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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Someone is keeping the date since Voyager 1 launched accurate to the day.


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:57PM by geekuskhan http://ift.tt/296JqvF

Would this hind of video camera work on the moon?


Submitted July 01, 2016 at 12:04AM by commonsense559 http://ift.tt/297vxK1

Has NASA ever flown from iss to the moon seeing as how they are so close together?

They don't have a little space shuttle up there to go back and forth to the moon.

Submitted July 01, 2016 at 12:14AM by commonsense559 http://ift.tt/294A5j8

Visions of Aliens during Meditation

Hello! I would like to start off by saying that I'm really glad I've came across this subreddit. As a kid I was terribly scared of aliens, I would dread going to sleep and was terrified they would come for me in the night. I never watched Star Wars or anything alien related until I was a teenager.

I've been meditating for close to three years, and up until my first 10 day meditation retreat I haven't had anything alien related come up back into my life. I found that the vipassana technique was quite natural to me and I was having a lot of interesting experiences happening. I've always been intuitive and I've been told once when I was 19 that I have medium abilities that came to be true despite my first initial disbelief. Throughout the retreat I was having visions, sensations of energy permeating my body, insanely vivid dreams, and by the 7th day I had a vision of a place not on earth.

So on the 7th day I left the meditation hall at the end of the day to return to my room. But I find that I can't fall asleep easily after the last group meditation...there's simply too much energy. So I decided to lay down in my bed, relax my body and meditate. So I became still, mind easily falling to equanimity where I just observed and didn't respond. Then my body kind of just sagged, shutting down into sleep while my mind was still not quite active but not unconscious. Then the most vivid visions I've ever had started coming through. First it was birds...all sorts of shapes of different species. I saw a pigeon, a hawk with its wings spread powerfully, and after the birds came through they dropped from view and another vision materialized. The next vision was high up on a mountain, and from my vantage point I could see mist in the background and two pagodas (one close to me while the other one a distance away). But it was so beautiful and real at the time and the memory is still vivid. And then that vision faded and a few different visions of ancient buildings came up until that again faded...

The next vision was very strange. It was a very large building that had all these weird features on it that I can't really describe and I'm sure it's not even on earth. There were so many "beings" all lined up and marching into this building, and I can't describe them as human because they were not. From my point of view, I saw them as very tall, and their physical bodies is hard to describe as well. The top half of their bodies were very large and long, while the bottom was in darker material. It's hard to describe. Then that image faded and then next image was that of a platform with 10-12 beings behind it. They had the classic alien look: skinny necks, elongated heads. That's when I woke up from my meditation/dream trance...but I awoke with a name. Arcutirans. I think I've heard of the name once...but it's that sort of thing that the conscious mind dumps into the subconscious to be forgotten.

When I left the meditation retreat on the 10th day I was googling Arcutians. When I found a website describing the Arcturians...I had a really profound experience. Something inside me was recognized...a longing of home was realized. I was so overwhelmed and happy I was tearing up and crying. Also on the website it tells you on how to connect with the Arcutirans in meditation, which I did a month later but I'll leave that for another post.

Thanks for reading!!!

Submitted June 30, 2016 at 10:53PM by livefreeash http://ift.tt/296sq4B

Flight controller contractors?

I've taken a recent interest in working as a flight controller at JSC. So far I've only found a couple contractors that hire the position. What companies should I look at? Thanks

Submitted June 30, 2016 at 10:53PM by ElUPTJefe http://ift.tt/296hhAw

Scott Wenger Orthopedic surgeon on Mars!


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:41PM by blinns http://ift.tt/2966KKk

ISS Cosmonauts To Perform Progress 62 Maneuver Test Early Friday Morning


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:41PM by TMahlman http://ift.tt/296S0aq

Humans on Mars!


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:41PM by blinns http://ift.tt/29675wf

Excitement Builds for the Possibility of Life on Enceladus


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:44PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/296S5Lc

Opportunity in Endurance Crater!


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 06:02PM by blinns http://ift.tt/293Xb9H

Potential Humans on mars photo.


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:22PM by blinns http://ift.tt/29eJecY

ISS Cosmonauts To Perform Progress 62 Maneuver Test Tonight at 1:30 AM EDT


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 05:27PM by TMahlman http://ift.tt/29eIdlv

It's so incredible to me that you can see our layers of atmosphere from space


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 02:52PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/297Hbqh

Mistaken Identity: Ceres' Mysterious Bright Spots Aren't Epsom Salt After All


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 02:53PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/297HiCl

a shot of Jupiter from the New Horizons satellite


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 02:54PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/29uhm2e

astronaut Tim Kopra sticks a picture on the ISS to remind him of home


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 02:57PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/29uheQw

"I was a materials engineer at area 51 for 39 years" (xpost - /nosleep)


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 02:36PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/295p41v

NASA |Juno Mission to Jupiter 360 Video Narrated


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 01:35PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/29cYPuZ

I see strange colorful lines or "auras" around people

Now I know this isn't anything about aliens but I was told to post this here because it is supernatural or maybe I'm insane.

For as long as I can remember I've seen this aura/glow around people and I have no idea what it means. A variety of colors between anything from puke green to flashy pink and I want to know what they mean. I don't see it around animals, just people. This may be a coincidence but when I see red the person is usually rude/not nice and blue nice-ish. When I look in the mirror I don't see anything for myself, and I can only see it when I'm face to face with someone. If anyone has experienced this or something similar, please help me out. Thanks!

Submitted June 30, 2016 at 01:33PM by Sammyofather http://ift.tt/29cY3y9

Turtle Beach created the world’s first transparent directional speakers


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:54AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29g5ogU

Drone Catches Video Of Mysterious Fast Object Flying Through The Air What is it?


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:54AM by JerrettJS http://ift.tt/297kS4h

Underwater Internet cable connecting the US to Japan by Google goes live


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:13AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/2932xSs

New design of omnidirectional wheels lets you drive sideways


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:24AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29b37kZ

MIT researchers developed a wireless wearable sensor for smartphones to detech toxic gas


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:34AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29330UW

UK scientists make a breakthrough in brain cancer research


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 11:45AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29b47p0

Nine theories of alien contact


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 10:36AM by huxtablesodapop http://ift.tt/29fMhna

Alvin Toffler dead at 87


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 09:42AM by Honkadoo http://ift.tt/2989oPk

Two Possibilities Exist Wallpaper


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 08:26AM by sipsfan3million http://ift.tt/2981Mfn

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

It wasn't a stealth bomber.

Ok. So, this was back in 2000. This took place in North East, MD, about a mile from the Cecil county drag strip, a fairly rural area. My best friend's dad sold weed. My friend found a way to steal his dad's weed, so me and him spent that summer smoking tons of blunts in his driveway.

One night me and him are standing in his driveway smoking our own personal blunts. The moon was very bright that night. It's s very rural area so there is almost no light pollution so we could also see some stars. We're standing there smoking, and he's looking up at the sky, when my friend says "oh shit, that's a stealth bomber!" I look up and there it is, extremely visible against the moonlight and stars, what i thought at the time, was a stealth bomber...

Thinking back, it was not a stealth bomber. It was a flying triangle. If you were to take a sheet of standard paper and fold it into a paper "football" (the kind you made in school) and hold it up to the sky at arms length, that's how big/low it was. I say that because I'm just not sure if it was really big, or flying low. Here's the thing though, it was 100% silent. To add to that, it didn't have standard lighting. Instead of red and green lights, it had white/off white lights on each corner. It also wasn't moving very fast. For its altitude or size, it was just creeping along. At that time, i just thought "wow, so that's what a stealth bomber looks like".

Thinking back, that was not a stealth bomber. I've been reluctant to talk about it because i was high as hell, but the fact that it was pointed out to me by my friend, i know i wasn't just seeing things, and the fact that it was unusual enough that it's imprinted in my mind like it happened yesterday... I know i saw something out of the ordinary. I've never really told anyone about this so i figured I'd see what you guys think about it.

Submitted June 30, 2016 at 12:32AM by StampedeJonesPS4 http://ift.tt/296GaSv

Chemicals Found on Mars Point to Oxygen-Rich Past


Submitted June 30, 2016 at 12:06AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/291N0T8

Guy Has An Alien Detector (Documentary)


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 11:38PM by Trampolien http://ift.tt/294Zw5y

Labor in the future


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 09:10PM by RVA_politico http://ift.tt/29e1ncL

I composed a piece inspired by the Curiosity Rover.


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 09:07PM by chrisppy01 http://ift.tt/29r5uhD

Motherfucking alien kush


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 07:36PM by Gtaboss52565 http://ift.tt/296Lq70

aliens, lots and lots of aliens.

Ok, so this is my first reddit post.

Before I begin, as it will pertain to the story later (and I didn't know where to put it in the story) I have, since before I can remember, had this thing in my trapezius. I got an x-ray and it is a perfect triangle, made of metal, embedded in the muscle. When I was 8 or so was the first time I remember noticing it. A couple of times, my mother and I got curious and try to pop it out with a razor blade. It was always too painful and I'd give up before we could get it. But we had gotten close and she had seen it. It reflected light like a tiny piece of a mirror. I thought for a long time it could be a piece of glass that I stepped on as a kid that had required surgery to remove. An x-ray showed a piece of the glass had broken off during surgery but wouldn't be harmful throughout my life, so they kept it in my foot. But for it to travel up to my shoulder is impossible, the doctors laughed at me when I asked. What the hell is a metal triangle doing in my body? As with many things in life, there is no explanation.

The first thing that happened was in 2013. It was summer time and I had fallen asleep on the couch, something I did all of the time. Suddenly, I wake up. I read on the cable box 3:01 AM. I see a flash of light in my peripheral and turn my head towards the staircase that is about 10 feet in front of the couch I'm laying on. Another light flash. It looked like somebody taking pictures on their phone. "Mom?" I call out. "Why are you taking pictures? It's 3am." I'm half asleep, it seemed a logical explanation at the time. One more flash, no answer. I get up and walk toward the staircase in total pitch black darkness. My eyes adjust a little and I see figures. Small silhouettes. I take a step back and freeze. Fear fills my body. The light downstairs comes on. It's my sister who turned on the bathroom light. I snap my head over at her and she sees me and screams "What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me!" I'm frozen and I barely squeak out the words "there's someone in our house." We check upstairs and there's nobody. Check the doors, everything is locked. My dogs weren't freaking out, they were chill. (I had two big labs who were good guard dogs and a chiweenie who was an asshole and barked at virtually everything, if someone would have been there, everybody would have known.) She told me I dreamed it and to go back to sleep. It's not unusual for me to watch too many serial killer documentaries and be paranoid, she shrugged it off. But something felt so wrong about it, more than my usual paranoia. Something bigger. I stay up for the rest of the night with the lights all on.

