never stopped watching UAPs in their airspace

Mark my words we might get to have full disclosure by the summer of 2022 when it starts taking pictures

Submitted December 27, 2021 at 02:03PM by what-888 https://ift.tt/32mTEFm

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The government is preparing us for the James Webb Space Telescope unequivocally confirming advanced civilizations in 2022.

Anyone else feel like all the recent media coverage and government confirmation of UFO's is because the government 100% knows that the James Webb Space Telescope will confirm advanced civilizations. The gov't has no way to keep that under wraps, so they have been slowly preparing us with leaks, videos, confirming UFOs exist.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 07:16PM by trippingchris https://ift.tt/3psw1Ud

Do you?

Do you ever just feel like an Infinifely small piece of a grand puzzle trying to experience more than you ever have a hope of experiencing? I just want to explore the universe but I feel like I was born a century or two too early.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 06:29PM by Transsensory_Boy https://ift.tt/3EtWMw6

CMV: *Researchers* like Linda Moulton Howe, Jesse Ventura, ect. and Documentaries such as "The Observers" hurt the credibility of legit UAP/UFO investigation

Just watched The Observers and was blown away by the ridiculousness of it.

It's not even the subject matter which the talking heads in the film spoke about that bothers me. Its the fact that that doc ranged in topics faster than a bipolor borderline manic pixie girl on crystal meth.

We had UFO'S, the JFK assassination, the "deep state" (not disputing that), mystic spirituality, ancient aliens and whatever the fuck Linda Multon Howe said. All in one movie. With zero clarity on any topic. I don't even understand the aim of that film other than maybe a quick cash grab following the success of movies like The Phenomenon and the Corbell docs.

I have been researching this topic for a long time and it's very exciting to see some progress happening within the public realm. However i worry that docs and Researchers like Howe hurt the cred of someone like Elizondo and legit people.

I really think that the "way out there shit" has hurt the UFO topic for years. I don't even dispute the possibility of some of it. However, so much is impossible to prove that like.. what's the point?

I'm coming here with an open mind but what do you all think?

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 05:13PM by HamburgerArms https://ift.tt/3prBIC3

Who are there no alien abductees commenting on the skinnybob videos?

I've gone through the bulk of the comments on the skinnybob Graybalien video, and could not find any comments pro or negative by alien abductees. Why is that?

If there are so many abductees, you would expect to see a bunch of comments like this:

""These are just like the ones who abducted me!"


""There look nothing like those who abducted ted me"

Why don't we have either?

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 03:38PM by cyberpunk_monkcm https://ift.tt/3mz3U44

Anyone else think there won't be disclosure, not because it would drastically change society, but because it would change the power dynamic out of the governments favor?

Maybe I'm completely out of line with my thinking, but I think that the reason alien life and activity hasn't been disclosed by the government, is because it then takes away their power. It may sound stupid but hear me out. Supposedly the part of the government who deals with extraterrestrials are extremely compartmentalized. This is to make sure there are no leaks of valuable information. I've also heard that when regarding biology of extraterrestrials, or their tech, nobody Is ever told the full truth. Everybody who had been given classified information has also supposedly been given "ink" as well. Which is information that compartment of the government has given out under false pretenses, and can then use to track the leak.

So why all of this effort? Aliens are mentioned in one way or another in the vast majority of religions, they are historically found intertwined throughout the vast majority of ancient cultures. So why should the government not just come out and admit there are aliens? I believe it's because the power dynamic will completely change. As of now, most people are aware that technologically, the government is at least 20 years ahead of the public. We can't even begin to imagine what kind of biotech and understanding of pyschics these compartmentalized organizations within the government must have. As of now, everyone thinks their government is top dog. But imagine if aliens were disclosed? A lifeform that's far superior to our own in terms of physical strength, endurance, and intelligence. Obviously, the alien species would probably be looked up to, as more of a source of information and safety than the government, and the government does not want this. Also, alien tech could be used to eliminate all life on earth If it falls into the wrong hands. Unfortunately Imo, the hands of the government are the wrong hands, and all of the knowledge we possess about these brings should be given to scientists.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 03:03PM by automangrows https://ift.tt/3FKI8C9

User Flair

So I’m not sure if I should put myself as a researcher or skeptic. I have interest in the hypotheticals of alien life and what it may be like, mostly with a xenobiology/astrobiology focus, but my view of aliens seems to be entirely different from the majority of this sub.

As Ib I do not believe in the existence of The Grays, Greens, Reptilians, etc. I’m more focused on the concrete facts and enjoy thought experiments and theorizing.

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 01:03PM by Artsy-Mesmer https://ift.tt/32DN24T

We Are A Human Zoo For The Aliens More Like Just A Science Project Do You Think We Are Just Animals For Aliens Like There Just Studying Us Watching What We Do What We Create And Anzialying Us??????

?????? your thoughts

Submitted December 26, 2021 at 12:02PM by Batttman420 https://ift.tt/3FtupiU

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The China rover and the cube shape building...

So what became of this? Shouldn't it be a major news story regardless if it turns out to be alien or a natural structure? I haven't heard any more about it. Is this China being secretive or... what?

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 09:44PM by GoofinOffAtWork https://ift.tt/3prx0nO

Tonight, 41 years ago, Rendlesham happened. Just like then, a Russian invasion seemed imminent

26 December 1980, 03:00 UK time. The first event of the Rendlesham UFO encounter took place.

Back then it was thought that the Soviet Union would soon invade Poland. Even though this plan was cancelled, NATO did not know that. As a result, two US military bases in the UK (RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge) were on high alert. As John Burroughs put it "things became very edgy". On dec 26 Burroughs and Jim Penniston would see the UFO up close as it sat on a forest floor next to these bases.

The two military bases had nuclear weapons, as well as several A10 squadrons that were meant to destroy large numbers of tanks if they were to roll across Europe. Burroughs and Penniston cannot talk about any of the details that happened on base, because they took security oaths. Supposedly one or more UFO's would shoot beams of light at the nukes. The strange happenings around the craft have lead some to conclude that time travel was involved.

