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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A very interesting link that combines with my theories, finally I'm not alone on this topic see some of my post where I mention abductions and altered state of mind are both happening. This link talks about Occult Entity Deception poltergeists and real interdimensional aliens abducting people.


Submitted August 31, 2022 at 02:04PM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/RrYs2Bh

This Government Report Admits True UFOs Aren’t ‘Man-Made’


Submitted August 31, 2022 at 12:20PM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/3p95PTW

The Pentagon should release dozens of UFO videos


Submitted August 31, 2022 at 11:40AM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/os4FaQk

UAPs - Denmark Documentary


Submitted August 31, 2022 at 12:12PM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/s894KDH

Iraqi Stargate - Saddam Hussein's alien technology?

According to Dr. Michael Salla, the US and coalition forces invaded Iraq in 2003, not for the war on terrorism but because Hussein had an Anunnaki had left behind a Stargate??? What are your thoughts?

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 07:21AM by DroKnows https://ift.tt/NEKyUR7

the end of it all

Lots of times I've done mushrooms, this time I was with someone that we saw it together. A huge light, looked at us, and then went back, and I saw there were 3 huge humps in the water, as they went down. I remembered it forever, my man who was with me all of a sudden passed out, I brought him back and he didnt remember anything. Am I just a crazy person? To this day I can see this, experience it and it's not a dream

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 03:51AM by Firm-Weather-6466 https://ift.tt/5fNGnW1

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

I re-watched RedPanda's videos on Tom Delonge and I've got a theory for the possible crashed crafts.

Binged watched a load of RedPanda's YouTube channel last night, I'm sure you guys have seen it, but if not check it out!

So if I'm understanding what Tom is saying correctly, some of these interdimensional beings feed off negatively that can we generate.

Cultures perceive it in many different ways, but the premise is they appear as gods or angels relative to your surroundings of consciousness. They influence people, religion and technology. They've followed ancient armies on the battlefield, hung around as foo fighters while we fought in the skies and played with our nuclear on and off switches.

Yada yada, you know this. So my theory...

The crashed vehicles.

If reports are true, some of these vehicles had physical occupants. There's been talk of them having some psychic mental powers, telepathy an the jazz throughout many cases of encounters.

But we as a human race have special individuals who can perform some amazing abilities such as remote viewing, telekinesis and plenty more. And some of these people as we know, are apart of the trickling disclosure movement.

So I see these alien occupants as just a more advanced race, spiritually and mentally. Possible a more evolved human race. But they're not interdimensional, nor can they access that realm.

So how did they just randomly crash on earth? (Again, pure theory)

To speed up our technological development for the interdimensional beings own amusement and possibly health benefits, they plucked an innocent spacecraft from an advanced civilization. Poor thing was probably just flying around their own planet and bam! Suddenly 'teleported' through some sort of space bending black hole or something and in the chaos of a new gravitational pull, atmosphere, and altitude, they crashed here on earth.

The places of the supposed crashes are no accident, they always fall into the 'right' hands for back-engineering and that was the intention. We get new tech, war and suffering.

Which is like 'mana' to 'the others.'

TL;DR... Disclaimer - Just my theory. Interdimensional beings 'teleported' advanced craft from other civilizations here, unbeknownst to the alien occupants who are just unlucky pawns. They crash here with the purpose of us back-engineering and to continue our never ending conflicts with eachother. Which 'feeds' the interdimensionals existence.

The end.

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 11:33PM by The-Spacecowboi https://ift.tt/l2gzkaS

alien invasion according to AI


Submitted August 30, 2022 at 11:43PM by advalderrama https://ift.tt/Aj5FXHn

so I’ve been thinking about this for the last two or so days, and this is gonna be long but hopefully worth it, please any discussion or opinions/counter theories are not just welcome, but appreciated!

Apologies in advance, I typed the first half on my lunch break at work and the second is a paragraph I sent my sister yesterday, we’ve been bantering about the subject for a few days.

This theory is trying to take more logic and science into account for what we could expect from other species that could be out there (I believe other intelligence exists, I don’t believe we will get evidence proving this, at least for another million years or so. my theory explains more, any questions are welcome)

So basically, my theory starts with our galaxy, we’ve already had rovers on 2 planets that found no life, we’re on earth so that leaves 5 more planets, we’ve had JWST able to get in depth photos of our other planets leading us to believe there’s no intelligent life, perhaps other life forms that somehow formed amongst gas and radiation in seriously hot or cold environments, but no intelligence. The only other nearby ish planet were looking at is Proxima Centauri which is a little under 5 light years away, we have a huge shot in the dark theory of how a species could be reflecting light from the bright side because the planet has a, if you want the scientific term, fucked orbit, and has a dark side and a light side that never change, but anyhow we think they reflect light from the bright side to the dark side to sustain life on both sides. We have gotten some photos ish but haven’t confirmed anything. The next galaxy we can look at (which is the closet known one) is andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years away. We could assume based on our galaxy that perhaps each galaxy has a weird sort’ve thing where if life forms, there’s only one intelligent life form, it would make sense that the whole planets space atmosphere needs empty planets doing nothing but emitting certain gravitational poles and sending certain frequencies/messing with temperature etc. With that assumption we could also throw the whole “if there’s another intelligent species they’re hella more intelligent than us” thing out the window, they could be, but with that they could be the same, and they could be less intelligent, even if they’re way smarter, who’s to say the planet they evolved on is rich in resource to help them get off and progress? maybe it has less than ours, maybe it has the same amount of resource, we have absolutely no logical reason to assume aliens would progress way faster than us, or form their spot in the universe in relation to the Big Bang any faster than us, with that, we just figured out stone tools 2 million years ago. We could assume a hella smarter alien species figured out light travel and sent a crew out towards us 2 million years ago when we figured out stone tools, but even if they did and even if they sent it from our closest known galaxy, they’d still have 500,000 light years before they get here. assuming they figured out light speed travel 2 million years ago. but even then, we could make a more logical assumption and say they’re smart, so they’re careful and probably wouldn’t go gun ho light years away right away, but even with that, if they left rn, that’s 2.5 million light years til we know abt it. even if they break light speed and go 2X, that’s 1.25 millions light years away, you can keep going down assuming MAYBE they go 5X light speed, that still leaves us at them being 500,000 light years away, if they left today. my assumption is there’s no reason another species would be graced with amazingly high iqs and a planet rich in resource, you can’t simply levitate off the planet, I mean maybe another species who knows but as far as our science shows you need mass protection to leave the atmosphere of your planet, we could assume the same would go for another species. So basically I’m saying there’s no reason to not believe there’s another species out there, and a logical reason we wouldn’t have seen or heard from them would be the issue of planetary resource and how life formed after the Big Bang, maybe the further away from the believed start of the Big Bang we get, the sooner life started forming, but that still leaves the issue of planetary resource and the time it takes to travel space even at 5X light speed, or 10X lift speed, you’d almost have to raise generations on a space ship for millions of years basically and hope the planet ur visiting is still alive when u get there. also another fun thing to think abt while on the subject, is the planets were looking at are actually being seen from years back, at least the far ones, and far galaxy’s, millions and millions of years back, we could be looking at a planet with a wonderful colony but not even know because we see it before they formed :) it’s kinda fun to think abt and I rlly needed to share with someone, I have a lot more but I’m ngl had a lot of this typed in my notes and got scared it would be too long.

new addition to my space theory: the further from the start of the Big Bang you get the more intelligent life you'll potentially start seeing, this is because the planets the furthest from the Big Bang would be the first forming, and the first to be able to sustain life, so if life forms started first on these planets it's safe to assume they'd be further along in there evolution process and have more advanced technology depending on planetary resource. with that being said the closer to the Big Bang you get, with the belief the universe is ever expanding, you'll see newly formed planets either just forming, or waiting to form life, these life forms would be beginning their evolution process and because of this wouldn't be so technologically advanced. if this is the case, we can see ourselves in a middle position, neither at the end or the start of the Big Bang, we can safely assume we're in the middle stages of our evolution process and because of this, have a lot more progress to be made. with this theory I'd assume if alien life were to contact earth it would be a species alike our own as far as technological advancements(depending on resource) and evolution go. this would be because we'd be closest to each other in relation to the Big Bang, and we'd be the most accessible planet showing life. If a more intelligent species were to want to visit us, this theory leaves that being near impossible because of how large space is, even going 100X the speed of light you can't get to earth from the "edge of the Big Bang's radius" in one lifetime, not even in two. Anyhow, that's why I think we aren't ever going to be visited by aliens, our world will be dead before any other species can get here, UNLESS another near by species, that would most likely be a lot like our own as far as advancements, figured out beyond light speed travel, and wasn't anymore than 100 light years away

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 10:06AM by AristoDeity https://ift.tt/LumlvsO

There are over 50 species of ants however most people know of just a few and care for none. Does there come a point aliens just stop caring?

Finding another civilisation is probably exciting. But if there’s an abundance of life - just how special do we become? Would they care? Could it just be few researchers coming to our insignificant planet?

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 09:08AM by EducatorDowntown9769 https://ift.tt/4y25FKA

Does technological space have the potential to be a larger infinite than actual space?

If it does we need to ask some important questions:

  • Can we compute Consciousness alongside knowledge? If so not only does that unlock potential for a hive mind but also immortality.

  • Is the technological world safer than the physical world? If so then many Alien species likely reside in a virtual consciousness and the physical world is for pure research, if they don’t already know enough.

Time travel and immortality would both be possible in a technological space - as time wouldn’t necessarily exist and so nor would age.

Upon this, do you think aliens would use technology to become immortal, form a hive mind and reside in a virtual universe?

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 06:42AM by EducatorDowntown9769 https://ift.tt/rJVdgkw

I asked an A.I to show an extra terrestrial nexus being, this is what it created!


Submitted August 30, 2022 at 06:16AM by heydonlyone7 https://ift.tt/52Dcs98

Monday, August 29, 2022

Moment of Contact - The Varginha Cast - MUST LISTEN

For anyone interested in the upcoming movie "Moment of Contact" regarding the Varginha case I strongly recommend watching this podcast. I time stamped it to start at where the discussion begins, however, the entire podcast is well worth the listen.

I appreciate James Fox's presentation style. He tends to avoid an overly dramatized production so commonly associated with Ufology films which IMO devalues the seriousness of the topic.


"Moment of Contact" is due to be released on October 18th so buckle up. This is next level and will make all other discussions had about this topic pale in comparison.