3 or 4 months after that, I had pretty much forgotten about it. I could sleep with the light off. I woke up upstairs in my bed in the early hours of the morning. My whole room and body was illuminated with this light. I couldn't tell if the moon was bright, if the sun was coming up or what strange light came pouring into my window above my head. I noticed that I was laying on my back, which I never ever do and just as I noted that was strange, the whole house started shaking violently. Everything was vibrating and there was this low, magnetic humming sound that was deafening, enveloping everything. I couldn't move. I was calling for my sisters whose rooms are also upstairs and got no response. The light and sound engulfed everything and in an instant, I was standing in the hallway, the sun was up. My sister's beds were empty, they had woken up and gone to school. It was around noon. I lost 9 or so hours, I'd guess. I came to and my dogs were still barking incessantly and my mom, from downstairs, calls up to me, "what's wrong!? Why are you screaming?!" I was too confused to speak but I knew I hadn't just been screaming. It all happened so fast. I didn't tell anyone about it because I used to use drugs (before any of this happened, I had a brief stint, ran away, landed in rehab) and I didn't want my parents to think I was crazy or on drugs. I remembered one night, years earlier, my girlfriends and I were drinking in the front yard of a neighbors house. It was late but we had just started the party. All at once, we all stopped speaking. There was about 5 of us and we all looked up toward the sky, the same heavy, magnetic droning sound filled the negative spaces and we watched a triangle shaped craft, with three lights in a triangle formation, fly into a void and disappear. The tip of the craft drifted slowly into invisibility and we watched the whole ship be swallowed. It was massive. I remember it clear as day. We all watched in complete silence. We took cover and drank heavily and never really spoke about it again. I remembered that night because the sound and vibrations from the night in my room. I freaked out and became a little obsessed with learning about alien abductions. I confided in my boyfriend and my best friend and they dismissed it entirely. It upset me but whatever, I knew what I had gone through. I was positive it happened and was strong in my convictions. Still am.

The last time I personally saw them was at least 6 months after the experience in my room. My friend and I were at our boyfriends' house (our boyfriends were roommates) waiting for them to get off work. We hadn't smoked or drank or anything, we were watching River Monsters and hanging out. I left the living room and went downstairs to take a phone call and when I returned, my friend had turned white. She asked if I had gone out front and I said no, of course. She explained that she had seen a tall person standing right outside the front window, looking into the house. From where we were sitting in the living room, the front window is straight across about 30 feet away. My boyfriend lived in the ghetto and shit like that happened all the time. I almost got kidnapped in broad daylight in their driveway, there were tweakers in the alley all of the time. Because of this, there was a lot of weapons in the house and I felt safe enough (their other roommate was a big dude and he was asleep upstairs) and I assured her that we were fine, but we sat close together and kept an eye on the front window. After an hour or so she wasn't as freaked out anymore and we decided to go smoke a cigarette. We stood up and she stopped speaking mid sentence and froze, staring out that front window. She made a sound like someone had knocked the wind out of her. I looked out the window just in time. There was what appeared to be a person trudging across the front yard, but the only way it could have been human was if the spine was broken because the top of the body leaned forward at such an extreme angle. It was hooded, I couldn't see it's face. It didn't appear to be walking, more like gliding, but moved quickly and with such an odd limp. It was not human. I can't explain it. Utter panic and total fear flooded me, my heart sank. I have never been so terrified. We dropped our stuff and without speaking, ran downstairs and locked ourselves in the bathroom. "What the FUCK was that" She starts describing something far different than what I had seen. She had seen a 6 foot, gray skinned human-looking person-thing, standing in the dark.

"You didn't see the thing huddle across the driveway? It was headed right for the door." I ask. She starts sobbing uncontrollably. I was absolutely horrified but it seemed very familiar at the same time. That all took place at about 10 at night. We lose about 9-10 hours. I woke up in my boyfriends bed with no memory of what happened after we locked ourselves in the bathroom. We didn't talk about until a couple of days later. It took me a long time to process and she was just in total shock. Soon thereafter, that is ALL we talked about. We spent every waking moment together, researching, psyching ourselves out, reading articles and watching documentaries. We routinely made trips to places in the desert where UFO sightings and portals and other strange things had been reported happening. (I live in Arizona, where there is no shortage of people who have experienced similar things) We learned about reptilians, which some people claim are the head honcho aliens. They can apparently shape shift, and sometimes they shift into tall greys and sometimes they wear robes. (trust me, I know how ridiculous that sounds.) So that would explain what both my friend and I saw that night. I started working in this new age book store and a couple of times a "woo-woo" person (as my mom calls them) would come up to my register and tell me they knew I was from another planet. I had a world-renowned psychic woman touch my shoulder where the chip is and tell me she knew about my kind. Weird shit like that happened for the year that I worked there. I do NOT believe in woo-woo, magic crystals, psychics and all that good stuff. I don't believe in ghosts. But after experiencing what I experienced and learning about others' experiences and studied and spoke to people, it was illogical of me to not "believe" in alien beings. Of COURSE we are not alone in the multiverse, that is silly. Why me? If it happens to you and you choose to reach out, you quickly come to find that you are not alone in your experiences. 1 in probably 6 people I talked to had seen a UFO or could recall a time in their life where they experienced something similar. We're all adults here. Why would we all decide to make something up? Why would the details match up so perfectly? Why would we all lie about the same things?

Besides my friend and all the people we met in our travels, nobody believed me. My parents think I'm crazy. My sisters think I'm crazy.

People would ask to feel my chip and I would happily let them, like a pregnant lady lets people touch her belly. As the months passed, the feeling of that night wore off. I could remember what it looked like, but it didn't make my skin crawl anymore.

It had been roughly two years since the last incident. My best friend, Tabby, who initially was very skeptical about my stories, was at my new house. Around 9 PM, we were standing in my hallway in the doorway of my sister's room. My sister was laying on her bed and my sister's friend was in the bathroom. We were laughing about something when Tabby turned her head and ran full speed down the hallway and into the kitchen. I figured she was chasing one my dogs and continued speaking with my sister. She came back 20 seconds later in tears, falling over, going "what was that?! that wasn't you guys?!" We both said no, she was stuttering and laughing and crying simultaneously. She's an anxious woman, this isn't out of the norm. She fell to the ground and was shaking and sobbing. I tried to calm her down and she finally said, "I thought one of you guys put a blanket over yourself and were running from me. I thought you were joking. What the fuck! Fuck! What the fuck!" She said she was giggling, chasing it and when they turned the corner in the living room, it ran toward the kitchen and vanished. She watched it disappear into thin air and after a couple of seconds of processing, of course realized humans don't do that. I smiled so wide when she was telling me this. She looked at me like I was a sicko. I felt calm, reassured. I felt fuckin' closure . Finally, someone else had seen. I asked her to demonstrate what she saw and she threw a blanket over her and hunched over and did the same limp-walk. She saw a robed figure, the same bent spine shape that I had seen in that front yard two years ago. I was ecstatic. We talk about it often. Lately, more people have been talking about aliens and UFOs and I'm back at reading about them. I have a feeling they're doing somethin'. My old friend who I had the night in the bathroom with (we're not friends anymore) about a month ago I texted her, "there's a great disturbance in the force." and she responded, "yeah, they're up to something. I can feel it too."

I don't know why these things happen to or around me. But I am grateful that they do. I'm going camping at area 51 in September, if not sooner, so hopefully something happens and I'll write another post. Thank you guys for reading!

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 06:48PM by holyskull http://ift.tt/296ImHN

Liked on YouTube: 10 Reasons Why We Still Haven't Met Aliens

10 Reasons Why We Still Haven't Met Aliens
Answers to one of Mankind’s biggest questions… Are we alone in the Universe? (HD - 02/2015) FOLLOW THE HYBRID LIBRARIAN: Subscribe ▶ http://bit.ly/daretoknow Facebook ▶ http://on.fb.me/170IAJK Twitter ▶ http://bit.ly/14vhMgZ Google+ ▶ http://bit.ly/15eoHil Tumblr ▶ http://bit.ly/11UtNr1 HYBRID LIBRΛRIΛN's new T-shirts & merch are now available! (Both shops can be used wherever you're from): ▶ US shop: http://bit.ly/1A1MET0 ▶ EU shop: http://bit.ly/W6t2zF For business inquiries and music collaborations, please contact me at: hybridlibrarian@gmail.com Kevin ツ (Hybrid Librarian©) Images courtesy of NASA, PHL@UPR Arecibo, ESA/Hubble, Josh Kao http://ift.tt/1Fg8NkL, Raevona, David A. Aguilar (CfA), Parkes Observatory, Ouros Petrovic, ESO, Stéphane Guisard. Music credits: "Coming Home", by Platinumtrax.
via YouTube http://youtu.be/LOdNf_JsGPA

Liked on YouTube: World’s 10 Strangest Out-of-Place Artifacts

World’s 10 Strangest Out-of-Place Artifacts
Out-of-place artifacts, or OOPArts, are mysterious objects discovered in a seemingly impossible context... (HD - 01/2015) FOLLOW THE HYBRID LIBRARIAN: Subscribe ▶ http://bit.ly/daretoknow Facebook ▶ http://on.fb.me/170IAJK Twitter ▶ http://bit.ly/14vhMgZ Google+ ▶ http://bit.ly/15eoHil Tumblr ▶ http://bit.ly/11UtNr1 HYBRID LIBRΛRIΛN's new T-shirts & merch are now available! (Both shops can be used wherever you're from): ▶ US shop: http://bit.ly/1A1MET0 ▶ EU shop: http://bit.ly/W6t2zF For business inquiries and music collaborations, please contact me at: hybridlibrarian@gmail.com Kevin ツ (Hybrid Librarian©) FYI... Wedge of Aiud (Romania): http://ift.tt/1IyD14o http://ift.tt/1ydxiPY Acámbaro figures (Mexico) http://ift.tt/1IyCYpg http://ift.tt/1ydxkr8 http://ift.tt/1IyCYpk Maine Penny (USA) http://ift.tt/1ydxkrc http://ift.tt/1IyCYpo Salzburg Cube (Austria) http://ift.tt/1ydxkre http://ift.tt/1IyCYFI http://ift.tt/1m0LuRh Russian Nanospirals (Russia) http://ift.tt/1ydxiQf http://ift.tt/1IyD1kN Saqqara Bird (Egypt) http://ift.tt/1ydxkHA http://ift.tt/1IyCYFM Dorchester Pot (USA) http://ift.tt/1ydxkHB http://ift.tt/1IyD1kT http://ift.tt/1ydxkHD Baigong Pipes (China) http://ift.tt/14uIbsP http://ift.tt/1IyCYFR Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca head (Mexico) http://ift.tt/1IyD1kV http://ift.tt/1q37Swz Antikythera Mechanism (Greece) http://ift.tt/1vuWrTh http://ift.tt/1szttBo http://ift.tt/IBaMQW http://ift.tt/1r30Ivu Images courtesy of paleoseti.org, Jaysmark, Magnus Hagdorn, Tilemahos Efthimiadis, Tony Freeth. Music credits: "Neon Street Blues", by Trip Deuce.
via YouTube http://youtu.be/x8HUHXf55Iw