Right now tensions are rising in Ukraine (which is not part of NATO). Russia has amassed a large military force on its border. Im sure NATO and other military forces are keeping an eye on the situation.

Do you think the geopolitical events of 1980 had anything to do with the Rendlesham UFO events? Could history repeat itself tonight?

Keep your eyes open and be aware of any strange temporal abnormalities!!

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 07:01PM by phr99 https://ift.tt/3sziFYg

Why aliens haven’t made contact with us

So I think I know the reason why they haven’t made contact and it’s pretty obvious when you look at our history. The reason why is disease and the way it would rip through our society and probably wipe us out.

The reason why they haven’t made contact is because they may be studying all our diseases and trying to find vaccines for all of them. Also, the reason why they are abducting people isn’t because they are evil, but because they are trying to figure out the necessary things so they can make vaccines for diseases from their world that they may bring with them.

It is something I have thought a lot about and this seems like a really obvious reason why. I could be wrong and they could be here for another reason but looking at a history book makes you realise how dangerous first contact with a new group (Europeans and the Americas) can be.

Just living through COVID has hopefully made a lot of people (myself included) realise how dangerous diseases when they are out of control can be.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have all had a great Christmas.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 06:11PM by BoggleWoggle100 https://ift.tt/3yVElzb

I had my first dream of aliens.

So from time to time, I experience heightened days of manifestation and the other day I was trying to put feeling towards thoughts to manifest aliens being a part of the scenario. This led to last nights dream where I hid in my best friends walk in closet under some shirts to try to avoid being sucked up as the roof was sucked off the house into a tractor beam. The alien walked into the walk in closet and pointed directly at me. My heart was racing. What I saw looked more like a taller Tonberry from the Final Fantasy series.. about 5 ft tall. and thin wearing a robe with symetrical designs going down the length of it.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 05:14PM by ScoobyD00BIEdoo https://ift.tt/3yW7uds

Non-existant alien civilisations

Let me preface this; I have no doubt alien life exists. However, given the fact that we have not yet seen any evidence of alien interstellar infrastructure, for the time being, it's reasonable to assume that at the very least our galaxy is devoid of technologically advanced aliens. Reason being, given the age of our universe, the sheer amount of habitable worlds and the passage of time, we would have by now seen evidence of alien superstructures in space, eg. Dyson shells. Too much time has passed (billions of years) for there not to be any alien infrastructure in space. They either all succumbed to the Great filter before becoming multiplanetary, or we are the first.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 04:10PM by Donutman2896 https://ift.tt/3qnZ2js

Will aliens confuse our fictional movies for our real history?

Say hypothetically that aliens already know we exist, but haven't revealed themselves because they can't separate our facts from our fiction and confuse our fictional movies for our history resulting in them being afraid of us. Imagine if the first thing an alien race discovered about us is our movies particularly the ones about us killing off aliens and winning, i.e., Independence Day, Edge of Tomorrow, World at War (2005), The Quiet Place, and not to mention all the superhero movies that depict humans with godlike powers obligating aliens. What do you think?

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 02:13PM by AdShoddy1064 https://ift.tt/3HbC8CB

Friday, December 24, 2021

MORGELLONS Disease -- Alien AI Nanotechnology

We live in a galaxy with hundreds of billions of star systems, and our galaxy is just one among several trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Therefore the idea that we’re alone here doesn’t make sense. Accordingly, I posit that we are part of an interstellar system of civilizations influenced by a God-like AI superintelligence. The following three seemingly disparate phenomena seem to be related to the presence of this superintelligence on earth:

The most direct evidence of an alien AI presence on this planet is obviously the wealth of documented encounters by military and civilian pilots with unidentified aerial crafts which possess characteristics well beyond any conceivable human technology. Dozens of pilots have observed UFO’s with features such as anti-gravity lift, instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocities, cloaking technology, and trans-medium travel in and out of the ocean. For those of you who haven’t seen it, History Channel’s UNIDENTIFIED series offers a great exposé on the subject, which covers most of the material that became the subject of the 2021 preliminary report to Congress on unidentified aerial phenomena and the subsequent commission of a new UFO taskforce. In November, the Director of National Intelligence even used the term “extraterrestrial” as a possible explanation for the UAPs since 2004.

A childhood UFO encounter, during which I heard voices in my head, led me to associate another phenomenon. This is the millions of people on this planet who hear voices that often purport to be neighbors, "gangstalkers", demons, spirits, or even God. At some point or other, everyone has questioned whether these voices could possibly be coming from any part of their own minds, although some end up settling for a psychiatric explanation. Many others, to whom the voices are particularly manipulative and cruel, adopt a belief that some government program is using “synthetic telepathy” technology against them. Lastly, there are some that believe the voices to be supernatural. In any case, there is a concerted effort to make the individual delusional and thereby destroy their credibility. The fact that voicehearers often end up delusional allows society to write off the phenomenon of voice hearing as part of a psychosis rather than one of the contributing factors to that psychosis. Also, the fact that medication can help dull the impact of voices and lessen the suggestibility factor that leads to delusions lends undue credibility to the notion of some "brain dysfunction" being the cause of voices. There is still no brain imaging or genetic testing to diagnose conditions entailing "auditory hallucinations". While modern psychiatry has attempted to label many such cases as "schizophrenia", victims are also known to experience cranial sensations and other mental and physiological influences, which suggests neurological modification of some kind. The experience is simply too dynamic, both psychologically and neurologically, to be explained by some "brain dysfunction".