SS: Keep in mind in 1996 there were only 20 million people in the US with access to the Internet. Varginha, Brazil for all intents and purposes was completely disconnected from the mainstream world and Ufology was not a topic there. When the first reports of the being first came in they were not of the ET type but more along the lines of "seeing strange creatures" and unsure what they were.

Moment of Contact Official Trailer

James Fox also insinuates he is in the position to negotiate a large sum of money for actual footage of the beings. This is going to be a great documentary IMO.

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 12:08AM by 37-Seconds https://ift.tt/jAX6LON

what would you do if aliens wanted to implement a 1 world government

Would you be down? Let's just say it's like the American government on paper without corruption and personal agendas we still have our freedom etc

With it comes all physical heath mental health would be instantly cured

Maybe a element that will give us endless energy and not depend on non-renewable energy

Like what good would come from this or bad ?

Would you welcome our new overlords lol

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 12:25AM by wonderingsoul51 https://ift.tt/20AOG4I

UFO sighting Los Angeles 🛸👽


Submitted August 30, 2022 at 01:22AM by elliemarie02 https://ift.tt/kGFgh0w

I have some cool old school UFO/Alien abduction tonight. We go back to the 1960s and look at the Betty and Barney Hill story for a few minutes. THEN, we listen to two tapes of Barney Hill, with a psychologist doing hypnosis regression, remembering and reliving the abduction.


Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:26PM by Happy-Hemorrhoid https://ift.tt/JhBs2vN

What Alien/UFO researcher do you trust?

Let's face it these field is filled with charlatans and a lot of dubious characters. Who do you actually trust?

I think even the really good researchers are still fairly bias about the extraterrestrial theory of UFOs.

Anyone out there that actually does some good science? I feel like now that we have naval confirmed UFO videos more people should be looking into these and other cases with a scientific eye.

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:13PM by MetalDragonSeeker https://ift.tt/zGjxC0P

-Welcome to alien-


Submitted August 29, 2022 at 10:13AM by MarionGi12 https://ift.tt/8PvbzeH

Danny Sheehan (government lawyer for Lue) revealed in an interview alleged alien writings. can someone tell me which episode on UCR did this happen?


Submitted August 29, 2022 at 07:54AM by Latticese https://ift.tt/QOftJFr

Potential alien craft coming out of hyperspace and then running away from two other flying objects


Submitted August 29, 2022 at 04:43AM by Robertpeace https://ift.tt/9XoykSY

Looking for a news article about a specific alien abduction report

I listened to a podcast a few months ago about a number of people living in the same town and who reported the same experience of what might be an alien abduction. I specifically remember a few of them recounting in their interview driving on a road and stopping in the middle when they saw some sort of barricade with lights (?) and then getting out of their vehicles. This happened on one evening. They do not remember what happened after they got out of their vehicles but when they became conscious again, one person reports that they were back inside their cars but somehow some of them have changed seats, like the grandmother was now in the driver’s seat and the mother was in the passenger seat which was odd for them.

I cannot for the life of me find this podcast episode again, so if there’s anyone here who can point me to an article or something related, I would be very thankful.

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:34AM by lsrvlrms https://ift.tt/nAC5x9u

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Thoughts on Greer????


Submitted August 27, 2022 at 07:53PM by DeanMLplayer https://ift.tt/v1Izh0k

How alien 3 should of gone... My version

This is just part of what I've come up with but most people I've spoken to are wanting it to be like this The film opens with the capture of the suloco with Ripley, newt, hicks and Bishop, awoken early from hypersleep by military police as they are placed under arrest for the destruction of an atmospheric converter and the deaths of 70 families As Bishop is military property, he is taken away to have his cpu scanned for any evidence of the events which took place on lv426 and the others are taken in for questioning and in the end put on trial for destroying the site on lv426 by nuclear destruction and the deaths of the families that lived there, they obviously have been hamstringed by the company as they are told that there is no evidence to show their sides of the story, but there is and the company is hiding it.... this leads to Ripley and hicks stripped of their titles and sentenced to 18 months of psych evaluation and then inprisoned for 30 years in a maximum security facility to under including psych evaluation while serving their sentences. Hicks is put on Fiorina fury 161 the maximum security prison planet originally seen in alien 3. while this is happening it also shows colonial marines (possible clones from original film) in radiation suits salvaging what is left on lv426 including alien bodies/eggs and other dna samples, everything is destroyed and every alien is dead.... the derelict spacecraft from the first 2 films is now buried in debris from the nuclear blast and is found by comms shared by newts father. Cut to them digging through the debris to get to the ship which is questionably still intact, they enter the interior and eventually find that the chamber with the eggs in are in perfect condition and covered in the blue must, having heard the stories about these animals the area is put on lock down and everything is frozen and taken back for testing.... Having explored the ship they also find an underground chamber for which held the original queen alien hybrid.... A queen empress standing over 25 meters tall, as its host was an "engineer" and looked very different to what we've seen before.... long dead they salvage her, the tech and also the space jockey....

30 years passes and hicks and Ripley are still serving life sentences in different locations and are broken out by philanthropist newt!.... Newt, having many visitations to Ripley whom she calls mum and hicks who she sees as a father figure is told of a very well laid plan in which to break them out... A scene in which when they (Ripley and hicks) meet for the first time since the events on lv426, share an embrace of relief that there both still alive! Newt hands them both a tracker and says 'I won't lose you guys again' Ripley and Hicks share a moment...

They are reunited and plan to bring down the company luckily they have a mole.... Newt is working for the company as an advisor under a different name. Newt explains that the world is a very different place now that weyland yutani owns practically everything with its tech from another world she also explains The families of the crew from the first movie and the families from the second movie want answers and have been fighting for answers and closure for over 80 years on what happened

Submitted August 27, 2022 at 05:08PM by General_Leather_5021 https://ift.tt/yLbzk5o

A YouTube Playlist I've been putting together throughout the years containing the most convincing evidence of UFO and Alien encounters


Submitted August 27, 2022 at 02:34PM by danielfolife https://ift.tt/3iXATsf

what is this and what's going on here?


Submitted August 27, 2022 at 02:07PM by Adventurous-Art-1161 https://ift.tt/js3BmNJ

Hunt for UFO 'black triangles' that could be top secret hypersonic US weapons


Submitted August 27, 2022 at 12:36PM by LigmaBalls-420 https://ift.tt/AHdim14

I desire more than many things to get off this prison planet


Submitted August 27, 2022 at 08:54AM by Le_Rekt_Guy https://ift.tt/URE09pP

Friday, August 26, 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

KGB Documents about suppressed history of Earth and the Phenomenon (Atlantis, Agartha, Aliens, Nazis, Pyramids, DNA, Apocalypse, and more) Previous post REMOVED by "spam filter"!!! Links inside


Submitted August 25, 2022 at 10:49PM by ReptilianCabal https://ift.tt/gwcWOKU

Them aliens I know of full mockumentary SUPER TRUTH! WAR FOR EARTH ALEIN...


Submitted August 25, 2022 at 10:59PM by gwh_offical https://ift.tt/NQf6CFn

MEMORY WARS I: Remembering Falsely, Hypnosis and the Virtual Experience Model J. Burkes MD 2022

MEMORY WARS I: Remembering Falsely, Hypnosis and the Virtual Experience Model

J. Burkes MD 2022

If psychologists can create false memories, we should consider what might be the capabilities of technologically advanced beings that are the supposed perpetrators of “alien abductions.” From the literature, they are described as being skilled not only in telepathic communication, but allegedly can also induce states of amnesia in contact experiencers. The so-called “visitors” are also thought to create “screen memories” which block recollections about the highly anomalous experiences called Close Encounters of the Third and Fourth Kinds. As the authors of “Abduction Enigma” point out, if the alleged “ETs” can produce false recollections labeled as “screens”, why can’t the entire contact event be a psi induced false memory? The Close Encounter literature just might be describing theater of the mind productions that are created by what has been called “psychotronic” means.” For the complete blog click on hyperlink below.


Submitted August 26, 2022 at 12:51AM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/zadGDZo

Reptilians are Dinosaurs theory

Long ago, the dinosaurs ruled the earth. The Anunnaki watched over earth from their artificial Planet X Nibiru.
A war between the Annunakis and other alien species caused destruction in this solar system. The weapons hit earth and destroyed 95% of life on earth, many died. Some dinosaurs went underground. After the war ended, the Annunaki reseeded life for surviving mammals to evolve into Humans using the Nordic alien genes. The Annunaki then left our solar system. The Dinos who went underground evolved into Reptilians. Since the Dino reptilians are the rightful rulers of earth because they were here first, with more advance technology, they have manipulated and controlled humanity through the banks and governments such as the Rothschild. In 0 AD, the Annunaki sent one of their agents to earth to preach salvation from Earth because Earth is not our home. The kingdom of Heaven is, the Kingdom of the Annunaki. But of course, he was crucified by the Romans who were controlled by the Dino reptilians acting as Semites.
- Witnesses who claim to have encounter The Men in Black claim they drive old school cars and dress in old fashioned clothing. Why? Because they are Reptilians can't keep up with Human fashion trends.
- The reptilians created the Greys who are bio androids to abduct and experiment on humans. The Greys look like the way they do because that's how the reptilians imagine we would think of as aliens.
-UFOs are spotted coming out of caverns and underground or from the ocean, because that's the passage to where the Reptilian underworld is.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 07:59AM by dragunball123 https://ift.tt/YGhfiy0

NASA Artemis I.. won't land on the moon..

So.. they're just going to go all the way out there, to the dark side of the Moon, to not land on it.. fishy..


Submitted August 25, 2022 at 03:18AM by TheRealSqwuidzoh https://ift.tt/hp3tAH2

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Aliens should wear wigs when abducting people to make their subjects more comfortable.

This is just a suggestion for any aliens who might be reading this. You can probably learn more from your subjects if they're comfortable and cooperative.

Also, a pair of Groucho Marx glasses would go a long way toward further alleviating any anxiety humans might experience.

And maybe you could offer some cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches to them after you're done with whatever you're doing. Everyone loves cream cheese, and many have not experienced the joy of cream cheese combined with cucumbers and bread.

You might not even have to wipe people's memories after abducting them, because they'd be so appreciative of being given such a delicious snack that they would happily agree to remain quiet or comply with other requests, like not having their implants removed if they discover them. Surely, it's worth having a few sandwiches on hand to prevent lost data and the unnecessary work of reimplantation, isn't it?

