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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Just an Exercise: Planetary Defense Conference Exercise


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:57AM by burtzev http://bit.ly/2DCyF1l

Legally and technically speaking would People (Humans) not born on Earth be Aliens?

So, with a bit of luck we may approach and will within our lifetime see either a Lunar or Martian base become a Reality. When people are enclosed in a far Isolated community there is only so much you can do. So obviously there will be quite a bit of sex which leads to Pregnancy which leads to Babies. (Thats how it works folks!)

So its only a Matter of time until the First baby is born Off world. What then? Will this and subsequent Babies, Children and generations be regarded as Aliens? What Nationality would they have?

There is a good chance that someone born, lets say on the Moon will find it very Difficult to actually live on Earth because of the difference in Gravity, Air Pressure and Immune system wise it may not be possible for them to ever Visit or return to Earth. For them it would be a somewhat hostile Planet.

The Outer space treaty from 1967 is a bit vague here

Article II of the treaty states that "outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means." However, the State that launches a space object retains jurisdiction and control over that object.

While the Rocket and the Material brought by a State would be subject to the States jurisdiction a Base would have to be constructed at one point from Materials of the Celestial Object, hence it would loose its Statehood after 50% or more materials by weight are indigenous from the Celestial Object.

I know its not little green man but still something quite interesting to think about, what do you think?

Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:12AM by Inesophet http://bit.ly/2URaW3h

Does anyone remember the driverless car conspiracy?

So a good 10+ years ago there were reports of cars seen on roads driving by themselves, no driver to be seen and it was before the autopilot for cars were in development. I'm doing research on my own little theory and I can't find any of the reports or videos. It's like they never existed or all of the search engine companies have buried it since. I remember it being very common. All I can find now is the Mandela effect cars that pop out of nowhere almost causing accidents.

Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:40AM by A_Real_Patriot99 http://bit.ly/2J6umiy

"Backdropped by the blackness of space and the thin line of Earth's atmosphere, the International Space Station is seen from Space Shuttle Discovery as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation." This photograph (S119-E-010500) was taken on 25 March 2009 during NASA's STS-119 mission.


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 12:28AM by trot-trot http://bit.ly/2LhK8K7

Challenge Accepted?


And he says "let's get to work"... What work? You aren't even qualified to be Administrator. You're just a political hack. You won't be doing any actual work.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 11:32PM by PuzzledMaybe http://bit.ly/2vuQNWz

The Cats Eye Nebula in Optical and Xray


Submitted May 01, 2019 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2WeIsC8

kennedy space center tour question

Has anyone been to Kennedy Space Centre?

I'm thinking of taking a week off work and going but i'm wondering if people have done the addons? bear in mind i'll be flying in from Australia so i want to get the most our of my time there

i'm interested in the KSC explore tour, The early space tour and possibly the launch director tour tour of atlantis as well as lunch with an astronaut. anyone done these and can comment if the cost is worth it?

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:06PM by Tejas57 http://bit.ly/2J2OVwa

NASA panels at Houston's Comicpalooza are in room 381


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:44PM by minterbartolo http://bit.ly/2V6bgjY

Wikileaks Document Exposes a “Secret US Base on the Moon”


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 08:07PM by SimonaPo http://bit.ly/2LeX8QA

Space-rock strikes the Moon at 38,000 miles per hour


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:06PM by RobLea http://bit.ly/2IRGqVI

Some mission badges from my uncle (former Boeing/NASA engineer)


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:30PM by TheRealCorbonzo http://bit.ly/2J3iGNu

NASA Investigation Uncovers Cause of Two Science Mission Launch Failures


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:20PM by I_DR_NOW http://bit.ly/2vsZQY9

US Navy patents anti-gravity aircraft which looks like an alien UFO


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:32PM by yentisrich12 http://bit.ly/2ZEqeMu

My Space Race/Early NASA display featuring mission patches from the US and Soviet programs and the Lego Saturn V!


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:52PM by QuinstonChurchill http://bit.ly/2ZLw7Yq

Time Traveler Shows Us First Living Dinosaur Photo Ever Made As Proof (Video)


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:49PM by ScarySecurity http://bit.ly/2V6Ot7l

Why peoples still didn't get it?

This subreddit is an absolute joke....that aliens be real or not,everthing on this subreddit is a joke......don't you see how much kids are spammnig videos without any common sense?it's all fake,yes you,you reading this post before commenting me,stop being here and uh....go live your life,just stop messing around this joke,it will make you crazy ,go now before it's too late

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:15PM by rhassane999 http://bit.ly/2GN8cPG

Here is the full Audiobook for the people who asked. The Epic of Gilgamesh


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:46PM by readyshredder http://bit.ly/2ZNeoQc

Added a few patches to my Vans NASA bag


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:21PM by cianwoods11 http://bit.ly/2GTWML1

My Steps Journal - Step 37: There is a way to Knowledge

I managed to spend the two fifteen-minute practice sessions thinking and writing about my understanding on how to experience and express Knowledge. I was apprehensive going in, but once I got started it kind of clicked and I was able to keep going. Most of what I wrote were derived from what I have learned so far from reading of the various texts of the New Message – Greater Community Spirituality, Secrets of Heaven, Relationships of Higher Purpose, and various other Revelations.


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 03:02PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2GTOdjp

Black hole picture

Sorry for the terrible description but after the picture of the black hole was released the was another picture with a fact attached to it about how long it would the satellite to cross the black hole, does have this or know what one I’m on about? Sorry I’m actually terrible at describing things.

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:47PM by spudsagimp1892 http://bit.ly/2PDaKUq

NASA IT help

Hello everyone,

I work for a Technology reseller covering NASA. We sell a multitude of Manufacturers and strive to be a trusted advisor for our customers. In the event that anyone is in the IT department with any of the centers and could use help with some evaluations or implementation questions please let me know. We would be happy to help.

Thanks fellow Redditors!

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:50PM by 1hotc6vette http://bit.ly/2vu0mVJ

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1123293161613418498Why is it that God Cannot be named? Commentary on the Gospel of Philip. via /r/Gnostic https://t.co/EsfkckPudo

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 30, 2019 at 02:28PM

Vimanas: Ancient Wisdom on Wings


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:29PM by iamonedotme http://bit.ly/2PE6KDl

Saturn Touch The Moon - Images Captured by Astrophotographer


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:25PM by alienstarpage http://bit.ly/2vtZ9xF

ISS anomaly Feb 2019, any idea what I'm looking at?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:10PM by Lordyamidoro http://bit.ly/2URIw9A

Got a pack of NASA stickers and decided to sticker bomb my laptop with them, thoughts?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:38PM by vynock http://bit.ly/2USZ1lT



Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:44PM by veritasiany http://bit.ly/2USYXCF

How NASA takes guesswork out of measuring California's snowpack


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:57PM by BlankVerse http://bit.ly/2ZL5C5n

"I'll tell you, if there ever was a fragile-appearing piece of blue in space, it's the Earth right now"


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:22PM by avrahamabulafia http://bit.ly/2vtmijV

Stop shitposting

The majority of peoples are shitposting useless things........i mean not all of thems but most likely,this subreddit will become sarcasm soon

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:02PM by rhassane999 http://bit.ly/2IPhJJn

Blue Marble, Animated


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:28PM by avrahamabulafia http://bit.ly/2UR7jur

Do we have an update on the 2020 budget amendment?

Hi! just spent 20 minutes googling, couldn't find any updates on the 2020 NASA budget amendment that Bridenstine said will be released "close to April 15th"....I have something rattling around in my head saying it was going to be released May 9th, is that right? Just want to know because that budget update is SUPER important to NASA activity for the remainder of the Trump Administration!

SO worried it'll cancel lots of important things to shunt money to Moon2024 rather than just adding new money. Though I wouldn't be sad if ISS extension gets removed...ISS ending will be a MASSIVE motivator! And an end of an era (and beginning of a new one!)

Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:32PM by zeekzeek22 http://bit.ly/2WlVRbT

A Deceptively Simple Tweak to CRISPR Makes It 50 Times More Accurate


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:09AM by htgiii http://bit.ly/2PCehlW

Dead Alien Body Recovered By The Army After UFO Crash in Peru (VIDEO)


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 09:42AM by ScarySecurity http://bit.ly/2IN0Eja

My little collection of patches (crews with an italian astronaut or historical missions)


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:12AM by nmrt95 http://bit.ly/2VzkhS0

A security camera in Tbilisi films strange looking animal. Velociraptor? Real dinosaur? April 22nd


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:05AM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2XRCVSs

Way to many planets to just be empty


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 07:32AM by SoraKai22 http://bit.ly/2GSUVpN

Secrets of solar system formation revealed by cosmic dust: A tiny grain of stardust — older than the solar system itself — sheds light on how planetary systems like ours form.


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:19AM by RobLea http://bit.ly/2J0w2Kx

UFO/UAP Lago Tinaroo Australia 25th april 2019


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 06:31AM by baDoxx http://bit.ly/2DQiw91

Astra TR-3B: USSR Patent since 1990s

Hello, everyone!

Sorry for my rude-like speaking English language, i'm from Russia.

Simple see this for how it fly:


Or read detailed description record (rus) from my blog:


P.s. is everyone can calculate how much power is needed for 1 kg of weight using this technique, please?


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 06:06AM by Layorn http://bit.ly/2IPR8vI

Maybe this will put an end to those trying to discredit the "Tic-Tac", "GoFast" and "Gimble" UAP videos


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 05:32AM by pdgenoa http://bit.ly/2PFfTvd

Aeronautics: These Boeing 737 MAX That Almost Did Not Take Off


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:06AM by TechHDSipcyp http://bit.ly/2vqOyUg

When, in trying to prove your theory, you don’t realize you’ve just created a Cantor diagonal in higher dimensions and solved the spacetime geometry of water. Hello singularity, I’m scared.