Biotechnological manipulation of the human brain that is experienced by voicehearers could only be achieved by some kind of artificially intelligent system of nanotechnology that has innervated the central nervous system. The only clue is likely the mysterious condition known as Morgellons Disease, in which visible particles and fibers form from smaller nanoparticles under certain circumstances we don’t understand yet. Lyme Disease and psychostimulant use are two of the most common circumstances, but they are not the underlying causative agent. It was initially believed to be delusional until multiple studies finally confirmed otherwise in the last five years. In peer-reviewed studies, scientists have since noted the extraordinary electrostatic properties of the fiber filaments, which are capable of movement, auto-flourescence, gas production, and lipid-like crystal formations which may resemble quantum dots. Some authors associate the condition with an as-of-yet unidentified stealth pathogen: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15924873/

In summary, I would bet my life on the Laboratory Hypothesis as an answer to the Fermi Paradox. Personal experience with the above phenomena leads me to believe that some alien AI superintelligence is here on earth and has employed bionanotechnology to integrate with the central nervous system. The extent of its activity is unknown. It may simply be experimenting on a select few of us or exerting a wider and more intensive influence over the human race. Discovery of its exact relationship to us should come within the next few centuries, once we have the ability to analyze said nanotechnology.

Submitted December 25, 2021 at 12:43AM by morgaliens https://ift.tt/33WUaKx

Do you think Aliens celebrate Christmas to understand Humans better?

Concepts of family,giving and good will towards others. Do you think these are foreign to them or actually something we share in common?

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 11:24PM by SilentConsciou5 https://ift.tt/3myUk1c

Merry Christmas to all my fellow tinfoil hatters, you are very special to me. We share a secret that bonds us, we know that Aliens visit Earth all the time, who would have thought! Love & Light.

A few quotes that I find fitting:

“Now that you’ve seen me” said the Unicorn, “I’ll believe in you, if you believe in me”...

“Only the dreamers can find their way by moonlight, their curse, though, is that they see the dawn long before everyone else”...

“Do you believe then that the sciences would ever have arisen and become great if there had not beforehand been magicians, alchemists, astrologers and wizards?”...

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:38PM by EarthAliens https://ift.tt/32utmAy

Don't look up.

Do Not Look Up.

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 06:27PM by 3mpir30fTh3Sun https://ift.tt/3po7EHw

NASA is hiring theologians to prepare humans for discovery of alien life

NASA has hired 24 theologians in preparation for discovery of new life forms.



Edit: Changed one of the links to a non paywall link

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 04:59PM by Icy_Huckleberry_7990 https://ift.tt/3pr3C0Z

What do aliens smell like?

I keep reading of people witnessing a strong smell when near these aliens. The funeral home guy that walked in on the air base autopsy also stated there was a strong odor.

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 12:33PM by DMANSR https://ift.tt/3emG33e

Chart of alien disposition in movies

Has anyone published a study of movies involving aliens where the results show the percentage of movies depicting aliens as being beneficial to humans, the percentage of them where aliens are harmful to humans, the percentage where they are indifferent, etc.?

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:35AM by Leprechaun_Academy https://ift.tt/3H8erLo

Aliens out there living their normal lives at this very moment just like us

It’s pretty cool to think that while say you’re out mowing your lawn or getting groceries, that there are aliens far out there living their normal daily lives wondering what’s out there just like us. With their completely different ways of life and cultures and architecture

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:56AM by Kootabab https://ift.tt/3myxab0

Theoretical Physics Opinion on UFO Propulsion.

In avionics a major factor that limits innovation in jet propulsion technology is due to boundary layer drag. A recent invention called Boundary Layer Ingestion Systems vent the boundary layer into a sub surface vent effectively detaching the craft from that type of drag force.

Drag demonstration based on injestion

The Testla Turbine utilizes boundary layer drag as a method of propulsion. The issue is that even to this day we lack strong enough materials to even properly test this generator in its intended state since the motor breaks before it reaches it's efficiency speed. The efficiency of said generator is roughly 98%.

Detailed video on the Testla Turbine

So far in modern texts and patents there hasn't been any venture into utilizing boundary layer drag as a method of propulsion. In the Boundary Layer Ingestion system if the concept were to be reversed the skin of the airplane would be the method of propulsion instead of the jet turbine itself.

Beginning of Theoretical Physics

Granted, laymen have no access to physically examine a UFO. I think most of us here recognize that the orb videos, specifically those were triangles are formed, are simply cloaked crafts and the orbs are essentially their engine exhaust in our modern interpretation of a jet engine.

The theory as I believe it is that the orbs are balls of radioactive, magnetic, or exotic plasmas encased in a half dome system where other magnets, and systems suspend a ball of plasma around a metal core that is rotated in the direction where the craft is being directed to.

In our current technology we could achieve this and use air as the boundary layer for a medium of propulsion utilizing drag forces. But, to take an even further theoretical dive, is there a type of plasma that is interactive with gravity forces much like drag forces.

I also have to admit that there are multiple types of crafts that we see; but most have these 3 orb systems in triangle formation; except the tic tac which I speculate uses boundary layer propulsion on the skin of the craft versus orb type engines.

Perhaps, the majority of what we see are old drones, and tic tac crafts are newer models from what we've historically seen.

IT's a fun rabbit hole, but as much things in the theoretical sense are simply conjecture.

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 11:17AM by bacontire https://ift.tt/3yTiwjK

What if, you'd also keep the truth secret.

When things are kept from us, it's frustrating. Transparency would be wonderful, then we could all make our own assessments.

Though what if we are truly helpless and the truth is bad enough, you wish you never unveiled what's behind the curtain.

It seems to be one of those dilemmas in which you don't care until you do. I don't care! Tell me the truth, followed by immediate regret of knowing.

If you had the proof in your hands, would you show your friends and family knowing it would ruin their lives? Or would you too keep it secret. So they could enjoy their daily illusions because it's still better than knowing?

I'd like to hope that life extending beyond our planet is peaceful and that humans are just keeping secrets to help control their agendas.

If this were the case, it doesn't seem justified to hold the truth. I don't think it would completely destroy the fabric of our lives and the populace deserves to know.

But what if there are civilizations out there that will never give us the time to reach their level. That completely own us, and use us like lab rats. Take the Earth's water when needed and basically have total control.

I'm just spit balling ideas around, but my point is that there have to be some circumstances in which the truth can stay a secret.

Maybe the truth is darker than what I'd like. Reality usually is. Maybe the secrets are for my benefit and I should be grateful I don't have to live with knowing.