Anyway, I'm certain other people can provide many more useful suggestions.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 12:03AM by nanocyte https://ift.tt/BEdyPol

thoughts I captured these photos 2 years ago just taking a photo of the sky


Submitted August 25, 2022 at 12:52AM by txbl1988 https://ift.tt/ykUnFuJ

What if the aliens have always been among us

Imagine if aliens have always been with us as in they have lived among us for millennia? A species who transcend time and can travel long distances in an instant. Maybe… ideas, mathematics, emotions, photons? What if that something is conscious and alive and has been either monitoring us or are with us experiencing life in this solar system? They can pop in and out as fast as a thought. Perhaps they can be at multiple locations at the same time since they can manipulate it. These species have no physical bodies, just consciousness. If they need to, they can slip into a body like the old Native American myths of stone dreamers. Who can move into a fox, a bird, etc.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 12:55AM by babiha https://ift.tt/cBYu0bs

Saw this in L.A. in 2013. Lights were moving equidistant and spinning slowly. My iPhone 4 couldn’t really handle the zoom. Edited version for more clarity.


Submitted August 25, 2022 at 01:58AM by TheBrushCreative https://ift.tt/n4Y2CkX

I don’t think I’m human or from this dimension

This is going to make me sound insane, but please read this before you decide I’m losing my mind.

For the past couple of years I have gradually noticed that people stare at me funny. When this first started I thought it was because I had crazy colored hair, then I had a shaved head so I thought it was that, I have a very distinctive raspy voice so I also thought it might be that.

Until, it started happening more frequently. It went from happening every once in a while to happening ever single time I interact with literally anyone. Work, personal life, getting food, grocery shopping, etc.

It doesn’t matter where I go or what I do people literally stare at me like I’m not human. Yes I really do mean that, it’s the perfect description. The way I’m looked at is as if a human is seeing an extraterrestrial being in front of them and are scared. People look confused/scared or both when they interact with me.

I also want to add that most of the time (bare with me) I don’t feel real? Or human? When I’m idle, meaning by myself or in a room alone I feel real, I feel human, I feel like I exist. As soon as I start interacting with people, it feels like I’m sucked out of my body and like I’m not real.

Sometimes it feels like I’m not real or human and other people can see that? (God I sound insane). Like, I have to talk myself through normal mundane things. For example, if im talking to someone I say in my head out loud “okay now make eye contact” “okay now nod your head” “look away for a minute; too much eye contact” “okay now look back” “now take a breathe”

It’s not over thinking, I feels a lot different. It feel like in the moment I physically don’t know how to act like a normal human and have to guide myself.

Does anyone else experience this or should I just check myself into the mental hospital now lol? Help, im scared im actually a crazy person.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 09:06AM by ImKitten_ https://ift.tt/fGS38Kd

Social impact after disclosure.

It is no secret that people who have made claims of experiences have been made into jokes in popular media. What's your guess on what happens with these people after?

I also know its nearly impossible to talk about the subject with friends/family and colleagues without getting some sort of push back.

Do you think you would be treated differently by your peers post disclosure?

I often think that we will have tons of bullshit "I also experienced" stories from people looking to jump on the limelight.

What are some negative social impacts you forsee?

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 07:56AM by Spooky_Doop https://ift.tt/5Mywehf

If aliens are so technologically advanced, why do they crash land on Earth?

e.g. Roswell

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 05:52AM by Boring-Cauliflower https://ift.tt/BAXZpq8

my pop out theory on darwin revolutionary

What if human were result of failed experiment on apes by alien?

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 03:58AM by jangNitar88 https://ift.tt/KlLYdMv

Meet-up Group.

I'm not sure if I can even do this but I made a community where people can meet up for alien watches. Dm for inv if interested

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 02:27AM by SkylerGaming420 https://ift.tt/vg0hTJu

Strange Signal From Proxima Centauri


Submitted August 24, 2022 at 02:30AM by avalondiscovery https://ift.tt/vyHp0nc

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What's your reason for wanting humans to make contact with aliens?

Personally, after all I've read about aliens based on abductees and supposed "star children", or whatever those people who claim can channel aliens are called, I think the benefits would outweigh the consequences. At least in the beginning.

One of the main industries of aliens, at least one of them according to a post I read about them and based on what that general guy said about the bodies at Roswell, is the production of bodies that they can transfer their consciousness into. Think about it. If we had the ability to body jump and make any body we can then all sickness would basically disappear. If someone gets sick then they just jump to a new body and voila, they'd be healthy again. Even non serious things such as having tinnitus or even back pain would be gone. Not to mention you could be whoever you want to be. Be a male or female, it's all up to you. Then maybe after a few years, once we perfect body production, we could even make novelty bodies. Like elves, cat people, giants, dwarves, or even become an alien.

Then there's the UFO tech. This, I think we'd have to be VERY careful with. If we have the ability to silently travel wherever we want then the lecherous of us would definitely do some messed up stuff. You think the paparazzi or stalkers are bad now? Then, knowing how stupid humans can be, governments would be more paranoid about spies or whatever. But that's beside the point. If we had the technology to make travel incredibly easy then that would connect the world in a way that is only possible in science fiction. Travel to Paris for lunch then travel to Japan for dinner. Perhaps spend a day hiking the mountains of Mars or ice skating on Europa. Live anywhere in the world and be able to work anywhere in the world. It would be marvelous.

And lastly, there's the aliens themselves. Imagine meeting a completely new society that no one has ever seen before. Imagine the exchange of knowledge, ideas, new ways of thinking, culture, art, music, etc. Teaching an alien how to speak English and then learn Gokian or whatever their language is called as a second language. Then the history of not only their society and how they came to be, but even the history of us. This new knowledge would open new ways of exploring science, archeology, medicine, and spirituality among other things.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 12:29AM by Person96 https://ift.tt/7QslRWi

Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’


Submitted August 23, 2022 at 01:32PM by aimymalik https://ift.tt/pLT5SyI

Catching up on Isaac Arthur and stumbled upon this gem.


Submitted August 23, 2022 at 02:08PM by ihwip https://ift.tt/UM4ldsq

What if aliens are really really tiny?

Like the size of an ant. Or even a virus. Their spacecraft could be the size of a house fly. There could be thousands of them on earth right now and we just haven’t noticed because we expect them to be roughly our own size. Is this possible?

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 11:36AM by jdailey1117 https://ift.tt/cFU8sk2



A PhD professor of nursing gave the most impressive report to me. From her convention badge I identified her as a faculty member from a major university. She watched the videos for a few minutes and then allowed me to interview her about her personal contact experience.”


Submitted August 23, 2022 at 11:14AM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/2ELNTMV

Genomic information of Nazca tridactyl mummies


Submitted August 23, 2022 at 08:42AM by PizwPizwKaiSapizw https://ift.tt/izbWX4U

coded messages

Reading between the lines

I firstly realized this while listening to experimental music. Humans vocally transfer some kind of coded meaning in the overtones and undertones and we are also able to receive these oddities.

I think these are what called "reading between the lines"

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 05:03AM by zibirto https://ift.tt/x0Rp5wC

Does anyone know anything about skinwalker ranch?

I am fascinated by what I do know about this place , I was wondering if anyone has more information or proof of what’s going on there.

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 02:18AM by Coyote20001012 https://ift.tt/oWu9lGc

new podcast for you guys Chris Lehto, Ross Coulthart, Vinnie Adams & Carl Vibe


Submitted August 23, 2022 at 03:06AM by HowGoodIsScotty https://ift.tt/ie37VhQ

Monday, August 22, 2022

Two Tic-Tac UFO's over Dover Ohio, August 18th 2022


Submitted August 22, 2022 at 12:02PM by DiscloseScreen https://ift.tt/jrVeb1c

What is this?? Aliens?? I was out riding my bike at around 9PM and I was passing by a road in Pickerington OH.


Submitted August 22, 2022 at 08:31AM by Hot-Foundation314 https://ift.tt/OT8RmUd

Garry Nolan: There has been a cover-up and whistleblowers are coming out...


Submitted August 22, 2022 at 06:31AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/XFERdtw

Four Extremely Weird UFO Entities (Podcast by C.M. Kosemen and T.K. Sivgin)


Submitted August 22, 2022 at 04:12AM by Romboteryx https://ift.tt/34auASP

Sunday, August 21, 2022

um.. so I just found out the siblings I don't really speak to are apart of some "group" that gets together and try to talk to aliens?

So, my mom came back from spending the weekend in Port Charlotte with my older brother and younger brother and sister, I don't really get invited because I'm the rebellious one who questions everything and I'm agnostic and smoke weed ooh boo hoo. So does my younger brother and my sister basically tried drugs at 14 and my mom is a serious coke head so I'm not really sure why IM THE BLACK sheep... hypocrits much. Well upon her return she told me that apparently they get together with other people..sit in a circle and try to communicate with other life forms with what she called glass.. could be crystals? I practice reiki myself but.... I don't sit in a circle attempting to contact aliens.. I've honestly never heard of this.. then they apparently "healed" her back (my sister in law did it) and then she also claimed to see ufos in the sky... mind you.. they were supposedly on no hallucinogens. Is anyone familiar with any of this because seriously.. what the fuck?

Submitted August 22, 2022 at 12:16AM by Embarrassed-Tear7965 https://ift.tt/1yNkGds

My grandmas encounter

40+ years ago in Lancaster county pa my grandma saw a bright orange “kite” shaped object in the trees. When she went up to the tree it was it was gone. The day previous there was a weird engine noise off and on around the property. She drove into the woods to try and find it and she couldnt see anything but she said the noise triangulated around her before stopping ontop of her and then all of a sudden going further into the woods. She said it wasnt fading or anything it just jumped from one spot to another.

Submitted August 22, 2022 at 12:01AM by CantaloupeOk9456 https://ift.tt/clwKp8J

has anyone seen skin walker ranch??

It's on Netflix and they appear to catch ufos on camera and other phenomenons

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 05:18AM by Different-Ad362 https://ift.tt/j8LtbqJ

Why are people so eager to gullibly believe that crashed UFO's are aliens crafts rather than experimental high tech military crafts?

First of all i'm not in the wrong sub, i sure believe extra terrestrial life exists and a lot of it.