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 04:58AM by AtmanKo http://bit.ly/2PHStWc

Monday, April 29, 2019

Earth from Apollo 17


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 02:15AM by avrahamabulafia http://bit.ly/2UTyogE

This photo of Charlie Duke walking in the great expanse of the Descartes Highlands on the Moon never gets old


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:40AM by BPC1120 http://bit.ly/2GStQD9

confirmation Pentagon did release UAO/UFO videos


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:22AM by baDoxx http://bit.ly/2DIcfvY

Oxford University professor says aliens are breeding with us to help save planet


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:32AM by Vanthonn http://bit.ly/2WfnAe6

Meteor Misses Galaxy


Submitted April 30, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2vuThnO

Just got all these NASA stickers from amazon!


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:07PM by 1AsianPanda http://bit.ly/2ZO2WnJ

Scientists Planning Now for Asteroid Flyby a Decade Away


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:26PM by ye_olde_astronaut http://bit.ly/2ZJwvXu

Picture I took of a space shuttle Elevon (don’t remember what shuttle) donated from NASA to ISU.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:49PM by IS-2-OP http://bit.ly/2PB0Dzv

Crew Waits for Dragon Mission While Teams Troubleshoot Power Issue


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 09:26PM by ankitnayak1 http://bit.ly/2UM6GlD

Curiosity rover spots Mars moon Phobos disappearing into the planet's shadow in the Martian twilight


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 06:53PM by veritasiany http://bit.ly/2L9MDOA

This Week, NASA Is Pretending An Asteroid Is On Its Way To Smack The Earth


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:57PM by funcomfy http://bit.ly/2XVNVOy

The Anunnakis and longevity of the human species


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 06:12PM by Lucaspo67 http://bit.ly/2PC8T2n

I just made a black hole in my backyard


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:43PM by nbilinkis http://bit.ly/2XNTDCi



Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:34PM by iamonedotme http://bit.ly/2GQ8S7W

Earth from Apollo 17


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:33PM by veritasiany http://bit.ly/2XUuTbn



Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:40PM by bocuhot http://bit.ly/2GMe23z

Relation between anthropology and space.

can anthropology in any way help in the future study of space????

anthropology is much more than the study of cultures, but anthropology can help NASA to study space? i think yes of course. but how?

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 05:08PM by hipogy http://bit.ly/2GOiw9R

Aliens are actually demons and I can prove it

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:25PM by CrierofTruth http://bit.ly/2ZLuzgQ

US Navy will investigate sightings UFO “much more seriously”. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:20PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://bit.ly/2PB9b9D

what did I see?

I was in my room laying in my bed and suddenly I see something in the corner of my right eye pass my window outside and it is very close. It was bright light and I think the front was green. There was like two orbs together. they flew by then shorthly not far away split into two and dissapeared without a trace... Now I dont know what this was but I can tell you I was close enough to it and im not misstaken. It was something I have never seen before and it moved so smoothly...and it was probably the size of a football and like something was inside it I saw particles inside it was compact. It feels like somebody wanted me to see that... because as soon as it came in the view of my window(so I could see it) it just dissapeared. it looked beautiful tho.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:21PM by sniperbullet1997 http://bit.ly/2vu6IEG

Alien April #3 Alien Season: Autumn


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 04:25PM by brat-craft http://bit.ly/2Pzbcmy

Aliens are actually demons and I can prove it

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 03:55PM by CrierofTruth http://bit.ly/2Vx1TsH

It's Happening Now: Cloning Facility Raided After A Hybrid Escaped


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 02:33PM by ScarySecurity http://bit.ly/2ZIlZPY

Mystic Grigori Rasputin


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:54PM by iamonedotme http://bit.ly/2WdMJG3

NASA Brings Moon and More to Visitors at COSI Science Festival


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:57PM by adriano-meirinho http://bit.ly/2DFuWQL

My Steps Journal - Step 36: My life is a myster to explore.

I had trouble focussing again today, mostly due to extraneous circumstances. My mind is turbulent and excited, making it difficult to remain focussed and still for any length of time. I still tried, and I still feel that my practice was meaningful. Nasi Novare Coram.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:42PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2USG4Qg

ET image I took the other day. Within its body was statue of liberty image created with the clouds. I was told to download reddit from unknown source. Take it for what you will. I'm risking a lot by posting this. I will not sacrifice my integrity even if I'm all alone dealing with this.


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:42PM by jarhead22569 http://bit.ly/2PK29j3

What’s your opinion?


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:04PM by sjbfcsurvival http://bit.ly/2UP90bM

Did you know?

Female aliens abduct a single human male to rap him

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:10PM by rhassane999 http://bit.ly/2ZIxlDM

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Celebrates 60 Years


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:35PM by Galileos_grandson http://bit.ly/2GHEkUI

Can you see Kim K's reptillian pop out during this swarm of paparazzi?


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:17AM by TruthBTold777 http://bit.ly/2UNpbGg

More of My Father's Attic Finds: Original July 21st 1969 Newspaper

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:32AM by LovarLachland http://bit.ly/2UJL2i9

Colonial Marines


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:34AM by OddLengthiness8 http://bit.ly/2IOhIW4

Tomorrow's Falcon 9 payload, the Hermes regolith and granular material experiment platform [1200 × 800]


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 10:54AM by CitoyenEuropeen http://bit.ly/2ITCJ1R

Black hole fires twisting jets of plasma into space


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 11:12AM by RobLea http://bit.ly/2ILXwnX

The Key to Ancient Astrology Map discovered in Indian Temple?


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 06:57AM by Praveen_Mohan http://bit.ly/2vszmpS

The Golden age of mystery. #aliens #ufo


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 02:42AM by anu_quiche http://bit.ly/2J7Uc5X

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Holy shit, this looks incredible


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:59AM by Inous http://bit.ly/2UOUocc

Volunteers for cross-breeding

This post is for those who is volunteering to participate in cross-breeding programs by aliens.

Common, those who arent afraid, open minded and flexible to enviroment, pls join and speak up.

We can show and proof some of us are ready for direct interactions.

Eventually, wouldnt it be nice if your child would be a superior being, at least with more options than being locked on the 3rd rock of local star?

Iam not the recruiter, but hope the one will some day chim in.

Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:34AM by OsirisHd666 http://bit.ly/2ZH0eQQ

Here's my vintage Apollo 11 infographic poster


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 12:56AM by Poopiepants666 http://bit.ly/2XSNiFv

N11: Star Clouds of the LMC


Submitted April 29, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2vrM0Fn

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122708791542321152World-first experiment introducing atoms to one another may be key to next 'quantum revolution' https://t.co/E9nFjH7jwG

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 11:46PM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122706464387342338How to differentiate between AI, machine learning, and deep learning https://t.co/trF6DwGCyV

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 11:37PM

Galactic Federation recruiting?

So at this point in my life I've decided I need to reach out about this in some way, because I'm hoping it's not just me who goes through this. And no, I'm not a troll, just somebody who's also looking for answers. Or anything relevant, really.

I grew up "imagining" aliens as part of a council ruling, if not guarding, earth. And in this council I saw that there were different departments with sub-sectors, kind of like a CEO, regional manager, and manager sort of hierarchy. There was only one department responsible for earth (their logo is a shield and their motto is "for life and humanity" written in Latin) and collecting data on it, but their data was imperfect because they haven't direct access to humans beyond disguises and collecting info from a distance. I was shown that they don't abduct, but only observe. Some of these aliens within the earthly department want to present themselves to those humans who can handle it and have been following them ever since their childhood. No I'm not quoting the plot of People of Earth-- great show by the way; sadly it's cancelled after season 2. When I accepted these daydreams or visions of these aliens incoming into my mind I noticed life sort of tested me about some topics discussed between the aliens in real life. For example their mental capacity.

There was one daydream I had of the alien teaching me about multiple lives, then in my waking life others would start talking about reincarnation around me without me bringing it up first. I can't remember too many examples but that's the easiest one I can explain from what I do remember. Also, that example happened when I was just 9, so I feel like they're teaching me things as I go along my life.

I've been followed by one sort of grey looking alien "mentally". First she appeared to me in dreams when I was young and then, and I didn't notice this until later, she was actually teaching me how to do something I found out was called remote viewing. I got really good at remote viewing, and I got even better at watching what this alien does. Though now that I've gotten good enough to see them while I'm awake, the aliens don't really want me looking into their business anymore.

I found some people on my local area that are actually really good at remote viewing and I'd practice with them. What we do is look through each other's third eyes: they look at something, I tell them what I see and vice versa, even if we aren't in the same physical location. And we do get it right, both ways. Not with 100% accuracy of course but doing it over and over again made me and the other viewers bond in ways. We sometimes we sense each other without holding a viewing session. Anyway, back to the aliens. Some of the earthly department workers (I really have no idea what their official names or ranks are, I'm just talking about what I experienced) don't want humans to know about them, so I got ghosted.

But now I'm left with knowing a bunch of stuff about remote viewing and how to do it to the point where my mind can't rest. I'm always viewing. This escalated and now I see into different planets while I'm awake. I guess I could profit off this and write it down as fictitious stories, but really, I want to know what the hell just happened all my life and if anybody else is similar? were they even aliens or spirits?

Again, not a troll. Just... lost for words and I'm wondering what this is. I've gone to a few therapists and they said it's not depersonalization, schizophrenia or anything like that. They just said I have a strong imagination or they didn't know. I see and hear languages when I remote view now. No idea what to do with this.

Thanks for reading.

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 09:49PM by Anaurexine http://bit.ly/2PxuTeH

At the New York Hall of Science. I don’t know what model this is but it’s always the highlight of my day every time I come!