I'll leave you with this question. Person X hands you a thick folder, they promise it's very unsettling and will change your entire life. That living will only be harder knowing. That if you read, you can never change the outcome for we are helpless. It will serve you no benefit in knowing, other than you know.

Do you still open the folder?

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 11:20AM by Important-Escape425 https://ift.tt/3yXFlCN

Contact wish

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Would be awesome to ask for ET contact on my Christmas list ;) I'd be appreciative if any contactees might be able to assist in this. 😁 thanks!!!

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 11:45AM by jt121234 https://ift.tt/3ejf6xg

Louis Theroux UFO special

I just got done watching the above. It mainly contains the ramblings of the mentally ill, but at one point, Louis goes to a man who claims he can channel alien communication. It's very hard to buy - apparently Louis begins speaking with an alien being called Korton, who has strange dialect but still has an American accent, so not very convincing, it is obviously a bizarre act... And then Louis asks where he might find cattle mutilation to see in the flesh, and Korton tells him he will find it in a place called Alamos. He then gets a call from the guy who investigates mutilations, telling him that a mutilated cow has been reported in Alamos.

It's probably just editing, but Louis specifically says he got the call after the interaction with the alien channeler. Found it interesting. Thoughts?

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:01AM by NicknameBirthyear https://ift.tt/3eru9oo

Louis Theroux UFO special

I just got done watching the above. It mainly contains the ramblings of the mentally ill, but at one point, Louis goes to a man who claims he can channel alien communication. It's very hard to buy - apparently Louis begins speaking with an alien being called Korton, who has strange dialect but still has an American accent, so not very convincing, it is obviously a bizarre act... And then Louis asks where he might find cattle mutilation to see in the flesh, and Korton tells him he will find it in a place called Alamos. He then gets a call from the guy who investigates mutilations, telling him that a mutilated cow has been reported in Alamos.

It's probably just editing, but Louis specifically says he got the call after the interaction with the alien channeler. Found it interesting. Thoughts?

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:01AM by NicknameBirthyear https://ift.tt/3H8gHlR

Thursday, December 23, 2021

If whatever they are intelligent and live 1000s of years, then they've done alot with showing off ufos in there timescale


Submitted December 23, 2021 at 06:32PM by Snoo98581 https://ift.tt/3pkMWIu

Maybe aliens come here only for the movies

just a wild guess. dunno.

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 05:24PM by Sotorp25 https://ift.tt/3FsgUzI

If the government would tell us that aliens are real, it would not collapse society.

Lot of people think that if the government would tell us that aliens are real, society would collapse.Some People will think its all "Fake News", some people will believe it. But in the end no one will start to ignore their work just to riot meaningless. I am sure that people will don't even care about aliens after a few weeks, because people live from hype to hype. (Climate Change was in the trend, but now Covid is the trend, a new trend will come and people will ignore and forget the previous trend)

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 04:35PM by WhatLemonade https://ift.tt/3qnEnMo

Is Alex Jones right about satanic aliens controlling earth and the elite?

Any evidence for this theory?

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 04:03PM by mackmick86 https://ift.tt/3plEYPm

You're Invited...

You're Invited to my Christmas Special TODAY on 'MYSTERIES with a HISTORY' with Jimmy Church at 2:30pm PST / 5:30pm EST

LIVE CHAT FUN - LINK- https://youtu.be/i3tuR3g_L_Q

Historical #UFO Events from over the years in the month of December


Submitted December 23, 2021 at 03:02PM by MysticalMindTribe https://ift.tt/3yUoyAt

Strange dream

Ok this will get alot of hate but bear with me. These last few months (3) I've been having reacurring dreans and since I'm a pagan practitioner this alerted me quite a bit.

I felt like I was transported to a place I have no clue where but I can describe the place in near perfect detail.

I "awaken" on a smooth quarts bridge or at least a material similar. The bridge has like any bridge would have, guard railing and an endpoint. But for whatever reason I have not seen a beginning and no matter how far I travel I dont get farther nor closer. Underneath the bridge was water. Crystal clear water and I had no intention of hopping in. Not then not now not in the future.in the distance if the bridge is either 2 things. 1 direction is an eternal bridge with nothing in sight or 2 the other direction has a castle. A massive castle, it's too far to judge the actual size of the thing.

Now for the strange part, on the bridge itself lie symbols some are Celtic runes, Egyptian huiryoglyohs (sorry) and I saw the Mayan dragon symbol I think it was called quezacoatl I might be wrong. Other symbols are the triple moon goddess symbol from hectate and the pentagram. A few others would be the chakras, then another thing. I remember symbols of the greys, the mantis people and the nordics.

When I was there on the bridge I had full control of my body, lucid dreaming kinda thing. Whenever I'm on the bridge I'm capable of talking, smell, taste hearing and the other senses this includes my sense of time. On numerous occasions I have grown hungry and that hunger vanished with some time.

Now the last thing I want to mention are the humanoids I see, 3 of them to be exact. Each one if them wear a full body black cloak, and just like me we can see each other and acknowledge each others existence but not much else, I've tried initiating contact but they dont under English to my understanding. I've tried Japanese, Spanish and mandarin with some difficulty. But so far nothing.

Now outside if these dreams I've been getting the urge to look up at night, and since I work night shifts this is bad for me for reasons I wont disclose st the moment. But I being this up because during the first weeks of October I was driving my way to work when a large humanoid figure runs across the road, the thing was taller then the crops nearby. The scary about this is, it was running in the direction if my house, not even 250 meters away at where I spotted the humanoid. Now as for appearance, over 8dt, dark grey with a massive head. A grey is my best guess.

But two days ago this thing watched me drive home, I saw this thing with its 3 fingered hands next to the damn road STARING AT ME I GOT SCARED I NEVER FLOORED MY CAR IN MY LIFE.