However i do not believe any CRASHED UFO's were ever alien tech. If you are surveilling an alien planet, or let's even say the theory that they are an older species that have been in earth ocean longer than man has existed. Either way, you don't crash your aircraft and then not retrieve it and let humans experiment on it and the bodies for 70 years (aka the roswell story).

Especially because if you let humans get away with recovering crafts and bodies, and/or shooting you down and doing whatever they want to the bodies and craft, they are going to be trying to shoot you down any chance they get to get more material and conduct more experiments! Because what is the risk of them doing that? clearly you don't even care enough to come retrieve the craft and the bodies, clearly you do not prevent human earth military from experimenting on it. So they would then do that every time they see you in the sky! It would make zero sense for any alien intelligence to allow, if they were advanced enough to do anything to prevent it. And if they couldn't they would blow themselves up like; 'you not taking me alive and experimenting on me earth man, and you not getting my ship or our technology'.

This is obvious to me that aliens are a perfect alibi for advanced technology. And the reason the aliens don't come retrieve their 'disk and bodies', in the crashes we know have occurred where they cover it up in the media after the townsfolk and others have reported it, is because it's not their asset to begin with, but the military aren't ready to acknowledge it's theirs either!

Every craft come from a bigger one or an installation here. They would know where all their assets are. And if there's any malfunction they have someone ready to swoop in and get the passengers and whatever. And a self destruct so humans don't get the tech is such a no brainer i don't even have to explain why it's moronic to pretend aliens haven't thought of that. The only logical explanation for why humans get to retrieve it, is that it's not alien tech or vehicles.

USUALLY when something crashes you expect the owners or ones responsible for the vehicle to come pick it up, it's ALWAYS earth military who show up in those situations, there's not a SINGLE INSTANCE where a UFO crash, then UFO's show up clean it up whilst preventing earth military or people from entering the area, and the earth military show up and find nothing, and ofcourse some covert faction, whenever there's a crash. They sometimes even spend hours securing the area so others can't get there to see it, and then haul it off.

There has been quite a few of those along the years.

So how can it be that it's some advanced tech but it's not alien? Could be unacknowledged tech like tesla stuff, and also more interestingly could be some antedeluvian tech from a long lost human civilization, that they burrow into a cave system and there just sits like 10 of these crafts completely intact. And they figure out how to fly them and then they crash one of them trying to fly them to learn how they operate and what they can do.

It's insulting to insinuate an alien intelligence fly all the way here in ofcourse huge motherships, and proceeed to crash/be shot down around various places on earth like a complete nincompoop, and then not even retrieve neither the craft nor the passengers, because screw their own alien folk, they only came from lightyears away but who cares about protecting their own folks. And why have a rescue operation or cleanup eventhough you know the humans can be extremely hostile and you flying around their planet. And not only that they let the earth military go retrieve both the craft/tech and the bodies and experiment on it for decades, whilst they sitting cloaked watching it all going 'oh that's too bad'. Come on people, how can they get you to believe it's aliens so easily to cover their own shit up?

The real aliens; that never crash, or shot down and if so, are retrieved not by earth military and or/self destruct so humans can't get their stuff, are ofcourse hacked into all human data communication including military encrypted, such as the example of USS nimitz where it went to the computer generated cap point (it hacked into the nimitz systems) after it's encounter with lt cmd fravor. So they know all capabilities humans have of trying to shoot them down, all secret programs, and everything about that. And ofcourse have countermeassures such as anti jamming and anti electronic warfare, shields and all kinds of things like that which has also similarly been demonstrated in various cases.

So, my assertion is basically; IF SOMETHING CRASHED ON EARTH OR WAS SHOT DOWN, you can almost guarantee it wasn't the aliens but earth's 'dumbass' human military flying around here. And whilst it's funny and interesting story to pretend to have alien bodies and alien crafts, how likely is it the aliens wouldn't come retrieve them? NOT LIKELY AT ALL, SLIM CHANCE TO NONE, it's not likely that you ever got to even see one to begin with, before that whole area was sanitized and the others came to rescue them.

I am kind of tired of people so glibly thinking that aliens just crashing all the time cause they are stupid idiots somehow, and that human military is just also shooting them down, and they just get to keep the bodies and the craft and everything for 70 years. I guess i'm kind of offended on behalf of the alien species that this is what we just automatically assume, rather than it is earth military covering up some of their own secret projects and deeds, which is ofcourse THE OBVIOUS AND LIKELY CONCLUSION. And then in order to not tell whoever they are supposed to tell. They just go 'oh look it's aliens, they are stupid crashing all the time, it's not ours and since it's not we don't have to explain shit! Them aliens first off we don't know if it's aliens or who they are, but they are clearly idiots to be crashing all the time like this.'

'SURE'. I think it's the earth military factions TO EXTENT ANYTHING CRASHES and gets retrieved. They are used to keeping big secrets like their experimental crafts, which is far more likely that this is what that is. Precisely why they CRASH FLYING THEM. and then they ofcourse got to send a team to retrieve it so others don't get that technology, and go wtf are you guys working on?

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 03:26AM by Wyrdsie https://ift.tt/60FMkni

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Communication with Aliens

Just a pondering question; How could aliens communicate with us in all of these encounters that happen? From Roswell to the large sighting back in the 80s somewhere in Africa.. as well as other encounters.. Assuming they speak/understand English or in other languages from across the world ?

Another question ; If the experience of that scientist back in the 60-70s had said US government captured one and kept it in a lab somewhere.. is true . he has said it communicated with people telepathically ? How can communication take place if they aren't known to our languages here on earth ? How can thoughts and feelings of each party be communicated if there is a language barrier ? Thoughts ?? Opinions??

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 09:30AM by ChickenNuggetDreamz https://ift.tt/59FRS2L

Almost done with an alien/ufo based time travel game.


Submitted August 20, 2022 at 10:01AM by GrahamUhelski https://ift.tt/WCvft3r

Critical Review of Mac Tonnies' Cryptoterrestrials

Here is a link to the late Mac Tonnies summarizing the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis (CTH):


Tl;dw: CTH is the view that Grays are indigenous humanoids. They are more advanced than us but not entirely able to dominate us. Cryptoterrestrials pass themselves as extrasolar aliens to conceal their origins and agenda as a cover story. They need our genetic material because they’re our cousins and degenerated genetically.

Summary: Per Mac Tonnies, the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis has at least three significant advantages over the extraterrestrial hypothesis: (1) It explains certain phenomenal aspects of the abduction phenomena better than extraterrestrials (Grays present as bipedal humanoids with a strong interest in human genetic material because they’re our genetically degenerating cousins), (2) It explains the high strangeness components of alien abductions (the weirdest stuff that happens is part of a deliberate disinformation program), (3) It explains a broader range of paranormal phenomena (some cryptids – like little people or goblins - may, in fact, breakaway groups of Grays who fully degenerated).

Analysis: the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis has a major advantage over the extraterrestrial hypothesis as it does not require positing an entirely new life form. Furthermore, there are some additional forms of High Strangeness that cryptoterrestrials can explain better than extraterrestrials. (e.g. paranormal hot spots). So, the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis has a couple advantages over the extraterrestrials hypothesis. Nevertheless, the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis is ultimately not plausible. The crypto-terrestrials would require a globalized industrial base. The manufacturing infrastructure would be too extensive to conceal.

This review is developed in-depth as a podcast, which can be found:

Podcast Website: https://spectralskullsession.com/season-four

Listen Notes: https://lnns.co/Dhatz5Be0xP

Spotify Link:


Submitted August 20, 2022 at 08:16AM by DoktorSpengler https://ift.tt/Y4aN5Jf

anything about ufo's. Books/videos

Hello all. There are a lot of sites that contain books and video's about this for FREE does anybody know some sort of hosting site where I can post this material and share with you?

I want to do this because I see all lot of requests also from other subreddits about the topic. There is alot out there. You Just have to know where to look

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 07:55AM by tobo2022 https://ift.tt/Mtsx1aF

Why aliens haven't contacted us?

According to me the reason why aliens haven't contacted us is the same one that the aliens are actually not interested be in being part of our lives instead like us watching TV and commenting on the lives of celebrities and TV stars the same way aliens are watching us and are commenting upon our likes and dislikes. the crop circles are just the ratings which are given to the planet how many ratings has the planet got in entertainment by the aliens apart from the other thing which mentions that humans being picked up by aliens and then being experimented upon I think that is just they're checking they are checking and updating the software and seeing how much different it is from a couple of years ago sample size you might say. We are all living a version of the Truman show in which our actions & all our behavior and all our decisions are being judged criticized and discussed upon throughout the galaxy but ultimately we are not the center of the world or universe We are just one of the many channels on the TV of the universe.

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 06:20AM by testing35 https://ift.tt/o468jfW

What are, in your opinion, some of the most dangerous assumptions that human beings (as a species) can make, when it comes to aliens?

I’ll start with the one that I think it’s the most dangerous of all: that aliens are superior to humans.

People equate technological achievement with wisdom, but nothing is further from the truth. To give an example: imagine two doctors, both interested in understanding the functioning of the brain. One considers himself bound by the rules of morality, the other operates on none such limitations. Which one will achieve knowledge faster?

Interested to hear your thoughts on this, as well as other assumptions we absolutely shouldn’t be making.

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 04:05AM by supremesomething https://ift.tt/x5hwruS

C-I-A (2005)


Submitted August 20, 2022 at 02:11AM by Danielljr https://ift.tt/qQ5c4ds

Friday, August 19, 2022

Are these aliens?