Liked on YouTube: World's 10 Most Mysterious Books

World's 10 Most Mysterious Books
The ten pieces of literature that have most confounded researchers in history... (HD - 03/2015) FOLLOW THE HYBRID LIBRARIAN: Subscribe ▶ http://bit.ly/daretoknow Facebook ▶ http://on.fb.me/170IAJK Twitter ▶ http://bit.ly/14vhMgZ Google+ ▶ http://bit.ly/15eoHil Tumblr ▶ http://bit.ly/11UtNr1 HYBRID LIBRΛRIΛN's new T-shirts & merch are now available! (Both shops can be used wherever you're from): ▶ US shop: http://bit.ly/1A1MET0 ▶ EU shop: http://bit.ly/W6t2zF For business inquiries and music collaborations, please contact me at: hybridlibrarian@gmail.com Kevin ツ (Hybrid Librarian©) FYI... 10 - The Book of Soyga http://ift.tt/1OKT4jx http://ift.tt/1ENBgw2 http://ift.tt/1ENBgw4 9 - Codex Seraphinianus http://ift.tt/GDPMMN http://ift.tt/1ENBdAv 8 - Hypnerotomachia Poliphili http://ift.tt/ZbvGnm http://ift.tt/1OKT2bs http://ift.tt/1ujdxkI 7 - The Oera Linda Book http://ift.tt/1kt3hkw http://ift.tt/1ENBgw5 6 - The Ripley Scrolls http://ift.tt/159iVPR http://ift.tt/HUNuYw http://ift.tt/1i2XpuV 5 - The Smithfield Decretals http://ift.tt/1iEhY1E http://ift.tt/1ENBdAA PG-13 illustration from the Smithfield Decretals : http://ift.tt/1ENBgwb 4 - The Rohonc Codex http://ift.tt/1OKT2by http://ift.tt/1iQ4GS6 http://ift.tt/1kt3iVQ 3 - The Red Book http://ift.tt/1gb7SJM http://ift.tt/1ENBdQS http://ift.tt/XkVM8c 2 - Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon http://ift.tt/1OKT4jN http://ift.tt/1ENBgwj 1 - The Voynich Manuscript http://ift.tt/1f6ZoP5 http://ift.tt/1ENBgMx http://ift.tt/1nYDroz Music credits: "Looking Through Broken Glass", by Neilcross.
via YouTube http://youtu.be/1cHhwI_bqlk

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/Gizmodo

June 29, 2016 at 12:53PM

This Animated Tribute to the NASA Voyager Space Program Is Simply Stunning


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 12:14PM by aMentoforkids http://ift.tt/293LfG0

LG developed a flexible pressure sensor that can be used in healthcare, sports and automobiles


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 12:04PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29puMg2

Two Zika vaccines are lined up for human trials


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 12:15PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/294qc8E

New research uses graphene as a frequency mixer


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 12:27PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/29puxl4

Scientists develop an aspirin that can kill cancer cells and leave healthy cells unharmed


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 11:40AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/297YGHw

“Living bone” shows success in replacing missing anatomical structures


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 11:49AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/290psOk

NASA orders first crewed SpaceX mission to ISS


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 11:13AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/294rQG9



Submitted June 29, 2016 at 10:30AM by joe_danger http://ift.tt/2944yRz

exploring an exo-planet


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 09:51AM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/29ccRNQ

Nasa reveals electric plane of the future


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 06:08AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/2979e9Z

Why haven't we sent rovers like curiosity to moon?

No text found

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 03:53AM by presidentme1 http://ift.tt/299S4Jk

Maybe our spaceships are the wrong shape.

Everything in the universe is more or less round. And travels fairly fast. Maybe instead of sliding along space in a pointy rocket, we need to "roll" around space like the planets do. But that would probably mean we would need a different type of propulsion wouldn't it?

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 03:47AM by istompseals http://ift.tt/29nEUWQ

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Why we need NASA


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 03:20AM by thotXspearMint http://ift.tt/291Qbec

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why doesn't NASA get a channel like dogtv for the mars rover curiosity?

It would be awesome to flip the channel to a live feed on mars.

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 01:53AM by presidentme1 http://ift.tt/292EZOT

Interstellar travel without warp drives or wormholes.

Scientists asked whether or not other species may be engaged in interstellar travel will often point to the vast distances of space as evidence to suggest the feat is impossible. To me, this conclusion seems unimaginative.

Our inability to reach the stars seems much more a matter of biological and cultural limitations than technological ones.

  1. Any species with drastically longer lifespans than our own could attain nearby interstellar travel without the need for exotic propulsion.

  2. Any species gifted with a biology conducive to cryogenic hibernation (like water bears or certain types of amphibians on Earth), wouldn't need to outpace light to get where they're going.

  3. Imagine a species similar to hyper-intelligent ants, (to whom, concepts of individuality and concerns for morality are alien.) They could conceive of any number of ways to reach great distances in space, which we would take off-the-table entirely. (For example, they could spend entire generations in transit on a one-way trip).

  4. Turing-tested AI's like Hal 9000 may be the stuff of science fiction today, but they are without much doubt, easier to develop than artificial wormholes. An independent artificial construct could spend millenia in transit without any of the biological limitations that keep us restricted to our solar neighborhood.

  5. Human beings are already capable of traveling to our nearest solar neighbors in one lifetime. 4.42 light-years may seem insurmountable, but it is only economically. If we prioritized exploration, we could use currently understood technology to reach .85 - .9% light speed putting proxima centauri firmly within our reach in a round trip. (Of course centuries would elapse here on Earth in the meantime, which may make this a no-go.)

Submitted June 29, 2016 at 01:53AM by Dr-Kiloton http://ift.tt/293pHus

Hubble Space Telescope in 3 minutes


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 01:13AM by chikiuso http://ift.tt/29e4kae

Liked on YouTube: SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!)

SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!)
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era. Humans have also developed these systems, but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels. It is time for you to know…and this documentary will let you in. Please enjoy “Sirius” for FREE and share with your friends and family. AND … if you are as passionate about disclosure as we are, please consider supporting our next documentary entitled "Unacknowledged : An Expose of the Greatest Secret in Human History" . . . as Dr. Steven Greer, the father of the Global Disclosure Movement, is thrilled to announce the ultimate campaign that ends illegal UFO and Free Energy Technology secrecy once and for all and embraces the beginning of a new civilization on Earth. More can be found on our crowdfunding site at http://ift.tt/20Ro6eC or on our main website at http://ift.tt/13BWuPJ http://ift.tt/28L5Bqi https://twitter.com/DrStevenGreer
via YouTube http://youtu.be/5C_-HLD21hA

Nasa ignites huge Mars rocket with fiery test in Utah desert | Science


Submitted June 29, 2016 at 12:20AM by zareensheikh http://ift.tt/293QCWR

I composed a piece inspired by the Curiosity Rover!


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 09:05PM by chrisppy01 http://ift.tt/29aoh4R

E.T. Phones Earth? 1,500 Years Until Contact, Experts Estimate


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 07:52PM by EdwardDarby http://ift.tt/29afPSZ

[for fun]Would you survive an alien invasion?


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 06:16PM by becky18012 http://ift.tt/291o0Ma

Looking to volunteer, maybe investigate

A few questions for you all:

What are your thoughts on MUFON?
I'm looking to volunteer with some sort of group that investigates alien encounters that people have. I checked out MUFON and it's crap in my opinion. They charge for membership, and I'm also convinced they use those funds to buy programs off discovery channel. I can compare it to "cancer awareness", they're not looking to cure cancer but make they're organisation aware to everyone so they can grab funds.

Are there other legit investigating organisations?
I feel there isn't any legit organisations looking into collecting accounts, do you guys know about more of them?

I'm in New Brunswick Canada, chances are there ain't shit out here. If you know someone who's looking send me a pm.

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 05:09PM by tbow2000 http://ift.tt/299OP6k

The story of Apollo 12 is amazing: struck by lightning during launch, nearly scrubbed, and the astronauts had Playmates strapped to their wrists.


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 04:49PM by wil http://ift.tt/29lWLwY

how many alien body's have they found and what is a common characteristics between the them all?

No text found

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 04:47PM by fantasticat999 http://ift.tt/29cWkXg

So heres something FUNNY to think about.

So little house cats, as we know some are developing thumbs. So, what if thousands of years in the future they evolve to walk up right and develop a significant intelligence, and lose their hair, their heads are already shaped like the greys, so what if they learned to time travel and thats why the Egyptians worshipped the cats as gods because the advanced cats came to them from the future.

Now this is by no means a claim, its something funny to think about. Dont be a dick head.

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 02:31PM by istompseals http://ift.tt/29lxm6Y

VR moves in to your office with the help of SPACE


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 12:19PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/290Dl46

New tracking system from Microsoft lets you “feel” virtual objects


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 12:32PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/291hQMV

Meet Pillo, the robot that dispenses your pills at the right time


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:41AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/295TkOC

Lotus leafs inspire scientists to develop world’s first self cleaning metal


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:50AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/291H7rA

New research uses quantum computers to simulate the beginnings of the universe


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 12:01PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/295Tjdp

What is this pole? (image from NASA SLS test 2016-06-28)


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:19AM by teridon http://ift.tt/293A2ZC

NASA tests new rocket booster for extended space missions


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:32AM by noraa727 http://ift.tt/29c1h2C

I composed a piece inspired by Mars.