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 09:29PM by WheresMyAppendixGuys http://bit.ly/2XM1pwu

Why The '78 Polish UFO Encounter Is The Most Credible One Yet


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 08:59PM by alienstarpage http://bit.ly/2ZE67xX

Navy setting up new guidelines on reporting UFO 🛸 sightings


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 09:02PM by goldensilver99 http://bit.ly/2UKchcq

Wikileaks evidence shows USSR destroyed US moon base in 1977


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 09:34PM by goldensilver99 http://bit.ly/2V0L2PO

Going through storage and found some Apollo 11 landing FDC’s


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:39PM by DocLat23 http://bit.ly/2GOY7ml

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122640418880012288RT @TTSAcademy: "In a short period of time we've gone from the US military not really acknowledging UFOs to admitting they are so frequent we need to formalize a process for reporting them." WATCH: https://t.co/FXVl4dh3Aq

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 07:15PM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122640352651952130RT @AncientAliens: In your opinion is there any validity to the Ancient Astronaut theory? #AncientAliens https://t.co/rvH48kdkQc

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 07:14PM

My father is a space nut and grew up on the Apollo program. One of the relics that he kept was this original Chrysler Saturn 1/1B Manual.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 04:52PM by LovarLachland http://bit.ly/2WaMTxL

Joan of Arc: God's Warrior or was she?


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 05:11PM by iamonedotme http://bit.ly/2IOKSnS

Parents got me an awesome NASA shirt for my birthday. Can someone identify the different insignias?


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 04:21PM by FrankDaTank1283 http://bit.ly/2ILdIFT

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122591148005109760Just Don’t Call Them UFOs https://t.co/f1LpRAivnP

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 03:59PM

Dr. Chi (Oxford) Climate Change and Alien Hybridization


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 02:25PM by baDoxx http://bit.ly/2V1jCJE

Alien April #2. Alien Season: Summer


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:40PM by brat-craft http://bit.ly/2XLopvA

Any astronomer here who knows what this is? Recorded with telescope.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:20PM by ufodisclosure10 http://bit.ly/2J1wRmo

Alien April #1. Alien Season: Spring


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 12:23PM by brat-craft http://bit.ly/2Wat6hX

The First Alien Abduction Ever Recorded in Our History


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:10PM by alienstarpage http://bit.ly/2DB7HY8

A Bizarre Woman Walking On The Surface Of Mars Is Spying On NASA's Curiosity Rover (video)


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:12PM by alienstarpage http://bit.ly/2GOIEmc

Topic - Why has ET Disclosure not happened yet? And why haven't the ET's showed themselves to us (in a more open way)?

Topic - Why has ET Disclosure not happened yet? And why haven't the ET's showed themselves to us (in a more open way)?

I would like to hear your ideas on why ET Disclosure hasn't happened yet, and why haven't ET's showed up?

(ET - extraterrestrial) Disclose - To expose to view, as by removing a cover; uncover.

2. To make known (something heretofore kept secret).

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 11:43AM by faggot_tree http://bit.ly/2XMFSna

Having sex with aliens to make hybrid babies and save our DNA, humanzee


I have toured with David Childress and hugh Newman all over the planet. I told David mankind needs to start interbreeding with the ancient Gods and bring the DNA to a new level.

I explained to David that since his show teaches that many humans have been used to breed hybrid babies, that some aliens are ok with this morally. That I wanted to interbreed with an alien. He explained it was "sick", like a human breeding with a monkey. (Genetically this is possible and you can Google humanzee to research the topic)

I was rather shocked that David considered me "sick" to actively want to impregnate an alien. I want better for my children and he gave no counters why my ambitions were a net negative other than I was "sick". Emotionally I lost a lot of respect for Childress at that point.

I was going to broach the subject of vger, from star trek the motion picture, and interbreeding with our ai machines but I don't think his limited moral perspectives could handle it.

I thank Prometheus productions for their show awakening many to k3wl perspectives but feel we need better leaders more interested in this interbreeding than Childress.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 09:41AM by Cybersurfervr http://bit.ly/2IOOEho

My Steps Journal - Step 35: Review

My first practice was spent reviewing the first four Steps of the week. I saw myself struggling and dealing with issues of guilt and self-doubt. I also saw the need to for continued effort on my behalf to free myself from my habitual judgement of myself and others so that I may see clearly and objectively. My need is to feel the truth, beyond my ideas and judgements and my emotional states.

I am only a beginning student of Knowledge, it is more important for me to cultivate the space within my life where Knowledge can emerge, than to worry about what that will look like. I have been very idealistic about my practice and the results of that practice. Even if I enjoy certain things that may not be particularly meaningful, I am still trying. I will not give up just because I can’t progress fast enough, or because it is challenging and difficult to carry the awareness of a greater responsibility.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 11:56AM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2ZFGddk

We held a rocket camp for some local elementary students today, and I couldn’t help but snag a “pikter” of one little girl’s work station.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 10:19AM by WizardingWombat http://bit.ly/2PAPkHm

Celebrating Apollo 50th Anniversary


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:28AM by elwoodmmanuel http://bit.ly/2LaLDtL

Alien abductions

Has anyone been abducted?

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 11:26AM by Karlosx124 http://bit.ly/2J6VfTH

I have theorized a way that might help you to catch aliens on camera

using a non-electronic camera together with a relatively simple string system you could take a picture of your bedroom by using a variation in pressure of a string attached to it, or, in other words, you could activate a camera by sensing movement in selected areas of your bedroom, in case something is there or in case something tries to get you out of there. It is also very important that you make sure that the picture is not easily accessible, or preferably, hardly accessible from outside, so you don't lose it in any way.

The main advantage that I see in this method is that it would not be susceptible to the frequently reported "jammer" or "emp" effects that seem to be related to extraterrestrial phenomenons which can prevent witnesses to obtain a reliable proof of their experience.

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 10:43AM by Busheniek http://bit.ly/2PCAz7g

Alien drawing I did in honor of the series and H.R. Giger.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 10:32AM by MoronicChemistry http://bit.ly/2UNY124

Alien abductions. The John E. Mack Story


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 07:40AM by wtf1001 http://bit.ly/2ZF3dZT

In your opinion , does the water found on Mars, a sign of possable life that could exist on it?

No text found

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 08:19AM by ExtremeBranch1 http://bit.ly/2VyE18i

Alien abductions. The John E. Mack Story


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 07:40AM by wtf1001 http://bit.ly/2L82mO5

NG-11 Launch & Behind The Scenes At Wallops Island Flight Facility.

Getting an up-close view of the NG-11 rocket launch and a behind the scenes tour of NASA's Wallop Island base. From building rockets to flying them!


Thanks to the NASA Social program I was selected to be 1 of 30 lucky social media influencers to get up close and personal with some rockets. A special look on what goes on the days before an orbital rocket launch and a complete tour of the grounds.

Wallops Island is a small nature preserve on the east coast of Virginia that just happens to have a NASA base. It used to be a Navy base but it was commissioned to NASA some years ago. It is a part of the NASA Goddard Flight Center which is where much of the science going up in this launch was developed.

I got to see where they manufacture sounding rockets, the control centers, and where they assembled the Northrup Grumman Antares Rockets for the Cygnus spacecraft! This mission was a resupply mission for the International Space Station. Half of the 7600 payload was science and new experiments. This included 3 new robots.

Check out the video it was a great time. I shall be attending more launches so let me.know what you would like to see next time!

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 07:44AM by jerflash http://bit.ly/2PC6d4Q

Alien Abduction and Environmental Issues Ammach Conference 2012 Dr Young Hae Chi


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:30AM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2DykhXV

Oxford University professor claims aliens are already breeding with humans on earth


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:30AM by Lingenfelter http://bit.ly/2Wdf9Qr

Imagine when we get the technology to go through a black hole we can get to a whole Another universe


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 06:35AM by samuraikai11 http://bit.ly/2L4uUIi

Dog-Headed Aliens

Hey All,

I would like to share a story about an encounter and it would be awesome if you could share any reading materials, sketches or personal experience you have or heard regarding dog-headed (or dog-faced) aliens/creatures.

So this happened to my mom when she was a child around six years old. She has a very vivid memory of it and told me several times in the past as well and we tried to investigate but couldn't find too much.

My mom's family lived on the outskirts of our capital city and not far from their street was a huge corn field where they used to play as kids. As she ran in there one day, she came upon a figure squatting in the corn. As she described it, the creature looked like a man, except his head resembled more like a dog's head. It had pointy little ears and a flat face with a kind of flat nose, a bit square-shaped head and small eyes. It had dark bluish grey skin with an oily texture and it was wearing blue clothes which reminded her of an overall with a policeman's jacket at the time.

This happening around 1965 in Eastern Europe she has never heard of aliens and the family didn't have a TV or radio, so she had no idea what she saw, just ran out of the corn screaming. When she told her parents, they said it must have been the neighbour boy with a mask, but my mom said that she is pretty sure the neighbour boy doesn't have bluish gray skin and even though no-one took her story serious, she could never really explain what she saw but never forgot it.

Fastforward almost 40 years, I was already around 12 years old, I already heard the story but Internet was still pretty new to us in 2004/2005 so we didn't really look for stories about dog-headed aliens and the books my father had in this topic were all about big-eyed tall or small grey creatures, so my mom's experience felt like something marginal. But one day around 2005 my mom comes home in a kind of shock and gives me a magazine opened at a page with an article about types of aliens, urging me to read it. It listed a number of alien species among them the ones with doglike faces and gave almost exactly the same description as my mother did. It was a general magazine, so not really authentic and we don't remember the researcher's name (as I said, googling or emailing them at the time was not really an option for us).

Since then I tried to look it up on the internet, but I either come upon myths about the cynocephaly or Denaerden's Iagran dog-heads and none of those really seem to apply to what my mother saw (Denaerden's seems similar, but his story seems to include more fiction than fact).

So if any of you know about where I could look up some more research or stories about these type of aliens/creatures, please do share! Thank you for reading and for any suggestions!

Submitted April 28, 2019 at 05:56AM by Celthara http://bit.ly/2DDZp1y

My Alien Abduction Story | UFO's In The Sky | Story Time


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 04:22AM by WhiteOwll http://bit.ly/2vsVDDC

A belated Ripley maker sketch for Alien Day.


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 05:07AM by zigglesbarlow http://bit.ly/2GL1Y2S

"Two reusable rocket boosters land after the successful launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Arabsat 6A" on 11 April 2019 at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida, United States of America. Photographer: Matthew Jurgens, United States Air Force


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 04:59AM by trot-trot http://bit.ly/2DCQ2iV

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1122411926745694208Spotted in Queens New York 12:20 AM: Glowing Orange Balls Floating In The Sky via /r/UFOs https://t.co/9mA6Eic4Xg

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 28, 2019 at 04:07AM

Secrets under Setis Temple?