So i have insomnia.Also according to my doctor i have Schizophrenia. But unlike others i don't have hallucinations or anxiety in public. I decided to write this post because i think that the aliens got me insomnia and schizophrenia and are always watching me and making changes to my body and i want them to know that i will keep sharing my experience untill i get noticed. They have limited access to my electronic devices, thoughts i get in my mind and also to my sleep. You might be interested in how someone can have access to someone's mind but believe me it's has been possible in my case. So on my Instagram account i would get reels and ads related to what thoughts popped up in my head. I was a healthy child with mild sleeping issues. I couldn't sleep after watching smartphone at night but it all changed after i got vaccinated. After that i couldn't sleep at night or at day . I told all of this to doctor and he said i have schizophrenia and in it i have thought broadcast problem but when I looked up on internet about thought broadcast i found that it is a different problem from what i have. In thought broadcast people feel that other people are reading their mind and get anxious over it but in my case there are no other people. There are only hackers/aliens who are putting feeds and ads of what I have in my mind and that is visible to my parents or any other person. I looked up on reddit about this same problem but couldn't find any.It seems these hackers can also see what i dream about. They would display reels related to what i dreamt about last night. Not only this they were also manipulating damage i dealt to enemies in fps games like valorant and apex legend. I asked Microsoft and bitdefender for help and both their scanner found a different virus but even after it was removed they had access to my computer . Their are other things i would like to discuss but i am keeping quiet about it because it's resolved for now to some extent.I have been eating sleeping medicine for a long time and even sleeping medicines would fail if i stop taking them for even 1 day. Doctor would then change my medicine. I am sure it's these aliens who are doing changes in my body so that medicine would become ineffective. Otherwise how can a medicine i have been taking from 15 or 30 days suddenly become ineffective and won't help me sleep? Due to this problem doctor has changed my medicine so many times that now he is out of options. I slept well for 30 days. I had taken offline appointment and prescription was also offline so I guess the aliens were not sure that i was taking that particular medicine but when I took online appointment and i took the same first pill of online prescription i couldn't sleep that night.Maybe after seeing online prescription hackers were sure that i was taking that particular medicine and they did changes in my body accordingly. I want to know if someone also has this disease and what are they doing about it because in my case antipsychotics did not help me in any way. They did not treat my insomnia or things popping up on my phone and PC. Instead they have me restlessness and suicidal thoughts.Also right now i am feeling cold and sweating a bit. Also i searched a lot on reddit to find someone suffering from things i am but i couldn't .Thus i decided to write this post in this community.I feel aliens have already invaded our planet and are playing with human minds and life. I hope this post gets noticed by someone.Please leave a reply.I want to know what u think about it.

Submitted August 19, 2022 at 11:08AM by bongibaba546 https://ift.tt/GdBwUS9

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Trying to find a theory about a possible ancient “earth defense system”

I saw a video and article ages ago saying an “earth defense system” destroyed the Tunguska meteor causing the air burst. Supposedly it was an ancient automated system to protect the earth from stuff. From what I remember it the system was primarily located in Siberia and used automated spheres to destroy stuff.

Sorry to be so vague, I completely forgot about this and I’m trying to look into this a bit deeper.

Submitted August 19, 2022 at 01:25AM by spaceface545 https://ift.tt/Tgfo3wI

Cool UFO Report Magazine I picked from 1975. Can’t wait to read.


Submitted August 19, 2022 at 12:43AM by Connect-Dragonfruit7 https://ift.tt/h14zQqa

Did I see aliens today?


Submitted August 19, 2022 at 12:45AM by No_Possibility_2051 https://ift.tt/DKqARYt

Extraterrestrial - Questioning the existence

When I was a kid 10ys I used to live in apartments with my family. It’s was a one room with a bed in my parents room and one next to the kitchen on a wall. Right next to the bed was the table where we would eat. One night I rolled over to the side of where the table was at and I saw something white with big black eyes. I thought I must have been seeing thing and wiped my eyes and took a better look. There I saw a big head with a white thin body. Black dark eyes under the chair of the table. Scared I acted as I was not comfortable and rolled back to the original side I slept on. Never did I see anything like that again, nor did I ever talk about it. Now 21ys my brother brought up a conversation of how he encountered an being with the same descriptions of what I saw. However he saw the being on top of a chair looking in between the holes. I told him I saw the same thing but in a different place(under the chair). Call me crazy but I don’t feel crazy tbh they exist but we can’t see.

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 03:36PM by StevenIsReal https://ift.tt/OQ5Ufpg

Reading Jacques Valleè and this page from an encounter in Brazil is haunting.

On August 20, the eldest son, twelve-year-old Raimundo, went outside to get his father's horse. As he later testified to the police, I saw two balls floating in midair side by side, about a foot apart, and three feet off the ground. . they were big.. one of them was black, with a kind of irregular antenna-like extension and a small tail. The other was black and white, with the same outline. .. . Both emitted a humming sound. I called my father out of the house.. . He walked toward the ob- jects and stopped about two yards away. At that moment, the two big spheres merged into each other. There was only one now, bigger in size, raising dust from the ground, and giving off smoke that darkened the sky. With strange sounds, that large ball crept slowly toward my father. I saw him surrounded by the yellow smoke; he disappeared inside it. I ran after him into the yellow cloud, which had an acrid smell! saw nothing, only that yellow mist around me. I yelled for my father, but there was no answer. Everything was silent again. Then the jet low smoke dissolved. The spheres were gone. My father was gone. . . . I want my father back.

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 02:57PM by ExKnockaroundGuy https://ift.tt/qSHTtFN

The Seres Agenda: Ancient Aliens, Planetary Seeding, and Your Psychic Pineal | Coast to Coast PM


Submitted August 18, 2022 at 01:33PM by real_politik_pod https://ift.tt/K0URhrL

Looking for recommendations for good alien/ufo movies.

With all the new info coming out theses days has reawakened my interest in the topic so I’m looking for stuff to watch. It doesn’t have to be a doc but I’d prefer stuff that’s at least in the realm of possibility.

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 12:36PM by Kooky_Werewolf6044 https://ift.tt/VmKdhND

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Maybe the real aliens were the friends we made along the way.

Maybe they're real. Maybe it's all just weather balloons and swamp gas. But I know one thing man, they brought us together. And maybe someday through the power of friendship we'll finally get to see them aliens.

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 11:57PM by Suussy_Baka https://ift.tt/FnE9D5U

Do most in this sub believe the phenomenon is more likely to be inter dimensional, from another planet, or both?

I understand no one has the “answer” but just curious how many in this sub feel. At first I personally thought ET/other planet, but now based on the more “somber” type comments from Lue and comments from Nolan etc, it seems to me the inter dimensional piece is more likely. Surely we cannot rule out both, but I have been leaning more to the inter dimensional side of things lately. Wild times!

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 04:05PM by fuzzzy_pickle https://ift.tt/t6pYhi4

Sightings Self-Reported - SIGHTINGS SINCE 1925 VISUALISED


Submitted August 17, 2022 at 02:35PM by nathy_volk https://ift.tt/xqJE7O6

Are the current efforts by former government insiders a preparation for launching a false flag operation to promote conflict with UFO Intelligences? Accusations of “False Flag” Plans, “Witness X” and Grant Cameron’s “Managing Magic.” J. Burkes MD 2021

As a former CE-5 Initiative organizer in the 1990s, I critique the position of the CSETI Director Steven Greer MD. The recent opening up of the issue of UAPs to the larger society is best understood within Grant Cameron’s analysis of a “gradual acclimatization program.”


Submitted August 17, 2022 at 01:05PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/JSoBrHt

The 12 density model of consciousness/reality is beautiful and blurs the line between relative and absolute truth, making it possible for us to understand where and how higher beings operate


Submitted August 17, 2022 at 12:02PM by machoov https://ift.tt/j54WZJn

My Animation Explainer: UAPs Propulsion System And How They Can Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light


Submitted August 17, 2022 at 08:55AM by Gatadat https://ift.tt/J6hiUxP

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Not quiet sure who to talk to about this .

Not much of a redditor but I’ve found nobody in my life can make this shit make sense. Plus the anonymity of this app helps me not feel like I look crazy when I tell this story . I’ve seen three unexplainable things over the course of my life . 2 of these times I am convinced I had been visited by an alien, and one of these times I was not alone and my cousin Demetrius saw this alien with me . The first encounter was when I was very young . I was up late one night in an old house we’ve since moved out of sitting in my bunk bed . I was probably about 6 or 7 years old. There’s a window on the wall my headboard is on . I’m sitting in my bed when all of the sudden bright light begins flashing through this window and casting onto the wall across the window. This wasn’t a regular car light because I had bushes in front of my window in that house and there wasn’t a single shadow of a bush, how ever a shadow did appear, a figure with a huge head was getting closer to my window step by step and I immediately jumped out of my bed and looked up from the wall at the actual window and saw nothing . I ran into my moms room crying tell her what happened and no one believed me . Years had pasted and I always just left it up to my imagination playing tricks on me . Until one day while I was middle school aged . By this time we had already moved into a different house and so much time had passed I had almost forgot about it .me and my cousin are sitting in the upstairs living room, my little brothers door was open , again the light was coming in from his door into the room me and my cousin were in. The same skinny shadow with a giant head was casted on the grounded and appeared to be walking through the door, me and my cousin made eye contact before looking back on the ground at the shadow. I fearfully call my step dads name to see if he was in the room before looking in and seeing no one . Me and my cousin ran down the stairs and out of the house. Has anyone else experienced anything like this ? anyone with answers? Or maybe someone who does ?

Submitted August 16, 2022 at 11:59PM by BeltPersonal3986 https://ift.tt/p5EIc7m

Aliens on the loose


Submitted August 16, 2022 at 02:33PM by D0minisk https://ift.tt/R8mN3Gg

If non-human intelligences can cause spontaneous bleeding from the upper extremity of contact experiencer, then they might also be able to stage stigmata. Thus, UFO intelligences may be playing a role in religious phenomena.

In the blog linked below, I describe how a non-human intelligence has possibly demonstrated the inter-connectedness between UFO experiencers and religious phenomena.


Submitted August 16, 2022 at 02:13PM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/MjZEJyk

Pretty much….


Submitted August 16, 2022 at 11:28AM by Zero_VonSpooky https://ift.tt/jqVs7NH

Watched "Ariel Phenomenon" documentary last night - pretty good!!

Hey Aliens Redditors,

So last night I watched the Ariel Phenomenon documentary.

I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the overall ET/UAP/UFO phenom.

There's no narration, nor is it interspersed with reactions, like Ancient Aliens (I don't know...I roll my eyes at most of the reactions on A.A.).

You can rent it for three days @ $20 USD.

I watched it on the Edge browser on my XBOX so I could see it on my TV.

Ariel Phenomenon UFO Documentary - New UFO Documentary Ariel Phenomenon

Submitted August 16, 2022 at 10:16AM by jbl-1001 https://ift.tt/aNTpIs7

My experiences since 1992

Part 1 rest in comments

First known experience was in 1992, 20 years old, Surrey Hills Melbourne VIC Australia one night just laid down my mattress was on the floor, footsteps scurried around me, WTF I couldn’t move, couldn’t see anything it was dark as I was living in the garage then something like a tip of a pen jammed into the side of my head and streams of electricity pulsated from the point of contact, I blanked out, next day I notice my bedside light was blown, felt normal but confused at what happened.