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:42AM by chrisppy01 http://ift.tt/292q0t1

New and improved space weather observatory goes live next month


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 10:39AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/297RI5W

NASA to study largest (intentional) fire in space.


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 11:00AM by Rajajones http://ift.tt/291iawX

my historical NASA quote posters (album)


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 10:01AM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/291jjDy

"UFOs over China's Sichuan Province... and other mysteries" by Paul Stonehill, published on 21 June 2016


Submitted June 28, 2016 at 06:16AM by trot-trot http://ift.tt/290wcgD

Wouldnt the best way for aliens to time-travel, be a suspended state of conciousness for infinitly many years until their planet is close enough to a living planet; then prompting the living generation out of a sleep state. Operation: Send a signal would be next , etc...

No text found

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 05:10AM by blizzard_ghost http://ift.tt/290zG4r

why do aliens tend to be found in a Deseret?

I have watched a couple documentary about aliens and most of the aliens findings are in drier places

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 04:45AM by fantasticat999 http://ift.tt/29aYhDA

Ive seen a UFO (I think)

One morning when i was doing construction work (about two years ago) we were out working on a sewer channel, it was early in the morning, being you have to start early to beat the extreme Las Vegas desert heat. Anyway. We were all working and someone points out something in the sky (im typing this and my girlfriend is talking in her sleep lol eek) Anyway, so i look up and its this bright green light spinning in the sky. It gets really bright and starts to dim while swirling. And then it just fades out to blue and disappears. I tried to find something on the internet about it later that day but couldn't find anything. It was near the blue diamond side of town towards the red rock mountains. Still curious about what it was to this day.

Submitted June 28, 2016 at 03:15AM by istompseals http://ift.tt/292DkMu

Monday, June 27, 2016

Aliens are't green skinned humanoid creatures with antenna and googly eyes. It's mold. It's parasitic and it eats your brain, and your liver. It can disable you.

The food banks of America are passing out mold left and right. It's so thick, and they don't seem to notice. I dug out an orange - covered in mold and showed it to them.... no response whatsoever.

Suffering from PTSD? Can't focus? Can't concentrate? Dizzy? Can't focus your eyes, can't hear? Mold...

And maybe... just maybe all those drugs people are selling to address this shit actually know all about it.

Submitted June 27, 2016 at 10:24PM by gg69 http://ift.tt/28Z8d4X


Recently I was watching a 3 hour long video on aliens and conspiracies, but was unable to finish it. The video had a 50 year old bald white male lecturing from a podium, discussing how alien technology was taken from Roswell. He went on to discuss how the concealment of this tech has lead to the creation of a secret org with no oversight. He discusses JFKs assassination, how Nixon was framed, and much more. He has several classified documents that were personally given to him, and refers to them throughout the video. Any help would be great! I really enjoyed this video and look forward to finishing it!

Submitted June 27, 2016 at 09:28PM by dreamamear http://ift.tt/293UoCD

Are Aliens Being Stored? Documentary


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 09:47PM by Trampolien http://ift.tt/293XA1d

NASA Rover Findings Point to a More Earth-like Martian Past


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 09:15PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/293Ugmw

I composed a piece inspired by the Curiosity Rover.


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 06:58PM by chrisppy01 http://ift.tt/299KKw5

My collection grows


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 07:16PM by OferZak http://ift.tt/296lHwy

I took a video of the Orion MPCV splashdown/drop test at NASA Langley last Friday.


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 06:25PM by spacepaulZ http://ift.tt/28YJais

absolutely stunning 7" glass pyramid with Earth, ISS, and Space Shuttle


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 06:33PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/28ZEE0u

Juno : NASA Mission To Jupiter Real Time Simulation


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 01:48PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/29913sP

The UFO Cover Up Former Chief Of Defence Staff Lord Hill Norton Speaks.


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 01:53PM by AlwaysBeNice http://ift.tt/29he3vn

**Multi-Award-Winning** CGI Animated Short HD: "The Looking Planet" - by Eric Law Anderson


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 01:58PM by imminent_disclosure http://ift.tt/28Z8ZgJ

NASA Rover Findings Point to a More Earth-like Martian Past


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 12:49PM by FlyingSpectroscopist http://ift.tt/28YVvkb

need help with scary and unusual situation

i know some people won't believe it and refuse to acknowledge that this exists but alien life is screwing with me and causing severe damage to my life (like cop troubles and making me lose possessions). I am to the point where i don't know what to do and need help and REAL advice on dealing with a such a bizarre situation, i'm thinking of talking to the government and asking for help from them. I am really scared and seriously need help on such a situation, I'm afraid there gonna hurt me before i can get the sense to do something about it before its to late, all advice i will take sincerely and will appreciate it a bunch. thank YOU reddit community

Submitted June 27, 2016 at 01:04PM by gurmxces http://ift.tt/298URRs

China announces the launch of its new space station this September


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 12:08PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28YKrCA

Microsoft sees the future without any keyboards or mouse


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 12:19PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28Y4kgB

MIT engineers develop a new hybrid of hydrogel that does not dry out


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 12:28PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28YKwpK

Rocket launch from the sky. (NASA Atlas V Launch from a plane).


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 11:02AM by MikeKraze http://ift.tt/28XQY3R

My own NASA Cart!


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 11:31AM by Bubblegoose403 http://ift.tt/28ZrdRS

US researcher claims he has discovered a magnetic sixth sense in human beings


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 11:42AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/295hNCk

Biotech company CEO explains how we can regrow our bones using stem cells


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 11:59AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28Yt6c4

The Future That Never Came: NASA's Proposed Pioneer Saturn/Uranus Probes


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 09:54AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/298rdMt

Working for nasa

I know that this isnt the most realistic dream and as such I have several backup plans but I'm wondering if any of you are or know astronauts, what did you do to get there? What kind of majors do they look for? I know they look for diversity. I"m a double major with math and aerospace and am trying for an emt certification to be a part time paramedic while I finish school. Any help is appreciated!

Submitted June 27, 2016 at 09:00AM by C0ndoriano http://ift.tt/28Z5o4Z

Will we find Aliens in our Lifetime?


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 08:21AM by WondersofPhysics http://ift.tt/28Xsyod

James Webb Telescope probably being prepared for its first metrology tests last week [timelapse, xpost /r/jameswebb]


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 07:31AM by Pipinpadiloxacopolis http://ift.tt/28X2hFk

NASA Doesn’t Want You To See These Alien Apartment Buildings On A Mars Hillside, UFO Hunter Claims


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 03:24AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/28WNtYx



Submitted June 27, 2016 at 02:53AM by Korria_Kochello http://ift.tt/28WyUmz

Sunday, June 26, 2016

NASA Cancels All Travel to COSPAR Meeting in Istanbul


Submitted June 27, 2016 at 01:40AM by meaddowdy http://ift.tt/2944Bh2

Taking possible questions to ask NASA employees

Hey everyone! Over the next few days I will have the opportunity to meet, as well as ask questions to some NASA engineers and astronauts. I have some things I wanted to ask about personally, but in any free time that we have I would be more than happy to ask any questions that this community wants answered! Leave your questions below and I'll reply with their responses as soon as I can.

Submitted June 26, 2016 at 11:46PM by ChallengeFreakinOwne http://ift.tt/28WNxdE

Crops Grown in "Martian Soil" Are Healthy And Edible


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 11:58PM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/293gJ3G

A Glimpse of Our Future in Space


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 11:59PM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28WrBwG

Aliens and Strange ِCreatures Caught on Tape


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 11:06PM by maxtintin http://ift.tt/28XnhM1

Has anybody called you "racist" for your beliefs in Ancient Alien Theory? I have, and I think it's weird.

Top 3 arguments:

"It's totally racist to believe ancient people couldn't have moved megaliths around the way they did and to suggest that they needed help from aliens."

"It's totally racist to disbelieve the out-of-Africa theory of evolution." (Regarding a multi-origin theory of races.)

"The guy that helped that one guy write that one book was a Nazi, so that proves you're racist!" (Wilhelm Roggersdorf, Erich von Däniken, Chariots of the Gods, respectively.)

Anyway, my comeback is usually: "First of all I'm not afraid of being called racist. That said, what do you think racism is, why is it equated with 'bad,' and why should somebody not be racist?" The answer I've been getting is, "Well, if you owned a company and were going to hire somebody, you shouldn't discriminate against skin color." To which I reply, "I don't own a company, that's more of a for-profit capitalist point-of-view, and I think companies will always do whatever they feel is in their best interest regardless of skin color. So... you didn't really answer my question with respect to Ancient Alien Theory."

Then I've been asked, "Well what proof do you have about Ancient Alien Theory?" So I say, "Well, I could argue megaliths and crop circles with you, but since you'll probably disagree with all of it, I see Ancient Alien Theory as similar to creationism, so to an extent it's a decision one makes to believe and when you have acquaintances that don't believe you just agree to disagree, which is what most respectable creationists have been doing these days." To which I get the response, "Well that's not very scientific and mainstream science won't take you very seriously." To which I reply, "I'm not really afraid of whether or not mainstream science takes me very seriously. There's a lot of shit mainstream science doesn't take very seriously." To which I get the following, "Well you should study mainstream science and evolution." And I say, "I think most of us have. That's what they teach in all the public schools, that's what everybody grows up with. It's a conscious decision one makes to stand apart from that and decide to believe something else. I can always go back to it I want to - it wouldn't be difficult."

Anyway, somebody once told me, "You can believe what you want." Well, it's really true. You can.

Anybody else got any similar stories?

Submitted June 26, 2016 at 08:06PM by SigmaPUA_111 http://ift.tt/28W2ZTi

Curiosity's 4.8 kg of Plutonium-238 dioxide glowing its graphite container red hot. Heat given off by the decay of this isotope is converted into electric voltage by thermocouples, providing constant power during all seasons and through the day and night.


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 03:48PM by piponwa http://ift.tt/28WQesa

The Science of Aliens: An amazing read by a scientist who discusses the scientific possibilities of aliens' appearance, behaviors, etc


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 01:55PM by IAmTheOrangeCrow http://ift.tt/28WWrWt

Apollo 11 Launching From Cape Canaveral To the Moon (1969)


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 12:55PM by AnAmericanPlebian http://ift.tt/28VxdFW

Star Trails 4K : NASA International Space Station / ISS Expedition 46


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 12:26PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/29cEfaz

NASA to test fire powerful SLS booster


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 12:27PM by lanhambradley http://ift.tt/28Wr7I8

the Apollo 11 transcript printed as a poster and framed


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 12:39PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/29cEpi5

My mother and I saw a UFO quite a few years back.