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 02:40AM by jmeklein http://bit.ly/2GNbDXE

Saturday, April 27, 2019

ATA, the 6-Inch Alien Discovered in the Atacama Desert


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:15AM by sachinatplay http://bit.ly/2VB7NsO

Scottsdale Cryogenic Facility - Longevity After Death


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 12:54AM by htgiii http://bit.ly/2Vvqtdr

A drawing


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 01:05AM by jairysignfelt http://bit.ly/2UI7ckB

Oxford Professor: Aliens are Breeding with Humans Because of Climate Change


Submitted April 28, 2019 at 12:10AM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2XOqPJV

Why don't the reguler Television networks ever show rocket launches and space exploration anymore?

No text found

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 11:40PM by ExtremeBranch1 http://bit.ly/2GOiG2f

Quick Question.

Is there any Space probe that went farther than Voyager 1 or 2?

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 11:10PM by yadddddd http://bit.ly/2ZBDNfP

Evolved Xenomorph implanting eggs in its host.


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 10:18PM by zadanarts http://bit.ly/2L4Z3Hl

Lunar green laser phenomenon & the ongoing spiritual battle


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 11:02PM by pitchforkmafia http://bit.ly/2V0XtuQ

The Mysterious Life (and Death) of Phil Schneider


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 11:12PM by EmTrails http://bit.ly/2GDvffD

Ancient Immortality


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 10:55PM by CultureLounge1 http://bit.ly/2VzHgfu

Check out my subreddit!

Hey there futurists,

I recently created a subreddit on post revolutionary thinking. Basically its a place to share anti-capitalist solutions and to flesh out an alternative to the status quo. I think that folks on this subreddit could provide valuable insights on modern innovations that could be used to better humanity as a whole.

If that sounds interesting to you, head over to r/radicalcreativity

If youd like to debate Marx though head over to the debate subreddits, that platform exists

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 09:53PM by StankFishTheFourth http://bit.ly/2VDptV3

decline in Mental Health Shows the human cost of global risks


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 09:08PM by forestpunk http://bit.ly/2GS2IEF

What are your top 5 episodes?

I haven’t watched since season 2 and I’d like to jump back in. What are some of your top episodes through the years?

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 08:37PM by VodoSioskBaas http://bit.ly/2UGjCtq

Interview with Sean Cahill from TTSA’s Unidentified


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 08:18PM by gigathought http://bit.ly/2DA1iMK

What do you see as the best and most realistic space themed movie?

No text found

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 08:10PM by ExtremeBranch1 http://bit.ly/2V23nMk

Disc Shaped UFO with a Hole in it Entered Our Atmosphere Or Flew By

A disc shaped UFO with a hole in it appeared from the top right corner and burned up into the atmosphere. It doesn't look like a comet or asteroid to me but I could be wrong. Definitely not a solar flare or swamp gas etc.



Submitted April 27, 2019 at 07:10PM by space0watch http://bit.ly/2vyKy4l

Spooky octopuses floating in the air


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 07:14PM by Slaperja http://bit.ly/2PBmUxi

My Saturday night... starting the show for the first time.

Heard about the show for years but have never watched a single episode. I love anything alien and unexplained.

Tonight that changes.

I’ve got season 1 queued up, some snacks and coffee on deck. Soon as the kiddos are in bed it is on!!

Sorry for the low quality post but it made me smile seeing there was a reddit community for this show.

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 06:46PM by rock_lobsterrr http://bit.ly/2IWN77U

Freshly painted Saturn V display in Huntsville.


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 04:37PM by astrojmb http://bit.ly/2DxPxX1

The universe is youthful and rising faster than we opinion, a brand new explore stumbled on — and we would perhaps need new physics consequently


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 04:38PM by finiarisab http://bit.ly/2DF8VBD

Can someone please explain to me how in the hell this happened to me it's all triangular shaped bruises and it doesn't hurt


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 04:47PM by dranoklvl99 http://bit.ly/2L5ruFj

Correlation between pyramids and spaceships! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 03:42PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://bit.ly/2PAbJEK

Correlation between pyramids and spaceships! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 03:41PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://bit.ly/2UJ9sbB

Future Of The World: See How The Life & World Will Be In 2050


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 03:36PM by enrigue8 http://bit.ly/2L8mGiy

My Steps Journal - Step 34: I am a beginning student of Knowledge.

I am a beginning student of Knowledge. I judge myself and the world around me still, unconsciously, despite the fact that I know it only serves to take me away from my objectivity in life. I become very frustrated with the world and with myself. There is so much to do! I am just at the beginning of such a great and long journey that it boggles my mind.

The New Message from God alone is massive, and then there are the practices and skills to build and the awareness to cultivate and the relationships to reclaim and re-establish. It feels very big and overwhelming. Sometimes I lose hope, can I really do this? I still run away from my practice after a certain point, when I feel like I have had enough experience of truth for one day. That feels so wrong. Why can I not handle more?

I am a beginning student. I wish I already had the discernment, discretion and experience of relationship with Knowledge to live the new life. I want it and I fear it. I am more attached to the ideas about myself that I have cultivated since my earliest memories than I had realised. I need to learn not to hold back when Knowledge directs me to act against my former orientations.

Learning takes time. I am a beginning student. I need to learn and practice patience and forbearance, tolerance and forgiveness. And, of course, at any given time I will not be able to judge my own progress. To me it might seem as though I am not moving at all. I need to stop trying to place myself relative to others. I need patience.

I need to reduce the things that draw me away from Knowledge and myself sufficiently that they do not slow my progress overall. I need to cultivate my desire for Knowledge. God knows the world isn’t teaching that desire. It stands against so many other goals and ideas. Yet it must be cultivated, or I will continue to approach Knowledge and shrink back. Nasi Novare Coram


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 02:40PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2ZGPhPa

And people wonder why there are no good pictures of UFOs


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 01:43PM by Zaptagious http://bit.ly/2J7AaIP

Interviewing Alien Podcasters


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 01:10PM by ioncedroveaspaceship http://bit.ly/2UJAyzd

Wisdom from the Greater Community - Environments


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 12:10PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2XP5aBa

Aliens are interbreeding with humans to create hybrid species that will save planet, lecturer claims


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 09:46AM by KIN2CanDo http://bit.ly/2PAHIoE

Luke has a new ENEMY!!


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 10:10AM by KlutzyTune http://bit.ly/2vrh3kC

NASA to perform key test of the SLS rocket, necessitating a delay in its launch


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 09:53AM by tetralogy http://bit.ly/2GN0whx

Why according to the voyager website is Voyager 2 coming closer to earth?


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 10:08AM by EnoDevz http://bit.ly/2GN0tCn

New podcast, looking for comments and criticism

Hello everyone! A couple friends and I started a podcast a few months ago called A Brief Gaze Into the Abyss. We like to cover everything weird and mysterious from Aliens to the Occult. Since we just started, we are messing around with our format and content, trying to find a good fit for our audience which is (very slowly) growing. We would greatly appreciate any helpful comments or criticism (if done respectfully) you could provide.

Also, we are hoping to do more listener stories so we are looking for people who may have experienced something strange, whether an encounter with a UFO or talking to a ghost. We'd love to share your stories... no matter how strange.


Thanks for any and all help!

A Brief Gaze Pod

Submitted April 27, 2019 at 08:24AM by ABriefGazePod http://bit.ly/2vo6hvw

Are UFOs Natural, Spiritual or Extraterrestrial?


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 07:10AM by zenona_motyl http://bit.ly/2Wanfcq

Aboriginal Dreamtime and Rock Paintings (story in comments)


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 03:36AM by Kittie_purr http://bit.ly/2UInqKs

Where Singapore's Future Homes Could Be Built


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 03:30AM by QuickGonzalez http://bit.ly/2UEMJNK

Friday, April 26, 2019

Try To Make Friend's With Them -


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 12:21AM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2UXdXEe

The Galaxy, the Jet and the Black Hole


Submitted April 27, 2019 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2W97SBh

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121985373889024000The intro was the best part haha via /r/AncientAliens https://t.co/Ao6H2VZ3bb

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 26, 2019 at 11:52PM

TheUFOconspiracy channel Intro


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 10:23PM by goldensilver99 http://bit.ly/2UZlJgT

UAP Flordia Panama City


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 08:37PM by baDoxx http://bit.ly/2XVrGsr

Made something fun for Aliens Day!


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 08:54PM by TokyoJ03 http://bit.ly/2IMbi9P

Former Blink-182 guitarist releases declassified UFO video, and it’s a weird one


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 08:00PM by SimonaPo http://bit.ly/2GAKbuT

The Epic of Gilgamesh parts 2/3


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 06:24PM by readyshredder http://bit.ly/2ZMmXuO

The intro was the best part haha


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 06:27PM by readyshredder http://bit.ly/2UDdmTa

Happy alien day!


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 06:41PM by Josh-Medl http://bit.ly/2IYY3lq

Vladimir Putin is Ready To Give Info About The Aliens on Earth (Video)


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 05:46PM by radioactive_horse http://bit.ly/2ZCB4Tj

Critical Impacts - We Just Created A Futurism Podcast, Would Love Your Input

So my buddy and I are Engineers (Comp Sci and EE respectively), and we spend a ton of time sitting around chatting about what the future might look like look. A few months ago, we decided this might make a good podcast. We put together a few episodes, and decided it was so much fun that we had to keep going.

We try to keep things pretty grounded and evidence based, while still pushing technology trends to interesting ends. While we don't consider ourselves "experts" on most of these subjects (outside of ML/AI/Comp Sci stuff), we are pretty well read and do our best to keep up on trends. Our goal is to provide enough insight that it's interesting for people in the know, but to also be accessible enough that the average person can have some fun with it.

I wanted to share it here, because I don't know of too many other podcasts quite like it, and it seems like something the community might be interested in. In any case, the links are below -- take care!