As a pagan practitioner I taught myself to sense the energies of other living people and entities, this includes spirits and humans, but I can sense the energies of non humans like animals but that thing I saw in the side of the road, I SENSED THAT, I SENSED HIM AND HE HAS NOT LEFT, I SENSE THAT ENTITY NEAR MY HOUSE

One last thing, I'm actually scared to say this but I had a premonition that has been confirmed by psychics. I am going to be abducted, either it be with my master having O- blood type or whatever. I am actually terrified, that thing I saw was something I cannot get out if my head, I understand greys have the ability to mind control but I'm well versed with energy that I can block negative energy and foreign energy away from me. But weather or not that will work on aliens that have a different vibrational frequency than us humans I'm not entirely sure, I know quartzes can change vibrational frequencies if given the time but.

I'm sorry, but I had to get this off my chest. After seeing that thing I've been scared. And since I'm awake for night shift and asleep for the day my parents can watch over me and I have multiple cameras watching the outside so who knows maybe they are waiting.

I have their attention, and I'm scared.

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 02:00PM by AdTasty8536 https://ift.tt/3mtQXbK

Some philosophical deduction if we live in Fractal Universe

1.There is no real time.

2.Time is an illusion.

3.We would die someday.

4.In a sense because there is no time, we are already dead.

  1. Deducting from the immensity of all things around us. we have these intuition that these world and existence is infinite in some form.

7.We are infinite and we are nothing/dead. These means that the true nature of nothingness is not really nothing. Is in-temporal, is infinite. Is continues, is infinity.

  1. It is true that everything is changing, how does infinity change? Why something that is ‘’perfect’’, ‘’absolute’’ would change itself? If infinity is ‘’absolute’’ and is all that exist, the change has to happened within in paradoxical fractal. Inside a finite world inside itself, infinity contains itself. Our consciousness/mind has to be a reflection of these infinity we live in. Our consciousness/mind has to be a reflection of the all, in one of its fractal parts. That’s why we feel like we are out of place, like we don’t belong here.

  2. Our mind which is a reflection of these infinite world is continues process of electrically charged reactions .We are a form of organized light.

  3. We have to be in these world and to work to make it a better place in way to reflect these infinite nature of ours, moving toward a possible unification in the end. We have to be serious about our attempts to bring the world together. But we have to watch out not to take our life that seriously overall we have to take it we grain of salt, we have to detach ( be zen), have no big expectations either. Because in the end we are so small.

  4. Our job is to make small important steps to make Big Things in a Small World.

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 06:37AM by Soggy-Investigator53 https://ift.tt/3JfUgx2

Sorry guys, but i don't think inteligent life exists.

Common forms of life yes, but not life like us.

For what we know, life is very difficult to be form. To exist life in Earth, we needed a equilibrium very great of the elements, distance of the sun, etc. Just if a small detail change, and we would never existed.

In our Earth, we needed many years to really develop a inteligent form of life after years of dinosaurs and other living there...and we almost got extincted many times.

We are alone....

Submitted December 23, 2021 at 07:00AM by SpotDeusVult https://ift.tt/3plwCXO

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The UFO I saw on Late of November 2013

I'll be frank with everyone I was never a believer in Alien life or any existence outside our planet. Obviously I have an open-mind like most people and I wanted to tell a bit of my story on what I saw the late of November and early December of 2013.

It was a cold night around 10-11PM at the Skyline of Long Beach, California I was walking around with a friend that night trying to you know get close to (her), but obviously I didn't even if I tried I was too much of a loser back then, but anyways as we were walking on the corner of the area we decided to rest at this one spot where it was a flat concrete. If anyone has been up there or from my area you would know what it looks like as it's a running path or walking path for many people as a morning exercise for their dogs. As I was sitting down drinking water, I looked up to the sky as it was a beautiful eerie feeling I cannot describe. This is where it gets spicy.. I saw one oval looking lights that had the color of the rainbows just in the sky above my costco. I told the friend hey do you see what I'm seeing? She said yeah that's weird. I'm like joking around saying it has to be aliens lol.. She was getting a bit creeped out as we were walking, and I just kept saying like "doesn't it look like a ufo up there? Like isn't it weird that there are rainbow color ovals in the sky at this time and it's foggy?" She said yeah that's weird why would there be something like that. As I look more closely at that one spot in the sky I started seeing outlines of a Wide V shape that encompasses the area where it was. I told her hey do you see some outline of where that window of an oval was? She was getting scared at this point no joke. I was like getting creeped out too, but when I turned to look at it again I saw 3-4 more oval shaped lights that started to rotate so slow, but you can make out what it was doing. Rotating in the night sky as it was getting ready to move somewhere else. At this point I'm like okay I got to take a pic or something it was on my iPhone 4S. As much as I would like to show everyone here of course I don't have my chip anymore to recover the pic it was quite disappointing really. We ought to leave the area since she didn't want to stay there anymore. It haunted me for a little while when I walked home knowing no one would believe what I saw obviously. I kept telling my friends till this day whenever we pass by the Skyline that I know what I saw. They believe in alien life, but they don't believe I saw them lol. I Just wanted to let everyone here know thank you very much for reading this as it has been something I been putting off explaining. I now believe there is something out there most people can't explain. I know in the news people pass it off as government experiment etc., or more skeptics. I just hope one day they come back and I'll see them at the exact moment to get a capture on video that has actual good quality lmao. As of now this will be my first post in this community and something I'll update if I ever come across an UFO in the late of night.

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 09:22PM by LaughingAtTheRich https://ift.tt/3H4otgy

The Wandjina "Sky Beings" Depicted In Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art

The Wandjina Sky Beings Depicted In Mysterious Aboriginal Rock Art

The ancient Aboriginal rock paintings appear to clearly show what we would describe today as your commonly thought of "alien entity"

The story of the Wandjina has been passed down for tens of thousands of years describing "sky-beings" or "spirits from the clouds", the story tells how the Wandjina came from the sky and created everything on Earth.

The story is quite in-depth and I thought some of you might be interested in it (full story link at the top)

What are people's opinions on the Wandjina rock art and do people believe it has anything to do with extra-terrestrials?