I must have been around 5 or 6 years old at the time, but my mother had set a blanket down in our backyard around one or two p.m. We were laying down and looking at the sky when we saw the UFO. It looked like 3 metallic spheres. These spheres werent attatched to each other but were extremely close together. There were no lights, windows and etc. They changed positions (they seemed to swich places in a random order) as they very slowly floated across the sky. They were there for what seemed like forever, until they stopped flying sideways and then just ascended until it was no longer visible. Sometimes I think that I just made it up in my mind, but my mom also confirms seeing it also. (im not crazy! Awesome!) It still amazes me to this day and I was wondering if y'all had seen anything like it.

Submitted June 26, 2016 at 12:36PM by Silentwolf117 http://ift.tt/28YV63m

Why isn't scientology more prevalent in the ancient astronaut theory?

The creation myth of scientology seems to parallel with the idea of ancient aliens coming to Earth. They talk about every other religion on the show. Why not a special on L Ron Hubbard was "visited" or made contact with aliens and how his books wasn't sci-fi but was just recording what he was told? Especially since all the reaching they do on all modern geniuses the past few hundred years or so. Scientology is the only mainstream "religion" about aliens but they ignore it altogether.

Submitted June 26, 2016 at 11:45AM by sross91 http://ift.tt/29cxHIX



Submitted June 26, 2016 at 09:25AM by itsherbirthday http://ift.tt/292pVnm

Jupiter and its satellites seen by ‘people’s camera’ on Juno probe


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 08:58AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28YDyV8

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Aliens Are Real! True Information


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 10:29PM by sxgamingx http://ift.tt/28TEDLf

Cowboys vs monsters part 2


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 09:24PM by snailfo0t_s http://ift.tt/291tTwt

Crazy UFO sighting


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 09:07PM by FuriousOtter http://ift.tt/291rlOX

A burned Extravehicular Mobility Unit after it ignited during testing in 1980.


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 05:24PM by piponwa http://ift.tt/28ZHtlt

this boy almost looks alien


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 03:24PM by cyberdecks-and-neon http://ift.tt/28YrJNG

Saturn, Mars, Earth and Pluto seen by NASA's STEREO-A


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 01:44PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28TVtZ3

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/ScienceChannel

June 25, 2016 at 12:00PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/dailygalaxy

June 25, 2016 at 08:19AM

Seeking advice on Apollo astronaut image usage for a independent book publishing project.


I'm looking for some advice regarding using images of astronauts from NASA's Apollo program for a book project I am currently working on. The two main questions I have concerns image right permissions from the Apollo astronauts. NASA image rights are free to use, however if an astronaut can identify themselves, then you are required to seek their permissions. The second is if anyone has had any experience with requesting image rights, or if the book being published (technically a commercial project, but rooted with the purpose to inform and educate) is exempt from this? Or if anyone has had any experience and knows how to go about contacting astronauts or their estates for their permissions.

You can read about the NASA image rights in more details here: http://ift.tt/28YIuKE

On top of this, there legal cases involving astronaut images such as the cases of the Top Trumps and McCandless cases which creates further interesting discussion points that are mentioned in this forum thread that you can read here: http://ift.tt/28Spjyj

To keep it short, I'm wanting to put together a book that showcases images and stories of a particular angle of the Apollo program. It's not mega revolutionary in content, but special for archiving and bringing to life these stories through newer production techniques and newer resources coming to light.

For the book project I would love to use images of pretty much all of the astronauts from the program, as they are a major of the whole program, and more important from an historical and educational point of view to include. The purpose of the book is to really present this moment of history in a new light for future generations and would be strange not to be able to include these images. Detrimental for historical education in fact!

I'm working independently from a publishing house, and with a small amount of funding from advance sales I am able to cover the costs to break even at the end of the project. The tight budget doesn't really allow for the purchasing of image rights, from an astronaut for example.

Any help on this matter would be of great help and also continue the wonderful historical legacy of the Apollo program.

Submitted June 25, 2016 at 10:00AM by sidewalk12 http://ift.tt/28WKeTx

Friend sent me some photos that nasa had taken on the Mars. On the picture you can clearly see some advanced technology. Rocks can't form to look like this. If you don't believe this is real, just look at nasa website.


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 09:01AM by jupiter_fisting http://ift.tt/28UsuVE

Timeline of Juno’s historic arrival at Jupiter


Submitted June 25, 2016 at 08:54AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28UrJfb

Unusual mark on my back

So I woke up the other day and my wife notices this very strange mark dead center of my back, lined up with my spine. It doesn't itch or hurt but the somewhat symmetrical pattern is completely unnatural. I decided to wait 2 days or so to ask any questions to make sure it wasn't caused by leaning on an object for too long. It is still visible, yet less pronounced. If there are any doctors who can help accurately describe what this may be, I would greatly appreciate it. I tried googling any variation of what this is but couldn't find something scientific. Running out of ideas, I search "alien abduction marks" in which I found similar marks on various parts of the body.

Has anyone seen something like this or would care to give some insight as to what this may be?

Photo of the mark

Submitted June 25, 2016 at 05:05AM by AsclepiusCosmicRod http://ift.tt/28Y9RVk

Friday, June 24, 2016

Apparel purchases that support NASA.

I would like to purchase more NASA apparel (as my current gear wears out), but I'm having a hard time making sure I buy from a site that is run by/supports NASA itself. Can I get a quick link to a verified source for gear?

Submitted June 25, 2016 at 12:17AM by sswitch404 http://ift.tt/28Xi9e4

Weirdest Alien Encounters Of All Time Part 2


Submitted June 24, 2016 at 10:36PM by pajunkie http://ift.tt/296Zavv

Which episode features the 1803 Utsuro Bune in Japan?

Can't find the season number & episode number. Help?

Submitted June 24, 2016 at 10:37PM by SigmaPUA_111 http://ift.tt/28REQyC

I made a short video about the RS-25, the engine that powered the Space Shuttle and will soon power SLS. I hope some people here will enjoy it and maybe learn something.


Submitted June 24, 2016 at 08:16PM by SpaceIsKindOfCool https://www.reddit.com/r/nasa/comments/4pq245/i_made_a_short_video_about_the_rs25_the_engine/?utm_source=ifttt

My father was a weapon system engineer and targeting specialist in the Air Force.... What he told me before he died

As stated before. He helped develop smart bombs, and the targeting system on the F-22. He told me he has traveled to Area-51 before in the past but never told me why. I would always big him to tell me what it was like and he never budged and inch. He had some sort of clearance above top secret and even after he retired, he still received polygraph tests to see if he spilled the beans.

Well, he ended up getting terminal cancer and soon after he would tell me a few things here and there about what he would see and knew. Obviously my first question inwanted answer was " are there really aliens?". He looked me dead in the eyes, with a completely serious expression, he stared for a few seconds and said " absolutely".

Now my curiosity was skyrocketing. I asked more questions but he wouldn't answer. So I left it alone for a while. Doing lots of research on the internet trying to figure out things on my own. A couple months later I asked another question about area-51. I asked if we had UFOs on the base. Once again, he looked me in the eyes and hesitated. He exhaled and said "yes." And to my suprise he went on to say that we have already figured out and already use electro magnetic propulsion in some small objects around the base. Now keep in mind he hasn't been back to the base since before I was born (1992). And he said "by now who knows what more we have figured out". I asked why he went there and he said " maybe another day..."

Skip to "another day" This question never left my mind. So I ask again. This is the last time we talked about this before he passed away. He told me that he and his team would study as much as they could ( he never said on a ship, or with aliens or anything, he just said " study as much as we could") and with the research and knowledge they gained there, they applied it as best they could to modern fighter jets.
As the title says he helped develop the the targeting system for the F-22 raptor. I never asked if they used the knowledge from the base to develop the jet. But my imagination likes to think so.

We never spoke about this subject again. The rest of what he knows is gone forever. I don't expect you to believe this ( I haven't told any of my friends or even my wife for that matter) because the idea is so strange. And who knows. He could have been just lying to me to keep my imagination going. Regardless, they are memories I will never forget.

Submitted June 24, 2016 at 07:03PM by ihatemakingthese69 http://ift.tt/28Xm38Q

Did Hitler Really Kill Himself?


Submitted June 24, 2016 at 06:41PM by MadMissing http://ift.tt/28SYMSI

Ancient Aliens is Hilarious!

Don't get me wrong, I believe in the possibility of other intelligent life in the vacuum of space, but honestly some of the lengths these people go to in order to rationalize their theories is hilarious.

Submitted June 24, 2016 at 12:49PM by PhantasmaOperata http://ift.tt/28Ss15u

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/verge

June 24, 2016 at 05:22AM

A new 'dark vortex' just popped up on the surface of Neptune


Submitted June 24, 2016 at 04:06AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28UP0SJ

Looking for the episode that talks about a visitor to Japan that showed them technology and civilization. Not sure if it's the Shinto creation myth or not.

Any ideas which episode that was?

Submitted June 24, 2016 at 03:13AM by SigmaPUA_111 http://ift.tt/28PDmoy

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Why am I so afraid of aliens?

Specifically the greys. Ever since I can remember, I've had this irrational fear of extraterrestrials. At night, I can't even look out my window and when I try to sleep and hear movement in my room, my first thought goes to aliens rather than the more obvious explanation of my cat. When I am on the internet or watching T.V. if I see a supposed grey alien, I always cower in fear, my hairs on my body stand up, and I just get all panicky... I don't get it. Is this normal or did something happen?

Submitted June 24, 2016 at 12:16AM by Quintus754 http://ift.tt/28QPUig


Anyone see a very strange looking, almost star wars X-Wing in shape spaceship/plane following a very strange trajectory path today in central Nj? I see it briefly, but was driving and couldn't snap a photo.