Libsyn | iTunes

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 04:23PM by socalsamba http://bit.ly/2UEcOMZ

The UFO show

There was a guy who used to IRL stream on Twitch under the handle 'TheUFOShow'. He was super involved, and super knowledgeable. He led me to disclosure docs, videos I've never seen, book recommendations, etc.

Then he just.. disappeared.. I don't remember if it was suddenly or gradual. But he was super committed and streamed 5-7 times a week.

His Twitter and Facebook are also both deleted/deactivated.

I hate to sound insane, but is there a possibility that he may have known too much, or said too much, and someone got to him? Is anyone familiar with him and have any insight?

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 03:06PM by ryanobes http://bit.ly/2PtZqtE

Military to start taking pilot's sightings seriously


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 03:15PM by gamle_kvitrafn http://bit.ly/2vkUzlt

My Steps Journal - Step 33: I have a mission in my life to fulfill.

This was a weird one. A contemplation with the express instruction not to become convinced by your own first responses, but to think carefully. It is so easy to fantasise. It is so easy to be persuaded and to become preoccupied by preference and ideals. I want this, I do not want that. I want my life to look this way, not that way.

Throughout my practice I could feel my mind dancing around the issue of responsibility, afraid to look directly at the elephant in the room. I have to make real decisions in response to Knowledge at some point, decisions that might take me very far outside of my comfort zone and challenge everything about my ideas of who I am and the kind of life I think I want. Fortunately, I am not tied up in relationships and engagements and responsibilities to people or places. My life is fairly simple. The only thing keeping me in place is my own hesitancy to follow what I feel.


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 02:35PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2XNNbeC

"Large, eruptive prominence in He II at 304Å, with an image of the Earth added for size comparison. This prominence from 24 July 1999 is particularly large and looping, extending over 35 Earths out from the Sun," writes National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 02:07PM by trot-trot http://bit.ly/2IY79z5

TIME TRAVELER CASE? 1500 Year-Old Mummy Was Found Wearing Adidas Boots


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 01:38PM by radioactive_horse http://bit.ly/2Pyjwmt

Disclosure, Consciousness and Massage Therapy

In light of the (so far) empty promises of the TTSA, I think it is becoming clear that at best, in the U.S. Government there is a struggle between some who want immediate and full disclosure and others that want to keep it all secret. The same is probably true even in this and related sub-reddits. I believe that pro-disclosure r/users working together, can be provocative of disclosure precisely because our thinking out of the box, got us into this reddit rabbit hole in the first place###The topic of “Consciousness” has been associated with the Flying Saucer/LGM phenomenon, since the very beginning. Reports of telepathic interference by the LGM with human psyches, have been around since at least 1949. In that year, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal mysteriously died after jumping from or being pushed out of a 16th floor window at Bethesda Hospital where he was being treated for a psychiatric breakdown. [Wikipedia] James Forrestal may sound familiar to you, from his reported membership in MJ-12. Rumors at the time were that his psychiatric breakdown was caused by telepathic projection of a captured alien, who Forrestal was riding on an Air Force plane with, as a diplomatic representative at the behest of President Truman. Recently, TTSA has suggested that in order to understand UFOs (propulsion and operation?) you must first understand consciousness. ###The Government has had remarkable success in its studies of consciousness as a key to flying saucers and their FTL travel beginning immediately after the time of the Roswell crash. Wilbert Smith was a Canadian engineer employed in Project Magnet and vouchsafed by Colonel Phillip Corso, who continued his research after parting with government employment. He self-published his findings that consciousness is key. The New Science ###The CIA, not to be outdone reached similar conclusions about non-local and atemporal actions at a distance, through projections of consciousness. These results are published on their own website! Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process ### Nine days ago I asked a simple question in here and in r/massage. Have any of you masseuses (or do you know any masseuses that have) massaged an alien from another planet? I only received one second hand report of a report to Linda Moulton Howe. [thank you u/antnee5150 and u/ajmartinez888 for tracking that down]###I can understand some of the flack that I got from the massage community, due to the intimate nature of their client encounters and their legitimate desire to protect their economic interests from the ridicule and derision that is historically associated with flying saucer reporters. After all, i feel that i got some of that myself in here of all places, just for asking the question###There must be thousands of masseuses in the United States. There must be loads of them in this sub-reddit of almost 90,000 subscribers. Maybe the silence of responses that I did not receive, speaks louder than the responses that I did### I am asking any of ya’ll that have good friends that are masseuses, to ask them if they have ever massaged any aliens. Please report back here your results. Self-censorship for fear of financial repercussions, ridicule, derision or just laughter and disbelief, is a powerful impediment to disclosure and awakening. It’s also understandable. That’s why they probably need to be close friends for them to confide in you. There may be nothing to it. Following my reasoning it seems logical though. We will never know unless we ask.

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 01:56PM by way26e http://bit.ly/2L2VGAV

Many people suspect there are bases on the Moon. Who, what, and why would they be there? Could the Secret Space Program be one of them? And why don’t we see anything when we stare at the moon at night? Let’s explore the stories and theories of how this could be possible. Or if we even buy this idea


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:46PM by ioncedroveaspaceship http://bit.ly/2vpnuow

Many people suspect there are bases on the Moon. Who, what, and why would they be there? Could the Secret Space Program be one of them? And why don’t we see anything when we stare at the moon at night? Let’s explore the stories and theories of how this could be possible. Or if we even buy this idea


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:47PM by ioncedroveaspaceship http://bit.ly/2WbWOmQ

Happy 40th-anniversary ALIEN!


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:00PM by LongCounter http://bit.ly/2GI2jUW

NASA's AIRS Images Cyclone Kenneth over Mozambique


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 11:52AM by ye_olde_astronaut http://bit.ly/2W7lVqP

Next-Generation NASA Instrument to Study Uranus & Neptune Atmospheres


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 11:54AM by Galileos_grandson http://bit.ly/2W7lT2b

Southern Cross to Eta Carinae by Carlos Fairbairn


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 08:39AM by FillsYourNiche http://bit.ly/2ZDyCfm

Mystery of Universe’s Expansion Rate Widens With New Hubble Data


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 07:34AM by Digg122 http://bit.ly/2UV8cad

50 Years Ago: Apollo 10 “a great amount of team work”


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 07:41AM by Digg122 http://bit.ly/2GzUEa0

Everyone has to watch this, secret space program and how we have been helped to move among the stars.


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 06:03AM by magicmanj32 http://bit.ly/2L7nGTS

Saw a weird flash in the sky last week.

I’m in Texas. I regularly look at the stars in the sky. I was looking at the big dipper last week and right in the middle of the dipper part I saw a bright flash. Looked kinda like a flash from a camera that is far away. The dipper was about 1/2 way between the horizon and the center of the sky. I’ve never seen anything like that before, has anyone else here seen something like that? It was probably between midnight and 2am.

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 05:23AM by BringbackMcCarthyism http://bit.ly/2UXTbV2

Navy’s UFO design


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 02:48AM by captaincosmicman http://bit.ly/2XIhvqN

Is this a comprehensible method for mathematically demonstrating spacetime geometry?


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 02:44AM by AtmanKo http://bit.ly/2W4Rn93

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Why the idea of alien life now seems inevitable and possibly imminent.


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 02:12AM by IRedditYes http://bit.ly/2XNR4jD

Southern Cross to Eta Carinae


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 01:09AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2UVbLgu

Are We Alone in The Universe? Part 1 with Matt Tiller | Mike and Maurice's Mind Escape 65


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:23AM by Mike_n_Maurice http://bit.ly/2vkUChb

Hey guys I got a question and I've come here due to the ridiculous reaction on r/C_S_T

Ok so I've begun doing my own little research into several topics. One being planet X and one being area 51 housing aliens. So I sent an email out to a friend the other day about what I've gathered and then the next morning after my GF went to work, I walked to the gym. Everything was alright until I began noticing two cars with the drivers looking at me dead in the eye. They'd take shortcuts and occasionally park their vehicles until I passed and then they'd start up and begin driving to keep me in view. I don't know why people thought this and I don't get why they were targeting me out of all people, but I posted my experience in C_S_T and I was bombarded with "you have mental-illness seek help" or "you're a schizo no one was spying on you, just in your head" regardless of me debunking their claims. I don't have any mental illness, I don't get why when popular people claim they're being followed everyone flies to their aid, but if a nobody claims it then it doesn't matter.

Is this a good subreddit where I can talk on the subject of space or aliens without dealing with attacks?

Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:06AM by A_Real_Patriot99 http://bit.ly/2UXpqni

Are We Alone in The Universe? Part 1 with Matt Tiller | Mike and Maurice's Mind Escape 65


Submitted April 26, 2019 at 12:20AM by Mike_n_Maurice http://bit.ly/2GLwNFT

Simple question.

Not sure if this is the right place for this question... but has anyone ever astral projected? If yes, are you tired?

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 11:04PM by Wolfsbain79 http://bit.ly/2IWYnRQ

If Richard Nixon had announced that the Apollo program was staying in place, and that they would set a goal to land a man or women on Mars in the late 1970s, how different might history have been?

No text found

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 09:23PM by ExtremeBranch1 http://bit.ly/2VxwbMg

Interesting TED talk on aliens


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 08:26PM by award917 http://bit.ly/2ZyfEXo

Now 3 UFOs Filmed At Notre Dame Fire! OMG!


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 07:24PM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2vnKvrW

Alien DNA?


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 07:39PM by zadanarts http://bit.ly/2PxWSe3

Please help me find this alien movie!

I can't remember the name, but here is the best description I can muster up -

Starts off with some woman in a makeshift shack which is full of what looks like recycled and scrounged up technology, she is armed with a sniper rifle.

She ends up leaving that shack for some reason and encounters 3 alien greys across the field from her shack(her shack is in the forest/woods). She proceeds to shoot one of them - this is where it gets weird, she makes it back to the shack - and my memory becomes a little fuzzy here - but the movie just goes off in this direction where aliens are after her - they keep offering her another life on earth or some shit - for her soul to be recycled(they don't say this explicitly - but anyone who knows about the artificial grid network theory which states aliens keep us here for our souls) - she keeps refusing to even speak with the aliens who are offering this to her - the alien that gives her this offer appears wearing a black suit and a very ugly face and a bit overweight.