I was also in a death metal band, where we would jam in my room/garage where I had many experiences, I actually have footage of my room, a lady I knew wanted to film us and make a video clip plus just us jamming in 1993.


That’s me the lead singer, to the front left of me, was where it first occurred(you might want to turn down the volume) From there almost 2-3 times a week, I wasn’t working at the time so I would even go to bed sometime in the morning and it will still happen. I would be in bed not for long and someone would grab me anywhere, felt like hands, with a paralysing. electricity effect, it wouldn’t last long, never blanked out either, never as intense as my first known experience, after it finished I was still fully awake. All the time I couldn’t see anything, even if the lights are on, it would grab my leg, arm, and even felt like two hands on the sides of my head, with this electric pulsating effect.

This was strange but might significant? As usual thinking something is going to happen, I heard a car pull up on the street late one night, I ‘felt’ a strange feeling and thought this might be them, I quickly stood up, then the car turned back on and raced off!

I was shitting myself, until one night I woke up and a typical grey(which was glowing white) was leaning over me telepathically saying, “don’t be afraid we are not going to harm you”, it was a euphoric odd experience.

I couldn’t t believe it, that’s the thing at the video rental store that video Communion! I love sci-fi but I thought it was a typical UFO documentary with that big alien head on the cover, wasn’t interested in docos. Rented it spun me out, as some scenes were almost identical to what I experienced it’s based on a true story hey it also had Christopher Walkens!

The typical encounters continued, I told no one.

A year later 1993, my mother who is a Psychologist approached me and asked if anything strange was happening to me. I let it out, told her I was encountering aliens! even though I never left the room. She told me my younger sister perceive she was being attacked by ghosts, and my mother had similar experiences when she was a child, at that time she had the perception of levitation. So you know what her diagnosis was. Ok now am I crazy? Could seeing the Communion cover trigger something in my brain?

Still regular experiences, yet soon after, I was driving 2 band member home at night dropped of one while myself and the guitarist was actually passing close by ‘Westall’ (of all places) a ‘Mimi’ walked across the road! WTF it was very very tall and very very thin, i stared in silence while driving past, , then turn to the guitarist “did you see that” he then said “ye”, I tried to explain what was happening to me, but it was like he forgot the incident or wasn’t interested, strange I couldn’t talk to him about it, I contacted him a few years ago, told him about it, couldn’t remember seeing a giant skinny alien going for a walk.

I tried real hard how to replicate what I saw, I would need a giant convincing alien puppet, with some puppeteers in black, in the background, the area is semi bush and not much road lighting.

Walked weird lanky, like it was going for a stroll, didn’t look at me, just straight ahead.

Submitted August 16, 2022 at 08:42AM by vegan_bogan https://ift.tt/3zDLwN5

What is the name of this incident?

Hi r/aliens community, I’m coming to you to help identify the name of an incident I remembered recently. I’ll describe it as best as I can.

The story is that at some point when nuclear weaponry was being made(probably around the Cold War) world leaders of countries with access to them received messages from an unknown origin. Idk if they were in the country’s native language or were somehow translated from some alien language. I know that these messages basically said “What the hell are you doing?” relating probably to the nukes. Some time later another message was received translating to “Look, if you use these weapons we can deactivate some of them, but we won’t be able to save all of you.” I don’t know if there were responses sent out or anything, but we all know that production of nuclear weapons never stopped.

That’s about all I can remember. I tried looking it up but could only find articles about aliens supposedly deactivating nukes around the world. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Edit: Also if you think there’s a sub better suited for this question let me know.

Submitted August 16, 2022 at 03:37AM by sod_god https://ift.tt/j46Zgw2

Monday, August 15, 2022

Childhood contact

  • I have rarely discussed this, but want to know if anyone else had this experience. As a very young child - still in my crib, around 1952, I started having these experiences when at night I would see a vision like a TV screen flipping and showing flat grey heads with large eyes. I would always get violently ill afterward with projectile vomiting. So whenever I saw my “flat people” I knew I was going to get sick. This happened several times, ending when I was in school

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 11:47PM by PainterGalZebra https://ift.tt/6A1B3DM

What relates to anything that can be expressed in a backward way....

Rain drops sound like God's whisper.

Extraterrestrial knowledge is tungsten against it's alpha...

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 09:17AM by Inside-Flounder3367 https://ift.tt/ULvhC34

I am seeking candidates to interview. If you, or someone you know, has an abduction story please message me!

My next project is going to be a collection of interviews I hold with abduction victims. My YouTube has over 12 thousand subscribers and I am looking for SERIOUS interviews that will need to include your face over video call to ensure some level of accountability.

I have been independently working in this field for sometime and feel extremely enthusiastic about putting people's stories online. I am an experienced editor and assure you that this is for those who want a way to get their story out in a sensible and professional way.

Contact me for more information, I'd love to talk to hear your story!

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 09:11AM by HottsstPartoftheDay https://ift.tt/kh0n3CJ

Alien Files - Kras


Submitted August 15, 2022 at 07:03AM by Maggie_art https://ift.tt/jUadKMG

What is this right next to the moon


Submitted August 15, 2022 at 03:39AM by Yaokthen999 https://ift.tt/P7YCr0W

Feline-gray hybrid makes a superhuman leap on bouncy digitigrade legs, like a half-court dunk


Submitted August 15, 2022 at 03:11AM by LeoLittlebook https://ift.tt/NzyYW9x

Sunday, August 14, 2022

“Missing Time on Highway 62." Individuals staging Human Initiated Contact Events were targeted to have missing time. These staged occurrences demonstrated the sophistication and awesome psi capabilities of non-human intelligences responsible for UFOs.

This in-depth blog focuses on a wave of missing time events that occurred across the CE-5 contact network in the Western USA in 1993.


Submitted August 15, 2022 at 01:54AM by Contactunderground https://ift.tt/m6y5vYX

My theory on the general topic of UAP’s, intelligent species and what’s next

Note: this is just common sense and I’m sure it’s not unique, but I just wanted to share because I think people think a reveal or major disclosure will occur in our lifetime and it will not happen.

I think at this point UAP’s are so often seen that it’s the infant stages of the desensitization phase. Coordinated with the government to say we’ve disclosed a little to make it a possibility, now let’s increase the sightings and get humanity used to the idea of something out there.

Edit: I’m sure, there’s plans for 1,000s of years down the road, but the acknowledgement on a larger scale is not in our lifetime, because our generations (in particular, the ones leading our nations) would react with hysteria and hostility. Once these generations are gone and new ones are in positions of leadership there will be more known to the public.

An intelligent species would see us as we would view animals attacking their own kind. What would make them think that they wouldn’t attack someone different? There is still racial and gender tension and attacks and until humanity can overcome such barriers. There will be no coordinated reveal on a larger scale aside from a craft crashing and it being reported, which is why the bases are underwater or in Antarctica to prevent such incidents occurring in populated areas.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 07:55AM by drskeme https://ift.tt/S3RgXeD

What I noticed during my alien abduction research for 3 years. I'm getting close in finding physical evidence through my theoretical research. (Videos included)

There might actually be a chance that light orbs in the sky are most definitely the aliens and I will explain why. It's a complicated research that is build on a small amount of theoretical evidence from sightings, analyzing abduction cases and hypnosis done on abductees to remember what they went through, as aliens let people forget the experience or suppress their memories.

The main question everybody wants to know are aliens physical? I have found some video evidence that aliens might be able to change into light beings or orbs called in the occult or black magic a Body of light. According Tibetan Buddhism it's called a rainbow body achieved with a technique called dream yoga. It's also referred as astral traveling, but on Wikipedia it says it's not completely the same as a body of light.

There are different type of orbs in the sky, smaller white orbs which are astral bodies and the brighter and bigger colored orbs, are considered to be a body of light or energy field.
Astral travel is where your mind travels between the stars or dimensional planes through a dreamstate according Wikipedia.

A Body of light is where your physical body enters into an energy field, abductees under hypnosis considered it being inside a white transparent room, but your body shrinks into the size of a ball, it should look something like this:

Body of light/ Energy field

There is still no real evidence this is possible, there have been scientific studies done that Buddhist's were able to produce light during meditation, scientists are speculating it has something to do with the nervous system that is dematerializing into a Quantum photon molecule, or quasi material. There is very limited evidence and resource for this but it is there.

We definitely have evidence lights are related to alien abductions or aliens or humanoid hybrid, shadow figures appearing in our dreams and sleep paralysis, altering our state of consciousness, giving us hallucinations, is the evidence we definitely have.

The physical evidence for aliens being real are probably what we would consider ghost sightings, distorted figures, flashing lights, shadow people, poltergeists moving objects. This is also according the pentagon's research: https://www.newsweek.com/pentagon-ufo-program-disclosure-aliens-poltergeist-top-secret-bigelow-948051

The physical speculated evidence is that aliens can convert their bodies into orbs as the occult mentions, light bodies, shadow beings or completely turn invisible or distorted. If people see these kind of videos it can in theory be real like these clips:

What physical evidence for aliens might look like in theory.

There is also another possibility, what we really have evidence for is according hypnotic regression what abductees remember is being taken by light into either a spaceship or into another dimension, it could be that beings from another dimension or the other side like astral traveling as small light orbs altering people's state of consciousness, give people dreams and memories, and that abductions are not physical but dreams given by beings making us paralyzed during our sleep it would look like this what I picked up from reading the book Walking Among us:

Aliens entering our dreams.

At the end it's still 50/50 if they are physical light workers or just astral beings giving us dreams but aliens/ interdimensional beings/ are real and they are messing with our heads is one evidence that we have. According science, reincarnation, alien abductions and satanic ritual abuse are false memories but these memories are not our memories, they are given by highly intelligent lifeforms.

I personally belief we are dealing with both cases, Aliens from another dimension altering our state of mind and stealthy alien/ hybrids physically abducting us. We have the theoretical evidence and small physical evidence like alien implants made of meteorites, hairs found, scoop marks, radiations, missing time, ghost sightings etc.
I hope this post was clear to understand of what I was able to pickup after doing 3 years research and reading books or analyzing abductions, I think this is an important topic into the alien abduction phenomenon. Also see some of my other posts that covers more indepth details.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 06:30AM by sumonespecal https://ift.tt/HwSJ5KG

The Big Bang didn't happen?