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 10:09PM by ajna1347 http://ift.tt/28Rhnwz

6 White dots, what is this?


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 07:31PM by XxAirDalexX http://ift.tt/28P27Bb

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/ScienceChannel

June 23, 2016 at 05:45PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/newscientist

June 22, 2016 at 01:30PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/OrbitalATK

June 23, 2016 at 03:03PM

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from Twitter https://twitter.com/ScienceChannel

June 23, 2016 at 11:00AM

NASA’s Restore-L Mission to Refuel Landsat 7, Demonstrate Technologies


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 07:09PM by ethan829 http://ift.tt/28TiXkW

My friend saw this on his way through western Washington. What do you guys think it is? Light reflection? Possible UFO??


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 06:15PM by Giraffevieve http://ift.tt/28OXO8O

Sheldon Pushing Facial Recognition?


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 05:01PM by savefrosty22 http://ift.tt/28RmOwG

Hubble Imagery Confirms New Dark Spot on Neptune


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 04:18PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28TxvlK

Jupiter: Into the Unknown (NASA Juno Mission Trailer)


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 04:02PM by minterbartolo http://ift.tt/28ReqNT

Electrically conductive paint


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 03:05PM by Grant_Smith http://ift.tt/28Vozuq

Introducing SpotMini from Boston Dynamics


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 02:31PM by friendofmany http://ift.tt/28T7IJQ

who are your favorite futurist thinkers?

I'm trying to imagine a futurist summit, which I'm sure exists in many different incarnations -- but what if you had to curate your own summit of futurist thinkers of the present, who would you want to see and hear speak about futurism? Top 5?

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 01:42PM by thisismyusernameOK http://ift.tt/28QUGKk

Sweden inaugurates first electric road


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 12:22PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28SQ8G4

Google partners with companies and universities to collaborate on AI security


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 12:33PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28QMbyC

Engineers developed an electric-hybrid engine for Venice water taxis


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 11:54AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28SGZNL

Study shows that genetic algorithms can improve quantum simulations


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 12:03PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28SHA1N

Researchers reported a new chemical sensing technique


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 12:12PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28QELeR

Gun Fusion: Kinetic Impactor Ignited Fusion


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 10:09AM by MatterBeam http://ift.tt/28T7IIh

Quick question.

If aliens are known to the government and actively work with them then why would the government put so much of our funds into space exploration and looking for life outside of our planet?

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 09:41AM by lmpin_Aint_Easy http://ift.tt/28Rk8mk

NASA’s Forgotten Lunar Program


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 08:17AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28ZrqkW

Some actually strange mars anomalies


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 07:05AM by AlwaysBeNice http://ift.tt/28S6yz1

It Looks Like Pluto Has a Liquid Water Ocean


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 04:37AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28OtOYO

NASA scientists discover unexpected mineral on Mars - Science Daily|Google


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 04:37AM by belloabdul http://ift.tt/28TJLko

Bentley used NASA technology to take this 53-billion-pixel picture of a car - The Verge|Google


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 04:38AM by bigelowaaron http://ift.tt/28OtPfh

Capsule Full of Space Station Junk Makes Fiery Re-Entry


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 03:08AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/28Pd0lu

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

NASAs Juno Probe Closes in on Jupiter After 5-Year Journey - ABC News|Google


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 01:30AM by wicksandre http://ift.tt/28Rikco

NASAs Kepler Space Telescope Discovers Youngest Planet Observed - ABC News|Google


Submitted June 23, 2016 at 01:33AM by batistaanderson http://ift.tt/28Pc81B

Questionable Content #20 - Biohack the Meow


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:39PM by TheMetal http://ift.tt/28QU3Co

strange-shaped 'alien' rock in Nasa images of red planet


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:41PM by SmallNoodle http://ift.tt/28OKDDP

NASA social media manager considers himself part of team


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 08:33PM by rollotomasi07071 http://ift.tt/28OJCNz

Last Day to Donate to the Clone movie!


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 05:26PM by mightyDOOMgiver http://ift.tt/28NdxFI

Ancient Artifact- can they be explained?


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 04:59PM by RoarOfNorway http://ift.tt/28O2NFV

Ancient Artifact- can they be explained?


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 04:58PM by RoarOfNorway http://ift.tt/28V7HS3

Buzz Aldrin's thoughts on Mars' "Monolith on Phobos"


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 04:26PM by harpsipowerchord http://ift.tt/28NqHQT

The Sun in 4K: Over 220,000 thousand images taken by NASAs SDO combined to create this video showing one month of solar activity


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 02:21PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/28Nalrv

European Space Agency announces that a space base between the Earth and the moon could be built 10 years from now


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:51AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28NUzh4

Old BMW batteries will be repurposed to power up homes


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 12:03PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28NZNd5

LEGO Fan Model of the Apollo CSM, LEM and LRV


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:02AM by LuisPG http://ift.tt/28Plaie

Scientists created a self-learning arm controlled by thought


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:26AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28OREtu

US federal panel gives the thumbs up sign to start gene editing on humans


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:39AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28NKTVr

First vaccine against Zika will be in the US


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 11:12AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28NFFZD

Spectacular Photo from NASA's Cassini Reveals Southern Ring Shadow


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 10:33AM by brandmares http://ift.tt/28OEkFG

Serious question, what does it take to be abducted by aliens?

No text found

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 09:44AM by marvin_romelus http://ift.tt/28WnYre

Five master races of the galaxy fighting their final battle on Earth?

I saw this picture of Earth's five races, and it made me think of something I read a looong time ago.

The story was basically this:

Over the millennia five races emerged, vying for control of the galaxy. For millions of years they warred with each other, sometimes gaining, sometimes losing, but always fighting.

They finally got together and agreed that they'd settle their differences another way. They found Earth, and saw proto-people fashioning stone tools and decided to merge their DNAs with ours, and let their eternal battles be decided here, once and for all.

I don't remember what the rules were, or what the criteria was for winning (head count? money/gold in the bank? who was left and who wasn't?), but they were supposed to be showing back up eventually and deciding who won.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? The first time I read it was in a book (don't remember the title) back int he early 90s, and it was an older book even then.

Could somebody point me to a website or a pdf that sounds something like that story/theory?

I posted this to /r/Alien_Theory last night, but all I got was one of these nutjobs talking about race is a social construct.

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 09:13AM by reddit_is_filth http://ift.tt/28NsBnd

5 Pieces of Evidence That Could Prove Aliens Exist


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 08:48AM by Dinoguy89 http://ift.tt/28P7CDA

Have you ever had an encounter with aliens or seen a UFO/USO?

I have seen something I couldn't explain in the sky hovering in the sky very low, about 6 stories up. It was a red light that could be seen over the apartment complex building. It hovered for a few seconds and shot straight up into the air. I live near NASA but have never seen anything else too crazy in the sky.

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 04:52AM by realjcoe http://ift.tt/28N428p

In regards to manned space flight, where do you see NASA in the future?

Hi all,

Like many engineering students, I have my sights set on NASA as a career. I will be interning at JSC, and human space flight seems very appealing to me. There is no doubt that NASA will continue to lead the nation in terms of space exploration and scientific research. However, with the commercialization of space flight, where do you see NASA in the future in terms of manned space flight?

Maybe I am wrong, but SLS has been considered inefficient, old, and expensive compared to the new reusable rockets being put out in industry. Additionally, the technologies of NASA are seemingly years behind those of SpaceX, Blue Origin, Boeing, etc. And finally, budget constraints and politics will always limit NASA in ways that private industry is not.

So, where do you see NASA in the coming years in relation with private industry? I look at NASA as one of the most noble efforts ever put forth by humans, but when I think of NASA, I feel more nostalgic, rather than optimistic about its future as a manned space agency.

Please share your thoughts! Thank you!

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 04:08AM by NavyOtter http://ift.tt/28Ojy7f

Astronomer on Mars

I asked the same question on the Astronomy subreddit but wanted to see what a different audience thought about it. What would be the benefits (if any) of having an astronomer on Mars? To study celestial objects, galaxies and stars from a new location in our system. Or, would this not be worthwhile because of things like the James Webb Space Telescope? Just curious, something I was thinking of last night.

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 02:56AM by floydfanatic872 http://ift.tt/28OqEKn

EWAO Aliens have deactivated Nuclear weapons from the US and UK


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 02:57AM by Ondskapt666 http://ift.tt/28MHxCw

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Juno Mission Will Peer Beneath Jupiter's Clouds In July


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 12:24AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28Obiph

Mineral on Mars Plunges Its Past Deeper Into Mystery


Submitted June 22, 2016 at 12:29AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28UzqDX

If employed by NASA, how difficult is it to transfer to another center?

Question in title - assuming you are a civil servant. I know that to be hired on as a civil servant initially, you need to go through USAjobs or become a contractor first. How does transferring work? Is it common?

Submitted June 21, 2016 at 10:25PM by Abo11518 http://ift.tt/28RGGix

A "Starshade" Could Help NASA Find Other Earths Decades Ahead of Schedule


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:50PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/28NWwPn

LEGO Ideas - NASA Space Launch System and Mobile Launcher, support it and it may become a real set!


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:14PM by GanonFodder http://ift.tt/28NaTnk

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/sciam

June 21, 2016 at 03:50PM

She accomplished much at NASA before computers


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 07:19PM by divineandmarvelous http://ift.tt/28Repse



Submitted June 21, 2016 at 07:29PM by Gagie26 http://ift.tt/28NGULz

NASA app now on Apple TV (4th gen)


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 07:30PM by mateobuff http://ift.tt/28RelJe

Aerojet Rocketdyne tests AR1 engine component at NASA's Stennis Space Center


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 01:10PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28LyDSE

A skeptic grows up visiting Roswell, meets abductees and Travis Walton


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 04:43PM by crushthrowout http://ift.tt/28M04il

Invitation for serious UFO enthusiasts, witnesses and researchers to join a private subreddit

As a lot of you know, there is too much "noise" in most subreddits related to UFOs and ET discussion. Shitposts, fake videos and photos, negative criticism have pushed the real videos and serious people into the dark corners. I recently created a private subreddit where fellow redditors can submit quality content and talk about theories that have a sound basis in reality. There will be heavy moderation on the sub. The number of subscribers will be kept limited to only a few hundred people. I would love it if the mods of this sub, moderate that sub as well.

If you would like an invitation, comment below with your best posts and I will review your activities on relevant subreddits. This is not an attempt to drive away users from this subreddit. On the contrary, I wish to unite like minded people from a few subreddits to have another place where they don't have to sift through the current mess.

Thanks for understanding and joining the cause.