Anyway after various attempts to get her to accept their offer - she ends up back in the very time right before she shot one of the alien greys - and decides to not kill it this time.

I have been searching for this movie all day - it's a b movie I'm sure. I saw it on youtube when I was watching random alien movies, now I can't find it.

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 07:40PM by datonebrownguy http://bit.ly/2PxwgKf

Phukin Carl


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 05:26PM by BeefSmackaho http://bit.ly/2GCk46N

Do you think they walk with us?

Do you think aliens are already here? How omg do you think they have been here ? If they aren’t here when do you think they will come? If you think they are here tell me why? Have you met any aliens? How did you know?

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 06:12PM by SterlingLoxley http://bit.ly/2ZDnVcq

How Fascists are using Youtube to Spread Hate


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:11PM by thwompist http://bit.ly/2VpzF3c

Goddard Space Flight Center Challenge Coin


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:48PM by therealmacjeezy http://bit.ly/2GJcg4K

Something i drew a long time ago...


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:54PM by EmilKeys http://bit.ly/2GJcc50

ANTARES, with the Cargo Cygnus on board, UFO supervises the launch … Shock! Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:42PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://bit.ly/2GHklXq

How Close Are We To An Exposure?

Like the title says how close are we? I feel like I have seen things that lead to me thinking we are getting closer. What do you think and why?

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:57PM by Winzron http://bit.ly/2GAAe0I

Simply love this one....


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:08PM by DawWeaver http://bit.ly/2UTUiFg

My Steps Journal - Step 32: The truth is with me. I can feel it.

During this step practice I was truly challenged. Even though I tried to prepare myself for stillness and focus before practicing, which I did after returning home from work, it was still challenging.

During the first practice I managed to keep my mind almost quiet, with thoughts about my experiences of the day, and my plans for the future interrupting. Even a song that I had recently listened to came in and out of my awareness. Despite these irritations I managed to return to stillness, although I did grow impatient, and after about 23 minutes I opened my eyes to check if I had accidentally left my phone on silent and missed the timer going off. Funnily enough, that actually turned out to be the case.

My second practice was a lot harder. My mind was constantly going off on its own and I had to bring myself back to a neutral state with effort. I practiced the deep, regular breathing, using the na-rahn chant, but it was a struggle. Afterward I felt very calm. Practicing to restrain my mind from being chaotic will take time, considering I have spent most of my life letting it do whatever it wanted, and feeding it highly stimulating input fairly frequently. But it is a start.

I don't think anybody is reading these posts, but I like posting them, even if it's just to keep me practicing, so I will continue.

Thank you for reading!


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:56PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2UXrzPY

Pentagon posts guidelines for UFO reporting


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:34PM by redstar1503 http://bit.ly/2GIAonV

NASA Invites Media to Learn More About Near-Earth Asteroids, Comets


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:20PM by I_DR_NOW http://bit.ly/2IUEkU9

A capsule re-entering atmosphere, figured I'd post another one i made because why not


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 02:04PM by Holder_Of_Demons http://bit.ly/2ZBjI9a

Alien hipsters


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:30PM by skinfrakki http://bit.ly/2GIfO79

Astronauts Gordon Cooper, Edgar Mitchell and Eugene Cernan believe some UFOs are extraterrestrial


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:35PM by UFOnauts http://bit.ly/2XDxnL6

NASA safety panel offers more detail on Dragon anomaly, urges patience


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:53PM by pipsdontsqueak http://bit.ly/2vuQI5v

Apollo 16 CMP Ken Mattingly performed the second deep-space EVA of the Apollo Program 47 years ago today


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 01:24PM by BPC1120 http://bit.ly/2PvFOFv

My Space Shuttle drawing i did


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:24PM by Holder_Of_Demons http://bit.ly/2XHrEEf

Liked on YouTube: 5 Things Bob Lazar Should Never Have Known... But DID..

5 Things Bob Lazar Should Never Have Known... But DID..
In interviews Bob Lazar gave in 1989 he claimed that he worked as a scientist at a location known as S-4, a top-secret U.S. Government location attached to the infamous Area 51 at Groom Lake. He also gave detailed descriptions of the site and the work he did there and revealed that there were nine out of this world crafts housed at the site, stored in hangars cut into the side of the mountain. These crafts were powered by an advanced propulsion system, that was fueled by the as yet undiscovered element 115, and was used to generate gravity waves... He went onto explain that at first, he believed the crafts to be super-secret military experiments, but soon realized they were something else...They were flying saucers. #BobLazarisBack Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers is now OUT! Check out the documentary by clicking below... https://apple.co/2HnOfTb http://bit.ly/2RMA9yr Website: https://www.top5s.co.uk Store: http://bit.ly/2rQUnvc Instagram: http://bit.ly/2pyjZYK Email: info@top5s.co.uk Facebook: http://bit.ly/2zK6zAU Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTop5s Patreon: http://bit.ly/2kY1QFm Music by CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Thanks for watching! Top5s
via YouTube https://youtu.be/G4D7o4H7qaY

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121452002821722115Liked on YouTube: 5 Things Bob Lazar Should Never Have Known... But DID.. https://t.co/vJ4G1ibATr

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 25, 2019 at 12:32PM

Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 1: What is God?


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 12:21PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2VruP5s

The Universe is expanding more rapidly than previously believed new findings from Hubble show.


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 11:15AM by RobLea http://bit.ly/2Vu4ofm

three red dots on arm, people say alien abduction??


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 10:12AM by luciferdust http://bit.ly/2IVOofA

10 Alien First Contact Scenarios


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 10:20AM by DontBanMeForAsking http://bit.ly/2XKm9ou

The Reconciliation


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 10:32AM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2W8LBDI

Singapore Start Up unveils one seater flying vehicle—targets US market


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 08:23AM by dibidi http://bit.ly/2DyKTs9

Chris Mellon Fox Interview TTSA


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 08:06AM by baDoxx http://bit.ly/2V0mrL3

How do i call the army about an alien sighting (HELP)

Tried to go to base talk to general but at gate I can't go farther because I have no army ID. Shit.

So there is a huge statue alien walk around neighborhood literally shaking the houses my neighbors see it with me. We live in Euro unarmed.

Euro army is shit no help I need the US army they have base here.

My wish list (army)

  • US army tank
  • infantry
  • helicopter ( attack)
  • food ( for soldier)
  • police ( block area for army fight)
  • predator done (not many)
  • fighter jet( a 10 f15 f35)

Someone need to take this thing down NOW HELP I want soldier

Marine corps too

  • infantry
  • ships

Will Marine come I leave near a lake I think they live in the ocean (not sure) thank you and HELP

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:27AM by zekkell http://bit.ly/2Pv82A9

The Anunnaki - Monatomic Gold- The Rothschilds - Nazis The Ellite - Saur...


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:00AM by Teressa_Green http://bit.ly/2IX5MAr

'UFOs Swarming US Military Infrastructure': Navy Setting Up Guidelines for Sightings


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 04:09AM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2ID5L5H

I'm writing a futuristic book and I need help with resources!

Hi everybody! I'm working on a book that takes place from 2027-2055. I'm trying to gather as much materials as I can so I can make a truly futuristic world. I'm looking for some resources and I come to you guys for help.

What is the best resources that would give me insight to the future of the world? For example, I've been using Earth 2050 from Kaspersky Labs, it's been great.

I'm also looking for lists of definite things that will happen in the future. For example, what volcano is going to erupt next? What kind of natural disasters are we going to face?

I'm also looking to take the book in a dark political direction that slowly gets better. If you guys could pitch some ideas, I figured this would be the correct subreddit for it. Thank you!!

Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:19AM by MiNiHiKiD http://bit.ly/2UG2cgF

I have created a series called Detouring with James Shaw for my third year at university. I have linked an almost-final version of one episode. I would appreciate it if you could watch it and offer me feedback which I can use to improve the episode!


Submitted April 25, 2019 at 03:24AM by JamesBurtenshaw http://bit.ly/2ID15g9

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121281027245322240The U.S. Navy Will Start Taking UFO Sightings Much More Seriously https://t.co/IKA5MXlUQ2

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 25, 2019 at 01:13AM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121278987609739265Why alien 'megastructures' may hold key to making contact with extraterrestrials https://t.co/MjdGknoSZG

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 25, 2019 at 01:05AM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121276208551989249Forget about artificial intelligence, extended intelligence is the future https://t.co/tcS65IIJCi

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 25, 2019 at 12:54AM

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121275771568279552A New Approach to Multiplication Opens the Door to Better Quantum Computers https://t.co/aNFAWfG5ma

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 25, 2019 at 12:52AM

Need some fucking help

Need some fucking help

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 08:15PM by zekkell http://bit.ly/2KXnhTR

This is most likely not the place to post this but, help?

So, I've been going on this stupid journey of pursuing my goals. And, to be honest with you, the only two goals in my life that I've ever had, have been to become immortal and to meet/contact with aliens. Right now, I have an emphasis on meeting aliens. So! What do you guys think is the job, that is related to space stuff, or that haves high potential in working for the goal of, well, meeting aliens, haha. This is probably a really dumb post for you all, but I'm entirely serious. Your responses dont have to be serious, but if some of you have any actual advice, I'd gladly appreciate it.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 09:15PM by Langd0n http://bit.ly/2Lav1C2

What Would Alien Life Look Like


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 09:31PM by Mechaghostman2 http://bit.ly/2IFD8os

Drone delivery startup Zipline launches UAV medical program in Ghana


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 10:50PM by MichaelTen http://bit.ly/2XEKSdJ

Finally made the Pilgrimage myself!


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 07:31PM by NextGenSoldiers http://bit.ly/2UVVg3S

Old VHS tape I found in old box made me giggle


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 07:50PM by blackfridayswitch13 http://bit.ly/2UCeO8l

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1121191632894922752Scanned books, mostly on religion and occultism via /r/opendirectories https://t.co/Rfb21Tx3vg

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 24, 2019 at 07:18PM

I saw an alien outside of my house

Was inside my porch outside. Well, it was large that is most for sure...