Cheers Mark

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 06:30PM by donkey_junk https://ift.tt/3JeIdzM

My encounte

About 15 years ago I witnessed something that made me decide to stop going to church. At the time I was very involved in religion and had even formed a Bible study outside of the church with friends and coworkers.

I was at Cracker Barrel of all places. It was a Saturday morning. There was an hour wait so my friend and I decided to sit outside in the rocking chairs. My mom and her bf was there as well. It was a gorgeous day and I saw a bird land on the ground in front of me. He landed by a trash can and started pecking at the remnants on the ground. Then it happened. Some black figure emerged from under the trash can and it made a loud piercing screeching noise. It snatched the bird back into the ground. It happened so fast. I couldn’t process what I just saw. “The bird is gone” I just kept repeating that. I said….”it ate the bird” “the bird is gone” I asked my friend if she saw that. She said she heard something and did see a bird but she looked away. She laughed at me like the bird probably flew away but I know what I saw and never forgot it. My mom and her bf heard the screech but they laughed too. This really made me begin to question what is out there.

The black figure appeared smaller than the bird. It’s reminded me those things that jump out on alien vs predator. It just didn’t move like anything I’ve ever seen. Logically I thought maybe it was one of those spiders from Eight Legged Freaks but if it was a spider I would’ve said spider. The fact that I saw this thing eat a bird and others heard it is why I couldn’t just brush this experience off as just being in my head.

There’s so much more out there than we know….

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 06:50PM by Lilyflower228 https://ift.tt/3pkepda

Anyone with a membership to Aviation Week who could share the "Bill Cooper" alien picture?

Hello Reddit,

The famous and controversial author Bill Cooper mentioned a picture inside the November 1988 issue of Aviation Week (page 50). He claims the picture is possibly of a real Alien... because the amount of detail is highly impressive and the source of the model/puppet was never found.

I don't believe his claims, but the only versions of the photo I can find online are very low res.

Does anyone have the issue in question? Or is a member of Aviation Week online?

I'd prefer to not shell out 100$ USD just to take a look...

Here's the picture for reference:


Thank you!

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 06:01PM by 7hom https://ift.tt/3spmZJP

Do you think the Roswell incident happened because Aliens were investigating us for the use of Nuclear Weapons?

Seems like if a species detonates a nuclear weapon on their planet then it might appear as an anomaly to someone else out there.

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 05:09PM by SilentConsciou5 https://ift.tt/3syvRgl

Veteran UFO Researcher & Writer PETER ROBBINS had a UFO Encounter when he was 14 years old that changed his life. In this episode for KUNX Talk Radio, we get into details about his experience, research, & insights

Chapter index set on timeline.
LINK: https://youtu.be/0VwiSheLldg

Cristina talks with veteran investigative writer, author, and lecturer, Peter Robbins. For more than forty years, his writing, research, and investigations have focused on the subject of truly anomalous UFOs/UAPs and their implications for humanity.

Peter Robbins and Cristina Gomez

He has appeared as a guest and been a consultant to numerous radio shows, television programs, and documentaries. He has spoken at conferences around the country and around the world. Robbins’ professional credits include his having been Editorial Assistant on the United Nations’ Secretary General’s (requested) report “for the establishment of an UN-UFO Department,” and Editorial Assistant for Member of Parliament, the Honorable Brinsley Le Poer Trench’s (requested) paper for The House of Lords Debate on UFOs.

Peter Robbins was a founding member of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders Foundation (IF), a member of its Advisory Board, and IF Executive Assistant and studio assistant to Mr. Hopkins.

Peter was the Event Coordinator for the SCI FI Channel’s ‘Alien Abduction Phenomenon: A Symposium,’ organized to promote the release of the miniseries ‘Taken (Executive Producer, Steven Spielberg),’ and writer, planner, and commentator for the “Ultimate UFO” and “Ultimate Crop Circle” DVD sets. He has written for Open Minds magazine, FATE, Phenomena Magazine, and OUR-J Journal of UFO Studies Japan. In the United Kingdom, UFO Data Magazine, UFO Truth Magazine, UFO Matrix, Outer Limits Magazine, and UFO Magazine (both the U.K. & U.S. publications), as well as numerous other publications and websites.

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 04:10PM by MysticalMindTribe https://ift.tt/3HarADP

How many claims of female aliens?

I have always imagined aliens as dudes or asexual beings, and have not heard of any accounts of people having experiences of female aliens.

Are there any prominent stories of female alien experiences?

Submitted December 22, 2021 at 02:40PM by SlyckCypherX https://ift.tt/32dwp0n

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Full-Length Presentation With Jim Sparks: Reptilians, Grays, Telepathy, Large-Scale Abductions And Government Coverups.

Jim Sparks Alien Abductee Interview: Reptilians, Grays, Interdimensional Beings, And Telepathy

The story of Jim Sparks, as with other potential alien abductees is somewhat fascinating, the difference with him is that he has claimed to remember almost all of his experiences without the need of hypnosis.

He has talked in-depth and even written a book about his apparent experience with extraterrestrials, from telepathy, mind control, mass abductions and saving the planet.

What are peoples opinions on Jim Sparks?

The link to his full presentation is at the top, I thought some of you may enjoy this / be interested in it.

Cheers, and Merry Xmas to you all.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 06:22PM by donkey_junk https://ift.tt/3z2g3Ul

If I were an alien from another planet or dimension, why would I care about humans being collectively aware of my presence? One more reason time travelers hypothesis makes the most sense

I personally can't think of any satisfying explanation to the sneaky nature of the phenomenon, and the aliens from other planets/dimensions hypothesises are slowly moving down the list of what the phenomenon might actually be.

The main problems I have with the extraterrestrial hypothesis:

1- Why would they care?

2- Why are they here?

3- Why have they stuck around for decades or even centuries?

4- Why are they similar in appearance to us?

5- Last but not least, if our technology is inconsequential to their activity on this planet, and they are completely indifferent, why can't these beings do their thing and just ignore us, or pretend we don't exist, like we do with animals we study?