Submitted June 21, 2016 at 03:51PM by kokroo http://ift.tt/28OyP7R

Sky Lab, first US orbiting laboratory


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 02:01PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/28Q9yHV

Shadow Below


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 12:10PM by burtzev http://ift.tt/28Mzg41

This is out there but, what is this sub for?


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 11:40AM by ManboyFancy http://ift.tt/28PBGuX

Suni Williams details Commercial Crew Program progress during visit to NASA's Plum Brook Station


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:32AM by cumminsmillard http://ift.tt/28PxLhL

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/verge

June 21, 2016 at 04:59AM

NASA spacecraft barreling toward Jupiter for July 4 meetup


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:31AM by romodanielson http://ift.tt/28M3swm

Saturn V rocket moves from Michoud Assembly Facility to its new home at Stennis Space Center


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:42AM by nasa_nerd7 http://ift.tt/28L4Ezl

Tom DeLonge Quits Blink 182 to pursue his passion...aliens.


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 09:02AM by Rick-Rachael_Deckard http://ift.tt/28KOIu8

The Moon Was Shaking?

One night when I was with four or five of my buddies wandering the streets at around midnight, I looked up towards the sky and watched as the thin layer of clouds crossed over the moon and disappeared into the dark night sky. I continued to stare at the moon, it was bright, white and looked amazing that night.

But I seen something I never seen before. The moon was shaking, almost buzzing. It vibrated like a phone getting a text message, and I thought it was my eyes, maybe my brain tricking me. I told my buddies, they looked too and couldn't believe it either. The area I live in has never experienced an earthquake, I've never felt one and I didn't feel one that night either. I looked at trees, chimes hanging from houses and nothing else was moving, it was quiet, no movement at all.

I've recently looked up on it and haven't found anything. If anyone has experienced this or has any information what this could've been, please, let me know why you think.

Submitted June 21, 2016 at 08:09AM by iDontThinkiKnowYou http://ift.tt/28MYcXP

Plato explained Atlantis in his dialogue The Laws


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 06:29AM by cloudAtlas0085 http://ift.tt/28KyNvT

Working on this weird on !!!


Submitted June 21, 2016 at 03:19AM by BenjiBrahh http://ift.tt/28LAvPG

Monday, June 20, 2016

Kepler Space Telescope Finds Newborn Exoplanet Around Young Star


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 11:50PM by FlyingSpectroscopist http://ift.tt/28NeIEs

/r/Aliens search for extra-moderator intelligence [SEMI]

/r/Aliens looking for intelligent and hard-working mods to help out behind the scenes.

In the comments below or in a message to the mods, send over your experience with the sub, your experience modding, and who/why/what you are up to and how we can make this place a better community.

All apps welcome.

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 06:46PM by Xenophon1 http://ift.tt/28Ks74g

Why was Scott Kelly allowed to be an astronaut although he wears glasses?

I thought you had to have perfect vision, or corrected via surgery

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 05:20PM by YTsetsekos http://ift.tt/28JvRNN

Big New Four Part Article Explaining Aliens & What's Currently Going On


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 05:08PM by 11ForeverAlone11 http://ift.tt/28MYaxV

Futurist film explores the First Clone President


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 04:31PM by mightyDOOMgiver http://ift.tt/28LNfD5

returning from the International Space Station, photo taken over the weekend


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 04:14PM by frankreddit5 http://ift.tt/28LLYvO

What are this mysterious Bosnian Sphere?


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 02:22PM by RoarOfNorway http://ift.tt/28Krki0

Bosnian Sphere is claimed to be a trace of an disappeared civilization!


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 02:23PM by RoarOfNorway http://ift.tt/28L9uZW

Learn about the NASA system that keeps track of every known object in the solar system [audio]


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:42PM by listen2spacepod http://ift.tt/28JuSmQ

Researchers design a computer processor that allows motion planning faster than what we have available now


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:29PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28JucxV

LIGO makes future plans after second detection of gravitational waves


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:39PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28LFXAA

Elon Musk claims Model S can float like a boat


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:20PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28K8NTf



Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:13PM by Declan-R http://ift.tt/28Lt6OI

MIT 3D printed human-like hair bristles


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 01:10PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28LqVLf

Thought I'd share an amazing story.

I've just been reminiscing and realized how lucky I was a few years ago. My dad works for a billionaire (not going to name him) who has an enormous amount of influence. At some point , he decided to thank his employees by flying them out on a chartered jet to one of the last-ever shuttle launches...with Neil Armstrong. We took off from a local flight museum where we all got to talk and take pictures with Neil Armstrong, watched the Discovery launch from VIP seating at Cape Canaveral, and had breakfast with another astronaut (can't remember who), and received backpacks filled with NASA paraphernalia. In retrospect, I can't believe this happened.

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 12:38PM by Teslablade http://ift.tt/28Le7Ey

NASA and ESA to disclosure in UFO's?

I read somewhere that there was about to be a disclosure on the topic is this right?

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 12:52PM by antares076 http://ift.tt/28JymDD

Simulations explain how a black hole jets burst through their galaxies


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 12:53PM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28LjmEd

Day 2. /r/aliens is still a shithole.

No text found

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 09:33AM by reddit_is_filth http://ift.tt/28JhUkc

Chinese supercomputer is the world's fastest — and without using US chips


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 09:11AM by Portis403 http://ift.tt/28JePRe

The First Flight of NASA's Apollo-Saturn IB


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 08:59AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/28IT5VQ

Proof of life on Mars? Alien hunters claim NASA pictures show 'giant space worm' moving on planet's surface


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 08:07AM by EdwardDarby http://ift.tt/28IRCQt

Rewatch Blue Origin's Rocket And Capsule Landings


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 07:12AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28IMTMo

How Many Astronauts Can Fit Into An Inflatable Space Habitat?


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 07:15AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/28IPPeP

Why did NASA go to the moon 6 times?

Why did they go there 6 times and then never again? Why did they choose 6 times and not 5 or 7 times for example? Is there a jewish occult reason why they chose the number 6?

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 04:49AM by Sono-thermity http://ift.tt/28IoPyu

NASA Developing New 'X-57' Electric Plane


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 03:50AM by r3ydild0 http://ift.tt/28IfdOW

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A mysterious object just made a dent in one of Saturn's rings


Submitted June 20, 2016 at 12:07AM by ahmedshahreer http://ift.tt/1WY5Zoq

I had a dream of an Alien encounter

From what I've read, it seems alien encounters can come in the form of dreams. Its honestly been a long while since I've researched aliens, or anything spiritual, but this dream was too interesting not to wonder about.

So, the first thing I remember is me in what seems to be a dark room, oval in shape, and fairly large. There were two chairs in this room. One for me, and one for this other being. I can't remember too much about him. He looked human if I remember correctly, but also very robotic. He talked to me about some things, most of which I can't remember, but I do remember him telling me I was of the same species as him. I do not remember the full name, but it did have "time" in the name. I remember that very specifically. It seemed the species related to time, and possibly time travel. I really didn't like him telling me I was of his species. I told him that I wasn't, and that it couldn't be true. I don't remember his reaction to this. I was then shown the Earth. Something hit the Earth, causing it to break into small pieces flying in every direction. This Alien then rewinded time, and everything went back to how it was. From there it felt like something was blocking my contact from this Alien. I feel as if it was my spirit guide. I then heard a mans voice telling me to get onto a spaceship. I remember believing this voice was gods voice, which is odd, as I do not believe in a god. I get onto this ship to be greeted by a few other people. The inside of this ship was shaped like a large football, and I do not believe it consisted of more than that room. I mingled with the others in the ship, and it seemed as if we all knew each other. One of the other people on the ship noticed after a bit after looking into a metalic object, that their mouth was different (They specifically noticed the mouth. Not sure why The object was rounded and the reflections were a bit blurry so maybe thats all she could make out that was for sure different?) We all then try to get a glimps of ourselves, and sure enough, none of us were in our old bodies. When we get to Earth, we had different identities, and lives that had seemed to be already started. It was as if we were taking the identities of other people. We all had families, and lives waiting for us. Thats about all I can remember. Sorry if this is written terribly. Not only am I not a writer, but my thoughts are a bit jumbled and details are not too clear. Please give me any thoughts in the comments. I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 11:37PM by ZeldaMain http://ift.tt/1OxR5m7

"What if" scenario... looking for help from the experts!

Hi all! I'm a full time, USA Today Bestselling author and I'm brainstorming a subplot for a new book and need help.

Two astronauts are on an EVA at the ISS... I need a BELIEVABLE (i.e. not like the film Gravity) scenario where one of them gets detached and floats away & is unable to be rescued. I know that typically an astronaut is tethered at all times but I was thinking maybe a momentary detach to untangle a tether or something? And then something goes wrong. Does that work? Also, how long can an astronaut survive in his EMU before asphyxiating?

Please forgive me if I'm not posting in the right place and I kindly ask you to direct me to the correct area if such is the case. Thanks!

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 10:59PM by synna2468 http://ift.tt/1UFbR3F

aliens are real

ayy lmao

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 10:06PM by I_AMA_Alien http://ift.tt/1rwgK3m

Comicpalooza 2016 - NASA Modular Robotic Vehicle Demo


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 08:26PM by minterbartolo http://ift.tt/1UWrgv9



Submitted June 19, 2016 at 08:06PM by TheSavageDetectives http://ift.tt/1V9syQB

Found something at an estate sale I think you all might be interested to see


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 06:44PM by GeneralCheese http://ift.tt/1UWjPUO

NASA Releases Retro Recruitment Poster for Applicants Interested To Work in Mars


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 10:02AM by gundersongenia http://ift.tt/1V9eg2p

Whats the best field to go in if you want to become an astronaut?

Nasa's website says they can't recommend one field over another but it has to be within biological science, engineering, computer science, or physical science. What specific major/s though?

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 04:55PM by D-Shap http://ift.tt/28PbcmB

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/Gizmodo

June 19, 2016 at 02:40PM

Favorite tweets

from Twitter https://twitter.com/ForbesTech

June 18, 2016 at 07:00AM

This sub is still a piece of shit.

Maybe you remember me from a few months ago, but I'm back, and I'm letting you all know this sub is still a giant piece of shit.

Where are the mods.