Gray big eye man with hand like hockeys

Alright you think crazy.. I know it is but I will take a photo when he come back

Large big eye man with hand like hockeys never before seen it

Was at the store too

Tell me about you think it is... This happens in EURO alot I am a Euro man.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 06:51PM by zekkell http://bit.ly/2XAl3vc

Martians bury their dead in a variety of ways documented in 3 days by the NASA Curiosity Rover cameras. Rockettes of the Rocks Brigade need not apply.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 06:57PM by MarsZoom http://bit.ly/2ITOzIk

Hubble launched 29 years ago today. Did you remember? It's OK. Hubble still gotchu.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 05:08PM by SBInCB http://bit.ly/2ZwKW0R

Mars quakes

Do we know whether or not Mars has tectonic plates? What is the evidence for that conclusion?

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 05:20PM by Chemguy-23 http://bit.ly/2UC6xRP

Best shot of a fleet over the moon with my telescope. Background blacked out to help see them. Enhanced as much as possible to show more detail.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 05:17PM by hdrfoundit http://bit.ly/2UCEfXd

NASA to Broadcast Next Space Station Resupply Launch, Prelaunch Activities


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 04:58PM by adriano-meirinho http://bit.ly/2DwF4eL

Column of the Ancient Astronauts. Original article by Alessandro Brizzi.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 04:00PM by Cognitiomatrixred http://bit.ly/2ITxBKb

NASA, FEMA, International Partners Plan Asteroid Impact Exercise


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 03:29PM by Galileos_grandson http://bit.ly/2Dz6Zui

Wikileaks Just Published That USA Destroyed An Alien Base On The Moon


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:38PM by alienstarpage http://bit.ly/2DyVKSE

Reptilian statue at the Vatican compared to the dead one i found in a mars rover pic. The 2 ridges on top of the head do not exist on any reptile on planet earth.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:47PM by hdrfoundit http://bit.ly/2GDUbVr

My Awakening "My First Orb"


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:56PM by Radian88 http://bit.ly/2UV5ktY

Earth is not my home AMA


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 01:57PM by sluthor23 http://bit.ly/2Pudcwi

The 'Internet of Thoughts', Cloud Storage, and Blockchain


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 01:13PM by carloscancab http://bit.ly/2UECcC0

Earth from Apollo 17


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 11:44AM by avrahamabulafia http://bit.ly/2GA9Nbt

For the first time on the red planet: ‘Marsquake’ detected by NASA

NASA’s InSight probed the first “Marsquake,” making news among Earthling seismologists from tens of millions of miles away. On 6 April Marsquake was recorded by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. This event kicked off a new era in the study of the red planet. Insight is the first spacecraft specially designed to study the interiors of other planets. It began its mission by touching down on the surface of planet Mars. There was a faint rumble recorded by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. They were the primary tremors that the scientist believed that it originated from the Martian interior. The scientists were sure that the signals did not come from the exterior of Mars. A seismological tremor for the first time got recorded on another planet. The scientists are currently analysing the recorded data to find the exact source of the Marsquake. InSight investigator Bruce Banerdt said, “We’ve been collecting background noise up until now, but this first event officially kicks off a new field”. The surface of the red planet is very quiet in comparison to the Earth’s surface. Planetary science division director at NASA, Lori Glaze said that the size and duration of the Marsquake are similar to the Moonquakes which will help them study other planets. On 14th March, 10th and 11th April there were three other seismic signals picked up by InSight. were less impactful and small because of which scientist was not sure if they were quakes. The scientists hope to advance their knowledge of the interior of other planets by studying the recorded Marsquakes.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 12:11PM by Gyoung7 http://bit.ly/2Gx8PNb

My Steps Journal - Step 31: I wish to see a world I have never seen before.

Even while staring at a screen at work for most of the day, I could feel this practice. I browsed some reddit on and off, and frequently had to stop myself from judging the world and others. There is so much idealism going on in my head. I want the world to be a certain way, like a child who wants to eat only a certain thing for dinner. This mindset must be made conscious and be honestly examined, which the hourlies are very useful for - to pause and take stock. I wish to see a world I have never seen before.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 12:20PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2PtOQml

Could it be? A star map? Pointing to the place of origin of the star people?


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 11:35AM by justflushit http://bit.ly/2vkAtaR

U.S. Military patents new anti-gravity spaceship. Here's the math, the sketches, and the technical aspects


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 11:34AM by ryanobes http://bit.ly/2vmMOLy

The Crisis


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 10:33AM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2XHl1ls

Anyone know what this is? Spotted in Skanaeatles NY.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 09:06AM by treypistachioo http://bit.ly/2IFASNU

● ● We are now accepting NEW MODERATOR APPLICATIONS! Part 1 of our complete sub overhaul. ●●

Hello there!

After several months of bouncing through hoops, I was finally able to contact the original founders of this subreddit. After detailing the current state of this community and the potential moving forward, we agreed that steps needed be taken in order to restore legitimacy and proper discourse. Together we started working on a plan to rework, revitalize, and revamp this entire subreddit from the ground up.

Our first step is to recruit some new, active moderators to help curate the posts and comments here.

There are a lot of spam and subject-unrelated posts that have been frequenting here over the past year. As the primary active moderator, there is no way I can keep up with the moderation tasks alone. We need community members who are active and willing to help direct this subreddit back into a legitimate, serious forum for the discussion of life outside of Earth, and assist in fostering the growth and disposition of this community.

Our next steps after acquiring new moderators are: subreddit information and rule updates, CSS redesign, opening our official r/aliens discord server to the public, integration with related communities, and the clarification of guidelines.

We have some great ideas to revitalize this community and subreddit, and it starts with finding some dedicated individuals to help out.

Application Link:


Thank you!

This sticky will remain up for 2 weeks.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 09:28AM by geltoid http://bit.ly/2XAbMmM

Marsquake! Insight Mission detects seismic activity on Mars


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 08:50AM by RobLea http://bit.ly/2W37sMB

The Most Important, Non-Obvious Technologies and Trends of 2019 and Beyond | Rohit Bhargava

The Most Important, Non-Obvious Technologies and Trends of 2019 and Beyond | Rohit Bhargava

Rohit Bhargava (@rohitbhargava) is an innovation and marketing expert and the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of five books on topics as wide-ranging as the future of business and building a brand with personality. His signature book Non-Obvious is updated annually with 15 new trend predictions and has been read by more than 1 million readers.

He has delivered sold-out keynote presentations and workshops to business leaders in 32 countries. Rohit has been invited to share his insights at some of the most forward-looking organizations in the world including Intel, NASA, Disney, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Microsoft, American Express, BP, the World Bank, Coca-Cola and hundreds of others.

Outside of his consulting work, Rohit also teaches a popular course on storytelling and marketing at Georgetown. For the past 14 years, Rohit has written his personal “Influential Marketing Blog” and he has been featured in publications including Harvard Business Review, The Guardian, and NPR.

Today we discuss:

- The importance of likeability and why it actually trumps competence

- What are the non-obvious technologies and trends of 2019

- Why Rohit thinks Facebook will be broken up and likely fall

- Ways to fight fake news and why it may be impossible

- Which monopoly scares Rohit the most today

- How marketing and commerce change in an age of Alexa

- Why Trump may have changed politics forever

- How Rohit thinks about the future of social media

- Why the future and the past are both right and wrong

- How to think about and remedy increased polarization in our world

- Why Rohit is most worried about facial recognition and AI

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 08:56AM by The_Syndicate_VC http://bit.ly/2UU1yB1

A Object has been following me every night for 3 weeks

I don’t What it is, but it verys in distance each night last night it was around 5km from my house probably at a hight of 5000m, when I go to investigate with my partner it speeds off either in a upwards direction or a zigzag or even disappearing entirely,I believe I’m also being watched, just recently (Tonight 24th April 2019 22:47) I was watching a rather bright star from my living room which looks to direct east when I thought I saw it move to the upper blind for it to disappear, I also believe I’m going insane, something is following me and it knows my every move, I wonder when I will see it next, hopefully I can get a picture.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 08:54AM by AustralianR6Player http://bit.ly/2ITqwck

Big Shark With Head Bitten By Monstrous Hybrid Creature


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 06:44AM by intermenos http://bit.ly/2PsC6fY

Do you think aliens are peaceful or malicious?

So I often wonder if extra terrestrial beings that have visited (are visiting) earth in the many UFO sightings throughout history are benevolent or malevolent. There are tales throughout history in various mythologies of deities wearing halos (Astronaut helmets) and traveling in spheres or flying machines. A quote from Wikipedia (bad source sorry) says:

There are many other accounts of ancient people painting images of alien-like beings in caves or building statues to them. Did they worship them out of fear or genuine love and adoration? Were they manipulated?

Obviously not all ET are bad. That would just be like saying all humans are bad. But most ET seem manipulative at best. Though it could be simply to protect themselves from us since we would probably want to fight them if we found out about them or how to get to their planet.

Imagine if there was a whole new race of sentient beings with new laws, traditions, beliefs, and habits - ways we simply could not comprehend. How would that affect humans? For lack of a better way, is there a science fiction novel or film or show that best shows how humans will work together, or not, with aliens in a realistic fashion? I do not want to use TV as an example for it is often blown out of proportion.

Sorry if I rambled but this was mainly if aliens seemed to be for or against our planet. I wondered if there were any classified documents leaked or revealed that hinted as to their intentions for visiting our planet.

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 06:45AM by space0watch http://bit.ly/2vgBnFt

A sort of alien contact taxonomy

I enjoy idly thinking about the possible different types of proof of alien life scenarios, from the full-on ‘they land on earth’ situation down to the more likely ‘discovery of fossil microbial life on mars’ sort. I just put together the following. It’s not perfect, but I came up with 15 scenarios across 3 categories. I might try and work it up a bit more and add some more columns or categories, e.g. remote V direct interaction etc. Is it any good? I enjoyed doing it anyway!