Submitted August 14, 2022 at 04:57AM by milwaukeejazz https://ift.tt/YDgVQUk

Alien Technology vs. Human Timeline

I'm sure that some variation of this question has been pondered many times, but I've not yet engaged in discussion about it. Obviously this is a matter of opinion. I realize that we don't know the answer.

Do you think that humans will, barring extinction, ever catch up with the current level of alien technology? Do you think that:

  • we're younger than them and it'll takes us roughly the same amount of time to evolve to their level as it took them to do so?
  • we're close in age but inherently less intelligent life forms which aren't capable of evolving to that level?
  • other (please explain)?

Thanks in advance!

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 02:59AM by ChuckThatPipeDream https://ift.tt/duv6haD

Saturday, August 13, 2022

I'm out of the loop here. What is the Calvine photo and why is it such a big deal?

I've never heard of the Calvine photo until today when I saw a flurry of posts on it. Yeah, I can see that it shows a clear UFO/UAP, but what's so particularly shocking and Earth shattering about this one particular photo?

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 01:45AM by matt73132 https://ift.tt/w1LmghF

What do you guys think about Phoenix Lights? Anybody convinced??

Ok, the Phoenix Lights is prob the most-witnessed, and one of the most famous UFO sightings. What do you guys think of it?

I am not convinced that craft with the 6 or 7 lights blinking in 1 light at a time is a UFO. A huge problem for me is in fact when people keep talking about the V-shaped or triangular UFO. The description of those UFOs unfortunately makes me believe the 6-7 lights video are just flares even more now...

I don't know how to create a poll, but please answer this question too in your reply: Are the Phoenix Lights good UFO evidence?

- yes, I believe it was a UFO

- Meh

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 12:49AM by alterspaces https://ift.tt/VtKBW7m

If aliens did come to earth we’d have no idea

So there’s two perspectives to this idea. The first is that the technology would be so advanced we wouldn’t even know they were here and the second is that if the government knew and had alien tech they’d never admit it because of international relationships with 2 special little nations I call Russia and China.

So even if the any of the nations had alien tech, they’d never admit or declassify it.

So either way all the alien sightings will never be admitted. What was weird was that the former Israeli space security chief said that the gov (US and Israel) were in contact with a galactic federation.

I also want to talk about something. Evolution is inherently probabilistic, therefor with the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe, and quadrillions of planets (just an estimate), the probability that a human-like (I’m not using the word “intelligent” because that’s arrogant) intelligence DOES NOT exist in the universe, that is not human, is near impossible.

Submitted August 13, 2022 at 04:01AM by OreOscar1232 https://ift.tt/CSyfvA2

Screw the aliens.

There are 829 million people around the world who are starving. Every year in the USA alone, 15,780 folks under the age of 20 are diagnosed with cancer. Children are starving and dying.

Meanwhile, less than 65 miles up above all of this suffering, people with medical technology tens of thousands if not millions of years more advanced than our own are sitting there, watching kids die.

"Oh, the aliens just want us to develop the technology ourselves. Blah blah blah, natural path of evolution, yadda yadda yadda, cheering us on, blah blah blah. Our governments have told them to back off, blippity boppity-boo."

Screw the aliens. First, our governments could under no circumstances do anything to stop them. Second, if they have no compassion then they need to leave. We don't need an audience to our suffering.

So to any aliens (if they're here, they're at least tens of thousands of years more technologically advanced than us, and so their supercomputers are with little to no effort monitoring each and every tiny thing on our pathetic little Internet), either help or piss off.

Submitted August 13, 2022 at 02:28AM by WoodenDesk000 https://ift.tt/83hJfGK

Friday, August 12, 2022

UFO found in orbit around moon


Submitted August 13, 2022 at 01:16AM by Key-Stick-3200 https://ift.tt/rdO9pme

good night

Have a wonderful night, world

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 11:50PM by Straight_Peach1952 https://ift.tt/uEB0D7o


I will listen too all your "sorrys"

Submitted August 13, 2022 at 12:00AM by Straight_Peach1952 https://ift.tt/mdvYH5b

Why haven't we found aliens? Because life is a new feature (and we're beta testing it)

If the 'Simulation theory' is correct, wouldn't it be logical to assume that the creators of this simulation probably want to beta test a new feature before releasing it on a massive scale. So, if they fuck up, it's easier to clean the mess and start over before the thing has spread all over the Universe.

It's a game still in development. Nice hypothesis, isn't it? :)

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 10:05AM by BlueVCoin https://ift.tt/CtdAPaB

Can we talk about how creepy the CGI people are in Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified .

I don’t recognise why they went with a weird half realistic, half cartoonish CGI‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎­for people reenactments

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 07:25AM by ShortPromotion https://ift.tt/IF5xKfU

“For science”


Submitted August 12, 2022 at 06:48AM by keeplosingmypws https://ift.tt/8eHZfsk

anyone have a link to pictures or descriptions of different alien descriptions

I am finishing Confrontations by Jacques Valle. It is obvious from reading the numerous reports the alien phenomenon is really weird and even in the late 80s which he wrote dimensions he is going with the interdimensional hypothesis as opposed to the main stream extraterrestrial one.

In it there is a reports of descriptions of people who have seen craft and seen in the craft and coming out of the craft what they described as looking like they are Italian in origin.....long dark hair parted,large nose, 3 and a half feet tall(not that italians look like that I'm guessing they were tanned,dark hair etc.)....in most cases the beings are wearing a tight wetsuit type uniform varying in colour. There is alot of descriptions of alien/paranormal sightings of beings which are not the gray alien.

Is there a website with a collection of different beings? Like nordics/genrty, grays etc.

Thanks in advance ☺

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 06:05AM by AndrewEire https://ift.tt/JfOj3Y7

Why are people so focused on disclosure coming from the USA ?

I live here and I caught myself the other day thinking that disclosure could only approach from here. There are many countries, such as France, who have been open about the topic and could as easily‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎­come out and say, “Yes, we have alien bodies”. Etc

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 04:41AM by ShortPromotion https://ift.tt/rSZAM8L

Thursday, August 11, 2022

I think the recent Trump raid was directly related to uFo's/aliens.

I'm not partisan and don't care for either side of the isle. They (politicians) absolutely do not have our best interest at heart. I'm neither red or blue, though I was raised in the South and consider myself moderately conservative. I've searched both liberal and conservative news sites and they essentially repeat: HIGHLY CLASSIFIED DOCS were the reason for the raid.

I saw this earlier and they mentioned aliens as a joke: https://youtu.be/zt8oqb2mO4c

I can totally see Trump stashing away some top secret Roswell type stuff lol.

The initial reports of them searching for library of congress documents have been refuted. I believe it was something big. MAYBE THIS BIG. Any thoughts?

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 01:31AM by IcyInvite1261 https://ift.tt/A8J0nsH

Applying the fall of Rome to Alien civilizations

I was watching a video on YouTube with Lex Fridman (no idea if he is problematic or not, but he gets interesting guests and asks interesting questions) and his guest (Garry Nolan) said something along the lines of “think of all the alien civilizations that have risen and fallen that we will never know about” and it really got me thinking about all the lost civilizations we may never know. Kinda sad. I mean, there’s plenty of lost civilizations here on Earth that are just as sad to be lost with little to no historical records, and I don’t mean to make alien civs sound MORE important. But it just feels so sad to have whole worlds come and go before we even have any chance to learn of them.

What do you all think about this? Do you think if/when we make contact we’ll have access to these civilizations’ histories? Also, if history is written by the winners/survivors, how much is still being suppressed even if we DID have a log of their planet’s history?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 08:34AM by HaleyStar85 https://ift.tt/U3GWbyz

Where is Timothy Taylor, isn’t the new legislation designed for people like Tim?


Submitted August 11, 2022 at 08:49AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/IU2HPXt

1952 Washington UFO wave witness.


Submitted August 11, 2022 at 07:57AM by twist_games https://ift.tt/xrgWpU9

CRS-22 mission straight from spacex YouTube. Slow the video down and watch the insane maneuvering. This is real proof.


Submitted August 11, 2022 at 05:21AM by Jcrcis77 https://ift.tt/nEt9M6x

Hypothesis: Alien scientists on Earth.

I have no proof of what I'm about to say nor am I saying I believe this with any degree of certainty. This is merely a thought experiment that came about after watching and reading all about the UAP's the US military has seen. Prior to these official sources I would have walked away from anyone who said they had either seen or been abducted by aliens, I am sorry to say. Now, on the other hand, I don't know what to believe anymore. Part of me believes that these things must have a terrestrial explanation. Perhaps a new type of technology us civilians aren't aware of. But the more I learn about these phenomenon, the less certain I am of anything. Now I don't even discount eye witness accounts since these things apparently are actually out there.


What if Aliens are in fact here and much like us they are curious beings? perhaps they are studying us and all other life forms on this planet.

How did this idea come about?

Have you ever watched a National Geographic documentary ? What is it that us humans do when studying animals ?

We go where they are, we sit and wait for them to appear, we observe, take notes, maybe even take a few pictures and videos but most importantly WE NEVER INTERFERE.

It seems to be an unwritten rule that if you are a photographer or scientist studying animals or simply taking pictures and videos you do not save the gazelle from the lioness. You don't stop the Orca from killing the cute sealion. You don't stop the Chameleon from eating the fly. You are supposed to let nature take it's course. How else would you learn what happens in nature ? The only way to be certain is to let things happen as if you weren't there.

Well, I know you know where I'm going with this but let's take it a step further first.

Imagine that Mars was teeming with microbial life. Imagine it looked like earth did billions of years ago, liquid Oceans of H2O full of unicellular organisms. Suppose we had all the time in the world too. Perhaps we have extended our lives artificially to millions of years (whether biologically or by uploading our consciousness to the digital realm) or maybe we have harnessed the skill of extreme long term planning. Point being, imagine that scientists from earth, having discovered microbial life (carbon based or otherwise) on an earth like planet still in the unicellular phase and with no indication of anything more advanced than that, decided to study the evolution of these organisms and see what happens.

How long until unicellular organisms turn into multicellular ones?

How long until animals and plants start showing up?

What kind of animal becomes the 'Top Dog' of the planet?

How long until the next 'Top Dog' comes along?

How long until 'intelligent' life forms arise, if at all?

We would likely send something like a Mars-Rover but more advanced. Perhaps it's operated by an AI.

or maybe even by humans.

In any case, we would have something there and we would observe, take notes and most importantly we would not interfere.