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 01:08PM by Rustythepipe http://ift.tt/1UioQKk

Earth in 4K as seen from the International Space Station


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 12:19PM by starman2015 http://ift.tt/1PARwHf

NASA will pay you 18000 USD to stay in bed and smoke weed for 70 straight days


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 09:30AM by rluks http://ift.tt/21tzv3J

ISS Astronauts Return to Earth, NASAs Jeff Williams Takes Over Command - Inverse|Google


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 09:01AM by mcnuttvella http://ift.tt/265gdZf

NASA’s 1976 Viking mission to Mars did all that was hoped for it — except find Martians


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 08:07AM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/1tCXFyl

I just wanted to say, NASA rocks.

I mean that in the best possible way, I think it's awesome that NASA does all of this on Reddit.

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 05:35AM by Rapturesjoy http://ift.tt/23joSly

Saturday, June 18, 2016

How about some Space Shuttle love? (Taken at KSC)


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 01:49AM by HigginsBane http://ift.tt/1WVuBOC

New NASA plane could eliminate gas-guzzling airliners


Submitted June 19, 2016 at 12:45AM by ucccft http://ift.tt/1UpLFJ3

I brought some NASA to the Denver Comic Con today!


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 11:44PM by littlmanlvdfire http://ift.tt/24YwN7c

Mushroom spores as potential alien probes?


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 03:52PM by Trick_star http://ift.tt/269Trw1

Mars' Moon Phobos Eclipses the Sun, as Seen by NASA's Curiosity Rover


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 02:53PM by AnAmericanPlebian http://ift.tt/1WUiUI3

ICEreality: We build in the real world.


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 03:04PM by Ratsalt http://ift.tt/1PzVi3q

Aliens came in my room one night.

So this shit happened to me a while back and oh boy was it cray. I was sleeping and I had a nightmare can't remember what it was about but it woke me up and when I woke up I had sleep paralysis and there were a bunch of floating green blob things in my room moving around, they kind of remind me of that gas fart character that sings the moon men song in rick and morty except more scary looking.

So this was the first time I had sleep paralysis and I was fucking shitting my self my heart was racing so fast and I was seeing all this shit happening. Eventually I could move again and I calmed down but all the weird blob things were still floating around my room, so I figured I was in fact still asleep so I do the usual open your eyes in your sleep thing to wake my self up and it didn't work so I slapped my self, pinched my self etc. and non of it worked that is when I realised I was fully awake and these green motherfuckers were floating about my room like they owned the fucking place, so I shit many bricks and figured that they couldn't see me so I pretended to be asleep.

I stayed with only a compartment of my blanket open so I could peak through when I wanted and they were still their I dared not stare for long incase they saw me and looking at them made them move not like they were reacting to me but more like they fuck with my eyes when I stare at them.

Anyway about 20 mins went by and I looked and they were gone, I didn't sleep again that night, I share a room with my bro and he didn't notice anything he slept through the whole thing.

As it turns out this was all in my head I was hallucinating due to lack of sleep and alcohol withdrawal. Or maybe thats what the green fuckers want me to think?

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 03:05PM by Goodkat94 http://ift.tt/1UpbqZV

Old Math (trig and algebra) videos from the 90s

I use to watch the NASA channel a lot in the 90s before I left for college. There was a show, usually in the evening or later, that taught math. It was animated, but only in the sense that the lines of shapes moved automatically and equations were updated automatically. It was a very 70s - 80s style educational video. There were no 'flashy' animations. They were packed with information that was straight to the point and didn't try to be fun and likable. It was clean cut good instruction. There was no voice that I can remember. Anyways, it started my long and continuing love for math (30's now). Unfortunately, I have never been able to find the videos again. Does anyone know what I am talking about?

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 02:34PM by physicsking http://ift.tt/1Ow2iDP

NASA Spots First Methane Leak from Space


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 02:32PM by FlyingSpectroscopist http://ift.tt/1tC2FU4

Don't tell me not to wear a NASA jumpsuit, I'll wear whatever I want


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 01:47PM by FlyingSpectroscopist http://ift.tt/1UGB3Tk

Why NASA sent 3 defenseless Legos to die on Jupiter


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 01:51PM by Galileos_grandson http://ift.tt/1UhtLv7

My stories.

Hey! I'm new here and wanted to share with you guys my stories. I can't fully connect with people because I simply don't think people believe me.

For starters I've had more than 20-30 UFO and alien dreams. A few I believe are real abductions, here they are:

-I saw Orion's belt in the distance (not the first time I've seen this in past dreams). I then saw a UFO drop from Orion's belt to below the horizon. I started to head towards my brother who was about 150 yards away from me to tell him what I saw. As I head over I start to float up. I start yelling at him to get his attention, yet he couldn't hear me. I next remember being paralyzed on my side. I can see the earth below me, the sun in the distance and this mind boggling huge UFO. I mean fucking massive!! I'm now inside the mother ship in the same paralyzed position as I was before. I'm in this huge poorly lit room, hard to describe. Near me in my vision is this blank screen. Then appearing on the screen was a few speaker looking things, black and red in color. It then went blank and came back as this crazy hexagon kaleidoscope type design, yellow and orange in color with numbers inside counting super fast. While laying there it truly felt as if I was there in the flesh able to look around with my eyes and not move. I kept thinking that I want to be back in my bed. I heard this sound (hard to describe) and without waking up I was in my bed and in that same position in a sweat.

  • All I remember is Pi and complete white and I saw a silhouette of a grey, they did something with my brain (it never hurt, it just felt mushy?). I heard odd breathing to my left, I jolted and woke in my bed.

  • One grey was over top of me in my bed (he was blurry and I couldn't make out details) and he said to me everything will be alright, then there were two more figures at the end of my bed, and they raced to the head side of my bed. All I can remember.

  • I remember being in this floating thing inside one of their hallways. I couldn't see the device I was in, I was just floating facing down and all I could see was the floor and two sets of legs on either side of me. Their legs were human like yet different, they were skinny and long. We stopped at a door way and that's all I can remember.

  • This is the latest one now. I was sleeping on the couch (been sleeping lots here lately, not because of these experiences). Again had that floating sensation, briefly this time. There was a dim light in the hallway towards the left of my vision. The grey was on my right, it was completely dark there, and I couldn't see him. He said hello, I said hello back. Then he said something and all I can remember was something about "you've been chosen 'Ho_Phat' or you are the chosen one 'Ho_phat,'" he said my name!! I then reached out my hand and was able to grab a hold of his hand, he had longer and thicker than normal fingers, they felt smooth and just like skin. I was super excited and started to give him high fives hahah. I then waved and said goodbye and he said goodbye and left.

In between these dreams I've been going star gazing. I've seen a few things. I have seen this bright light flash 3 times then the UFO zoomed off (was at the height of satellites). I've seen these 3 flashes once while out for walks. I saw this weird swish thing, as if they turned on and off their cloaking device. I've seen 2 UFO's dance in front of a satellite. This one takes the cake though. It was a clear night and the moon was super bright. I was looking at the moon and then boom three of them right near the moon turned on just as bright as the moon. They formed a triangle, two of them turned off and the other floated upwards and faded off, it lasted about 15 seconds.

I don't have any marks, and I know they aren't here to hurt me. I have many questions, I'm sure some of them may get answered.

TL;DR: I've had many dreams about aliens/UFO's, a few I believe are real abductions, and I've seen UFO's while out star gazing.

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 02:05PM by Ho_Phat http://ift.tt/1Up60OI

NASA spacecraft barreling toward Jupiter for July 4 meetup


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 12:59PM by InfoMasters http://ift.tt/1UCBe68

Zhuan Falun ( Turning The Law Wheel)

Hi all,

I've come across a fascinating book that talks about high level spiritual things from a scientific perspective. This book is intriguing as it talks about many similar things to what people in mystical states mention such as seeing into parallel dimensions and interacting with beings from other worlds etc.

This book is called Zhuan Falun and it is from the Buddha Law School of Cultivation however it is not Buddhism the religion or Daoism the religion, it's something more profound. It seems to me to be more of a spiritual science as many of the terms and concepts in the book are talked about in a scientific down to earth manner instead of flowery mystical prose which I found very refreshing.

Now here is where it gets interesting, this book talks about the following things:

● Other Dimensions - Levels Of Dimensions spanning into the microcosm and also outwards into the macrocosm

● The Soul - It talks about people having a Master soul and a subordinate soul which is hidden from you but is at a more advanced level then you, it states some people have more then one Subordinate soul and some are of not of the same sex as you i.e males having a female subordinate soul etc.

● Microcosmic worlds - This concept was very far out but it talks about there being worlds within you, countless worlds. Similar to our world with life , water, animals etc. An analogy is zooming an an atom within one of your cells and realizing at that level of magnification it is just like our solar system. Then zooming into a single particle in that world and finding out it too is a vast world, apparently the level it can go onwards like this is beyond imagination.

● Supernatural Abilities - In the book they mention that everyone has them it is just that they have atrophied. It goes into depth about this topic. Some abilities that are mentioned are precognition, retrocognition and remote vision.

● The 3rd Eye - Talks about how at the front part of our pineal gland there is a complete structure of an eye there. Modern science calls it a vestigial eye but in the cultivation world they say this eye just naturally exists like that and it can be activated allowing one to pierce through this dimension and see other dimensions. It talks about how there are many levels to this 3rd eye and it goes into great depth about it.

● Thoughts - This part was amazing. It talks about how a human brain is just a processing plant. How the real you is actually your soul, it's like your whole body and brain is just a vehicle and that the true commands are issued by your master soul, but this master soul is very tiny and it can switch positions while inside you and it can also expand and shrink. It can move from your brain to your heart and to other parts of your body and it is 'he' who calls the shots. Your brain is just the factory which your master soul sends his cosmic commands to which then create the forms of expression and communication we use such as speech, gestures, etc.

These are just a few things that are covered but there are many many other things which blew my mind when I read it because of how it resonated with some of the mystical experiences people sometimes have, especially the multidimensional nature of reality and how all of them are hidden in our day to day perceptions of the world.

If this sounds interesting to anyone you can grab a copy of the book here:


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 11:40AM by TegClover http://ift.tt/24XN8sZ

I went to Space Center Houston yesterday!


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 11:46AM by Nosrac88 http://ift.tt/28MTM9Z

NASA Unveils Plans for Electric-Powered Plane - New York Times|Google


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 10:48AM by reiterexie http://ift.tt/1WTJila

Buddha GrandMaster Talks About Aliens

A fascinating read:


Submitted June 18, 2016 at 10:11AM by TegClover http://ift.tt/1UClqQR

What is Omnism?

Omnism-How Omnism works

A brief overview of how Omnism sees God.