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 07:28AM by rasputinny http://bit.ly/2PqgbGd

Big Shark With Head Bitten By Monstrous Hybrid Creature


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 06:42AM by radioactive_horse http://bit.ly/2Gt9GhO

U.S. Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs: "The service says it has also 'provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety.'" [United States of America]


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 03:51AM by trot-trot http://bit.ly/2DtOYh6

Wing Drone Delivery Company Gets FAA OK To Operate As An Airline


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:52AM by MichaelTen http://bit.ly/2Xzl7eA



Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:01AM by dannyfromindy http://bit.ly/2IJ2ZMj

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

NASA mission detects first possible 'Mars'quake.


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 02:01AM by ProfessorShit http://bit.ly/2ISUltJ

The Shape of the Southern Crab


Submitted April 24, 2019 at 12:08AM by NASA_POTD_bot http://bit.ly/2IS623H

Wow pretty big news

Submitted April 23, 2019 at 08:17PM by AnalogRobber http://bit.ly/2PpPVfc

The truth about aliens


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 08:33PM by drdocke http://bit.ly/2vlSTb6

Why do Hollywood films keep depicting aliens as insect-like creatures instead of human-like beings?

No text found

Submitted April 23, 2019 at 09:18PM by desposito48 http://bit.ly/2VkeIXw

Here is my NASA artifact collection along with some of the research I have done on the items.

This is my NASA collection along with pictures and info of each item. If anyone knows any information about these items, or wants to correct my research, it is truly welcomed and appreciated.

Item 1: Part of the CIPAA (Cure-In-Place Ablator Applicator) tool that was developed after the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster to repair the tiles on the underside of the shuttles. The CIPAA tile repair tool flew on STS-114, however it was decided that they would not test the tool during the mission. The crate in the pictures, is the original crate with matching serial numbers, part numbers, and documentation. The dates on the part and crate also align with the launch dates of STS-114. From my understanding the "Critical Space Item" sticker on the crate would be a good indicator that this item was at least, intended to fly. This may also just be a canister for part B of the STA-54 ablator used to transfer the repair goo to the CIPAA tool. I cannot find an actual layout of the tool, I have no idea if it’s an actual part or just a transport canister.


Item 2: Shuttle Waste Control System Assembly. Part Number: WCS1150-05 Control: WCS10004 Additional numbers can be found on the actual part e.g. Part Number: 15A34 Serial Number: 3 I could not find information on this part number, however I found videos of how to use the Shuttle Waste System that have close-ups of this part in use with an explanation of its function. I am uncertain as to whether or not this part was flown, I believe the "Cleaned for Service" sticker is a good indicator that it was flown.


Item 3: Dual Function Valve, part of the Shuttle Control System. Part Number: 15A303D Serial Number: 1004. Another valve that is exactly the same as this one, can be found on item 2 as part of the Waste Control System Assembly.


Items 4 and 5: Syringe Bags. Part Number: SEG46117686-301 Serial Numbers: 1003 and 1004. From my understanding, the G in the 3rd position of the part number, indicates that these bags were part of the International Space Station Program.


Items 6 and 7: Pair of EVA Restraint Gloves (Series 4000) w/matching serial numbers. Part Numbers: 0106-88936-09 (LH) / 0106-88936-10 (RH). Serial Numbers: 286 / 286.


Item 8: TMG Assy (Phase VI) RH Glove. Part Number: 0106-813674-01 Serial Number: 021. There is also an additional Part Number: 0106-813673-81 and Serial Number: 021.


Item 9: NASA described this bag as "White Canvas Bag made for flight that once contained 1 1200th Scale MIR Models bag only,". From my 40+ hours of research on this alone, I firmly believe that this bag would have flown on STS-71 and actually carried 3 1/200th space shuttle models and 2 1/200th MIR space station models that were intended to be given to U.S./Russian heads of state as well as NASA leadership. The models were docked together during a ceremony on board the MIR to commemorate the first docking of a Space Shuttle with the MIR. I could not locate a part number on the bag or serial number, however the bag does have a patch sewn on that lists the serial numbers of the Shuttle/Mir Models. The 5 models were supposed to be given to Russian and U.S. heads of state, it is unknown exactly where the models ended up. I have seen photos of both a Shuttle and Mir model on mission STS-81, which leads me to believe that may have been left on board the MIR and potentially burned up in the atmosphere.


Item 10: TMG, Waist (EVA spacesuit). Part Number: 0104-82692-XX Serial Number: 319.


Item 11: A31P 28VDC Power Supply. Part Number: SEG33116428-301 Serial Number: 1307. From my research, these are used to power various 28v items on board the International Space Station. The G in the third position of the part number indicates that this was either used or intended for use on the International Space Station.


Item 12 and 13: A31P 120VDC Power Supplies. Part Number: SEG33116412-303 Serial Numbesr: 1456 and 1444. From my research, these are used to power various 12v items on board the International Space Station. The G int he third position of the part number indicates that these were either used or intended for use on the International Space Station.


Items 14, 15, 16, and 17: Nomex Cloth (maybe beta cloth) Crew patches.

EMU Mission Patch (EXP-33) Model Number: 528-21460-533 Patch is embroidered and sewn into what I believe is Nomex cloth.

Patch, EMU Mission (STS-119) Model Number: 528-21460-119 Patch is embroidered and sewn into what I believe is Nomex cloth.

EMU Mission Patch (EXP-4) Model Number: 528-41560-504 Patch is silk-screened on what I believe is Nomex cloth.

STS-113 Mission Patch Model Number: 528-41560-113 Patch is silk-screened on what I believe is Nomex cloth.

So far, I have found nothing about these patches. During the Apollo missions, astronauts used to carry patches that were silk screened onto Beta cloth and were given out to heads of state and NASA employees as space flown souvenirs. These patches have the same appearance as the Apollo beta cloth patches. I believe these patches are similar in nature and are potentially extremely rare.


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 09:50PM by BatmanAffleck http://bit.ly/2GtoEV8

NASA Social Media Efforts Win Two Webby Awards


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 08:57PM by adriano-meirinho http://bit.ly/2vimVwz

2 More years before this revolutionary satellite is sent to space.


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 07:57PM by MilanSerbia http://bit.ly/2IOZiDO

Sometimes, You Just Have To Laugh.


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 07:29PM by palehorse95 http://bit.ly/2IBsQ8F

Father William Gill, along with 37 others, witness multiple UFOs - even interacting with one during a specific instance


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 08:07PM by fromskintoliquid http://bit.ly/2IDvZF7

My aunt claims she was abducted by aliens in 2008 and they left this mark in her breast.


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 08:09PM by unknownbtc http://bit.ly/2XIrpJb

Theory on the origin of the human species

(sorry if this theory has already been proposed by someone else; Google turned up nothing on it for me)

Many sources report a much higher than normal instance of Sasquatch sightings at the same time as UFO sightings. Could it be possible that the original humans are the product of interbreeding of Sasquatch and the Grey aliens? We seem to be the happy medium between the Grey's superior intellect (but weak physical bodies) and the Sasquatch's superior strength and physical prowess (but simple, animalistic mind). A lot of experts suggest that humanity is an alien hybrid, but the hybrid of aliens and what??

Submitted April 23, 2019 at 06:51PM by heavy_deez http://bit.ly/2W2nBlB

Ancient Confession : ‘We Invented Jesus’ – Religion Was A Sophisticated Government Project


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 07:09PM by SimonaPo http://bit.ly/2Vg8pEl



Submitted April 23, 2019 at 06:15PM by A-rip-threw-time http://bit.ly/2W0Wwz2

What Will Happen In The Future According to Stephen Hawking - 5 Future Predictions


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 06:45PM by Goooogolplex http://bit.ly/2DtnmJ2

Mars 2020 on Earth Day!


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 05:34PM by yoafrica http://bit.ly/2UPmucp

http://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13/status/1120811656081227776Where can I learn the basics of gnosticism? via /r/Gnostic https://t.co/yd3cdcHF9E

from Twitter https://twitter.com/iPhoneMaster13

April 23, 2019 at 06:08PM

Does anybody have any evidence that the Atacama Humanoid that Sirius is presenting is a hoax?

Everyone likes to bash it but when considering both sides of the arguments, Sirius does seem to hold more credibility then the arm chair skeptics on this sub. Am I missing something?

Submitted April 23, 2019 at 05:31PM by GrandMasterReddit http://bit.ly/2XwZxrc

Aliens Maybe present on Exoplanets, New Research found


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 05:38PM by Deepak21ae http://bit.ly/2USf3B9

Aliens In Exoplanets . Do u bilieve ?


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 04:25PM by Deepak21ae http://bit.ly/2Gt1VZ5

Discover exoplanets by yourself


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 04:28PM by alfa0152 http://bit.ly/2UT79rk

First Likely Marsquake Heard by NASA's InSight


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 03:21PM by prioritize http://bit.ly/2DvQT4H

The first time humans saw Earth from afar


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 03:25PM by nostaghian http://bit.ly/2W1vEz9

The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction -- A Critique of the Case


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 03:06PM by KIN2CanDo http://bit.ly/2GBCQwl

NASA’s InSight Lander Captures Audio of First Likely ‘Quake’ on Mars


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 03:20PM by I_DR_NOW http://bit.ly/2UBhjI2

Help me identify the black object? Weather flag/Balloon?

Submitted April 23, 2019 at 01:45PM by Heathcliff2016 http://bit.ly/2ZDr10m

My Steps Journal - Step 30: Today I will observe my world.

I managed to practice fairly consistently today, although I was at work all day, so much of the time my desk was my world. I did take my practice into my relationships at work and the news articles about the world that I read there, seeking not to judge by just to observe. I was a lot harder than I thought. Judgement is more than just habitual. It is like a tool. I want to find my judgement voice to hear what juicy judgements it has for this particular thing. But this closes me off to it, keeps me from being present in the moment. I must try to practice this conscientiously more often in life.


Submitted April 23, 2019 at 01:40PM by Everythingisanexampl http://bit.ly/2UPB5Ew

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.