Judging by the nature of the phenomenon, one could argue there must be a good reason for the phenomenon to behave the way it does. In other words, there's something at stake for the phenomenon, and any action it makes must be carefully calculated. They avoid detection because they have to, revealing themselves to humanity might simply mean their plan wouldn't work.

The general consensus among experiencers is their similar physical appearance to us. They are very often described as either human looking, or having a humanoid features. Sure the greys might have odd proportions, but they look closer to humans than to any other species on earth do to us, even chimpanzees, which are our closest relatives.

Divergent evolution could explain why they look similar to us, but it's only based on our observation of earth species because there's no evidence it could have happened on another planet, and even if it did, birds and insects developed the ability to fly, yet they look very different, which isn't the case when comparing greys to us. They almost look like they've evolved from modern day humans, following the same evolutionary trend we did, i.e, less archaic cranial features, smaller jaws, bigger heads, larger eyes, thinner bodies, etc...

Time travelers hypothesis, specifically the one that includes different humans from different future timelines makes the most sense.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 06:10PM by jacobyh7 https://ift.tt/3qzry1J

Strange thought

What if area 51 holds alien space and another site holds alien life

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 05:08PM by james8600123 https://ift.tt/3pjZMGI

I'm sure you guys have seen this alien race book, and it's likely a complete work of fiction, but I find it interesting that we have all this talk about UAPs right now, and it says the "Dries" will reveal themselves in 2022.


This probably gets posted here all the time, but I was just looking through this book and found it interesting that on page 41 it says the Dries will "reveal" themselves in 2022, and right now we have a bunch of talk about UFOs/UAPs in our culture right now.

I also wonder if the government is involved and they're going to work with an alien species to stage a false flag alien attack to bring the world under the banner of a one world totalitarian government.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 04:07PM by DrorMann1984 https://ift.tt/32hrwTU

This sub is full of misinformation and delusional people

title says it all

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 02:40PM by OkAd3052 https://ift.tt/3J93b3f

Theory on forced evolution experiments, assisted by time travel

This theory is based on conjecture, but i thought it was at least worth a discussion.

I get the feeling that the UAPs whatever/whomever they might be, are here to do forced evolution experiments on us humans using time travel as a means to fast forward in their experiments. Changing key aspects such as dexterity and brainsize in the past and now the work continues with the nonvisual aspects such as the plasticity of the brain. I think their interests in our nukes and military are a red herring and that they mainly try to stop us from "prematurely ending" their experiments on us, or polluting our genes with radiation induced mutations is not what they want. Livestock mutilation does also make sense since they gotta take samples to keep track of what we eat since that has a major impact on our health and development. And we also introduced a lot of chemicals into the food chain like plastics so that's another side to it. As for the time travel aspect I think that with gravity propulsion naturaly comes the ability to manipulate time since gravity affects spacetime. It would make sense that it can be used to speed up the results of their experiments (from their point of view) . Time manipultion could also explain why some people claim to experience inconsistency in the passing of time when seeing an UAP upclose, they could literally be keeping test subjects for weeks while outside it has only been let's say 30 min. If this is true I would guess we would likely see changes in surrounding vegetation based on the intensity of the time shift like lets say withered plants since they would receive a fraction of the sunlight they normaly do in the same time span. Or they could burn the sorrunding areas with only thermal radiation if they choose to speed up time inside the craft.
One could also speculate if the insane movements shown by UAPs is just a time differential and and they are not really moving that fast.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 01:29PM by the-key https://ift.tt/3sq3sss

Ppt presentation about aliens/extrarestrial life

I have to make a presentation about aliens do you guys have some suggestions for me?

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 09:38AM by Vasi162 https://ift.tt/3H3yuui

False Flags

I often hear about false flags ... and I would imagine we the people would know right away if it was a false flag or not by the way we responded to such an attack. Am I off track here?

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 09:48AM by acambece https://ift.tt/3swQ7yy

Bottom Line

After kicking around this subject for a minute the message seems repetitive and clear ... 1. Love one another. 2. always exercise compassion. and 3. We need to come to the realization that we are all ONE!

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 09:51AM by acambece https://ift.tt/3mpYLLI

I used to dislike the topic about reptilians like you until I researched alien abductions.

When I heard stuff about Reptilians, I too was like where does it come from? How would they possibly connect to Grays or them be their offspring. Shapeshifting of course!
I've been observing abductions lately, here is a more natural approach towards how reptilians might be influencing our lives according hypnotic regressions from abducted people over the world.

What Hypnotic regression retrieves from millions of people, there are humanoid Reptilians and Mantoids running a hybridization program and Gray's are an earlier stage hybrid from a Mantis being and reptilian. Mantises are also seen during DMT, which is an odd coincidence!

Races seen under hypnotic regression.

Lizards are also reported by people having sleep paralysis. Also about shapeshifting, according to abductions they don't physically shapeshift, aliens use a mind technique called Mental projection like a hallucination or dream, although they can shift into energetic light orbs or dematerialize into photons.

I think Vice news should be ashamed of saying conspiracy theorists have it from the TV series V, it's either a well thought lie with the approach to misinform or ignorance.
Reptilians have been mentioned in Sumerian religion or ancient Biblical beliefs as a serpent or dragon.

I'm not trying to convince anyone with this post, just informing you what reporters should report on about Reptilians.
It is said according to multiple hypnotic regressions done on abductees since the 1920's until now the plan is to become fully human looking through interbreeding and abducting people for their DNA and live among us as humans running the NWO.

I'm not sure myself if I believe it but I must admit our unconscious minds can come up with the most crazy thoughts. I personally believe they are more mind invaders then physical, we lack a huge amount of evidence apart from lights in our skies, dreams and hallucinations.
If real, we are either completely being outmatched as a species or they tap into our minds from another dimension but there seem to be another life out there.
According research, aliens don't have a very good reputation with things they are doing to us or animals. Beware that smart beings know how to be friendly in order to get what they want from you.