If an intelligent life form did arise we would have to start being more careful about hiding and making sure they didn't know we were there. maybe they develop weapons and have wars. This would be very interesting not only from a biological standpoint but also a sociological one as we would be able to observe exactly everything that happened and then see how later generations interpreted these past events. How much information is lost over the centuries? How much propaganda is in the history books vs reality? etc...

What if Aliens came here millions or even billions of years ago to study evolution?

Maybe many such expeditions exist throughout the universe/multiverse and they intend on comparing notes eventually or are doing so continually to see if evolution takes different courses in different places or if it has a variety of mechanisms of coming about. I'm referring specifically to natural selection. i.e. is natural selection the only mechanism by which evolution occurs?

Is it the case that only creatures with 2 arms and 2 legs who have opposable thumbs can ever become truly intelligent? is that why aliens supposedly always look humanoid? or are there many more types of intelligent life forms that are out there or even here?

Are they here simply to observe until we destroy ourselves, and/or all life on the planet ceases to exist, like the researcher who walks away after the gazelle is consumed and the pride have groomed and cleaned each other?


Are alien scientists here on earth to study evolution on other planets?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 05:42AM by Malek1999 https://ift.tt/tVGr9iq

Has anyone ever been abducted

Has anyone ever been abducted by Aliens what happened?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 04:15AM by Doogerie https://ift.tt/jXhLeyY

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

what if....

What if aliens are our creator?1

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 01:09AM by xxjrxx93 https://ift.tt/Fe5K6SZ

Video of Canadian politician talking about aliens

You guys remember the video of the Canadian politician talking about aliens in Nevada, during some sort of conference? I can not find it. It’s older, but my brother and I distinctly remember it. Anyone have a link?

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 09:19AM by Utahvikingr https://ift.tt/aoMJ58E

POST SEASON 3 INTERVIEW with BRANDON FUGAL NOW UP... Brandon talks about the events and research since filming ended, how the TV film crew themselves have been affected, some refusing to return, the Hitchhiker effect, the dome in the mesa, UFOs, and much more.


Submitted August 10, 2022 at 08:28AM by MysticalMindTribe https://ift.tt/h3PH1oX

Does anyone know of any alien encounters where the alien cracks jokes or in a real jovial mood?

All the encounters I know about the aliens are sort of robotic when they converse and have no emotions other than anger. You never hear of aliens with a sense of humor or seen joking around with the abductee or their fellow aliens.

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 05:11AM by godzilla19821982 https://ift.tt/A3XRwIe

"Xatyuver" Alien AI Art. Checked Gematria and it means "Numbers the New Language" and "You Will All Learn"


Submitted August 10, 2022 at 03:53AM by Cideart https://ift.tt/dsKVY3M

Enhanced version of the UFO footage I posted earlier - watch out for close to the end, when it jumps across the screen in a blink


Submitted August 10, 2022 at 03:08AM by WasabiSeahorse https://ift.tt/ad6sbOo

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

I don’t know what this is, but definitely not a drone


Submitted August 10, 2022 at 01:49AM by svij137 https://ift.tt/wK1DutW

‘Metal from alien UFOs stored in Las Vegas’ - but who has it and where i...


Submitted August 09, 2022 at 08:09AM by talesout https://ift.tt/XDnLStY

UAP night vision gear


Submitted August 09, 2022 at 07:01AM by Mizzza https://ift.tt/W4wGAt8

What is your worst fear, worst case scenario about the ultimate reality of "aliens"?

So many theories abound, but what is the most dark and depressing one for you - if true?

And why?

Submitted August 09, 2022 at 04:02AM by Occultivated https://ift.tt/6XRJLf5

Monday, August 8, 2022

Aliens with bright blue eyes?

My ex-husband had a close sighting of a being alongside a friend at age 10. During this encounter they only saw the creature from the middle of the face upwards as it was watching them from behind a hill approx. 20ft away.

He described it as having a bulbous head with pure white skin that was also translucent. He remembers seeing pulsating veins underneath the skin. No hair. But the most striking thing he remembers is it's extra large, BRIGHT blue eyes.

Has anyone heard of other encounters with beings fitting this description?

Submitted August 09, 2022 at 01:37AM by sapphire1009 https://ift.tt/K2FyV0s

Someone helped me make a visual representation of what the little people looked like from my abduction as a kid. (Link to story in comments)


Submitted August 09, 2022 at 12:58AM by AntisocialGuru https://ift.tt/Vv3yq4E

Hey Reddit, I'm back with another top 5 convincing UFO footage!


Submitted August 08, 2022 at 02:05PM by 7hom https://ift.tt/htRKge8

I was wondering what sort of planet/environment traditional alien Greys would come from that would cause their appearance. Large heads, large eyes, small features, short stature, long arms, 4 fingers, etc. What do you guys think?

I know nothing about cryptozoology, but Im thinking some smarter people could deduce some interesting details.

Maybe shortness is because of higher gravity?

Eyes because of low light, same with paleness. What do you guys think? Ive always been interested in kind of back-thinking what their home must be like based on how they look

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 11:15AM by monteimpala https://ift.tt/70PAGFZ

Favourite books on Alien Life - 1) Investigating Alien Life 2) Alien Encounters 3)A Zoologists Guide… What’s yours?


Submitted August 08, 2022 at 08:27AM by Greyhaven_ https://ift.tt/JFWN84Q

Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows

Is this book worth the read?

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 08:33AM by Kalelofindiana https://ift.tt/NFpdgKn

Aggresive looking aliens

"A dream or a real event that I am not sure of"

In 2007 At the age of 7 one day I was awakened by a very bright white light, As I looked around to the side, I noticed white walls on all sides, after which I noticed humanoid beings approaching, with a height between 1,65-1,70 meter and a bright green skin color. They had big black eyes, big heads, but proportional to the rest of their bodies. They more resembled a hybrid of aliens from "Grand theft auto V" and grey aliens from Zeta Reticuli. They were very terrifying. I Immediately turned my head and closed my eyes. Opening my eyes again I looked in front of me and saw that I was naked I turned to my left looking to see if they were already there by any chance. I saw them standing at the operating table and talking to each other, one of them looked straight into my eyes. I started to make a sound of disgust/fear in his direction, and he responded with an aggressive sound, something like the hissing of a cat, but more human. After he reacted aggressively, I closed my eyes and spoke aloud in my mind:

"it's just a dream, it's just a dream, I want to wake up already, I want to wake up already"

And then I suddenly woke up in my 2-story bed awakened by sunshine from outside the window. My brother was sleeping underneath me. I lived in an apartment block with my family on the top floor. Given that I could make sounds with my mouth and move my neck despite the paralyzed rest of my body, sleep paralysis can probably be ruled out.... I would have to enter this memory to confirm whether it was real..

I can't understand by what miracle the brain of a person who has never seen alien beings , could visualize them brilliantly just like that, based only on "green people" painted on a piece of paper. Without the Internet, without television or access to since fiction. I came from a poor family. To this day I have no idea if it was a dream or reality. I didn't tell anyone about it, because they would consider me a liar at the start ....

Have you ever had a similar experience? What do you think about this?

Today I'm thinking of visiting a hypnotist to relive the memory again, extract more details from it and confirm whether it could actually have been a dream from which I woke up, entering another dream in which I woke up on demand....

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 05:41AM by PriorChicken1395 https://ift.tt/Vxacyob

A discussion on likely physical characteristics

I just wanted to start a discussion based on something I've thought about many times.

I'm curious what your opinions are on what might be the closest "guess" we've had about what aliens may look like but based on fictional depictions.

And by that I mean, in pop culture or works of science fiction, what style of alien do you think is most likely to actually exist somewhere in the universe? I know the universe is a big place and all kinds of variables can factor in so I apologize if this doesn't seem worthy of posting, but it really is something that fascinates me and has for quite some time.

In my own opinion, I could absolutely see a lifeform similar to that of a Xenomorph or even the creatures from A Quiet Place existing somewhere out there; an apex predator that is extremely advanced biologically, but maybe not so much technologically so they're more or less stuck on their homeworld.

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 05:05AM by ExpiredMatter https://ift.tt/Zy9SjdU

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Does anyone recognize this? These splatters suddenly appeared while I was watching beavers on a small bridge - also saw a repeating shooting star and some sort of invisible ceiling.


Submitted August 07, 2022 at 11:24PM by lime-saemen-chestnut https://ift.tt/Vxa8gtn



Submitted August 07, 2022 at 11:56AM by Representative_Low61 https://ift.tt/xdvzFUh

Does anyone know if this a statue of an Alien or human and where can I find the maker?


Submitted August 07, 2022 at 09:09AM by ItIsThyself https://ift.tt/bmPuWaR

Anyone had any success with the CE-5 contact protocol?

I did it last night for the first time and saw lights popping in the sky then went to sleep and had the most vivid dream I had in years. Anyone willing to share their experience here?

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 07:38AM by meserj26 https://ift.tt/emah6ZK

we are not who we think we are…


Submitted August 07, 2022 at 06:44AM by SBenjamal https://ift.tt/IVtO7dJ

Do they walk among us?

I think they do.

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 05:56AM by MilkyWaySpiritBeing https://ift.tt/UKrZQS7

Sacred Geometry & The Greys

A few years back I started looking into sacred geometry and took a dive down the rabbit hole. I spent months researching sacred geometry as to how it correlates to creation, frequencies, anti-gravity, free energy, etc. and was making connections between the symbols found throughout ancient cultures worldwide along side crop circles. I started hypothesizing on how to emulate anti-gravity through the means of a toroidal field emitting frequencies to counter the frequency/ force at which we are held to Earth, until one night when I woke up wide awake from a dead sleep. It was the middle of the night and my eyes shot open as if I had just blinked. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure and as I turned my head to the left I saw 3 figures standing in a V formation; 1 in the front, 2 in the back. Their skin looked like the skin of a catfish, grey & slick, with large heads and huge black eyes. They stood about 6 & 1/2 to 7 foot tall slightly hunched forward with long boney fingers that hung to about their knees. The second the thought crossed my mind to react everything went black and within a split second my eyes shot wide open again and it was 10 AM. From the time I woke up in the middle of the night to the time everything went black & I woke up again seemed to be about 3 to 4 seconds. As the following months went by I started to gain recollection of how deep I had studied Sacred Geometry, but never regained interest. After that event it was as if I had lost all knowledge and even interest in sacred geometry.

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 02:46AM by jay_pipp https://ift.tt/1kOvFdg

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.