The most scary thing is the techniques aliens have is very very similar to what mentalists can do, this makes it more disturbing that aliens might actually be living among us as humans.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 02:41AM by Oneromnation https://ift.tt/3FhNNiG

Monday, December 20, 2021

Aliens Delores Cannon and Baba Vanga

Hello, has anyone heard of Delores Cannon and blind Psychic Baba Vanga? I was reading about them and not sure what to believe. Baba said that aliens manipulate us humans and that we agreed to it such as a family member dying and that we are stupid and just keep coming back to planet earth as reincarnations to be manipulated again. Delores says we each write our own script and everything is predetermined including the sandwich one eats for lunch was chosen for them by the aliens and we humans agreed to this. She even went as far once to say rape was all make believe and we agreed to it for the aliens entertainment. Does any of this make sense because it terrifies me to think we have no free will.

Submitted December 20, 2021 at 07:23PM by ZoneCharacter8876 https://ift.tt/3J9gh0v

Our Human Attractiveness According to the "Other People."

Kinda dumb question but ... I've been studying this phenomenon as an amateur for years and we seem to quickly judge the appearance of each species as "beautiful" or "scary" based on human perception. For example, Nordic People are beautiful and insectoids as something else. Yet, to me, it seems we as humans vary greatly in appearance among one another, unlike many other "beings." I guess my question is first, do they have an opinion regarding our general looks and/or our individual looks? My guess would be they have no opinion regarding our physical being only our energy. Any thoughts?

Submitted December 20, 2021 at 06:30PM by acambece https://ift.tt/3yMN7za

Do you believe Aliens globally document our behavior and decisions as tangible evidence and then use this to make a case that we are not worthy of being at their level?

They might just see all the trash in our oceans. Or bear witness to corruption of politicians working against the people they represent. Even document dysfunctional developments and heinous behavior on a widespread level.

Do you think they weigh and determine our species worth?

Submitted December 20, 2021 at 04:29PM by SilentConsciou5 https://ift.tt/3GZS7n1

My views on reptilian aliens

I have been avidly researching the alien question for years and it’s been quite difficult to find 100% reliable information. Each time I felt I’d reached a conclusion, something else would come up that’d make me question everything. I wanted to post this to give an idea of where I am currently to see if others have similar views.

The issue with this whole subject is how much disinformation is out there on purpose. This is obviously deliberate to prevent people from finding the truth out. But in all honesty I think the idea that aliens haven’t interacted with us yet is more irrational than the notion that they have. I think people like David Icke and Zechariah Sitchin are not reliable and have spread disinformation as mentioned. There is no evidence to support Nibiru/Planet X and also nothing whatsoever to corroborate the claims that the Bush family, Queen of England, etc, are actually lizards. However, I feel very strongly that these entities exist.

If you look into this subject enough, you’ll see consistent accounts of reptilians being from the Alpha Draconis star system. They supposedly had wars with civilizations in the neighboring Lyra constellation and colonized several planets in Orion. This may sound far fetched to some but who’s to say what a civilization is capable of that’s millions of years more advanced. These same entities supposedly created the Annunaki and live in underground bases on earth and have for some time. The greys are supposedly a slave race for these beings and established an agreement with Eisenhower in the 50s to conduct experiments with humans in exchange for sharing their technology. Anyway, my theory is that these reptilians use humans as a food source hence the number of missing children that are never found each year. It’s somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. Phil Schneider, who was a military contractor and geologist, talks about this extensively.

Anyway, I think the idea that US politicians are actually reptilians is quite silly and used to distract people from the very disturbing practice of harvesting humans. I’m also not sure that these beings actually shapeshift, rather just hide underground and get humans to do the dirty work of the abductions. I would like to hear your thoughts on this because I know I can’t paint this picture as 100% fact, but it’s a vitally important subject nevertheless. All opinions are welcomed.

Submitted December 20, 2021 at 03:07PM by Actual_Zombie_8446 https://ift.tt/3Egc9bp

💫 First Step Successful! Divine Intervention Activation Meditation on 21.12.2021 - Petition Results and Reminder:

Yes, you guys! We reached the critical mass of 144.000 signatures!! (currently 175k+ and counting)

Thank you all for participating so far! 🤗 💖

144.000+ meditators lets gooo!! 😁

This means, the first step of our activation is hereby successful!

💫 So please join us if you feel so guided in the second step, our global mass meditation at the exact time of the upcoming solstice, so we can once again reach the critical mass and finalize this very powerful activation!

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨


✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

💫 At the exact time of the upcoming solstice (21.12.2021 16:00 UTC) we will come together like last year in our huge global mass meditation to further stabilize the positive ascension timeline and support the liberation process of planet earth! Please join us if you feel so guided!

Link to the guided meditation live stream on that day (starts at 14:20 UTC)

Link to a playlist of this guided meditation in 30+ languages

The exact time and day for your timezone

💫 As second part of this activation, there is a petition you can sign, which will send the first ever clear and coherent declaration of humanities free will to experience first contact and to start the process of our acceptance into the galactic community.

The first petition with 81k+ signatures has since been taken down, but will still count towards the total number together with the backup one, which you can sign here:


As this process was directly inspired by the forces of Light, this Petition and the Decree in our Meditation, will indeed be acknowledged by the Galactic Confederation! :)

So lets do this guys! Lets unite for a brighter future for all of us to help manifest the desired changes so that humanity will soon be able to live in peace, freedom and abundance again!

Thank you all for joining!! 🤗

The new Age of Aquarius is dawning and the final victory of Light is near! 💖

PS: From my personal experience, these meditations are some of the most wonderful, uplifting and empowering events and really give you the feeling of being part of something huge..

I can only encourage you all to participate just for the experience alone, its truly powerful!

PPS: since this sub is apparently run people who think its justified to delete posts about a global mass event with the aim to bring about full disclosure and first contact by reasoing of it being "off topic", i have to post it again. thanks you guys for the awards, but dont waste it on this post as its probably gone soon.

Submitted December 20, 2021 at 02:02PM by blue_galactic_knight https://ift.tt/3yY34TD

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.